BESTIAL Crimes of Egon Zill - Sadistic NAZI Commandant of Natzweiler Struthof & Flossenbürg - WW2

BESTIAL Crimes of Egon Zill - Sadistic NAZI Commandant of Natzweiler Struthof & Flossenbürg - WW2

BESTIAL Crimes of Egon Zill - Sadistic NAZI Commandant of Natzweiler Struthof & Flossenbürg - WW2

Bestial Crimes of Egon Zill - Sadistic Nazi Commandant of Natzweiler Struthof \u0026 Flossenbürg - WW2. Egon Zill was born on the 28th of March 1906 in Plauen, then part of the German Empire.
After World War I ended, Germany experienced great political turmoil. The 1919 Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh terms on Germany, which had lost the war. In addition, the country saw the overthrow of its monarchy. In its place was the new Weimar Republic, a democratic government. Racist and antisemitic groups sprang up on the radical right and they blamed Jews for Germany’s defeat in the war. These groups opposed the Weimar Republic and the Treaty of Versailles. They were against democracy, human rights, capitalism, socialism, and communism. They advocated to exclude from German life anyone who did not belong to the German race.
The Nazi Party, founded in 1920, sought to woo German workers away from socialism and communism and commit them to antisemitic and anti-Marxist ideology.

On the 30th of January 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany by the German President Paul von Hindenburg. Immediately after Hitler came into power, Germany became a dictatorship, and the Nazi regime quickly began to restrict the civil and human rights of the Jews and established the first concentration camps, imprisoning its political opponents, homosexuals, Jehovah’s witnesses, and others classified as “dangerous”.

One such camp was Hohnstein.
In 1934 Egon Zill got married. His wife had been a member of various National Socialist organizations since the mid-1920s and the marriage produced three children.

From the 12th of October 1934, Zill headed the guards at the Lichtenburg concentration camp.
From the 1st of February 1938, Egon Zill became the commander’s adjutant in the Lichtenburg, which by then had become a women’s concentration camp. One of the camps female guards was Maria Mandl whose specialty at Lichtenburg was to strip the prisoners naked, tie them to wooden posts and beat them mercilessly until she could no longer lift her arm.
On the 15th of May 1939, Egon Zill was sent with the other Lichtenburg guards to the newly opened Ravensbrück concentration camp.

Ravensbrück, opened in May 1939, was the only major women’s camp established by the Nazis. In total, some 132,000 women from all over Europe passed through the camp, including Poles, Russians, Jews, Gypsies, and others. Of that number, over 92,000 women perished.

At Ravensbrück Egon Zill held a position of commander’s adjutant. However, he was also a sexual deviant. Despite having his own wife, Zill was known for sexually harassing and brutally abusing the female prisoners. Once he even contracted a venereal disease.

Zill, who due to his short stature was given the nickname “Little Zill”, remained in Ravensbrück until December 1939.

He gradually climbed up the camp hierarchy, owing these promotions to the cruelty and sadism with which he treated the prisoners. His behavior in each subsequent camp was more and more brutal. Not only did he order many crimes to be committed, he often carried them out himself.

The second world war began on the 1st of September, 1939 with the invasion of Poland.
On the 1st of December 1939, Zill was deployed in Dachau concentration camp holding a position of Protective custody camp leader. Protective custody camp section oversaw the prisoner’s complex and was ruled by the infamous SS Death’s Head Units.
Having received his Death’s Head unit training in Dachau, Zill was familiar with all the terrors the camp had to offer its inmates.

In December 1941 Zill succeeded Hermann Pister as commander of the Hinzert concentration camp which remained mainly autonomous until the 21st of November 1944, when it was administratively linked to the Buchenwald concentration camp. Between 1939 and 1945, 13,600 political prisoners between the ages of 13 and 80 were imprisoned at Hinzert.
In April 1942 Zill became the commandant of the Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp which was the only concentration camp established by the Germans in the territory of pre-war France, about 31 miles southwest of Strasbourg

In mid-September 1942 Egon Zill became a commandant of the Flossenbürg concentration camp. Flossenbürg’s original purpose was to exploit the forced labor of prisoners for the production of granite for Nazi construction projects.

