How to use Google Sites - Tutorial for Beginners

How to use Google Sites - Tutorial for Beginners

How to use Google Sites - Tutorial for Beginners

Are you new to Google Sites? In this video, Scott Friesen shows you everything you need to know to get started building your own website. From creating a site from a template to managing your web pages with ease, you’ll be a Google Sites expert in no time!

00:00 How to start a new website
01:32 Using the Insert tab on Google Sites
03:09 Managing Pages on Google Sites
03:30 Using Themes with Google Sites
05:08 How to Preview and Share your Site
08:01 How to Publish your Google Site
09:21 How to Add and Edit web page content
11:59 Adding and Organizing Pages

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0.26 -> - [Narrator] Are you ready to build
1.42 -> your first website with Google Sites?
3.91 -> Or perhaps you just need a refresher
6.03 -> of all of the features and options.
8.58 -> Well, in this video, I'm gonna give you
10.19 -> everything you need to know
11.79 -> to get started with Google Sites.
14.09 -> Hello everyone, Scott Friesen here, at Simpletivity,
17.1 -> helping you to get more done and enjoy less stress.
20.8 -> And first off, if you don't know
22.48 -> where to go to access Google Sites,
25.06 -> all you need to do is go to your browser's address bar
28.34 -> and type in
32.08 -> and you'll come to a screen which looks very similar
34.84 -> to what you see here.
36.26 -> At the very top, we can start a new site
38.7 -> by clicking this plus button,
40.76 -> or we can choose one of the templates available here.
44.38 -> But down below is where you're going
46.16 -> to see all of the sites that you have created,
50.03 -> or perhaps websites that others have shared with you.
54.52 -> For example, if they've given you editing rights.
57.75 -> So in this case, I have one existing website,
60.961 -> but we wanna get started with a new website.
64.4 -> I can either hit this plus button
66.17 -> and start with a completely blank page,
69.2 -> but in some cases I wanna get started a little bit faster.
72.87 -> So I'm gonna choose this template.
75.39 -> Either way, you're going to be brought to that website.
78.66 -> You're gonna be brought to a brand new web page.
82.16 -> Now, the great thing about starting with a template
85.07 -> is that you have many of the features,
87.36 -> many of the images and themes and text,
90.969 -> things that are ready to go as you start
93.5 -> to build out your site.
95.54 -> But let's get familiar with the different menu options
99.05 -> and choices available to us.
101.6 -> Here on the right hand side of the screen,
103.8 -> we have a tab format with things
106.3 -> such as insert, pages and themes.
110.09 -> Now the insert tab is where you're probably going
112.89 -> to be spending most of your time, why?
116.27 -> Because this is where we get to add content,
118.92 -> where we get to drag and drop different types
121.59 -> of content onto our various web pages.
125.33 -> So for example, let's say under this learn more button,
129.69 -> I would like to add in this sort of carousel style
133.25 -> of these three images with some text down below.
136.79 -> All I need to do is click on this and drag it
139.93 -> over onto my webpage and you can see
142.62 -> that there's going to be a blue line,
145.02 -> which hovers wherever I drag my cursor.
148.71 -> That's telling me that that's where this will be inserted
151.66 -> when I release my cursor.
154.2 -> So I'm gonna release it right here
156.3 -> and here you can see now I've got a few boxes
159.26 -> where I can start to add images or possibly a video,
163.35 -> and I can edit my text down below.
166.56 -> On the right hand side here,
167.62 -> we've got a variety of different things
169.43 -> in which we can add to our websites,
172.56 -> everything from collapsible text,
174.68 -> all the way to other Google related functions,
177.67 -> such as maps, Google calendar, YouTube, slides, docs,
181.81 -> and a variety of other things,
183.35 -> which you will find in Google drive.
186.01 -> So this insert tab is obviously a very important part
189.55 -> of the Google Sites menu.
191.8 -> Next up, we have our pages tab,
194.37 -> which is gonna show all of the pages
196.81 -> that are included on our website.
199.2 -> We started here in the home screen,
201.56 -> but if I want to go to my projects pages,
204.3 -> all I need to do, is click that here.
