THE BEST PRAM IN THE WORLD? // Getting ready for a newborn

THE BEST PRAM IN THE WORLD? // Getting ready for a newborn

THE BEST PRAM IN THE WORLD? // Getting ready for a newborn

Hi Everyone,

Happy Sunday!

We are so excited to show you a few baby products, including the new electric E-Priam! Think of it as the Tesla of the stroller world.

Having spent hours looking at different models, we believe this is the best pram in the world and beats the other top strollers of 2021!

So, with only a few weeks to go before the baby arrives, we headed out to put it to the test, as well as the Cybex Cloud Z car seat!

And in a ‘don’t try this at home’ segment, Jamie takes the pram for a spin with his electric skateboard.

Thank you to Cybex for working with us on this vlog and for gifting the products in this video.

In other news, we started our NCT classes last week and are enjoying learning all the tips and tricks for welcoming a newborn baby into the world.

We also head to a three-year-old’s birthday party, featuring the most incredible birthday cake by @wisterialanebakingco.



0.8 -> So you know Jamie and I have wanted  a Tesla for absolutely ages well  
10.64 -> we still don't have a Tesla no but we  think we might have the next best thing!
42 -> Obviously that was with Jamie's electric  skateboard but we have gone and got ourselves  
46.56 -> an electric pram. Indeed. Ah this thing is  so cool so cool don't try that at home kids.  
58.4 -> That was just for a bit of fun it is obviously  empty we have no Colvin yet Colvin's not in there  
63.52 -> so it was just a little bit of fun just  to show that this this pram is electric.  
69.2 -> Jamie is obviously the tech wizard out of the two  of us, which by default has made me a little bit  
76 -> more techy not as not as techy as you no but in  preparing for the baby and trying to sort of find  
82.32 -> things that are techy and cool and whatever we  could find products that are going to make our  
88.72 -> lives so much easier we stumbled across the Priam  and then discovered that they've got an electric  
94.96 -> range. Well you've seen it in a couple we test  drove it we did that's what you call it test  
100 -> pushed it test well it's electric so it's kind  of a test drive we've had our eye on this for  
105.04 -> a long long time and we are incredibly  lucky that we are actually working with  
111.44 -> priam for this video and they did send us  this awesome pram they definitely set us up  
119.36 -> they set us up no they set oh sorted us out that's  the one I was looking for it's so cool having this  
125.2 -> youtube channel because so many companies are  helping Colvin they're helping Colvin so they're  
130.8 -> helping us and we couldn't be more grateful to be  honest and that's only because of you guys as well  
135.84 -> so again we say it a lot but thank you very much  I'm going to put Jamie's practical skills to the  
141.6 -> test how confident are you feeling i've challenged  him so I've basically said I bet you can't install  
150.72 -> the car seat mount and the car seat inside 60  seconds so this is basically without instructions  
157.84 -> so we've just taken it straight from the house  I don't do instructions apart from ikea because  
162.88 -> they need instructions do you really think  you can do this inside 60 seconds 60 seconds  
167.84 -> for the first time I think so okay challenge  has been accessible yes take your position  
175.36 -> are you ready I am are you steady I think I  think I got this okay on your marks get set go
186.32 -> Safety feature is that it beeps when it's not  on the ground so there we go it's on the ground  
199.84 -> to be honest you probably shouldn't  be rushing whilst doing this bit but  
203.76 -> well we'll just see this demonstrates how easy  it is we're in we're in the beeping stopped.
223.52 -> Colin’s in for a bumpy ride I think we might need  a new car there we go you've done it how easy was  
235.92 -> that super easy it's your turn I definitely  can't do it inside 60 seconds you've got  
245.2 -> a little release here spin it to get it in and  out easier now you can just lift the bubble up  
251.2 -> oh that's because it's not locked in very clever  and then it shouldn't this one can't go the  
256.4 -> other way around whereas when you get a bigger  baby or a bigger baby seat that's when you can  