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0.36 -> The 2nd of February 1943, Stalingrad, the Soviet  Union. The German 6th army, after 5 months of  
8.52 -> fierce fighting and heavy casualties, having  exhausted their ammunition and food, finally  
13.44 -> capitulates, making it the first of Hitler's  field armies to surrender during World War II.  
19.02 -> The battle for the city proves a  decisive psychological turning point,  
22.74 -> ending a string of German victories in the summer  of 1942 and beginning the long retreat westward.  
29.28 -> The Soviet army remains on the offensive and  in July 1944 liberates Majdanek - the first  
35.94 -> major Nazi camp to be liberated which  is located in German-occupied Poland.  
41.1 -> Soviet officials invite journalists to  inspect the camp and to see the evidence  
45.42 -> of the horrors that have occurred there. Only after the liberation of the concentration  
49.44 -> camps, the full extent of Nazi horrors  is finally exposed to the world. Because  
55.14 -> of the demands of forced labor and the lack of  food, only a small percentage of concentration  
59.82 -> camp inmates survive. Compounded by months and  years of mistreatment and torture, they resemble  
65.58 -> skeletons and many of them are so weak that  they can hardly move at all. One of the most  
70.74 -> infamous perpetrators of this criminal Nazi regime  responsible for these atrocities is Egon Zill.
77.1 -> Egon Gustav Adolf Zill was born on  the 28th of March 1906 in Plauen,  
83.94 -> then part of the German Empire. His  father was a brewer who was severely  
88.32 -> injured in the First World War and as such  Egon, after 8 years of elementary school,  
93.06 -> was apprenticed to a baker at an early age in  order to bring in much needed money to the family.
98.76 -> After World War I ended, Germany  experienced great political turmoil. The  
104.82 -> 1919 Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh terms  on Germany, which had lost the war. In addition,  
110.64 -> the country saw the overthrow of its monarchy.  In its place was the new Weimar Republic,  
115.44 -> a democratic government. Racist and antisemitic  groups sprang up on the radical right and they  
121.74 -> blamed Jews for Germany’s defeat in the war. These  groups opposed the Weimar Republic and the Treaty  
127.2 -> of Versailles. They were against democracy, human  rights, capitalism, socialism, and communism.  
133.98 -> They advocated to exclude from German life  anyone who did not belong to the German race. 
139.32 -> The Nazi Party, founded in 1920,  sought to woo German workers away  
143.7 -> from socialism and communism and commit them  to antisemitic and anti-Marxist ideology. 
149.46 -> In 1920 Hitler formulated a 25-point program  which remain the Party’s only platform.  
155.7 -> Among its points, it rejected the Versailles  settlement and also demanded to unify all  
160.8 -> people of German “blood.” The program  called for a Greater Germany ruled by  
165.48 -> a strong central state and the country  was to acquire new lands and colonies.  
170.04 -> The program would deny citizenship and  rights to all non-Germans, particularly Jews. 
175.44 -> Under Hitler’s leadership the Nazi Party grew  steadily. It attracted support from influential  
181.26 -> people in the military, big business, and  society and the Party also absorbed other radical  
186.36 -> right-wing groups. In 1921, Hitler organized a  paramilitary force called the SA also known as the  
193.68 -> Storm Troopers and the Brownshirts, for the color  of their uniform. SA members were war veterans and  
200.16 -> members of the Freikorps, paramilitary units that  battled left-wing movements in postwar Germany.
204.9 -> When in 1923 Egon Zill joined both the  Nazi Party and the SA, he was only 17.  
211.8 -> Three years later he joined the SS with number  535, one of the lowest membership numbers.
218.16 -> On the 30th of January 1933, Adolf Hitler  was appointed chancellor of Germany by  
223.56 -> the German President Paul von Hindenburg.  Immediately after Hitler came into power,  
228.06 -> Germany became a dictatorship, and the Nazi  regime quickly began to restrict the civil  
233.34 -> and human rights of the Jews and established  the first concentration camps, imprisoning  
238.08 -> its political opponents, homosexuals, Jehovah’s  witnesses, and others classified as “dangerous”.
243.42 -> One such camp was Hohnstein. Established in the  Hohnstein castle, the camp was in service from the  
249.84 -> 14th of March 1933 to August 1934. The prisoners,  mainly communists, were forced to dig in the  
257.7 -> nearby stone quarry. Many of them were killed  by the SA or the SS guards or committed suicide.
263.28 -> In 1934 Egon Zill got married. His wife had  been a member of various National Socialist  
269.58 -> organizations since the mid-1920s and  the marriage produced three children.
274.8 -> From the 12th of October 1934, Zill headed the  guards at the Lichtenburg concentration camp.  
