Looking to get creative with your workouts? The SYNRGY 360 unit is multi-functional, fun to use, and can be used by exercisers of all abilities \u0026 fitness levels! 💪

In our most recent Youtube video, Dillon walks us through the different ways you can use the SYNRGY 360 unit to help maximize your workouts. Let us know in the comments below if this video was helpful!

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0.34 -> [Music]
13.44 -> hey guys i'm dylan welcome to the
15.519 -> synergy 360 unit here's how things work
19.359 -> all right so welcome to the trx portion
21.119 -> of the unit so if you're wondering what
23.68 -> is this thing
25.279 -> basically you can do a whole bunch of
26.96 -> different exercises with it you can hold
29.039 -> it to assist you in squats you can turn
31.279 -> out this way and do push-ups you can
33.84 -> face it and do rows you can get a little
36.64 -> crazy with it and do some different core
38.399 -> things
39.52 -> possibilities are endless so i'll show
41.52 -> you just how to adjust it depending on
43.76 -> what you want to do so let's say i want
45.52 -> to do some rows
47.28 -> one of the most basic common exercises
49.92 -> for the trx
51.6 -> so if i'm going to walk in
53.84 -> first the good thing about this floor is
55.52 -> it's pretty grippy some floors you'll
58.16 -> slip
59.039 -> which if you're trying to trx rows
61.12 -> definitely not ideal to be slipping on
62.8 -> the floor
63.92 -> so you'll stand here pull the shoulders
65.84 -> back and then pull your hands kind of
67.6 -> toward the bottom of your ribs
69.439 -> now let's say you want to adjust the
71.04 -> handle if you see this little black
73.6 -> ledge here or lever you just pull it out
76.72 -> and then you'll pull down
78.64 -> and then it lengthens and then you keep
80.4 -> it pulled if you want to shorten the
82.56 -> rope and then pull this yellow tab
85.68 -> upward
87.439 -> just like that
88.799 -> and then of course you want to make sure
90.24 -> they're even
92.159 -> so you'll be here
95.04 -> align these
96.64 -> and line this little tab here in the
99.439 -> center as well
102.799 -> so i'll just lengthen them a little bit
104.159 -> and i'll show you a few reps of the row
114.159 -> you can also face out this way and you
116.56 -> can do some push-ups
118.64 -> so
119.439 -> for this one
120.719 -> the further back your feet are the
122.719 -> harder it's going to be
125.28 -> here breathe in breathe on the way up
132 -> and further row of course the closer
133.92 -> your feet are
135.599 -> into here
136.72 -> the more difficult it's going to be
138.959 -> now let's take a look at some of these
140.239 -> bands that we have usually hanging up
142.319 -> around these pegs here but here i've got
144.959 -> green red and purple
147.68 -> so green is your easiest
149.52 -> then it goes to red and then to purple
152.64 -> so i'll take the red band here for now
155.2 -> and you can see all these different
157.36 -> kind of half circley half ring like
160.16 -> things
161.36 -> of course the higher up the number
164.56 -> the higher up the rim
166.4 -> all right
167.519 -> so we can do a variety of exercises with
169.519 -> these
170.72 -> so let's stick it in here for now
172.879 -> and then i'm going to put one handle of
174.4 -> the band through the other handle i'm
176.48 -> going to show you how to work your
177.519 -> rotator cuff
180.159 -> some of the external rotator muscles of
182.239 -> the shoulder
184.159 -> so
184.959 -> glue the elbow against your body hold it
186.959 -> in tight set the shoulders back
189.44 -> step out so you have a little bit of
190.879 -> tension in the band
192.4 -> think of a paper right here between your
194.4 -> elbow and body and you're trying to hold
196.239 -> it up the whole time and you're going to
198.08 -> just twist out
200.08 -> and then bring it back in
203.36 -> twist out
204.879 -> and then back in of course there's a
206.319 -> variety of tempos you can use you can go
208.72 -> faster here you can hold it for 5-10
211.44 -> seconds you can go really slow on the
213.76 -> way back in
215.36 -> all in all though trying to engage some
217.519 -> of the external shoulder rotator muscles
220.64 -> right back there
222.48 -> and that brings us to the core of the
223.92 -> unit the monkey bars so lots of
227.36 -> different things we can do here
229.36 -> we can climb back and forth of course
231.68 -> you can hang on and you can do pull-ups
234.08 -> you can do chin-ups you can just hang
