An Early Medieval History of the Six Ages of the World (Isidore of Seville - Chronicon)

An Early Medieval History of the Six Ages of the World (Isidore of Seville - Chronicon)

An Early Medieval History of the Six Ages of the World (Isidore of Seville - Chronicon)

Isidore of Seville - Chronicon

Introduction (by R. Pearse, from, here abridged): “With St. Isidore of Seville (Isidorus Hispalensis, born ca. 560, d. 636 AD), the patristic age in the West comes to an end. He became Archbishop of Seville in 600-601. He was a very industrious author, and exercised an immense influence on medieval Europe. His works are mainly compilations from earlier authors, but of great value because he was the last author still in touch with antiquity… In the same way, Isidore is the last Latin historian of the patristic period, producing two historical works. His brief Chronicon or Chronicle of the World extends to 615 AD, and is given here. The work appears in the Patrologia Latina 83: cols. 1017-1058… This text was translated recently from the PL text by Dr. Kenneth Wolf as a teaching aid for his students. I came across it online one day, and felt it deserved to be more generally known. To the best of my knowledge it is the only English translation. Dr. Wolf has kindly released this version into the public domain, so that it can appear here, but warns that this is only a first draft. The master copy can be found at his site, at [dead link provided] with revisions as they are made.”

Special thanks to all my generous patrons: Theron Mosbey, Ravyn, Fred Boekhorst, jXaviErre, John Newton, Mandy Szostek, Steve Miller, Nina Gryphon, Florence Beaufort, Ron Guinta, Marina Dubajić, Strieb Roman, Justin Sledge, and everyone else who has recently donated or joined me over at Patreon! Your support is most appreciated. I couldn’t do it without you.

