Russian-American History Teacher Reacts to THE FALLEN OF WORLD WAR 2 | Perspective Is Everything

Russian-American History Teacher Reacts to THE FALLEN OF WORLD WAR 2 | Perspective Is Everything

Russian-American History Teacher Reacts to THE FALLEN OF WORLD WAR 2 | Perspective Is Everything

Discord: Russian-American History Teacher React to THE FALLEN OF WORLD WAR II
Original Video -    • The Fallen of World War II  

Trailer:    • วิดีโอ  

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Uploaded by Modern Retro Show 2021


0.32 -> today on the modern retro show teacher
2.32 -> eddie gets to
3.28 -> nerd out again again
6.03 -> [Music]
12.24 -> nerding out again part 3450
16.72 -> that's right i'm eddie and i'm draco and
19.119 -> today we're reacting to a video called
21.68 -> the fallen of world war ii so i have
25.279 -> no clue what this video is about this
27.119 -> was actually
28.4 -> uh requested by a couple of my students
31.76 -> um they figured i would be interested in
33.92 -> this so i'm very excited i don't know
35.68 -> what to expect
37.04 -> aside from the fact that of course i
38.399 -> assume it's about world war ii of course
41.6 -> um so today should be interesting let's
44.48 -> go
48.48 -> the average lifespan of an american is
50.879 -> 80 years
52.32 -> and an 80 year old today was 10 when
55.039 -> world war ii ended
56.879 -> four when it began a soldier who saw
60.559 -> battle
61.52 -> would have to be in his late 80s at
63.039 -> least today
64.879 -> generals political leaders the decision
67.439 -> makers of the war
68.88 -> few are still with us and over the past
71.92 -> few decades we've seen
73.28 -> authors and filmmakers rush to capture
76 -> stories from survivors
77.759 -> before this yes steven spielberg um is
80.799 -> is one of the uh directors uh so
83.6 -> especially after schindler's list which
86.159 -> jacob hasn't seen yet he's still too
87.759 -> young for that but eventually he will
90.159 -> uh but one of the projects that
92.64 -> spielberg
93.439 -> um put at the forefront uh was
96.88 -> capturing as many uh interviews with
99.6 -> holocaust
100.159 -> survivors as he could um
103.439 -> which obviously is super important but
106.479 -> there have been a lot of projects
108.159 -> also in order to memorialize you know
111.04 -> first-hand accounts
113.119 -> because in history we have different
114.72 -> tiers of evidence
116.24 -> right we have our primary sources
118.799 -> secondary sources
120.479 -> and tertiary sources so the best sources
124.159 -> of course are primary sources meaning
126.479 -> somebody who was actually there when
128.56 -> something took place
130.56 -> you know not just somebody who maybe was
132.8 -> alive at the time and over
134.4 -> heard somebody discuss something that
137.36 -> would be a secondary source
139.36 -> uh so primary sources meaning talking to
141.44 -> actual people who are on the front who
143.599 -> you know fought in the war which of
145.2 -> course is harder and harder to come by
147.92 -> you know nowadays i spoke to my
150.64 -> grandmother a lot about world war
152.56 -> ii uh because uh she lived uh in
156.16 -> uh in russia at the time and she saw so
159.12 -> many horrors as a child
161.12 -> um and the loss of course of a lot of
163.28 -> family
164.239 -> uh either during the war uh because they
166.64 -> were fighting on the front or they were
168.239 -> just casualties of civilians
170.959 -> connection of memory is lost
180.319 -> this project is not about individual war
183.04 -> stories
184 -> and it's not about survivors we're going
186.959 -> to tally up the tens of millions of
188.64 -> people
189.2 -> whose lives are cut short by the war and
192.239 -> see how these numbers stack up to other
193.76 -> wars in history
195.12 -> including trends in recent conflicts
200.85 -> [Music]
204 -> we'll be counting soldiers and civilians
205.76 -> separately
208.4 -> each of these figures represents 1 000
210.4 -> people who died
212.72 -> civilians were of all walks of life
217.2 -> whereas military deaths were almost
219.28 -> entirely men
220.959 -> the average age was about 23. yeah
224.319 -> in most battles for every 1 000 soldiers
226.56 -> killed there are more than a thousand
228.159 -> who are injured
229.68 -> the word casualty can be confusing
231.519 -> because in military speak
232.72 -> it often includes both deaths and
234.319 -> injuries and anything else that takes a
235.84 -> soldier out of service
237.439 -> here we're just counting the deaths and
239.84 -> will begin
240.64 -> with american soldiers
243.21 -> [Music]
252.48 -> over hundred thousand died
