How the World Would Look if Germany Had Won WW2... | Alternate History Mini-Documentary

How the World Would Look if Germany Had Won WW2... | Alternate History Mini-Documentary

How the World Would Look if Germany Had Won WW2... | Alternate History Mini-Documentary

It’s a question that has spanned countless hours of speculation among the communities of the Internet, giving birth to fictional films, television series and novels. It is one question that the majority of the world’s population dreads to imagine. What if Nazi Germany and the Axis Powers were not defeated during World War Two and Adolf Hitler’s dream of a Thousand Year Reich came to pass?

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0.88 -> it's a question that has spawned
2.399 -> countless hours of speculation
4.16 -> amongst the communities of the internet
6.48 -> giving birth to fictional films
8.4 -> television series and novels and it's
10.96 -> one question
11.84 -> that the majority of the world's
13.04 -> population dreads to imagine
15.519 -> what if nazi germany and the axis power
18 -> were not defeated during world war ii
20.32 -> and adolf hitler's dream of a thousand
22.16 -> year reich came to pass
25.039 -> through various theories and research
26.96 -> this mini-series will attempt to show
28.64 -> you
28.96 -> how the world would look if germany and
31.279 -> hitler became victorious
33.52 -> this is of course a hypothetical view
35.76 -> but we will attempt to show you as much
37.52 -> factual material as possible
40.239 -> as always sit back and enjoy
43.36 -> but as you can be aware this will not
45.36 -> look as comfortable as the society we
47.28 -> live in today
53.12 -> with the recent success of the motion
54.96 -> picture darkest hour
56.32 -> we begin with the uncompromising war
58.079 -> prime minister of great britain
59.68 -> winston churchill and how his leadership
62.239 -> paved the way to victory in europe
64.159 -> against the looming threat of nazi
65.68 -> germany but all could have been
67.6 -> completely different
68.72 -> if an accident he incurred on december
70.64 -> the 13th 1931
72.479 -> in new york proved fatal here comes the
75.759 -> different lineage of time
80.24 -> around 10 30 p.m on december 13th
83.2 -> churchill is running late for an
84.4 -> appointment with bernard baruch
86.4 -> a financial and political advisor to
88.56 -> democratic american presidents
91.119 -> he has not traveled too far where a car
93.119 -> going at least 35 miles per hour
95.04 -> throws him to the pavement of new york's
96.72 -> fifth avenue
98.24 -> in reality churchill survives with his
100.24 -> scalp wound two cropped ribs
102.24 -> heavy bruising and pleurisy causing
104.56 -> sharp chest pains when breathing deeply
107.119 -> and over time causing him to use his
109.28 -> cane during times when mobile
112.159 -> in our reality the accident is fatal
114.72 -> churchill dies shortly after being
116.479 -> admitted
117.04 -> to lennox hill hospital that night fast
120.159 -> forward to the 10th of may 1940
122.32 -> and with neville chamberlain the current
124.079 -> prime minister resigning after a vote of
126.079 -> no confidence within the in-power
127.92 -> conservative
128.72 -> and opposition parties it allows a new
131.44 -> politician
132.16 -> to take the reins of the country edward
134.4 -> wood
135.36 -> with no one else having this
136.4 -> straightforward determination and
137.92 -> leadership skills
139.04 -> like that of winston churchill lord
141.36 -> halifax takes charge of the united
143.28 -> kingdom
143.84 -> on the 10th of may 1940 the same day
147.12 -> germany invades belgium the netherlands
149.28 -> and france
150.959 -> halifax is not a popular choice with the
153.12 -> opposition labour party
154.8 -> but has the backing of chamberlin chaos
157.519 -> ensues
158.16 -> within the political landscape of
159.68 -> britain with no resounding voice to
161.76 -> rally troops and public alike
163.84 -> against the oncoming nazi threat by the
