5 | MCQ | Practice Sessions | AP World History

5 | MCQ | Practice Sessions | AP World History

5 | MCQ | Practice Sessions | AP World History

In this video, we’ll unpack sample multiple-choice questions.

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#AP #APDaily #APWorldHistory


0 -> hi welcome back to AP daily practice
2.22 -> sessions for AP World History modern my
4.92 -> name is Amy Laporte Lewis and I teach at
7.14 -> Holy innocent Episcopal School in
8.7 -> Atlanta Georgia go Bears if you're
11.34 -> following along out there today then you
13.259 -> probably want to access the practice
14.4 -> multiple choice questions that we're
15.96 -> going to be going over you can find the
17.64 -> link to those questions at the beginning
19.14 -> of this video and you can also find the
21.3 -> link in the description in YouTube as I
24.3 -> said we're going to be focusing on
26.039 -> multiple choice today
27.84 -> so first I'm going to start with giving
29.88 -> you some general tips number one answer
32.34 -> every question there is absolutely no
34.38 -> penalty for guessing so you never want
36.78 -> to leave any of your answer choices
38.34 -> blank so if you find yourself running
39.78 -> short on time as you go through the
41.52 -> multiple choice just bubble something in
44.16 -> next we want to be super methodical this
46.379 -> is the process that I use with my
47.82 -> students this is what I teach them to do
49.44 -> step one read The Source information
51.719 -> first it's going to help situate you in
54.059 -> time and space and already give you a
56.219 -> sense of what the passage might be about
58.32 -> next you want to read the questions a
60.48 -> lot of times the questions will point to
62.1 -> a specific part of the passage or a
64.08 -> specific line or something so it's good
66.72 -> to know that ahead of time so that when
68.28 -> you read the passage you can actually
69.54 -> focus on that particular area
73.38 -> um then you'll actually start to read
74.88 -> the passage if you've previewed the the
76.619 -> questions first then you have you will
79.14 -> get a sense of what the passage is going
80.58 -> to be about and it will help with your
81.84 -> reading comprehension once you've read
84 -> the passage or examine the text then you
86.46 -> can go about answering all the questions
89.22 -> um some things you can use as you're
90.84 -> trying to eliminate wrong answer choices
92.7 -> you can think about chronology and theme
94.74 -> right if something just seems wildly out
97.02 -> of the time period and not possibly
99.06 -> accurate then you can eliminate those
100.799 -> answer choices right away also if
102.9 -> something seems like it's not the right
104.34 -> theme in terms of what the question is
106.2 -> calling for like maybe the question asks
108.299 -> about a cultural something and you see a
111.119 -> political answer in there then you can
113.22 -> eliminate that
115.14 -> always refer back to the source as you
117.479 -> need to and to help you eliminate the
119.22 -> incorrect answer choices and finally
121.38 -> answer every question I really mean it
123.899 -> don't leave anything blank
126.06 -> all right let's get into our first
127.2 -> question set okay so this is the passage
131.22 -> um that to we're going to see two
132.599 -> multiple choice questions that are based
134.22 -> on this passage so we're going to follow
136.02 -> the process that I just talked about and
138 -> make sure we identify the source
139.62 -> information first there it is so let's
142.319 -> kind of break this down first thing zero
145.319 -> in on the date 1836
147.72 -> okay now we know when we are okay this
151.56 -> is a letter to a British magazine from
154.62 -> an English Merchant in China so now we
157.379 -> kind of know it's the communication
158.94 -> between Britain and China originating in
161.099 -> China in the uh kind of early to mid
163.56 -> 1830s right
166.62 -> um we'll look at the title it's called
168.54 -> remarks on the opium trade now in my
171.18 -> mind I'm starting to put pieces together
172.98 -> I know this is the right time period for
174.84 -> opium trade I know that was a big major
176.879 -> kind of incident between Britain and
178.56 -> China so I'm already starting to get a
180.48 -> sense of what the passage is about
181.8 -> before I even read it the next step is
184.44 -> to read the questions okay the questions
186 -> are going to again help you try to
187.62 -> understand the passage and they're also
189.42 -> going to save you time because you know
190.739 -> what you need to look for so the first
192.599 -> question here is the trade described in
194.58 -> the passage is best to seen as an early
196.44 -> example of which of the following so now
198.239 -> I know the passage is going to be about
199.56 -> trade and I also know that I need to
201.9 -> think about the trade in the passage as
203.94 -> an early example of something I need to
205.98 -> be thinking about patterns of trade
207.54 -> trade relationships and that kind of
209.64 -> thing what am I seeing In this passage
211.739 -> second question is about a historian
214.8 -> could use the trade in the passage as a
