We Went Inside the Largest Nuclear Fusion Reactor

We Went Inside the Largest Nuclear Fusion Reactor

We Went Inside the Largest Nuclear Fusion Reactor

This could be the most important construction project of our lifetimes. See how digital tools are enabling the ITER project - https://bit.ly/3KGfiF8

Full story here - https://theb1m.com/video/inside-iter-

This video contains paid promotion for Thinkproject. See how ITER’s teams are using Thinkproject’s tools to stay on track - https://bit.ly/3KGfiF8

Presenter and Narrator - Fred Mills
Producer - Jaden Urbi
Video Editing - Aaron Wood
Graphics - Vince North
Content Partnership - Liam Marsh
Executive Producers - Fred Mills, James Durkin and Graham MacAree

Special thanks to ITER. Additional footage and images courtesy of ITER, WGBH and Reagan Library.

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5.68 -> this is where they are building the
7.279 -> largest nuclear fusion reactor
10 -> in the world
11.84 -> right now i am inside the assembly hall
14.08 -> of the international thermonuclear
15.92 -> experimental reactor in the south of
18.08 -> france and just behind me back there is
20.48 -> where scientists and engineers are
22.08 -> working to replicate
23.76 -> what happens inside the sun
26.96 -> now this is so much more than just
29.039 -> another energy project it's a 22 billion
31.76 -> dollar science experiment between a
33.76 -> whole host of nations all coming
35.36 -> together
36.48 -> to try and change how we generate power
38.64 -> on this planet
41.92 -> lighter's mission to create a new
43.6 -> carbon-free energy source couldn't be
45.36 -> more urgent global energy use is
47.44 -> projected to nearly double by 2050 and
49.68 -> we've got to drastically cut our use of
51.6 -> fossil fuels
54.32 -> some scientists hope that controlled
56.32 -> nuclear fusion could be the holy grail
58.48 -> of energy but there's a catch
60.719 -> as it stands right now no reactor has
62.8 -> ever been able to produce more energy
64.559 -> through nuclear fusion than it takes in
67.04 -> light is aiming to be the first and if
69.28 -> it's a success
70.799 -> it could quite literally change the
72.64 -> world
82.32 -> nuclear fusion
84 -> the energy which fires the hydrogen bomb
86.88 -> and the sun
88.56 -> could this be the pot of gold waiting at
90.56 -> the end of the rainbow
92.32 -> to provide energy which is cheap clean
95.6 -> and inexhaustible
97.52 -> in november 1985 general secretary
100.079 -> gorbachev of the soviet union made a
102 -> proposal to us president ronald reagan
104.799 -> form an international coalition to
106.56 -> develop fusion energy for peaceful
108.479 -> purposes
110.399 -> a year later the eu japan soviet union
113.2 -> and us all agreed to design a nuclear
115.439 -> fusion facility called ita today that
118.24 -> effort has grown to include thousands of
120.079 -> engineers and scientists across 35
122.719 -> member nations
124.399 -> scientists plan to use this 23 000 ton
127.52 -> reactor to basically in layman's terms
130.479 -> create a tiny star here on earth
133.599 -> that's then used to power the world now
136.16 -> if that sounds like a really big deal to
138.08 -> you
139.04 -> it's because it is
140.959 -> the nuclear reactors you're probably
142.56 -> familiar with use a process called
144.319 -> fission where atoms are split apart and
146.4 -> energy is released in the form of heat
148.08 -> and radiation that's the same process
150.48 -> that powers those terrible atomic bombs
152.4 -> and the nuclear power plants we have
153.92 -> today it's driven by elements like
156 -> uranium and plutonium which can be hard
158 -> to get hold of and end up as dangerous
160.239 -> nuclear waste
162.56 -> nuclear fusion however is the process by
164.959 -> which atoms are fused together using
166.879 -> elements that are abundant on earth like
169.04 -> the hydrogen isotopes you can extract
171.12 -> from water
172.4 -> heat generated from nuclear fusion
174.16 -> reactors can be used to produce steam
176.08 -> that can power turbines and generators
178.08 -> to create electricity
180.56 -> once you can do that you kind of have an
182.319 -> unlimited supply of carbon free energy
184.319 -> that isn't dictated by whether it's
185.92 -> sunny or windy the problem is achieving
188.56 -> efficient scalable nuclear fusion here
190.8 -> on earth is still really hard to do you
193.519 -> need a machine that can withstand
194.8 -> temperatures 10 times hotter than the
196.64 -> core of the sun and twice the force
198.56 -> required to launch a space shuttle
201.12 -> that's all to say this thing has to be
203.04 -> really really durable and that's where
205.12 -> the insane levels of concrete and
206.64 -> engineering that you see going on here
208.319 -> all come into play
210.04 -> [Music]
212.799 -> here's how it'll work
214.56 -> hydrogen atoms are injected into this
216.799 -> vacuum vessel then a giant
218.64 -> superconducting magnet around the
220 -> machine is turned on and the voltage
222.159 -> strips the electrons from their atoms
223.92 -> forming something called plasma it's a
226 -> state of matter that's sort of like gas
228.239 -> hopefully you're still with us
230.48 -> that plasma is then heated to extreme
232.879 -> temperatures up to 150 million degrees
235.92 -> celsius the atoms then fuse together and
238.56 -> release a huge burst of thermal energy
240.72 -> in the process
241.92 -> that nuclear reaction produces four
244.4 -> times as much energy as nuclear fission
247.04 -> and four million times the amount of
249.2 -> energy you can get from burning the same
250.72 -> amount of coal oil or gas
254.72 -> the ita tokamak will be the largest and
257.04 -> most powerful fusion device in the world
259.28 -> with one million components and 10
262.32 -> million parts
264.24 -> those parts are all made and assembled
266 -> by items member countries and then
267.919 -> shipped here to this 445 acre site in
271.12 -> france it's kind of like building a lego