206.7 -> Now you can see I've got a different page
209.31 -> that I can edit and start to manipulate.
212.4 -> And if I want to click the three dots
214.69 -> to the right of any of these pages,
216.8 -> I can change their functions
218.66 -> such as making this the homepage,
221.38 -> I can duplicate this page
223.34 -> and I can also change it's properties
225.06 -> such as changing the title or the name of that page as well.
230.2 -> Lastly, we have our themes and here you can see,
233.3 -> we can change the theme that we're looking at right now.
236.96 -> Currently we're using this impression theme,
239.92 -> but what if I prefer this a diplomat theme?
242.79 -> I'm gonna click on it and I'm immediately going
244.93 -> to get a preview of that theme.
247 -> As you can see, not only does it change the title
249.7 -> or the header of my websites,
252.52 -> but it's also going to change the font and the text
256.39 -> and sometimes the layout of other things as well.
259.87 -> If I don't like that color, which it chooses,
262.19 -> I can choose another color if I wish
265.02 -> or I can actually insert my own hex code
268.06 -> if I have something that is particular,
270.01 -> let's say to my branding.
272.25 -> It'll also give you some choices
273.69 -> as to what type of text or what type of font
276.36 -> that you would like for this particular theme.
278.71 -> You can change these themes at any time
281.9 -> when you are editing your website.
283.9 -> However, when first starting off,
285.55 -> you might want to actually start
287.56 -> by looking at the themes
289.13 -> before you get too heavily involved
291.32 -> with editing the other components of your website.
295.07 -> We're gonna come back to this insert area
296.86 -> in just a moment so that we get comfortable
299.08 -> with moving things around, within our respective webpages.
303.02 -> But before we do so, let's jump up here
305.46 -> and see some of the other options
307.27 -> we have available to us.
309.34 -> We do have the ability to undo and redo.
312.89 -> Another important area here is the preview button.
316.09 -> Why don't I go back to our homepage
318.07 -> just since there's a lot more to look at here.
320.22 -> I'm gonna click on the home screen
321.96 -> and I'm gonna select this preview icon.
325.58 -> What it's going to do, is it's going to basically show us
328.8 -> what this website will look and feel like
331.21 -> to people who are actually visiting our website.
335.03 -> So here you can see I've got the menu
337.46 -> on the left hand side of the screen.
339.63 -> I can see how things are going to look and feel,
342.09 -> and I can even test out and click on the buttons
344.83 -> or any active links that I have.
347.46 -> Now in the lower right-hand corner,
349 -> we also have the option to preview our website.
352.36 -> Not only just on a large screen,
354.52 -> such as a desktop or perhaps a laptop computer,
358.27 -> but also on a phone.
360.36 -> And this can be very important
361.79 -> because your images in particular
364.25 -> will be laid out and displayed
366.35 -> in perhaps a different format than what you're used
369.11 -> to when viewing it on your desktop.
371.61 -> You can also preview this in tablet mode,
373.77 -> which can be helpful because a tablet
375.93 -> is not quite the same as a phone
378.6 -> and presented in more of a square format.
381.71 -> So you can toggle between these three
383.61 -> to make sure that your website looks and feels
386.1 -> the way that you want to.
387.73 -> Lastly, we just need to hit this X to exit the preview,
391.2 -> and we are returned back to our editing window.
395.14 -> Next up, we have the ability to share a link
398.12 -> or copy the link to our website.
399.93 -> However, in this case we can't
401.52 -> because we have yet to publish it.
403.61 -> More on that in just a moment.
405.81 -> Here we have the option to share this website with others.
409.57 -> Meaning if we want to add collaborators
412.28 -> or people who would like to give permission
414.9 -> so they can edit this website,
416.45 -> we can do so here.
417.95 -> And if you've shared documents on Google drive,
420.25 -> you'll be very familiar with this window.
422.71 -> It acts and behaves just like
424.36 -> you have experienced within drive.
427.33 -> Next up, we have our settings icon,
429.73 -> which is gonna give us some important things to consider.
432.79 -> Number one, we can adjust our navigation.
