How I Type REALLY Fast (156 Words per Minute)

How I Type REALLY Fast (156 Words per Minute)

How I Type REALLY Fast (156 Words per Minute)

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Hey friends, today I’m bringing you a long requested video about how I type fast and how you can also vastly improve your typing speed using my tips.

My Productivity Desk Setup:    • My Productivity Desk Setup  
How Writing Online Made me a Millionaire:    • How Writing Online Made me a Millionaire  
How to Learn Anything Faster:    • How to Learn Anything FASTER  

00:00 - Intro
03:00 - Learn keyboard shortcuts
04:37 - Practice on
06:12 - Practice on
07:50 - Try to use only the keyboard
09:56 - Try to never look at the keyboard
10:43 - Fingers to correct resting position
11:16 - Try to make noise
12:12 - Treat it as a game

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I’m Ali, a YouTuber, podcaster, soon-to-be author and ex-Doctor working in London, UK. I make videos that explore the strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. I also have a weekly podcast called Deep Dive (…, and I write a weekly email newsletter that contains some quick thoughts + links to interesting things (

PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜


0 -> hey friends welcome back to the channel
1.36 -> if you're new here my name is ali i'm a
2.72 -> doctor based in the uk and in this video
4.56 -> we're talking about a topic very close
6.08 -> to my heart which is how to
7.52 -> type faster now having a ridiculously
10.4 -> fast typing speed is one of my
12.32 -> super powers in life and i think anyone
14.96 -> can become at least twice as productive
17.68 -> if you just improve your typing speed
19.84 -> and so in this video we're going to talk
21.039 -> about the benefits of improving your
22.24 -> typing speed
23.039 -> and then i'm going to go over eight
24.88 -> actionable practical tips on how you can
26.96 -> personally improve your typing speed
28.8 -> so that you can become a productivity
30.56 -> grease monkey in case you're wondering i
32.079 -> hit around 155 words per minute on a
34.399 -> good day
35.44 -> and if i'm feeling particularly sluggish
36.88 -> i will be hovering around the 140 words
39.04 -> per minute mark
40 -> for context the average typing speeds
41.76 -> around 45 words per minute and
43.6 -> if you're watching this video you're
44.719 -> probably a nerd like me so yours is
46.48 -> probably significantly higher
47.92 -> and according to google you need to be
49.36 -> at around 80 words per minute to qualify
51.68 -> as a professional typist whatever that
53.28 -> means
53.6 -> regardless of whether you want to be a
54.8 -> professional typist or not i think
56.16 -> there's some very good reasons to
57.6 -> improve our typing speed to try and get
59.199 -> it as high as possible
60.32 -> the first and most important one is that
62 -> it just really impresses people like
64.239 -> when people see me typing at work you
66.08 -> know i work as a doctor in case you
67.439 -> didn't know
68.08 -> the single biggest compliment i've ever
69.6 -> gotten through my two years of being a
71.04 -> doctor is that wow you type really fast
73.439 -> maybe that's not the kind of compliment
74.72 -> i want when i'm a doctor but still it's
76.56 -> nice to hear
77.52 -> and everyone is always so impressed like
79.2 -> oh my god where did you learn to type
80.64 -> i'm just like well you know
82.4 -> i misspent youth and they always like oh
84.08 -> hahaha very funny secondly everything in
86.4 -> life is based on a computer these days
88.159 -> if you can increase the speed at which
90.079 -> you interact with a computer
91.52 -> if you can get the computer to respond
93.2 -> to you kind of as close to you thinking
96.079 -> that thing as possible
97.52 -> then you're just like so much more
99.439 -> productive in front of a computer it's
101.119 -> not just for typing heavy things like
102.64 -> typing essays and whatever you do for
104.24 -> work
104.72 -> it's also just in general in terms of
