How Did The Universe Begin?

How Did The Universe Begin?

How Did The Universe Begin?

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Researched and Written by Leila Battison

Narrated and Edited by David Kelly

Animations by Jero Squartini

Thumbnail art by Ettore Mazza:

Art by Joseph Ioseliani

Sound Editing by Jack White

If you like our videos, check out Leila’s Youtube channel:

   / @somethingincredible  

Music from Epidemic Sound and Artlist
Stock footage from Videoblocks and Artgrid
Galaxies, space videos from NASA and ESO

Image Credits:

UY Scuti By ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2 - DSS2:…, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Peter Higgs By Bengt Nyman - Flickr: IMG_7516, CC BY 2.0,

Particle collision By Brookhaven National Laboratory -…, CC BY 2.0,

Cloud Chamber by Stephen Curry, CC BY 3.0…, via Wikimedia Commons


00:00 Introduction
05:44 1. The Planck Era: First Ten-Tredecillionth Of A Second
18:51 2. Grand Unification: First Undecillionth of A Second
26:56 3. Inflation: First Picosecond
41:43 4. The Higgs and Mass: First Billionth of a Second
56:06 5. Fine Tuning, Protons, Neutrons and Antimatter: First Millionth of a Second
1:13:23 6. Neutrinos and Primordial Black Holes: First Second
1:31:59 7. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: First Minute
1:44:12 8. The First Molecule: First 100,000 Years
1:54:59 9. First Atoms, First Light: First 380,000 Years
2:10:23 10: Dark Matter and Dark Energy: First Million Years