257.779 -> [Music]
259.28 -> yeah um so yeah the average age
263.04 -> uh my great grandfather uh whom jacob is
266.96 -> actually named after
269.04 -> my grandmother's father jacob uh he was
272.24 -> i believe either 23 or 24 when he died
275.84 -> uh on the uh on the front um
279.36 -> you know as a russian soldier of course
282.24 -> uh my grandmother was born in 1935 so
284.72 -> she was a wee little
286.479 -> uh you know during the war uh you know
288.88 -> six seven eight nine
290.56 -> uh ten uh but
293.68 -> she lost majority of her family during
295.84 -> the war
297.44 -> pretty much all the males it was
300.639 -> basically just her
302.32 -> um one sister and her mother who
305.12 -> survived
306.639 -> and they witnessed just tremendous
308.479 -> horrors the amount of russians
311.12 -> who died in world war ii is also
314.56 -> much more staggering most of the deaths
318.24 -> occurred in the european theater
319.84 -> fighting the nazis in about a quarter
323.039 -> were in the pacific
324.16 -> fighting the japanese
327.28 -> when you put them on the timeline you
329.039 -> see that casualties were the heaviest at
330.639 -> the end of the war
332.639 -> the war began on september 1st 1939
336.08 -> but the u.s wasn't willing to join the
337.52 -> fight until pearl harbor
339.12 -> two years in
342.56 -> the reason for that uh is because after
345.28 -> world war one
346.8 -> uh the united states took a stance of
350.84 -> isolationism uh
352.16 -> they felt that the toll on uh
355.28 -> american lives fighting a foreign
358.319 -> conflict
359.6 -> was too great um and they felt that you
362.72 -> know
364 -> especially since it was uh the war to
367.199 -> end all wars that was what world war one
370.24 -> was known as
371.44 -> because obviously at the time it wasn't
372.88 -> world war one because there was no world
375.12 -> war ii
376.24 -> so it was known as you know the great
378.16 -> war the war to end
379.44 -> all wars they felt you know after that
382.08 -> there would be no more need for you know
384.319 -> global uh conflict anymore so when world
387.44 -> war ii came along americans said
389.44 -> not our problem that's over there we're
391.919 -> over here
392.96 -> has nothing to do with us they were
394.479 -> vehemently against it
397.44 -> until december 7 1941 that's correct
401.52 -> and as you can see uh you know it wasn't
404.639 -> automatically that
405.68 -> right away america entered the war
408.319 -> number one it took place at the end of
410.08 -> 1941 december 7th so really
413.36 -> um you know it wasn't until 1943 that
416.56 -> america
417.28 -> really you know entered the war
420.72 -> uh you know at the beginning they were
422.16 -> sending supplies mainly support
425.039 -> uh so it really you know wasn't until 43
428.08 -> so 43 44 45
430.4 -> is really when america entered the war
432.56 -> while europe
433.759 -> uh was you know in the war since 1939.
436.72 -> arguably 1938
439.199 -> deaths increased drastically on d-day
441.36 -> when the allies invaded normandy
444.56 -> one of the most tragic moments of the
445.919 -> war was on d-day at omaha beach
448.8 -> where 2 500 americans fell
451.49 -> [Music]
454.4 -> so about the same number of u.s soldiers
455.919 -> died on this single beach landing
457.919 -> as the entire 13 years of the recent war
460.56 -> in afghanistan
466 -> the bloodiest battle in the pacific was
467.68 -> okinawa which lasted 82 days
470.16 -> during which 12 500 americans died
473.12 -> [Music]
476.639 -> about 5 000 of these deaths were at sea
478.72 -> from kamikaze attacks
479.87 -> [Music]
481.84 -> kamikaze do you know what a kamikaze is
483.919 -> yeah so kamikazes
485.759 -> were japanese uh war pilots
490 -> who literally committed suicide
493.28 -> by flying their planes into
496.4 -> whether it was a ship an infantry
499.759 -> they would kamikaze themselves so they
502.479 -> would uh a lot of
503.599 -> marines submarines anything uh
506.72 -> and a lot of time i mean sometimes it
508.96 -> would happen because
510.319 -> they had no choice the plane was going
511.84 -> to go down anyway they were wounded
513.68 -> but kamikazes were planned uh it wasn't
517.279 -> like a spur of the moment thing kamikaze
519.279 -> pilots
520.159 -> knew what they were going out for it was
522.719 -> a conscious decision it was a conscious
524.56 -> military decision
525.92 -> and it's something that struck you know
529.279 -> tremendous fear also in
532.32 -> uh you know the allies that these people
534.959 -> were so
535.519 -> dedicated to their cause that they were
538.16 -> willing to
539.839 -> not just risk their lives but knowingly
