How To Use An AED: Training for Every Age

How To Use An AED: Training for Every Age

How To Use An AED: Training for Every Age

What is an AED? How do I know when to use an AED? Can I hurt someone with an AED? These are just a few of the many questions that Nationwide Children’s Hospital is answering in an effort to prevent sudden cardiac death in children, adolescents and adults.
While our patients used a training defibrillator to learn what to do in a cardiac emergency, every automated external defibrillator (AED) is equipped with voice prompts and instructions like the one in this video. We want you to be prepared in case of an emergency!

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4.38 -> I look healthy.
6.12 -> I look super healthy.
8.18 -> I look healthy.
9.86 -> But things can change in an instant.
12.48 -> Sudden Cardiac Arrest knows no age limit.
15.62 -> It can strike anyone at any time.
17.86 -> Even kids!
19.26 -> Would you know what to do if I was suddenly unconscious?
22.44 -> Would you only call 911?
24.84 -> Or would you nearly double my survival chances?
27.62 -> Just by using an AED.
29.9 -> You can't tell by just looking at me.
32.16 -> But I have a cardiac condition.
34.1 -> I may need an AED but someone has to know how
36.46 -> to use it.
42.1 -> AED stands for automated external defibrillator.
46.08 -> You can save someone's
47.2 -> life if they're heart changes rhythm and stops pumping blood.
50.46 -> And it's not hard to use.
52.54 -> The first thing you should do is called 911 if someone suddenly collapses and is
56.14 -> unconscious.
57.26 -> Call 911!
59.14 -> Get the AED and start CPR if necessary.
63.6 -> Make sure you know where the AED is and how to access it.
66.98 -> Time is important!
68.8 -> Once you have the AED, turn it on.
72.84 -> There will be step-by-step instructions right on the device
75.42 -> and you'll hear voice prompts.
80.02 -> Attach the pads to the skin on the chest.
82.34 -> And then tell everyone to stand clear.
85.02 -> Stand clear!
89.78 -> The AED will tell you if the person needs a shock.
94.86 -> If it tells you to shock make sure nobody is touching the person.
97.94 -> Then press the shock button.
106.98 -> After that, the AED will tell you to continue CPR until help arrives.
111.48 -> Or deliver another shock if necessary.
116.54 -> Congratulations!
118.06 -> You may have just saved a life like mine.
120.76 -> Or mine.
122.18 -> Or mine.
123.3 -> Because kids like me need life-savers like you.