1.879 -> 13.8 billion years ago the universe
5.66 -> began
7.44 -> in one moment there was nothing and the
10.2 -> next
11.28 -> everything just how this is possible is
14.759 -> perhaps the biggest question in all of
16.68 -> science crossing the boundaries between
18.9 -> Theory and experiment physics and
21.539 -> philosophy everything we know about our
24.539 -> universe hinges on mechanism process and
27.84 -> causality we strive to understand the
30.48 -> reasons things are the way they are and
33.42 -> yet at the most fundamental level we do
36.48 -> not know how or why the entire universe
41.16 -> came to be
42.07 -> [Music]
45.3 -> but this lack of explanation is not for
48.539 -> want of searching
51.059 -> perhaps as famed cosmologist Stephen
53.46 -> Hawking once supposed there really was
56.039 -> nothing before considering space and
58.739 -> time as inherent conjoined properties of
61.26 -> the universe we inhabit the beginning of
63.48 -> that Universe marked the beginning of
65.519 -> time before time there could be no space
67.979 -> and therefore no Universe considering
70.5 -> the geometry of space-time back through
72.42 -> the ages he saw it contract curve around
75.36 -> and eventually round off searching for
78.06 -> something beyond that would be as
79.86 -> meaningless as searching for something
81.6 -> that was north of the North Pole
84.659 -> or perhaps there was no actual beginning
87.78 -> but rather a limit to our powers of
90.36 -> observation scientists believe that it
92.64 -> was a split-second period of exponential
94.979 -> expansion known as inflation that put
97.86 -> the bang in the Big Bang and which set
100.38 -> the stage for everything that was to
102.299 -> follow our inflation stopped after a
104.7 -> tiny fraction of a second but some
106.56 -> physicists have argued that this is not
108.42 -> the only period of inflation in the
110.579 -> cosmos as a whole rather inflation would
113.52 -> continue elsewhere
115.2 -> eternally producing bubble universes
117.18 -> distributed through a potent Everlasting
119.88 -> Multiverse
121.14 -> or perhaps our current universe is
123.659 -> merely the latest in a long and
125.52 -> potentially infinite series of expanding
127.86 -> and Contracting Cosmos a theory known as
130.739 -> the big bounce in this instead of
132.9 -> starting from nothing and inflating
134.52 -> exponentially to reduce the structure we
136.56 -> see today contemporary physicists like
139.26 -> Paul steinhardt suggest a cyclical
141.66 -> growth and contraction of everything
143.819 -> within the universe or perhaps our
146.819 -> understanding of scale is fundamentally
149.099 -> incomplete physicist Roger Penrose
151.86 -> considered the properties of shapes
153.48 -> regardless of their size and believes we
155.819 -> can do the same with the cosmos in this
158.34 -> idea the universe loses a sense of time
160.98 -> and scale at the infinitely small and
163.319 -> the infinitely big and becomes to all
165.72 -> intents and purposes equivalent the game
168.599 -> of chess played the same whether on a
170.94 -> board that fits in your pockets or spans
173.459 -> an entire Courtyard
175.56 -> or perhaps our Cosmos came about as a
178.14 -> transient Collision of Dimensions String
181.2 -> Theory attempts to explain the
182.94 -> fundamentals of reality as Tiny
185.16 -> vibrating strings within an
186.84 -> 11-dimensional reality of hyperspace the
189.9 -> three dimensions of space and one
191.519 -> dimension of time that we experience
193.26 -> within our Cosmos are merely a single
195.84 -> brain in the overall bulk with the
198.36 -> beginning and growth of our universe
199.92 -> coming about as higher order brains
202.08 -> collide
206.76 -> or perhaps there is something else
209.819 -> some corner of mathematics or physics
212.099 -> that we have yet to shine a light into
213.9 -> and which for the time being eludes our
217.319 -> understanding
220.319 -> for now our universe's origin story
222.9 -> remains a mystery a multiple choice
225.659 -> Choose Your Own Adventure
228.18 -> nevertheless
229.94 -> 13.8 billion years ago the universe did
234.42 -> begin
236.34 -> and this is the story
239.22 -> of what happened next
241.38 -> [Music]
255.959 -> thank you to betterhelp for sponsoring
258 -> this video this is Proxima Centauri even
261.479 -> if we traveled at more than 50 000
263.58 -> kilometers an hour it would still take
265.32 -> us more than eighty thousand years to
267.24 -> arrive there and it is our closest star
269.58 -> it's estimated there are a hundred
271.38 -> thousand million more distant stars in
274.44 -> the Milky Way and so sometimes it can be
276.96 -> overwhelming to square our own lives
279.06 -> with the vastness of everything else and
281.88 -> to work these things through it's nice
283.919 -> to have some help better help is the
286.86 -> world's largest therapy service and it's
289.139 -> 100 online with better help you can tap
292.32 -> into a network of over 30 000 licensed
295.199 -> and experienced therapists who can help
297.479 -> you with a wide range of issues you can
300 -> talk to your therapist however you feel
301.62 -> comfortable whether it's via text chat
303.54 -> or video call you can also message your
305.82 -> therapist at any time and schedule live
307.979 -> sessions when it's convenient for you
309.72 -> and if your therapist isn't the right
311.4 -> fit for any reason you can switch to a
313.5 -> new one at no additional charge with
316.199 -> better help you get the same
317.759 -> professionalism and quality you expect
319.74 -> from in-office therapy but with a
321.96 -> therapist who is custom picked for you
323.699 -> with more scheduling flexibility and at
326.1 -> a more affordable price so get 10 off
329.16 -> your first month at
330.96 -> forward slash hotu and I've also linked
334.199 -> them Below in the description thanks to
337.02 -> betterhelp for supporting educational
338.88 -> content on YouTube
347.34 -> where is the hottest place in the
351.24 -> universe
352.919 -> you might expect to find it in the
354.96 -> natural Fusion reactor at the center of
357.479 -> a star but even as you incinerate in the
360 -> plunge through its fiery depths your
362.4 -> journey would be in vain temperatures of
364.86 -> the core reach a mere 15 million degrees
367.38 -> Celsius you may look to even more
370.38 -> violent phenomena in the cosmos like
372.9 -> explosive supernovae here during the
375.66 -> dramatic death of a star superheated
377.699 -> shells of gas are ejected many light
379.74 -> years in every direction leaving a
381.9 -> gravitationally compactified neutron
384 -> star at their Center temperatures here
386.46 -> are far exceed normal Stellar furnaces
388.8 -> reaching 100 billion degrees Celsius but
392.819 -> this still isn't the hottest temperature
395.28 -> to be found in fact the highest
398.4 -> temperature that has ever been recorded
400.38 -> anywhere in our vast Cosmos was 100
403.199 -> meters beneath the snow-covered ground
405.539 -> near the shores of Lake Lamont in
408.3 -> Switzerland
409.979 -> foreign and it didn't come about from a
413.16 -> natural process but rather the concerted
415.86 -> efforts of hundreds of scientists and
418.56 -> billions of euros worth of research and
420.539 -> development in cern's Large Hadron
423.3 -> Collider were individual particles are
425.639 -> routinely smashed into one another at
427.5 -> velocities approaching the speed of
429 -> light the Collision of two lead atoms in
432.18 -> 2012 briefly produced a temperature of
435.06 -> around 5.5 trillion degrees Celsius 50
440.099 -> times hotter than a supernova
443.52 -> but this still isn't even close to the
448.02 -> highest possible temperature
454.139 -> temperature is little more than a
456.12 -> manifestation of a particle's energy its
458.52 -> motion or how fast it's vibrating
460.38 -> absolute zero marking zero Kelvin is the
463.56 -> lowermost limit where particles
465.36 -> hypothetically would come to a complete
467.34 -> shuddering stop were it possible to
469.62 -> reach but there was also an upper limit
471.539 -> to an absolute heart that marks the
474.599 -> highest temperature before the particles
476.34 -> themselves are torn apart by their own
478.62 -> energy it's known as the Planck
480.9 -> temperature and it is around 1.4 times
484.02 -> 10 to the 32 Kelvin Max Planck who gave
488.099 -> his name to this impossibly blistering
489.9 -> temperature was a German theoretical
491.52 -> physicist who found his academic stride
493.86 -> around the beginning of the 20th century
495.78 -> his ideas are seen as the founding
497.819 -> blocks of quantum physics and led to the
500.099 -> quantization of light into discrete
501.96 -> chunks of energy called photons but they
504.72 -> also led him to consider the fundamental
507 -> quanta of other natural phenomena
511.979 -> using such Universal qualities as the
514.56 -> speed of light and the force of gravity
516.18 -> in combination with his eponymous Planck
518.219 -> constant he defined the Planck length
521.159 -> the smallest Quantum of distance as
523.979 -> around 1.6 times 10 to the minus 35
527.459 -> meters about 100 quintillion times
530.58 -> smaller than a proton the time it takes
533.58 -> for light to travel through this
534.899 -> minuscule distance through a vacuum is
536.94 -> the Planck time amounting to 5.39 times
540.959 -> 10 to the minus 44 seconds and the
544.2 -> Planck temperature that practical
545.94 -> measure of absolute heat is the
547.86 -> temperature at which the wavelength of
549.54 -> thermal radiation reaches the Planck
552.12 -> diameter it can go no smaller
558.779 -> it is no fair reflection on the human
561.48 -> brain to say that these numbers are
563.76 -> beyond our true comprehension we are
566.64 -> evolutionarily attuned to scales that
568.86 -> are relevant to us and so it may seem
571.62 -> that these Planck units are too small or
574.8 -> in the case of temperature too large to
577.38 -> be of any practical use but it is when
580.2 -> contemplating the immeasurably tiny
582.54 -> moment at the beginning of our
583.98 -> immeasurably vast Cosmos that these
586.92 -> units really come into their own
591 -> because our universe is expanding
593.82 -> becoming less dense and it has been for
597.12 -> all its history scientists don't know if
599.82 -> our universe is infinite or not but if
602.339 -> it is then it always has been so rather
604.92 -> than starting as a single point it would
607.14 -> have also begun infinitely large and
609.899 -> rather than grow over time it would
612.12 -> simply have become less dense our
615.72 -> observable universe the only part of the
618.06 -> universe we could ever see or interact
619.86 -> with or could ever see and interact with
622.019 -> us is limited by the speed of light and
624.779 -> the distance it has been able to travel
626.279 -> since the universe's birth 13.8 billion
629.519 -> years ago but as we travel back in time
632.16 -> the observable part of the universe
634.32 -> shrinks and becomes more compact until
637.019 -> eventually we get to a time when
638.88 -> everything within it was only a single
641.1 -> Planck unit of time old a single Planck
644.339 -> length in diameter and with all of our
646.86 -> observable universe compacted into such
649.079 -> a tiny space that temperature of the
652.5 -> whole Cosmos SATs squarely
655.38 -> Planck temperatures
661.019 -> it may come as little surprise to learn
663.3 -> that this moment 100 million trillion
666 -> trillion trillionths of a second after
667.74 -> the beginning of time and space is
669.899 -> therefore known as the Planck error
672.839 -> and it is a very strange time in the
677.339 -> cosmos today everything we experience is
679.86 -> governed by certain immutable laws of
682.32 -> nature which are ultimately controlled
684.3 -> by the interaction of four major forces
686.64 -> the strong force holding atoms together
688.8 -> the weak Force governing certain types
690.959 -> of radioactivity the electromagnetic
693.18 -> force Distributing energy over great
695.1 -> distances and gravity as Max Planck
698.279 -> predicted at the end of the 19th century
700.079 -> the strong weak and electromagnetic
702.54 -> forces can be quantized represented and
705.66 -> thought of as Tiny individual Parcels of
707.94 -> interaction similar to particles of
710.279 -> matter these so-called messenger
712.38 -> particles are known respectively as
714.6 -> gluons w and z bosons and photons
719.04 -> but gravity is different
721.92 -> with his general theory of relativity
724.14 -> Albert Einstein was responsible for
726.48 -> overthrowing the classical mechanical
728.339 -> definition of gravity instead he
731.1 -> conceptualized it as the curvature of
733.019 -> space-time a warping in the very fabric
735.6 -> of reality through various large-scale
738.24 -> experiments general relativity has been
740.64 -> verified time and time again and the
742.8 -> gravity-induced curvature of space-time
744.779 -> is now recognized as a property inherent
747.3 -> to the universe which affects all matter
749.82 -> and energy within it therefore during
753.36 -> the Planck era long before any of the
756 -> conventional laws of nature Hells sway
758.399 -> it was gravity that was the first to
761.88 -> manifest but there is a problem
764.94 -> everything we know about the workings of
767.579 -> gravity today is based on Einstein's
770.399 -> successful Theory but that theory is
772.98 -> only really tested and verified on
775.44 -> larger scales during the Planck era
778.2 -> however her entire observable universe
780.839 -> was condensed into an area many trillion
783.3 -> times smaller than a proton and so
785.94 -> general relativity doesn't really help
788.82 -> instead the Dynamics of the extremely
791.579 -> tiny are governed by quantum mechanics
794.279 -> at Scales small enough that we can
796.44 -> consider the individual subatomic
798.36 -> particles of matter or the quantized
800.519 -> messenger particles of force and energy
802.26 -> and entirely different set of rules hold
805.019 -> sway where nothing is ever where you
807.18 -> expect it to be and the Very Act of
809.399 -> observing changes the outcome instead of
812.279 -> dealing in absolutes Quantum physicists
815.1 -> consider probabilities and nothing ever
818.22 -> stays the same for long
822.06 -> fortunately for us this Lawless Quantum
824.88 -> world only Reigns on nanoscopic scales
827.519 -> and by the time we reach magnitudes that
829.62 -> we're more familiar with the
830.88 -> probabilistic weirdness averages out but
834 -> during the universally nanoscopic Planck
836.579 -> error there is no escaping the quantum
841.019 -> and herein lies the problem for
843.12 -> understanding how things actually worked
845.279 -> in that moment general relativity and
847.74 -> quantum mechanics are fundamentally
849.48 -> incompatible with one another so
851.7 -> researchers are still searching for a
853.62 -> solution a so-called quantum gravity
855.899 -> that is able to reconcile two of the
858.3 -> most important theories in modern
859.98 -> physics and properly describe how the
862.26 -> Planck error Universe behaved
864.98 -> unfortunately it is a question that
867.48 -> cannot reasonably be tackled by
869.579 -> experimental means considering the vast
872.16 -> energies needed to produce and study the
874.26 -> other Force messenger particles inside
876 -> collider facilities and the elevated
878.82 -> plane that gravity occupies in defining
881.399 -> all of space-time it would take a
883.74 -> particle accelerator roughly the
885.72 -> diameter of our entire solar system to
888.36 -> generate enough power to truly probe
890.639 -> gravity during the extremes of the
893.16 -> Planck era
895.079 -> but this doesn't stand in the way of
897.36 -> theoretical speculation and
899.579 -> extrapolation
901.399 -> one idea suggests that like the other
904.32 -> fundamental forces of nature gravity
906.54 -> also is communicated by a messenger
908.88 -> particle a Quantum unit of gravity that
911.459 -> has come to be known as a graviton but
914.04 -> gravity as a force is so much weaker
915.959 -> than the others than its meager
917.76 -> messenger would be practically
919.139 -> impossible to detect another theory
922.019 -> known as a loop quantum gravity is very
924.66 -> different in this physicists imagine the
927.72 -> smooth and ever-changing geometry of
929.699 -> space-time to be ultimately pixelated on
932.459 -> the very smallest scales and by
934.62 -> rewriting Einstein's equations of
936.54 -> general relativity in terms of lines or
939.3 -> Loops instead of points the calculations
941.82 -> for gravity on a Quantum scale become
944.339 -> much more manageable
945.899 -> and perhaps the leading possible quantum
948.3 -> gravity solution continues to rumble
950.82 -> away in the background of theoretical
952.86 -> physics
954.24 -> String Theory imagines the point-like
957.12 -> particles of traditional physics as
959.279 -> one-dimensional vibrating strings and it
962.339 -> is the vibrational state of the strings
964.86 -> that defines what a particle is as well
967.92 -> as the elusive force of gravity and yet
971.519 -> in order to make the mathematics of
973.139 -> string theory work it becomes necessary
975.36 -> to involve no fewer than 10 or 11
978.6 -> Dimensions many of which would be folded
981.3 -> in on themselves or partitioned into two
984.12 -> or five-dimensional structures known as
986.399 -> brains the fundamental objects of an
988.98 -> even more elusive overarching Theory
991.26 -> with the simple moniker m
995.699 -> and so each of these hypotheses for how
998.639 -> quantum gravity may actually work is
1000.74 -> more mind-bending than the last rooted
1003.199 -> in the abstractions of mathematics and
1005.36 -> almost impossible to visualize
1007.94 -> and yet that is what we are trying to do
1010.519 -> when we cast our minds back to imagine
1013.339 -> the first fraction of a second of our
1015.44 -> universe during the Planck error
1022.1 -> ironically it was in the 1950s when the
1024.86 -> science of quantum mechanics was still
1026.48 -> in its infancy that American theoretical
1029.12 -> physicist John Archibald wheeler
1031.579 -> provided us with a tangible description
1033.679 -> of conditions in that turbulent and
1036.439 -> confusing time he imagined the early
1039.86 -> Universe to be composed of a bubbling a
1043.579 -> dynamic quantum foam
1047.6 -> this quantum foam as wheeler described
1050.419 -> it comes about because of the dynamical
1052.52 -> and unpredictable nature of interactions
1054.799 -> on the quantum scale Heisenberg's
1057.44 -> uncertainty principle seriously
1059.36 -> compromises our ability to Define length
1061.94 -> time or energy at any one point within
1065.179 -> the planck-sized universe and so the
1067.7 -> continuous and coherent space-time that
1069.86 -> we are familiar with today is replaced
1072.26 -> by an inherently unpredictable and
1074.78 -> varying foam-like texture that shifts
1077.78 -> and changes randomly Quantum micro black
1080.539 -> holes and wormholes spring spontaneously
1083.36 -> into existence and then disappear
1085.52 -> Without a Trace without any apparent
1087.62 -> cause and effect in this highly
1090.98 -> energetic super Compact and miniaturized
1093.919 -> Cosmos for the briefest of moments
1097.1 -> Anything Goes
1099.559 -> but after only 100 million trillion
1102.86 -> trillion trillionths of a second the
1105.32 -> widespread unpredictability of the
1107 -> Planck error comes to an end as the
1109.34 -> minuscule growth and cooling of the
1111.2 -> universe Heralds a new epoch
1114.38 -> the universe won't look or behave
1116.299 -> anything like it does today for a while
1119.72 -> but from here on out our current
1121.34 -> theories do at least stand a chance of
1123.919 -> describing just what is going on
1126.88 -> [Music]
1135.44 -> everything in our universe is controlled
1137.72 -> and defined by the four fundamental
1140 -> forces of nature
1142.6 -> imagine turning on your television
1145.48 -> gravity keeps you pinned firmly to the
1148.039 -> seat of your chair holds the Earth's
1149.96 -> atmosphere close to the surface and
1152.24 -> holds the Earth in orbit around our
1153.98 -> nearest star providing a habitable
1156.14 -> environment for your continued existence
1158.299 -> yet despite this gravity is relatively
1161.24 -> weak and you can overcome it with the
1162.919 -> muscles of a single arm to lift the
1165.679 -> remote
1166.88 -> in response to your button press
1168.74 -> invisible infrared light electromagnetic
1171.799 -> radiation beams across the living room
1173.96 -> from the front of the remote the picture
1176.059 -> comes to life in front of you through
1178.16 -> millions of tiny pixels emitting visible
1180.62 -> light another form of electromagnetic
1182.96 -> radiation which travels back across the
1185.24 -> room and into your eyes your eyeballs
1188.059 -> themselves are marvels of evolutionary
1190.4 -> Innovation but they ultimately rely on
1192.86 -> the properties and behaviors of the
1194.6 -> atoms within electrons and nuclei held
1197.66 -> together by the electromagnetic force
1199.94 -> the atomic nuclei themselves are held
1202.58 -> together by the strong nuclear force
1204.919 -> protons and neutrons Force together in
1207.559 -> the center of the atom not only that
1209.78 -> these protons and neutrons are really a
1212.48 -> combination of three smaller subatomic
1214.82 -> particles called quarks which are also
1217.58 -> bonded by the same pull every atom in
1220.88 -> your body in the television in existence
1223.34 -> itself relies upon this Force has your
1227.9 -> eyes focus and you engage with the
1229.58 -> pictures moving on the screen in front
1231.08 -> of you each of the nerves inside your
1233.24 -> brain fire at up to 200 times per second
1236.24 -> all of that coordinated electrical
1238.58 -> potential relies on a proper balance of
1240.74 -> potassium in the body like the other
1243.14 -> elements potassium is held together by
1245.66 -> the strong nuclear force but there is
1248 -> something else at play as well because
1250.22 -> potassium is very slightly radioactive
1253.1 -> and around 5000 potassium atoms
1256.28 -> radioactively Decay every second a Decay
1260.36 -> driven by the weak nuclear force and so
1265.36 -> 150 million kilometers away the core of
1268.52 -> our sun burns with the heat of a stellar
1271.039 -> furnace powered by the fusion of
1273.38 -> hydrogen into helium this incredibly
1276.14 -> powerful reaction is responsible for the
1278.419 -> heat that keeps the Earth habitable and
1280.4 -> on a galactic scale the very elements
1282.86 -> that make up the planet the television
1284.84 -> and you
1286.46 -> and all of this is also reliant on the