281.04 -> Housed in a Renaissance castle,  Lichtenburg was among the first  
284.52 -> concentration camps to be built by the Nazis  and was operated by the SS from 1933 to 1939.  
291.78 -> From 1937 to 1939, it held only female prisoners. 
296.64 -> From the 1st of November 1936 to the 31st of  July 1937, Egon Zill was a protective custody  
303.72 -> camp leader at the Lichtenburg camp. The camp’s  commandant, Hans Helwig, left the management  
309.3 -> of the camp to Zill who was considered  brutal and ruthless among the prisoners.
312.96 -> One of the camp’s most prominent  prisoners was Armin Wegner,  
316.56 -> a German soldier and medic in World War I as  well as prolific author, and a human rights  
321.78 -> activist. On the 11th of April 1933, shortly  after the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses,  
327.9 -> Wegner denounced the persecution of Jews in  Germany in an open letter to Adolf Hitler. 
333 -> He suggested that the persecution of the Jews was  not just a question of "the fate of our Jewish  
337.74 -> brothers alone, but also the fate of Germany”,  noting that he was writing the letter as a  
341.82 -> proud German who could himself trace his Prussian  familial roots back to the time of the Crusades.  
347.46 -> Wegner asked Hitler what would become of Germany  if it continued its persecution of Jews. Answering  
352.98 -> his own question, Wegner declared, "There is  no Fatherland without justice!". On the 19th  
358.74 -> of September 1933, Wegner was arrested by the  Gestapo, who imprisoned and tortured him. He was  
365.7 -> subsequently interned in the Nazi concentration  camps at Oranienburg, and Lichtenburg, among  
370.26 -> others, and after he was released in 1934, he fled  to Rome, where he lived under an assumed name.
376.62 -> From the 1st of February 1938, Egon Zill became  the commander's adjutant in the Lichtenburg,  
382.02 -> which by then had become a women's concentration  camp. One of the camps female guards was Maria  
387.42 -> Mandl whose specialty at Lichtenburg was  to strip the prisoners naked, tie them to  
392.04 -> wooden posts and beat them mercilessly  until she could no longer lift her arm. 
396.9 -> On the 15th of May 1939, Egon Zill was sent with  
401.4 -> the other Lichtenburg guards to the newly  opened Ravensbrück concentration camp.
405.06 -> Ravensbrück, opened in May 1939, was the only  major women's camp established by the Nazis.  
412.68 -> In total, some 132,000 women from all over  Europe passed through the camp, including Poles,  
419.16 -> Russians, Jews, Gypsies, and others. Of  that number, over 92,000 women perished.
427.38 -> At Ravensbrück Egon Zill held a position  of commander's adjutant. However,  
431.94 -> he was also a sexual deviant. Despite having his  own wife, Zill was known for sexually harassing  
438.48 -> and brutally abusing the female prisoners.  Once he even contracted a venereal disease.
444.9 -> Zill, who due to his short stature  was given the nickname "Little Zill",  
449.22 -> remained in Ravensbrück until December 1939.
453 -> He gradually climbed up the camp hierarchy,  owing these promotions to the cruelty and  
457.74 -> sadism with which he treated the prisoners. His  behavior in each subsequent camp was more and  
463.74 -> more brutal. Not only did he order many crimes to  be committed, he often carried them out himself.
470.04 -> The second world war began on the 1st of  September, 1939 with the invasion of Poland. 
475.5 -> On the 1st of December 1939, Zill was deployed in  Dachau concentration camp holding a position of  
482.46 -> Protective custody camp leader. Protective custody  camp section oversaw the prisoner’s complex and  
488.64 -> was ruled by the infamous SS Death’s Head Units. Having received his Death’s Head unit training  
494.16 -> in Dachau, Zill was familiar with all the terrors  the camp had to offer its inmates. The SS Death's  
500.34 -> Head Units named for the skull-and-cross-bones  symbol worn on the right collar of their uniforms  
504.6 -> was established in 1934 by Theodor Eicke, the  first commandant of Dachau and later inspector  
510.78 -> of concentration camps. It was an independent  unit within the SS responsible for administering  
517.2 -> the Nazi concentration and extermination camps  throughout Germany and later in occupied Europe. 
522.06 -> The units were trained to conduct themselves  with strict discipline and cruelty, and to view  
527.52 -> the prisoners under their guard as enemies of  the state who should be destroyed if possible.  
532.08 -> They were responsible for facilitating  what the Nazis called the Final Solution,  
536.88 -> known since the war as the Holocaust  which was the genocide of Jews in Europe.
541.86 -> At Dachau, not only did Zill devise new and  organized methods of torture for the prisoners  
547.86 -> but he took joy in taking part in the punishment  personally, or else watching from the sidelines  