166.56 -> 23rd of may 1940
168.319 -> the nazi german army have reached the
170.16 -> english channel
171.44 -> cutting off and leaving the garrison
173.12 -> british army known at the time
175.04 -> as the british expeditionary force and
177.76 -> the first french army alone
179.36 -> and vulnerable at the town of dunkirk in
181.44 -> france
182.879 -> on the 24th of may instead of inciting
185.28 -> the order to halt defensive proceedings
187.519 -> hitler decides to allow hermann gowering
189.599 -> the commander of the luftwaffe to
191.28 -> continue the bombardment against the
193.04 -> british
193.599 -> and french forces with ground support in
195.76 -> total
197.12 -> air superiority is now in the hands of
199.2 -> the german lift waffle
200.48 -> due to the low production of british
202 -> royal air force units
203.68 -> and german night attacks from the skies
205.68 -> onto dunkirk
206.799 -> are becoming commonplace by the 26th of
210 -> may
210.4 -> the remaining 338 000 allied troops at
213.2 -> dunkirk
214 -> are either wiped out or taken as
215.68 -> prisoners of war
217.599 -> this is no longer a battle this is a
219.44 -> massacre that sends horrific shockwaves
221.68 -> back to london
223.44 -> lord halifax has no alternative but to
225.84 -> issue negotiations on a peace treaty
228 -> between the united kingdom
229.28 -> and germany on the 28th of may not long
232.4 -> after
232.879 -> he resigns as prime minister and sends
235.2 -> the british government into permanent
236.799 -> dissolution
238 -> hitler has won the battle of britain
239.68 -> before it has even begun
241.519 -> with no church or the helm the united
243.599 -> kingdom doesn't continue to fight on
246 -> and hitler decides to continue moving
247.76 -> german forces west
249.12 -> rather than east towards russia europe
252 -> is now
252.4 -> under the indefinite guise of nazi rule
255.96 -> [Music]
259.84 -> 4th of june 1940 the british monarchy
262.72 -> have now gone into exile in canada
265.199 -> the shores of the united kingdom are now
267.04 -> prone for nazi forces
268.479 -> landing on the coasts of southern
270 -> england who have ignored the peace
272 -> treaty and sovereignty declared by the
273.919 -> former prime minister lord halifax
276.56 -> operation sea lion is declared as
278.56 -> resounding success by hitler
280.24 -> and ground troops begin the march
281.919 -> towards london
283.44 -> devastating any minimal resistance
285.28 -> forces and asserting the control
287.28 -> of the royal air force taking armory
290.4 -> and resources for gowering's luftwaffe
292.88 -> and supporting units
294.72 -> this is what they will need for future
296.16 -> invasions especially when heading back
298.16 -> towards russia to begin
299.52 -> operation barbarossa for now though
302.88 -> britain is the jewel in the nazi crown
304.96 -> as hitler decides to take residence in
306.72 -> buckingham palace
307.68 -> on the 5th of july 1940. to a staged
310.639 -> presentation
311.44 -> on film and radio the nazi banners are
314.32 -> draped down from the rafters of the
315.68 -> palace
316.32 -> to a flyover of the luftwaffe air
318.24 -> support units spreading red white and
320.479 -> black ticker tape over the skyline
323.12 -> as a final insult to british resistance
325.28 -> the order to uproot nelson's column
327.52 -> a focal point statue in london was
329.52 -> confirmed and the new location was set
331.36 -> for berlin
332.4 -> adjacent to the brandenburg gate the
335.28 -> house of lords the houses of parliament
337.039 -> are crushed and reduced to rubble to
339.199 -> convey a message of ending toxic
341.039 -> democracy
342.32 -> sounded by the nazis regional leaders
346.16 -> are set up across britain
347.52 -> known as sectofuras given the
349.28 -> responsibility of controlling districts
351.12 -> and aligning borders between cities
352.96 -> towns and villages
355.039 -> this would be the start of the
356.4 -> segregation process rooting out