1289.94 -> weak nuclear force
1293.9 -> each of these four fundamental forces
1296.179 -> gravity electromagnetism and the strong
1298.7 -> and weak nuclear forces act together to
1302.059 -> shape our experience of the universe and
1304.64 -> so it has been for the majority of our
1306.62 -> cosmos's multi-billion year history but
1310.28 -> in the very first moments of time
1312.039 -> conditions conspired to craft a very
1314.84 -> different set of rules
1316.76 -> during the grand unification Epoch which
1320.299 -> followed the Planck era there were only
1323.419 -> two forces
1325.7 -> but how could this be the case
1328.1 -> the key to visualizing this lies in a
1330.919 -> coin toss flip a coin to decide between
1334.039 -> two equally weighted choices heads for
1336.799 -> one team tales for the other the
1338.72 -> decision is only reached when the coin
1340.46 -> settles after the flip when the energy
1342.5 -> provided by the flexing of thumb and
1344.299 -> forefinger is completely spent and the
1346.7 -> disc comes to rest
1348.5 -> before that point when the coin is still
1350.48 -> imbued with energy and it is spinning
1352.46 -> through the air or across the table it
1354.74 -> is nion impossible to even distinguish
1357.08 -> the two faces the two choices available
1359.84 -> to you there is just a single spinning
1363.02 -> orb with characteristics all of its own
1366.32 -> and this is what we encounter when we
1369.08 -> examine the behaviors of the fundamental
1371.24 -> forces at higher energies the energies
1374.659 -> that were present in the nascent
1377.559 -> Universe increase the temperature
1380.179 -> dramatically and the individual
1382.22 -> properties of the weak nuclear force and
1384.26 -> the electromagnetic force begin to
1386.059 -> weaken and blur into one another we no
1389.12 -> longer see the distinct heads of
1390.74 -> electromagnetism and the Tails of the
1392.96 -> weak Force but rather the spinning
1395.179 -> faceless force of the two United the
1398.299 -> so-called electro-week Force increase
1401.48 -> that energy even further and the
1403.82 -> spinning coin concept again applies to
1406.1 -> the strong force and the electro weak
1408.86 -> with high enough temperatures these two
1411.2 -> blur into a single unified hole a
1414.44 -> process known as Grand unification
1418.58 -> this ultimate unification of three of
1421.159 -> the major fundamental forces gives rise
1423.679 -> to what is known as the electro strong
1426.08 -> force though this tidy spinning coin
1428.72 -> theory of grand unification has yet to
1430.64 -> be definitively proven experimentally
1432.86 -> even though the energetic collisions
1435.2 -> inside particle accelerators can point
1437.419 -> us towards the joining of
1438.799 -> electromagnetism and the weak force it
1441.14 -> would take energies some million million
1443.659 -> times greater for the strong force to
1445.82 -> lose its identity in the same way
1448.64 -> as for with the gravity the fourth
1450.86 -> fundamental force is ever accepted into
1452.84 -> the unified fold that is a question for
1455.96 -> the mysterious and unpredictable Planck
1458.36 -> error and yet another problem for
1460.88 -> contending theories of quantum gravity
1465.52 -> still the grand unification Theory as it
1469.1 -> is known is a strong Contender for
1471.2 -> explaining the workings of the universe
1473.059 -> just after the Planck error for a period
1476.299 -> of time some 10 million times longer
1478.82 -> than the entire Planck error the
1480.86 -> universe expanded and cooled but it is
1483.62 -> Testament to just how dense everything
1485.9 -> started out that even by the end of this
1488.539 -> time the entire observable Cosmos was
1492.08 -> still smaller than a single Quark with a
1495.86 -> latent energy of that Cosmos compressed
1497.9 -> into such a tiny space the temperature
1500.179 -> reached 100
1501.799 -> 000 trillion trillion Kelvin some
1504.14 -> trillion times higher than the Large
1505.94 -> Hadron Collider has ever managed these
1509.299 -> were the conditions for the grand
1511.039 -> unification Epoch ruled by the chimeric
1514.94 -> electro strong force and the bizarre
1517.34 -> interactions that it brought about
1520.039 -> the minuscule Cosmos is filled with
1522.559 -> particles undergoing an extreme identity
1525.14 -> crisis photons transform spontaneously
1528.26 -> into matter antimatter pairs creating
1530.779 -> quarks and leptons but these nascent
1533.659 -> particles are desperately short-lived
1535.7 -> decaying rapidly back into photons
1537.74 -> scarcely as soon as they've formed
1540.02 -> Electro strong messenger bosons only
1542.6 -> serve to complicate the picture helping
1544.76 -> quarks to transform into lepitons
1546.559 -> leptons into quarks matter into
1548.779 -> antimatter and vice versa under the
1551.72 -> chaotic rule of grand unification it is
1554.96 -> a free-for-all of energy and matter of
1558.5 -> particles both virtual and real
1561.34 -> [Music]
1564.62 -> until a trillion trillion trillionth of
1568.039 -> a second after it began
1570.08 -> the penny drops
1572.059 -> temperatures drop to a mere thousand
1574.4 -> trillion trillion degrees rendering it
1576.74 -> cool enough for the strong force to
1578.36 -> break free for two forces to become
1581 -> three and everything to change once
1584.419 -> again
1586.4 -> and yet there is a problem with this
1589.159 -> picture while these theories May
1591.2 -> adequately describe the behavior of
1593.12 -> particles within the earliest moments
1594.98 -> after the big bang they fall short of
1597.799 -> explaining the large-scale cosmos that
1600.74 -> would eventually come to exist
1603.2 -> indeed When comparing the starting
1605.659 -> conditions with the universal end result
1608.659 -> the Big Bang appears
1611.48 -> to be broken
1616.43 -> [Music]
1619.419 -> by July 2022 the iconic James Webb Space
1623.659 -> Telescope was well established in orbit
1625.7 -> around the sun one and a half million
1628.1 -> kilometers out in space it was finally
1631.039 -> ready to begin its scientific operations
1633.62 -> in Earnest but when it focused its 18
1637.34 -> golden mirrors into some of the deepest
1639.559 -> reaches of the observable universe
1642.159 -> scientists were shocked after seeing the
1645.919 -> images returned from the Revolutionary
1647.72 -> telescope American astrophysicist Alison
1650.36 -> Kirkpatrick wrote in the scientific
1652.34 -> journal Nature that she found herself
1654.559 -> lying awake at three in the morning
1656.559 -> wondering if everything she'd ever done
1659.059 -> was wrong
1661.88 -> and within a month these images and
1664.279 -> Kirkpatrick's comments had grown a life
1666.74 -> of Their Own
1670.7 -> the fixed speed of light means that the
1673.1 -> deeper WE peer into space the further
1674.9 -> back in time we are looking and the
1677.059 -> distances corresponding to just 200
1679.52 -> million years after the beginning of
1681.44 -> everything the James Webb Space
1683.179 -> Telescope had seen
1685.539 -> galaxies not only that but these
1688.76 -> galaxies were ordered with much more
1690.38 -> structure than anyone had thought
1692.36 -> possible series of star and Galaxy
1695.059 -> formation had no way to explain it and
1697.94 -> it was this that Kirkpatrick had been so
1700.279 -> concerned about unfortunately soon her
1703.159 -> concerns had been extrapolated to cast
1705.2 -> out on the Big Bang itself with some
1708.2 -> media Outlets claiming that the Next
1709.94 -> Generation telescope had disproved the
1712.58 -> landmark Theory with its very first
1714.62 -> images thankfully those concerns were
1717.38 -> misplaced Kirkpatrick had only been
1719.419 -> concerned about existing theories on
1721.58 -> Galaxy formation not entire Cosmos
1724.46 -> creation the inexplicable structuring of
1727.159 -> early galaxies meant that there was a
1728.779 -> piece missing from our understanding not
1731.24 -> that everything we knew was wrong little
1734.299 -> more than a storm in a cosmic teacup
1738.14 -> and so the Big Bang is safe from that
1740.779 -> quarter for now at least but there's a
1743.96 -> complete explanation of how our modern
1745.58 -> Universe came to be it has been under
1748.039 -> far more severe threat for much longer
1754.22 -> when we look at the large-scale
1755.659 -> structure of the universe as it is today
1757.46 -> there are a number of phenomena that
1759.679 -> don't quite add up
1762.26 -> to begin with the average temperature
1764.419 -> even though Stars Burn at several
1766.58 -> million degrees Celsius and empty space
1768.62 -> Shivers at just a few degrees above
1770.299 -> absolute zero the average temperature
1772.46 -> that we observe in One Direction is
1774.919 -> remarkably similar to any other 2.7
1778.159 -> Kelvin everywhere in the universe all 93
1782.24 -> billion light years in diameter of it
1785.419 -> how if the universe has been gradually
1787.76 -> expanding for nearly 14 billion years
1790.279 -> then how can two points further than 14
1792.919 -> billion light years apart have averaged
1795.2 -> out without breaking the speed of light
1797.96 -> the fact that we see such thermal
1799.7 -> homogeneity now implies that there was
1802.159 -> thermal homogeneity back in the
1803.899 -> universe's earliest moments a fact that
1806.539 -> seems wildly improbable given the nature
1808.94 -> of quantum fluctuations in the
1810.679 -> compactified early Cosmos
1813.86 -> this is known as the homogeneity problem
1817.039 -> or the Horizon problem
1819.919 -> but there is more Einstein's general
1822.62 -> theory of relativity describes how
1824.659 -> massive objects create Curves in
1826.58 -> space-time which then governs the
1828.5 -> movement and evolution of matter within
1830.48 -> that space-time Stars galaxies and black
1833.299 -> holes leave pinches and pock marks in
1835.52 -> the local scale structure of space-time
1837.5 -> but when we zoom out to a larger scale
1840.02 -> these imperfections even out to leave a
1842.6 -> smoother structure which like the
1844.76 -> average temperature of the cosmos seems
1847.159 -> to vary very little
1849.5 -> the Universe on the largest scales seems
1854 -> flat if the overall density of matter in
1856.94 -> the universe is sufficiently great
1858.559 -> space-time will be what's known as
1860.899 -> positively curved bending back on itself
1863.48 -> like the surface of a sphere this means
1865.94 -> that eventually the gravity exerted by
1868.399 -> all the matter in the universe will be
1870.08 -> enough to slow down and eventually
1872.179 -> reverse the trend of expansion
1873.919 -> collapsing the universe back in on
1876.02 -> itself in a so-called big crunch in
1880.34 -> contrast if the overall density is much
1882.32 -> lower it results in a negative curvature
1885.26 -> of space-time bending out in an open
1887.539 -> fashion like the surface of a saddle
1889.88 -> with this geometry gravity never
1892.22 -> overcomes expansion and the cosmos
1894.559 -> continues to grow for eternity which of
1898.039 -> these overall geometries holds true has
1900.559 -> big implications for the future
1902.059 -> evolution of our universe and so it has
1904.399 -> been the preoccupation of astronomers to
1906.62 -> try to measure the overall curvature of
1908.899 -> the cosmos we can see and
1911.559 -> counter-intuitively it appears to be
1914.48 -> completely
1915.86 -> flat
1920.86 -> just like the Horizon problem the
1923.24 -> likelihood of this being the case is
1924.919 -> incredibly small tantamount to tossing a
1927.679 -> coin and having it land perfectly on its
1929.96 -> Edge for obvious reasons this has become
1932.539 -> known as the flatness problem
1935.24 -> and there is one additional problem that
1937.7 -> blights our theories of the cosmos in
1939.74 -> the first trillionth of a second there
1942.26 -> seem to be no magnetic monopoles at all
1946.159 -> all through the universe electrical
1948.559 -> charges exist in positive and negative
1950.899 -> pairs canceling one another out to
1953.48 -> result in a stable neutrally charged
1955.88 -> hole in a similar way magnets are found
1958.52 -> with both North and South Poles with
1960.62 -> magnetic field lines flowing between
1962.299 -> them to produce a stable and balanced
1964.34 -> hole however while it is possible for
1966.74 -> both positive and negative charges to be
1968.84 -> found alone like in isolated protons or
1971.48 -> electrons respectively no such isolated
1974.059 -> poles exist for magnets no matter where
1977.96 -> we look in the cosmos we have yet to
1980.36 -> find a lone monopole without its
1983.36 -> opposite pairing
1987.38 -> and so it was on a December night in
1989.74 -> 1979 while puzzling over the mystery of
1992.659 -> the missing monopoles that theoretical
1994.94 -> physicist Alan Guth struck on a
1998.179 -> remarkable solution
2000.64 -> one that not only addressed his own
2002.799 -> problem but also tackled The Horizon and
2005.5 -> flatness problems as well instead of
2008.019 -> expanding gradually over billions of
2009.88 -> years to the vastness we see today goose
2012.7 -> found a mechanism by which the universe
2014.86 -> could have suddenly and almost
2016.799 -> instantaneously inflated to many many
2020.08 -> times its original size before slowing
2022.84 -> down and continuing in a more linear
2025 -> expansion
2026.38 -> this inflationary period the goose
2028.899 -> proposed would see the universe double
2031.12 -> in size around 90 times in less than a
2034.779 -> trillionth of a second resulting in an
2036.94 -> exponential expansion that would
2038.559 -> fundamentally change the face of the
2040.419 -> cosmos
2041.62 -> because when exponential expansion is at
2044.019 -> play things get very large
2046.899 -> very quickly
2049.54 -> consider folding a gigantic piece of
2051.879 -> paper in half time and time again
2056.619 -> starts out one tenth of a millimeter in
2058.96 -> thickness then the first fold will
2060.94 -> double that to two tenths and the next
2063.399 -> brings it to just under half a
2064.899 -> millimeter a third fold doubles it again
2067.24 -> and now it is about the thickness of a
2069.099 -> fingernail so far so unremarkable but by
2071.98 -> the time you reach Seven Falls the
2074.5 -> single sheet has now reached the
2076.54 -> thickness of an entire notebook tenfolds
2079.54 -> and it will be as thick as your hand is
2081.82 -> wide and the world record for actually
2084.339 -> doing this experiment sits at just 12
2087.28 -> folds when in 2002 an American
2089.859 -> schoolgirl folded a piece of tissue
2091.96 -> paper more than 1.2 kilometers in length
2094.359 -> into a bundle over half a meter thick
2097.18 -> but if it were possible to make and
2099.82 -> handle an even bigger sheet further
2102.58 -> folds would increase the thickness
2104.14 -> astronomically
2106.24 -> 23 folds will make the paper around one
2108.94 -> kilometer thick and thirty folds will be
2111.52 -> enough to get you to space Rising 100
2113.8 -> kilometers from the surface of the Earth
2115.98 -> 42 folds will get you to the moon and 51
2119.14 -> will make it to the Sun 81 folds will
2122.26 -> make the paper as wide as the Andromeda
2124.599 -> galaxy at around 141
2127.18 -> 000 light years across
2129.339 -> and 90 folds equivalent to the 90
2132.339 -> doublings the goose proposed for the
2134.32 -> inflationary period will transform that
2136.96 -> single colossal piece of paper to a
2139.54 -> folded pile bigger than the entire Virgo
2141.88 -> supercluster 130 million light years
2145.72 -> across
2148.3 -> this incredible inflation is what Alan
2151 -> Goose proposed for the entire universe
2153.339 -> in less than a trillionth of a second
2155.56 -> after the confusing turbulence of the
2157.66 -> Planck error and the grand unification
2159.52 -> error the hot hyperdense Cosmos blew up
2162.579 -> to more than an octillion times its
2164.98 -> original size it was this if anything
2167.56 -> that put the bang in the Big Bang the
2170.8 -> universe which one moment had seemed so
2172.78 -> hot energetic and full is now left vast
2176.52 -> vacuous and cold
2179.79 -> [Music]
2181.48 -> though it seems drastic it is indeed An
2184.06 -> Elegant solution for the three problems
2185.859 -> vexing The Big Bang Theory because this
2188.2 -> inflation allows us to entertain the
2190.24 -> possibility that the immense Universe we
2192.4 -> see isn't actually all there is it is
2195.46 -> merely a bubble of observable universe
2197.92 -> whose size is defined by the speed of
2200.02 -> light the amount of time that has passed
2202.06 -> and the expansion that has taken place
2203.74 -> since the beginning of time
2206.2 -> thanks to inflation and subsequent
2208.42 -> expansion our observable bubble is some
2210.64 -> 93 billion light years in diameter but
2213.52 -> it is still merely a fraction of the
2215.98 -> universe as a whole and it is in this
2219.22 -> unseeable extent that the answers to our
2222.46 -> problems can be found
2225.16 -> The Horizon problem of thermal
2226.78 -> homogeneity is only a problem if the
2228.64 -> homogeneity we see applies to the entire
2231.22 -> universe but inflation allows the
2234.579 -> compactor the universe to contain
2236.26 -> extreme thermal variations which are
2238.839 -> then flung far apart from one another
2240.579 -> during exponential expansion our local
2244.06 -> patch of observable universe merely
2246.16 -> represents one small part of the whole
2248.2 -> which was in thermal equilibrium with
2250.9 -> itself before inflation happened and may
2254.079 -> be wildly different from other parts
2256.42 -> that we cannot see similarly the
2259.24 -> flatness problem of space-time curvature
2261.339 -> is only a puzzling coincidence if the
2263.68 -> flatness we see applies to the entire
2266.14 -> universe but if we are only seeing a
2268.599 -> tiny fraction of the hole then it is
2270.64 -> impossible to say whether it does or not
2273.88 -> it could be a matter of perspective from
2277.359 -> the seashore an ocean Horizon appears
2279.64 -> flat but it is only when we fly far
2282.339 -> above the surface perceiving more of the
2284.74 -> earth that we see it is in fact curved
2287.619 -> in reality The Wider Cosmos may be
2290.74 -> positively curved negatively curved or a
2293.92 -> twisted combination of both but we are
2296.92 -> unable to see past our own Cosmic Shore
2301.26 -> and finally the absence of magnetic
2304 -> monopoles is only a problem if we assume
2306.46 -> they are missing from the universe as a
2309.099 -> whole but if they existed in the early
2310.96 -> Universe in the quantity predicted by
2313.06 -> our current models then exponential
2315.46 -> inflation would have seen them spread
2317.56 -> apart from one another until they were
2319.359 -> distributed to roughly one per
2321.64 -> observable universe and when we are
2324.4 -> looking for a singular monopole within a
2326.5 -> sphere 93 billion light years across
2328.72 -> it's Little Wonder we haven't found it
2331.359 -> yet
2332.32 -> foreign
2335.76 -> is now securely part of our
2338.079 -> understanding of the earliest moments of
2339.82 -> the universe and cosmologists have spent
2342.099 -> the 40 years since Alan Guth revelation
2344.14 -> of figuring out the mechanism by which a
2346.48 -> universe can so suddenly and so
2348.339 -> drastically blow up the timing of this
2352 -> dramatic phase coincides with the energy
2354.099 -> drop and cooling that saw the end of the
2356.38 -> grand unification of fundamental forces
2358.54 -> and the emergence of the strong nuclear
2360.76 -> force it is theorized by some scientists
2363.52 -> that the decay of the ex boson messenger
2366.099 -> particles that carried the electro
2367.78 -> strong force created a strong inflation
2370.599 -> field carried by a new messenger called
2373.839 -> the inflaton this overwhelming new
2376.96 -> inflation energy drove Universal
2379.72 -> exponential expansion which saw Quantum
2382.18 -> scale irregularities almost instantly
2384.7 -> scaled up to large-scale structure
2387.119 -> transient Quantum fluctuations becoming
2390.099 -> huge regions of over density and energy
2392.26 -> that would provide the seeds for
2394.06 -> Galactic clusters and superclusters in
2396.64 -> the modern universe
2400.5 -> all of this expansion inevitably cooled
2403.54 -> and emptied the cosmos leading to a 100
2406.66 -> 000 fold drop in average energy levels
2408.96 -> scientists are as yet unsure of why
2411.579 -> exactly inflation stopped but when it
2413.74 -> did the inflaton field and particle
2416.32 -> decade away pouring much of that energy
2418.78 -> back into the universe in a phase known
2422.26 -> as reheating and it's this that allows
2425.38 -> for the decisive creation of matter
2428.619 -> and now in a larger and roomier Cosmos
2431.74 -> the laws of nature are approaching
2433.9 -> something that we can finally understand
2435.96 -> and model this is called the electro
2439.839 -> weak Epoch and it lasts until about a
2442.78 -> trillionth of a second after the big
2444.76 -> bang There are corks and leptons Mata
2447.4 -> and antimatter all ruled by gravity the
2450.46 -> strong nuclear force and the chimeric
2452.92 -> electro weak Force but temperatures and
2455.32 -> energies are still far too high for the
2457.72 -> strong force to have any real effect on
2459.64 -> the supercharged particles in this
2461.94 -> post-inflationary Maelstrom similarly
2464.68 -> the electro weak Force has little hold
2466.96 -> on the matter energy interactions and
2469.54 -> while gravity may have pervaded the
2471.339 -> universe since its beginning there is
2473.44 -> one major component still missing which
2476.2 -> renders it all but powerless
2478.72 -> until these newly formed particles are
2481.839 -> granted Mass they remain unruly and
2485.92 -> ungoverned it will take another energy
2489.22 -> drop and another cosmological
2491.26 -> transformation before we reach a
2493.78 -> universe we begin to recognize as our
2497.26 -> own
2506.2 -> symmetry is everywhere anywhere we look
2510.16 -> in nature we find balance regularity and
2513.339 -> geometric Harmony but in our own bodies
2515.8 -> or the bodies of all animals Great and
2518.32 -> Small we are bilaterally symmetric
2520.78 -> mirrored down the center and perceive
2523.119 -> the greatest beauty in those whose
2524.92 -> symmetry is the most perfect many
2527.32 -> creatures share our bilateral symmetry
2529.359 -> too from the greatest whale to the
2531.64 -> lowliest worm and if not mirrored
2533.98 -> twofold other animals like starfish and
2536.38 -> sea urchins favor five spokes of radial
2539.44 -> symmetry scientists have found that
2541.78 -> Evolution has a clear preference for
