History Of House Baratheon | History Of The Stormlands | House Of The Dragon / Game Of Thrones Lore

History Of House Baratheon | History Of The Stormlands | House Of The Dragon / Game Of Thrones Lore

History Of House Baratheon | History Of The Stormlands | House Of The Dragon / Game Of Thrones Lore

While the history of House Baratheon of Strom’s End may not be a long as that of the other great houses of Westeros they have grown fast during the 300 years since Aegon Targaryen’s conquest. From it’s founder Orys Baratheon, sprung mighty warrior, and determined Lord, with then eventually claiming the iron throne itself when Robert Baratheon rose up against the targaryens and was named king.

History Of House Baratheon | History Of The Stormlands | House Of The Dragon / Game Of Thrones Lore

The Dance Of The Dragons will be the focus of the plot of the new HBO spin-off House Of The Dragon coming in 2022. So if you want to learn the story before we see HBO’s take on it then this will be a very long-running series. Game Of Thrones / House of the dragon are HBO shows based on George R R Martin’s A Song Of Ice And Fire series. The information in this video comes from the books a world of ice and fire as well as fire and blood.

The Coronation Of Queen Rhaenyra (Dance Of The Dragons) Game Of Thrones History \u0026 Lore
The following link is for all the art that I use, if you see an image in this video a link to the source of it will be there, and the name of the artist if it’s possible to find.


Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen was trapped on Dragonstone by her brother King Aegon ii with no way to escape her fate. What was to come was the final showdown between the two main players of the dance of the dragons and bring the war into its final phase. The House of the dragon was crumbling and the events that was about to follow would only cause more damage to both sides of the war.
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0.76 -> [Music]
2.52 -> foreign
8.599 -> of Storm's end is one of the great
11.519 -> houses of Westeros and is the principal
13.98 -> house in the stormlands which they rule
16.199 -> as the Lord Paramount they are among the
18.119 -> houses who grew from meager Beginnings
20.46 -> then joining the great houses in the
22.439 -> realm in a very short amount of time
24.3 -> after aegon's conquest of Westeros their
26.939 -> seat Storm's end it's an ancient castle
29.48 -> raised by the storm Kings of legend for
32.579 -> the now extinct house durandan whom had
35.16 -> ruled the stormlands as storm Kings for
37.86 -> thousands of years the Baratheon sigil
40.14 -> is a crowned black stag or a field of
42.84 -> gold of which was formerly the sigil of
45.3 -> House durandan with the new house
46.8 -> Baratheon adopting it as their own in
49.44 -> honor of the Fallen storm Kings members
51.78 -> of the family tended to be tall and
54.539 -> powerfully built with black hair and
56.76 -> blue eyes as well as strong square jaw
59.879 -> lines after Robert's Rebellion house
62.52 -> Baratheon would split into three
64.5 -> branches Lord Robert Baratheon was
66.78 -> crowned King and took residents at
69 -> King's Landing thereby creating house
71.34 -> Baratheon of King's Landing Robert gave
73.92 -> the seat of Dragonstone to his younger
75.84 -> brother Stannis creating house braithian
78.24 -> of Dragonstone Robert's youngest brother
80.4 -> Renly became the Lord of Storm's end
82.86 -> continuing house Baratheon of Storm's
85.14 -> end with the King's Landing Branch now
87.24 -> considered the senior branch of the
88.92 -> house but technically the Dragonstone in
91.5 -> King's Landing branches could be
93.24 -> considered Cadet houses despite the
95.46 -> storm's End branch being the oldest
97.2 -> branch of the house which is not a
99.119 -> common occurrence house Baratheon is the
101.759 -> youngest of the great houses of Westeros
103.74 -> it was created when auris Baratheon one
106.32 -> of aegon the conqueror's generals his
108.54 -> closest friend and his rumored bastard
110.82 -> half-brother took argela daraden the
113.22 -> only daughter of argalang daraden the
115.74 -> last storm king to wife after the
117.96 -> downfall of the storm Kings at orris's
120.36 -> own hand aorus took the sigil and the
122.7 -> words of the house to Randon for his own
124.56 -> and became the first Lord of Storm's end
127.02 -> through the female line house Baratheon
129.66 -> descends thinking Darren God's grief who
132.06 -> founded the kingdom of the stormlands in
133.98 -> the age of Heroes thus they still have a
136.8 -> strong connection to their durandan
138.84 -> Heritage around 42 AC the grandson of
142.379 -> Oris rogoprathion the Lord of Storm's
145.56 -> end at the time of The reigns of King
147.3 -> maegel the cruel and King jahiris the
149.459 -> first Targaryen served as the hand of
151.8 -> the king a protector of the realm during
153.78 -> the minority of jahiris he was granted
156.3 -> this role due to the vital role he
158.52 -> played in joharis coming to power during
160.739 -> the downfall of maegor rogar would later
163.019 -> go on to marry Queen Dowager Alyssa
165.54 -> valorian the mother of the king rogar
168.239 -> would go on to Father two children with
170.28 -> her Ormond and Jocelyn Walman would
172.739 -> eventually succeed his father in 62 AC
175.319 -> while Jocelyn married Prince Eamon
177.66 -> Targaryen the eldest son of King joharis
180.18 -> in 70 AC Eamon and Jocelyn would have a
183.36 -> single daughter princess rhaeny's
184.98 -> Targaryen born in 74 AC with aim women
188.28 -> dying fighting the mirrish on Tarth
190.379 -> during 92 AC before his death he managed
193.86 -> with the help of his father Kinja Harris
195.78 -> to arrange the marriage of rainey's to
198.06 -> callus valarian the lord of the tides
200.28 -> and master of ships during the dance of
202.68 -> the dragons from 129 to 131 AC Lord
207.3 -> Boris bratheon cited house Baratheon
209.76 -> with King aegon II and the green faction
212.34 -> despite his late father Lord borman's
214.86 -> support to the blacks and relation to
216.78 -> rainey's Targaryen through his sister
218.76 -> Jocelyn Baratheon Prince Eamon Targaryen
221.76 -> was sent to Storm's end at the start of
223.799 -> the war to get Lord Boris side with King
226.2 -> aegon by offering a betrothal between
228.36 -> himself and one of Lord boris's four
230.819 -> daughters Lord Boris was reluctant to
233.22 -> face the dragons during the war but
235.26 -> marched with his army towards the end of
237.9 -> the war seizing King's Landing for aegon
240.12 -> and during the moon of Madness He
242.64 -> restored the city to order he was
244.56 -> promised that his eldest daughter would
246.78 -> marry King aegon who had lost both his
249.239 -> Queen Helena Targaryen as well as both
252.12 -> of his sons during the war Boris then
254.879 -> marched against the approaching
256.26 -> Riverland Army and fought in the battle
258.479 -> of the King's Road where he was killed
260.459 -> by the young Lord Kermit Tully after the
