Why did Britain develop nuclear weapons?

Why did Britain develop nuclear weapons?

Why did Britain develop nuclear weapons?

The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been developed by American and British scientists working together, but soon after the Second World War, Britain found itself out of the loop with the US no longer willing to collaborate. The Soviet Union tested their own nuclear weapon in 1949. And the United States was on its way to testing the first H- bomb, 1000 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

Britain was desperate to enter the arms race. And by 1952 it succeeded with Operation Hurricane, becoming the third nuclear power in the world.

But why? Why did Britain want nuclear weapons when already part of NATO and close allies with the US? And why do they still have them today?

View and licence the film clips used in this video on the IWM Film website: https://film.iwmcollections.org.uk/my

Check out V-bomber items in the IWM Duxford Shop:

Photo of William Penney, Otto Frisch, Rudolf Peierls and John Cockcroft © Los Alamos National Laboratory
Nuclear radiation sign on the Montebello Islands © Brian Gordon Bush via Research Gate
Ted Rollo on Trimouille Island reading the radiation level at ship debris via xnatmap.org
Explosion of the first Soviet nuclear bomb. (Photo: U.S. Department of Energy
CND marches from the 1960s © https://cnduk.org


1.52 -> This is the first atomic bomb successfully  tested by the UK in 1952, making Britain  
7.68 -> the third nuclear power in the world, and to  this day it maintains its nuclear arsenal.  
13.92 -> But in fact, Britain was one of the first  countries involved in the development of  
18.08 -> atomic bombs. They began research  on nuclear weapons as early as 1940. 
24.4 -> A scientific group, known as the MAUD  Committee, was established in 1940  
28.56 -> to determine the feasibility of using  nuclear fission to create an atomic bomb.  
33.52 -> The following year, the Committee produced a  report which demonstrated that this was indeed  
38.24 -> possible. The so-called Tube Alloys programme  was set up to develop the idea - however,  
44.56 -> Britain did not have the resources, equipment, or  materials to do this alone, and the country was  
49.84 -> under attack from German bombing. After lengthy  negotiations, Britain signed an agreement with the  
52.96 -> United States in 1943 to share all nuclear  research and development with each other  
58.64 -> and Tube Alloys was merged with America’s  existing programme, the Manhattan Project. 
64 -> Their first successful nuclear test on  16 July 1945 ushered in the nuclear age.  
80.8 -> Less than a month later, atomic bombs  were dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  
85.28 -> The devastation revealed that Britain  and the United States had created a  
89.44 -> weapon of unparalleled destructive power. With the end of the Second World War, the  
94.48 -> former allies of the US and the Soviet Union now  found themselves opposed along ideological lines.  
100.56 -> The United States had shown the Soviet  Union their hand by releasing their  
104.64 -> superweapon and fear was growing that Soviet  scientists would soon develop their own. 
109.92 -> To try to prevent Soviet spies from obtaining  information relating to nuclear technology,  
114.64 -> the United States introduced the  Atomic Energy Act (also known as  
117.92 -> the McMahon Act in 1946 which severed ties  with Britain and would transfer all nuclear  
123.28 -> development into civilian, not military, hands. Britain now needed to make a choice: take a step  
129.2 -> back and allow the United States to cement itself  as the only western nuclear power or develop its  
135.2 -> own atomic bomb to stand as an aggressor on the  world stage. Britain chose the latter and set to  
141.2 -> work under the name High Explosive Research. Despite post-war reconstruction being at the  
146.72 -> forefront of British people’s minds – it’s worth  noting here that rationing did not end until  
151.12 -> the early 1950s – High Explosive Research  was seen as a Labour government priority,  
156.64 -> especially once the Soviet Union successfully  tested their own atomic bomb in 1949. 
161.92 -> Although British scientists had been involved with  the Manhattan Project, they still did not have  