542.64 -> go out
543.36 -> and sacrifice themselves because they
545.92 -> felt you know one person
548.08 -> being able to take out whether it's 20
550.24 -> 50 100 or more people
552.16 -> at once um you know was obviously
555.36 -> you know a good way to sacrifice your
557.36 -> pawn so to speak
558.56 -> in this war game of chess
565.839 -> now let's look at some other countries
567.279 -> starting with europe
573.44 -> germany started world war ii when it
575.44 -> invaded poland
577.2 -> poland ultimately lost 200 000 soldiers
579.839 -> in the war
581.76 -> most died after the invasion while the
583.36 -> country was occupied by germany and the
585.2 -> soviet union
590.64 -> germany meanwhile lost just 16 000 in
593.12 -> the invasion of poland
595.519 -> the nazis went on to invade and conquer
597.68 -> other countries including denmark
599.279 -> belgium the netherlands
600.64 -> france greece and yugoslavia france
603.839 -> surrendered
604.56 -> but after losing 92 000 soldiers in the
606.72 -> battle of france
608.72 -> over two hundred thousand ultimately
610.24 -> fell which includes deaths in pow camps
612.959 -> french colonies and other fighting
615.76 -> yugoslavia suffered almost half a
617.6 -> million
618 -> military deaths the initial invasion
620.48 -> brought relatively few casualties on
622 -> both sides
623.36 -> but the deaths mounted under nazi
624.72 -> occupation due to guerrilla fighting
626.32 -> civil conflict
627.2 -> and mass executions
632.24 -> the nazi invasions were swift with
634.16 -> relatively few german losses
636.079 -> even the nazi commanders expressed
637.6 -> surprise at their success
641.12 -> and then we have the united kingdom in
642.64 -> the united states who were not invaded
644.399 -> but took the fight to the nazis
646.56 -> britain lost about the same number of
647.92 -> soldiers as the u.s which includes the
649.76 -> british colonies
651.6 -> germany lost about half a million
653.2 -> soldiers fighting the us and britain
655.04 -> in what is known as the western front
656.72 -> which took place in france and belgium
662.89 -> [Music]
666.24 -> that's what i was waiting for for them
667.839 -> to get to the soviet union
670.32 -> but most nazi soldiers died in the
672.16 -> eastern front
674.24 -> germany's unsuccessful invasion of the
676.24 -> soviet union
677.68 -> yeah so again i just can't help myself
680.56 -> right
680.959 -> i love this stuff um well i mean i don't
684.079 -> love
684.64 -> obviously death but i mean i love
686.839 -> history
688 -> uh and it's very important for us to
690.8 -> never forget the mistakes of the past
693.76 -> um so hitler's
697.04 -> hitler was a terrible tactician okay
700.56 -> hitler was a great orator a great public
703.2 -> speaker
704.16 -> but as a military tactician he was
706.079 -> delusional
707.2 -> hitler fought in world war one uh he was
710.639 -> injured
711.2 -> during the war he suffered mustard gas
713.279 -> injuries
714.48 -> uh and after the war of course he went
717.04 -> on his big push
718.16 -> you know went to jail there was the beer
720.56 -> hall push
721.36 -> and you know we we all know the story of
724 -> his rise to power
725.68 -> uh and at first he had a sense of
729.2 -> deference
730.32 -> so he had you know an amazing cabinet
733.68 -> around him of
734.56 -> thinkers i mean evil thinkers but still
737.92 -> much like george washington did
741.04 -> and he let them basically delegate
744.24 -> their own specialties whether you know
746.88 -> his goebbels
747.76 -> and you know the the propaganda uh you
750.88 -> know so on and so forth
752.079 -> you know rommel and and you know
754 -> tacticianing
755.279 -> uh but then hitler as any megalomaniac
759.92 -> uh began to feel like everything was his
763.12 -> doing he was god he was the fjorder
766.399 -> right and he signed a non-aggression
770.079 -> pact with joseph stalin
772.24 -> uh because he knew he couldn't fight the
775.76 -> war on two fronts
777.36 -> meaning he couldn't fight it you know
779.519 -> with uh
780.399 -> you know uh uh england and all the other
782.959 -> countries on one side and then having
784.88 -> the
785.6 -> titanic you know russian soviet army on
788.399 -> the other side
789.44 -> so in 39 they signed the non-aggression
791.6 -> pact i won't touch you
793.44 -> you won't touch me great then of course
796.72 -> hitler goes nuts well goes nuts
800.24 -> hitler's ego over inflates
804.399 -> and he says forget this look at
807.6 -> you know just look at you know this
809.279 -> graph the amount
811.04 -> the low amount of casualties the nazis
813.04 -> suffered versus
