The Book of Enoch Banned from The Bible Reveals Shocking Mysteries Of Our True History!

The Book of Enoch Banned from The Bible Reveals Shocking Mysteries Of Our True History!

The Book of Enoch Banned from The Bible Reveals Shocking Mysteries Of Our True History!

The Book of Enoch Banned from The Bible Reveals Shocking Mysteries Of Our True History!

In this video, we are going to dive into the story of the Book of Enoch which was banned from the Bible. This secret book reveals shocking mysteries of our history.

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What is the idea of human history? What were the first civilizations to set foot on our planet? Our history is written by the notes of the winners. Of their power and influence over the centuries. But in a certain period of time, people from primitive hunters turned into intelligent civilizations that created monuments, calendars and ancient writings. All this has evolved to the present day and we are the descendants of some relatively intelligent beings…

But what if it’s not that simple ?

What if the stories told by ancient civilizations, the tales of gods and angels, of giants and great disasters, were more literal than they first appeared? What if we received ancient knowledge beyond our human understanding?

If we look at some of the details, an entirely alternate history of the human race suddenly surfaces. One that completely overturns conventional knowledge and the history we’ve been taught. This version has mostly been consciously censored, forgotten, or worse - ignored. Until now..

In the beginning of 1946, in the area currently known as the West Bank, a group of Bedouin teenagers tend their sheep and goats near the ancient settlement of Qumran. To pass the time they toss around the stones they find strewn across the uneven desert terrain. When one of these stones is thrown into the dark side of a cave, the teenagers are shocked because they hear a loud shattering noise echoing inside.

When they decide to follow their curiosity, although slightly scared, they discover a collection of large clay pots. While not realizing it at the time, these teenagers make historical discovery of great importance. Inside the clay pots are hidden series of ancient scrolls.

Subsequently, various archaeologists, historians and treasure hunters found additional fragments of scrolls in 10 other caves in the area, bringing the total number of manuscripts found to almost 900. These manuscripts became known to the masses as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Strangely, among these manuscripts there are large portions of a mysterious non-canonical religious text long forgotten by human civilization. Or so they thought.

In our days, this text is known as the Book of Enoch.

In its entirety, the Book of Enoch consists of five books:

The Book of Watchers, The Book of Parables, The Astronomical Book, The Book of Dream Visions, and The Epistles of Enoch, containing about 100 chapters altogether.
These chapters tell the story of the 7th patriarch in the book of Genesis, Enoch, the father of Methuselah and the grandfather of Noah, the same Noah we know from the Bible.
However, this is not the biblical story of Noah’s ark.

In fact, the Book of Enoch provides an entirely different perspective on events
leading up to the Great Flood of Noah’s time as that is a completely different story. It tells of the Watchers, explained in biblical terms as fallen angels, sent to earth to watch over humans at some unspecified and ancient point in time.

According to one of the earliest legends related to Enoch, he is the founder of the knowledge of astronomy and cosmography and is responsible for the compilation of the solar calendar.

The Bene Elohim or “the Sons of God” or “Gods” number several hundreds. They are said to descend on Earth at Mount Harmon. It was a sacred place for both the Canaanites and the Jews, who invaded their lands. In later times, sanctuaries of the gods Baal, Zeus, Helios, Pan and the goddess Astarte were built on its slopes.

And the term “Watcher” is used to describe “one who watches”, “those who watch”, “those who are awake” or “those who are not asleep”. These names reflect the unique relationship between the Watchers and the human race since ancient times. Over time, however, they abandoned their role as observers and began to have sexual contact with some of the humans (mostly women) and began to create what we now know as hybrids or crossbreds.

The Book of Enoch tells of the Nephilim – the children born through this very crossbreeding between the watchers and the humans. The Nephilim are described as “giants and savages who threatened and plundered mankind,” or, to put it another words, “supernatural, man-eating giants.”

Angered by what the Watchers had done, those described in the book as mighty gods sent the Watchers to an underground prison, deep within the bowels of the Earth. Enoch became the mediator between the gods and the imprisoned Watchers.