358.479 -> non-desirables
359.52 -> and creating order ready for the
361.479 -> exterminations
362.639 -> that's already taking root across
364.319 -> isolated areas in poland and rural
366.56 -> germany
367.199 -> away from the knowledge of the public
369.68 -> all men women and children that do not
371.52 -> fit with the nazis way of life
373.12 -> are transported from their respected
374.8 -> sectors to dublin island
376.88 -> this would be their last destination as
379.12 -> gargantuan concentration camps have been
381.199 -> erected
381.84 -> solely for the purpose of what we
383.68 -> already know today
385.12 -> the final solution
389.84 -> april 1941 britain and ireland now
392.639 -> officially in the hands of hitler
394.319 -> is a breeding ground for army supplies
396.24 -> military depots and required living
398.16 -> space for deployed german soldiers
400.08 -> of both air and ground support war
402.88 -> production is booming
404.08 -> and they are ready to start the process
405.68 -> of heading back towards russia to invade
408.08 -> as hitler's fondness of britain begins
409.759 -> to fade
411.28 -> a new order devised by the nazis states
413.759 -> that all able-bodied men in britain
415.84 -> aged between 17 and 45 are to be
418.72 -> transferred across continental europe
420.72 -> to be forced to work as slave laborers
423.039 -> 80 percent of the british population
424.96 -> under the order of heinrich himmler one
427.36 -> of the leading members of the nazi party
429.36 -> and reich leader of the notorious ss
432.319 -> have been executed or taken for human
434.319 -> experimentation to continue the ideology
436.72 -> of a supreme master race
439.199 -> further plans are now in place for the
440.8 -> invasion efforts against the soviet
442.56 -> union
446.08 -> 22nd of june 1943 with the now acquired
449.68 -> british
450 -> forces and extra military divisions
452 -> across italy finland
453.44 -> romania greece and yugoslavia germany
456.56 -> now have the capabilities of launching a
458.479 -> successful invasion
460.319 -> code named operation barbarossa and with
462.72 -> no early soviet winter
464 -> to tarnish the ground units traveling on
465.759 -> route to russia
467.199 -> the german offensive of violent and air
469.84 -> completely takes out the soviet
471.28 -> organization
472.16 -> and control within the first few hours
475.199 -> moscow is paralyzed morale of the red
477.44 -> army shifts to a devastating depression
480.24 -> and the soviet union falls by december
482.24 -> of the same year
483.36 -> the kremlin flies the swastika and
485.52 -> germany's land domination expands
487.52 -> tenfold taking into account that the
490 -> middle east oil reserves within iraq and
492.08 -> iran
492.96 -> are now under nazi control this will be
495.68 -> a huge
496.16 -> economical boost for the german war
498.16 -> efforts
499.599 -> seeing this across the atlantic ocean
501.36 -> franklin d roosevelt
502.639 -> the president of the united states of
504 -> america already in lone conflict with
506.479 -> japan
507.199 -> after the pearl harbor attack in
508.639 -> december 1941
510.72 -> decides to agree with germany that
512.479 -> america will not get involved with any
514.399 -> acts of war against the nazis
516.719 -> and will continue to trade with hitler's
518.24 -> new version of europe
520.08 -> a peace deal is drawn up and america
522.24 -> continues with no allied involvement
524.32 -> as they are unable to land and lies with
526.32 -> british forces in the united kingdom
529.12 -> there is no d-day there is no allied
531.04 -> invasion on the beaches of france
532.64 -> there is nothing
536.32 -> by 1945 the majority of europe is now
539.12 -> under control of nazi germany
540.959 -> or is governed by the acceptance of nazi
543.04 -> rule
544.48 -> spain portugal and italy are independent
547.04 -> but comply with trade deals and local
548.88 -> government
549.44 -> is only answerable to berlin the focus