814.399 -> you know all the countries that they
816.079 -> blitzkrieg you know france was the big
818.639 -> one
819.04 -> you know once they took france it was
820.48 -> like whoa you know poland yugoslavia
823.76 -> france
824.959 -> austria and they suffered
828 -> so few casualties they were this massive
830.399 -> titan the nazis
832.16 -> hitler felt invincible and then the
835.279 -> biggest
835.839 -> biggest mistake hitler made was what
838.88 -> jacob um
843.04 -> not keeping his word well yeah of course
846.639 -> not keeping his word and invading
849.04 -> russia we're invading the soviet union
851.76 -> bad idea
853.04 -> also a lot of the troops were sent in
855.76 -> with
856.24 -> very light gear and ill prepared for the
859.12 -> russian winters
860.72 -> um so it was a absolute
864.48 -> massacre that the nazi disaster for the
867.6 -> nazis
868.8 -> not that you know after america enters
871.839 -> the war
873.92 -> the chances of a nazi victory were were
876.399 -> very
877.12 -> you know went down drastically but
881.12 -> once the soviet union switched sides
884.399 -> flip-flopped uh it was over it was over
887.279 -> for the nazis at this point
889.76 -> but the soviets did suffer tremendous
892.639 -> casualties
895.04 -> numbers are staggering
898.56 -> the most famous battle of the eastern
900.079 -> front and perhaps the turning point
901.92 -> of the european war was stopped
904.32 -> absolutely the german sixth army
905.839 -> successfully took stalingrad but then
907.519 -> got surrounded by the soviets
909.04 -> and cut off from food and ammunition
911.519 -> half a million nazis would ultimately
913.279 -> die in stalingrad
915.6 -> another one hundred thousand were taken
917.12 -> prisoner of which
918.959 -> six thousand would ever return
922.079 -> pows had a low survival rate throughout
924.079 -> world war ii
925.12 -> and it was particularly grim in the east
928 -> when you include these pows
929.839 -> roughly the same number of germans died
931.36 -> in stalingrad as all the western front
933.44 -> fighting against france the uk
935.12 -> and the us and though stalingrad was a
938.8 -> victory for the soviets
940.56 -> they suffered almost twice as many
942.24 -> losses as germany
943.35 -> [Music]
950.24 -> the soviet union would eventually defeat
952 -> the once unstoppable german army
954.24 -> killing 2.3 million nazi soldiers
961.519 -> but winning the war came at a cost
964.56 -> my god i mean when you hear these
968.639 -> numbers
970.24 -> you know six million jews you know 30
973.759 -> million
974.32 -> soviets i mean there are these massive
976.56 -> numbers but really until
979.279 -> you put it in a graph like this
982.32 -> i mean this is i'm just chills just
985.68 -> watching this
986.48 -> each one of those represents each one of
988.88 -> those figures represents a thousand
990.639 -> people
994.24 -> the perspective of this video is just
997.839 -> really just mind-numbing
1010 -> my god
1022.839 -> jesus
1034.359 -> [Music]
1037.48 -> 8.7 million is the official tally by the
1040.319 -> russian military
1043.679 -> some studies have calculated as many as
1045.36 -> 14 million dead
1046.88 -> oh my god to complete the count of
1049.679 -> european military deaths
1051.6 -> we need to add german deaths from other
1053.039 -> fronts including the north and africa
1055.679 -> as well as deaths from other access
1056.96 -> powers alight of the nazis
1058.88 -> hungary romania and italy
1064.799 -> when you put these european military
1066.32 -> debts on the timeline it looks like this
1069.6 -> you can now interact with the chart to
1070.96 -> learn more pause the narration if you'd
1073.36 -> like more time
1075.919 -> wow i mean definitely number one please
1077.76 -> support um support the channel
1080.24 -> uh support the original creator please
1082.32 -> make sure
1083.36 -> uh you go and check out uh neil
1086.08 -> halloran's channel
1087.679 -> uh we'll leave a link in the description
1090.32 -> uh
1090.72 -> but this is just absolutely i mean as a
1093.36 -> historian
1094.08 -> of course i've been studying this for
1096.48 -> over 30 years been teaching it for
1098.88 -> almost 20 uh but even i am just
1103.12 -> my heart is just like sinking watching
1106.84 -> this um
1108.559 -> and these are these are again number one
1110.32 -> these are just the military deaths
1112.72 -> these are soldiers uh we're not even
1115.36 -> talking about these civilians yet
1118 -> uh and these are just the deaths not the
1119.919 -> injuries people who are maimed for life
1123.28 -> this is the cost of war people
1134.16 -> and now we switch to civilian deaths in