552.96 -> as the prisoners died at the hands of equally  sadistic guards. Zill thrived on watching men  
559.02 -> beaten, drowned, hung, and broken until their  bodies were unrecognizable masses of bone and  
565.68 -> skin. A tag attached to their toes listed an  identification number so they could be properly  
571.32 -> recorded in the record books as having died from  a heart attack or some other medical ailment. 
576.72 -> On one occasion, the corpses of  Soviet POWs murdered in Hebertshausen,  
581.64 -> which was a shooting range located two kilometers  north of the Dachau where between 1941 and 1942,  
587.7 -> more than 4,000 Soviet prisoners were murdered,  were brought to the Dachau camp crematorium.  
593.22 -> When one of the kapos there asked  Egon Zill where to store the ashes,  
597.06 -> Zill told him: “dump the dirt  of these Bolshevik swines.”
601.68 -> Egon Zill had his dogs trained to react to the  raising of his arm. On special amusement days,  
607.68 -> Zill would have a table of food placed in front of  the starving prisoners who stood at attention. If  
612.9 -> a person were to relax his body, the dogs would  react automatically. As time went by and Zill  
618.66 -> became impatient, he raised his arm signaling the  dogs into action. They then attacked the genital  
625.26 -> areas of the prisoners until they were dead. At  this point Zill would finally leave the scene.
631.08 -> Witnesses also testified that  Zill personally tortured Soviet  
634.86 -> prisoners parading naked in front of him.  He mercilessly tortured them with a whip,  
639.42 -> and then selected victims from among them,  who he then personally shot. He was also  
644.52 -> seen tying the prisoners to trees and  then setting a dog on their genitals.
648.36 -> Another common pastime for the  guards at Dachau was having the  
652.2 -> Jewish prisoners sing anti-Semitic songs  as they dug pits to be filled with stones,  
656.22 -> only to have the stones dug up again and  used to fill other pits. At other times,  
661.14 -> they would bind the prisoners’ hands and feet and  have them crawl on the ground grunting like pigs.  
666.24 -> As the prisoners approached the pigsty, food was  put out for their meal to be eaten by the pigs.  
672.24 -> The SS men stood watching as the bound  prisoners fought with the pigs for the  
676.98 -> food. This type of torture was used mostly with  Jews, priests, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Poles.
683.88 -> In the autumn of 1941, Zill selected a Soviet  prisoner of war from a group because he had  
689.88 -> a lichen planus on his face. Zill personally  led him to the Hebertshausen firing range for  
695.52 -> execution. The group containing the Soviet  prisoner of war was initially scheduled to  
700.26 -> be executed, but was later pardoned  and assigned to work in the quarries.  
704.7 -> Zill made a selection here on his own initiative. A similar case happened in November 1940. When  
712.26 -> the work detail troops passed through the camp  gate on the morning of the 18th of November,  
716.16 -> Zill pointed to two prisoners and said to  Karl Kapp, who was a senior kapo in the  
721.2 -> garage construction work detail, that he did not  want to see the two prisoners again that evening.  
726.36 -> When they returned in the evening, the troop  of this work detachment drove the two dead  
730.8 -> back to the camp in wheelbarrows. When  Kapp reported the arrival of the two dead,  
735.3 -> Zill replied: "That's what I call  prompt execution of an order".
740.22 -> In December 1941 Zill succeeded Hermann Pister  as commander of the Hinzert concentration camp  
745.98 -> which remained mainly autonomous until the 21st  of November 1944, when it was administratively  
751.98 -> linked to the Buchenwald concentration camp.  Between 1939 and 1945, 13,600 political prisoners  
759.9 -> between the ages of 13 and 80 were imprisoned  at Hinzert. Many were in transit towards larger  
765.6 -> concentration camps where most would be killed.  However, many prisoners were executed at Hinzert. 
771.48 -> Prisoners were housed in four barracks, each  containing two spaces that in turn contained  
776.7 -> 26 bunk beds for the projected capacity of 208  prisoners. Later, straw mattresses were added to  
783.6 -> increase the total capacity to 560. The camp was administered, run,  
789.06 -> and guarded mainly by the SS, who, according  to the Hinzert survivors, were notorious  
793.98 -> for their brutality and viciousness. Prisoners sometimes had to stand still  
797.94 -> for hours facing the mast as punishment. The  roll call area was also used as a drill and  
803.34 -> exercise area, where prisoners had to jump up  and down at 4.30 am to the sound of a drum.
808.86 -> In April 1942 Zill became the commandant of the  Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp which  
814.86 -> was the only concentration camp established by  the Germans in the territory of pre-war France,  
819.18 -> about 31 miles southwest of Strasbourg.  Prisoners worked in nearby granite quarries,  