217.5 -> turning point in history so now I know
220.62 -> for sure the passage is going to be
222.06 -> about opium trade makes total sense
223.799 -> because that was the title of the letter
226.379 -> um and I also know now I have to be
228.12 -> thinking about how the trade in the
229.68 -> passage might be a turning point in
231.36 -> world history so I have a lot of
232.799 -> information before I even read the text
235.26 -> so um you can pause and read it here on
238.62 -> the screen or look on the handout from
240.48 -> the link I do want to point out one
242.34 -> little thing that you're going to see
244.319 -> quite often in AP History exams is that
246.84 -> you'll see a vocabulary term or maybe a
249.36 -> phrase that has this little asterisk
250.98 -> next to it the lingo that we use is it's
253.379 -> a gloss so the it means that they're
256.62 -> going to give you some kind of
257.82 -> information or Define this term or
259.919 -> phrase or maybe give you some
261.359 -> information about an event or something
262.8 -> like that so always look for it and read
265.38 -> it so here in in our example it turns
268.259 -> out what they've done is kind of told
269.759 -> you what arsenic is and that it's a
271.62 -> poisonous substance all right so go
273.78 -> ahead and pause and read the passage and
275.28 -> then we'll start tackling the questions
278.1 -> all right our first question again it's
280.62 -> about the trade described in the passage
282.54 -> and how it might be an early example of
285 -> something okay so let's take a look at
287.22 -> the answer choices and you can pause and
289.919 -> read through them and see if you can
291.24 -> figure out what the answer is and then
292.62 -> we'll go over it
295.08 -> all right there's nothing that
296.4 -> immediately jumps off the page to me in
298.56 -> these answer choices as we could
300.18 -> eliminate it for being chronologically
301.979 -> just way outside the time period or even
304.979 -> thematically not appropriate right they
307.199 -> all are kind of about trade and economic
308.759 -> activity so we're going to need to go
310.38 -> through these answer choices one at a
312.18 -> time okay we look at answer a kind of
314.82 -> deep inspection of answer Choice a it's
316.5 -> about cheap consumer goods from Europe
318.66 -> well that's definitely not true for this
321.36 -> time period so we're going to cross that
323.1 -> one out okay next we see a growing
327.36 -> influence of European immigrants in
329.4 -> China that's also not accurate for the
331.56 -> time period right 1830s that is not
333.78 -> happening so B is out
335.84 -> C is there this transition from a joint
339.72 -> stock company controlling territory to a
342.24 -> European country taking over directly
344.039 -> well this one is true for this time
346.5 -> period that's kind of what is happening
348.84 -> um states are starting to take more
350.4 -> direct control over territories that
352.32 -> used to be controlled by a joint stock
353.699 -> company but that's not what's happening
355.919 -> in China in fact that never happened in
357.9 -> China so C is out well only leaves us
360.96 -> with one answer choice left and so it
362.82 -> better be the right one so let's make
364.32 -> sure with d it's about economic
367.02 -> imperialism when we look back at the
369.479 -> passage to confirm we see this second
371.4 -> paragraph is definitely describing
373.44 -> economic imperialism right this kind of
375.6 -> economic exploitation of one country
377.639 -> over another country's economy so D is
380.88 -> definitely our correct answer
382.68 -> all right moving on to the next question
384.979 -> we're looking at how the trade in the
387.78 -> passage might be a turning point in
390 -> world history okay so here's our answer
392.46 -> choices
393.72 -> um if you need to pause and read through
395.039 -> those do that now
397.62 -> all right hopefully you're able to kind
399.24 -> of narrow it down or pick out the right
401.699 -> answer but we'll go over it again
403.62 -> there's nothing that is like egregiously
406.319 -> outside the time period or even
408.6 -> thematically not correct so we'll go
410.639 -> through each one each each answer Choice
412.74 -> one at a time in a um is this passage a
417 -> turning point because it's a
419.72 -> shift in this historic imbalance of
422.28 -> trade with China can we we look at that
424.8 -> second paragraph that's definitely what
426.66 -> is happening and what's being described
428.22 -> in the second paragraph all right but we
430.86 -> don't want to just go for a without
432.539 -> looking to see if there are any other
434.16 -> options because there might be a better
435.6 -> option so we're just going to put a
437.46 -> question mark for now and make sure we
439.02 -> check out all our other answer choices
440.639 -> all right and B is this the transit is
443.639 -> it a turning point because it's the
444.78 -> transition from mercantilism to
446.58 -> capitalism well 1830s is a little late
449.34 -> for it to be this transition away from
452.099 -> mercantilism to capitalism so B is out
455.18 -> is this the first time that Europeans
457.62 -> use Force migration