2543.76 -> these balanced symmetric forms not least
2546.579 -> because they can be constructed from
2548.079 -> much more simplistic instructions than
2550.119 -> other more complex and non-repeating
2552.52 -> geometries and it is mathematical
2554.98 -> algorithmic Simplicity that underlies
2557.56 -> the symmetries found throughout the
2559.54 -> natural non-living World in science
2562.54 -> symmetry has a much wider meaning than
2564.64 -> its day-to-day use it indicates that
2567.16 -> something is the same something that
2569.5 -> does not change whatever happens from
2572.5 -> the laws of physics to the conservation
2574.3 -> of energy and momentum the universe is
2577 -> inherently symmetrical positive charges
2579.7 -> are balanced with negative ones some
2581.68 -> particles spin clockwise others spin
2584.02 -> counterclockwise and if you measure the
2586.359 -> strength of gravity on Alpha Centauri
2588.52 -> you will get the same result as in our
2590.8 -> own solar system and yet the universe is
2594.4 -> not perfectly symmetrical just like the
2596.98 -> human body when examined more closely as
2599.319 -> the heart shifted to one side there are
2601.78 -> also flaws in the perfect balance of the
2604.78 -> cosmos there are some particles that
2607.18 -> never spin clockwise and others that
2609.46 -> never spin counterclockwise there is an
2611.68 -> imbalance in the amount of matter and
2613.599 -> antimatter there are things that
2615.099 -> electric Fields can do that magnetic
2617.14 -> fields cannot despite the two being
2619.24 -> notionally equivalent and many of these
2622.3 -> imbalances are key to the functioning of
2625.72 -> reality
2627.099 -> but it did not start this way
2631.599 -> indeed for the first trillionth of a
2633.579 -> second or so cosmologists believe that
2635.74 -> everything was perfectly symmetric there
2638.92 -> was balance
2640.9 -> but that all changed with the final
2643 -> separation of the forces and the
2644.98 -> emergence of something that would come
2646.3 -> to influence much of existence
2649.06 -> Mass
2650.5 -> just as dropping temperatures Herald
2652.66 -> phased changes in water from Vapor to
2655.3 -> liquid to solid ice fundamentally
2658.06 -> changing its properties at each
2659.74 -> transition and reducing its symmetry so
2662.56 -> the dropping temperatures in the young
2664.359 -> Cosmos brought about phase changes in
2667.599 -> the energy and matter that filled it as
2671.26 -> the four fundamental forces finally
2673.66 -> fully split and crystallized as separate
2676.599 -> entities a new era dawned the Quark
2680.92 -> error defined for the first time by the
2684.579 -> interactions of matter
2690.4 -> the biggest single object yet discovered
2693.099 -> in our universe is probably the
2695.56 -> hypergiant star uy scooty
2699.46 -> with a diameter some 1700 times larger
2702.339 -> than our sun if it sat at the center of
2704.5 -> our solar system its Outer Edge would
2706.72 -> sit just beyond the orbit of Jupiter and
2709.839 -> yet it like all stars is composed almost
2712.42 -> entirely of some of the smallest things
2715.119 -> to be found in the universe individual
2717.94 -> atoms of the lightweight elements
2719.859 -> hydrogen and helium hydrogen is the
2722.74 -> smallest of the atoms which themselves
2724.599 -> were once considered the smallest thing
2727.119 -> possible their very name derives from
2729.46 -> the Greek word for unsplittable but we
2731.92 -> now know thanks to Revolutions in atomic
2734.26 -> theory throughout the early 20th century
2736.24 -> that atoms are eminent splitable a fact
2740.14 -> which is given rise to some of the most
2742.24 -> devastating weapons in human history
2745.42 -> hydrogen and helium for all their
2747.579 -> Simplicity are composite particles of
2750.16 -> protons neutrons and electrons which can
2753.7 -> be isolated and manipulated with
2756.04 -> relative ease but even these are not the
2759.4 -> smallest fundamental particles there are
2761.619 -> protons and neutrons are themselves
2764.079 -> Composites of even smaller units called
2766.72 -> quarks whose various properties
2768.88 -> alongside those of electrons ultimately
2771.4 -> govern the characteristics and behavior
2773.8 -> of everything including
2776.94 -> uy scooty
2781.78 -> the search for the fundamental particles
2783.88 -> of matter has been a guiding quest for
2785.8 -> physicists for some 200 years
2787.98 -> experiments to crack open smaller and
2790.24 -> smaller particles to reveal what lies
2792.46 -> inside require vast amounts of energy
2795.04 -> which can only be obtained by
2796.839 -> accelerating those particles to blinding
2799.119 -> speeds and then smashing them into one
2801.4 -> another in particle colliders examining
2804.16 -> the wreckage of such collisions we can
2806.079 -> piece together a full picture of the
2808.48 -> building blocks of our universe this
2810.819 -> picture which has come to be known as
2812.44 -> the standard model of particle physics
2814.66 -> is theoretically all we need to explain
2817.18 -> why everything looks the way it does in
2819.76 -> the cosmos today normal matter as we
2822.76 -> have seen is composed of protons and
2825.099 -> neutrons which are collectively known as
2827.8 -> hadrons but they are themselves composed
2830.859 -> of a combination of quarks each with
2833.5 -> distinct characteristics such as mass
2835.599 -> charge spin as well as another property
2838.96 -> called color an arbitrary name which has
2841.78 -> no relation to color but helps to
2843.88 -> explain how they bind together in groups
2846.64 -> a positively charged proton is made from
2849.22 -> two up quarks and one down Quark while
2851.92 -> an uncharged Neutron is two downs and an
2854.98 -> up but there are other flavors of Quark
2857.14 -> out there with esoteric names like
2859.3 -> strange charm top and bottom which
2863.02 -> combine to form more exotic composite
2865.119 -> hadron particles which are scarcely ever
2867.46 -> seen outside of physics experiments
2872.98 -> and so despite smashing hadrons together
2875.74 -> in these experiments with ever
2877.359 -> increasing Force physicists have found
2880.06 -> no hint that quarks are made of anything
2882.46 -> smaller they truly seem to be the bottom
2885.52 -> of the rabbit hole meanwhile the
2887.92 -> electrons that orbit Atomic nuclei
2889.96 -> appear similarly indivisible they are a
2893.02 -> kind of particle known as a lepton and
2895.66 -> while all normal matter makes do with
2897.579 -> the negatively charged electron there
2899.74 -> are exotic varieties to be found inside
2901.78 -> alkylos muons Tau lepitons and several
2905.14 -> varieties of neutrino can all be found
2907.42 -> in the wreckage of particle collision
2910.26 -> and so our standard model consists of 12
2913.92 -> fundamental unsplittable particles of
2916.9 -> matter six types of quark and six types
2920.44 -> of lepiton in addition to antimatter
2922.3 -> counterparts of each of these and the
2924.4 -> messenger particles of the fundamental
2926.619 -> forces photons for the electromagnetic
2929.44 -> force gluons for the strong nuclear
2931.96 -> force and w and z bosons for the weak
2935.38 -> nuclear force if a virtual particle
2938.319 -> exists to communicate gravity through
2940.42 -> space-time then it still evades
2942.819 -> detection so for now only four Gage
2946.119 -> bosons joined the particles of matter to
2948.64 -> describe everything within the universe
2950.98 -> today
2951.92 -> [Music]
2954.16 -> at least almost everything
2958.28 -> [Music]
2959.619 -> there is one crucial missing piece to
2962.859 -> our model so far
2964.839 -> and that is Mass
2968.22 -> every element in the universe from
2971.02 -> hydrogen to plutonium has its own
2973.26 -> characteristic Mass corresponding mainly
2976.18 -> to the number of protons and neutrons
2978.22 -> within its nucleus so it follows that
2981.819 -> the majority of an atom's mass comes
2983.98 -> from those protons and to neutrons but
2987.099 -> when we peer down smaller and smaller to
2990.04 -> find the ultimate source of that mass
2991.92 -> that is not what we see for it turns out
2995.98 -> that a proton weighs in at considerably
2998.68 -> more than the sum of its parts the
3001.44 -> fundamental particles at the heart of a
3003.359 -> proton are the three quarks but the
3006.3 -> masses of these amount to just nine
3008.64 -> percent of the protons overall Mass the
3012.18 -> rest comes from energy stored up inside
3014.16 -> that nucleus from the intrinsic
3016.319 -> relationship between energy and mass
3018.24 -> that Einstein identified with his famed
3021 -> E equals MC squared equation and from
3024 -> the bizarre Quantum interactions of
3025.68 -> gluons the mediators of the strong
3027.72 -> nuclear Force so when we reconsider the
3031.14 -> masses of every piece of normal matter
3032.88 -> in the universe more than 90 percent of
3035.52 -> it doesn't actually come from the stuff
3037.8 -> of matter at all but from the latent
3040.619 -> energy and empty space within but quarks
3044.46 -> do still have mass something separate
3046.8 -> something different to this energy and
3049.2 -> the reason for this was a mystery for a
3051.66 -> long time photons and gluons get by just
3054.42 -> fine without mass at all electrons and
3056.7 -> neutrinos have even less than the
3058.559 -> smallest Quark while the W boson carrier
3061.319 -> of the weak Force weighs in at some
3063.359 -> forty thousand times heavier than an up
3066.359 -> Quark heavier even than an entire iron
3069.78 -> atom so what causes this incredible
3072.599 -> disparity in Mass
3074.46 -> why to particles have mass at all
3082.26 -> this was the question that plagued
3084.24 -> British theoretical physicist Peter
3086.22 -> Higgs in the 1960s while teaching and
3088.68 -> researching at the University of
3090 -> Edinburgh as a solution to the problem
3092.16 -> he suggested that all particles first
3094.68 -> came to existence in the universe
3096.66 -> without any mass at all and that at some
3100.8 -> point within the first Split Second a
3103.68 -> new kind of energy field emerged and
3105.839 -> permeated all of space-time giving the
3108.66 -> various particles the property of mass
3112.46 -> this Higgs field as it became known
3115.319 -> would be communicated by its own
3117 -> quantized messenger particle the Higgs
3119.579 -> boson which would sit alongside the
3121.74 -> other 16 particles of the standard model
3123.78 -> and play a major role in describing the
3126.18 -> behaviors and interactions of matter in
3128.22 -> the universe and yet even though Higgs
3131.46 -> theory was sound it would take nearly 50
3134.28 -> years to finally find The elusive Higgs
3138.059 -> boson in the meantime in order to
3140.7 -> bolster support for this expensive and
3142.74 -> seemingly esoteric search the UK
3145.319 -> Minister for science promised in 1993 to
3148.559 -> buy a bottle of champagne for the best
3150.599 -> analogy to explain the actions and
3152.64 -> importance of the Higgs field to the
3154.92 -> general public despite various
3157.2 -> suggestions featuring pools of syrup
3159.24 -> prisms and electric Fields it was
3161.88 -> physicist David Miller from University
3164.22 -> College London who ultimately claimed
3166.68 -> the prize with the description that
3169.2 -> focused on a busy cocktail party
3173.05 -> [Music]
3175.579 -> at this party he said everyone is
3178.619 -> happily chatting among themselves and a
3180.96 -> normal person is able to move through
3182.94 -> the room with relative ease but when a
3186.119 -> more popular figure enters the room they
3188.4 -> attract attention from the party goers
3190.26 -> everyone wants to talk to them and their
3192.599 -> progress through the room is slowed in
3195.54 -> this way the room full of partygoers
3197.64 -> represents the Higgs field and the
3199.74 -> popular figure is a particle that has
3201.839 -> been imbued with mass for those too far
3204.54 -> away to see the influential person a
3207.18 -> rumor passes around the room as people
3208.98 -> come together to discuss their arrival
3210.98 -> this physical Rippling through the crowd
3214.02 -> can be thought of as the messenger Higgs
3217.26 -> boson
3219.24 -> while the analogy isn't perfect it has
3221.64 -> stood the test of time and time was what
3224.339 -> was needed in what ultimately proved to
3226.38 -> be a frustrating search for something
3228.18 -> akin to a needle in a haystack two of
3231.78 -> the most powerful particle accelerators
3233.579 -> the tevatron had Fermi lab in America
3235.74 -> had the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in
3238.38 -> Europe smashed particles and searched
3240.72 -> wreckage for years the problem was
3243.48 -> although Peter Higgs had theorized the
3245.88 -> field and boson existed his theories
3248.52 -> said nothing about what energies would
3250.619 -> be needed to manifest them all the
3252.54 -> properties of the particles once they
3254.28 -> were found so like searching for a
3256.68 -> needle in a haystack when you had no
3258.839 -> idea what a needle even looked like
3262.5 -> eventually though in 2012 experiments at
3265.619 -> the Large Hadron Collider achieved this
3268.02 -> seemingly impossible feat scientists
3270.66 -> confirmed they had in fact found the
3273.059 -> Higgs boson and in doing so proved the
3275.76 -> existence and action of the Higgs field
3278.3 -> once and for all the particle had earned
3282.119 -> its place in the standard model and the
3284.4 -> field its role in the evolution of the
3287.16 -> early universe
3289.319 -> a trillionth of a second after the big
3291.3 -> bang the electro weak Force splits
3293.7 -> catastrophically in two ending the
3295.859 -> perfect symmetry of the universe as the
3297.9 -> W and B bosons that carried Decay into
3301.02 -> the photons of the electromagnetic force
3303.359 -> and the w and z bosons of the weak
3306.24 -> nuclear force but this is only the
3309.24 -> beginning of the Symmetry breaking the
3311.579 -> emergence of the Higgs field around this
3313.68 -> time imbues the real and virtual
3316.079 -> particles that were created
3317.579 -> spontaneously during inflation and
3319.859 -> Electro weak splitting with mass the wnz
3323.4 -> bosons become heavyweights the quarks
3325.8 -> and leptons get their masses according
3327.66 -> to their flavor and type or the photon
3330.42 -> and gluon continue as massless and
3333 -> unbounded by the Higgs as they did
3335.099 -> before
3336.96 -> as the Quark error becomes fully
3339.18 -> realized by a billionth of a second
3340.92 -> after the big bang the universe is
3343.859 -> finally filled with all of the
3345.839 -> ingredients the characteristic particles
3348.059 -> and the characteristic forces needed to
3351 -> make stars planets and us
3354.18 -> Quark glue on plasma that permeates the
3357 -> inflated Cosmos is the primordial soup
3359.579 -> from which all structures in the
3361.559 -> universe will be made
3370.079 -> our universe is full of incredible
3372.54 -> variety and diversity there are stars
3375.66 -> that burn hot and fast exploding
3378 -> catastrophically after scarcely a
3380.16 -> million years and others that Sizzle
3382.619 -> away slowly unchanging for trillions of
3385.92 -> years there are multitudes of planets
3388.5 -> Giant Gas worlds scorched and Barren
3391.26 -> Rocky worlds and occasionally green
3393.599 -> watery life-ready worlds and on those
3397.26 -> worlds that do host life like Earth
3400.02 -> there is every kind of life form you can
3402.42 -> imagine from Tiny bacteria who breathe
3404.819 -> sulfur or methane to self-aware and
3407.339 -> cognizant Apes that build structures and
3409.98 -> telescopes
3411.24 -> in the potentially infinite extent of
3413.76 -> the cosmos There is almost infinite
3415.98 -> scope for variety but there are also
3418.74 -> certain facets of reality that are
3421.02 -> immutable and constant regardless of
3424.02 -> where you are in the cosmos or How You
3427.02 -> observe them
3430.44 -> these so-called constants of nature have
3433.44 -> been revealed one by one as scientists
3436.02 -> expand our understanding of how the
3438.48 -> universe behaves time and time again we
3441.42 -> stumble across seemingly magical numbers
3444.2 -> unrelated to any other physical law or
3447.54 -> phenomenon like the speed of light
3449.46 -> through a vacuum often considered the
3451.619 -> absolute speed limit for anything
3453.119 -> traveling through the universe it is
3456.5 -> 2.99792 times 10 to the 8 meters per
3459.72 -> second or the universal constant of
3462.359 -> gravitation which describes how strongly
3464.76 -> two objects will be attracted to one
3466.44 -> another due to gravity it is
3470 -> 6.67384 times 10 to the minus 11 meters
3473.4 -> per second squared per kilogram and the
3476.52 -> list goes on there are precise and
3478.26 -> definable constraints relating the
3480 -> energy of particles to their temperature
3481.619 -> for the strength of magnetic fields
3483.54 -> produced by electric currents and for
3485.52 -> the strength of an electric field that
3487.26 -> forms in response to electric charges
3489.359 -> less obvious seriously but still
3491.579 -> importantly the masses of the
3493.559 -> fundamental particles are also set at
3495.839 -> constant but seemingly arbitrary amounts
3498.54 -> affect that even the Higgs mechanism is
3501.18 -> unable to account for and so why should
3504.059 -> these natural relationships have these
3506.22 -> precise values
3510.18 -> it is a problem that vexed even the
3512.579 -> great physicist Richard Feynman when he
3515.099 -> considered what is known as the fine
3517.44 -> structure constant that essentially
3519.72 -> describes the strength of
3520.859 -> electromagnetic forces between particles
3523.26 -> defining the chances that an electron
3526.02 -> will absorb a photon its value is a
3528.42 -> little over 137 but there is no link
3531.24 -> between it and any other physical law no
3534.42 -> reason for it not to be 12 or 135 or
3538.4 -> 3015 the fact that it is 137 rather than
3543 -> any other number is crucially important
3544.92 -> for the overall state of the universe if
3547.38 -> it were much larger or smaller then it
3549.72 -> would seriously affect the stability of
3551.819 -> protons throughout the cosmos meaning
3553.859 -> that matter would have a hard time
3555.54 -> staying together and the same goes for
3557.7 -> most of the other natural constants if
3560.46 -> gravitation were weaker than it is the
3562.619 -> universe would be filled with just an
3564.24 -> ever-thinning soup of hydrogen gas if it
3567.119 -> was stronger then all matter would be
3568.92 -> drawn into black holes or violent
3570.839 -> short-lived Stars leaving no room for
3573.48 -> planets and Life to form the many
3575.94 -> constants of nature may seem arbitrary
3578.099 -> but they are also finely tuned to allow
3580.619 -> for the varied and diverse Universe we
3583.319 -> find ourselves Within
3585.32 -> [Music]
3586.799 -> but why we still don't know
3591 -> is it just a lucky coincidence or the
3593.64 -> Hallmark of a creator with their hands
3595.44 -> on the dials or as many scientists
3598.079 -> suppose is it that our universe is
3600 -> merely one of a multitude all created
3602.579 -> with different starting conditions and
3604.68 -> different values for those fundamental
3606.54 -> constants the vast majority having
3609 -> resulted in failed Barren universes and
3612.059 -> only those in which the values are just
3613.92 -> right able to culture cosmological
3616.26 -> variety longevity and consequently
3620.099 -> us
3621.78 -> whatever the reason this fine tuning is
3625.26 -> already hugely important in the opening
3628.14 -> seconds of existence
3632.48 -> by the time a billionth of a second has
3634.92 -> passed since the Big Bang the universe
3636.9 -> has been filled with an astonishing
3638.579 -> abundance of quarks leptons and virtual
3641.099 -> particles but temperatures and energies
3643.38 -> were still too high for any of these
3645.359 -> fundamental particles to interact
3647.16 -> meaningfully with one another
3648.74 -> temperatures drop and by a millionth of
3651.24 -> a second after the big bang the universe
3653.28 -> is a mere one trillion degrees Celsius
3655.4 -> gluons and quarks finally slow down
3658.26 -> their frantic vibration allowing them to
3660.66 -> interact with one another for the very
3662.52 -> first time as we have seen protons and
3665.4 -> neutrons are composite particles each
3667.74 -> made from three quarks but the component
3670.2 -> parts of a proton two up Corks And A
3672.66 -> Down Quark are not natural bedfellows
3675.24 -> the op quarks both have positive charge
3677.46 -> and like charges repel the closer the
3680.579 -> like charges get the more strongly they
3682.68 -> reject one another so it takes the
3684.42 -> assembled might of the strongest force
3686.4 -> of all the strong nuclear force mediated
3688.92 -> by gluons to hold them together into a
3691.859 -> stable hadron particle but it turns out
3695.16 -> the internal anatomy of a proton is even
3697.98 -> stranger than we might imagine not only
3700.619 -> is the majority of the mass made up of
3702.66 -> energy and Quantum Dynamics but the
3705.059 -> composition of the matter isn't as
3706.799 -> constant as we might imagine
3708.9 -> sometimes one of the typical quarks
3711.119 -> inside a proton can spontaneously
3713.339 -> shapeshift into a charm quark and its
3715.92 -> antimatter counterpart the
3717.54 -> transformation is extremely short-lived
3719.4 -> however and the charm corks quickly
3721.319 -> recombine but it means that protons are
3724.079 -> ultimately a constantly changing blur of
3726.96 -> the normal quarks known as valence
3728.94 -> quarks as well as gluons and charm
3731.64 -> quarks since both the gluons and the
3734.16 -> transient charms can be considered
3735.839 -> virtual particles that means that the
3738.359 -> vast majority of a proton as much as 99
3741.119 -> percent is actually made up of particles
3744.119 -> that don't really exist
3747.839 -> the internal workings of protons and
3749.76 -> neutrons may be truly bizarre but in the
3752.099 -> first millionth of a second of the
3753.54 -> universe they are becoming an Ever more
3755.28 -> prominent part of the universe's makeup
3757.68 -> however thanks to the effect of the weak
3760.02 -> force in this hot dense plasma newly
3762.54 -> formed protons can easily change
3764.52 -> identity to become neutrons and vice
3766.859 -> versa it's only as the temperature drops
3769.079 -> even further as the universe is
3771.059 -> approaching one second old that this
3773.579 -> particular Quirk of the weak Force