552.16 -> of adolf hitler's vision
553.44 -> is becoming a reality millions of people
555.839 -> that are not compliant or do not fit
557.76 -> with the master race ideology
559.44 -> are led away and exterminated across
561.36 -> secret correctional facilities
563.68 -> and berlin is the herb of a successful
565.68 -> reich with countless parades and
567.6 -> military might being shown across the
569.279 -> world
570.48 -> it is now as neville chamberlain once
572.08 -> said in reality peace in our time
575.12 -> the 6th and 8th of august 1945 still
578.16 -> ends the same
579.36 -> with the usa dropping the atomic bombs
581.2 -> on hiroshima and nagasaki
583.44 -> as the two nations continue in conflict
586.24 -> but this is seen as an act of defiance
588 -> of peace by hitler
589.2 -> and by september of the same year he
591.279 -> orders work to begin
592.48 -> on the bombing project the war between
594.959 -> the us and imperial japan
596.64 -> ends abruptly and an armistice between
599.36 -> the two countries heralds the beginning
601.04 -> of the end of the second world war
603.04 -> but there is still one final operation
604.8 -> left for hitler to achieve
606.72 -> with the soviet union now under his
608.24 -> control there will be an abundance of
610.079 -> resources available for the nazis
612.48 -> thus speeding up the production of their
614.16 -> own atomic bomb as america struggles to
616.32 -> compete with the finalization
618 -> of a third nuclear weapon within a month
620.64 -> of the hiroshima attack
622.32 -> germany now has the capabilities of a
624.079 -> nuclear weapon inside a modified v12
626.56 -> rocket
627.68 -> having over 3 800 kilograms of
629.92 -> propellant
631.12 -> and a warhead with the ability of
632.72 -> holding 1000 kilograms of weight
635.2 -> reducing the propellant weight the
636.8 -> modified rocket warhead
638.24 -> is fitted with a 4 turn nuclear bomb on
641.279 -> the 3rd of september 1945
643.44 -> the modified v12 rocket is launched from
645.76 -> the coast of france
646.8 -> and is targeted at london it detonates
649.279 -> in the british capital
650.48 -> covering over 400 square miles
652.8 -> devastating the landmass by fire and
654.72 -> radiation
656.24 -> the nazis have indeed fired upon their
658.079 -> own territory but it sends a chilling
659.839 -> warning to all that oppose their rule
662 -> which allows the rebelling middle
663.6 -> eastern territories
665.04 -> the entire continent of africa and the
667.279 -> remnants of imperial japan
668.88 -> to fall in line with adolf hitler with
671.68 -> the americas in canada
672.88 -> unable to amass a successful attack by
674.959 -> land or by sea
676.079 -> into europe there is no precedent to
678.16 -> launch any form of suitable invasion
680.48 -> and the war ends as nazi troops converge
683.2 -> upon south and central america
685.519 -> from the african regions and march
687.519 -> through to canada
688.72 -> the second world war officially ends on
690.959 -> the 27th of december
692.399 -> 1952 with adolf hitler proclaiming a
695.839 -> resounding victory
697.04 -> for his third reich and begins plans to
699.92 -> take away european borders expanding
702.399 -> germany's land mass
703.519 -> to create a new germania without the
705.44 -> restrictions
706.64 -> of a now non-existent united nations
710.16 -> the death toll of the second world war
712 -> far exceeds 300 million souls
714.399 -> but hitler declares this as the
716 -> necessary cleansing
717.6 -> of the scourge of past evils and would
719.68 -> do it all over again
720.959 -> to create a pure and just society
724.639 -> this is accepted by a rousing reception
727.12 -> of exalting cheers
728.56 -> inside and outside of the enormous
730.56 -> vulture or people's hall
732.639 -> where hitler signs the declaration of
734.48 -> the end of the war in berlin
738.16 -> fast forward to today and the
739.76 -> infrastructure is completely different
742.24 -> nazi rule enforces german dialect to be