459.66 -> um forced migration labor to produce
462.18 -> crops for global distribution no we can
464.58 -> think back to the early modern era and
466.919 -> sugar plantations and the use of
468.66 -> enslaved Africans there so C is out and
472.139 -> then D is this showing industrial
474.96 -> techniques and modern marketing that's
477.18 -> definitely not what the passage is about
478.74 -> so D is out so we were right it turns
481.199 -> out that a was the correct answer there
483.479 -> we go okay our next set of questions is
486.18 -> going to be based around this stimulus
487.74 -> which is a photograph here okay so again
490.199 -> we're going to kind of break down the
491.94 -> information that we're seeing number one
493.919 -> check that date 1889 late 19th century
499.02 -> hey um this is in Tahiti that's the
502.319 -> location and you'll see as I mentioned
504.12 -> earlier with arsenic there's a little
505.68 -> gloss so we want to make sure we review
507.419 -> that information right and what do they
509.94 -> say about Tahiti well they tell us it's
511.86 -> a French Colonial territory in Polynesia
513.959 -> in the South Pacific so that helps us
515.64 -> locate time and place
517.26 -> what other information do we get it's a
519.419 -> French photographer we're celebrating
522.12 -> Bastille Day again there's another gloss
524.52 -> there for us let me kind of make sure
526.44 -> that we read that information we find
528 -> out that the best deal day is a French
529.74 -> national holiday celebrating the French
532.32 -> Revolution okay
535.38 -> um and then the last thing we're going
536.76 -> to get from this information is that
538.44 -> this Photograph was taken for
540.18 -> publication in The French Press so this
542.339 -> photograph is destined for France okay
545.1 -> let's preview the questions first
547.14 -> question what describes the likely
549.36 -> purpose so now I know I'm going to need
551.22 -> to spend a little bit more time
552.36 -> reviewing the information about the
554.16 -> photographer again like who who is the
556.62 -> photographer where is this Photograph
558.24 -> going the second question which of the
561.48 -> following events would be most likely to
563.94 -> produce a similar cultural context to
566.58 -> the one that we're seeing in the image
567.839 -> so that means I need to like figure out
569.22 -> what is the cultural context of the
570.779 -> image and then start thinking about what
572.88 -> other situations were similar
575.339 -> all right here we go question three
577.38 -> which of the following best describes
579.42 -> the likely purpose of the photograph so
581.76 -> let's take a look at the information
582.959 -> again about the author right so or it's
585.54 -> a French photographer he's capturing
588.06 -> this moment where the people in Tahiti
589.92 -> are celebrating Bastille Day
592.5 -> um and it is intended for publication in
594.42 -> The French Press so why on Earth would
596.82 -> they do this right let's look at the
598.32 -> image and break it down first we see a
600.899 -> big giant French flag then we also see a
604.08 -> bunch of Tahitian people who are dressed
606.12 -> up in what looks like very European
608.22 -> western style clothing okay so let's see
611.279 -> what our answer choices are again you
612.839 -> can pause to read through them and see
614.7 -> if you can come up with the right
615.72 -> response
617.779 -> and answer Choice a it's kind of zeroing
620.519 -> in on a change in Polynesian political
622.8 -> hierarchy and gender roles and that's
624.959 -> just not what we're seeing in this image
626.88 -> at all we we know nothing about the
628.98 -> political hierarchy so a is out uh with
632.04 -> b
632.82 -> um it's saying you know it's trying
634.68 -> saying that the photographer is trying
636.66 -> to show that tahitians were racially
638.519 -> inferior well if anything this
640.5 -> photograph is showing to Asians dressed
642.42 -> up as Europeans so it's kind of doing
643.98 -> the opposite so B is out uh C are we
647.76 -> trying to record rapidly Vanishing
649.62 -> Polynesian Customs well it's true that
652.14 -> we definitely see some elements of
654.24 -> Polynesian tradition right the the kind
656.339 -> of hats and headgear that many of the
658.14 -> people in this Photograph are wearing
659.519 -> seem to be not European they seem to be
661.8 -> indigenous but we're not seeing any
664.74 -> attempt to try to record Vanishing
667.2 -> habits so C is out
669.24 -> again hope D is right let's just verify
672.779 -> um are we trying to show the civilizing
674.88 -> effects of colonial rule and the Loyalty
677.1 -> of the subjects well given the fact that
679.44 -> we're showing a French flag and
680.88 -> celebration of Bastille Day that kind of
682.8 -> checks the Loyalty of the subject's part
684.66 -> and then their the fact that they're
686.82 -> dressed up in European style clothing is
689.1 -> definitely trying to show the civilizing
690.779 -> effects so D is our correct answer
694.32 -> okay moving on to our next question uh
697.62 -> we're looking for a similar cultural
699.48 -> context right that's that's kind of the