435.8 -> So for example, in this case, I have,
437.91 -> what's called a side navigation
440.02 -> where I have this collapsible menu on the left-hand side.
443.58 -> But I can change this to top navigation,
446.37 -> which might actually be easier for my users
449.04 -> where they can actually see the names
450.83 -> of all my pages here in the top right-hand corner.
454.42 -> So you can toggle that based on your preferences.
457.58 -> You can also adjust the color of that title area.
461.32 -> If you want to upload some brand images,
463.84 -> such as your own logo, you can do so and/or a favicon.
468.48 -> A favicon is the tiny icon which appears
471.41 -> within the address bar.
473.42 -> Lastly, we have these three dots
475.18 -> where we have a few further options
476.83 -> to take a look at including, a version history
480 -> of all of the changes which have been made on your website
482.88 -> and you can quickly and easily duplicate that site.
486.44 -> Now the most prominent button on the top part
488.78 -> of the menu is our publish button.
491.17 -> Remember, none of the changes that we make here
494.05 -> on any of our web pages will take effect
497.55 -> until we actually hit the publish button.
500.59 -> So you can confidently experiment with things.
503.38 -> You can use the preview option here,
506.27 -> and when you're happy with how everything looks and feels,
509.5 -> we can select the publish button here.
512.28 -> Because I haven't published this particular website yet,
515.75 -> I'll need to give it a web address.
518.16 -> So in this case, let's call this an awesome website
521.87 -> for cool people, something like that.
526.12 -> So this is going to be the name of this particular website.
529.8 -> As you can see, because I haven't registered
532.21 -> a custom domain, I'm going to have this
534.9 ->, in front of that website name.
540.87 -> This is going to be fine
542.14 -> when you're first starting out
543.5 -> and first putting your website together.
545.52 -> But later on, you will most likely want
547.49 -> to add a custom domain.
549.62 -> I can hit publish and this case, now this website is live
553.85 -> and if I want to share this link,
555.9 -> I can copy this link and share it
557.72 -> with whoever I would like to.
560.44 -> Let's return back to our insert area here,
563.19 -> because really when it comes to creating a website,
566.17 -> it's all about the content on the pages themselves.
570.1 -> Below the header area here,
572.11 -> you can see that things are divvied up
574.44 -> between different sections and they're identified
577.41 -> by these little dotted lines,
579.58 -> these little gray, horizontal dotted lines.
583 -> Now these are not gonna be visible to viewers,
585.43 -> this is just for your needs
587.01 -> so you can see the spacing and the distinction
589.91 -> between these different areas.
592.34 -> Now, if you'd like to move any of these sections,
595.19 -> so for example, if I want this learn more button
598.21 -> to come first, all I need to do
600.04 -> is come to the left-hand side, click and drag
603.09 -> and now I can move this to a different section
605.95 -> of that website and you can do
608.09 -> that with any of the sections here.
611.14 -> Google Sites also makes it very easy
612.92 -> for us to move and add things around.
615.56 -> So let's say I would like to add a second image
618.74 -> to this section here.
620.46 -> Over on the right-hand side,
621.72 -> all I need to do is select images
624.3 -> and I'm gonna say select in this case.
626.97 -> It's going to immediately go to my Google drive,
629.62 -> where I may have an image that I would like to upload here,
632.64 -> or I can do so by URL or a Google image search.
636.37 -> Of course I can upload my own images as well.
639.56 -> In this case, I'm gonna grab this image here.
642.04 -> I'm going to double click on it
643.62 -> and it's going to bring it in
644.9 -> at the bottom of this web page.
647.86 -> All I need to do is click and drag it
649.75 -> if I want to bring it into this section of the webpage here.
654.47 -> Now, if you need to resize any component,
657.35 -> all you need to do is select that component
659.56 -> so you can see these blue dots, which will surround it.
663.35 -> Now I can click and drag and make this image larger.
666.4 -> And although it looks as though it's going
668.5 -> to overlap the image on the left,
671.12 -> when I release it, what's going to happen
673.17 -> is it's going to automatically resize the image beside it.
677.01 -> Each content type will also have further options
680.12 -> when you click on them themselves.