1136.08 -> europe
1141.7 -> [Music]
1145.76 -> six million jewish people were killed in
1147.679 -> the holocaust
1152.24 -> if you separate this by country you see
1154.08 -> that about half 2.7 million were polish
1157.52 -> 700 000 were soviets followed by hungary
1160.4 -> and 17 other countries
1165.51 -> [Music]
1168.16 -> broken down another way about half of
1169.76 -> the six million were killed in the
1170.96 -> concentration camps
1174.4 -> over a million died in auschwitz most
1177.28 -> were killed in the gas chambers
1178.96 -> others died from starvation exhaustion
1181.2 -> disease and other forms of execution
1183.38 -> [Music]
1186.64 -> the second most deadly camp was
1187.84 -> triblinka which was exclusively an
1189.76 -> extermination camp
1191.039 -> set up to look like a train station
1194.72 -> mobile killing groups killed 1.4 million
1197.12 -> jews
1197.51 -> [Music]
1202.72 -> like with the gas chambers men were
1204.4 -> killed first to reduce the risk of
1218.84 -> revolt
1221.18 -> [Music]
1227.44 -> the holocaust also includes non-jewish
1229.52 -> deaths
1230.559 -> between 130 000 to 500 000 roma
1233.679 -> then called gypsies were killed the
1235.6 -> numbers are disputed
1237.679 -> yeah so so yeah at first um
1240.96 -> again it was a progression because a lot
1242.72 -> of people think oh that was the
1244.159 -> immediate
1245.2 -> uh you know plan and idea the final
1247.36 -> solution
1248.48 -> um number one the final solution
1252.159 -> uh really wasn't um discussed and
1256 -> finalized
1257.52 -> uh until late 42 1943
1261.52 -> okay so there weren't gas chambers in
1263.84 -> 1939
1264.799 -> 1940 uh they had what they called
1268 -> like the mobile uh you know murder camps
1271.2 -> um where basically they would just shoot
1273.76 -> people
1275.52 -> but again even that didn't start right
1277.52 -> away the initial plan was just
1279.84 -> segregation putting them into camps
1282.88 -> um and also the gassing and everything
1286.4 -> else
1286.799 -> that that was not hitler's idea uh that
1290 -> was the idea of his
1291.52 -> team so um
1295.6 -> uh originally uh their targets were
1300 -> um homosexuals gypsies
1303.12 -> uh you know uh not just jews uh and
1306.4 -> and sometimes in the uh in the
1309.12 -> discussion we forget about all the other
1311.039 -> people
1311.52 -> uh who were also targets it wasn't just
1313.679 -> jewish people but of course
1315.2 -> as a jew myself and as somebody who
1318.799 -> had obviously ancestors who died in
1320.64 -> these camps
1322.08 -> uh you know death is death but you know
1325.76 -> it's just mind-numbing to think what
1328 -> kind of minds come up with this stuff
1332 -> about a quarter million people with
1333.36 -> disabilities were killed homosexuals
1335.52 -> catholics and other groups were also
1336.88 -> exterminated
1337.76 -> but their numbers are relatively small
1340.4 -> some historians say
1341.6 -> that other civilian deaths should go
1343.12 -> under the label of holocaust
1344.799 -> about 2 million non-jewish poles were
1346.96 -> killed under german occupation
1349.039 -> some of it were sent to the gas chambers
1350.559 -> at auschwitz when you combine civilian
1352.96 -> and military deaths
1354.24 -> over 16 of the total polish population
1357.12 -> died in world war ii
1358.4 -> which is the highest percentage of any
1359.84 -> country
1361.44 -> but not the highest in total death count
1363.52 -> the soviet union again tops that list
1365.84 -> losing at least as many civilians as it
1367.52 -> did soldiers somewhere between 10 and 20
1370.159 -> million
1371.6 -> a particularly dark moment for the
1372.96 -> soviet union was the siege of leningrad
1375.36 -> now saint petersburg german forces
1377.919 -> surrounded leningrad before civilians
1379.6 -> could be evacuated
1381.039 -> supplies including food were cut off for
1382.96 -> two and a half years
1387.36 -> one and a half million people died as a
1389.36 -> result mostly from starvation
1392 -> yeah the famine was one of the biggest
1395.44 -> uh and again the numbers are so hard
1398.559 -> i mean sadly we know uh most of these
1402.4 -> numbers because of the nazis they
1404.48 -> thought
1404.96 -> what they were doing was of course not
1407.2 -> just right but something that needed to
1409.039 -> be documented for history
1411.28 -> uh all of the films we have all the
1413.52 -> documents all the records
1416.4 -> they come directly from the nazis they
1418.72 -> were documenting
1420.159 -> everything they did um
1423.84 -> and but you know from the soviets i mean
1426.24 -> the numbers range