262.86 -> end of the dance the dragons into the
264.84 -> Regency of King aegon III boris's infant
267.84 -> son was now Lord of Storm's end with his
270.54 -> mother ruling in his stead until he came
273 -> of age in 200 AC a lord Baratheon held a
277.08 -> tourney to celebrate the birth of his
278.759 -> grandson then later in 209 AC the air to
282.06 -> Storm's end Sir Lionel Baratheon known
284.82 -> as The Laughing storm participated in
287.16 -> the Ashford tourney and fought on the
289.199 -> side of Sir Duncan the tour during his
291.24 -> trial of seven a daughter of Lord Lionel
293.46 -> was then betrothed to Crown Prince
295.5 -> Duncan Targaryen in 237 AC but Duncan
300.24 -> had broke the petrothal when he married
302.46 -> Jenny of old stones in 239 AC this
306.06 -> angered Lord Lionel causing to declare
308.82 -> independence naming himself the new
311.34 -> Storm King his short bloody Rebellion
313.86 -> ended when he was defeated by said
315.9 -> Dungan at all in single combat the Crown
318.72 -> Prince Duncan Targaryen then renounced
321 -> his claim to the throne and King aegon V
323.419 -> promised that Briella Targaryen his
326.16 -> youngest daughter would marry Lionel's
328.38 -> Heir Ormond Baratheon royella was then
331.08 -> sent to Storm's end to serve as a
333 -> cutbearer to Lord Lionel as a lady
334.86 -> companion to Lionel's wife the wedding
337.08 -> would take place in 245 AC and a son as
340.919 -> Stefan was born the following year
342.9 -> Stefan served in his youth at the court
345.66 -> of King's Landing and became close
347.639 -> friends to his cousin Prince Ares
350.039 -> Targaryen he fought in the War the nine
352.56 -> Penny Kings like many of the men his age
355.08 -> in 260 AC during the war his father Lord
359.1 -> Ormond died in his arms slain by males
362.94 -> the first blackfyre Lord Stefan's eldest
365.639 -> son Robert was fostered by Lord John run
368.34 -> at the Erie in the veil together with
370.56 -> eddard Stark of Winterfell with the two
372.9 -> becoming close friends more akin to
375.419 -> Brothers the new bond with house Stark
377.58 -> would be the first piece in a series of
379.979 -> powerful alliances among the great
381.72 -> houses of Westeros after the Defiance of
384.24 -> duskindale King Ares II Targaryen
387.02 -> summoned Lord Stefan at the King's
389.22 -> Landing and named him to the small
390.96 -> Council in 278 AC Stefan was sent to
395.22 -> volantis with the mission to find a
397.319 -> bride for Prince rhaegar Targaryen he
399.6 -> was accompanied by his wife lady
401.22 -> Cassandra estement they failed their
403.259 -> mission and died upon their return when
405.78 -> their ship the wind proud sank in
408.06 -> shipbreaker Bay in the sight of their
409.919 -> three sons Robert Stannis and Renly St
412.86 -> Stefan's eldest son Robert inherited
415.56 -> Storm's end upon Stefan's death and in
417.96 -> the years that followed was betrothed to
419.88 -> lyanna Stark of Winterfell whom he was
422.16 -> said to be deeply in love with in 282 AC
425.58 -> Prince rhaegar Targaryen Robert's cousin
428.24 -> disappeared with lyanna Stark causing
430.979 -> lyanna's eldest brother Brandon to ride
433.44 -> the King's Landing in Anger he was
435.419 -> arrested and killed with his father Lord
438.06 -> Rickard Stark on the command of King
440.039 -> aerys II the king then demanded the
442.8 -> heads of both Lord Robert as well as
445.139 -> adult Stark from Lord John Aaron as both
447.96 -> men were currently in the veil Jon
449.94 -> refused and raised his banners marking
453.06 -> the start of the war that would become
454.979 -> known as Robert's Rebellion Robert
456.84 -> became a figurehead and personally
458.88 -> killed rhaegar Targaryen during the
460.86 -> battle of the Trident in 283 AC in the
464.52 -> early parts of the war the battles at
466.199 -> summerhall and the seizure Storm's end
468.24 -> were huge fixtures of the stormland's
470.639 -> theater and played a huge part in the
472.5 -> war at the end of the Rebellion Lord
474.539 -> Robert was Crown King Robert the first
476.639 -> Baratheon as the Targaryen Dynasty fell
479.099 -> and the noob Baratheon Dynasty rose in
482.099 -> its place Robert's claims centered
484.08 -> around the idea that his grandmother was
486.06 -> a member of House Targaryen giving him
487.979 -> some legitimacy in his claim to the
489.78 -> throne house Baratheon was split into
492.3 -> three branches half Baratheon of King's
494.94 -> Landing and the King Robert house
496.979 -> Baratheon of Dragonstone headed by Lord
499.319 -> Stannis and house Baratheon of Storm's
501.66 -> end headed by Lord Renly Robert's
504.12 -> youngest brother
505.319 -> during the greater rebellion in 289 AC
508.5 -> the combined Baratheon Fleet defeated
510.84 -> the iron Fleet in a sea Battle of Fair
513 -> Isle commanded by Stannis the master of
515.399 -> ships Stannis later subdued greatwick in
518.039 -> his brother's name sometime after he
520.2 -> achieved manhood Renly Baratheon was
522.36 -> appointed to Robert's small Council as
524.279 -> master of laws has Baratheon Rose
526.62 -> quickly in the wake of aegon's conquest
528.6 -> and in the 300 years that followed Rose
531.48 -> the claim the Iron Throne itself but the
533.76 -> Dynasty is still very fresh and power
536.279 -> shifts like the Sands with the death of
538.74 -> the hand of the king John Aaron few
540.66 -> could have predicted the chaos that was
542.399 -> about to be Unleashed upon the realm
553.31 -> [Music]

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I1pHRZmc7E