262.48 -> because it always has to face back well  done darling you're very impressive
273.36 -> so this is the first time that we've actually  put the car seat in the car and the mount and  
279.28 -> everything uh yeah Jamie's pretty tall as you all  know he's over six foot three nearly six foot four  
287.12 -> and you're looking pretty snug  there in the passenger seat  
290.32 -> show my legs go on oh that is a tight squeeze  oh long journeys are going to be comfy
301.6 -> you know what it means either one we  need to get a new car I mean unlikely  
308.48 -> number two I do all the driving the reason why  we aren't getting a new car just yet is because  
315.76 -> in london where we live the rules are changing  in october so where we live within what is it  
322.24 -> like a mile two miles down the road there's  a new congestion charge coming into play  
328.96 -> it's extra extra low emissions it's one of those  ones where if you go into the zone you have to  
333.04 -> pay like 15 pounds a day so even to go play hockey  yeah play golf we're gonna have to play so we're  
340.16 -> essentially kind of hanging fire for a bit just  to see how it's all gonna play out and also this  
347.68 -> car is great I mean audis are fantastic the A3 has  been fantastic so we're trying really hard to just  
354.4 -> like keep it going for a little bit but come  October when there's the rule change I think  
359.52 -> we're probably going to have to try and look into  something I think that's why it's electric I mean  
362.64 -> we love electric anyway but yeah the congestion  or the charges that you get they're the things  
368.88 -> that we need to get an electric car for as well  and also the electric charging port has just  
373.6 -> been removed from outside our house because  we got all new lamp posts so again lucky us  
379.92 -> we're waiting for that to come back we don't know  when that's going to happen so we need to check  
385.36 -> and make sure that we can charge our car outside  our house so as soon as all of those things sort  
390.4 -> of slot into place I'm pretty sure we'll get on  the car hunt then we'd like to yeah we'd like  
395.04 -> to yeah especially because maybe we can ask Father  Christmas we say we've been so good this year yeah  
402.48 -> please yeah we're 100 what did we see earlier 130  miles away from 100 000 miles yeah but touch wood  
414 -> this car has never let us down it’s good it's  not letting us down now it's your sheer size
425.12 -> Because you can't put one in the  middle that's got to go there  
428.8 -> yeah maybe just needs to be a bit more  upright in fact that would work right  
434.96 -> it's just right and then a bit back oh there  we go I mean my head's now on the ceiling
447.12 -> I mean the only long journeys we do really are to  norfolk to see your family or preston to see mine
454.96 -> We'll get there one day
458.72 -> That's pushing against it right I better go  check if I can I would be able to get Colin out
463.36 -> Off you pop then yeah oh we need to  there's also one extra feature on the cybex  
473.2 -> icloud is that what it’s called the car  seat yeah it has little wings yes and so  
479.6 -> when you put the car seat in you put the little  wing out so that it holds it against the door so  
483.68 -> if there's any side impacts it basically  holds it it holds it still safety first  
488.64 -> all very clever I think it's high up on the safety  top ten I think it's as in number one or two yep
496.4 -> So we've just finished a day of work both of us  and it is dinner time we haven't had much sort of  
503.68 -> oomph with dinner recently we've kind of lost our  
507.84 -> I don't know what it is inspiration yeah I  went through a stage like during lockdown I was  
512.56 -> really enjoying sort of cooking and I'm still  enjoying it I just don't have the motivation  
518.48 -> or the energy to sort of plan our meals like I  was doing hopefully that will come back because  
525.04 -> we are very much planning on doing a lot of batch  cooking before this little bubba arrives Jamie's  
532.32 -> just doing what have you ordered i've just ordered  a load of metal uh sort of batch cooking dishes  
538.08 -> I think because we bought a uh freezer off  facebook marketplace to put it in our shed yeah  