3775.26 -> becomes ineffective and the protons and
3777.48 -> neutrons eventually slow their switching
3780.119 -> during this so-called freeze out the
3783.599 -> hadron's choose an identity once and for
3786.48 -> all
3787.52 -> foreign
3789.299 -> and it is when this happens that the
3791.76 -> seemingly arbitrary fine-tuned constants
3793.859 -> of nature in this case the masses of the
3796.2 -> up and down quarks have their first real
3798.96 -> opportunity to shape the future of our
3801.78 -> Cosmos
3804.48 -> because down quarks are heavier than
3806.52 -> their up cousins and neutrons contain
3809.04 -> two downs the mass of a neutron is very
3811.68 -> slightly greater than the two upper
3813.78 -> containing proton so was the final
3815.94 -> identity switches take place in an
3817.98 -> ever-cooling Cosmos the downhill energy
3820.559 -> slope from heavy Neutron to lighter
3822.599 -> proton is favored over the
3824.339 -> energy-intensive hall in the opposite
3826.319 -> direction it is this very slight Mass
3829.079 -> difference that ultimately results in an
3831.42 -> imbalance in the number of protons to
3833.339 -> neutrons in the universe from that point
3835.619 -> on with roughly seven protons to every
3838.559 -> Neutron and this it transpires has been
3842.099 -> an important ratio for the formation of
3844.559 -> the universe as we know it
3846.9 -> protons are the basis for hydrogen and
3849.119 -> helium the fuel for stars and the
3851.099 -> building blocks for all other heavier
3852.9 -> elements in the universe the abundance
3855.299 -> of these charged particles over the
3857.099 -> uncharged neutrons is what allows for
3859.38 -> Elemental interactions leading to
3861.24 -> chemistry and biology if things had
3863.88 -> started out differently if the downcore
3866.04 -> had been allocated a slightly lower Mass
3868.02 -> during the fine-tuning of our reality
3870 -> than the universe we see today would be
3873 -> very different if neutrons weighed less
3875.46 -> than protons then it would have been
3876.9 -> those that were favored during freeze
3878.7 -> out with more uncharged neutrons than
3881.04 -> protons there is a limit to what
3882.839 -> chemistry could reasonably be
3884.28 -> accomplished hydrogen consisting of only
3886.44 -> a proton with no neutrons in attendance
3888.9 -> wouldn't be stable for long periods of
3891.059 -> time some of the heavier protons could
3893.339 -> have been saved by binding to neutrons
3895.38 -> before decaying away creating atoms of
3897.839 -> helium but helium is often considered
3899.819 -> the most inert of all the elements it is
3902.28 -> inherently stable but unwilling to react
3904.5 -> between this and the overabundance of
3906.9 -> generally unreactive neutrons it would
3909.18 -> be hard to imagine how nuclear fusion
3911.64 -> could work we would be left with a cold
3914.7 -> Dark Universe with no stars no galaxies
3918.299 -> no planets and certainly now us
3924.119 -> foreign
3924.85 -> [Music]
3926.839 -> we can therefore be thankful for the
3929.76 -> universe's inexplicable leaning towards
3932.16 -> protons over neutrons but this isn't the
3935.819 -> only imbalance that becomes baked into
3937.92 -> the cosmos around this point in its
3940.26 -> Evolution there is also a mysterious but
3944.16 -> fortuitous lack of antimatter
3953.099 -> one day in the future as WE peer into
3955.799 -> the sky we may be looking in the right
3958.26 -> corner at the right time to see an alien
3961.2 -> civilization
3962.88 -> destroy itself
3965.88 -> scarcely more dramatic than the subtle
3967.92 -> brightening of one of the faintest stars
3969.78 -> in the black but representing an
3971.88 -> energetic explosion from a weapon
3974.099 -> powerful enough to level an entire world
3977.94 -> history tells us that disagreement and
3980.099 -> Discord is a common theme among Earth
3982.38 -> civilizations and there's no reason to
3984.359 -> believe this wouldn't be the case
3985.68 -> elsewhere in the galaxy and so on a
3989.16 -> warring alien world as on Earth efforts
3991.799 -> to Prevail over the enemy lead to an
3994.319 -> arms race from sharpened points to
3996.66 -> explosive projectiles Nano Machinery to
3999.24 -> atomic bombs the struggle for the most
4001.7 -> destructive Weaponry goes on
4004.339 -> these Advanced extraterrestrials are
4006.799 -> still not satisfied and soon turn their
4008.96 -> attention to an even more powerful
4010.819 -> source of latent energy with greater
4013.16 -> technological prowess than Humanity they
4015.319 -> have learned to produce and isolate
4017.18 -> particles of antimatter holding them in
4019.88 -> a vacuum suspended by electromagnetic
4022.16 -> forces until it is time for them to be
4025.22 -> deployed but they do not need vast
4027.619 -> quantities of fuel or any sort of
4029.66 -> trigger for the moment that antimatter
4031.819 -> comes into contact with the normal
4033.5 -> matter that prevails on their home world
4035.539 -> the particles will annihilate together
4038.02 -> destroying themselves and releasing vast
4040.819 -> amounts of energy just one gram of
4043.7 -> antimatter releases as much energy as a
4046.4 -> traditional nuclear weapon with some 90
4048.799 -> kilograms of fuel and as the arms race
4051.799 -> goes on the stockpiles grow whether it
4055.099 -> is used in Anger confusion or simply by
4057.5 -> accident the detonation of this
4059.299 -> antimatter Weaponry occurs Knight turns
4063.2 -> to day in
4065.02 -> scorching winds raise entire cities
4067.579 -> destroying both warring factions and all
4070.16 -> other life on the planet the entire
4072.559 -> world is transformed for centuries
4075.68 -> to come
4077.539 -> such is the devastating possibility of
4080.299 -> antimatter coming into contact with
4082.7 -> matter
4083.96 -> and yet we are surrounded by it every
4086.599 -> day
4090.68 -> it was the English physicist Paul De Rak
4092.9 -> who in 1928 first predicted the
4095.24 -> existence of antimatter
4097.1 -> working to integrate Einstein's theory
4099.08 -> of special relativity with the
4100.64 -> relatively new science of quantum
4102.199 -> mechanics he realized his equations
4104.179 -> applied not only to negatively charged
4106.46 -> electrons but also to positively charged
4109.4 -> equivalence thereby predicting a
4111.679 -> particle that was entirely new to
4113.54 -> science an anti-electron or positron
4117.679 -> four years later an independent American
4120.08 -> physicist Carl Anderson actually
4122.6 -> detected this elusive particle in a
4125.12 -> rudimentary instrument called a cloud
4126.98 -> chamber with the existence of antimatter
4129.14 -> now proven physicists turned their
4131.239 -> attention to other antimatter particles
4133.819 -> in the 1950s the bevatron accelerator in
4136.699 -> California succeeded in detecting the
4138.739 -> first anti-proton and the first
4140.48 -> anti-neutron and in 1995 scientists
4143.96 -> finally assembled an anti-hydrogen atom
4148.1 -> now we recognize antimatter in a wide
4150.739 -> variety of settings from supernovae and
4153.319 -> black hole Jets to the radioactive decay
4155.719 -> of potassium in a banana producing a
4158.12 -> positron roughly every 75 minutes
4161.239 -> so antimatter may not be confined to
4163.58 -> futuristic sci-fi settings but it is
4166.52 -> still hugely outweighed by normal matter
4169.4 -> in the universe
4174.64 -> based on the notable absence of
4176.9 -> annihilation signatures physicists
4179.179 -> believe that there can be no more than
4181.04 -> one antimatter particle for every
4183.199 -> quadrillion matter particles within the
4185.6 -> Milky Way and this is just as well
4187.94 -> because if there were equal quantities
4189.739 -> of both then Annihilation would have
4192.199 -> resulted in the ultimate destruction of
4194.48 -> all particles leaving nothing with which
4197.06 -> to build stars and planets
4199.28 -> but the question of how this lucky
4201.26 -> imbalance came about is one that still
4203.9 -> troubles physicists could it be another
4206.42 -> Quirk of fine-tuning
4208.88 -> in the beginning antimatter would have
4211.04 -> been formed in tandem with Mata with
4213.14 -> pairs of particles forming from
4214.699 -> spontaneous energy transformations
4216.32 -> within the universe's first billionth of
4218.54 -> a second but in such a dense environment
4220.88 -> they wouldn't have lasted long before
4222.86 -> encountering their opposite annihilating
4225.32 -> together and transforming back into
4227.6 -> energy this process of spontaneous
4230.3 -> creation and destruction continues until
4232.4 -> the temperature of the universe drops
4234.38 -> and no new Quark anti-cork or lepton
4237.62 -> anti-lepton pairs are made but gluons
4240.679 -> are not Discerning on what kinds of
4242.3 -> matter they assemble and as protons and
4244.58 -> neutrons are being made for the first
4246.32 -> time they are accompanied by an equal
4248.36 -> number of antiprotons and anti-neutrons
4251.48 -> everything should be in balance at this
4255.199 -> point there should be no difference in
4256.699 -> the quantity of matter and antimatter
4258.5 -> and since the two kinds of particles
4260.239 -> behave identically and are only
4262.04 -> destroyed in pairs as well they should
4264.739 -> continue to be equal amounts of each
4268.34 -> but this isn't what we see
4270.8 -> at some point between a millionth of a
4273.14 -> second and two minutes into the
4274.52 -> universe's timeline the balance of
4276.739 -> antimatter and matter changes until only
4279.92 -> one antimatter particle in a billion
4282.86 -> remains and to this day physicists still
4286.52 -> aren't certain why
4290.84 -> it could be partly as a result of the
4293 -> broken symmetry that came about with the
4294.62 -> emergence of the weak Force experiments
4297.02 -> by Chen Chang Wu in the 1950s showed
4299.6 -> that quarks and anti-quarks are in fact
4302.06 -> treated slightly differently by the laws
4304.46 -> of nature the difference is very small
4306.739 -> but it is significant enough for us to
4309.02 -> see even so scientists don't think it is
4311.96 -> enough to explain the overwhelming
4313.88 -> Triumph of matter over antimatter in the
4316.88 -> early Universe instead they entertain
4319.159 -> the possibility that another as yet
4321.5 -> undetected and potentially extinct
4323.78 -> particle has a role to play the idea
4326.9 -> comes from another kind of asymmetry
4329 -> that has been found within the standard
4330.86 -> model every particle and anti-particle
4333.56 -> we have found exists in both
4335.3 -> right-handed and left-handed forms
4337.94 -> representing a kind of symmetry in
4340.04 -> handedness that physicists call parity
4343.1 -> but there is an exception where parity
4345.5 -> symmetry appears to be broken
4347.26 -> experimental physicists have only been
4349.52 -> able to find left handed neutrinos
4352.58 -> whereas all the anti-neutrinos are
4355.159 -> right-handed and so where are the
4357.679 -> right-handed neutrinos and left-handed
4359.84 -> anti-neutrinos
4361.78 -> scientists speculate that they may have
4364.1 -> existed early on within the universe's
4366.56 -> first millionth of a second but were
4368.659 -> unstable and decayed away if they
4371.179 -> decayed preferentially into matter
4372.86 -> rather than antimatter then this could
4375.38 -> have laid the foundation for mata's
4377.48 -> ultimate Triumph
4379.4 -> the theory is a tantalizing one but
4381.8 -> unfortunately there is not much that can
4383.54 -> be done to prove it until we know more
4385.64 -> about these mysterious missing neutrinos
4388.52 -> and it won't be until the universe is
4391.219 -> one second old the neutrinos will have
4394.04 -> anything to tell us at all
4406.64 -> when we peer into the deepest reaches of
4409.159 -> the night sky we are greeted with
4411.14 -> wonders in almost every wavelength there
4415.04 -> are delicately curled galaxies colorful
4417.5 -> nebulae and piercing Points of Light
4419.54 -> known as quasars far distant
4422.12 -> supermassive black holes swallowing
4424.34 -> matter and light at the centers of
4425.9 -> galaxies
4426.98 -> but these quasars also illuminate
4429.26 -> another curious feature that permeates
4431.42 -> deep space known as the Lyman Alpha
4435.56 -> Forest
4437.3 -> the constant speed of light through the
4439.34 -> expanding vacuum of space means that the
4441.679 -> more distant an object is the older it
4444.08 -> is as well so when we see quasars at
4446.6 -> Great distances we are seeing them as
4448.88 -> they appeared billions of years ago and
4451.219 -> the light they emit is redshifted
4453.26 -> stretched into the red parts of the
4455 -> electromagnetic spectrum compared to how
4457.34 -> they would normally appear
4459.26 -> but when we examine the spectral
4461.06 -> signatures of such distant and ancient
4463.159 -> quasars there is more to see than just
4465.8 -> the red-shifted light they give off at
4468.739 -> shorter wavelengths there are also sharp
4470.96 -> dips in the light we see and sometimes
4473.3 -> so many that they cluster thickly like a
4476.3 -> dense Thicket of Tall Pine trees on an
4478.88 -> Alpine mountain side this is the Lyman
4482.179 -> Alpha forest and it's created not by
4485.12 -> trees but by low density clouds of
4487.88 -> hydrogen gas lurking in Intergalactic
4491.239 -> space because when light passes through
4494.239 -> a cloud of hydrogen some of it is
4496.28 -> absorbed leading to a dip in the
4498.14 -> spectrum that we eventually intercept
4499.94 -> here on Earth and this is what is
4503.06 -> happening with the light from distant
4504.92 -> ancient quasars with every dip in the
4507.56 -> Spectrum corresponding to an otherwise
4509.9 -> invisible hydrogen cloud
4514.06 -> visualizing these tenuous structures is
4516.56 -> remarkable enough in itself but there is
4518.719 -> more we can tell from the structure of
4521 -> this spectral Forest
4523.159 -> astronomers have noticed that the
4524.84 -> absorption dips cluster most thickly at
4527.54 -> high red shifts which correspond to
4529.64 -> Great age giving us an insight into the
4532.1 -> chemistry and composition of the
4534.14 -> earliest Universe compared to today
4536.54 -> early space was full of these low
4539.54 -> density hydrogen clouds such that it
4542.42 -> became impossible for the quasar's light
4544.46 -> to avoid them and it was that hydrogen
4547.219 -> that became the nursery for stars and
4550.28 -> galaxies and was itself seeded in the
4553.58 -> first moments of the universe's
4555.38 -> existence
4557.06 -> by the time a single second has passed
4559.76 -> in the history of the universe a great
4561.86 -> deal has happened it is now a mere 10
4564.739 -> billion degrees Celsius it is filled
4567.199 -> with the victors of Ruthless particulate
4569.42 -> battles along with the energetic Photon
4571.88 -> shrapnel of countless mutually
4573.98 -> destructive encounters through quirks in
4576.5 -> the properties of the remaining
4577.699 -> particles the balance between protons
4579.8 -> and neutrons is set as the era of
4582.679 -> spontaneous particle births and swaps is
4585.56 -> finally brought to a close those
4588.08 -> particles that possess mass today are
4590.3 -> already endowed with it thanks to the
4592.1 -> Higgs field and the four forces that
4594.26 -> rule our lives today the strong nuclear
4596.659 -> force electromagnetism the weak nuclear
4599.42 -> force and gravity are now in full and
4602.179 -> comprehensible operation
4604.1 -> so far the workings of the one second
4606.739 -> old Universe has Lane primarily within
4609.56 -> the realm of theoretical physics with
4612.26 -> our most powerful instruments still
4614.12 -> struggling to generate the kinds of
4615.86 -> energies that prevailed within those
4617.6 -> first moments but we are now entering an
4620.6 -> era of the universe that can be studied
4622.76 -> more meaningfully by experimental
4625.34 -> physicists and even astronomers we are
4630.32 -> finally reaching a part of our
4631.94 -> cosmological history that we can hope to
4634.82 -> observe
4636.14 -> even
4637.46 -> map
4642.86 -> in the icy wastes of Antarctica for a
4645.8 -> couple of weeks a year the sun does not
4648.62 -> set
4650.179 -> and this is where the work started
4654.14 -> spraying hot water directly downwards
4656.36 -> into the ice in January 2005 scientists
4659.84 -> working on The Cutting Edge Ice Cube
4661.94 -> neutrino Observatory began the arduous
4664.4 -> 58-hour long process of creating the
4667.34 -> first 2.5 kilometer hole needed the
4670.76 -> first of 80. now the Ice Cube arrays
4674.54 -> various holes occupy a square kilometer
4677.12 -> of Antarctic ice but this immense size
4680 -> and improbable location aren't the only
4682.28 -> surprising features of this next
4683.96 -> Generation telescope for instead of
4686.36 -> pointing up into the night sky it stares
4689.719 -> down into and through the bowels of the
4692.96 -> earth it has no lenses mirrors or radio
4696.02 -> dishes but instead is made up of over 4
4699.14 -> 000 modules dangled on over 80 strings
4702.199 -> deep in holes in the ice hanging like
4705.679 -> pearls in the cold dark Antarctic depths
4710.12 -> as counterproductive as this may sound
4712.1 -> it is in fact the ideal kind of
4714.5 -> construction for observing one of the
4716.179 -> most elusive particles in the entire
4718.28 -> universe and the Ice Cube neutrino
4720.679 -> Observatory is joined by similar
4722.659 -> projects at the bottom of gold mines
4724.34 -> deep beneath the world's largest lake
4726.86 -> and in the hearts of Japanese mountains
4729.62 -> all dedicated to the search for the
4733.1 -> mysterious
4734.42 -> neutrino
4739.1 -> as a particle the neutrino was first
4741.5 -> proposed in the 1930s when particle
4743.9 -> physicists were balancing the equations
4745.64 -> of nuclear Decay observing how a neutron
4748.58 -> would sometimes spontaneously Decay into
4750.739 -> a proton and an electron Wolfgang Pally
4753.32 -> noticed that a tiny amount of energy was
4755.6 -> missing which he hypothesized was
4757.58 -> another kind of particle to small
4759.5 -> lightweight and ghostly for us to have
4761.239 -> any hope of detecting it indeed with the
4763.58 -> frequency of this kind of nuclear Decay
4765.56 -> 100 trillion of these ghostly particles
4768.26 -> must be streaming through our bodies
4769.88 -> every second without us having any
4772.04 -> notion of their passage but scientists
4775.04 -> do not accept defeat that easily and in
4777.44 -> 1951 a pair of American physicists Clyde
4780.679 -> Cohen and Frederick Reigns began to
4782.78 -> search for this ghostly particle and in
4784.94 -> what became known as project Poltergeist
4786.92 -> they turned to powerful nuclear fission
4789.56 -> reactions to provide the vast quantities
4792.02 -> of energy needed to detect neutrinos
4795.199 -> Cohen and Reigns first proposed
4797.179 -> detonating a 20 kiloton nuclear payload
4799.88 -> and installing an immense detector just
4802.159 -> 50 meters away from the blast this
4804.739 -> detector nicknamed El monstro was
4807.38 -> designed to pick up a flash of light
4808.82 -> after a neutrino collision and if it had
4811.34 -> been built would have been almost a
4813.32 -> thousand times larger than any previous
4815.3 -> detector in the end however this
4817.58 -> experiment proved too challenging and
4819.56 -> the scientists turned to the somewhat
4821.3 -> more controlled energy release to be
4823.1 -> found in nuclear reactors and so in 1956
4827 -> Cohen and Reigns experiment succeeded
4829.88 -> finally achieving the seemingly
4832.1 -> impossible detecting the ghost particle
4834.8 -> that had been haunting physics for more
4836.78 -> than 20 years
4840.92 -> these days the detection and study of
4843.14 -> neutrinos has advanced greatly and
4845.48 -> scientists are now able to produce and
4847.46 -> study them in powerful particle
4849.26 -> accelerators although there is still a
4851.719 -> place for monstrous detectors like the
4853.58 -> one in Lake Baikal for neutrinos can be
4857.12 -> used to answer not only questions about
4859.1 -> our universe today but also its very
4863.06 -> first moments
4866.42 -> neutrinos are produced in such quantity
4868.94 -> by such a variety of electromagnetic
4871.159 -> sources that scientists are trying to
4873.5 -> use them to study some of the most
4875.3 -> extreme events in the modern universe
4881.14 -> 168 000 years ago a star within the
4884.9 -> large magellanic cloud
4886.94 -> when supernova
4888.86 -> the explosion sent Atomic shrapnel
4891.14 -> reeling across Intergalactic space at
4893.48 -> nearly the speed of light this shrapnel
4895.82 -> including the countless neutrinos that
4898.1 -> were emitted in the blast struck the
4899.9 -> Earth in 1987 and scientists in Japan
4902.78 -> considered themselves extremely
4904.94 -> fortunate to be able to detect 11 of
4908.239 -> these neutrinos
4909.8 -> as insubstantial as this may seem the
4912.44 -> fact that astronomers could see the
4914.12 -> Supernova through this neutrino lens
4915.92 -> help to usher in a new era of
4918.679 -> multi-messenger astronomy gravitational
4921.32 -> waves telescopes tuned to a variety of
4924.199 -> electromagnetic frequencies and
4926.54 -> neutrinos could all be deployed together
4929 -> to study and understand the most extreme
4931.88 -> and mysterious events in the universe
4934.64 -> but not only that neutrinos give us the
4937.4 -> opportunity to probe objects that are
4939.32 -> too opaque for light to penetrate since
4942.14 -> their extreme unwillingness to interact
4944.3 -> with any matter at all sees them stream
4947 -> through everything from nebuli to stars
4950 -> and even entire planets and this is
4952.94 -> because they only interact with two of
4955.64 -> the fundamental forces the weak force
4958.159 -> and gravity this remarkable penetrative
4960.98 -> ability making them powerful Tools in
4963.86 -> probing some of the earliest moments of
4967.1 -> the universe
4973.219 -> after the decisive formation of matter
4975.44 -> around one second after the big bang the
4978.08 -> sheer density of hot energetic particles
4980.179 -> and photons rendered the early Universe
4982.46 -> completely opaque for hundreds of
4984.98 -> thousands of years our telescopes which
4987.679 -> rely on the passage of photons through
4989.48 -> empty space cannot probe this opaque
4992.3 -> plasma and so to see further back in
4994.76 -> time scientists need a different
4996.86 -> approach and that's where the neutrino
4999.86 -> comes in less than a second after the
5002.5 -> big bang neutrinos and anti-neutrinos
5005.14 -> were just another part of the hot Cosmic
5008.199 -> soup they collided and Scattered