162.367 -> all the required knowledge to make an atomic  bomb. Nevertheless, within just a few years  
162.773 -> they did successfully develop their own. Churchill came back into power in 1951  
165.68 -> and the UK had plans to test its first weapon  – a 25-kiloton plutonium implosion bomb. 
171.84 -> The uninhabited Montebello Islands, located  around 80 miles off the coast of Australia,  
177.2 -> were chosen as the test site and the project was  named Operation Hurricane. Australia agreed to  
182.64 -> allow Britain to use the islands – hoping that  their willingness to help might lead to the  
186.48 -> supply of nuclear energy for its population. On 3 October 1952, the first atomic bomb was  
192.72 -> detonated on board the ship HMS Plym which was  moored in a lagoon on the islands. The impact of  
199.2 -> the explosion left a crater 6 metres deep and 300  metres wide on the seabed. With this successful  
206.48 -> test, Britain had secured a place at the top table  with the other nuclear superpowers, but Operation  
212.08 -> Hurricane had come at a cost: an estimated £150  million, billions of pounds in today’s money. 
219.52 -> But the impact of the test, and successive tests  throughout the 1950s, was not just financial. 
225.76 -> In the mid-1980s, the McClelland Royal  Commission found that nuclear fallout had  
230.32 -> serious and long-lasting effects  on those involved in the testing  
234.08 -> and the indigenous populations in Australia. The  British and Australian governments have paid some  
238.96 -> compensation to those effected, but discussions  remain live, and investigations are ongoing. 
244.88 -> Nuclear warfare presented new technological  challenges; jet bombers were needed to carry and  
250.08 -> deliver heavy nuclear weapons at long-range,  high altitudes and speed. This led to the  
255.12 -> development of the V-bombers, consisting  of the Valiant, the Vulcan and the Victor. 
260.16 -> V-bomber bomb bays were designed to carry  a free-fall bomb called Blue Danube,  
265.92 -> the first UK-built nuclear deterrent. A  Vickers Valiant painted in anti-flash white,  
272.96 -> which was thought to protect the aircraft and  its crew from thermal radiation, successfully  
277.52 -> released the weapon on 11 October 1956 and became  the first RAF aircraft to drop an atomic bomb. 
285.92 -> From 1962 to 1969, Britain’s primary nuclear  deterrent was the Blue Steel missile.  
292.64 -> But by this time, the high-altitude V-bombers  were becoming increasingly vulnerable to air  
297.44 -> defence missiles. Launched from a ‘stand-off’  position outside the range of enemy air defences,  
303.6 -> Blue Steel could fly as a small, pilotless plane.  However, its unreliability and limited range  
311.04 -> meant Blue Steel was already out of  date when it entered service in 1963. 
316.88 -> This aircraft behind me, the Avro Vulcan  B2, was armed with the Blue Steel missile  
322.4 -> while serving at RAF Scampton and RAF  Cottesmore at the height of the Cold War.  
328.16 -> It was kept in a constant state of readiness known  as Quick Reaction Alert. This Blue Steel missile  
334.48 -> was acquired by Imperial War Museums in 1978. In 1952, the US tested its first thermonuclear  
342.48 -> bomb – it was 1,000 times more powerful  than the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima,  
346.64 -> with 10.4 megatons of TNT producing a 4 miles  wide mushroom cloud. In comparison, the bomb  
353.36 -> dropped on Hiroshima was just 15 kilotons. The Soviet Union successfully tested its  
358.64 -> first thermonuclear weapon in 1953 and once  again, Britain was not that far behind. 
365.2 -> On schedule, Britain dropped its  own H-bomb over Christmas Island  
368.88 -> on 8 November 1957 with a yield of over a megaton. Over 1957 and 1958, both atomic and thermonuclear  
375.76 -> weapons were tested over Christmas Island  and Malden Island in the Pacific as  
378.96 -> part of Operation Grapple. During the tests, British servicemen  
383.04 -> on the ground reported that the flash of light  from the explosions was so bright that, even  
387.28 -> though they were facing away from the blast and  had their hands over their eyes, they could see  