744.959 -> the native tongue
746.32 -> eradicating the german dictionary
748.079 -> completely and invoking anything
750.16 -> other than german as a foreign language
752.24 -> and frowned upon
753.92 -> mein kampf adolf hitler's autobiography
756.32 -> is treated as a were of prolific
758.16 -> literature
759.279 -> and is studied by all school children at
761.519 -> an early age
763.12 -> music lessons only deliver the classical
765.12 -> works of composer wagner
767.279 -> maths and science lessons demand the
769.279 -> continued work of military research
771.6 -> and there is always a moment's pause to
773.44 -> stand and pay respects to the german
775.279 -> national anthem
776.48 -> before and after schooling there is no
779.279 -> mixing of race color
780.639 -> or creed as by 2019 the world is now a
784.399 -> breeding ground
785.279 -> of young women forced to be known as
787.2 -> multiple mothers
788.8 -> being used to create the perfect aryan
791.36 -> in nazi terms
792.56 -> caucasians of non-jewish descendant with
794.8 -> different partners
796.16 -> and free to travel across to neighboring
798 -> countries is strictly forbidden
800.56 -> you can only enjoy your own homeland as
802.88 -> a place of holiday and recreation
805.2 -> which keeps the local economy stable
808.16 -> sporting events
809.279 -> such as the olympics and football's
811.12 -> world cup are no longer held across
812.959 -> different countries
814.48 -> every four years the olympia stadium
817.279 -> which boasted the 1936
819.12 -> summer olympics is the one and only
821.44 -> venue for sport competition
823.839 -> germany is never toppled and only young
825.76 -> men can aspire to become athletes in
827.839 -> this new modern era
829.76 -> no longer is there a jewish or lgbtq
832.32 -> community
833.839 -> equal rights do not exist and the
835.68 -> internet is heavily policed by regional
837.68 -> communication bodies
838.88 -> governed by the ss anything said that is
842.24 -> derogatory against the reich online
844.56 -> is investigated and is chargeable by
846.56 -> death
847.76 -> social media only exists in the form of
849.839 -> youtube which is an idea benchmark for
852 -> nazi propaganda to be produced
854.48 -> phone calls are monitored daily for the
856.16 -> trigger words such as resistance
858.56 -> bond and terror with again investigation
862.16 -> and potential death
863.36 -> if found to be harboring ideas that are
865.199 -> marked against the ruling of nazi
866.8 -> germany
867.92 -> the holocaust was considered to be an
869.519 -> elaborate hoax devised by the enemies of
871.76 -> hitler
872.32 -> and the atrocities of what really
873.76 -> occurred in the early stages of the
875.279 -> second world war are never unearthed
877.92 -> an online alternative version of reddit
880.079 -> by the small pockets of resistance
881.92 -> attempts to broadcast leaked pictures of
883.839 -> the atrocities that took place at
885.519 -> various concentration camps
887.6 -> including ones in dublin and outsvich
890.32 -> but stage conspiracy theory videos are
892.32 -> set up
892.88 -> to falsely debunk whatever is being
894.72 -> produced
895.92 -> the idea of religion what would be the
898.079 -> central belief of the world
899.519 -> under the nazi rule if any hitler
902.16 -> deposed certain aspects of christianity
904.8 -> yet he still believed the acts of the
906.56 -> holocaust were powered through god's
908.16 -> will
908.88 -> religion survives in this new nazi world
911.36 -> but not without hitler's authority
913.76 -> churches synagogues and all meeting
915.68 -> grounds for prayer are destroyed
917.6 -> bringing about a new form of belief for
919.68 -> the public to follow
921.44 -> a natural belief that adolf hitler is
923.68 -> the reincarnation of god on earth
925.519 -> with elements that science should be
927.199 -> revered instead of superstition
929.839 -> anyone that is caught practicing a
931.36 -> belief that does not conform to the nazi
933.36 -> regime
