

0.522 -> (upbeat music)
8.35 -> - Alright, hi guys, welcome back to my channel.
10.21 -> Today I'm doing a review on our Doona Car Seat.
14.44 -> If you subscribe to my channel
16 -> then you will know that I never ever
18.38 -> do product reviews.
19.42 -> This is my first ever one
21.11 -> but it has been requested so many times
24.35 -> from people seeing it in my 'day in the life of'
26.34 -> videos or if you follow me on Instagram
28.72 -> you probably see it in my Instagram story all the time
32.42 -> but basically those of you have been saying,
33.74 -> what is that little buggy
34.93 -> or what is that car seat that you're using.
37.44 -> So I thought I would do a full review on it
39.33 -> because we are loving it.
41.5 -> Although we have three children
42.92 -> I only got this with our last child
45.97 -> which is, he's now five weeks old
47.48 -> so he's been using it for five weeks.
49.37 -> I wish I'd had it for all three of them
51.65 -> because we love it so much.
53.54 -> Basically what the Doona Car Seat is,
56.12 -> it is the first car seat to have
58.9 -> the wheels attached to it at all time
61.27 -> but the wheels are always on it,
62.81 -> they just click up
64.2 -> and then when you want them to come down
65.67 -> you just press a button and they come down.
68.08 -> And you can put it in the car
70.24 -> onto an Isofix base.
72.18 -> Yeah, so it's really, really simple
73.54 -> to just be using it as like a little buggy
75.84 -> and then clip the wheels up
78.17 -> and stick it onto the base
80.03 -> and then off you go.
81.09 -> In the past I've had a couple car seats
83.11 -> where you need to have separate wheels
85.11 -> so it can click onto your buggy wheels
86.95 -> but then you also need separate adapters for that
89.32 -> and sometimes I'd lose like one of the adapters
91.86 -> and it was really stressful
93.06 -> and I always had to open the boot or the trunk,
96.04 -> whereas with this, you never have to go into the boot
98.71 -> you can actually just get it out
100.74 -> and off you go.
101.573 -> So it's ideal for when I do the school run
105.12 -> or you know when you're just nipping
106.46 -> into the petrol station to pay the petrol
108.35 -> and you don't want to leave your baby,
109.53 -> you're like do I leave him, do I not,
111.11 -> what am I going to do.
112.76 -> It's ideal for stuff like that
114.1 -> or when you just nip to the shops
115.75 -> and you don't want to wake your baby
117.58 -> you can just, you know, get it out
119.55 -> and then run in.
120.43 -> I was also thinking that this car seat
122.47 -> would be so good for if you're in a busy city
126.84 -> and you use public transport a lot,
129.06 -> or if you want to get into a taxi
130.68 -> you just click the wheels up,
132.38 -> get in or onto the tube or onto a bus,
135.69 -> it would be really simple for travel.
137.58 -> Your baby can go into this from four pounds
140.5 -> to 35 pounds.
142.02 -> I think that our baby will probably be in this
144.88 -> until he's about 10 months old
147 -> or a year.
148.13 -> That's how long my other sons have lasted
150.38 -> in these kind of rear-facing car seats.
152.97 -> Another thing I really like about it
154.48 -> is its extendable handle.
156.24 -> It can be a lower position or at a higher position
159.46 -> and my five year old loves pushing it for me
162.54 -> and it's actually quite helpful.
164.03 -> Someone also asked me
164.9 -> if it gets our car seats muddy
166.39 -> if the wheels are always attached
167.84 -> but you can get the car seat protector with this
172.12 -> but I so far haven't had a problem
173.83 -> because they're kind of upwards.
175.79 -> Always someone asked me if it was lightweight
178.28 -> but I wouldn't say it's lightweight
180.17 -> but I wouldn't say
181.13 -> any of these types of car seats are.
182.84 -> I always find them really heavy
184.25 -> especially when there's a baby in the car seat.
187.082 -> But it doesn't really matter if this one
188.97 -> is lightweight or not
190.03 -> because as soon as you easily get it out of the car
193.18 -> you just put the wheels down
194.46 -> so you don't actually have to carry it.
195.69 -> I also really like when I was looking on-line
197.69 -> there are loads of different colors
199.25 -> that you can get.
200.083 -> I think there was like six or seven
201.55 -> and I was really torn between getting
203.7 -> like the bright blue because I was having a boy
205.66 -> or the green 'cause it was really funky.
207.72 -> In the end I went for a color called Dune
209.98 -> because it matches our car
211.83 -> and it's just like a stone color
213.44 -> so it's quite neutral.
214.82 -> Another feature I really liked about the car seat
217.09 -> are the bags that you can get with it.
218.83 -> I've got a bag that goes on the back
220.56 -> that's called like, The All Day Bag,
222.48 -> you can get quite a lot into.
224.28 -> And then I've also got the bag that goes
225.8 -> on the handles, but doesn't just like hang
227.45 -> on the handles, there are these really good clips
229.72 -> that makes it really sturdy
231.45 -> and it's not gonna go anywhere or fall anywhere
234.07 -> and I can fit everything in there
235.55 -> that I need for the day
236.46 -> because I am breast feeding
237.54 -> I just put nappies, wipes, change of clothes,
239.87 -> some snacks and things like that on there
241.75 -> so it's really, really cute
243.13 -> that it matches and I just think it's really,
245.77 -> it goes onto the handle so easily.
248.57 -> So overall we have loved this car seat
251.16 -> and I would completely, 100%, recommend it to you
254.77 -> especially if you are planning on having
256.93 -> more than one child because I wish I'd had it
259.85 -> for my first son and that it had gone through
261.86 -> all three of them because it is 248 pounds
265.94 -> is the cheapest place that I found it on-line.
268.65 -> You do have to then buy the base as well
270.56 -> but I would recommend that because it makes
272.11 -> life even quicker and easier.
273.53 -> You don't have to deal with any seat belts
274.95 -> or anything and then the accessories
277.14 -> are extra as well.
277.973 -> Like I got the rain cover and the bags
280.3 -> and stuff like that
281.133 -> but I think it's the kind of product
283.43 -> that would retain it's value as well,
285.41 -> not only if you bought it
286.53 -> and then it went through a few children,
288.32 -> then you'd really get your money worth,
289.79 -> but also if I want to resale this on eBay
292.59 -> or something like that
293.777 -> I'd think that that would be very easy to do
295.97 -> because it's such a good product.
297.84 -> Ask me any questions in the comments below
300.02 -> because I feel like I may have missed something.
302.18 -> I really hope you enjoyed this review
303.71 -> and if you want me to do any other product reviews
306.42 -> just let me know.
307.71 -> And thank you so much for watching
309.28 -> and I'll see you very soon, bye.