#enoch #bookofenoch #biblesecrets


3.9 -> who were the first civilizations to set foot on  our planet our history is written by the notes of  
12.54 -> the winners of their power and influence over the  centuries but in a certain period of time people  
19.44 -> from primitive Hunters turned into intelligent  civilizations that created monuments calendars  
26.1 -> and ancient writings all this has evolved to the  present day and we are the descendants of some  
33.66 -> relatively intelligent beings but what if it's not  that simple what if the story is told by ancient  
42 -> civilizations the tales of gods and angels of  Giants and great disasters were more literal  
48.78 -> than they first appeared what if we received  ancient knowledge beyond our human understanding  
56.4 -> if we look at some of the details an  entirely alternate history of the human  
61.56 -> race suddenly surfaces one that completely  overturns conventional knowledge and the  
68.46 -> history we've been taught this version has  mostly been consciously censored forgotten  
74.4 -> or Worse ignored until now welcome  to the new episode of secret Origins
82.8 -> foreign
89.7 -> in the beginning of 1946 in the area currently  known as the West Bank a group of between  
96.9 -> teenagers tends their sheep and goats near the  ancient settlement of qumran to pass the time they  
104.82 -> tossed around the stones they find true across the  uneven desert terrain when one of these Stones is  
112.32 -> thrown into the dark side of a cave the teenagers  are shocked because they hear a loud shattering  
118.92 -> noise echoink inside when they decide to follow  their curiosity although slightly scared they  
126.96 -> discover a collection of large clay pots while  not realizing it at the time these teenagers make  
134.4 -> a historical discovery of great importance inside  the clay pots are hidden series of ancient Scrolls  
143.28 -> subsequently various archaeologists historians  and treasure Hunters found additional fragments  
149.88 -> of Scrolls in 10 other caves in the area bringing  the total number of manuscripts found to almost  
157.08 -> 900. these manuscripts became known to the  masses as the Dead Sea Scrolls strangely among  
166.08 -> these manuscripts there are large portions of  a mysterious non-canonical religious texts long  
172.68 -> forgotten by human civilization or so they thought  in our days this text is known as The Book of  
181.2 -> Enoch in its entirety The Book of Enoch consists  of Five Books the book of Watchers the book of  
189.18 -> Parables the astronomical book the book of dream  visions and the Epistles of Enoch containing about  
196.8 -> a hundred chapters altogether these chapters tell  the story of the seventh patriarch in the Book of  
204.36 -> Genesis Enoch the father of metocella and the  grandfather of Noah the same Noah we know from  
211.86 -> the Bible however this is not the biblical story  of Noah's Ark in fact The Book of Enoch provides  
221.04 -> an entirely different perspective on events  leading up to the great flood of Noah's time  
226.5 -> as that is a completely different story it tells  of the Watchers explained in biblical terms as  
233.76 -> Fallen Angels sent to Earth to watch over humans  at some unspecified and ancient point in time  
242.16 -> according to one of the earliest Legends  related to Enoch he is the founder of the  
247.62 -> knowledge of astronomy and he's responsible  for the compilation of the solar calendar  
254.22 -> the Bennett Elohim or the sons of God or Gods  number several hundreds they are said to descend  
262.26 -> on Earth at Mount Harmon it was a sacred place  for both the canonotites and the Jews who invaded  
270.48 -> their lands in later times sanctuaries of the  Gods ball Zeus Helios Pan and the goddess are  
278.22 -> starting were built on its slopes and the term  Watcher is used to describe one who watches those  
286.08 -> who watch those who are awake or those who are not  asleep these names reflect the unique relationship  
293.52 -> between the Watchers and the human race since  ancient times Over time however they abandoned  
300.18 -> their role as observers and began to have sexual  contact with some of the humans mostly women and  
307.38 -> began to create what we know now as hybrids or  cross breaths Book of Enoch tells of the Nephilim  
315.9 -> the children born through this very cross-breeding  between the Watchers and the humans the Nephilim  
322.74 -> are described as Giants and Savages who threatened  and plundered mankind or to put it in another  
329.82 -> words Supernatural man-eating Giants angered  by what the Watchers had done those described  
338.04 -> in the book as mighty Gods sent the Watchers to  an underground prison deep within the bowels of  
344.76 -> Earth Enoch became the mediator between the gods  and the imprisoned Watchers this further provokes  
353.52 -> the wrath of Yahweh and according to the Bible the  consequence of this mingling between the fallen  
360.78 -> and The Mortals leads to the creation of half  Angelic how human offspring the book describes  
368.7 -> Enoch's Journeys Between Heaven and Earth in his  role as mediator how he flies with angels and sees  
