Execution of Friedrich Jeckeln -Brutal NAZI SS General whose Execution turned into Theater of Horror

Execution of Friedrich Jeckeln -Brutal NAZI SS General whose Execution turned into Theater of Horror

Execution of Friedrich Jeckeln -Brutal NAZI SS General whose Execution turned into Theater of Horror

Execution of Friedrich Jeckeln -Brutal Nazi SS General whose Execution turned into Theater of Horror. The 1st of September 1939. Nazi Germany invades Poland, and the German Army is followed by the Einsatzgruppen which are Nazi mobile death squads sent to Poland to kill the civilians, mostly the Polish intelligentsia such as teachers, priests, physicians, and other prominent members of Polish society.
After the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, these paramilitary death squads working with units of the German armed forces and local collaborators, will conduct mass shooting operations targeting mostly Jews, Romani, Soviet officials, and other people with disabilities.
From 1941 to 1945, while operating behind the front line in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe, the Einsatzgruppen will murder around 2 million innocent men, women and children accounting for one third of all Jewish Holocaust victims. One of the main perpetrators of these atrocities is Friedrich Jeckeln.

Friedrich August Jeckeln was born on the 2nd of February 1895 in Hornberg, then part of the German Empire. Upon the outbreak of World War I on the 28th of July 1914, Jeckeln served on the western front first as an artillery officer and then as a pilot trainee but in 1916 he was badly wounded. Following Germany’s defeat, he was discharged from the army and worked on a farm in the Free City of Danzig. He married Charlotte Hirsch, a daughter of the farm’s owner and had 3 children together but he filed for divorce in 1927 because of Charlotte father’s alleged Jewish background. By this time Friedrich Jeckeln was a fanatical antisemite and anti-communist. In 1929 he joined the Nazi party and one year later he joined the SS.

The SS – Schutzstaffel or Protection Squads - was originally established in April 1925 to protect Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders and speakers and provide security for political meetings. SS members were subject to strict military discipline and swore an oath of complete loyalty to Hitler and those appointed by him. In January 1929 Heinrich Himmler became the head of the SS and the organization greatly expanded in size and strength. By the time Hitler came into power in 1933, Himmler had made the SS the dominant organization within the Reich. From the beginning of the Nazi regime, Hitler entrusted the SS first and foremost with the removal and eventual murder of political and so-called racial enemies of the regime. The SS became a virtual state within a state in Nazi Germany and was staffed by men who perceived themselves as the “racial elite” of the Nazi future.
From 1939, the SS assumed responsibility for “solving” the so-called Jewish Question which then culminated in 1941, when the leadership planned, coordinated and directed the so-called Final Solution. This “solution” was the genocide of European Jews during World War II.; also known as the Holocaust. SS officers were directly responsible for the management of concentration camps, where millions of Jews were murdered by poison gas.

Jeckeln, from 1933 a member of the Reichstag - the German parliament, was known to be ruthless, brutal, self-indulgent and hard. He relentlessly pursued political opponents, especially communists, social democrats and the unions, and was primarily responsible for the murders of eleven communists and labor organizers in German Rieseberg on 4th of July 1933. These murders were carried out by SS members with extraordinary brutality.

The Second World War began on the 1st of September, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. Nazi Germany possessed overwhelming military superiority over Poland. Germany launched the unprovoked attack at dawn on the 1st of September with an advance force consisting of more than 2,000 tanks supported by nearly 900 bombers and over 400 fighter planes. In all, Germany deployed 60 divisions and nearly 1.5 million men in the invasion. The assault on Poland demonstrated Germany’s ability to combine air power and armor in a new kind of mobile warfare. The world adopted a new term to describe Germany’s successful war tactic: Blitzkrieg, or “lightning war.”

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0.66 -> The 1st of September 1939. Nazi Germany invades  Poland, and the German Army is followed by the  
8.46 -> Einsatzgruppen which are Nazi mobile death  squads sent to Poland to kill the civilians,  
13.44 -> mostly the Polish intelligentsia such  as teachers, priests, physicians,  
18.18 -> and other prominent members of Polish society. After the German invasion of the Soviet Union  
23.34 -> in June 1941, these paramilitary death squads  working with units of the German armed forces and  
29.64 -> local collaborators, will conduct mass shooting  operations targeting mostly Jews, Romani, Soviet  
35.94 -> officials, and other people with disabilities. From 1941 to 1945, while operating behind the  
43.08 -> front line in Nazi-occupied Eastern  Europe, the Einsatzgruppen will murder  
46.86 -> around 2 million innocent men, women and children  accounting for one third of all Jewish Holocaust  
52.8 -> victims. One of the main perpetrators of  these atrocities is Friedrich Jeckeln.
