Longest Reigning Monarchs in World History | Top 10 Countdown

Longest Reigning Monarchs in World History | Top 10 Countdown

Longest Reigning Monarchs in World History | Top 10 Countdown


British Monarchs:
   • [Old Version] British Monarchs Family…  

Chinese Emperors:
   • วิดีโอ  

French Kings:
   • [Old Version] French Monarchs Family …  

   • Habsburg Dynasty Family Tree  

Japanese Emperors:
   • Japanese Line of Succession 2019  

Mayan Ajaws:
   • Mayan Rulers Family Tree | City of Pa…  

Swazi Kings:
   • Swazi Royal Family Tree  

Thai Kings:
   • Thai Kings Family Tree  


Narration: Matt Baker

Audio Editing: Jack Rackam
   / @jackrackam  

Intro Animation: Syawish Rehman
   / @almuqaddimahyt  

Intro music: “Lord of the Land” by Kevin MacLeod
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.


0 -> today i'm going to count down the 10
3.04 -> longest reigning monarchs in world
5.279 -> history
6.08 -> but in order to make the video more
8.32 -> interesting i've decided to approach the
10.48 -> topic
11.04 -> a little differently than other such
13.519 -> lists
14.4 -> so here's what i'm going to do first i'm
17.199 -> going to limit my list
18.56 -> to those who reigned at the royal or
21.199 -> imperial
22.08 -> rank so here we're talking about the
24.4 -> highest
25.119 -> level of monarchy kings queens emperors
28.88 -> and empresses only or any equivalent
32.16 -> title from around the world such as
34.32 -> sultan or
35.36 -> maharaja however my list will not
38.16 -> include
38.8 -> any dukes sovereign princes or
42.16 -> anyone who held a title less than a king
45.76 -> second i am going to allow monarchs of
48.879 -> dependent territories so long as they
51.76 -> reigned at the
52.64 -> royal level so for example sometimes
55.36 -> there was
55.92 -> a local king reigning over a part of the
58.96 -> british empire
60 -> even though they were subordinate to the
62.239 -> british monarch
63.359 -> in cases such as these i'm going to
65.6 -> allow their reigns to count
67.6 -> third i am going to focus on verifiable
70.88 -> reigns only which means that most
73.36 -> ancient
73.92 -> monarchs were not considered because in
76.88 -> such cases it's usually very difficult
79.28 -> to verify
80.24 -> whether or not the dates we have for
82.24 -> them are accurate
84 -> fourth and perhaps most importantly i am
87.28 -> not
87.759 -> going to count any years in which a
90.799 -> monarch was a child this actually
93.68 -> happens a lot and
94.88 -> in such cases the child monarch is
97.6 -> usually
98.24 -> appointed a regent who performs
101.28 -> most of the monarch's duties on the
103.2 -> child's behalf
104.479 -> so in such cases i measured either from
107.68 -> the
108 -> official coronation or from the moment a
111.119 -> monarch
111.92 -> was declared to be an adult and to be
114.72 -> reigning
115.28 -> entirely on their own and it's this
118 -> final criteria
119.28 -> which makes my list quite a bit
121.04 -> different from the list you'll find
123.2 -> on wikipedia and other such sites
126.719 -> but i would argue that my methodology is
129.599 -> actually more accurate
131.28 -> in that it takes the very important role
133.84 -> of regent
135.04 -> more seriously okay let's get to it
143.77 -> [Music]
151.16 -> [Music]
152.4 -> number 10 king sobuza ii
155.68 -> of swaziland now if we were counting
159.04 -> childhood reigns this king would be
162.08 -> number one you see sabuza became
165.2 -> king when he was just four months old
168.08 -> and he lived to be 83
170.48 -> therefore the total length of his reign
172.8 -> was 82 years and 254 days
177.28 -> however up until his coronation at age
180.64 -> 22 the royal power in the country was
183.92 -> held
184.4 -> entirely by one of the queen mothers in
187.2 -> this case it was not actually his mother
189.519 -> but rather one of his late fathers other
192.319 -> wives
193.28 -> interestingly swaziland is actually a
196.84 -> dierky and in addition to a king there
199.76 -> is
200.08 -> always a queen mother who reigns
202.48 -> alongside the king
204.08 -> however from cebuza's birth in 1899
208.08 -> to his coronation in 1922
211.36 -> his father's wife held full power as
214.239 -> both the queen mother
215.76 -> and as official regent for the underage
218.959 -> king so according to this list i've
221.519 -> given him an
222.48 -> adult reign of 60 years and 8 months
226.4 -> i should also point out that up until
228.519 -> 1968
229.84 -> swaziland was a british protectorate
233.04 -> so if we were counting by years as an
235.439 -> independent monarch
236.72 -> his reign would actually be only 14
239.519 -> years
240.4 -> if you want to learn more about him and
242.4 -> the diearchy
243.519 -> of swaziland now called e swatini
246.64 -> you can check out the video we did about