106.399 -> interacting with the web browser and
107.68 -> going on websites and sending messages
109.2 -> to friends
109.84 -> all of that stuff becomes quicker and
111.36 -> therefore we become more productive
113.04 -> when we can type faster and thirdly to
114.96 -> be honest for me the closer my typing
116.88 -> speed gets to my thinking speed
118.64 -> the more creative i think i become
120.399 -> because when you're writing something
122.159 -> like whether it's a first draft for a
123.52 -> blog post or a project or an essay or
125.439 -> even a script for a video
126.799 -> when you're writing something the first
128.16 -> draft should always be just kind of a
129.759 -> brain dump
130.64 -> without really stopping to think about
132.48 -> it too much and so when i'm planning
134.08 -> videos or writing blog posts or email
135.68 -> newsletters
136.319 -> link below if you want to subscribe to
137.52 -> my weekly email newsletter when i'm
139.12 -> typing out the first draft
140.48 -> i can almost type at the rate that i
142.56 -> think and therefore i just get stuff
144.8 -> onto a page so much quicker
146.319 -> and you know a lot of people ask that
147.52 -> you know ali how do you have time to do
149.04 -> all of these things youtube channel blog
150.64 -> newsletter podcast
151.84 -> how do you have time to do all this
152.959 -> stuff while you're working as a doctor
154.72 -> and my answer is well i'm taking a break
156.319 -> from medicine right now and apart from
157.76 -> all the general productivity advice that
159.28 -> i've given out on this channel in the
160.56 -> past i think just being able to type
162.239 -> super fast makes such a big difference
164.16 -> to everything because
165.599 -> it just makes life so much better so
167.28 -> that's why we should be improving on
168.879 -> typing speed
169.76 -> i've actively worked to improve mine and
171.36 -> it's had a big knock-on effect on my
173.28 -> life and hopefully one day it will um
175.2 -> help me attract a mate let's now go over
178 -> eight
178.48 -> ways eight practical actionable ways
180.4 -> that you can improve your typing speed
181.92 -> alright so step one involves learning
183.36 -> some keyboard shortcuts for fixing
184.959 -> mistakes and if you don't know these
186.159 -> already these are an absolute game
187.76 -> changer so
188.72 -> i'm gonna type some stuff and i'll show
190.08 -> you how i fix a mistake
195.2 -> okay i've typed in somewhere over the
197.04 -> rainbow while up so i want to write way
199.36 -> up
200 -> now the old school way of fixing this
201.92 -> mistake is going back back back back
204.959 -> y space you know it's like using
207.04 -> backspace multiple times
208.799 -> but a general tip for improving your
210.239 -> typing is that whenever you find
211.44 -> yourself using
212.08 -> backspace more than twice there's
214.4 -> probably a better way of doing it
216.64 -> and so if i take that typo back what i'm
220.56 -> going to do is i'm going to use
222.879 -> option and backspace and what that does
226 -> is that that deletes an entire word
229.519 -> option backspace to delete an entire
231.92 -> word and i will show you on a more legit
233.76 -> keyboard what that looks like
235.2 -> so if i type the type again war up i'm
237.92 -> sure this is aligned
239.28 -> i'm hitting option and backspace to
242 -> delete the entire word and this is
244.08 -> absolutely absolutely revolutionary
245.599 -> if instead you're one of those heathens
247.04 -> that uses windows then don't worry you
248.64 -> can also do this on windows you press
250.08 -> ctrl and backspace
251.68 -> and on windows that works and that
253.28 -> deletes a whole word
254.879 -> so that just changes the game completely
256.32 -> because now you're not pressing
258.16 -> backspace multiple times to delete
259.759 -> mistakes
260.56 -> you're doing option backspace or control
262.88 -> backspace and then you're more
264 -> efficiently fixing mistakes as you go
