Napoleon (Part 1) - Birth of an Emperor (1768 - 1804)
Napoleon (Part 1) - Birth of an Emperor (1768 - 1804)
This video is part one of a three-part series on the history of Napoleon. Here, we cover the period from his birth until his nomination as the first Emperor of the french. -------- Patreon: -------- English translation \u0026 voiceover: Rahul Venkit… -------- Original French version: • Napoléon - La naissance d’un Empereur… Russian version: • [1/3] Наполеон - рождение Императора … Arabic version: • نابليون (الجزء الأول) - ولادة الإمبرا… Spanish version: • Historia de Napoleón (Parte 1) - El n… Portuguese version (Brazil): Japanese version: • ナポレオンの人生 第1章 German version: • Napoleon - Geburt und Aufstieg eines … -------- Music: Klondike - Audio Hertz (YouTube Library) -------- Software used for editing: Adobe After Effects -------- Chapter 00:00 Birth 00:46 French Revolution 01:41 European reactions 02:41 Siege of Toulon 04:00 Italian Campaign 04:58 War against Austria 06:01 Rise 06:58 French campaign in Egypt and Syria 08:01 Coup of 18 Brumaire 09:03 Reforms 09:52 The Emperor
5.42 -> The story begins in 1768 in Corsica.
8.88 -> For centuries, the island was a Genoese possession.
12.4 -> But separatist revolts force Genoa to ask
help from the French army.
16.869 -> In the end, the sovereignty of the island
is ceded to France.
20.78 -> The following year, Napoleon Bonaparte is
born into a noble family from Ajaccio.
26.6 -> He grows up with his seven brothers and sisters
and when he turns 9,
30.58 -> is sent to the military school in Brienne, Champagne.
34.22 -> Napoleon, a good student, is admitted to the
military academy in Paris
38.371 -> where he specializes in artillery.
41 -> The following year, at age 16, he is appointed
second lieutenant of the artillery in Valence.
51.44 -> In France, the economic situation is catastrophic.
55.24 -> The Seven Years War and the American Revolutionary
War have emptied the coffers of the country.
60.66 -> Louis XVI, struggling with the country’s
financial difficulties,
64.46 -> summons to Versailles representatives of the clergy, the nobility and the Third Estate, that is the people,
70.8 -> to find a solution to the crisis.
73.34 -> After disagreements, Third Estate officials
seize power by founding the National Assembly,
78.98 -> while in Paris, insurgents take over the royal
fortress of Bastille.
83.42 -> The revolutionaries vote for ending feudal
86.6 -> and adopt the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen.
90.5 -> King Louis XVI is then forcibly taken to Paris,
93.86 -> from where he later tries to flee with his family to a royalist stronghold.
98.64 -> But they are spotted and stopped on the way.
105.78 -> Initially, European monarchies remain mute
about the French revolution,
110.04 -> seeing the weakening of their French competitor as a good thing.
113.78 -> But the arrest of Louis XVI make them fear
that revolutionary ideas might spread
118.6 -> across the continent and threaten their thrones.
122.04 -> Prussia and Austria then combine forces to try and restore the French monarchy.
127.32 -> War breaks out, with the French armies in
poor condition.
130.9 -> Facing the Allied army advance on Paris,
133.92 -> the revolutionaries panic and execute all opponents of the revolution.
138.34 -> But eventually an unexpected victory of the French army
141.88 -> pushes the coalition back beyond the country's borders.
145.4 -> The revolutionaries regain confidence and
proclaim the Republic.
149.5 -> Louis XVI is then tried and guillotined, further angering European monarchies.
154.94 -> The coalition strengthens, while on the French
side, conscriptions swell up the ranks of the army.
165.16 -> Within the country, clashes between royalist
and counter-revolutionary forces cause civil wars.
171.28 -> Napoleon and his family, who support the revolution,
are driven away by Corsican separatists.
177.22 -> In Toulon, royalists seize the city and receive
the military support of Britain and Spain,
182.48 -> that enter the harbor of Toulon with
their armies.
185.74 -> After the French army fails to retake the
188.6 -> Napoleon is summoned to replace the artillery commander who was injured.
193.06 -> Assessing the situation, he suggests a new plan.
196.42 -> Instead of attacking from the North, he proposes
seizing the forts south of the harbor
201.16 -> to install his artillery and attack the allied fleet.
204.74 -> His plan proves successful, and the city is
taken back in two days.
209.44 -> Napoleon’s decisive intervention earns him a promotion.
213.7 -> But in Paris, a new coup overthrows the government,
and Napoleon loses his title.
218.92 -> A year later, a royalist revolt breaks out
in Paris and he is put in-charge of quelling the rebellion,
225 -> giving him an opportunity to
prove his loyalty for the new government.
229.44 -> He orders his men to fire on the crowd, killing
200 people and ending the insurgency.
235.26 -> As a reward, Napoleon is given command of
the French army of Italy.
244.4 -> Before leaving Paris, Napoleon marries Josephine,
with whom he had fallen madly in love.
249.94 -> She is the widow of a guillotined viscount
and a mother of two.
254.26 -> Napoleon joins his army, which he finds in
a poor state.
258.14 -> His men are poorly fed, badly equipped and
no longer paid.
262.5 -> Napoleon would assume the role of their charismatic leader
265.54 -> and motivates his troops by promising them the riches of northern Italy.
270.08 -> At this time, two armies are stationed there,
a Piedmontese army and an Austrian one.