248.64 -> swazi kings
249.68 -> which i'll link to in the description
252.159 -> number nine
253.599 -> emperor showa of japan better known
257.199 -> as hirohito hirohito was of course the
260.799 -> emperor of japan during world war ii
263.84 -> and he is usually remembered for this
265.919 -> fact however he went on to
268 -> live for many decades after the war and
271.28 -> continued to hold the title of emperor
274.4 -> up until his death in 1989 at the age of
278.32 -> 87. in hirohito's case
281.36 -> his entire reign was during his adult
283.84 -> years
284.4 -> and the total came out to be 62 years
287.28 -> and 13 days
288.96 -> he was followed by his son akihito who
292.24 -> abdicated recently after almost 30 years
295.12 -> making hirohito's grandson
297.36 -> naruhito the current emperor if you want
300.639 -> to learn more about their family
302.479 -> you can check out the video we made
304.08 -> about the succession to the japanese
306.08 -> throne
307.199 -> number eight the qianlong emperor of
311.039 -> china you might be surprised to see
314.639 -> this emperor's name instead of the
316.96 -> kangji
317.84 -> emperor this is because the kanji
320.479 -> emperor
321.28 -> is usually said to be the longest
323.44 -> reigning emperor
324.56 -> in chinese history and officially he was
328.16 -> however in practical terms the qianlong
331.919 -> emperor actually ruled longer the
335.12 -> chiang lang emperor was the grandson of
338 -> the
338.4 -> kangji emperor and as he approached the
341.44 -> length of his grandfather's reign
343.28 -> out of respect for his grandfather he
345.68 -> decided to formally abdicate
347.919 -> so that his grandfather would maintain
350.24 -> his status
351.12 -> in the history books as the longest
353.199 -> reigning emperor
354.56 -> nice guy in reality though the qian long
358.08 -> emperor held onto power for an
360.16 -> additional three more years
362 -> even though he was technically retired
364.319 -> and his son was officially in charge
366.56 -> the qianlong emperor died at age
369.68 -> 87 after 63 years and four
373.12 -> months in power of course if you're
375.84 -> interested in chinese emperors
377.68 -> we've got a video covering the entire
380.24 -> family tree
381.039 -> from the tang dynasty to the qing
383.44 -> dynasty
384.319 -> i'll leave all of these links in the
386.4 -> description
387.6 -> number seven queen victoria
390.639 -> of the united kingdom victoria became
393.52 -> queen
394.08 -> at age 18 and she died at age
397.199 -> 81 for a total reign of 63 years
400.96 -> and 7 months up until recently this was
404.4 -> a
404.72 -> record for a british monarch but in 2015
408.16 -> her great-great-granddaughter broke that
410.72 -> record
411.36 -> i talk a lot about the british monarchy
413.28 -> on this channel so
414.479 -> i won't say anything more about queen
416.319 -> victoria here
417.52 -> but as you might have guessed we've got
419.44 -> a video about
420.56 -> all of the british monarchs number six
424.319 -> sultan ibrahim of johor
427.44 -> jahor is currently one of the nine
430.639 -> monarchies that exist within malaysia
433.44 -> but at the time when ibrahim
435.52 -> became sultan jihor was part of the
438.8 -> british empire
440 -> however like i said at the beginning on
441.919 -> this list i'm counting
443.44 -> dependent monarchs and independent
445.599 -> monarchs equally
446.88 -> in this case that gives sultan ibrahim
449.84 -> of jihor
450.8 -> a total reign length of 63 years and
454.479 -> 11 months just a few more months longer
457.44 -> than that of queen victoria
459.36 -> sultan ibrahim's reign started when he
462.4 -> was 21
463.28 -> and came to an end upon his death at age
466.24 -> 85.
467.36 -> he married six times was extremely
470.479 -> wealthy
471.199 -> even when compared to other monarchs and
473.759 -> actually
474.319 -> spent most of his time outside of johor
477.599 -> in europe number five king
481.039 -> louis xiv of france
484.319 -> most lists of the longest reigning
487.199 -> monarchs
487.84 -> put either sabuza ii at the top
491.039 -> that is if they count dependent
493.52 -> monarchies
494.479 -> or if they don't they usually put louis
497.52 -> xiv at the top that is if they count
501.28 -> childhood years but the thing is louis
504.08 -> xiv
504.96 -> was only four years old when he became
507.44 -> king
508 -> obviously he wasn't ruling at that age
510.8 -> his mother
511.599 -> anne of austria served as his regent
514.8 -> until he turned 13. although much of the
518.24 -> day-to-day running of the country was
520.399 -> left to the chief minister cardinal
523.039 -> mazarin
524.08 -> so although he was born in 1638 and
527.279 -> became king
528.32 -> in 1643 it was in the year
532.839 -> 1651 at the age of 13
536 -> that he was declared to be of age and