273.44 -> kit just 10 million times more
275.84 -> complicated
277.52 -> i'm colette ricketts and i work as the
279.68 -> deputy head of the project control
281.52 -> office for ita organisation
284.24 -> it's my job to make sure that all the
287.199 -> bits that are needed to put together the
289.52 -> lego kit that is eater show up on time
293.52 -> the right color the right shape at the
295.44 -> right time i am the grand master of the
298.24 -> lego kit
300.16 -> with so many heavy components needed to
301.919 -> make the machine 104 kilometers of
304.32 -> roadway have been specially modified
306.8 -> into something that's now known as the
308.479 -> ita itinerary we've built bridges we've
311.6 -> widened roads we have police convoys to
314.639 -> get our components through it's a
316.639 -> massive undertaking just to move a
318.639 -> component
320.4 -> everything then comes here into the
322.4 -> massive assembly hall parts are put
324.72 -> together and these enormous cranes on
326.4 -> the ceiling above my head lifted up
328.8 -> and over
330 -> into the reactor
334.56 -> at its core we're still building the
336.639 -> same facility we were building and was
339.199 -> imagined
340.639 -> decades ago
342.4 -> but of course every week something
344.88 -> changes because we're on a global
346.32 -> platform pandemics brexit political
349.199 -> elections so then we reschedule we
352.08 -> reorientate our program i spend most of
355.199 -> my time saying well that was the plan
357.36 -> but nothing goes to plan and this is how
359.6 -> we're going to adapt
363.68 -> now i'm a self-confessed construction
365.44 -> geek and ita really is the ultimate
367.759 -> construction project if you thought
369.84 -> getting one national government to build
371.52 -> an infrastructure scheme was hard try
373.44 -> doing it with 35 nations all with
375.759 -> different languages cultures and
377.36 -> building practices it's a pretty nuclear
379.84 -> level of project collaboration and tools
381.84 -> from think projects are helping to make
383.68 -> it all happen
384.88 -> so it's the coming together of these
386.639 -> nations who recognize that there's a
388.8 -> problem with the environmental
390.319 -> conditions
391.84 -> recognize the potential of fusion to
395.759 -> solve the base load energy problem and
398 -> are now working together
400.16 -> in the most amazing collaborative way i
402.319 -> think there's something like 45 home
404.4 -> native languages at the eta head office
408 -> it's an amazing thing
410.319 -> behind all the concrete magnets and
412.16 -> metal there's a lot of different people
413.759 -> building shipping and assembling
415.44 -> millions of specialized parts
417.68 -> and all those different people
418.8 -> contributing to item need contracts to
420.72 -> get paid and make sure their work is
422.24 -> being accounted for thinkproject manages
424.88 -> contracts for nearly 400 users across 30
427.84 -> organizations and those 35 nations it's
431.199 -> not the most glamorous part of the
432.479 -> project but it's the glue that kind of
434.479 -> keeps the whole thing together
439.12 -> the stakes are high for iter and staying
441.12 -> organized is essential
442.96 -> there's been a lot of money invested in
444.88 -> this and it's a crucial moment in our
446.56 -> energy transition away from fossil fuels
448.72 -> and towards renewable sources
451.919 -> the immense project is scheduled to
454 -> first power on in 2025 when they'll hope
456.479 -> to create plasma eventually the goal is
458.8 -> to create at least for a few seconds
460.639 -> what scientists call net energy where
463.44 -> more energy is produced than used once
465.84 -> that small task is done the next
467.52 -> challenge will be to actually funnel the
469.039 -> energy made through fusion into our
470.879 -> existing power grids
472.639 -> but that's still a couple of decades
473.919 -> away and will likely be taken up by
475.919 -> other
476.84 -> reactors fighter isn't the only group
479.28 -> trying to harness the power of nuclear
480.96 -> fusion a growing number of coalitions
482.96 -> and private companies are racing to
484.479 -> figure out how to make fusion power
486.08 -> commercially viable
487.759 -> and competitive with the price of fossil
489.599 -> fuels the new u.s infrastructure bill
491.68 -> has a number of provisions for nuclear
493.44 -> energy research and production
497.12 -> once someone cracks the code
498.72 -> commercially scalable carbon free energy
500.8 -> production would dramatically reduce the
502.72 -> world's dependence on fossil fuels
505.12 -> but it'll take time and lowering the
506.96 -> cost of renewable energy might help us
508.8 -> get there first
510.479 -> the possibility of a future that is good
513.519 -> for our children and our children's
515.36 -> children
516.479 -> with a good standard of living demands
518.88 -> fusion there's no other solution
524.159 -> standing here at the very center of this
526.32 -> reactor that could quite literally
528.56 -> change the world is a really powerful
530.32 -> reminder of just how impactful the
532.32 -> construction industry can be you know
533.76 -> none of this will be possible without
535.76 -> the sector that so many of you
537.6 -> work to create every day
540.08 -> the spot where i'm currently standing in
541.44 -> decades to come could be seen as the
543.2 -> birthplace
544.32 -> of a new kind of energy on this
546.839 -> planet not sure it gets cooler than that
552.8 -> this video was made possible by think
554.399 -> projects you can learn more about that
555.6 -> at the link below and as always guys if
557.839 -> you want to get more from the definitive
559.36 -> video channel for construction from the
561.12 -> channel that takes you
562.64 -> inside the very heart of a nuclear
564.08 -> reactor
565.2 -> make sure you're subscribed to the b1m
571.36 -> [Music]
577.92 -> you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BkOUOK0XzM