376.32 -> the rivers and the mountains and the Very ends of  the Earth from above despite Enoch's intervention  
383.04 -> the gods decide that because of what the planet  has become it and all its inhabitants must be  
390.66 -> punished of course the punishment is a great flood  the flood destroys the Nephilim and leaves the  
398.94 -> Watchers in their prison before that however Enoch  has been taken to heaven in a chariot of Fire this  
407.82 -> is not the only place in the biblical canon in  which the Nephilim appear the Israelites visited  
414 -> a land inhabited by Nephilim who were so large  that they made the Israelites look like locusts  
421.2 -> of course many things in the Bible were seen in  modern times as allegorical and this is more of  
428.4 -> a philosophical myth than a historical record  but there is archaeological evidence for one  
436.44 -> particular great flood in Earth's history which  is mentioned in countless religions and cultural  
442.92 -> Traditions around the world these creatures like  the Nephilim really exist many people say that it  
450.9 -> is just fiction and there is no evidence but what  if there is in fact there are numerous stories  
458.64 -> about Giants in human history the well-known  traveler and explorer Marco Polo once wrote of  
465.72 -> a race of Giants in Zanzibar who were so strong  that they could carry as much as four ordinary  
473.46 -> men while the people of modern Tangier Morocco  once claimed that the founder of their city  
479.82 -> was a giant named antias according to an Irish  myth the so-called the Giants Causeway on the  
487.98 -> north east coast of Ireland an astonishing 40 000  interlocking Rock columns was built by the Irish  
495.36 -> giant Finn McCool to cross the sea to Scotland  and fight another giant apart from Norse Legends  
503.1 -> ancient Greek mythology is full of stories about  Giants perhaps if giants really existed as records  
511.14 -> from countless cultures suggest then the Book of  Enoch begins to look less and less metaphorical  
518.1 -> and allegorical less like a fantasy myth and  more like a manuscript based on actual history  
525.96 -> the idea idea of semi-divine Heroes was born  from ancient myths about alliances between gods  
533.52 -> and Mortals The Poet and writer pindan described  the heroes of the past as a race between Gods and  
541.62 -> Men additional references allude to experiments  that led to the creation of monsters by Crossing  
548.88 -> animals of different and unrelated species  in modern philosophical occultism there are  
555.66 -> legends of Los Atlantis where it is claimed that  its scientists bred how human half animal hybrids  
564.24 -> as the slave race records of such events can be  found in the mythologies of ancient peoples around  
572.16 -> the world and especially among the Babylonians  of Middle East the story of Noah and the flood  
578.88 -> in the Old Testament is said to have originated  in the Babylonian and Sumerian myths it is known  
585.54 -> that around 10 000 there appears to have been a  catastrophic event that transformed early Humanity  
593.7 -> at the end of the last ice age the first signs  of Agriculture appeared in the Middle East with  
601.2 -> a shift from a nomadic Hunter gathered lifestyle  to one of a settled agriculture it is interesting  
609.6 -> to know that for centuries the Book of Enoch has  been an important part of Christian and Jewish  
615.84 -> religious Traditions many of these religious  sects accepted the book as scripture furthermore  
623.4 -> some even suggest that the Book of Enoch was the  inspiration for the Book of Genesis due to their  
630.9 -> many parallels and overlapping stories therefore  the question that arises is what has happened why  
639.72 -> the Book of Enoch is not part of the Bible and why  does this question sound so unimportant nowadays  
648.3 -> attempt to answer this question we will go back  to the early centuries after the physical death of  
654.66 -> Christ far from the 39 canons of the Old Testament  and the 27 New Testament the books that we today  
662.64 -> know as the Bible originally there were many  gospels and religious texts that made up the  
669.6 -> broad spectrum of the Christian tradition as the  Christians started spreading after the death of  
675.54 -> Jesus the growing Christian Church gradually began  to choose which text would be read and followed  
682.86 -> which texts would be considered divinely inspired  the church Church needed unity and to create  
689.82 -> it the establishment of an official Canon was  required in Dan Brown's book Da Vinci Code this  
697.74 -> canonization is remembered as something rather  nefarious that happened at the First Council of  
704.16 -> nicaea in the 4th Century according to the book it  was there that emperor Constantine and the others  
711.48 -> high-ranking Church authorities led by their own  secrets and desires shaped official Christian  
718.68 -> Canon unfortunately this is not historically  accurate the Council of nikaya did not send the  
725.94 -> official Christian Canon but let's not blame Dan  Brown the famous philosopher Voltaire also made a  
733.38 -> similar claim in the 18th century although the  story is not factually accurate it is accurate  