391.92 -> the bones in their hands. For miles beyond the  impact zone, birds, fish and other marine life  
398 -> perished. The long-term effects of radiation  contamination on the servicemen and the islands’  
403.52 -> inhabitants are still being researched, but  they include an array of serious health issues,  
409.2 -> not just on those present during the tests but  passed down through subsequent generations. 
414.72 -> In 1957, the British tested their first  hydrogen bomb. I happened to be there as  
420.24 -> one of two American representatives. We were  not at all privy to the design of the bomb,  
425.44 -> there was no exchange of detailed information  whatsoever. So I tried to estimate the yield  
431.04 -> of the bomb, the British didn't even tell us that  and I did the best I could, trying to put my hand  
436.4 -> out and measure with my fingers the size of the  fireball. And I was surprised at how small it was.  
442.48 -> And so I formed the opinion that the British were  not on the right track, that they hadn't yet got  
447.92 -> what we call the Teller-Ulam design. I later  learned I was wrong and that they just simply  
452.8 -> had built it too small. And it was now, I believe,  a quite sophisticated approach to the question. 
460.16 -> The break in the Manhattan project was not the  end of US-UK collaboration on nuclear weapons. 
465.92 -> From the end of the Second World War,  the US held some of its bomber force  
469.76 -> in bases across Europe so that its aircraft  would be within range of the Soviet Union.  
474.24 -> In 1953, the United States committed  nuclear weapons to its NATO allies,  
478.88 -> establishing a nuclear presence in Europe. Then, in 1958, the US-UK Mutual Defence Agreement  
485.28 -> was signed. Britain and the United States  were now able to exchange nuclear materials,  
490.16 -> technology and information once again. The  Special Relationship had been restored. And  
492.96 -> it wasn’t long before Britain was entirely  reliant on America for its nuclear weapons. 
498.4 -> To maintain its place as a global nuclear  power, pressure was mounting on Britain  
503.28 -> to create its own ballistic missile to replace  the nuclear deterrent carried by the V-bombers.  
509.2 -> However, Britain’s attempt to create an IRBM, an  intermediate-range ballistic missile, in the form  
515.68 -> of Blue Streak was cancelled in 1960 before it  even entered production due to escalating costs. 
522.48 -> Britain turned to its American allies and  ordered a series of US-made Skybolt ALBMs,  
529.04 -> air-launched ballistic missiles. Unfortunately,  due to continued complications, Skybolt  
534.64 -> was cancelled in 1962 and Britain’s nuclear  deterrent relied on Blue Steel - until Polaris. 
541.52 -> Polaris was an American-designed  submarine-launched intercontinental  
545.6 -> ballistic missile which entered  service with the Royal Navy in 1968.  
550.8 -> Launched from underwater, the Polaris maintained  a threat to the enemy even if a surprise nuclear  
556.24 -> attack had destroyed land-based nuclear force. The  missiles were developed at Aldermaston and were  
562.08 -> carried by four British Resolution-class nuclear  submarines. Each submarine held 16 missiles.  
569.6 -> Polaris became Britain’s main nuclear deterrent  for the remainder of the Cold War and the  
574.8 -> V-bombers were withdrawn from their nuclear role. Behind me is a Polaris  
579.36 -> A3TK on display at IWM Duxford. It has a  Chevaline warhead, a later modification designed  
583.76 -> to increase the potential of Polaris being able to  penetrate Soviet anti-ballistic missile defences.  
590.64 -> This missile is a drill version, used by  the Royal Navy for practice. The acronym  
596 -> AIM printed on the side stands for Active Inert  Missile. This means that it contains all of the  
600.8 -> working parts necessary for training, such as  the electrical systems, but cannot be launched. 
606.8 -> The need to scale back nuclear tests was  recognised early on. From November 1958  
612.4 -> to September 1961 – the US, UK, and USSR even  observed an informal moratorium on nuclear tests. 
620 -> But testing and development continued to escalate. In 1961 the world’s largest ever nuclear weapon  
626.96 -> was detonated by the Soviets - a 58 megatons  H-bomb called Tsar Bomba – The mushroom cloud was  