265.68 -> along the other really useful keyboard
267.04 -> shortcut which is on mac but not on
268.479 -> windows is command backspace to delete
270.72 -> an entire line
272.16 -> this is helpful in fewer circumstances
275.12 -> than being able to do to delete
276.4 -> individual words but that's also an
277.84 -> important one to know all right tip
279.12 -> number two for improving your typing
280.4 -> speed is by discovering a website called
282.639 -> ten and
285.84 -> semi-regularly doing typing tests on
287.68 -> here i discovered this website when i
289.52 -> was
290.32 -> i think 13 years old i'm 26 now so
294.479 -> look basically half a lifetime ago i
296.4 -> discovered this website and i think at
298 -> the time my speed
299.199 -> when i was in like the eighth grade was
301.199 -> about 70 words per minute maybe 18
303.759 -> it was between 70 and 80 words per
305.199 -> minute because i was still a nerd at
306.16 -> that point
307.039 -> but you know just a few times a month
308.96 -> i'll just hop onto 10 fast fingers and
310.56 -> do some practice do one of these typing
312.24 -> speed tests
313.12 -> and just over time my typing speed has
314.8 -> just improved exponentially or
316.32 -> exponentially has improved
318 -> linearly based on just practicing the
320.16 -> tests so let's do one now and i'll show
322.24 -> you in real time then we'll speed up the
323.52 -> rest of it so you don't have to sit
324.56 -> through all of it
342.8 -> okay clearly i'm not gonna get above 145
345.12 -> in this session
346.08 -> i feel like it's because i'm quite hot
347.12 -> right now but anyway this is how 10 fast
349.12 -> fingers works
349.919 -> but yeah a few months ago a friend of
351.68 -> mine angus was on about
353.039 -> 65 words per minute and then just for
355.759 -> you know once a week for about 10
357.199 -> minutes he's just been practicing on
358.479 -> test
359.039 -> on 10 fast fingers and his typing speed
360.96 -> now is up to round about 95. so that's
363.28 -> about a 50
364.319 -> increase by practicing 10 minutes here
367.039 -> and there
368.24 -> for the last few months so it's very
369.84 -> doable to get quite quick at typing when
371.919 -> you're doing these tests somewhat
373.039 -> regularly
373.6 -> tip number three is another website
375.199 -> called pbr
376.88 -> which is like a typing lesson type
378.319 -> website i don't spend a lot of time on
380.24 -> this personally
381.12 -> i mostly prefer to use 10 fast fingers
383.039 -> but this is quite nice it sort of
385.44 -> trains your typing speed based on what
387.36 -> your own weaknesses are
388.8 -> so let's switch keyboards back what it's
392 -> doing if we look over here it says
393.28 -> lessons key set
394.639 -> and it selects a few keys and current
396.72 -> key is e
398 -> and so i will i'll just do a little bit
400.16 -> of it first and i'll show you how it
401.52 -> works
404.8 -> so over there my speed was 104.2 in one
407.44 -> error this is my score whatever
409.039 -> but the point is is that it's it's
411.919 -> worked out
412.88 -> essentially it was just testing me on
414.919 -> e-n-i-t-r-l
416.4 -> now it's going to test me on s and a few
418.24 -> other keys um and we'll see how i do on
420.479 -> that
421.199 -> so
427.68 -> so you saw over here that my speed was
429.039 -> 75 gain was -26 and so
431.36 -> what it's doing is it is that as i'm
433.12 -> typing it's figuring out which
435.039 -> specific letters on the keyboard i'm
437.199 -> struggling with
438.08 -> and then it's going to train me on those
439.84 -> more often and so
441.68 -> this is a little bit frustrating because
442.96 -> a lot of the words that it's making you
444.08 -> type out aren't actually
445.28 -> real words
450.08 -> and that's why i prefer 10 fast fingers
451.84 -> for just general practice and also
453.36 -> testing myself because it's actual words
455.039 -> and i think
455.84 -> 10 fast fingers is based on like the 300
458.56 -> most common words in the english
459.599 -> language or something like that