544.24 -> because We think that we're not going to want to  cook much so that's the plan whack it all in the  
549.12 -> freezer beforehand and also I think we're gonna  have a ruler if any of our friends come around  
553.6 -> they're only allowed to come as long as they've  brought some food frozen food or food that we  
558.16 -> can put straight they have to bring a dish with  them that's the rule uh so if you're watching  
563.68 -> this friends and family you've been warned uh  so yeah we're gonna cook some dinner and we  
570 -> actually had such a lovely walk this morning  taking the pram out we went to richmond hill  
576.72 -> so I i look at loads of mums online and I  just think how do you know how to do that like  
583.28 -> obviously everyone learns as they go along but  I'm just useless at getting something like a pram  
589.84 -> and then knowing exactly how it works and I was  getting a bit apprehensive because I can't rely on  
594.4 -> Jamie for everything you know i've got to do the  car seat myself i've got to use the pram myself  
600.32 -> so we took it out for a little spin just to test  it out properly but it is weird taking a pram out  
606.32 -> without a baby oh it kind of looked like we just  dropped a kid off somewhere well that's true yeah  
611.6 -> and we were just like walking around with a coffee  but it was actually amazing sort of testing it out  
616.88 -> going up richmond hill going back down richmond  hill which was brilliant because I didn't realize  
623.92 -> the electric motor kicks in going down the hill so  if I mean heaven forbid you know you had a runaway  
630.64 -> pram hopefully that never happens uh but with the  e prime yeah the motor kicks in and it slows it  
637.6 -> right down which is super super cool and there's  definitely a big difference with even going up  
641.84 -> the hill pushing it normally and then pushing  it with the uh you can just flick it on yeah  
646.64 -> and then push with the motor it makes such a  difference super impressed and the other thing  
650.96 -> that is actually so helpful I was I did practice  after Jamie sort of putting it in and out the car  
658.16 -> and practiced with the carry cards that  the clips on the side are like memory clips  
662.4 -> you can just like click one with your hand  and then it will hold in place whilst you get  
668.32 -> the other clip on the other side and then just  lift it off so you've always got one hand free  
674.08 -> which again I just think is so useful because  I imagine I'm gonna have my hands full all  
679.92 -> the time and with the car seat now that's the  same thing there's like a little tiny little  
684.48 -> switch you can all do one handed and then  you turn sideways and easier to get the  
689.04 -> car in and out so yeah we had a really a really  good testing day today didn't we it was good yeah  
694.56 -> like yeah just discovered lots of cool cool bits  but obviously over time and once Colvin's here  
700.4 -> we'll know how how we get on with it and  you know we'll get better about it with it  
704.32 -> my arm's aching already so I'm just  watching some of the hockey on tv  
708.56 -> the olympics someone commented about that that we  were vlogging whilst watching the olympics we are  
715.2 -> deciding to cook nasi goreng no no it's not as he  going tonight so this afternoon a twist on it this  
724.56 -> afternoon we just took a little 15-minute break  had a cup of tea because I turned 30 in september  
731.92 -> and yes there's nothing really I'm not I'm  not a massive present person I i'd rather do  
738.88 -> an experience i'd rather have an experience i'd  rather the two of us went somewhere did something  
743.52 -> however as you all know we have been slowly  doing up our living room lately and the walls  
748.4 -> are still quite bare and I would love love  love some artwork so we kind of thought  
754.48 -> we don't have anything in the house from hawaii  so from the honeymoon and we completely fell in  
760.56 -> love with hawaii it's we're desperate absolutely  desperate to go back already so we've been doing  
766.56 -> a bit of research online trying to look for like  a freelance watercolor artist who is willing to  
774.56 -> paint a couple of pictures so yes like a landscape  of it was mainly the road to hannah wasn't it yeah  
780.8 -> we had the best time yeah so yeah we're trying  to commission an artist to well you're trying to  