633.52 -> 37 miles high. Nuclear testing reached a peak in  1961-1962 when 340 megatons were detonated in the  
635.423 -> atmosphere by the United States and Soviet Union. We thought at the time, and I think it's been  
637.84 -> confirmed by the Russians since, that if that bomb  had been built in a standard fashion, if there had  
643.76 -> been no attempt made to reduce the radioactivity,  it would have yielded a hundred megaton,  
649.04 -> so we always thought of that as the only test  essentially of a one hundred megaton bomb.. We now  
655.76 -> know that Sakharov tried to prevent the explosion  of that bomb. And Khruschev apparently said,  
660.56 -> you're a brilliant scientist and you understand  those things, but I understand politics. Kennedy's  
666.88 -> response is also interesting. Kennedy resisted  the idea of an immediate American response,  
673.12 -> that is an American test. Eventually that became  obvious that the Russians just... there was no  
679.2 -> containing them, and we essentially did the  same thing. We went and, you know, we got  
683.44 -> bombs from wherever we could find and took 'em  to Nevada and shot them just in order to respond  
688.56 -> to these Russian tests. It was a crazy period. In 1963, after years of negotiations, the Partial  
706.16 -> Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which prohibited nuclear  weapons tests in the atmosphere, outer space and  
711.6 -> underwater, was signed by Britain, the United  States and the Soviet Union. Other countries  
717.28 -> followed but some have still never signed it. The nuclear age was indeed a period of escalation  
719.443 -> avoidance. World leaders went to great lengths  to limit their use throughout the Cold War;  
719.534 -> summits were organised, and treaties were signed  with the aim of preventing all-out nuclear war. 
719.631 -> Meanwhile, public dissent was a consistent  presence in the UK. The Campaign for Nuclear  
719.719 -> Disarmament, or CND, was founded in  1957 to advocate for a global ban on  
719.792 -> nuclear weapons. The organisation led  popular protests throughout the 1960s. 
719.868 -> PARIS – After the signing of the Partial Nuclear Test  
719.924 -> Ban Treaty in 1963, CND membership fell but it had  a resurgence in the 1980s, largely owing to the US  
720.026 -> and British governments stating that American  cruise missiles would be based in Britain. By  
720.118 -> 1985, CND numbers had risen again to over 100,000. Today, CND actively campaigns against Trident,  
720.216 -> NATO and nuclear power. In 1980, the British government  
722.16 -> announced its plans to replace the  ageing stock of Polaris missiles  
726.16 -> and ordered the American Trident II D5  missile system two years later. Trident  
731.36 -> went into service with the Royal Navy in 1994  and remains Britain’s main nuclear deterrent. 
738 -> Four Vanguard-class nuclear-powered  submarines carry Trident, each with the  
742.4 -> capacity to hold up to 8 missiles. At least one  nuclear-armed submarine is constantly on patrol. 
792.08 -> The British government states that it  is “committed to the long-term goal  
795.76 -> of a world without nuclear weapons” and it remains  dedicated to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation  
801.12 -> of Nuclear Weapons, which came into force in  1970. Nonetheless, it maintains a constant  
806.72 -> nuclear deterrent stating that it is required  “to preserve peace, prevent coercion and deter  
812.4 -> aggression” in order to protect Britain and its  NATO allies from countries that are “increasing  
813.319 -> and diversifying their nuclear capabilities”. In January 2021, the Treaty on the Prohibition  
816.56 -> of Nuclear Weapons came into force –  an international agreement to prohibit  
820.8 -> nuclear weapons, leading towards  their total elimination. To date,  
822.64 -> Britain and other NATO members have not voted,  except for the Netherlands which voted against. 
828.08 -> Britain will maintain its continuous at-sea  deterrence and it is estimated that the  
832.72 -> Vanguard-class submarines carrying  Trident missiles will be replaced by  
836.72 -> a Dreadnought-class fleet by the 2030s,  hosting existing Trident missile stock.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g81Pxt8tVc