460.96 -> so more like a real world test and
463.199 -> practice of typing speed
464.639 -> but this website is good for
467.039 -> getting those little bits that are a
468.24 -> little bit more pesky so
469.84 -> i occasionally have a little dabble with
471.36 -> this tip four is that if we want to
472.879 -> improve our typing speed and
474.24 -> general digital productivity
475.919 -> productivity in front of computer
477.68 -> we want to move away from using the
479.28 -> mouse to using the keyboard for
481.199 -> absolutely everything
482.56 -> so on mac the app that i like to use for
485.12 -> this is alfred which is sort of a
486.72 -> replacement to spotlight
488.4 -> and so i don't even i don't even show my
490.24 -> dock i like never ever look at my dock
492.16 -> to open up apps
493.44 -> instead if i want to open an app i'll
494.96 -> use alfred command spacebar
497.12 -> and i'll just type in the app uh so if i
499.44 -> want a safari if i want spotify i'll
501.12 -> just go command spacebar spot
503.599 -> enter spotify comes up come on spacebar
506.4 -> bear
507.12 -> you know and so on so i like
510.479 -> i will never ever use this this
513.839 -> screen to select apps i will almost
516.56 -> never use the mouse to drag
518 -> over to the dock to click it and a that
520.88 -> just
521.519 -> makes me so much more productive when
523.36 -> i'm on a computer because now i can
524.72 -> think of doing something
525.76 -> and then it immediately happens with the
527.2 -> app uh alfred i can also search for
529.04 -> files and spotlight does some of this
530.88 -> if i want to do a google search or an
532.16 -> amazon search i'll just type it in so
533.44 -> let's see
534.24 -> um what's the so if i type in average
536.64 -> typing speed
537.68 -> the nice thing about alfred which
539.279 -> spotlight doesn't do crucially is that
541.519 -> whatever you type in
542.48 -> if it's not an app or a search term for
544.399 -> like a file or something
545.6 -> it will automatically search google for
547.2 -> it and so you can google things very
549.2 -> quickly
549.76 -> if i want to search for something on
550.72 -> amazon i will type in ama and then type
552.64 -> in i don't know
553.36 -> wheel of the time and it will automatic
556.32 -> it'll
556.72 -> it'll recognize i'm trying to search
558 -> amazon and so these day-to-day things
560.399 -> that i'm doing
561.36 -> i'm doing a lot quicker because of
562.88 -> alfred but alongside my own typing speed
565.12 -> is improving because now i'm
566.88 -> sort of interacting with the keyboard
568.16 -> for everything i'm doing on a computer
570 -> rather than using a mouse to click and
572.24 -> so even if i'm using any kind of new app
574.16 -> anytime i find myself having to use the
575.92 -> mouse
576.32 -> i think in my head okay this is
577.519 -> suboptimal and i will google what the
579.36 -> keyboard shortcuts are for that
580.56 -> particular app
581.6 -> so that i can kind of learn the keyboard
583.04 -> shortcuts as i go and i think switching
585.04 -> to this keyboard first mentality which i
587.12 -> did in around about
588.32 -> 2012 2013 um that's really helped
591.44 -> improve my typing speed because now
592.64 -> we're just kind of
593.92 -> keyboard warrior a lot more than being a
595.92 -> mouse warrior tip five is as you're
597.36 -> improving your typing speed you
598.399 -> basically never ever want to look at the
599.839 -> keyboard
600.48 -> you know the whole point of touch typing
601.76 -> is that you are able to
604.48 -> type whatever you want without looking
607.12 -> at the keyboard
608.48 -> and i think it's very tempting to look
610.079 -> at the keyboard initially but
611.68 -> like even if you're really slow i think
613.6 -> the way to train the muscle is by
615.76 -> going slower but not looking at the
617.68 -> keyboard unless for example you make a
619.2 -> mistake and you really have to
620.64 -> because what we're training is when
622.48 -> we're not really training our ability to
624 -> see where the keys are and hit them