787.6 -> commission an artist well I was even looking I  thought it'd be quite cool to be able to get a  
791.76 -> hawaiian artist who actually does like maui  landscapes there's a lot of photographers  
799.68 -> but I haven't found any landscape so  if anyone knows anything no we're very  
803.12 -> very much looking to work with someone and  I'm involved in it because it's very very  
808.48 -> it's going to be very difficult for  Jamie to just do all of this on his own  
811.68 -> yeah we've got to decide what we want it to look  like and where it's going to go in the living room  
815.44 -> so that's that's the plan I think for the third  year which I think will be lovely because i'll  
819.44 -> get to keep keep the art forever we just  need some more artwork don't we yeah yeah  
824.56 -> we need a few more bits because the living room  at the moment is just taken up with literally like  
829.76 -> pram stuff and you know we've got like the carry  cart and the bigger stroller seat and the skis and  
837.12 -> we literally have everything yeah I did say skis  you you heard me correctly yeah we also got sent  
843.84 -> a pair of skis because we are taking Colin on his  or her first holiday next march march time we're  
850.8 -> going as a family my family it's all but he's very  excited to go skiing so we have some skis as well  
858.24 -> skis are going to go on the front of the pram so  I think I think we're all set how's how's dinner  
863.12 -> prep going well I have to stop because I don't  know what I'm cooking oh so nasty goring is a dish  
869.28 -> or an indonesian dish which we ate pretty much  every day when we were we were on holiday in  
875.12 -> bali and my grandma oh well you wouldn't when I  was younger my ulma in holland used to make it a  
880.32 -> lot because they actually grew up I think they  were born in indonesia but it's because you've  
884.48 -> got your dutch your grandma's dutch peanut sauce  well what have you I think again it's actually  
890.64 -> from Indonesia it's Indonesia but it's just mum uh  omar buys it a lot it's like a peanut butter sauce
907.12 -> Yeah so that's what we're gonna do  however we had rice last night so  
912.4 -> I'm just going to replace the rice  with some noodles and do a little bit  
917.84 -> more of a noodly one so you want chunks of  chicken but Jamie's cooking whilst I do this
926 -> Oh sorry handles in the way of the camera
930.8 -> You go you're gonna have to film me for better  better angle so we started our nct classes last  
937.12 -> week which are really good we've had two now it's  good fun they're every tuesday learning lots Jamie  
944.4 -> is like the class geek he just sits there with  his pad and pen I am taking a lot of notes so  
952.24 -> many notes he scored a hundred percent in the  anatomy quiz on like week one like naming all  
957.68 -> the different parts of the body and stuff which  was quite impressive I i don't think I could  
963.76 -> I don't think I even scored a hundred  percent and no you know method but also  
973.92 -> why I write it is because I'm  not very good at reading things  
977.04 -> or listening it has to kind of go in through my  hand so that is the reason so yeah we're we're  
983.36 -> 35 weeks today by the time this vlog goes out on  sunday oh yeah we'll be 35 weeks yes it really is
1005.68 -> Right should we get cooking yeah I can give  instructions from here yeah you can instruct me
1016.4 -> It feels like yeah delicious this is yummy mmmm  
1024.72 -> could be a bit random tastes delicious  I wish I was eating it in bali  
1031.92 -> I am full after one big portion Jamie's on thirds  there's only a tiny bit left so I'm gonna i've had  
1039.76 -> seconds I'm gonna have birds but that's unusual  for me it is we call you the human dustbin well  
1049.2 -> also we often stick it in the fridge and then  like a week later we throw it out so we might  
1054.56 -> as well eat it now yeah was it that old process  he says to almighty says shall I check it out now  
1063.84 -> or should I check out in two weeks time we're  very good at not wasting food we normally eat  
1069.2 -> because I hate weight I hate waste so it's really  pretty pretty good and also that guys eat too much  
1076.48 -> you do eat a lot morning good morning we've just  got back from our morning walk because we wake up  