58.08 -> Friedrich August Jeckeln was born on the 2nd of  February 1895 in Hornberg, then part of the German  
65.64 -> Empire. Upon the outbreak of World War I on the  28th of July 1914, Jeckeln served on the western  
72.54 -> front first as an artillery officer and then as  a pilot trainee but in 1916 he was badly wounded.  
78.66 -> Following Germany’s defeat, he was discharged  from the army and worked on a farm in the Free  
83.76 -> City of Danzig. He married Charlotte Hirsch, a  daughter of the farm’s owner and had 3 children  
89.22 -> together but he filed for divorce in 1927 because  of Charlotte father’s alleged Jewish background.  
95.1 -> By this time Friedrich Jeckeln  was a fanatical antisemite and  
99 -> anti-communist. In 1929 he joined the Nazi  party and one year later he joined the SS.
105.6 -> The SS – Schutzstaffel or Protection Squads - was  originally established in April 1925 to protect  
112.44 -> Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders and speakers  and provide security for political meetings.  
117.84 -> SS members were subject to strict military  discipline and swore an oath of complete  
122.28 -> loyalty to Hitler and those appointed by him.  In January 1929 Heinrich Himmler became the  
128.16 -> head of the SS and the organization greatly  expanded in size and strength. By the time  
133.56 -> Hitler came into power in 1933, Himmler had  made the SS the dominant organization within  
139.62 -> the Reich. From the beginning of the Nazi  regime, Hitler entrusted the SS first and  
144.72 -> foremost with the removal and eventual  murder of political and so-called racial  
148.62 -> enemies of the regime. The SS became a virtual  state within a state in Nazi Germany and was  
154.5 -> staffed by men who perceived themselves  as the “racial elite” of the Nazi future. 
158.52 -> From 1939, the SS assumed responsibility for  “solving” the so-called Jewish Question which  
165.36 -> then culminated in 1941, when the leadership  planned, coordinated and directed the so-called  
171.12 -> Final Solution. This “solution” was the genocide  of European Jews during World War II.; also  
177.84 -> known as the Holocaust. SS officers were  directly responsible for the management  
182.22 -> of concentration camps, where millions  of Jews were murdered by poison gas.
187.2 -> Jeckeln, from 1933 a member of the Reichstag -  the German parliament, was known to be ruthless,  
193.2 -> brutal, self-indulgent and hard. He  relentlessly pursued political opponents,  
198.78 -> especially communists, social democrats and the  unions, and was primarily responsible for the  
204.06 -> murders of eleven communists and labor organizers  in German Rieseberg on 4th of July 1933.  
210.18 -> These murders were carried out by SS  members with extraordinary brutality.
214.92 -> The Second World War began on the 1st of  September, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland.  
221.46 -> Nazi Germany possessed overwhelming military  superiority over Poland. Germany launched the  
227.52 -> unprovoked attack at dawn on the 1st of September  with an advance force consisting of more than  
232.92 -> 2,000 tanks supported by nearly 900 bombers and  over 400 fighter planes. In all, Germany deployed  
239.58 -> 60 divisions and nearly 1.5 million men in the  invasion. The assault on Poland demonstrated  
245.4 -> Germany’s ability to combine air power and armor  in a new kind of mobile warfare. The world adopted  
251.4 -> a new term to describe Germany’s successful  war tactic: Blitzkrieg, or “lightning war.” 
256.98 -> Poland found itself fighting a two front war  when the Soviet Union invaded from the east on  
262.14 -> the 17th of September, sealing Poland’s fate. The  Polish government fled the country that same day. 