625.68 -> we're training our ability to not see
627.76 -> where the keys are and hit them and so
629.36 -> like in the past when my typing speed
630.64 -> was slower i used to give myself the
632.64 -> ability to look at the keyboard when i
633.92 -> needed to but now i kind of force myself
635.839 -> now i'm not allowed to look at the
636.88 -> keyboard
637.44 -> and i will always try and kind of
639.12 -> correct mistakes even without looking at
640.88 -> the keyboard
641.68 -> because correcting mistakes is an
643.04 -> important part of improving our own
644.32 -> typing speed all right tip number six is
645.839 -> that we always want to be returning our
647.279 -> fingers to the resting position of asdf
650.24 -> jkl semicolon and this is very easy to
653.36 -> do because on most key
654.72 -> basically all keyboards the f and the j
656.88 -> keys are going to have these little bits
658.56 -> on them and so
659.6 -> your index fingers of the left and right
661.2 -> hand can always return
662.959 -> to this position and i think this is
664.72 -> just a this generally it's kind of like
667.2 -> when you're playing a piano you want to
668.24 -> return to the rest position like this is
669.6 -> the rest position and it's it's
671.12 -> it's easy enough to get here by feeling
673.12 -> for these little indentations on the f
674.8 -> and the j key from wherever you are on
676.48 -> the keyboard tip number seven is a
677.839 -> little bit weird and that is
679.04 -> try to make noise so i'm not sure how
681.76 -> legit this is
682.88 -> advice is in terms of like a
684.24 -> professional typist but to be honest
686.32 -> i've always found that when i'm typing
687.92 -> loudly
688.56 -> i tend to type faster and if it's like a
690.72 -> quiet room or a lecture or something
692.64 -> and i'm trying not to make noise then i
695.279 -> end up typing a lot slower
697.04 -> and i don't know if this has something
698 -> to do with the noise but i think just
699.04 -> the mentality of
703.12 -> you know i'm typing as as loudly as i
705.519 -> can in a way
706.959 -> i don't know at least for me it helps me
708.48 -> get into the mindset of sort of like
710.399 -> typing typing harder it's it ends up
712.56 -> being a lot louder on a mechanical
713.76 -> keyboard like this but even on a
715.36 -> on a sort of less loud keyboard i tend
717.6 -> to hit the keys with quite a lot of
719.2 -> force
719.92 -> possibly i'm being a bit inefficient
721.44 -> because in theory any excess force is
723.92 -> wasted for us
724.959 -> but i find that
728.399 -> yeah when i'm trying to be loud i just
730.639 -> my typing speed just gets better so
731.92 -> maybe that's another tip that you guys
733.04 -> can experiment with
733.92 -> and finally we always want to be
735.92 -> treating improving our typing speed
738.16 -> kind of like a game and we always want
739.68 -> to be improving like for me
741.36 -> i know the next stage of my improvement
743.44 -> as a typist
744.399 -> because i'm trying to hit 200 i think
745.6 -> 200 words per minute would be a good a
747.36 -> good thing to aim for
748.399 -> i think the next stage for me is to use
749.92 -> my uh left pinky more often
751.92 -> because with the asdf method what you're
753.6 -> supposed to do is you're supposed to use
755.04 -> your pinky to hit the a key the q key
756.88 -> the one
757.44 -> two and shift but really the only thing
759.92 -> i use my pinky for is to hit the shift
761.6 -> key and i will use my left ring finger
764.24 -> for hitting you know q a z one two
767.839 -> um so yeah
771.839 -> and basically i reserve my pinky just
773.839 -> for shift
774.88 -> and that's probably some optimal like
776 -> people say you should use a pinky more
777.12 -> often so i'm
778.24 -> you know even even though my typing
779.92 -> speed is quite high sort of
781.36 -> 130s to 140s in this session 150s on a
784 -> good day
784.48 -> i'm still trying to improve and i kind
786.16 -> of treat it as a bit of a game and i
