how i type REALLY fast (190+ WPM)

how i type REALLY fast (190+ WPM)

how i type REALLY fast (190+ WPM)

i know my cable management is terrible

hi friends! i know this video is a bit random, but it’d be a lie if i said typing wasn’t my biggest flex and wouldn’t take any opportunity to show it off 😎

all jokes aside, i’ve been wanting to make this video for a looong while! now that i’m home, i decided to have some fun with different vids since i’m unable to make campus vlogs. will still be vlogging midterms at home, but i have so many quarantine vlogs that i probably won’t be uploading too many while i’m here ;_; but yea WOO i hope it’s helpful. :)

⌨️ websites mentioned:

🌸 instagram: @dvyjess
🌻 tik tok: @dvyjessica

🤍 join my discord!
  / discord  

link to the keyboard (and the rest of my setup):

🎶 music:
cinnamons • summertime (instrumental)
maplestory • amoria (piano)
undertale • snowdin (lofi)

⏰ timestamps:
0:00 - 0:54 intro
0:54 - 3:46 muscle memory/touch typing
3:46 - 4:48 hand positioning
4:48 - 5:28 shortcuts
5:28 - 6:15 faster keyboard usage
6:15 - 8:11 how i learned how to type fast
8:11 end

👧🏻 about me:
hi, i’m jessica! i’m a 4th yr at ucla majoring in math of computation (math w/ cs), and am from the bay area. i vlog my college experience as a ucla transfer student. ˙ᵕ˙