268.32 -> The last operational Polish unit surrendered on  the 6th of October. After Poland’s defeat in early  
274.38 -> October 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union  divided the country in accordance with a secret  
279.78 -> protocol to the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact. After the outbreak of war, Jeckeln was called up  
285.78 -> to active duty in the Waffen-SS and served as an  officer in the SS panzer division. The Panzer tank  
291.78 -> divisions were vital to the German army's early  success. In the strategies of the Blitzkrieg,  
296.82 -> the Wehrmacht combined the mobility of light tanks  with airborne assault to quickly progress through  
301.8 -> weak enemy lines, which enabled the German  army to take over Poland and later France.  
306.24 -> These tanks were used to break through enemy  lines, isolating regiments from the main force  
311.46 -> so that the infantry behind the tanks could  quickly kill or capture the enemy troops.
315.48 -> On June 22, 1941, Hitler ordered the invasion  of the Soviet Union, which was code-named  
322.2 -> Operation Barbarossa, deliberately breaking  the nonaggression pact that the two countries  
326.52 -> had signed two years before. The primary goal of  Operation Barbarossa was to conquer the Soviet  
332.16 -> Union, eliminate Soviet military capabilities,  and acquire Lebensraum meaning living space for  
337.74 -> the German population. From the Nazis’ point  of view Operation Barbarossa was supposed to  
342.84 -> be fought as a racial war against the Jewish and  Slavic races. German military officers believed  
348.72 -> they were not just officers but also leaders  in a racial struggle against Jewish Bolshevism.  
353.46 -> German soldiers were advised by their generals  to smash Russia into rubble and this should have  
358.92 -> been carried out with unprecedented harshness. Right after Germany attacked the Soviet Union,  
363.9 -> Jeckeln’s front line service was terminated, and  he was transferred by Heinrich Himmler to serve  
369.36 -> as Higher SS and Police Leader of Southern  Russia. In this role Jeckeln assumed control  
374.82 -> of all SS-Einsatzgruppen mass killings  and security operations in his district. 
379.92 -> Shortly after Nazi Germany's ally Hungary  declared war on the Soviet Union on June 27, 1941,  
386.7 -> it was decided that the Jews living in Hungary  who could not document their Hungarian citizenship  
391.32 -> would be deported. Many Jewish communities,  especially in the Transcarpathian Ukraine,  
396.78 -> then under Hungarian control, were deported in  their entirety. The Hungarians loaded Jews into  
402.72 -> freight cars and took them to Korosmezo,  near the prewar Hungarian-Polish border,  
407.16 -> where they were transferred across the former  Soviet border and handed over to the Germans.  
412.02 -> By August 10, 1941, approximately 14,000 Jews had  been deported from Hungary to German-controlled  
419.16 -> territory. The Hungarian authorities transferred  another 4,000 Jews later in the month. These Jews  
425.4 -> were then taken to a hastily prepared ghetto in  Kamenets-Podolsk, a city in the western Ukraine,  
430.56 -> already occupied by Germany. At first the  Nazis did not know what to do with all the  
435.54 -> Jews because the ghetto was lacking basic  sanitary services and a solution needed to  
439.8 -> be found quickly. The solution came in the form  of Higher SS and Police Leader Friedrich Jeckeln,  
445.8 -> who arrived in Kamenets-Podolsk on August 26,  1941, to personally conduct the coming Action. 
452.46 -> The systematic killing of Hungarian Jewish  deportees along with local Jews began on  
458.52 -> August 27, one day after his arrival.  In late August, a Hungarian transport  
463.2 -> unit passed through Kamenets-Podolsk and a truck  driver named Gyula Spitz saw what was happening.  
469.08 -> Spitz acted quickly: Positioning his camera so  that it was half-hidden behind the steering wheel,  
474.54 -> he snapped a handful of photographs of the  refugees on their final march. The Jews were  
480 -> taken in groups to the outskirts of the city and  executed. The victims were forced to undress,  
485.28 -> and then were systematically shot, their  bodies falling into the pits. Over the  
490.56 -> course of just two days, the Germans and  their proxies killed some 23,600 Jews,  
495.96 -> which happened to be the first mass killing  of the Holocaust to reach five digits. For  
500.4 -> Friedrich Jeckeln, however, the massacre at  Kamianets-Podilskyi was just the beginning.
