BMW M135 Vs VW Golf GTI | Top Gear | Series 21 | BBC

BMW M135 Vs VW Golf GTI | Top Gear | Series 21 | BBC

BMW M135 Vs VW Golf GTI | Top Gear | Series 21 | BBC

On a very wet track, Jeremy sets out to prove why the BMW M135 is a better car than the VW Golf GTI. But should he be so sure? Clip taken from series 21 episode 5.

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0.24 -> [Music]
1.28 -> if then you have even half a droplet of
3.84 -> common sense you'll be choosing between
6.16 -> these two
6.96 -> [Music]
8.559 -> the bmw m135
12.16 -> and volkswagen's latest golf gti
16.24 -> both cost around thirty thousand pounds
20 -> both are available with three or five
22.48 -> doors
24.16 -> both come as standard with many things
28.64 -> and both will be as reliable and as
30.88 -> long-lasting as edinburgh castle
34.079 -> you might think then that they're pretty
35.68 -> similar but they're not
37.92 -> which is why i am in the bmw you see the
41.28 -> golf has a two liter four-cylinder
44.079 -> turbocharged engine and that's very nice
47.28 -> but the bmw has a three-liter
50.32 -> six-cylinder turbocharged engine
53.44 -> and that's even nicer
55.95 -> [Music]
58.96 -> yes the golf is lighter
61.15 -> [Music]
63.359 -> but that is not enough to offset
66.24 -> a 90 horsepower disadvantage
69.52 -> a point i shall now demonstrate with a
71.92 -> small race
75.76 -> [Applause]
82.159 -> front-wheel drive golf is
84.4 -> clinging on jolly well but frankly it's
86.799 -> pointless
87.66 -> [Music]
90.4 -> i can overtake any time i like i have
94.24 -> the power
96.08 -> [Music]
98 -> and i have an eight-speed gearbox
99.759 -> compared to his paltry six
103.119 -> yes the
104.64 -> prussian aristocrat is trampling all
107.28 -> over
108.56 -> the lumpen people's car
116.079 -> here we go
117.439 -> power
118.56 -> come on
122 -> and there we are in front
126.24 -> the bmw then really is very fast
131.12 -> what's more because this is the first
134.08 -> hot hatchback for
136 -> 30 years to have rear wheel drive
139.599 -> you can do this
150.16 -> so far then the bmw is running rims
153.12 -> around the gulf
155.84 -> i then line them up for a simple
157.68 -> straight line drag race
161.92 -> and there was a problem
165.44 -> a big one
166.8 -> three
168.879 -> two
170.48 -> one
175.74 -> [Music]
179.84 -> good noise
186 -> with this in reverse
191.12 -> at this point i was feeling confident
193.92 -> but as i hit 120 miles an hour this
197.2 -> really is
205.8 -> [Music]
217.92 -> yeah you see the golf won that because
220.239 -> this well it lost control
223.44 -> that's what happened there
227.22 -> [Music]
229.28 -> after this incident i switched to the
231.519 -> golf gti
234.959 -> and i decided immediately it was a lot
237.76 -> better in every single way not only was
240.72 -> it able to travel in a straight line
242.4 -> without spinning off
244.879 -> but thanks to its smaller engine it's a
247.439 -> lot more economical than the bmw and a
250.08 -> lot cheaper to ensure
252.08 -> in fact because volkswagen has fitted
254.159 -> this with a forward-facing radar system
256.639 -> that won't let you have a low-speed
259.6 -> crash this gti is in an insurance group
263.28 -> five down from the previous model
266.639 -> be more expensive to ensure a pencil
268.639 -> sharpener
270.88 -> so the gti is cheaper to run and cheaper
273.44 -> to buy and much better in a straight
275.6 -> line than the bmw
278.16 -> but what if you want to transport a
280.24 -> nuclear warhead
282.8 -> well what we've got here in the boot of
285.12 -> the volkswagen is a warhead and as you
288.08 -> can see it fits perfectly
290.639 -> but
291.44 -> will it fit
293.28 -> in the boot
294.96 -> of the bmw
297.52 -> oh oh dear
300.08 -> oh deary me
302.639 -> see this is the problem really with rear
304.639 -> wheel drive it does
306.4 -> rob space
308.08 -> so you'd have to drive along like that
310.56 -> and somebody is going to notice hands
312.8 -> blickers for sure
315.44 -> things are much the same when it comes
317.28 -> to space in the cabin
319.12 -> the golf can handle three people on the
321.36 -> back seat
322.84 -> easily
324.8 -> but the only way you're gonna get three
326.8 -> people in the back of a bmw is by sawing
329.68 -> their legs off
331.039 -> with a hammer
333.84 -> now this is not only complicated and
335.84 -> messy
336.88 -> but in britain at least
339.52 -> it's currently against the law
342.16 -> come on
343.6 -> the bone
347.35 -> [Music]
349.52 -> one
351.44 -> it's probably easier to buy the golf
353.199 -> really
355.44 -> so the golf is cheaper to buy and
357.44 -> cheaper to run and also more practical
359.759 -> than the bmw
360.92 -> [Music]
363.68 -> it's like driving around in james may's
366.56 -> sock drawer everything is exactly where
369.68 -> you'd expect it to be
371.44 -> all organized
373.36 -> blue ones round ones pink ones for
376 -> special occasions don't think however
378.24 -> because it's sensible and practical and
380.08 -> economical that it's in any way boring
383.12 -> look
383.919 -> the gear leave is a sort of golf ball
385.759 -> shape you see your englishes you have
388 -> some multi python and sahari and support
390.88 -> but we have a sense of humor also with
393.199 -> this
396.56 -> there's more as well because this
398.72 -> particular car is fitted with
400.319 -> volkswagen's optional performance pack
404.72 -> that means better brakes more power a
407.52 -> top speed of 155 miles an hour
411.68 -> and a trick front differential
414.8 -> now we've seen clever front
416.24 -> differentials before but
418.24 -> nothing like this
421.12 -> my foot is hard down now coming round
424.16 -> hammerhead
425.11 -> [Applause]
425.64 -> [Music]
427.12 -> and there's no torque steer there's no
429.039 -> understeer
430.48 -> [Applause]
431.25 -> [Music]
433.36 -> you can feel the whole being dragged in
436.88 -> pulled towards the apex
440.88 -> i've never felt anything like it
445.039 -> a boom could get this around here
448.16 -> as fast as the stick
449.99 -> [Music]
457.36 -> so there we are these two cars are not
460 -> the same at all
461.919 -> one is brilliant in every way
465.36 -> and the other tried to kill me