19.36 -> Hello friends! I've gotten a lot of questions  on how I type so fast, not so much on YouTube,
24.48 -> because I don't type much in my vlogs, but a lot  in real life. I can type up to a raw score of 190
29.92 -> words per minute, but depending on the website  and depending on how long I have to type for, my
34.32 -> high score ranges from like 170 to 190, but I would  say my average is about 140/150. To put WPM into
41.92 -> perspective the average is about 40 words per  minute, and a score of 120* puts you in the top
48.16 -> 99.9th percentile of typists, or just people. Let's  start with the tips. I wholeheartedly believe
55.76 -> that one of the main reasons why I type so fast  is because I played a lot of games, but mostly
61.04 -> Maplestory as a kid. And in Maplestory you have to  key bind all of your skills to a specific key on
66.56 -> the keyboard. Naturally you have to memorize your  keyboard in order to most efficiently farm monsters.
72.08 -> So my first tip is muscle memory, aka touch typing,  to be able to type without looking at the keyboard.
77.68 -> This doesn't mean you have to know the order of  the letters or to literally memorize the keyboard.
81.84 -> It just means to have the muscle memory to type  without looking at it. When I type I never think
87.28 -> about where the keys are, and i never look for the  key. My hands and fingers kind of just translate my
93.52 -> thoughts onto the keys. Also I do have notes here  which is why I'm looking down, but muscle memory
98 -> hands down, is the fastest way that you'll improve.  You can practice this in a lot of ways but it is
103.84 -> practice at the end of the day. The best way to do  this is with typing websites, which I break these
108.24 -> websites down into three different categories: raw  score, practicality, and games. Raw score websites
114.08 -> obviously test your raw score. My favorite one is  MonkeyType because the UI is just really really
119.6 -> pretty, and there's like a graph that tells you how  fast you're typing throughout those 30 seconds or
124.88 -> minute or whatever. TenFastFingers is also  a very popular one. As for practical websites,
130.48 -> I consider practical websites as websites that  are intended to help you improve or just test
137.12 -> your typing speed in a more practical sense, like  with grammar and punctuation and sentences and
141.92 -> whatnot. helps specifically with touch  typing. I don't use this one because i already
147.12 -> know how to touch type, and I've tried it out and  it's like kind of tedious, but if you really want
152.08 -> to learn how to type faster I would recommend  this one out of all of these websites that I'm
156.56 -> mentioning now. A classic one is TypeRacer. I made an account very very long time ago
161.92 -> Monitor.. okay. Umm. I would also recommend making an account because it's just fun and very satisfying
168.48 -> to look at your progress. I feel like when you can  actually see your progress that's when you want to
172.88 -> improve at something or really work at something.  This one's a bit harder though because there's
177.04 -> actual grammar and punctuation involved, but I like  to race my friends and my brother on TypeRacer. 
182.64 -> You can also race people from around the world, so  it's a really good way to just race against people,
188 -> and to kind of put more pressure on yourself,  because when you're actually racing someone
191.76 -> is like, "oh god I want to win." Or maybe that's just  me. Third one, typing games. Typing games are really
196.08 -> good because it just feels good to beat a new level,  and to just play games. I used to play a lot of
201.92 -> ztype, a web game. As you progress in the game you  have to type more words to be able to win and it's
207.44 -> always fun trying to beat your high score, but to  be honest, if you're trying to just start anywhere
212.72 -> just like somewhere, I would recommend typing your  name. Just learning how to type your name fast. Type
217.04 -> your name without looking at the keyword. Because  for me personally the fastest word I know how to
221.6 -> type is my own name, and I think it's just like a  small step that you can start with. My second tip
226.96 -> is hand positioning. So there are actually little  indents on the F and J key because that's where
232.48 -> your index fingers should be resting. There's a lot  of specifics here so I will probably include some
237.52 -> slow-mos of me typing or whatever. On my right  hand, I actually only mostly use my index finger
243.36 -> and my middle finger for the bulk of the keyboard.  My right pinky I only press enter and backslash.
249.28 -> My right thumb I only press the spacebar and my  right finger I use the backspace button which.. you
254.16 -> don't have to memorize these, I feel like you'll  figure this out once you learn how to touch type.
258.08 -> In general though our pinkies are very weak. I feel  like if you play piano you have an advantage, but
262.48 -> otherwise most of us our pinkies are super weak.  Same thing with my left hand. My left pinky I
267.52 -> literally only use for the A key, caps lock, and  shift. For all the other keys on the left, I mostly
272.32 -> use my ring finger. But if you're learning how  to type, I also recommend not learning how to use
277.36 -> caps lock, I recommend just learning how to use shift  to capitalize letters, because I grew up learning
282.16 -> how to use caps lock which is not very efficient  because I have to press it twice, so learn how to
286.56 -> use shift if you're learning how to type. My last  tip is shortcuts, so these are also quite specific.
291.92 -> But these are the ones I use on a daily basis. I also have a windows so control will probably be
297.2 -> command on a mac. Ctrl+T to open a new tab, Ctrl+ Shift+T to open the tabs that you just closed,
303.2 -> Ctrl+A to select all, and Ctrl+Backspace to  delete a word. Speaking of Ctrl+A and Ctrl+Backspace,
309.36 -> if you're typing and you make a mistake, and you pick up your cursor and you go to that
314 -> mistake, it just takes really long. What I do is  I either just Ctrl+Backspace the whole word,
319.52 -> or I Ctrl+A the entire thing, delete it, and just  retype the whole sentence. But that's obviously
324 -> because I type fast enough where picking up  the cursor takes longer, but I think learning to
328.72 -> keep your hand on the keyboard is really really  good. Whenever you make a typo I recommend just
333.36 -> trying to learn how to use Ctrl+A, delete, or  Ctrl+Backspace for general faster computer
339.04 -> usage. Learning to utilize your keyboard arrows as  well is really helpful because you can use your
344 -> arrows to go to your mistake too, but you can also  use up and down arrows to scroll through websites
349.28 -> you can use left and right to scroll through  YouTube videos. I think it's just most efficient to
353.44 -> keep your hand on the keyboard and learn how to  use your keyboard efficiently. Also if you have a
357.6 -> Windows, using the Windows key to search things up  is faster than picking up your cursor and going to
363.04 -> the search bar. My current keyboard doesn't have a  number pad but if you do have a number pad, I think  
367.84 -> learning how to type on the number pad is also  very efficient instead of using the numbers on
373.12 -> the normal keyboard. So the last thing I wanted to  address was, "okay thanks for the tips, but how did
378.64 -> you learn how to type fast?" And I kind of wanted  to address this because when people ask me how
383.44 -> I learned how to type fast, I don't really know  what to say. I started using the computer at a
387.52 -> very young age and I didn't mean for this to  happen, it just kind of did. I remember being
392 -> in second grade and everyone had to type up their  essays, and people were taking too long so I would
396.4 -> type people's essays for them, like I would type my  classmates essays. In first grade my teacher asked me
400.88 -> to help type parts of the yearbook. I just  started using a computer really really young.
405.12 -> I also play piano so my fingers naturally are  stronger. However with that being said, I was
410.08 -> really trying to think of things that I've used  in more recent years to learn how to type faster.
415.12 -> I always bring it back to these three things that  I shared today. I literally cannot think of anything
419.84 -> more helpful. But if I had to boil it down to  one thing, I would boil it down to practice
425.12 -> after muscle memory. I think most people can't  improve because they don't put in the effort to
429.92 -> learn how to touch type, to type without looking at  the keyboard. Because if you don't learn how to do
434.32 -> that you're going to be stuck on a plateau. I think  just putting in a little bit more effort to learn
438.72 -> how to touch type will make your typing so much  more faster, like you'll improve so much. Eventually
443.76 -> you'll plateau again, but with enough practice  you'll always get faster and faster. If you're  
448.16 -> learning how to type fast, you're probably going  to plateau before you learn how to touch type,
451.92 -> then you're going to get really fast, and then  you're going to plateau again, but then after that
455.44 -> it'll be like a linear increasing line. Sorry  to include math. I think graphs are just good
459.84 -> visualizations. Like i said once you're  able to touch type it's all about practice,
464 -> or finding more efficient ways to type like using  shortcuts. Like I mentioned, those are all the tips
468.8 -> I have. I'll do my best to answer any questions  if you have any, and I'll of course link all of
473.52 -> the websites in the description box. I know that  this video is kind of random, but i feel like it
478.56 -> would be a disgrace to this very random skill that  i have if I didn't make this video. Thank you so
484.48 -> much for watching. Please subscribe if you found it  helpful, and I'll see you in the next one. Bye bye!
493.52 -> I should have screen recorded that.. This was  just for the b-roll. I- this is literally my PR.
503.68 -> I spent.. you know I spent like an hour  yesterday trying to hit 190.. Oh my god.