741.12 -> in a sense why the high-ranking members of  the church are certainly there choosing what  
748.08 -> is included in the official biblical Canon they  argue among themselves portrayed their opponents  
754.26 -> as Heretics and almost certainly seek to expand  their own power however all this did not happen  
761.22 -> into one particular Council but rather it was a  long process that continued between the first and  
768.9 -> the 4th century when the process was completed  and the Bible was officially compiled The Book  
775.86 -> of Enoch was not included but could something as  meaningful and Powerful as The Book of Enoch have  
784.02 -> been left out didn't they know about it in the  search for answers one can examine other gospels  
791.46 -> that were also censored from the final version  for example the gospel of Peter a fragment of  
798 -> which was found in Egypt in 1886 which sells the  long missing story of the reborn Jesus leaving his  
806.94 -> tomb and includes two giant angels and a floating  cross that says and they heard a voice from Heaven  
815.58 -> saying you have preached to those who sleep and  an answer was heard from the cross yes or consider  
824.76 -> the Gospel of Mary that notorious script in which  Mary Magdalene is listed not only as one of Jesus  
831.96 -> disciples but as his beloved perhaps even his  wife in this gospel Peter asked why he and the  
841.2 -> other disciples should listen to Mary a woman to  which Matthew replies If the Savior has made her  
848.94 -> worthy who are you indeed to reject her certainly  the Savior knows her well that's why he loved her  
857.46 -> more than us although censored even forgotten by  many The Book of Enoch never truly disappeared  
866.34 -> there is something deeper behind it and its  incredible stories something that goes beyond  
872.64 -> the familiar and ordinary regardless of whether  it is a part of the Christian Canon or not the  
880.38 -> ancient Greeks believed that Enoch and the god of  wisdom Hermes were the same person but who was he  
888 -> in legends of the jewels of antiquity Enoch is  King over man who reigned exactly 243 years he  
897.84 -> was overflowing with wisdom and the whole world  consulted him according to the ancient Egyptians  
904.26 -> Enoch was the builder of the Great Pyramid  writes the geographer and historican tagi at  
911.4 -> Din Ahmad in his work hitat he notes that Enoch  was known among the peoples under four different  
919.32 -> names saurith Hermes Idris and Enoch for the Arabs  Idris means Sage or forefather and for Jewish as  
930.72 -> well as Christian theology Enoch is the seven of  the ten forefathers one of the Patriarchs Before  
938.04 -> the Flood Enoch was the father of Meto Salah  who nevertheless lived to the biblical age of  
945.9 -> 969. in the Old Testament in the Book of Genesis  Enoch is mentioned with as many as five sentences  
955.02 -> there we also read and Enoch walked after God  and disappeared because God took him just like  
964.26 -> that he suddenly disappears in Hebrew the name  Enoch means initiated enlightened nowhere and  
972.96 -> this initiate does just that he makes sure that  his knowledge does not disappear Without a Trace  
982.32 -> the examples could go on and so it is fair to  ask why Enoch regardless of his name continues  
990 -> to appear in the traditions of almost all  ancient civilizations the answer may be found  
996.3 -> much further back than the Greeks the Egyptians  or even the Babylonians perhaps even beyond the  
1004.04 -> time of ancient Sumer according to Sumerian texts  the Earth was visited by a group of supernatural  
1011.84 -> beings sometime in the distant past these visitors  are described in Sumerian tradition in a way  
1018.86 -> that is eerily similar to the descriptions of the  Watchers in The Book of Enoch instead of Watchers  
1025.94 -> however the Sumerians call these beings Anunnaki  which literally means those who came from Heavens  
1034.1 -> they were perceived as God to the Sumerians and  according to Modern thinkers such as zecharia  
1040.88 -> sichin and Erin fondant they are an ancient race  of extraterrestrial beings who came to Earth  
1047.84 -> interestingly the Sumerian texts tell stories  of the Anunnaki who like the Watchers began to  
1055.7 -> interbreed with human beings in this process a  hybrid race with entirely new species known as  
1063.62 -> the Nephilim was created like the gods of the Book  of Enoch the Anunnaki were angered by the state of  
1072.14 -> the earth and caused a great flood same story told  in a slightly different way as you well remember  
1079.94 -> and know it is not the form that matters but the  content perhaps maybe this is the only way we  
1087.62 -> can read the true quotes of our reality could  it be that the Book of Enoch as well as other  
1094.22 -> related Traditions are simply retelling the older  Sumerian story of the Anunnaki or simply over time  
1102.08 -> the same story has been wrapped and reshaped all  the way to the present not only that the Book of  
1109.16 -> Enoch is written in first person but the altar  repeatedly asserts his authorship in the text  