1427.279 -> anywhere from 10 million to 30 million
1430.72 -> um you know i've heard some estimates
1432.4 -> say 40 million which
1433.84 -> does sound a little out there but we
1436.08 -> don't know if it was 10 million 15 20 30
1439.919 -> i mean but to throw these numbers around
1442.559 -> until you see them on this
1444.08 -> graph it's like yeah 10 million 20
1446.96 -> million
1448.24 -> it's like you know come on but my
1450.4 -> grandmother um
1451.44 -> she did tell me stories i mean some were
1454.72 -> just
1455.039 -> absolutely awful of what people did um
1458.32 -> you know during the famine um from
1461.36 -> cannibalism um cannibalizing their own
1465.52 -> children
1466.4 -> i mean all right that's okay
1473.039 -> it's rough i mean it's rough for anybody
1476 -> uh but especially to to
1477.76 -> try to fathom this as a kid uh like i'm
1480.64 -> having you know
1481.6 -> i'm a historian i'm a history teacher
1484.159 -> but this video
1485.279 -> is just horrifying to watch but
1489.12 -> necessary
1490.799 -> mostly civilians
1494.4 -> stalin's cruelty towards his own people
1496.559 -> is partly responsible for these numbers
1499.36 -> he often didn't allow siblings to
1500.88 -> evacuate from cities thinking it would
1502.799 -> cause the soldiers protecting them to
1504.24 -> fight harder
1505.679 -> about just out of curiosity by the way
1508.24 -> we did a reaction to uh
1510.32 -> epic rap battles of history which are
1512.799 -> absolutely fun to
1514.159 -> to do to watch the first one we did uh
1517.2 -> ever was stalin and rasputin
1520.96 -> and one of the funny things in the
1522.799 -> comments to those videos were
1525.44 -> uh one of the lines in the video
1528.799 -> mentions that stalin would not
1530.48 -> trade a general uh russian general
1533.52 -> i'm sorry a german general uh because
1536 -> the nazis had captured his son
1538.159 -> and stalin famously said i don't trade
1541.12 -> uh generals for plain field soldiers
1544.24 -> right even though the soldier was his
1546.159 -> own son and i made a comment about
1548.32 -> something about
1549.12 -> either uh you know obviously uh stalin
1552.24 -> was a sociopath and all this stuff
1554.4 -> and there were several comments of
1556.159 -> people like defending
1557.76 -> like of course why wouldn't he uh
1560.799 -> you know why would he trade for his uh
1562.88 -> i'm like
1563.919 -> bruh seriously i didn't i didn't know i
1566.88 -> insulted the character of stalin
1569.679 -> who killed people on a whim just for
1572.48 -> making
1572.96 -> a joke people would get murdered by this
1576.4 -> man
1577.039 -> and all of a sudden like i'm insulting
1578.799 -> his character
1580.159 -> just a side point i had to make about a
1582.24 -> million soviets died in stalin's own
1583.84 -> labor camps called the gulag
1587.36 -> just about every country suffered
1588.88 -> civilian losses especially countries who
1591.2 -> were invaded
1592.48 -> while many died as a result of so-called
1594.08 -> collateral damage the biggest numbers
1596.24 -> occurred when it was no accident
1598.64 -> civilians were exterminated purposely
1600.799 -> fired upon or bombed
1602.4 -> used as human shields or intentionally
1604.32 -> deprived of food
1606.72 -> the intentional killing of civilians was
1608.559 -> done by most warring parties
1610.159 -> including the united kingdom and the
1611.6 -> united states the united kingdom was
1614 -> spared of a land invasion
1615.52 -> but still lost 60 thousand civilians
1617.76 -> largely from german air raids or blitzes
1619.84 -> often directed at civilian population
1621.6 -> centers
1623.52 -> the uk did the same to german cities at
1625.279 -> a much greater magnitude
1627.36 -> causing about 10 times the number of
1628.96 -> deaths
1630.4 -> but most german civilian deaths came
1632.08 -> from the ground at the late stage of the
1633.679 -> war
1634.72 -> when the nazi regime collapsed civilians
1636.88 -> living in occupied regions had to
1638.32 -> desperately flee from the advancing
1639.84 -> soviet army
1641.52 -> rapes were widespread and death
1643.36 -> estimates range from six hundred
1644.64 -> thousand to three million
1648.95 -> [Music]
1652.159 -> let's step back and see where we are
1653.6 -> with the totals
1656 -> we just counted about 20 million
1657.679 -> civilian deaths in europe
1661.039 -> if you add this to the european military
1662.72 -> deaths we already covered
1665.279 -> it brings us to over 40 million
1669.76 -> then we have the asian theater here we
1672.32 -> see the vast majority of military deaths
1674 -> in asia
1674.799 -> came from china and japan