824.34 -> in construction projects, and in the maintenance  of the camp. There were about 50 subcamps in the  
830.04 -> Natzweiler- Struthof camp system and by the fall  of 1944, there were about 7,000 prisoners in the  
835.92 -> main camp and more than 20,000 in the subcamps.  About 52,000 prisoners were estimated to be held  
842.28 -> there during its time of operation. It was a labor  camp, a transit camp and, as the war went on,  
848.52 -> a place of execution. Some died from the exertions  of their labor and malnutrition – there were an  
854.7 -> estimated 22,000 deaths at the camp,  including its network of subcamps.
859.32 -> In mid-September 1942 Egon Zill became a  commandant of the Flossenbürg concentration  
865.32 -> camp. Flossenbürg’s original purpose was  to exploit the forced labor of prisoners  
870 -> for the production of granite  for Nazi construction projects.  
873.66 -> Until mid-1943 when the camp became a key  supplier of Messerschmitt Bf 109 aircraft  
879.9 -> parts, the quarry occupied the labor of  about half of the prisoner population. 
884.4 -> At Flossenbürg, the Germans created such harsh  living conditions for the prisoners that they  
889.32 -> often committed suicide. The camp’s Nazi  personnel would often carry out executions,  
894.24 -> punish the prisoners with whipping, and  order long and extremely tiring roll calls.
899.16 -> As a commandant Zill expected his guards to  act with the discipline of soldiers whilst  
904.68 -> also supporting the idea that camp  inmates who had been indoctrinated  
908.52 -> into Nazism should be allowed to fight for  Nazi Germany in return for their freedom.
912.9 -> Zill was replaced in April 1943 by Max Koegel  after being judged ineffective as a commandant,  
920.76 -> The move followed letters of complaint  to General Plenipotentiary for Labour  
925.26 -> Deployment Fritz Sauckel, from the villagers  about the high standards of living enjoyed by  
929.58 -> camp guards and their wives in contrast to  the impoverished standards in the village,  
933.42 -> as well as a culture of  corruption amongst the guards.
936.66 -> In August 1943, Zill was transferred to the  7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division "Prinz  
942.24 -> Eugen” which was a mountain infantry division of  the Waffen-SS which from 1942 to 1945 fought a  
949.8 -> counter-insurgency campaign against communist-led  Yugoslav Partisan resistance forces in occupied  
955.02 -> Yugoslavia. Waffen-SS was an armed branch of  the German Nazi Party that served alongside  
961.14 -> but was never formally part of the Wehrmacht –  the German Armed Forces - during World War II. 
966.84 -> Zill later served in the 23rd Waffen Mountain  Division of the SS Kama. Elements of the division  
973.26 -> fought briefly against the Soviet forces in  southern Hungary in early October 1944 alongside  
979.26 -> the 31st SS Volunteer Grenadier Division. From the point of view of his military superiors,  
985.14 -> Zill, However, did not stand the test. Assessments  confirmed that he had had no basic training and  
991.14 -> that he had insufficient military and tactical  skills. At the beginning of October 1944,  
996.84 -> Zill suggested placing selected concentration  camp prisoners in the service of the Waffen-SS.  
1002.66 -> The suggestion was taken up by Oskar Dirlewanger,  one of the most notorious perpetrators of the  
1008 -> Nazi regime whose unit terrorized the civilians  and committed unspeakable atrocities mostly in  
1013.64 -> Poland and Belarus, and led to the transfer of  prisoners to the Dirlewanger SS special unit.
1018.8 -> After the war ended, Egon Zill went into  hiding, changing his name to “Willi Sonntag".  
1024.56 -> However, after he put his real name on the  birth certificate of his illegitimate child,  
1028.88 -> Zill was exposed. On the 26th of August 1952,  
1033.68 -> an arrest warrant was issued for Zill  and after eight months of searching,  
1037.82 -> he was arrested in Hamburg on the 24th of  April 1953 and brought to a West German court. 
1044.12 -> According to the post-war investigations by  the Munich public prosecutor's office, Zill  
1049.52 -> tortured numerous prisoners in Dachau and some  of the prisoners died as a result of the abuse.  
1055.28 -> The witnesses testified in the jury that  Zill had actively called for the killing  
1059.54 -> of prisoners on several occasions or  had initiated the killing himself. 
1063.38 -> In 1955, a court in Munich sentenced him to  the highest penalty in West Germany - life  
1069.56 -> imprisonment, but after an appeal hearing,  the sentence was reduced to only 15 years  
1074.66 -> imprisonment resulting in Zill being released in  1970. He was 68 years old when he died on the 23rd  
1081.86 -> of October 1974 in the city of Dachau,  near the camp where he had once served.
1088.46 -> There were no tears shed for Egon Zill.
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