1084 -> so early we went to go pick up evelyn's birthday  present it's evie's birthday this weekend third  
1090.88 -> birthday and she's having a little party at her  house which we might film a little bit obviously  
1095.84 -> there's kids so we can't film the kids too  much but they are having a mermaid themed party  
1102.88 -> can we say that yeah it's not going out until then  I'm in charge of the music for pass the parcel I'm  
1109.28 -> I'm the presenter I'm in charge of pass the parcel  pass the parcel past the parcel pass the parcel  
1119.68 -> and apparently i've got to do it in full elsa  costume so that's why we wanted to vlog a little  
1124.64 -> bit because even though we won't be showing like  the kiddies and things yeah it's quite a fun way  
1130.4 -> to end the vlog oh the preggy eggy preggy eggy  in elsa full-on elsa costume my elsa costume  
1140.4 -> all right I'm lending it to reagan  you're very proud of your elsa costume  
1146.08 -> yeah I'm just borrowing it but we we're just about  to wrap her present and we wanted to tell you what  
1152.88 -> we got here because we well we think it's like  super cool I'm obsessed with it I think it's such  
1158.08 -> a good idea you know I love the tech yeah but  I don't like how lots of kids use tech too much  
1166.4 -> yeah I don't know this is like that it's a  fine balance isn't it because everyone knows  
1171.12 -> that's the age that we live in kids can use ipads  from a young age this kind of combines the two  
1176.96 -> yeah doesn't it real world and digital so let's  show you it's called osmo and it's an app on your  
1185.44 -> ipad but it has a little mirror here where the  camera is and you basically can draw letters  
1193.12 -> in front of the ipad so you put the letters  together to make an a or an apple or a small a  
1198 -> an ah and then the camera takes a picture and puts  it up on the screen and I think you can have like  
1203.52 -> story time and you can make certain things there's  also which we saw at disney version where you have  
1208.16 -> to make you can draw as well so there's kind of  like a picture of mickey mouse without the head  
1212.64 -> and ears and then the kid has to draw that and  then the ipad takes a picture and then mickey then  
1217.28 -> goes up onto the screen and all the lines for his  head are exactly what you've drawn so it's kind of  
1222.4 -> merging the real world with digital teaching them  how to do their letters I think there's phonics  
1227.92 -> and just doing story time but so cool can kind of  see on the back here so we got the starter kit so  
1236.88 -> this was 80 pounds yeah and this is yeah this is  the starter kit but you get like loads of apps  
1244.24 -> loads of games they use this pad so they're not  actually using the ipad they do everything on a  
1249.76 -> front of it and then it takes a picture like  this and then it would go up onto the screen  
1254 -> and exactly how you place it ends up on there and  there's loads of different add-ons yeah so you can  
1258.96 -> just basically buy different add-ons at different  games that are maybe 30 pounds 40 pounds and you  
1264.64 -> can just keep growing your little collection  real play real learning in the real world  
1271.92 -> anyway she's gonna start learning her phonics  isn't she and over time can obviously as you said  
1275.84 -> you can get more so it goes from age three which  she's going to be three it says three to five so  
1281.2 -> I think it's perfect and very people  get christmas presents as well  
1285.2 -> I'm excited to play with her I'm excited to play  this yeah right should we get our elsa costume  
1291.28 -> ready and everything ready make sure we bring  we've got a glitter station so we bought some  
1296.72 -> biodegradable glitter yes we did so i've been  put in charge of the glitter station because  
1302.24 -> it's a mermaid party so there might be some  boys and girls wanting some mermaid glitter  
1307.12 -> they will yeah I'm gonna have to practice on me  I think yeah you're definitely gonna be the first  
1312.08 -> one with glitter on your face there was talk  originally that was gonna be a disney party so  
1318.4 -> Jamie and I were potentially going to  sing frozen let it go in full costume  