1115.82 -> as if he feared that future interpreters would  be so limited that they would not understand  
1123.02 -> him in the first month of the 300 165th year on  the first day of the first month I Enoch was in  
1133.4 -> my house alone when two huge men appeared to  me the like of which I had never seen on Earth  
1141.44 -> let's consider The Agrarian Revolution that began  around 10 000 BC during which humans moved from a  
1149.12 -> lifestyle of hunting and survival to farming and  settlement according to historical data as early  
1156.26 -> as 9500 BC at the lands where current corded is  done is now barely wet dry oats peas and lentils  
1167.06 -> were grown and goats and sheep were domesticated  interestingly the Kurdish people claimed to  
1174.14 -> be descendants of the children of the Jinn or  the children of the spirits is this an ancient  
1181.28 -> culture reference to the interbreeding between the  Anunnaki and human women the ancient near East is  
1188.9 -> also known as the cradle of civilization and the  earliest city-states were found in the Mesopotamia  
1195.56 -> region the Region's early indigenous inhabitants  the Sumerians and the acadians developed the first  
1203.3 -> written language studied astronomy and created  libraries the Babylonians and Assyrians followed  
1211.22 -> them in the mythologies all of these races there  are stories of how the gods came down to earth and  
1218.72 -> taught them their arts and knowledge in another  passage from The Book of Enoch Enoch testifies  
1226.04 -> to the mysterious of lighting and Mysteries  of Thunder some suggest that this chapter is  
1232.58 -> intended to illuminate the mysteries of energy and  electricity when we hear energy and electricity we  
1239.96 -> cannot help but mention Nikola Tesla who let's not  forget said the following if you want to find the  
1246.98 -> secrets of the universe think in terms of energy  frequency and vibration it may sound ridiculous or  
1255.26 -> hard to believe that such mind-blowing stories  as those of the Watchers the Anunnaki and the  
1261.2 -> Nephilim Giants have been forgotten the Sumerians  ignored or even deleted deliberately from the  
1269.3 -> pantheon of ancient civilizations The Book of  Enoch along with the Gospel of Mary and Thomas  
1275.66 -> also censored from the biblical Canon however  given the way these stories fundamentally change  
1283.16 -> our understanding of human history by presenting  a new or well forgotten all perspective on who we  
1290.6 -> really are their exclusion is perhaps no surprise  at all but these stories have not been completely  
1298.58 -> erased if we look at one of the most famous  stories known to mankind the one about Adam  
1305.96 -> Eve and the Garden of Eden if we read the text not  literally nor philosophically but as an allegory  
1314.36 -> metaphorically God creates Adam to watch over the  Earth just as the gods and the Watchers to do so  
1323.18 -> in the Book of Enoch from Adam's rip God created  Eve Adam and Eve reproduced representing the cross  
1332.06 -> breeding between the Watchers and human women  adamant E4 said to be able to eat anything they  
1339.08 -> wanted in the Garden of Eden except kept for the  fruit from the Tree of knowledge of course they  
1346.28 -> tried a forbidden fruit from the Tree of knowledge  which symbolizes the Watchers who bring advanced  
1352.22 -> technology and knowledge to human beings who may  not have been mentally developed enough to handle  
1359.72 -> it on their own when the two tastes the forbidden  fruit from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil  
1367.34 -> in the garden of Heaven they are said to become  aware of each other their first realization is  
1374.06 -> that their physical cloaks of Flesh are bare they  rush to cover their genitals because they have  
1381.02 -> realized the so-called serpent power or Kundalini  which can be educated through intercourse and  
1389.36 -> non-reproductive sexual acts they tasted from  the Tree of Life which initiates the cycle of  
1397.1 -> birth life death and rebirth and of the human  Souls incarnating into physical form by reading  
1406.28 -> the story of Adam and Eve in this way it is easy  to see the parallels between the story itself The  
1413.36 -> Book of Enoch and other ancient writings and  maybe that was exactly the goal perhaps those  
1421.16 -> who wrote the story of Adam and Eve were simply  retelling the stories in The Book of Enoch in  
1427.76 -> their own way retelling the Sumerian story of the  Anunnaki like so many other religions and cultures  
1435.32 -> inserting this important part of human history  allegorically into their own religious Canon so  
1444.02 -> that these ancient records may continue to exist  through time and though in a different form be  
1452.42 -> reminded of us so that we may one day remember our  own history not by the human way but by the cosmic  
1462.98 -> human Lifeline what is human history is it what  we know from officially approved history books or  
1471.98 -> is it something deeper something more incredible  something forgotten maybe the answers have been  
1478.94 -> in front of our eyes all this time we bow before  you and thank you for watching until we meet again