682.04 -> So here, for example, when I click on this image,
684.83 -> I have the choice if I want to crop this image,
687.7 -> if I want to uncrop it,
689.62 -> if I want to add a link so that when someone clicks
693.05 -> this image, it goes somewhere else.
695.03 -> Or I can remove this image as well.
697.87 -> The same goes for anything that is text-based.
700.53 -> So here you can see on the left-hand side,
702.7 -> I've got a description area for this photo.
705.32 -> If I click on it, I can change the text type.
708.04 -> I can change the font and size
710.06 -> and do other formatting as you see here.
713 -> So make sure that you click on a image,
715.47 -> click on any type of content
717.33 -> to see the other options that are available to you.
720.53 -> Of course, as you continue to build out your website,
723.53 -> you're going to want to add new pages
725.86 -> and perhaps not all of them need to be listed here
728.32 -> within the menu.
729.62 -> So let's get comfortable with adding pages,
731.96 -> subpages and changing our navigation options.
735.85 -> Here you can see at the very bottom,
737.73 -> we have a plus symbol, so we can add a new page.
741.5 -> Now by hovering over it,
743.01 -> we have the choice to either add a new page or a new link.
747.32 -> Remember, sometimes you may want
749.48 -> an option here within the menu,
751.7 -> but you're going to link them
753.24 -> to an external page or maybe a another website altogether.
758.07 -> That's where you would use the new link option.
761.04 -> But in most cases, you're gonna want to select a new page.
764.15 -> I'm gonna click this button and give this one a name,
767.11 -> and I'm just gonna call it new page, for this example.
770.03 -> I'm going to hit done and now you can see,
772.12 -> I have this new page within my pages view,
775.12 -> but it also appears here within the menu option.
778.94 -> Now, if I come over and select the three dots,
782.12 -> I can choose to hide it from my navigation.
785.89 -> Meaning if I select this option,
788.04 -> now new page is hidden from the menu.
791.45 -> You can also see that there's a little line through it,
794.09 -> letting me know that it is no longer in the navigation.
797.73 -> But if I want to change that back,
799.46 -> I can go here and say, show in navigation.
802.92 -> Now, one of the options available to us here
805.09 -> is to make something a subpage or to add a subpage.
809.37 -> But in this case, let's say,
810.67 -> I want to make this new page, a subpage
814.05 -> of my contact page.
816.29 -> All I need to do is select it
818.24 -> and drag it and hover it over top
821.06 -> of any of the other pages
822.79 -> that I would like to have it nested under.
825.64 -> So in this case, I'm going to release it
827.86 -> and now you can see that it is indented underneath
831.18 -> the contact page.
833.24 -> Now, what has changed is that if I hover over a contact,
836.94 -> you can see that I can go directly to that new page,
840.35 -> but maybe I think this style of menu option
843.76 -> is a little messy,
845.33 -> and I don't want them to see this new page option here.
848.35 -> Well, just as we did before,
849.647 -> we can come here and say, hide from navigation.
852.97 -> Now you can see that I no longer have the new page option
856.84 -> when I hover over a contact.
859.03 -> So depending on your needs,
861.08 -> depending on how you want your visitors
863.26 -> to access your menu,
864.81 -> you can choose this option below.
867.06 -> If I want to, I can also click and drag this
869.61 -> and put it in a different section of my website.
872.87 -> So in this case, if I hover over the entire page,
876.69 -> it's going to be nested or create a subpage there.
880.41 -> However, if I want it as its separate page,
882.63 -> I just need to find a line,
884.76 -> in between one of my other sites.
887.42 -> I'm gonna go ahead and say, show this in navigation.
889.88 -> So it's back in that third position
891.86 -> and that's how we can easily and quickly manage
895.03 -> all of our pages right here within Google Sites.
898.7 -> Now, if you have any further questions
900.84 -> about how to use Google Sites,
902.7 -> be sure to let me know in the comments down below.
905.9 -> Thank you so much for watching today's video
908 -> and remember, being productive
910.2 -> does not need to be difficult.
911.85 -> In fact, it's very simple.