5010.42 -> interacting with other matter because
5012.52 -> everything in the still dense Universe
5014.679 -> was so energetic but around the one
5017.02 -> second Mark temperatures in the universe
5019.3 -> dropped to 10 billion degrees Celsius
5021.58 -> and the particles correspondingly slowed
5025.12 -> eventually they were moving slowly
5026.98 -> enough for neutrinos to escape and find
5029.26 -> a way through the snarl of other
5030.76 -> particles they no longer collided with
5033.64 -> matter or light and could therefore
5036.1 -> Break Free to leave an imprint of their
5038.56 -> passage on the universe and so if we
5042.159 -> could find that imprint known to
5044.08 -> scientists as the cosmic neutrino
5046.3 -> background it would represent an image
5048.58 -> of the universe at just one second old
5051.34 -> extending our astronomical reach Back In
5054.1 -> Time by some 380
5056.86 -> 000 years but if these Relic neutrinos
5059.679 -> from the first second of the universe
5061.36 -> are out there they are even more elusive
5064 -> than their high energy counterparts
5065.739 -> compared to the 100 billion high energy
5068.56 -> neutrinos per cubic centimeter of space
5071.14 -> there are thought to be just 300 from
5074.8 -> that earliest time to detect them
5076.84 -> directly we would need to build our
5078.82 -> instruments with some billion times the
5081.219 -> current Precision or somehow detect the
5084.28 -> effect they had on the cosmos when they
5087.4 -> broke free for as the first things to
5090.04 -> stream through the otherwise opaque
5091.659 -> Cosmos these tiny particles are expected
5094.96 -> to have left miniature Sonic booms in
5097.6 -> their wake fundamentally altering the
5100.179 -> distribution of matter and energy some
5103.06 -> parts of space would have become
5104.44 -> slightly hotter and some parts slightly
5106.84 -> cooler thanks to this disruption and in
5109.12 -> the intervening 13.8 billion years space
5112.48 -> has expanded magnifying these patches
5115.78 -> into larger scale structure in the
5118.36 -> universe if we could decode some of that
5121.179 -> large-scale structure returned into the
5123.64 -> distribution of galaxies today then we
5126.1 -> may just be able to tune into the Echoes
5129.04 -> of a universe one second old
5132.219 -> and this is not the only modern mystery
5135.159 -> that could have its origins in the one
5137.739 -> second old Cosmos
5147.34 -> this is tan 618.
5151.3 -> at some 18.2 billion light years away
5154.239 -> from us it burns some 140 trillion times
5158.26 -> brighter than the sun making it one of
5160.719 -> the brightest objects in the known
5162.76 -> universe
5164.199 -> sought to be nearly 11 billion years old
5166.84 -> despite its incredible Luminosity it is
5169.659 -> actually one of the cosmos's biggest
5172.6 -> black holes
5174.34 -> understood to be a hypermassive black
5176.56 -> hole at the center of a galaxy whose
5178.719 -> trillions of stars it far outshines tons
5181.659 -> 618 has a mass that is some 66 billion
5184.84 -> times that of our sun and is more than
5187.06 -> 15 000 times more massive than
5189.219 -> Sagittarius A star the black hole at the
5192.04 -> center of the Milky Way in fact this
5194.44 -> single black hole is heavier than all
5196.54 -> the stars in the Milky Way put together
5198.6 -> Mata is falling into it at speeds of
5201.219 -> more than 10 000 kilometers per second
5203.44 -> causing intense heating so that the
5205.9 -> doomed material in its accretion disk
5208.06 -> glows brightly despite the light
5210.159 -> swallowing dark heart at its Center
5216.94 -> turn 618 may be the largest we have
5219.699 -> found but it is by no means the only
5222.04 -> such Titan lurking at the hearts of
5224.38 -> galaxies
5225.719 -> supermassive black holes with masses
5228.4 -> more than a hundred thousand times out
5230.26 -> of our sun are a common feature of large
5232.48 -> galaxies and are thought to be a major
5234.58 -> influence on how those Galaxies have
5236.62 -> formed and evolved over billions of
5238.78 -> years these hot massive Hearts
5241.6 -> themselves are thought to grow by
5243.82 -> swallowing Stellar Mata from the
5245.8 -> galactic Entourage
5247.6 -> but there is something about the timing
5249.58 -> of these supermassives that doesn't
5251.32 -> quite add up when astronomers survey the
5253.9 -> sky they find these gigantic black holes
5256.3 -> dating to just a few million years after
5258.46 -> the big bang despite the fact our models
5260.98 -> do not allow for the birth and death of
5263.08 -> Enough stars to feed such early Giants
5266.56 -> some of the supermassive black holes we
5269.02 -> have found grew to a billion times the
5271.42 -> mass of our sun by less than a billion
5273.639 -> years after Universe formation when
5275.86 -> according to models of star formation
5277.659 -> only around 100
5279.52 -> 000 solar masses should have been
5281.139 -> possible
5286.38 -> [Applause]
5289.719 -> a potential solution to this conundrum
5292.12 -> may be found in a theory that was
5293.62 -> developed many years before we were even
5295.78 -> aware of the oversized early
5297.54 -> supermassifes in 1971 Stephen Hawking
5301.78 -> proposed that there was another way that
5303.88 -> black holes could be formed without any
5306.88 -> precursor stars at all but rather from
5309.58 -> density fluctuations in the very early
5312.219 -> Universe he called them primordial black
5316.42 -> holes
5317.739 -> during the radiation dominated era when
5320.32 -> the universe was still an energetic
5321.94 -> plasma of photons and matter major
5324.179 -> inhomogeneities essentially lumps of
5326.92 -> matter would have resulted from the
5328.719 -> inflation and subsequent reheating of
5330.699 -> quantum irregularities in the nascent
5332.679 -> Universe gravity already inherent to the
5335.739 -> universe would have acted on these
5337.659 -> density contrasts collapsing vast areas
5340.54 -> of gas down on itself all over the early
5343.54 -> Universe however there was only around a
5346 -> one second window after the big bang
5347.679 -> when this could have happened before the
5350.08 -> universe expanded and cooled to such a
5352.12 -> size that gravity was no longer
5353.679 -> effective at pulling together matter
5355.42 -> into these black hole prisons after that
5358.239 -> the Universe would have to wait many
5360.219 -> millions of years before a new black
5362.38 -> hole would form through the death of
5364.48 -> stars but these primordial black holes
5367.36 -> could be the seeds for the otherwise
5369.52 -> unexplainable black holes we are
5371.98 -> detecting today the problem is although
5375.04 -> this Theory seems consistent with our
5377.08 -> understanding of how Mata behaved in the
5379.06 -> early Universe we have very little
5381.04 -> information on what exactly they did so
5383.139 -> and how large they could have grown in
5385.3 -> that one second window mathematically
5387.52 -> the later a primordial black hole forms
5389.739 -> the larger it would be and so estimates
5391.9 -> for their size vary spectacularly
5394 -> ranging from minuscule specs weighing a
5396.639 -> hundred thousandth the mass of a
5397.96 -> paperclip to mammoths a hundred thousand
5400.719 -> times heavier than our sun
5403.54 -> and so how do we find and identify them
5406.659 -> if they do exist
5409.48 -> in the 1970s Stephen Hawking also
5412.3 -> theorized that black holes do more than
5414.94 -> just swallow matter and grow ever larger
5417.76 -> he suggested they could lose some of
5420.46 -> their weight through what became known
5422.44 -> as Hawking radiation this weight loss is
5425.679 -> faster the smaller a black hole is and
5428.02 -> The Runaway acceleration of radiation
5429.82 -> would ultimately lead to the
5431.38 -> obliteration of a black hole in an
5433.239 -> explosion equivalent to 1 million
5435.219 -> Megaton hydrogen bombs any black hole
5438.28 -> that was less than 100 billion kilograms
5440.62 -> in Mass could be expected to Decay away
5442.96 -> within the age of the universe so
5445 -> scientists have begun searching for
5446.86 -> these characteristic explosive death
5448.9 -> throws with instruments like the
5450.88 -> space-based Fermi gamma ray telescope
5454.239 -> other potential methods for searching
5456.04 -> for these elusive primordial seeds
5458.02 -> involve looking for micro lensing and
5460.06 -> magnification of stars and galaxies as
5462.52 -> the black holes pass in front or trying
5464.92 -> to detect the destruction of dense Stars
5467.139 -> caught in the primordials gravitational
5469.179 -> Wells
5470.62 -> but all these Studies have accomplished
5472.42 -> so far is to rule out certain size
5474.88 -> ranges leaving an ever-shrinking
5476.92 -> envelope of possibility for how big
5479.38 -> primordial black holes can be and when
5482.26 -> they formed
5483.94 -> although astronomers have not yet given
5486.1 -> up hope the next generation of high-tech
5488.38 -> telescopes will continue the search with
5490.719 -> better reach and precision than ever
5492.46 -> before the laser interferometer space
5495.04 -> antenna or Lisa will launch next decade
5497.86 -> to continue spanning space for
5499.96 -> gravitational waves some of which may
5503.02 -> come directly from primordial black
5504.82 -> holes that have been roaming the
5506.5 -> universe since they first formed barely
5509.56 -> one second after the beginning of time
5523.78 -> on the 5th of December 2022 in the
5527.02 -> bowels of the national ignition facility
5529.06 -> at Lawrence Livermore National
5530.5 -> Laboratory in California Humanity
5533.28 -> achieved something remarkable
5536.94 -> scientists of the lab focused on 192
5540.219 -> lasers inside a one centimeter long gold
5543.159 -> cylinder containing a single fuel pellet
5545.679 -> to the size of a peppercorn itself
5547.659 -> containing two isotopes of hydrogen
5550.199 -> deuterium and tritium when the laser
5553.36 -> energy struck the walls of the capsule
5555.159 -> it heated them up to around 3 million
5557.32 -> degrees Celsius a temperature hotter
5559.42 -> than the surface of the Sun causing them
5561.639 -> to emit x-rays inside the cylinder these
5564.58 -> powerful x-rays then blasted the surface
5566.739 -> of the pellet and compressed the fuel at
5568.9 -> some 400 kilometers per second the fuel
5572.159 -> imploded reaching a hundred billion
5574.719 -> times atmospheric pressure in less than
5577.06 -> 10 billionths of a second the atoms of
5579.94 -> deuterium and tritium fuse together
5582.239 -> transforming them into helium while also
5585.159 -> giving off a high energy neutrino and
5587.199 -> other energy in total
5589.62 -> 2.05 megajoules of energy into the
5592.6 -> cylinder and 3.15 megajoules were
5596.32 -> produced by the fusion reaction in this
5599.5 -> way for the first time in nearly 70
5601.659 -> years of trying scientists managed to
5604.3 -> initiate a productive nuclear fusion
5607.3 -> reaction the fusion itself was nothing
5610 -> new humans have been making deadly
5611.92 -> Fusion weapons since the 1950s but this
5614.8 -> reaction in 2022 was the first time
5617.08 -> we've created Fusion that was able to
5619.12 -> release more energy than was put in to
5621.94 -> get it started the roughly 50 energy
5624.52 -> gain would have been enough to boil
5626.26 -> around 20 kettles still the Breakthrough
5629.62 -> is a major one for nuclear physics
5632.32 -> and yet this is a process that has been
5635.139 -> going on naturally in the hearts of
5637.36 -> every single star in the universe for
5640.06 -> billions of years not only that but the
5643.3 -> physics of the universe had this Fusion
5645.76 -> figured out within its very first minute
5652.84 -> humans have long been preoccupied with
5655.54 -> the seemingly magical Act of turning one
5657.82 -> thing into another whether it is
5660.04 -> producing a bunch of flowers from thin
5661.96 -> air or alchemically transmuting base
5664.06 -> Metals into valuable gold nothing
5666.58 -> fascinates us more than the idea of
5668.739 -> getting something novel from something
5670.54 -> mundane at the very early Cosmos was
5673.3 -> Rife with such Transformations while the
5675.82 -> unsettled fundamental forces drove
5677.86 -> chaotic identity swaps but such
5680.62 -> Transformations continue all around us
5683.02 -> even in the modern Universe radioactive
5686.199 -> decay mediated by the weak Force sees
5688.719 -> Atomic nuclei fracture and a break
5691 -> transforming elements into their less
5693.219 -> massive cousins on regular and
5695.08 -> predictable time scales this nuclear
5698.02 -> fission occurs in a wide variety of
5699.94 -> elements from carbon 14 used for carbon
5703.06 -> dating to technetium-99 used for medical
5706.12 -> imaging and uranium-235 used as fuel for
5710.26 -> nuclear reactors such Radioactive K
5713.44 -> occurs as a consequence of unstable
5715.42 -> Atomic nuclei and will typically happen
5717.699 -> spontaneously under the most ambient
5719.739 -> conditions but as the other kind of
5722.26 -> nuclear transformation nuclear fusion
5724.659 -> sees Atomic nuclei increase their mass
5727 -> and move up to the periodic table it is
5730.36 -> much harder to achieve
5732.93 -> [Music]
5735.46 -> the identities of all atoms are
5737.5 -> determined by the numbers of protons and
5739.48 -> neutrons within their nuclei hydrogen
5742.06 -> has one proton with different varieties
5744.219 -> of isotopes with different masses
5745.84 -> possessing different numbers of neutrons
5748.12 -> protium has only one proton deuterium
5751 -> has one additional Neutron doubling the
5752.98 -> relative mass of the atom and tritium
5755.08 -> has two neutrons bringing the total
5757.54 -> relative mass to three only when another
5760.36 -> proton is added does the identity of the
5762.52 -> element change two protons make a helium
5765.159 -> nucleus with helium-3 possessing one
5767.44 -> Neutron and the most stable helium-4
5770.08 -> having two neutrons the strong nuclear
5773.739 -> force is the agent responsible for
5775.54 -> binding all of the hadrons together into
5777.639 -> stable Atomic nuclei but with protons
5779.98 -> sharing a light positive charge they are
5782.199 -> pushed apart by another of the four
5784.239 -> fundamental forces the electromagnetic
5786.94 -> long before the gluons can hold them
5789.219 -> together so it takes intense heat and
5791.62 -> physical pressure such as that found at
5793.84 -> the heart of stars or inside in radiated
5796.12 -> golden capsule to push the protons close
5798.699 -> enough for the strong nuclear force to
5800.8 -> overcome its Force kin and for the
5802.719 -> elements to fuse into something new to
5805.12 -> make even heavier elements combining
5806.92 -> many tens of protons together it takes
5809.08 -> even more extreme Cosmic events like
5812.08 -> supernovae or mergings of stars despite
5815.56 -> their struggles to replicate it in the
5817.36 -> lab scientists have a good understanding
5819.28 -> of how nuclear fusion Works inside
5821.26 -> Stellar furnaces to create new elements
5823.659 -> from simple hydrogen and helium they
5826.6 -> have even witnessed and understood the
5828.639 -> very beginnings of that process inside
5831 -> so-called failed Stars
5834.699 -> Brown dwarfs are massive orbs of gas
5837.76 -> larger than the jupiter-like gas giants
5840.46 -> but smaller than an active star inside
5843.58 -> them there simply isn't enough heat and
5845.92 -> pressure for lightweight protium
5847.719 -> hydrogen to fuse into helium the process
5850.48 -> is accomplished by using heavier
5852.219 -> deuterium as an intermediate however
5854.8 -> none of these processes help to explain
5856.54 -> whether larger atoms of deuterium and
5858.88 -> helium came from in the first place
5861.52 -> answer for that we need to look back to
5864.4 -> an age before Stars before Stellar
5867.1 -> Fusion to the universe's very first
5870.159 -> minute
5874 -> when the average temperature of the
5876.1 -> universe dropped to around 10 million
5878.199 -> degrees Celsius about a microsecond
5880.3 -> after the big bang it was finally cool
5882.46 -> enough for quarks to bind into protons
5884.679 -> and neutrons making the building blocks
5887.679 -> for all elements to come but there is a
5890.44 -> hundred million year Gulf of time before
5892.54 -> we see the first stars begin to shine
5894.88 -> powered by the nuclear fusion of atomic
5897.1 -> nuclei at their cores so when and how
5900.58 -> did these nuclei come together it was in
5904.48 -> 1948 that the prodigious American PhD
5907.54 -> student Ralph Alpha working with his
5909.94 -> supervisor George gamoff proposed a
5912.34 -> mechanism that would later become known
5914.199 -> as Big Bang
5915.96 -> nucleosynthesis it was a bold and
5918.94 -> inspired Theory but the Brilliance of
5921.34 -> Alpha's work was somewhat overshadowed
5923.199 -> by gamoth's insistence on including
5925.06 -> another author in their seminal paper
5927.04 -> who had no part in its development in
5929.86 -> his words it seemed unfit to the Greek
5932.26 -> alphabet to have the article signed by
5934 -> Alpha and gamoth only and so the name of
5937.12 -> Dr Hans a beta was inserted in preparing
5939.94 -> the manuscript for print and so the
5942.76 -> alpha beta gamma paper became the
5944.739 -> authority on pre-stellar fusion and to
5947.38 -> this day provides the foundation for
5949.42 -> understanding how the high temperatures
5950.92 -> at the beginning of the universe could
5952.719 -> turn hydrogen into helium via deuterium
5956.199 -> intermediates
5958 -> [Music]
5960.82 -> protium is the lightest variety of
5963.159 -> hydrogen consisting of a single proton
5965.739 -> so as soon as quarks bound into protons
5968.38 -> these hydrogen nuclei existed although
5971.02 -> it's important to note that it will be
5972.58 -> some time before neutrally charged
5974.739 -> hydrogen atoms with both protons and
5977.56 -> electrons will form around 10 seconds
5980.8 -> after the big bang it was cool enough
5982.9 -> for some deuterium nuclei with one
5985.36 -> proton and one Neutron to form but in
5988.6 -> this hot Cosmic soup temperature and
5990.699 -> particle energies were still so high
5992.62 -> that the deuterium nuclei were unstable
5995.32 -> if they were struck by a photon as was
5997.6 -> inevitable under such densities these
5999.88 -> first composite nuclei would break apart
6001.92 -> again this is known to physicists as the
6004.56 -> deuterium bottleneck and until it was
6007.02 -> overcome nucleosynthesis simply couldn't
6009.78 -> progress past the fusing of one proton
6012.179 -> and one Neutron only after another 300
6015.84 -> seconds the temperatures drop
6017.52 -> sufficiently for deuterium to become
6019.62 -> more stable and National elements to
6022.38 -> form first deuterium with its one proton
6025.5 -> and one Neutron is able to fuse with
6027.96 -> individual protons under the intense
6030.179 -> compressive force of the entire universe
6032.699 -> the result is for the first time an
6035.699 -> entirely new stable element helium 3
6040.139 -> from this point the next Cosmic creation
6042.659 -> is the more common variety of helium
6044.84 -> helium-4 composed of two protons and two
6047.94 -> neutrons helium-4 nuclei represent the
6051.179 -> most stable Atomic nuclei in existence
6053.159 -> and are the hardest of all the elements
6054.96 -> to break apart because of this and the
6057.719 -> conditions that prevailed within those
6059.34 -> first few hundred seconds most of the
6061.62 -> free protons in the early Universe
6063.36 -> become swallowed up into helium and go
6065.58 -> no further calculations based on the
6067.8 -> initial balance of protons and neutrons
6069.719 -> and the available energy at this time
6071.52 -> predict that this would result in a
6073.5 -> universe that is around 25 percent
6075.36 -> helium by mass and this is indeed what
6080.04 -> we find even 13.8 billion years after
6083.58 -> this energetic burst of helium creation
6085.8 -> even after the lives and deaths of
6088.38 -> countless Stars the universe is still
6091.26 -> around 23 percent helium
6094.38 -> this observation alone is a striking
6097.5 -> confirmation of Alpha's Theory
6100.56 -> and it is here that we see another
6102.48 -> example of the fortuitous fine-tuning of
6105.3 -> the universe's initial conditions we
6107.76 -> already know that if the proton to
6109.199 -> Neutron ratio had been different than
6111.42 -> much of the universe's ordinary matter
6113.219 -> would have decayed away into uncharged
6115.32 -> and unreactive neutrons and helium but
6118.679 -> similarly even with the proton neutron
6121.139 -> ratio we would dealt if the matter in
6123.6 -> the cosmos had been any more compact at
6126.06 -> the time of big bang nucleosynthesis
6128.34 -> then even more helium would have formed
6131.58 -> the unreactivity of a universe made
6134.1 -> predominantly of helium would have meant
6136.139 -> little to no chemistry would have been
6137.94 -> possible thereafter again leading to The
6140.76 -> Bleak Prospect of a universe with no
6142.92 -> stars no galaxies and no us
6148.32 -> thankfully however this was not the case
6151.199 -> even as so many hadrons settled into
6153.96 -> their stable helium nuclei the universe
6156.54 -> is still full of latent energy which
6159.48 -> could be used for further Fusion
6162.679 -> and now the race is on to see how many
6165.96 -> novel elements can be created before the
6168.42 -> Ambient Energy of the universe drops too
6171.179 -> far eventually after around 1200 seconds
6174.3 -> of furious Cosmic nucleosynthesis
6176.76 -> amounting to little more than 20 minutes
6178.92 -> of universal existence the nuclear
6181.38 -> furnace finally sputters and dies
6184.619 -> it is still blisteringly hot by human
6186.9 -> standards but it is simply too cold for
6189.6 -> any further nuclei to form and so at
6192.179 -> this point only four elements exist
6195.02 -> hydrogen helium lithium and beryllium
6198.84 -> and because of the short-lived stability
6200.82 -> of those beryllium nuclei only the first
6203.34 -> three will survive long enough to see
6205.32 -> the first stars and to become the
6207.42 -> ultimate fuel for creating the other 98
6210.179 -> elements that could be found naturally
6212.04 -> within the modern universe
6214.86 -> at this stage there are 12 hydrogen
6216.84 -> nuclei for every helium nucleus and a
6219.659 -> billion photons for every composite
6221.76 -> matter particle but with these basic
6224.219 -> ingredients the stage is truly set for
6227.46 -> the formation of everything else
6230.1 -> even the deuterium and tritium that
6232.5 -> scientists fuse together in California
6234.42 -> in 2022 was itself first formed in the