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0.539 -> Isidore of Seville
3.179 -> chronicon
7.08 -> translated by Kenneth Wolff 2004.
11.94 -> read by Dan a trail
16.08 -> Dr Wolf has kindly placed his
18 -> translation of Isidore's text drawn from
20.52 -> Ming's petrologia Latina in the public
23.1 -> domain
24.3 -> you can find the text on Dr Wolf's
26.46 -> website link in the description
29.46 -> the text I'm reading was drawn from
31.74 ->
35.16 -> if you'd like to support the kind of
37.14 -> freely available work that I'm doing
38.64 -> here on the Channel please visit
40.579 -> the modern hermeticist and
44.46 -> become a supporter
46.2 -> above all thank you for listening
50.52 -> preface
53.219 -> Julius Africanus under the emperor
55.98 -> Marcus Aurelius santonius
58.379 -> was the first among us to compose
60.96 -> using a simple style of History a brief
64.019 -> chronology organized according to the
66.24 -> generations and Reigns
69.18 -> from there Bishop eusebius of kaiseria
72.659 -> and the priest Jerome of holy memory
75.659 -> edited a multi-part history of the
77.88 -> canons of Chronicles organized according
80.1 -> to the Reigns and times
82.74 -> after these came others in particular
85.5 -> Bishop Victor of tununa who having
89.34 -> reviewed the histories of the previous
91.2 -> times filled out the Deeds of succeeding
94.32 -> ages up to the Consulate of Justin the
96.84 -> younger
98.579 -> we have recorded here as briefly as we
101.4 -> are able a summary of the times from the
104.159 -> beginning of the world and of King
106.14 -> sisibet of the Gods
109.799 -> laying down bit by bit the descending
112.619 -> order of the times so that by means of
115.56 -> the information provided the whole of
118.5 -> the past ages might be known
122.72 -> first age of the world
128.22 -> God created everything in six days
132.599 -> on the first day he fashioned light
136.319 -> on the second
138 -> the firmament of Heaven
140.819 -> on the third
142.62 -> the land and the sea
145.44 -> on the fourth the Stars
148.98 -> on the fifth the fish and the birds
153.06 -> on the sixth
154.56 -> the animals and the beasts of Burden
157.319 -> and finally the first man Adam in His
161.519 -> image
164.64 -> Adam at age 230 or Seth was born in the
170.459 -> place of Abel
173.819 -> Seth means Resurrection because in him
177.48 -> was resuscitated the first seed that is
180.599 -> the seed of the sons of God
184.98 -> Seth at age 205 or enosh who was the
190.08 -> first to begin invoking the name of God
194.7 -> enosh at age 190 bore Canaan whose name
200.22 -> means the nature of God
204.18 -> at the same time
205.92 -> Cain became the first before the flood
208.92 -> to build the city
210.78 -> which he filled solely with the
212.519 -> multitude of his own descendants
216.48 -> Canaan at age 170 bore mahalalo whose
221.58 -> name means Plantation of God
225.86 -> mahalalo at age 165 or Jared which means
231.42 -> descending or beseeching
235.379 -> Jared at age 162 or Enoch who was lifted
240.299 -> up by God and who was reported to have
242.819 -> written quite a few things but which on
245.879 -> account of their antiquity are refuted
248.58 -> by the Fathers as of suspect faith
253.379 -> Enoch at age 165 or Methuselah
258.359 -> who according to his lifespan is
261.12 -> discovered to have lived 14 years after
263.22 -> the flood
264.54 -> yet he is not found to have been on the
267.06 -> ark
268.44 -> on account of this some conjecture with
271.62 -> false opinion that he might have lived
274.259 -> After the flood having spent some time
277.08 -> with his father Enoch who was lifted up
282.24 -> in this generation the sons of God
284.88 -> lusted after the daughters of men
288.24 -> thuselah at age 167 bore lameck
293.699 -> in this generation Giants were born
298.32 -> in this age also Jubal from the line of
302.16 -> Cain discovered the art of music and his
305.759 -> brother tubal Kane was the inventor of
309.06 -> the Arts of copper and iron
314.46 -> lameck at age 190 for Noah who by Divine
319.68 -> Oracle was ordered to build the ark in
322.68 -> the 500th year of his life
328.5 -> in these times as Josephus reports
331.74 -> some men who knew that they were about
333.84 -> to die by either fire or water inscribed
337.74 -> their discoveries on two columns made of
340.08 -> brick and stone
341.699 -> so that the memory of those things which
343.62 -> they had discovered in their wisdom
345.3 -> might not be erased
348.6 -> their stone columns are reported to have
350.82 -> withstood the flood and remain in Syria
353.639 -> to this very day
357.539 -> in Noah's 600th year
360.24 -> the flood is recorded to have occurred
363.66 -> Josephus reports that his Arc came to
366.3 -> rest among the mountains of Armenia
368.22 -> which are called Ararat
371.82 -> there were three sons of Noah out of
374.58 -> which 72 nations were born
377.1 -> that is 15 from japheth
380.58 -> 30 from Ham
382.199 -> and 27 from Shen
386.58 -> the first age came to an end in the year
390.08 -> 2000 242.
397.68 -> the second age of the world
403.199 -> Shem in the second year after the flood
405.9 -> when he was a hundred years old or
408.84 -> arpakshad
410.4 -> from whom the people of the Chaldeans
412.68 -> arose
414.9 -> this Shem is reported to have been
417.419 -> Melchizedek
419.22 -> who was the first After the flood to
421.56 -> build the City of Salem which now is
424.139 -> called Jerusalem
427.38 -> our packs had at age 135
431.699 -> or Sheila from whom came the ancient
434.819 -> salamites or medians
439.74 -> Sheila at age 130 or Eber after whom the
444.78 -> Hebrews were named
447.84 -> Eber at age 134 or peleg in whose time
452.88 -> the Tower of Babel was built and the