236.4 -> off and do leg raises knee raises so let
240.159 -> me just show you one of my favorite
241.439 -> things to do just kind of climbing back
243.599 -> and forth for me it's pretty nostalgic
245.92 -> you know as a kid always playing in the
247.519 -> park trying to climb the monkey bars
250.56 -> so i'll grab on
252.159 -> you can go one to the next
255.599 -> you can go both hands on
259.79 -> [Music]
261.519 -> all right you can switch grip you can
263.36 -> get your chin ups
268 -> multi-purpose
270.16 -> lots of fun with these things
272.96 -> next up
274.08 -> we got this rope here that you can pull
276 -> down i like to call it the never-ending
278.08 -> rope because as you pull
280.32 -> it never really ends you can keep going
282.08 -> all day and you're never going to run
283.84 -> out of rope
285.199 -> so a couple different things you can do
287.04 -> with this
288.32 -> what i like to do is kind of squat down
290.479 -> a little bit
291.68 -> set the shoulder back
293.52 -> and then just pull the elbow down
296.72 -> good for grip good for conditioning
300.24 -> gets the heart rate up
304.32 -> right beside the never ending rope we
305.84 -> got our land mine bar you can just pull
307.919 -> it out this one's fairly light
310.72 -> and then you put it
312.479 -> into this little tube
314.72 -> that's locked into the unit
317.039 -> so just slide it in
320 -> now you've got the end
322.32 -> and then of course it's big right here
324.16 -> that little kind of ring-like structure
326.08 -> around it so you can put some weight on
328.16 -> it if you want
332.72 -> tons of different things you can do with
334.24 -> this now all right
336.08 -> so we can hinge over
338.96 -> land mine rows
343.199 -> we can do them single arm
346 -> wide grip
350.4 -> landmine presses
352.88 -> standing
355.199 -> half kneeling
362.8 -> we can get a little bit of conditioning
364.4 -> in it a lot of different fun things you
366.56 -> can do with this really
368.4 -> next up another functional piece of
370.479 -> equipment i like to call the ledge
374 -> so it's kind of like a square platform
376.639 -> here a lot of different things you can
378.319 -> do
379.44 -> you can stand in front facing out
381.84 -> squat
383.52 -> touch
384.4 -> and come up
385.759 -> and put a little more weight on it
387.68 -> up to you
388.8 -> kind of just practicing your squat form
390.479 -> there you can turn and face
393.039 -> get into some push-ups
394.96 -> coming down
396.319 -> press away
400.479 -> like that
402.24 -> now
403.12 -> you're probably wondering okay well it's
405.12 -> a little high for me to do my step-ups
407.36 -> or i want to jump well
410.24 -> you can actually raise it to any of
412 -> these levels here
413.759 -> so to do that a little awkward so i'm
416.479 -> going to show you here
418.24 -> put one hand here lift the back
421.44 -> take this handle
423.039 -> lift it up and then it's out
425.919 -> and then you can put it if you want to
427.44 -> go lower
429.44 -> now we can do step ups
433.52 -> you can jump
436.8 -> two leg
438.72 -> one leg
440.72 -> lots of possibilities with this one
443.919 -> so over here we have some rock climbing
445.84 -> handles it's really functional if you're
447.759 -> going out to the rock climbing gym
450.4 -> same kind of handles as you can see you
452.479 -> can hook your hand in here
454.24 -> and you can do your pull-ups right if
456.16 -> you're a little short like me not that
457.84 -> short but
459.759 -> you can reach
460.96 -> you're going to do a little jump or kind
462.479 -> of step up here get your hands on there
465.36 -> you can just practice your hangs you can
467.599 -> practice your pull-ups
470.72 -> a lot of different things you can do
472.08 -> with these
473.28 -> all right so last but not least we've
475.52 -> got our dip bars of course you can do a
477.599 -> couple other things with them you can
479.039 -> position them up way higher you can hold
481.199 -> on and help yourself come up in your
483.12 -> squat things like this
485.199 -> you can just go straight arm style leg
488.08 -> raises
490.879 -> knee raises
493.599 -> and of course you can do your dips
500.16 -> you change it the same way as the ledge
503.52 -> just lifting the back use the handle and
506.08 -> then you can raise it up and down
508.479 -> all right so that's it for the synergy
510 -> training unit if you have any questions
512 -> feel free to sign up for training or you
513.839 -> can even just send us a dm
515.519 -> you got this
517.44 -> we got you