701.76 -> goal of this question so first we got to
704.22 -> figure out what is the cultural context
705.66 -> of the image right again it's a French
707.279 -> photographer in Tahiti I'm again
710.339 -> reference back where is Tahiti again all
712.56 -> right it's a colonial territory in in
714.6 -> Polynesia okay again I've just kind of
717.42 -> put a box around the kind of made meat
719.579 -> of this image here right this cultural
721.62 -> context where people are dressed up
723.06 -> looking like Europeans these are not
724.98 -> Europeans but they are wearing European
726.959 -> style clothing so which one of our
729.54 -> answer choices would might be a similar
731.459 -> situation I'll let you pause and see if
733.56 -> you can figure it out for yourself and
734.94 -> then we'll go over it
737.04 -> okay right away I'm going to eliminate
738.899 -> Marxism in answer Choice a right there's
741.959 -> nothing about this image that screams
743.64 -> Marxism and elimination of social class
745.62 -> distinctions so a is out in B the
749.279 -> taiping rebellion in China
751.68 -> um is more about resisting Imperial
753.839 -> control right that's it's a rebellion
755.82 -> against the Qing Dynasty it's also a
757.8 -> rebellion that is kind of founded in or
759.839 -> based on religious ideas and that's
762.36 -> definitely not what's happening in the
763.68 -> image so B is out see the Scramble for
766.92 -> Africa well we do know that Europeans
770.16 -> use this idea of a civilizing mission
772.2 -> pretty much everywhere they colonized in
775.86 -> this in the 19th century so this is
778.32 -> probably our right answer but let's just
779.88 -> go ahead and check D just to be safe
782.76 -> okay unification of Germany that's
785.82 -> really not what's happening with this
787.44 -> image right um Tahiti it's not like
789.6 -> France is trying to kind of merge with
791.339 -> Tahiti and make it one one nation Tahiti
793.56 -> was definitely a colony of France so D
795.54 -> is out and so C is in fact our correct
798.66 -> answer
799.56 -> okay
800.7 -> uh the final question we're going to
802.26 -> look at um is relates to this image so
805.079 -> again let's use our our kind of method
806.94 -> to break it down we're going to zero in
808.68 -> on the date 1784. okay
811.98 -> um this is uh in Indonesia so that gives
814.68 -> us the time and the location uh we see
817.32 -> that it's a sketch that was done by a
820.38 -> Dutch Lutheran Minister that was living
822.36 -> in Indonesia at the time
825.18 -> um and then we also want to make sure
826.32 -> you read the caption too okay we see
828.18 -> that the sketch is going to show the sun
829.74 -> let's see if we can spot the sun Johnny
831.36 -> oh there he is and also Flora an
834.66 -> enslaved Indonesian household servant
836.459 -> let's see if we can find her up there
838.26 -> she is
840.18 -> um kind of on the right at a spinning
841.56 -> wheel
842.579 -> let's take a look at the question we're
844.139 -> just going to do one this time in the
846.06 -> late 19th century which of the following
847.74 -> would most motivate the Dutch to
849.42 -> continue to expand their presence in
851.04 -> Indonesia so what I want to be thinking
852.6 -> is why are the Dutch in Indonesia what
854.88 -> makes them want to have a bigger
856.44 -> presence in Indonesia
858.6 -> all right so again we're looking for
861.779 -> motives for the Dutch to expand in
864 -> Indonesia
866.04 -> so let's look at these answer choices
867.66 -> and see if we can get to the right one
869.1 -> pause if you need to
872.519 -> all right answer Choice a
874.92 -> are they there to acquire more natural
877.32 -> resources well that sure sounds like why
880.26 -> European nations were expanding and and
883.019 -> their presence in colonies so a is
886.62 -> probably the right answer but let's put
888.42 -> a question there for now and make sure
890.1 -> we go through all the other options
892.32 -> with B the growing competition with
894.6 -> Spanish and Portuguese Empires this is
896.88 -> where chronology can really help you
898.38 -> right date of this question or date of
900.839 -> this image is 1784 and that's just too
903.839 -> late for Spanish and Portuguese Empires
906.06 -> to be growing right by this point
907.38 -> Spanish and Portuguese Empires were
909 -> shrinking so B is out
910.74 -> see um are we is are we talking about
913.199 -> the Meiji Restoration in Japan again
915.18 -> chronology can help us this image is
917.72 -> 1784 and the Meiji restorations in the
920.639 -> 1800s so C is out D is their nationalism
924.6 -> in Indonesia is that is that what's
926.279 -> motivating the Dutch to expand again
928.26 -> chronology is going to help you here the
930.42 -> date is 1784. nationalism nationalism in
934.019 -> Indonesia doesn't really come about
935.94 -> until the 20th century so D is out so in
939.48 -> fact a was our correct answer
942.06 -> thank you so much for joining me today
943.68 -> with multiple choice practice I hope you
945.48 -> learned some Pro tips on how to take a
948.06 -> methodical approach and good luck on
949.98 -> your AP exam see you next time

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KUWcObaZyA