787.92 -> think that's one of the most important
788.959 -> things
789.36 -> like it's a skill that can be improved
791.44 -> and
792.48 -> my life has you know significantly
794.16 -> improved since
795.92 -> i developed the ability to type fast and
797.92 -> so yeah i would just encourage you to
799.76 -> trick it like a game treat it like a
801.12 -> constant thingy of improvement and then
803.04 -> youtube will type like a productivity
804.639 -> grease monkey and finally tip number
806 -> nine a little bonus tip for you guys is
807.6 -> that well
808.32 -> why are we trying to type faster usually
810.399 -> because well i mean apart from trying to
811.92 -> attract a spouse
812.88 -> we're typing faster because we want to
814.24 -> be more productive but as i said at the
815.92 -> start of the video
816.8 -> being more productive isn't just about
818.48 -> how fast you can kind of like
820.399 -> bash the keys on a keyboard it's also
822.32 -> about a load of other things
823.6 -> um the productivity equation as i like
825.44 -> to call it is productivity equals useful
827.68 -> output
828.079 -> divided by time multiplied by the fun
830 -> factor and if you want to learn more
831.76 -> about my own tips for productivity you
833.199 -> should definitely check out my
834.32 -> productivity skillshare class which is
836.24 -> all about the fundamentals of
837.6 -> productivity
838.399 -> and in that we talk about the equation
840.16 -> we talk about a mental model of the
841.6 -> pilot the plane and the engineer which
843.279 -> is how i like to think about
844.32 -> productivity
845.12 -> and we talk about the three myths the
846.8 -> three powers and the three
848.48 -> laws of productivity i think so far
850.48 -> about 10 000 people have taken that
851.92 -> class and it's got like amazing reviews
853.68 -> if you want to check out that class for
854.959 -> free you should hit the link below to
856.32 -> get a free two-month trial of skillshare
858.48 -> who are kindly sponsoring this video
860.24 -> um to be honest i plug skillshare even
862.079 -> when they don't sponsor my videos
863.12 -> because i have
864.079 -> four classes on skillshare right now
865.519 -> we've got a productivity class
867.12 -> a study for exams class a class on how
869.199 -> to use anki which is an amazing
870.32 -> flashcard app and a class on how to edit
872.16 -> videos exactly like this one so
874 -> by signing up to a two month free trial
875.519 -> of skillshare you can watch hours and
876.959 -> hours and hours of the rest of my
878.24 -> content if that's what you want
879.76 -> and you should definitely check out my
880.88 -> productivity class my mate thomasfrank
882.8 -> has another productivity class which is
884.16 -> really good
884.959 -> because ultimately you know improving
886.48 -> and typing is more about
888.079 -> trying to make ourselves more productive
889.44 -> than just you know the mechanical
891.279 -> task of improving our typing on top of
893.36 -> that skillshare has thousands and
894.56 -> thousands of classes on all sorts of
895.92 -> topics from creativity to business to
897.68 -> entrepreneurship like
899.12 -> literally so much stuff and it's all
900.8 -> available for less than ten dollars a
902.399 -> month for the annual premium
903.68 -> subscription
904.56 -> even though they sponsor my videos even
905.92 -> though i'm a skillshare teacher i still
907.36 -> pay the ten dollars a month every
908.88 -> every month for skillshare and it's one
911.44 -> of the most
912.079 -> worthwhile things that i spend any
913.519 -> amount of money on and so definitely hit
915.519 -> the link in the video description to get
916.8 -> a two-month free trial of skillshare and
918.32 -> thanks skillshare for sponsoring this
919.6 -> video
920.079 -> if you like this video and you want to
921.12 -> be more productive then here is a very
922.8 -> short playlist of some of my best
924.16 -> productivity themed videos thank you so
925.839 -> much for watching and i'll see in the
926.72 -> next one bye