1677.25 -> [Music]
1678.399 -> on the civilian side about 6 million
1680.559 -> deaths from china indonesia
1682.399 -> korea indochina and the philippines can
1684.72 -> be attributed to japanese war crimes
1686.48 -> which are sometimes compared to the nazi
1688 -> atrocities
1688.72 -> due to the sheer scale of the cruelty
1692.08 -> china had the second highest death count
1694.24 -> after the soviet union
1696 -> and like the soviets the chinese
1697.76 -> government demonstrated a stunning
1699.2 -> willingness to sacrifice its own people
1702.159 -> chinese nationalists opened the dike at
1703.76 -> the yellow river hoping the flood would
1705.44 -> halt the japanese advance
1707.44 -> half a million chinese civilians or more
1709.52 -> were killed
1710.54 -> [Music]
1711.919 -> which is two or three times the number
1713.52 -> who died in all countries in the 2004
1716.08 -> asian tsunamis
1719.279 -> but the invasion of china only cost
1720.96 -> japan 200 000
1722.399 -> soldiers most were killed fighting the
1724.559 -> us and allies in the pacific war
1726.4 -> [Music]
1729.6 -> a significant portion of japanese
1730.96 -> civilian deaths were caused by american
1733.12 -> firebombing and the two nuclear attacks
1735.84 -> contrary to official u.s statements
1737.76 -> these airstrikes were directed at
1739.2 -> civilian populations
1740.559 -> not military targets when you add all
1744.24 -> the deaths outside of europe
1745.919 -> it brings us to a grand total of 70
1747.919 -> million for the war
1749.44 -> give or take depending on who's counting
1751.279 -> and what civilian deaths get included
1756.48 -> more people died in world war ii than in
1758.559 -> any other war in history
1761.2 -> for comparison here are 20 or so of the
1763.6 -> very worst wars and atrocities we have
1765.52 -> on record
1768.159 -> some of these are more of atrocities
1769.52 -> than wars but we've seen how that
1771.12 -> distinction can get blurry
1773.6 -> some of these spanned across centuries
1776.24 -> world war ii had the highest body count
1778.399 -> and it all happened in just six years
1783.2 -> the world's population has grown
1784.559 -> significantly since the earliest
1785.84 -> atrocities on this list
1788.399 -> if you want to compare them in terms of
1789.679 -> what percentage of the world died
1791.6 -> we can adjust the chart to look like
1793.12 -> this this rough approximation tells us
1796.24 -> there may have been more devastating
1797.52 -> wars before world war ii proportionally
1806.84 -> speaking
1811.67 -> [Music]
1814.399 -> when we turn to post-war conflicts it's
1817.039 -> hard to say anything that isn't
1818.399 -> controversial
1820.24 -> but the data shows something quite
1821.76 -> extraordinary has been happening
1827.12 -> in 1989 john gaddis coined the phrase
1829.679 -> the long piece
1830.88 -> to identify the absence of conflict
1832.32 -> between the nuclear powers during the
1833.84 -> cold war
1835.6 -> 25 years later the cold war is over and
1838.559 -> the term is still being used
1840.559 -> although its meaning may have shifted
1844.88 -> european countries have not fought each
1846.559 -> other except for this 10-day war in 1956
1849.84 -> when the soviet union invaded hungary
1852.64 -> when we look at european wars before
1854.24 -> world war ii it looks like this
1856.32 -> they tend to be more frequent as you go
1857.84 -> back though smaller in scale
1861.039 -> and the largest 44 economies of the
1863.279 -> world have not battled each other
1865.2 -> since world war ii rich countries have
1868.08 -> fought
1868.399 -> poorer countries like the us versus iraq
1871.6 -> but rich countries have not fought other
1873.12 -> rich countries
1874.799 -> such a period of peace between the
1876.159 -> so-called great powers hasn't been seen
1878.48 -> since the roman empire
1881.679 -> to many peace is too strong of a word
1884.64 -> wars have occurred since world war
1886.48 -> ii and they can be grouped into these
1888.08 -> four categories
1889.679 -> we don't see colonial wars anymore we've
1892.32 -> already noted that interstate wars
1893.679 -> between rich countries have not occurred
1895.36 -> at all
1896.159 -> and here we see wars involving smaller
1897.76 -> economies have tapered off
1899.84 -> that leaves civil wars of two types with
1902.399 -> and without
1903.12 -> farm intervention and this is what these
1905.919 -> battle deaths look like alongside of
1907.679 -> world war
1908.24 -> ii more people died fighting in world
1910.24 -> war ii than in all the wars since
1913.76 -> and again we can't forget about world
1915.36 -> population which has almost tripled