1325.2 -> uh but since then it has changed to mermaids but  I'm not sure she knows the little mermaid as well  
1330.8 -> no part of your I feel as though she's sung a few  but not as much as frozen she knows all the frozen  
1335.92 -> songs yeah so we might actually I don't even know  if I know the original lyrics to part of your  
1342 -> world anymore no I think all of the songs from our  wedding song we've ruined them all ruined them all  
1348.4 -> because I just can't Remember the original  lyrics no look at you all don't you love me  
1354.48 -> I don't know uh yeah I don't remember the words at  all it's either especially with the I get it with  
1362.32 -> the mcfly songs especially with our last one but  I just sing tom fletcher's wedding all the time  
1368.4 -> also in other news uh I know we've got a lot  of fair subscribers who watch from abroad but  
1374 -> I think everyone's every country has got a version  of strictly come dancing or I think it's called  
1379.52 -> dancing with the stars it's essentially the  same thing well over here tom fletcher has  
1384.56 -> been announced as one of the first celebrities  on the new line up so he's going to be taking to  
1389.76 -> the dance floor this year we have already put a  bet on we've already put a bet on for him to win  
1395.84 -> uh yeah let's let's get tom fletcher  we don't normally watch strictly no oh  
1402 -> whereas this year definitely going to be watching  definitely I'm cheering on tom and hopefully you  
1407.44 -> guys as well whoever's watching give them  a cheeky vote cheer on tom go on every week  
1412.8 -> in fact every week it's on a saturday so  we are but we would have edited it before  
1417.92 -> yeah that's annoying oh well we'll have to  uh we'll have to give updates on instagram  
1423.2 -> instead yeah all right we are gonna get ready  for the party and we'll take you along with us  
1428.72 -> just capture a few silly fun shots and yeah  bring you along for some three-year-old happiness
1458.72 -> What a party so many kids it was cool it was  all the mess in the background so many toys  
1465.84 -> organized chaos okay that was great it was  amazing I chickened out wearing the elsa costume  
1470.88 -> it didn't feel quite right today there was a lot  of parents around and but past the parcel went  
1475.04 -> well past the parcel on the mermaid however  and the cake was phenomenal uh it's hannah's  
1484.64 -> friend old friend from work called winnie  but we'll put a link in the description to  
1488.56 -> her company she does it full time now and she did  evelyn's second birthday was that second the first  
1492.96 -> birthday she did oh that cake was sensational  really really good the food was amazing michael  
1499.6 -> is michael's the best chef yeah he's very  very good but yeah we've had an amazing day  
1504.96 -> we're going to stay here tonight and then I  think my sister so we were supposed to have  
1510.64 -> our baby shower tomorrow we're supposed to  but it was all very last minute a lot of our  
1515.28 -> a few of our friends could make it but not  many yeah they all had weddings and henderson  
1522 -> there was so much going on we thought you know  what we don't need to put that stress on us  
1526 -> no so actually this weekend's been nicer we've had  evelyn's birthday party today and then tomorrow  
1530.88 -> I think there might be some sort of I think my  sister's got something very very small planned  
1536.08 -> just whilst we're here and my mum's here and my  auntie's here so yeah have a little tea somewhere  
1541.92 -> perhaps or something really small but yeah we  cancelled it because there was just too much going  
1547.84 -> on there won't be a baby shower video no they  won't but we'll probably do a welcome to the world  
1553.76 -> party instead yeah I think a lot of the friends  who couldn't make it really wanted to be there  
1559.28 -> so they want us to do something yeah  we will do something so much food but  
1563.84 -> what a busy few days few weeks as always I'm  definitely ready for an early night are you  
1571.76 -> I mean I am but I don't think that's going to  happen are you going to have a few more beers
1577.12 -> Chill with the family yeah that'll be  nice but thank you as always for watching  
1581.36 -> remember to subscribe please subscribe
1583.2 -> See you next week, bye.