504.6 -> On the 19th of September 1941, German  forces entered the city of Kyiv,  
510.18 -> the capital of Ukraine. Along with a large  part of German-occupied Ukraine, the city  
515.22 -> was incorporated into the Reichskommissariat  Ukraine which had been established on the 1st  
519.66 -> of September with Erich Koch as administrator.  Before the German invasion, some 160,000  
525.78 -> Jews resided in Kyiv which was approximately  20 percent of the total population of the  
530.1 -> capital. Following the start of Operation  Barbarossa in June 1941, approximately 100,000  
536.22 -> Jews fled the city or were already serving in the  Soviet military. By the time the Germans occupied  
541.68 -> Kyiv, there were about 60,000 Jews remaining in  the city. Those who remained were mostly women,  
547.38 -> children, the elderly, those who were ill or those  who had been unable or unwilling to flee earlier. 
553.44 -> Between 20 and 28 September, explosives planted  by the Soviet secret police - the NKVD - caused  
560.46 -> extensive damage in the city. These explosions not  only destroyed the German headquarters and areas  
565.92 -> around the main street of the city center but  also killed many German soldiers and officials.  
570.18 -> The Germans used the sabotage as a pretext  to murder those Jews who remained in Kyiv. 
576 -> On the 28th of September, the Jews were ordered  to assemble the next morning for resettlement.  
580.98 -> Although only a participation of approximately  5-6,000 Jews had been expected at first,  
585.9 -> more than 30,000 Jews arrived who, until  the very moment of their execution,  
590.34 -> still believed that they would be resettled,  thanks to extremely clever organization. 
595.26 -> They were made to march to a ravine called  Babi Yar or Babyn Yar which at the time,  
600.18 -> was located just outside the city. According  to the testimony of a truck driver named Hofer,  
605.7 -> victims were ordered to undress and were beaten  if they resisted: '’I watched what happened when  
610.26 -> the Jews—men, women and children—arrived.  Auxiliary police led them past several  
615.6 -> different places where one after the other they  had to give up their luggage, then their coats,  
619.86 -> shoes and underwear. They also had to leave  their valuables in a designated place. There  
625.74 -> was a special pile for each article of  clothing. It all happened very quickly  
629.76 -> and anyone who hesitated was kicked or pushed by  the police to keep them moving. Once undressed,  
635.52 -> they were led to the ravine which was about 150  meters long and 30 meters wide and a good 15  
640.92 -> meters deep. When they reached the bottom of the  ravine they were seized by members of the SS and  
646.8 -> made to lie down on top of Jews who had already  been shot. The corpses were literally in layers.  
652.62 -> A police marksman came along and shot each Jew  in the neck with a submachine gun. I saw these  
658.98 -> marksmen stand on layers of corpses and shoot  one after the other. The marksman would walk  
664.32 -> across the bodies of the executed Jews to the next  Jew, who had meanwhile laid down, and shoot him’’. 
669.54 -> In the evening, the Germans undermined the wall of  the ravine and buried the people under the thick  
674.64 -> layers of earth. The money, valuables, underwear,  and clothing of the murdered were turned over  
680.16 -> to the local ethnic Germans and to the Nazi  administration of the city. Wounded victims  
684.96 -> were buried alive in the ravine along with the  rest of the bodies. According to reports sent  
689.82 -> to the SS headquarters in Berlin, 33,771 Jews  were massacred during this two-day period and  
696.96 -> it was one of the largest mass killings  at a single location during World War II.
700.86 -> At least 29 survivors are known. One of them is  Dina Pronicheva, who was one of those ordered to  
707.16 -> march to the ravine, to be forced to undress and  then to be shot. In one of her written postwar  
712.8 -> testimonies Pronicheva described what she saw at  Babi Yar: “Each time I saw a new group of men,  
718.32 -> women, elderly people, and children being forced  to take off their clothes, all of them were being  
723.84 -> taken to an open pit where submachine-gunners  shot them. Then another group was brought…. With  
729.84 -> my own eyes I saw this horror. Although I was  not standing close to the pit, terrible cries  
735.3 -> of panic-stricken people and quiet children’s  voices calling “Mother, mother…” reached me”. 
742.02 -> Jumping before being shot  and falling on other bodies,  
745.26 -> Pronicheva survived by playing  dead in a pile of corpses. 