6238.98 -> heat of a newborn universe
6241.4 -> 13.8 billion years ago
6254.3 -> life in the universe is a miracle of
6257.94 -> chemistry
6259.199 -> and as far as we know that chemical
6261.54 -> Miracle has only Arisen in one place on
6264.48 -> a nondescript wet rocky planet around an
6267.78 -> average yellow star sitting on the inner
6270.48 -> edge of one of the Milky Ways smaller
6272.76 -> spiral arms but how did living things
6276.36 -> come to Grace the Earth despite a
6280.08 -> healthy fossil record that extends back
6282.239 -> through some 3 billion years of the
6284.4 -> planet's history this moment of
6286.26 -> biological Genesis the spark of Life Is
6290.04 -> Lost to The Mists of time biologists
6292.98 -> agree that living things are composed of
6294.9 -> organic molecules made from carbon
6297.239 -> oxygen and hydrogen added to that they
6300.06 -> have discovered that all living things
6301.5 -> share a common chemical instruction
6303.48 -> manual in the form of DNA and RNA which
6307.199 -> are themselves composed of repeating
6309 -> units called nuclear basis cytosine
6312.239 -> guanine adenine thymine and uracil
6315.48 -> provide a universal language with which
6317.639 -> to encode information on how to grow a
6320.04 -> leaf a flipper or a hair follicle
6323.159 -> but where did these molecules come from
6325.92 -> in the first place
6331.139 -> some imagine that the warm and potent
6333.54 -> chemical environment on the newly formed
6335.82 -> Earth provided the perfect conditions
6337.86 -> for assembling organic molecules and
6340.139 -> nuclear bases from scratch but there is
6343.139 -> an alternative theory that the
6345 -> ingredients for life were not created on
6347.76 -> Earth but Among the Stars in the depths
6351.659 -> of space
6352.98 -> and indeed we are finding compelling
6355.5 -> evidence for the stuff of Life far out
6358.32 -> in the cosmos
6362.88 -> in 1969 American astronomers working out
6366.179 -> of the national radio astronomy
6367.86 -> observatory in Green Bank West Virginia
6369.98 -> detected the characteristic vibration of
6372.9 -> formaldehyde molecules containing carbon
6375.54 -> hydrogen and oxygen deep in interstellar
6379.26 -> space and many other complex molecules
6382.58 -> followed scientists have now identified
6385.739 -> over 250 organic molecules inside
6389.1 -> interstellar clouds and in the shells of
6391.619 -> materials surrounding Stars aldehydes
6394.5 -> alcohols acids and amines all
6397.199 -> fundamental building blocks of the
6399 -> larger molecules of Life lurking out
6401.28 -> there in the lifeless reaches of the
6403.98 -> universe foreign
6407.48 -> clue to the life-bringing potential of
6409.92 -> outer space arrived on Earth as far back
6412.199 -> as 1864.
6415.44 -> just after 8 pm on the 14th of May a
6418.619 -> meteorite fell to Earth in around 20
6420.54 -> pieces landing near the town of orgae in
6423.36 -> southern France the scientists who
6425.4 -> recovered and analyzed the orgy
6427.44 -> meteorite reported a composition very
6429.96 -> similar to Pete sparking intense debate
6432.78 -> over whether this organic matter could
6435.06 -> have biological origin but the lack of
6437.699 -> any identifiable biological structures
6439.679 -> made such a conclusion unlikely though
6442.26 -> when the meteorite was reanalyzed almost
6444.659 -> a hundred years later using more modern
6447.239 -> instruments and techniques chemists were
6449.82 -> amazed to discover nuclear-based
6452.159 -> molecules of adenine and guanine
6454.28 -> identical to those we find in DNA and
6457.92 -> RNA today subsequent studies of other
6460.98 -> organic Rich meteorites that have fallen
6463.199 -> all over the world have found the rest
6465 -> of Earth life's nuclear bases as well as
6467.52 -> several others that aren't found in our
6469.5 -> biological makeup a definitive answer to
6472.199 -> this question has yet to be revealed but
6474.179 -> the observation so far are do at least
6476.52 -> point to one certainty a surprising
6479.639 -> truth about the cosmos without any
6483.06 -> special provocation or encouragement the
6485.639 -> universe itself has the capacity to
6488.52 -> build molecules and perform remarkable
6491.4 -> acts of chemistry
6493.619 -> and this space chemistry at its
6496.679 -> Beginnings right back in the infant
6499.02 -> Universe less than a hundred thousand
6502.139 -> years after the beginning of time
6507.06 -> the Furious Act of Elemental creation
6509.4 -> during Big Bang nucleosynthesis had
6511.739 -> ground to a halt after just 20 minutes
6513.78 -> of universal existence as the cosmos
6516.239 -> expanded and cooled the Ambient Energy
6519.239 -> was no longer high enough to fuel
6521.04 -> nuclear fusion but conditions were still
6524.1 -> extreme the entire Cosmos was still
6526.8 -> denser than the air we breathe and
6528.719 -> temperatures still too high for
6530.52 -> lightweight electrons to slow down
6532.32 -> enough to be captured by the newly
6534.239 -> formed Elemental nuclei there is also
6536.94 -> still more energy than matter in the
6538.92 -> universe which exists as a hot
6541.1 -> disassociated plasma and it will still
6543.6 -> be tens of thousands of years before
6545.58 -> further cooling allows anything to begin
6548.1 -> to change and yet something is happening
6551.34 -> in the chaos
6553.139 -> first created in labs in 1925 helium
6556.86 -> hydride is an unstable ion of helium
6559.5 -> bonded with hydrogen very rarely found
6562.679 -> in nature and in 1978 astrochemist John
6567.659 -> H black at the University of Minnesota
6570.139 -> suggested that it could be found in
6573.3 -> abundance
6574.44 -> in space
6578.96 -> specifically in planetary nebulae which
6582.119 -> form from the energetic explosion of red
6584.46 -> giant Stars late in their lives he
6587.159 -> predicted that a thin layer of ionized
6589.38 -> helium would exist around a cloud of
6591.78 -> neutral hydrogen in this environment the
6594.78 -> helium ions strong need for electrons to
6597.54 -> neutralize their charge could drive them
6599.88 -> to steal one from the only other source
6602.219 -> around the hydrogen the association
6605.04 -> between these two in the superheated
6606.96 -> nebula would ultimately lead to the
6609.179 -> formation of helium hydride ions and yet
6611.94 -> the molecule continued to prove elusive
6615.36 -> a long search ensued with frustratingly
6618.3 -> little success that was until 2019 when
6622.26 -> an Innovative telescope managed to
6624.36 -> achieve the seemingly impossible
6629.179 -> these days most telescopes are either
6631.56 -> based on the ground situated high on
6633.719 -> mountaintops to avoid the worst of light
6635.52 -> pollution weather and Atmospheric
6637.32 -> Distortion or they're launched into
6639.3 -> space to get rid of those problems
6641.04 -> altogether as they orbit the Earth or
6643.199 -> the Sun but the Sofia Observatory did
6646.32 -> something different it consisted of a
6649.38 -> 2.7 meter wide mirrored telescope that
6652.619 -> was pointed out the back door of a
6654.78 -> specially adapted Boeing 747 flying at
6658.739 -> over 43 000 feet at this height the
6662.34 -> instruments connected to the telescope
6664.02 -> could enjoy many of the benefits of a
6665.82 -> Space Telescope since they would be
6667.619 -> lifted above the majority of the water
6669.179 -> in the Earth's atmosphere allowing them
6671.28 -> to probe wavelengths of light that water
6673.26 -> vapor usually absorbs and critically the
6676.679 -> telescope connected to the far infrared
6679.08 -> receiver known fittingly by its acronym
6681.48 -> great which had sufficient resolution to
6684.6 -> finally pick out the faint overlapping
6687.48 -> signature of medium hydride ions in deep
6691.199 -> space
6693.78 -> in the end the detection came from three
6696.3 -> days of observation on a planetary
6698.159 -> nebula designated NGC
6701.239 -> 7027 which sits about 3000 light years
6704.28 -> away from Earth in the direction of the
6706.26 -> cygnus constellation
6708.5 -> in this hot and energetic Interstellar
6711.36 -> environment just as John black predicted
6713.639 -> 40 years earlier helium hydride is able
6716.58 -> to form and leave its signature on the
6719.159 -> nebulous Spectrum detecting this signal
6721.739 -> is a Triumph for nearly 100 Years of
6724.56 -> experimental and theoretical chemistry
6727.08 -> but the implications of its Discovery
6729.54 -> here are even greater for the conditions
6732.78 -> inside this distant nebula are very
6735.179 -> similar to those that prevailed
6736.739 -> throughout the holy Universe within its
6739.619 -> first few tens of thousands of years
6743.86 -> [Music]
6745.86 -> Big Bang nucleosynthesis was very
6748.32 -> efficient at creating Atomic nuclei but
6750.78 -> for hundreds of thousands of years
6751.92 -> afterwards Cosmic energies remained too
6754.679 -> high for hydrogen deuterium and helium
6757.32 -> to combine with electrons to make
6759.06 -> uncharged atoms however when ambient
6761.58 -> temperatures dropped to around 4000
6763.619 -> Kelvin those Wayward nuclei were able to
6766.199 -> combine with each other in a specific
6768.06 -> order governed by what's known as their
6770.4 -> ionization potential and it is because
6772.739 -> of this that helium is today considered
6775.739 -> the most noble of all the noble gases it
6780.239 -> is the most inert and the least likely
6783 -> to react because of the huge amount of
6784.8 -> energy it takes to strip away one of its
6786.9 -> electrons and transform it into an ion
6789.719 -> but in the early Universe when all that
6792.06 -> existed were ions particles with net
6795.179 -> charge this supreme grabbing power means
6798.6 -> that helium was the first element to
6800.76 -> attract electrons and hold on to them
6802.8 -> forming the very first uncharged
6806.76 -> however this stability for helium was
6809.34 -> sadly short-lived it was still too hot
6812.639 -> for lone protons to capture electrons to
6815.159 -> make hydrogen atoms so the protons
6817.8 -> turned to the helium and its balancing
6819.96 -> complement of electrons seeking an
6822.06 -> arrangement where they could share and
6824.159 -> So eventually under the crushing burden
6826.38 -> of these clingy protons helium relented
6829.92 -> forming the very first chemical bonds
6832.56 -> and the first molecule in the universe
6835.4 -> creating very unstable helium hydride
6838.56 -> ions in the process
6841.139 -> despite this instability these
6843.3 -> short-lived molecules pave the way for
6845.28 -> the creation of other molecules and the
6847.679 -> beginnings of space chemistry around 100
6851.34 -> 000 years having passed since the Big
6853.619 -> Bang
6856.8 -> today the field of astrochemistry is
6859.139 -> well developed as the study of what
6861.179 -> molecules we can expect to find in space
6863.46 -> and how they form many atomic structures
6866.159 -> that are found on Earth are also common
6867.84 -> throughout the cosmos including water
6869.82 -> and ammonia but others are much more
6872.639 -> exotic like dihydron monochloride
6875.46 -> cations or hydroperoxyl
6878.52 -> though many are yet to be discovered
6880.679 -> whatever they turn out to be they
6882.84 -> ultimately owe their existence to helium
6885.48 -> hydride ions made and unmade in the
6889.26 -> first 100
6890.4 -> 000 years of the universe
6892.67 -> [Music]
6902.76 -> you may think that you have a good grasp
6905.46 -> of the world that surrounds you
6908.04 -> with specialized organs dedicated to
6910.26 -> sensing light sound the solid Touch of
6912.6 -> matter and the chemical nuances of
6914.76 -> molecules our brains seem well fitted to
6917.88 -> perceive all the possible stimuli the
6920.1 -> universe can provide but this simply
6923.219 -> isn't true there is much much more to
6926.58 -> reality than meets the eye ear or
6929.94 -> fingertip
6931.44 -> take light most of us are able to see
6934.86 -> the world in glorious sharp focused
6937.44 -> Technicolor but visible light is just a
6940.08 -> tiny fraction of a wider electromagnetic
6942.36 -> spectrum whose waves are constantly and
6944.88 -> imperceptibly washing over us every
6946.98 -> moment of Our Lives high energy gamma
6949.739 -> and x-rays are emitted by the food we
6951.659 -> eat the bricks that make up our homes
6953.639 -> and even our own bodies the radiative
6957.119 -> energy from the sun which we may think
6959.219 -> we can perceive contains around 10
6961.44 -> percent ultraviolet light with the
6963.6 -> capacity to penetrate and damage our
6965.699 -> skin and eyes and at energies lower than
6968.76 -> visible light sunlight is composed of
6970.98 -> around 50 infrared radiation some of
6974.52 -> which we experience as heat but even on
6977.88 -> Lower energies infrared Technologies
6980.04 -> like motion sensors and television
6981.9 -> remotes send and receive their signals
6984.42 -> entirely undetected Bluetooth Wi-Fi
6987.48 -> cellular Mobile and GPS all work by
6990.84 -> exchanging information through the air
6992.639 -> via microwave frequencies of radiation
6995.42 -> meanwhile our analog radios and
6998.04 -> televisions use the longest wavelength
7000.139 -> of em radiation radio waves
7004.1 -> if we could see all of them we would be
7007.46 -> blinded all told for all our apparent
7010.1 -> sentience we are unaware of at least 99
7013.34 -> of what is occurring within the universe
7016.4 -> perhaps this is just as well as it is
7018.8 -> hard to imagine how our brains could
7020.659 -> adapt to cope with all the possible
7022.52 -> stimuli the relative calm of a night sky
7025.4 -> would be a blaze of color and a riot of
7027.92 -> sound with sharp points of light and
7030.199 -> song from a multitude of sources
7032.84 -> and behind it all everywhere a faint
7035.84 -> backlit glow the lingering radiation of
7040.04 -> the first light
7041.659 -> in the cosmos
7043.57 -> [Music]
7047.48 -> the first few hundred thousand years of
7049.58 -> the universe's existence it was utterly
7051.8 -> opaque despite being full of light such
7054.98 -> a concept is hard for us to imagine
7056.42 -> today but since a trillionth of a second
7058.52 -> after the big bang the photons that
7060.619 -> carried much of the energy in the
7062.06 -> universe had become trapped in a maze of
7064.34 -> their own making with matter and energy
7066.38 -> occupying opposite sides of the same
7068.54 -> coin the cooling of the newborn Cosmos
7071.239 -> saw Pure Energy transformed into matter
7074.139 -> flooding the universe with subatomic
7076.76 -> particles the density and intense
7079.099 -> vibrational energy of these such that
7081.38 -> photons simply could not penetrate the
7083.659 -> Swarm it wouldn't be until the ultimate
7086.06 -> formation of atoms that anything would
7089.119 -> change
7092.42 -> in the modern Universe it is uncharged
7095.42 -> atoms rather than charged ions that are
7098.06 -> the building blocks for everything
7099.139 -> around us due to their small size it
7102.08 -> takes a staggering number of these atoms
7104.06 -> to build anything there are around seven
7106.34 -> octillion atoms in each human body
7108.619 -> that's a seven followed by 27 zeros
7111.56 -> scale this up to the number of humans
7113.719 -> and all other living things on earth
7115.46 -> factor in the Earth itself and multiply
7118.04 -> by all the planets and stars in the
7119.96 -> cosmos and the number of atoms in the
7122.42 -> entire universe is ungraspable but the
7125.54 -> real key to making an atom lies in the
7128.3 -> capture of electrons first discovered
7131.42 -> towards the end of the 19th century
7132.98 -> these negatively charged leptons are 2
7136.04 -> 000 times lighter than a proton and can
7138.08 -> be thought of as a singular point with
7140.119 -> no shape or internal structure and such
7142.699 -> minute scales quantum physics governs
7145.4 -> their behavior and Quantum uncertainty
7147.5 -> dictates that we cannot know their speed
7149.719 -> and position we would never be able to
7152 -> pinpoint to single electron instead they
7154.699 -> can be thought of as simultaneously
7156.56 -> occupying every possible spot that they
7158.9 -> can as far as the laws of physics allow
7164.06 -> once positively charged Atomic nuclei
7166.82 -> have been created during Big Bang
7168.34 -> nucleosynthesis the electromagnetic
7170.78 -> force helps to ensnare negatively
7172.639 -> charged electrons to create a neutrally
7174.92 -> charged atom hydrogen nuclei capture a
7177.92 -> single electron and helium nuclei
7180.139 -> capture two but simple as this may sound
7182.78 -> it is not a quick process the
7185.54 -> electromagnetic force is some 100 times
7188.119 -> weaker than the strong force that holds
7190.52 -> hadrons and nuclei together and so the
7192.92 -> ambient conditions of the universe must
7195.139 -> be that much less energetic if
7197.06 -> electromagnetism hopes talasu The
7199.4 -> Supercharged electrons and bring them
7201.44 -> into the chorale
7203.599 -> in the end it takes 380
7207.139 -> 000 years of cosmic expansion for
7209.36 -> temperatures to drop far enough to
7211.46 -> around 3000 Kelvin for electrons to
7214.58 -> finally Join the Herd and make the first
7217.06 -> stable atoms
7219.86 -> and when they do the entire universe
7222.86 -> transforms
7225.46 -> electromagnetic attractions sucks
7227.36 -> electrons into stable orbits around
7229.4 -> Atomic nuclei where they once roamed
7232.04 -> freely through the universe the
7233.96 -> electrons are now tightly bound to their
7236 -> positively charged counterparts opening
7238.52 -> up empty space for the first time since
7240.92 -> the creation of Mata
7242.599 -> the photons that have been trapped in a
7244.58 -> labyrinths for hundreds of thousands of
7246.26 -> years suddenly find their paths clear
7249.04 -> they can escape traveling in straight
7252.199 -> lines without instantly striking another
7254.179 -> particle they are the first light the
7257.54 -> truly penetrates the universe what was
7260.659 -> one moment opaque now becomes
7262.58 -> transparent what was one moment plasma
7264.92 -> now becomes gas and what was one moment
7267.619 -> shattered now becomes whole for the
7271.04 -> first time in the entire history of the
7273.32 -> universe we finally have a chance of
7276.5 -> seeing what was going on
7278.62 -> [Music]
7286.94 -> is
7288.98 -> very few discoveries in science are made
7291.44 -> by accident
7293.76 -> [Music]
7295.099 -> much less the kinds of discoveries that
7297.26 -> lead to Nobel prizes instead scientific
7300.38 -> progress is typically hard one through
7302.9 -> years of commitment incremental research
7305.36 -> and investment but in 1978 the Nobel
7309.38 -> committee flew in the face of convention
7311.54 -> and awarded that Year's Prize in physics
7314.3 -> to two men whose groundbreaking
7316.52 -> discovery was something of a fluke
7319.699 -> it was in the early 1960s in the small
7322.58 -> town of Holmdel New Jersey that the
7324.86 -> stage was set for the most fortuitous of
7327.02 -> discoveries for it was there that the
7329.54 -> company Bell Labs had constructed a
7332.48 -> 20-foot horn-shaped antenna just a few
7336.26 -> years after the Great Horn was built a
7338.48 -> new satellite system usurped the
7340.28 -> original rendering the instrument
7341.619 -> obsolete but Bell Labs didn't let their
7344.54 -> gigantic hearing aid go to waste instead
7347.119 -> they opened it up to researchers Arno
7349.219 -> penzius and Robert Wilson who planned to
7352.04 -> tune into and analyze the radio signals
7354.8 -> coming from the space between galaxies
7358.52 -> however when they began their
7360.08 -> observations the two astronomers
7362.119 -> struggled to make out the signal above a
7364.34 -> low but persistent radio hiss
7368.139 -> they checked it wasn't coming from
7370.219 -> nearby New York City or from local
7372.5 -> military installations they confirmed it
7374.9 -> wasn't coming from any particular part
7376.52 -> of the Milky Way or outside of it but
7379.159 -> rather it seemed to be coming from the
7381.739 -> entire sky and so for this noise to
7385.34 -> appear so consistent and omnidirectional
7387.86 -> the researchers concluded it must be due
7390.8 -> to some error within the instrument and
7393.92 -> indeed when they inspected the antenna
7396.199 -> they found it to be home to a number of
7399.32 -> roosting pigeons perhaps they're
7402.199 -> droppings what they described as a white
7404.3 -> dielectric material was giving off heat
7406.52 -> that was creating the noise after
7408.8 -> several failed attempts to humanely
7410.9 -> re-home the birds the researchers
7413.119 -> resorted to more drastic measures and
7415.76 -> eventually cleared the Horn of both
7417.44 -> pigeon and droppings and yet the hissing
7421.099 -> still remained penzius and Wilson had
7424.34 -> eliminated all possible sources of error
7426.679 -> in their instrument and so as a last
7429.38 -> resort began to entertain the notion
7431.84 -> that this radio noise could in fact be
7435.26 -> coming from the entire sky
7438.139 -> they reached out to a fellow astronomer
7440.179 -> at Princeton University Robert Dickey
7442.639 -> for advice and it was Dicky who solved
7445.699 -> the mystery in the biggest way possible
7450.38 -> he had been developing a theory of atom
7452.599 -> formation in the early Universe
7454.46 -> believing the Big Bang to be cyclical
7456.56 -> all the atoms of a previous Universe
7458.659 -> being ripped apart in a scorching
7460.34 -> Fireball of compression and reassembled
7462.679 -> when the universe expanded and cooled
7465.02 -> again this so-called recombination would
7468.08 -> turn the cosmos transparent and allow
7470.48 -> light to be released for the very first
7472.28 -> time in this universe's chronology his
7474.98 -> theories predicted that such light
7476.659 -> originally in the visible part of the
7478.639 -> spectrum as a yellow orange glow could
7481.04 -> still be detected at Great distances
7483.32 -> within the universe subsequent expansion
7486.38 -> of the cosmos would stretch that early
7488.36 -> space time until the glow became
7490.4 -> red-shifted beyond the perception of our
7492.5 -> eyes and into microwave wavelengths
7497.179 -> Dickey had planned to search for it
7499.219 -> himself but penzius and Wilson had
7501.619 -> unwittingly beaten him to it and so a
7505.04 -> decade later it was the two Bell lab
7507.32 -> researchers who were awarded the Nobel
7509.54 -> Prize for the discovery of the so-called
7512.179 -> Cosmic microwave background and not
7516.199 -> Robert Dickey
7519.98 -> regardless of who was credited for
7521.9 -> finding or figuring out the cosmic
7523.639 -> microwave background and despite