1917.519 -> since world war ii
1918.88 -> if we scale these numbers to show deaths
1920.64 -> in proportion to world population
1922.48 -> showing the likelihood that a person on
1924 -> earth dies in battle
1925.679 -> the downward trend becomes even more
1927.279 -> pronounced
1928.72 -> now this isn't to infer anything about
1930.559 -> why this trend is occurring
1931.919 -> that's a discussion for another day you
1934.96 -> can now interact with this chart to
1936.48 -> explore what conflicts are behind the
1938 -> totals
1938.559 -> now bear in mind we're just looking at
1940 -> battle deaths here not civilian deaths
1942 -> but those two are in decline
1945.519 -> peace is a difficult thing to measure
1948.64 -> it's a bit like counting the people who
1950.08 -> didn't die in words that never happened
1954.08 -> we give such importance to the word
1955.6 -> peace but we don't tend to notice it
1958.24 -> when it occurs
1959.84 -> or report on it sometimes it takes
1963.36 -> reminding ourselves
1964.32 -> of how terrible war once was to see the
1966.799 -> peace that has been growing around us
1970.48 -> of course this trend may not continue
1972.88 -> and it's not clear how looking at these
1974.399 -> charts can help us make the right
1975.919 -> decisions to ensure that it does
1981.6 -> but the longer the long piece grows the
1984 -> more significant it becomes
1985.53 -> [Music]
1987.76 -> so if watching the news doesn't make us
1989.279 -> feel hopeful about where things are
1990.48 -> heading
1993.12 -> watching the numbers might
2008.399 -> wow um so much respect to neil uh
2012.799 -> halloran for that
2014.48 -> uh i loved um the message of the video
2018.399 -> at the end especially
2020.399 -> um yeah i mean world war one was the war
2024.159 -> to end all wars but
2025.679 -> obviously uh world war ii was not the
2028.799 -> war to end
2029.6 -> all wars uh there will always be war
2032.96 -> because it's just human nature
2035.12 -> unfortunately
2036.88 -> but um the toll
2040.159 -> and the horror of the war
2044.799 -> because of course there have been war
2046.64 -> there have been atrocities during war
2048.399 -> there have been war crimes
2050.48 -> uh there have been war crimes after
2052.48 -> world war ii
2054.079 -> but it's just the sheer vastness
2058.079 -> of the horror of the uh of the
2061.28 -> atrocities of world war
2062.96 -> ii um you know
2066.56 -> is one of the arguable reasons why we
2069.599 -> have not had
2070.879 -> uh a conflict such as that as neil
2073.44 -> pointed out
2074.079 -> in the video but absolutely
2077.599 -> stunning representation and again
2081.119 -> even for somebody like me and of course
2083.28 -> you know jacob's reaction speaks volumes
2086.48 -> i think that's most people's reactions
2088.48 -> when they see this
2090.32 -> you know just lay it out for you because
2092 -> again it's one thing to say
2093.679 -> the numbers you know to say the toll
2096.8 -> but when you see it laid out for you
2099.04 -> like that
2100.56 -> there's nothing like it because even i
2102.96 -> was
2103.76 -> blown away by seeing it you know laid
2107.04 -> out there in in graph
2108.64 -> format just there were certain points
2112 -> where i just
2112.56 -> i was getting chills uh just watching it
2115.599 -> and you know there was a moment there i
2117.2 -> might have shed a tear
2119.119 -> or two but this is absolutely
2122.72 -> um necessary uh it's easy to say
2127.76 -> avoid it don't look at it forget about
2130.16 -> it ignore
2130.88 -> it uh the past is the past but
2134.88 -> you can't you have to uh always remember
2138.24 -> it otherwise
2139.359 -> eventually you ignore it enough you put
2142.079 -> it in a back burner enough
2144.8 -> then you get people who forget deny
2149.44 -> and eventually history does repeat
2151.359 -> itself so
2153.119 -> we have to be careful with that so thank
2155.76 -> you
2156.16 -> for the suggestion thank you to my
2158.96 -> students for suggesting this if you're
2160.64 -> watching
2161.839 -> really appreciate you guys uh really
2164.56 -> appreciate you
2165.52 -> uh lucas and uh mariana for uh
2168.8 -> requesting this
2170.4 -> um this was this was
2173.76 -> very necessary uh so we're gonna shout
2176.64 -> out our hall of fame patreons as always
2179.839 -> james spacey doodle elena enrique
2183.119 -> clement vijandra
2184.48 -> alan alex baba mama aaron shepherd
2187.68 -> big j joe bina and will street i am
2190.8 -> eddie and for jacob we've been modern
2193.359 -> retro
2193.92 -> show and we'll see you next time
2200.6 -> [Music]
2208.62 -> [Music]
2212.32 -> you