748.98 -> However, the killings at Babi Yar continued.  Over the next few months, thousands more were  
754.98 -> murdered there, including Jews, Gypsies, and  Soviet prisoners of war. Those who attempted  
760.74 -> to hide were turned over to the Germans by  the Ukrainians. In all, some 100,000 people,  
765.84 -> Jews and non-Jews, were killed at Babi Yar.  Friedrich Jecklen, who organized the massacre,  
771.36 -> was the first one to brag to Heinrich Himmler  about the results of the 'successful' operation.
775.56 -> On November 5, 1941, Jeckeln's crew of about 50  killers and supporting personnel arrived in Riga,  
782.94 -> the capital of German-occupied Latvia. Himmler  wanted to eliminate the Latvian Jews in Riga  
788.1 -> so that Jews from Germany and Austria could  be deported to a ghetto located southeast  
792.72 -> of the city and housed in their place. Himmler told Jeckeln to kill the entire  
797.28 -> Riga ghetto and Jecklen himself chose the  Rumbula forest, located about 15 kilometers  
802.26 -> southeast of Riga, where the massacre was  about to happen. On November 30, 1941, around  
809.34 -> 25,000 Jews were roused by the Security Police  out of their houses in the ghetto and then  
813.78 -> organized into columns of 1000 people. The killing would be done according to  
818.58 -> the ''Jeckeln system'' or sardine packing, as  Jecklen proudly called it. The killing method  
824.1 -> had already been applied during the previous  massacres in Ukraine. It basically meant that  
828.84 -> the Jewish population was assembled, marched  several kilometers to the killing fields,  
832.8 -> stripped of their clothing and valuables and  forced to lie down on the floor of the trench  
837.3 -> to be shot. It's estimated that between 25,000  to 27,000 Jews were killed during the Rumbula  
843.48 -> massacre. Only a small number of individuals  managed to escape or hide, with most perishing  
848.76 -> in the forest. It was reported that even some of  the experienced Einsatzgruppen killers claimed to  
854.58 -> have been horrified by its cruelty. In order  to address the concerns of the horrified SS  
859.38 -> soldiers future mass murders of Jews were carried  out in gas chambers rather than by shooting.
865.2 -> The Soviet victory at Stalingrad, on February 2,  1943, was a major turning point in the war. It was  
872.28 -> the first decisive defeat for the German army and  signaled the beginning of the end of Nazi Germany.  
877.68 -> 2 years later in April 1945, during the battle  of Berlin, the Red Army launched a massive  
883.32 -> assault on the German capital, resulting in  the capture of the city by Soviet troops.  
888.78 -> The fall of Berlin and the subsequent suicide of  Adolf Hitler were symbolic events that indicated  
894.3 -> the imminent collapse of Nazi Germany and  meant justice would be served to many Nazi  
899.28 -> criminals . Friedrich Jeckeln, who was the General  of the Waffen-SS and Police from July 1944,  
905.28 -> was one of them. He was captured by Soviet  troops near Halbe in Germany, on 28 April 1945.
912.54 -> Between 26 January - 3 February 1946,  along with other Nazis who served in the  
918.66 -> Riga military district, Jeckeln was tried  before a Soviet military tribunal in Riga.  
923.52 -> During the investigation, he was calm,  answering questions from the investigators  
928.08 -> and agreed to bear full responsibility for his  activities resulting in deaths of over 100,000  
933.72 -> Jews and others designated by  the Nazis as "undesirables."
937.62 -> During his concluding speech, Jeckeln,  
940.56 -> who looked dull and impartial  in the dock, said the following: 
943.44 -> “I have to take full responsibility for what  happened in the borders of Ostland, within SS,  
948.66 -> SD and the Gestapo. This greatly increases my  guilt. My fate is in the hands of the High Court,  
955.26 -> and so I ask only to pay attention to  mitigating circumstances. I will accept  
961.02 -> a sentence in full repentance which I  will consider as worthy punishment.”
965.94 -> On the 3 February 1946, one  day after his 51st birthday,  
970.5 -> the tribunal found Friedrich Jeckeln guilty  and sentenced him to death by hanging. 
975.54 -> His execution was held publicly on the same day  and became a theater of horror. More than 4000  
981.96 -> people, gathered in the Riga Victory  Square to witness the execution of the  
985.8 -> man who was personally responsible for  ordering and organising the deaths of  
990.18 -> over 100,000 innocent men, women and children. There were no tears shed for Friedrich Jeckeln.
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Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e7bHwbmFaU