The #1 Tip for People Who Use the Internet

The #1 Tip for People Who Use the Internet

The #1 Tip for People Who Use the Internet

It’s a messy place, and it has taken me a very long time to start to get good at this, and I think it’s been easier for me than for a lot of people, but once I got better at it, things got way way way easier.

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0 -> good morning John I have been on the
1.92 -> internet for a long time now and I've
4.14 -> also watched a lot of other people be on
5.759 -> the internet for a long time and it
7.14 -> seems like though I appreciate constant
9.059 -> calls to oh God oh God just please go
10.8 -> touch some grass we are going to all
12.84 -> continue being on the internet despite
14.759 -> the fact that we are not particularly
16.92 -> good at it so since we can't stop the
19.44 -> only choice we have is to get better at
22.14 -> it and thus I would like to give you my
24.18 -> absolute number one tip to people
25.92 -> putting their thoughts on the internet
27.599 -> whether it's a tweet to your 200
29.22 -> followers or a YouTube video to 2
31.019 -> million a piece of understanding that
33.12 -> absolutely every early Creator including
35.579 -> myself gets wrong and that I have seen
37.92 -> result in the end of a bunch of careers
40.5 -> before it was time for them to end
42.36 -> listen carefully listen closely
45.78 -> if you make something that reaches a
48.239 -> very large number of people you will
50.399 -> hear every single conceivable thought
54.239 -> reaction and opinion that a human person
57.239 -> in our culture could have
60.059 -> the Axiom of virality the larger the
63.12 -> reach of your content the larger the
65.1 -> pool of takes this is just a statistical
68.04 -> fact any piece of content has a
69.96 -> potential pool of thousands of reactions
71.82 -> people could have to it but some of them
73.619 -> are extremely uncommon now the most
76.08 -> common ones are probably the ones that
77.88 -> you will see first though of course
79.26 -> there's always a chance that you'll get
80.7 -> an uncommon one first which would be
82.5 -> great if they were Pokemon cards but
84.24 -> they're not the uncommon ones often have
87.06 -> two very bizarre attributes first they
89.82 -> are more likely to be silly and wrong
91.619 -> and thus they should be ignored and
93.9 -> second they are more likely to shock you
96.18 -> and others and so they are harder to
99.24 -> ignore and so people reply to them and
102.479 -> they engage with them which many modern
104.34 -> algorithms see as increasing engagement
106.439 -> increasing the time you're spending on
108.24 -> the platform and thus the less common
110.28 -> worse opinions are often intentionally
113.04 -> promoted but the uncommon opinion does
116.34 -> not deserve to be the center of
117.6 -> attention because it is far outside of
119.82 -> the center of opinion if it weren't it
122.579 -> would not have been so shocking
125.04 -> the only reason it even exists is
127.619 -> because the piece of content in question
129.2 -> reached so many people that it is not
132.18 -> only likely but guaranteed to receive
135.12 -> extremely weird takes in my opinion and
138.9 -> there are other opinions here but in my
140.76 -> opinion as a person who's been doing
141.9 -> this for a long time the only thing to
144.18 -> do with those bizarre takes is to see
146.28 -> them as Fringe weirdness and when we see
148.68 -> them think oh that one's weird like it
152.099 -> were a particularly ugly frog some
154.8 -> reactions are impossible not to harp on
157.08 -> not to be disturbed by even and the pool
159.42 -> of potential takes is different for
161.459 -> different creators which makes this job
163.08 -> harder for certain kinds of people if I
165.36 -> had to deal with half of what I've seen
166.92 -> some of my friends who are women or
168.959 -> black people deal with I would just have
171.66 -> quit I would not do this anymore but I
174.84 -> don't know how to stop the takes from
176.64 -> coming I only know that the takes will
179.16 -> come so if you can find a way to have
181.379 -> them matter less or not at all you
184.26 -> should because if you have a piece of
186.48 -> content that goes very viral and you
188.519 -> find yourself astounded by some of the
189.78 -> takes it receives remember people are
192.72 -> very weird you know this you've met them
195.84 -> if your Tweet reached 10 million people
198.06 -> you will see every possible confusion
200.4 -> every possible bad faith interpretation
202.76 -> every single possible reaction and the
206.459 -> fact that the reaction exists doesn't
208.44 -> mean it should matter to you we're not
211.26 -> designed to be good at receiving
212.519 -> reactions of a crowd of tens of millions
214.379 -> of people and figuring out how to
216.48 -> classify some things as like oh God just
219 -> go touch some grass I'm not going to pay
220.68 -> attention to you takes and the ones that
222.78 -> are legitimate useful criticism that I
224.4 -> should be paying attention to is
226.019 -> honestly possibly the hardest part of
228.84 -> this job I've been doing it for a very
230.7 -> long time and I'm still working at
232.26 -> getting better at it but one thing I can
233.879 -> say to every Creator out there the mere
236.64 -> fact that a take exists does not mean
238.92 -> that it is worthy of even one neuron of
241.5 -> your brain focusing on it John I'll see
244.319 -> you on Tuesday thanks