276.76 -> Napoleon is outnumbered and knows that if
both armies unite, he would have no chance.
282.28 -> His plan is to speedily advance his troops,
285.38 -> place them in between both armies, and fight them separately.
289.08 -> On April 10, he launches his attack.
292.24 -> The plan works and after a few battles, he
defeats the Kingdom of Sardinia.
301.9 -> Reeling from the attack, the Austrian army
retreats to Milan
305.56 -> and stations some troops along the Po river to prevent Napoleon from crossing.
310.82 -> Napoleon sends over a small part of his army as a diversion
314.64 -> while the bulk of his troops cross the river farther east.
318.46 -> This move threatens to break the Austrian
line of communication,
322.22 -> thus isolating its army, which then withdraws from Milan without fighting and flees eastward.
328.6 -> For a year, Napoleon maintains an advantage
thanks to his troops’ speedy movements,
333.12 -> and because Austrian forces divides itself
into smaller armies.
337.24 -> Eventually, Napoleon’s army threatens Vienna,
forcing the Emperor of Austria to seek an armistice.
343.88 -> Napoleon negotiates and himself signs the
peace treaty.
347.5 -> He obtains the annexation of the Austrian
350.78 -> and pushes the boundaries of the country to the Rhine.
353.86 -> Austria receives the Republic of Venice and recognizes the new Italian republics created by Napoleon.
365.06 -> Upon his return to Paris, Napoleon is welcomed
as a hero.
368.88 -> The government now asks him to invade Britain,
the last enemy of France.
373.98 -> But England has control over the seas and
Napoleon is aware of the risk that this entails.
379.66 -> He instead suggests attacking Britain where
they least expect it.
383.92 -> By seizing Egypt, he thinks he can threaten
the important colony of India.
388.86 -> The government accepts the proposal, as for
them this young general,
392.74 -> who is a bit too ambitious and influential, is less dangerous while he is on a mission.
398.66 -> Napoleon leaves from Toulon with hundreds
of ships carrying a 40,000-man army.
404.56 -> Along the way, he captures Malta, while British Admiral Nelson,
408.36 -> not knowing Napoleon’s final destination, tries looking for him.
413 -> Nelson reaches Alexandria before Napoleon
and continues searching for him northward.
422.32 -> Napoleon lands near Alexandria in the Ottoman
province of Egypt.
426.7 -> He captures the city and then goes on further south.
430.26 -> At the gates of Cairo, he defeats the Mamluk
army and seizes the city.
434.9 -> But in the north, British ships eventually
find the French fleet and completely destroy it.
440.64 -> Napoleon and his army find themselves stuck in Egypt.
444.54 -> This information spreads in Europe and leads
to the creation of a second anti-French coalition
450.18 -> joined by the Ottoman Empire.
452.82 -> Napoleon then goes back to the east, seizing
towns along the way, and begins the siege of Acre.
458.88 -> But the Ottoman resistance, supported by the
British, prevents the city from being captured.
464.5 -> Napoleon then hears that the British are preparing
for the landing of an Ottoman army in Alexandria.
470.72 -> He leaves to fight them and wins the battle
with the last soldiers he had available.
475.86 -> Hearing about the complicated situation in
France, he travels alone, leaving behind his army.
486.46 -> When he reaches France, the situation is tense.
489.9 -> Austrian and Russian armies retake Northern
Italy, while Paris suffers from political instability.
496.3 -> Napoleon, supported by the people and the army,
499.64 -> involves himself in a coup and is named as First Consul for the following 10 years.
505.38 -> He is now head of the country and can reform
it at will.
509.32 -> He consolidates power and prepares a new army
to reconquer the North of Italy.
514.74 -> To Austria’s surprise, he crosses the Great
St Bernard Pass,
518.54 -> usually deemed impassable, and wins a battle against the Austrians.
523.28 -> A second victory further north eventually
defeats the empire.
527.7 -> Within months, a peace treaty was signed by all European powers,
531.48 -> including the UK, their arch enemy.
534.48 -> In France, Napoleon put an end to 10 years
of revolutions and instability
539.38 -> and is rewarded with the title of lifelong Consul.
547.28 -> Napoleon takes advantage of peacetime to reform
the country.
551.08 -> He reforms the administration, economy, and
555.06 -> He begins writing the Civil Code and completely restructures the country's army.
560.08 -> Beyond France, he continues with his expansionist and interventionist policy by redrawing boundaries at will,
566.64 -> which angers other powers, especially
the United Kingdom for whom France is too big a risk.
572.64 -> Aware of the situation, Napoleon sells Louisiana
to the United States to finance future wars
578.7 -> and to prevent the territory from falling into
the hands of the British.
582.84 -> War resumes, but the UK cannot afford to attack
France on its territory
587.24 -> and instead decides to focus on diplomatic efforts to rally other powers.
596.78 -> Napoleon, who narrowly escaped an attack,
knows his live is in danger.
601.56 -> He tries to sustain the new French model by
creating an empire,
605.64 -> hoping that the revolutionary values remain strong, even if he were to die.
610.7 -> On December 2nd, 1804, Napoleon becomes the emperor,
614.5 -> and crowns himself and his wife Josephine in Notre Dame de Paris.
619.3 -> He implements a more authoritarian regime.
622.28 -> From a military standpoint, he makes Spain
go to war against the United Kingdom
626.6 -> because he needs its military fleet.
629.16 -> Having now brought together enough armies
along the Channel,
632.54 -> Napoleon is ready to invade the United Kingdom.