934 -> is executed publicly behind closed doors
937.199 -> however
937.839 -> exploring the mythical world of the
939.36 -> occult continues
941.12 -> secret work devised and established by
943.199 -> heinrich himmler
944.16 -> on the 1st of july 1935 the annan iaba
948 -> or inheritance of the forefathers
950.24 -> flourishes and grows in research and
952.24 -> development
953.36 -> as this was an original group created on
955.36 -> direct orders from adolf hitler
957.6 -> such questionable exercises include
959.6 -> macabre rituals on willing germanian
961.68 -> soldiers
962.8 -> with the group's sole purpose to explore
964.639 -> the powers of mind control
966.16 -> and human flight take place as it's
968.32 -> believed by high-ranking nazi officials
971.04 -> ancient ancestors could possess such
973.04 -> magic
974.24 -> the research continues with no
975.92 -> resounding success
978.399 -> what holidays or festivals would be put
980.24 -> in place
981.519 -> adolf hitler's birthday is considered to
983.279 -> be more prominent than the celebration
984.88 -> of christmas
986.24 -> so every 20th of april there is a mass
988.32 -> celebration worldwide to honor the
990.16 -> fuhrer
991.36 -> alcohol is permitted only in berlin for
993.519 -> the day and the joining weekend
996 -> which allows supporters on mass to
998 -> attend nazi rallies and cheer for their
1000.16 -> leader
1001.839 -> germany had no opposition when mounting
1003.759 -> a challenge for the race to the moon
1005.6 -> and landed shortly after the war effort
1007.36 -> in 1962
1009.279 -> the first manned trip to mars was a
1011.12 -> successful venture in 2011
1013.68 -> with no boundaries on technology across
1015.759 -> countries the new axis powers provided
1018.16 -> germany with a superior abundance of
1020.079 -> financing
1021.12 -> to increase their stronghold and by 2020
1024.319 -> there is promise of supersonic travel to
1026.16 -> the moon for the public to enjoy
1029.12 -> hitler has been dead for the past 40
1030.799 -> years passing away in 1978
1033.199 -> at the age of 89. his funeral was held
1036.079 -> in state
1036.799 -> with the mourning periods lasting as
1038.319 -> long as six months across berlin
1040.959 -> hitler's body was laid to rest in the
1042.799 -> berghoff his austrian home
1045.28 -> but was shortly taken by the anonymous
1047.6 -> and stored in an underground facility
1049.52 -> in the german region of thuringia their
1052.16 -> plan
1052.96 -> resurrection of the fuhrer so far tests
1055.919 -> have been negative
1058.08 -> successes to hitler's nazi empire have
1060.32 -> kept by the morales and obligations of
1062.24 -> the reich and democracy is no longer an
1064.4 -> option
1065.36 -> fear has become paramount with no
1067.039 -> challenge it seems that the generations
1069.679 -> born after the 1940s
1071.6 -> have long since forgotten a world before
1073.679 -> the nazis came to power
1075.52 -> and this is all they know no one
1077.679 -> questions the system
1078.88 -> no one dares defy the system
1082.96 -> what is so scary about this fictional
1084.559 -> video is that all of this
1086.32 -> potentially could have been a stark
1087.679 -> reality if winston churchill never
1090 -> survived the accident in new york
1092.48 -> it's amazing to think that a simple
1094.32 -> accident of crossing the road
1095.919 -> could have had horrendous implications
1097.6 -> to the world if proved fatal
1099.919 -> we must stress that this is only a
1101.679 -> series of elaborate theories
1103.84 -> the what-if moments that we all think
1105.52 -> about from time to time
1107.36 -> of course there are resounding factors
1109.36 -> that could be highlighted
1111.039 -> so across more episodes we will take a
1113.12 -> look at more underpinning elements
1115.52 -> more interesting scenarios that could
1117.44 -> have changed the course of earth's
1118.64 -> history
1119.36 -> forever thanks for watching and i'll see
1122 -> you
1122.4 -> in the next video