7525.56 -> Dickey's cyclical Fireball model being
7527.659 -> later ruled out its detection
7529.699 -> represented a major turning point for
7532.04 -> our understanding of the Big Bang the
7534.739 -> discovery of this red-shifted Fireball
7537.38 -> glow now stretched out to be just 2.7
7540.56 -> degrees above absolute zero is
7542.96 -> conclusive evidence that the Universe
7545.48 -> did in fact start out in a hot dense
7549.44 -> state
7550.94 -> even though it dates to a moment some
7553.04 -> 380 000 years after that moment of
7556.219 -> cosmological creation it is Vindication
7559.219 -> for our theories of how things unfolded
7562.159 -> in the intervening period the earliest
7564.98 -> observational evidence we have are the
7567.739 -> hot energetic and compact early Universe
7571.099 -> even containing within it Clues as to
7574.76 -> how the universe will unfold
7578.179 -> because while penzias and Wilson found
7580.52 -> the microwave hum to be remarkably
7582.38 -> consistent across the night sky later
7584.9 -> instruments designed to study the CMB
7587.36 -> discovered very slight variations places
7590.659 -> where it was slightly hotter or cooler
7593 -> by a few hundred thousandths of a degree
7595.58 -> mapping the CMB became a priority for
7598.699 -> projects like the cosmic background
7600.32 -> Explorer the Wilkinson microwave
7602.54 -> anisotropy probe and the Planck
7604.76 -> telescope giving rise to incredibly
7607.04 -> detailed images of energy and density
7609.44 -> variations in the 380 000 year old
7613.099 -> universe
7617.48 -> and it was those density variations that
7620.78 -> provided the seeds for large-scale
7623.06 -> structure today since they contained
7625.52 -> more matter which then attracted more
7627.44 -> matter becoming denser and pulling in
7629.9 -> even more and within 100 million years
7632.78 -> these over densities had grown massive
7635.06 -> enough to trigger the formation of the
7637.28 -> first stars and galaxies these
7639.739 -> variations seem to be largely random as
7642.26 -> would be expected the result of
7644 -> subatomic Quantum fluctuations inflated
7646.46 -> to massive scale through inflation in
7649.04 -> the first fraction of a second after the
7650.84 -> big bang but closer analysis also
7653.719 -> reveals another curious pattern hidden
7656.54 -> within the CMB and one that is also
7660.02 -> mirrored in the large-scale structure of
7662.54 -> the universe today
7665.119 -> prior to the formation of atoms when the
7667.88 -> universe was still filled with opaque
7669.98 -> plasma it was dense enough for sound
7672.619 -> waves to pass through it just as sound
7675.199 -> travels through the air today these
7677.599 -> waves had their origin in conflicting
7679.58 -> forces of attraction and repulsion
7681.5 -> within the roiling energetic soup as
7683.96 -> gravity pulled MATA in towards the
7686.06 -> center of denser patches but photons
7688.159 -> trapped within that collapsing Maze
7690.08 -> rebelled and exerted in outward pressure
7692.42 -> upon being packed too tightly and so
7695.239 -> these photons pushed back out taking
7697.28 -> some of the matter with them spreading
7699.26 -> out in three dimensions creating a
7701.54 -> complex pattern of concentric ripples as
7704.719 -> if from so many raindrops in a pond in a
7708.08 -> sense these compressional waves are
7710.42 -> sound waves and are therefore known to
7712.82 -> cosmologists as baryonic acoustic
7715.699 -> oscillations however this phenomenon did
7718.639 -> not survive past Atomic recombination
7720.98 -> once the universe reached its critical
7723.139 -> temperature of 3000 Kelvin Allah
7725.119 -> allowing electrons to be captured and
7726.86 -> atoms to form the expanding ripples were
7729.56 -> suddenly stopped in their tracks as the
7731.96 -> photons that were carrying the matter
7733.4 -> outwards could now escape unhindered the
7736.04 -> baryonic acoustic oscillations were all
7738.619 -> Frozen in place they could go no further
7742.52 -> and the bunched matter at their
7744.199 -> spherical periphery was left stranded
7746.659 -> just as the photons had left it
7750.26 -> now some 13 and a half billion years
7753.199 -> later the universe has expanded but the
7756.08 -> pattern left behind by these Frozen
7758.119 -> ripples can still be discerned in the
7760.639 -> overall structure of Galactic clusters
7762.86 -> and superclusters cosmologists find the
7765.98 -> baryonic acoustic oscillations in the
7768.199 -> modern universe and now roughly 150
7771.28 -> megaparsecs or nearly 500 million light
7774.92 -> years across and measurements of their
7777.139 -> Dimensions at greater distances and
7779.06 -> times within the observable Cosmos
7781.099 -> provide astronomers with a so-called
7783.32 -> standard ruler with which they can
7785.179 -> measure the expansion of space
7788.3 -> with this information in a universe that
7791.06 -> is finally rendered visible to our
7793.04 -> instruments we can model how things have
7795.619 -> unfolded and predict how things will
7798.44 -> unfold in the future
7800.719 -> the imprint of the universe's first
7802.88 -> light may have already stretched and
7805.04 -> dimmed to a shadow of its former self
7807.139 -> but it will be trillions of Years yet
7809.42 -> before it fades completely from our view
7811.82 -> giving cosmologists of the future plenty
7814.82 -> of time yet to decipher its Mysteries
7827.239 -> a bright twinkle of light ignites in the
7830.36 -> Blackness of space
7833.38 -> first one then another then a Cascade of
7837.26 -> pinpoints light up a cluster grows
7840.56 -> swelling in size and gradually
7842.54 -> brightening with the light of even more
7844.52 -> young stars and within a few billion
7846.8 -> years is large enough and massive enough
7849.139 -> to begin to spin its own and give the
7852.26 -> momentum is enough to stretch it out at
7854.06 -> its equator flattening the cluster into
7856.46 -> a disc that whirls at more than 200
7858.739 -> kilometers per second completing a full
7860.96 -> rotation every 250 million years or so
7864.44 -> as this young spiral galaxy Wheels
7867.26 -> Through extra Galactic space it captures
7869.42 -> and absorbs smaller clusters that line
7871.82 -> its path head-on collisions with other
7874.159 -> spinning galaxies result in mergers
7876.38 -> which seed the original spiral with new
7879.139 -> material for a frantic burst of star
7881.84 -> formation
7883.219 -> it is some 10 billion years ago and our
7887 -> Milky Way galaxy is in the prime of its
7890.599 -> life for a few billion years within the
7893.3 -> Rippling spiral arms of the Milky Way
7895.34 -> massive stars ignite burn furiously and
7899 -> die dramatically shedding their spent
7901.219 -> Fusion fuel back into the galactic Cloud
7903.56 -> for recycling this gas is enriched with
7906.5 -> the heavier elements that are formed
7908 -> during Stellar nuclear fusion and
7910.28 -> provide the foundation for an entirely
7912.44 -> new generation of stars and for the
7915.5 -> first time planetary systems late to the
7919.34 -> star-forming party on a fragmented
7921.56 -> spiral arms on 25
7923.78 -> 000 light years from the galactic center
7925.58 -> one such star sputters into existence
7928.58 -> around 4.6 billion years ago and like
7932.719 -> the Galaxy itself mirrored on a smaller
7935.3 -> scale dust and gas swirl around it in a
7938.54 -> flattened disc dust becomes Pebbles
7941.42 -> Pebbles become boulders and eventually
7944.239 -> Boulders become entire Rocky worlds
7947.239 -> these Rocky worlds jostle for a stable
7950.179 -> position around the yellow star and
7952.46 -> after a few catastrophic collisions
7954.38 -> eventually settle into orbits they will
7956.96 -> occupy for the next four and a half
7959.84 -> billion years
7962.179 -> on the third such Rocky World from the
7964.699 -> Sun as the heat from its violent
7966.5 -> formation dissipates water condenses to
7969.44 -> make oceans and atmospheres and plate
7972.139 -> tectonics Begins the slow recycling of
7974.78 -> rock at the planetary surface somewhere
7977.54 -> inside the oceans somehow a spark of
7980.719 -> Life ignites Finds Its feet and adapts
7984.26 -> and evolves filling this unique world
7986.54 -> with an entirely new kind of creation
7989.56 -> chemistry becomes biology as a multitude
7992.659 -> of life forms swarm the sea land and sky
7996.92 -> and then as if from nowhere a sentient
8000.099 -> mind appears to contemplate its place in
8004.9 -> the universe
8006.49 -> [Music]
8013.119 -> despite knowing the broad sequence of
8015.159 -> events that led to the formation of the
8016.9 -> Milky Way galaxy the Sun the Earth life
8019.36 -> and us there are still gaps in the
8022 -> cosmological understanding of our
8023.739 -> creation
8025.239 -> just how did the lumpy soup of atoms
8027.94 -> created a few hundred thousand years
8029.98 -> after the big bang lead to all of this
8033.599 -> several billion years down the line was
8037.06 -> all of it inevitable or could the
8039.46 -> universe have followed a different path
8042.76 -> taking the matter and energy we know
8045.04 -> existed around the time of atomic
8046.84 -> recombination and the formation of the
8048.76 -> cosmic microwave background and
8050.8 -> simulating the subsequent Cosmic
8052.84 -> Evolution we end up with a universe that
8055.78 -> is subtly but significantly different to
8058.719 -> the one in which we find ourselves
8061.48 -> there are fewer galaxies less vigorous
8064.599 -> star formation and delayed planetary
8066.82 -> formation it's possible in these
8068.8 -> simulations that life may be lagging
8071.079 -> behind or even absent altogether there
8075.46 -> is clearly something missing from this
8077.38 -> picture one final puzzle piece that
8079.719 -> quite literally brings everything
8081.84 -> together
8083.639 -> unfortunately that missing piece is a
8086.5 -> phenomenon that cosmologists simply
8089.44 -> can't see
8092.42 -> [Music]
8095.82 -> 380 000 years after the big bang light
8099.34 -> has finally escaped its matter prison
8101.82 -> photons can travel freely through the
8104.32 -> expanding Cosmos but lose energy as it
8106.96 -> grows the universe may no longer be
8109.119 -> opaque but it is dark the fierce energy
8113.139 -> of formation has faded and it will be
8115.719 -> millions of years yet before a new
8117.82 -> process nuclear fusion comes to
8120.76 -> concentrate energy once again these are
8124.179 -> the dark ages of the universe and there
8126.699 -> may be little to see but this doesn't
8128.98 -> mean there is little going on
8131.619 -> indeed it is during this time up to and
8134.619 -> Beyond the first million years of
8136.48 -> cosmological history that scientists
8139.06 -> believe Dark Matter steps up to shape
8143.26 -> the future of the universe
8147.76 -> the existence of Dark Matter was first
8150.4 -> considered in 1933 when Swiss astronomer
8153.639 -> Fritz ziki was studying the coma cluster
8156.34 -> of galaxies some 320 million light years
8159.76 -> away from the earth these galaxies seem
8162.46 -> to be moving too fast for the cluster to
8165.159 -> remain a cluster estimates of the masses
8167.86 -> of each galaxy in the cluster based on
8170.02 -> the luminous stars that could be seen
8171.699 -> encountered gave a number that was some
8173.92 -> 10 times less than what would have been
8175.78 -> needed to keep the group together given
8178 -> how fast the galaxies were moving to
8180.219 -> explain this apparent discrepancy
8181.84 -> between the two methods of determining
8183.699 -> mass zviki proposed that there must
8186.04 -> actually be a lot of unseen Mass lurking
8189.159 -> out there amongst the Stars gas and
8191.86 -> visible matter he called it Dunkel
8194.559 -> materi German for dark matter
8198.82 -> in the late 1970s pioneering astronomer
8202.059 -> Vero Rubin was studying the rotation of
8204.76 -> the Andromeda galaxy the closest spiral
8207.34 -> galaxy to our own when she noticed that
8209.679 -> something didn't add up in the Motions
8211.719 -> of its Stars at the time she and her
8214.719 -> colleagues studied cryptic punch card
8216.76 -> readouts from their instruments but to
8218.979 -> this seasoned astronomer the problem was
8221.92 -> as clear as day galaxies were expected
8224.679 -> to spin fast close into the center while
8227.62 -> Stars at the edges would make a more
8229.42 -> stately progression but the punch cards
8231.7 -> were telling a different story The Stars
8233.92 -> at andromeda's Outer Edge seemed to be
8235.899 -> moving just as fast as those in the
8238.059 -> central bulge with the tips of its
8240.28 -> spiral arms whipping around with
8242.019 -> implausible speed the only explanation
8244.599 -> for such a movement without violating
8246.46 -> the universe's fundamental Laws of
8248.439 -> Motion was that the Stars themselves
8250.599 -> were only a part of the overall mass of
8253.96 -> the Galaxy
8255.399 -> Ruben calculated that the visible matter
8257.92 -> must represent just 15 percent of what
8260.62 -> was really there and that the Andromeda
8262.84 -> galaxy must be cocooned in a much larger
8265.78 -> Halo of invisible dark matter
8270.78 -> subsequent observations revealed that
8273.28 -> most galaxies are surrounded in this way
8275.82 -> including our own indeed current
8278.74 -> estimates suggest that the Milky Way's
8280.719 -> Dark Matter Halo could be up to 15 times
8283.179 -> larger than the visible extent of its
8286.059 -> stars and so astronomers are now
8288.34 -> convinced of dark Matter's significance
8290.5 -> in shaping the modern Universe despite
8293.2 -> our continued inability to detect it
8295.479 -> larger scale studies suggest that dark
8297.939 -> matter outweighs normal matter six to
8300.76 -> one and potentially always has but what
8304.24 -> exactly it is remains a mystery even
8307.12 -> after several decades of concerted study
8309.82 -> one possibility is that the dark matter
8311.92 -> in the universe consists of ordinary
8314.32 -> objects made up of normal baryonic
8316.66 -> matter like quarks and leptons but which
8319.599 -> are hard for us to detect with our
8321.16 -> current Technologies known as massive
8323.74 -> compact Halo objects these are more
8326.38 -> often referred to as machos such objects
8329.92 -> could be black holes of a wide range of
8332.139 -> sizes small but incredibly dense and
8334.42 -> massive neutron stars created when giant
8336.76 -> Stars collapse at the end of their lives
8338.62 -> or an extraordinary number of brown
8341.559 -> dwarfs which contain almost as much mass
8344.439 -> as a star but not quite enough to ignite
8347.34 -> Fusion however as our telescopes and
8350.5 -> instruments improve and we are able to
8352.3 -> probe the depths of Intergalactic space
8354.399 -> in ever more detail the chances of such
8356.859 -> objects in sufficient number continuing
8359.2 -> to escape our notice grow smaller and
8361.66 -> smaller with every passing year because
8364.24 -> of this continued lack of observational
8366.34 -> evidence an alternative possibility is
8368.859 -> currently favored among cosmologists
8371.32 -> that the majority of Dark Matter exists
8374.559 -> as a weakly interacting massive particle
8378.66 -> correspondingly nicknamed wimps
8382.359 -> these would be a completely new kind of
8384.82 -> particle which would sit outside the
8386.979 -> standard model as we understand it today
8389.02 -> but which we have so far failed to
8391.42 -> detect they would not interact with
8393.939 -> normal matter via any of the known
8395.62 -> fundamental forces except for Gravity
8398.08 -> but would nevertheless have a high mass
8400.42 -> or be present in sufficient numbers to
8402.64 -> make up for the universe's 85 percent
8404.939 -> missing mass and indeed the search is on
8408.64 -> in particle accelerators and out in the
8410.859 -> cosmos for any hint of these heavyweight
8413.14 -> wimps but with so little to go on we may
8416.32 -> have a long road ahead of us
8421.2 -> regardless of whether dark matter is a
8423.58 -> macho or a wimp or something else
8425.26 -> entirely it's likely that it has always
8427.54 -> been around sitting in the shadow of
8429.7 -> tangible matter since its Creation in
8432.1 -> the universe's first few fractions of a
8434.38 -> second and it was back in the cosmic
8437.14 -> Dark Ages around a million years after
8439.42 -> the big bang that it began to shape the
8442.24 -> overall structure of the universe the
8445.54 -> cosmic microwave background suggests
8447.76 -> that matter and energy were distributed
8450.04 -> unevenly at the moment of atomic
8452.2 -> recombination and so we can expect that
8454.72 -> dark matter followed suit but in these
8457.6 -> darkened Millennia all that mass comes
8460.72 -> into its own gravity pulls the Dark
8463.12 -> Matter together clumping it more quickly
8465.34 -> and more thickly than we'd expect the
8467.38 -> baryonic matter to Collapse by itself
8469.66 -> the normal matter then has a dark matter
8472.06 -> template to follow and is sucked into
8474.46 -> invisible gravity Wells thus creating
8477.52 -> Cosmos spanning filaments no foods and
8481 -> clusters of gas that will become the
8483.04 -> nurseries for the first stars and
8485.56 -> galaxies and from this point on the
8488.38 -> evolution of the universe we see today
8490.439 -> has become inevitable
8494.2 -> everything that has happened up to this
8496.479 -> point spanning the first million years
8498.939 -> of the cosmic chronology has set the
8501.52 -> stage for the next several billion years
8504.58 -> of astrophysical creation the universe
8507.939 -> has called to a point to a
8509.68 -> comprehensible physics whole sway the
8512.5 -> four forces have settled and become
8514.24 -> distinct determining all fundamental
8516.52 -> interactions and the nature and
8518.68 -> quantities of matter have settled to
8520.84 -> provide the ingredients for generations
8522.58 -> of stars and galaxies the Genesis of
8525.34 -> chemistry and the ultimate creation of
8528.7 -> life
8533.38 -> but that is not quite all
8538.479 -> for 8 billion years events in the
8541.18 -> universe unfold just as we would expect
8543.46 -> them to with these basic ingredients but
8546.64 -> between five and six billion years ago
8548.62 -> not long before the formation of our
8550.72 -> solar system within the Milky Way
8552.54 -> something changed
8554.979 -> and discovering that something 25 years
8557.439 -> ago made it clear that we still don't
8560.02 -> really understand the balance of the
8562.72 -> universe
8564.34 -> this disturbing change in the evolution
8566.56 -> of the universe was first recognized in
8569.08 -> 1998 when astronomers were studying
8571.6 -> supernovae at different points in space
8573.939 -> and time supernovae of a certain size
8576.46 -> are sometimes known as standard candles
8578.859 -> because they explode with a known and
8581.08 -> predictable brightness and Luminosity as
8583.42 -> a result they have become valuable tools
8585.399 -> for measuring Cosmic expansion since
8587.74 -> their light will be stretched into
8589.06 -> redder wavelengths with the expansion of
8591.1 -> the space between them and our
8592.84 -> instruments but astronomers noticed that
8595.6 -> for the last 5 billion years or so the
8598.54 -> supernovae are more redshifted than they
8601.18 -> should be and so have been moving away
8603.22 -> from us faster than they should a
8605.859 -> pattern that can also be seen in
8607.24 -> measurements of baryonic acoustic
8608.68 -> oscillations and Galaxy clusters not
8611.8 -> only that but the accelerated expansion
8614.38 -> itself seems to be accelerating
8619.92 -> foreign
8621.66 -> explanation for this most recent phase
8624.22 -> change of the universe is dark energy
8627.1 -> and so for the entire history of our
8629.5 -> solar system we have been living in a
8632.02 -> dark energy dominated era as with dark
8635.02 -> matter cosmologists still don't have a
8637.6 -> good idea of what Dark Energy actually
8639.819 -> is when Einstein was formulating his
8642.939 -> theory of general relativity he
8644.92 -> introduced the idea of the cosmological
8647.38 -> constant representing the intrinsic
8649.78 -> energy of empty space as space expands
8652.78 -> there is objectively more of this energy
8654.939 -> which could serve to drive further
8657.399 -> expansion in the end general relativity
8659.979 -> didn't need this modifying constant but
8662.62 -> the idea has found new life in
8664.72 -> explaining away dark energy
8667.3 -> the problem remains however that we do
8669.88 -> not understand why such an intrinsic
8672.58 -> energy should be present at all if the
8675.76 -> explanation cannot be found when
8677.14 -> searching on Cosmic scales perhaps the
8679.78 -> physics of the very small holds a clue
8682.18 -> quantum theory predicts a phenomenon
8684.46 -> known as vacuum energy in which the
8686.979 -> virtual particles that spring
8688.42 -> spontaneously into and out of existence
8690.7 -> due to random Quantum fluctuations exert
8693.16 -> a pressure causing expansion it is a
8697 -> promising idea but calculations that
8698.979 -> apply this vacuum energy to larger
8700.84 -> scales come out far too high to properly
8703.6 -> explain the expansion that we see some
8706.899 -> cosmologists are considering something
8708.58 -> entirely different a new kind of energy
8711.34 -> field called quintessence which acts in
8714.04 -> the opposite way to normal matter and
8716.02 -> normal energy can either be attractive
8718 -> or repulsive and can change its Behavior
8720.52 -> over time but without experiments or
8722.979 -> observations that can easily probe that
8725.14 -> force or even confirm its existence we
8728.08 -> are left stranded in the Dark As Time
8731.08 -> Ticks by and the space surrounding us
8734.74 -> expands
8735.77 -> [Music]
8739.479 -> and so whatever it is we're left with a
8743.319 -> universe that is approximately 68
8745.54 -> percent Dark Energy 27 percent dark
8750.04 -> matter and less than five percent
8752.979 -> normal matter
8758.14 -> and it is from these ingredients that
8760.84 -> our universe has grown and developed
8763 -> over 13.8 billion years following the
8767.2 -> rules and constants that were evident in
8769.359 -> its very first moments in the first 10
8772.62 -> tradicilianths of a second after
8775.96 -> the Big Bang
8777.1 -> [Music]
8783.34 -> you've been watching the entire history
8785.14 -> of the universe don't forget to like And
8787.479 -> subscribe and leave a comment to tell us
8789.16 -> what you think as we venture past the
8791.319 -> first million years of the universe
8794.2 -> thanks for watching and we'll see you
8796.6 -> next time
8801.88 -> foreign