539.04 -> was allowed
540 -> to rule without a regent this makes the
543.44 -> total length of his actual reign
545.839 -> just one week shy of 64 years
549.36 -> if you want to learn more about him and
551.76 -> the other monarchs of france
553.68 -> you can check out our video on the
555.44 -> complete family tree
556.8 -> of french kings number four
560.08 -> emperor franz joseph the first
563.2 -> of austria had the holy roman empire
566.48 -> still existed in 1848 franz joseph
570.32 -> as head of the house of habsburg would
573.44 -> have been
574.08 -> holy roman emperor but the holy roman
576.72 -> empire
577.279 -> ceased to exist in 1806 and instead
581.04 -> much of its former lands became known as
583.92 -> the
584.32 -> austrian empire instead so at age 18
588.08 -> upon the abdication of his father franz
591.2 -> joseph became the third of only
594.32 -> four people to hold the title emperor
597.36 -> of austria and he was also by far
600.56 -> the longest person to hold the title
603.279 -> reigning just 10 days
605.04 -> shy of 68 years
608.16 -> it was the assassination of his nephew
610.959 -> and
611.36 -> heir franz ferdinand that
614.399 -> sparked world war ii and it was
617.519 -> two years into that war that he died at
620.48 -> age
620.959 -> 86. number three ajah
624.399 -> pakal the first of palenque
627.68 -> here we have the only person on this top
630.079 -> 10 list
630.8 -> from the americas and the only person to
634.079 -> have lived
634.88 -> prior to the modern period pakal
638 -> was a mayan ajah and aja being
641.2 -> a type of monarch that ruled over one of
644.079 -> the main
644.8 -> mayan city-states he was born all the
647.839 -> way back
648.48 -> in the year 603 ce
651.519 -> and became ruler at age 12.
654.56 -> since we do not know whether or not he
656.8 -> had a regent
657.839 -> or when mayans considered someone to be
660.64 -> of age
661.44 -> this one was a bit difficult to
663.12 -> determine however
664.72 -> since louis xiv was considered to be
667.839 -> of age at 13 i decided to go ahead
671.36 -> and count the entire reign of piccolo
674.56 -> the first
675.279 -> in order to be fair but keep in mind
677.839 -> that the
678.399 -> other facts about his reign were not
681.36 -> difficult to determine
682.8 -> just because he lived 1400 years ago
686.24 -> it doesn't mean that we don't have
688.16 -> precise records for his
689.92 -> birth reign and death the mayans are
692.959 -> famous for their intricate
694.8 -> calendar and are known for keeping
697.04 -> really good records
698.399 -> so we can confidently say that the
701.04 -> length
701.519 -> of time between his ascension to the
703.76 -> throne and his death
705.36 -> at age 80 was 68 years and
708.8 -> one month and yep we've got a video
712.16 -> on his family tree number two
715.6 -> queen elizabeth ii of the united kingdom
719.68 -> this is the only person on my list that
722.32 -> is still
722.88 -> raining today and therefore the only
725.12 -> person that
726 -> still has a chance to change her ranking
729.92 -> as
730.32 -> of february the 6th 2021
733.839 -> the queen has already completed an
736.56 -> incredible
737.639 -> 69 years on the throne
740.8 -> and it is unclear how many more years
744.079 -> she might add to that total she is
746.88 -> currently
747.76 -> 94 years old and is in good health
751.2 -> so i think there's a very good chance
753.68 -> that she will someday
754.959 -> soon top the list of the longest
757.519 -> reigning
758.079 -> adult monarchs of all time but she's not
761.68 -> quite there yet number
765.279 -> one king bhumibal of
768.399 -> thailand bhumi paul passed away
771.519 -> just a few short years ago in 2016
775.279 -> at the age of 88. he started his reign
779.04 -> at age 19 and therefore reigned for
782.24 -> a total of 70 years and
786.6 -> 126 days
788.88 -> currently about one year and a few more
791.6 -> months
792.24 -> than queen elizabeth if i've done my
795.44 -> math
795.92 -> correctly if she is still living queen
798.959 -> elizabeth ii will pass king
802.399 -> bhumapal's record on may the 2nd
806.68 -> 2022 if you're watching this video
810.079 -> on that date and the queen is still
813.12 -> in good health be sure to leave a
815.68 -> champagne
816.56 -> emoji in the comments so there's my list
820.56 -> let me know what you think was it unfair
823.519 -> of me
824.079 -> to subtract childhood years should i
827.12 -> have
827.6 -> included lower ranking monarchs should i
830.56 -> have
831.12 -> not included dependent monarchs how
833.92 -> would you have done it
835.199 -> let me know in the comments and
837.519 -> definitely let me know if you can think
839.519 -> of someone that i missed
841.36 -> thanks for watching
857.44 -> you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sflkuNy5b8