455.46 -> division of languages was affected
460.08 -> the height this Tower said to have
462.66 -> stretched four miles starting out wide
465.84 -> and becoming narrower so that the
468 -> immense weight might be more easily
470.099 -> sustained
471.74 -> they described the marble temples there
474.72 -> as being unmatched in precious stones
477.12 -> and gold and many other things that seem
480.12 -> unbelievable
482.639 -> the giant Nimrod constructed this Tower
488.52 -> after the confusion of tongues
491.22 -> he departed from there for Persia and
494.46 -> taught them to worship fire
499.259 -> peleg at age 130
502.62 -> bore root
504.36 -> in these times temples were first
507.479 -> constructed
508.74 -> and certain princes of the peoples began
511.319 -> to be adored as gods
514.74 -> Rue at age 132 or saruk under whom the
520.44 -> kingdom of the scythians arose
523.02 -> where tanaus first ruled
527.22 -> sareg at age 130 or nakor
533.22 -> the kingdom of the Egyptians arose for
535.38 -> the first time with Zoes ruling there
538.14 -> first
540.66 -> nakor at age 79 or Tara
545.279 -> at the time when the kingdom of the
546.839 -> Assyrians and the sikhiannons rose up
553.92 -> the first two ruled in Assyria was
556.019 -> bellus though some consider it to have
558.42 -> been saturnus
560.519 -> and the first insecion was aggielaeus
563.76 -> after whom agialea which today is called
566.94 -> the peloponnesis is named
571.38 -> Tara at age 70. or Abraham
576.779 -> at the same time ninas ruled as king of
580.2 -> the Assyrians
582.6 -> he was the first to Institute Wars and
585.6 -> invented the instruments of weaponry
588.66 -> in this age the art of magic was
591.54 -> discovered in Persia by zoroaster the
594.66 -> king of the bactrians
597 -> he was killed by King Niners
601.08 -> also the walls of Babylon were built by
603.779 -> semaramus Queen of the Assyrians
608.76 -> from the flood to the births of Abraham
612.56 -> 942 years
615.779 -> the second age came to an end in the
618.66 -> year 3184.
626.58 -> the third age of the world
631.62 -> Abraham at age 100 or Isaac from the
636.42 -> liberated Sarah
639.48 -> but previously he had been born from his
642.72 -> handmaiden Hagar Ishmael from whom came
646.26 -> the people of the ishmaelite
648.779 -> who later were called agarenes and
651.959 -> finally saracens
655.64 -> Isaac at age 60 were twins of whom the
660.54 -> first was Esau from whom came the
663.06 -> and the second Jacob Who Bore
667.019 -> the cognomen Israel after whom the
670.44 -> Israelites were named
673.26 -> in this time the kingdom of the Greeks
676.26 -> began where inakus was the first to rule
681.54 -> Jacob at age 91 or Joseph
686.76 -> in these times sarapas son of jove King
691.14 -> of the Egyptians upon dying was lifted
694.74 -> up among the gods and the City of
697.14 -> Memphis was founded in Egypt
700.98 -> in that time at Lake Triton Minerva
704.64 -> appeared in the form of a virgin
707.64 -> she is said to have excelled with many
710.16 -> inventions
712.44 -> she is said to have been the inventor of
715.019 -> craftsmanship
717.42 -> she invented the shield and the bow and
720.18 -> she taught how to make Spears and die
722.76 -> wool
724.8 -> in this Sage also King foreigneus son of
728.22 -> inoculus excelled
732.12 -> he was the first to Institute laws and
734.82 -> trials in Greece
739.079 -> Joseph lived 110 years
742.74 -> from this time Greece with Argos ruling
746.399 -> began to have crops
748.68 -> seeds imported from elsewhere
752.48 -> 144 years after the death of Joseph
756.06 -> the Jews found themselves in servitude
758.459 -> in Egypt
760.98 -> Prometheus whom fables imagined have
764.16 -> formed men out of mud
766.2 -> is recorded to have lived in these times
770.04 -> at this time also
772.019 -> his brother Atlas discovered astrology
774.24 -> and was the first to consider the
776.7 -> movement an order of the sky
781.44 -> also Mercury grandson of Atlas was
785.76 -> expert in many Arts
789.06 -> on account of this
790.86 -> upon his death
792.72 -> he was lifted up among the gods
796.62 -> in that age also proclitus was the first
800.22 -> to harness a team of horses
803.339 -> at the same time
805.04 -> kekrops founded Athens and called the
808.26 -> people of Attica
809.6 -> Athenians after the other name of
812.519 -> Minerva
815.1 -> he also was the first to order jov to be
817.68 -> adored with a gentile right
820.26 -> emulating a bull in sacrifice
826.56 -> at this time Corinth was founded in
829.5 -> Greece and there the art of painting was
832.44 -> discovered by Clint these
835.74 -> at that time the kuretes and the
838.56 -> coribantes were the first to invent
841.019 -> harmonious and modulated formations of
843.54 -> soldiers
845.639 -> at that time also a flood in thessaly
848.459 -> under ducalian and a fabulous pyre with
851.339 -> thetan are recorded to have happened
857.1 -> Moses at age 40 guided the people
860 -> liberated from servitude in Egypt Into
862.98 -> the Wilderness
865.32 -> at this time the Jews began to have
867.899 -> through Moses both letters and law
873.18 -> at that time the Temple of Delphi was
875.94 -> built
877.04 -> viticulture was invented in Greece
883.98 -> Joshua the successor of Moses led the
887.399 -> people for 27 years
890.22 -> in these times Eric phonius the prince
893.519 -> of the Athenians was the first to
895.8 -> harness a team of horses in Greece
899.76 -> othniel LED for 40 years
903.839 -> Cadmus the first to invent Greek letters
907.04 -> ruled in Thebes
910.019 -> at the same time Linus and amphion were
913.26 -> the first among the Greeks to excel in
915.36 -> the art of music
917.88 -> the idea in dactyls at the same time
921.019 -> discovered the use of iron in Greece
926.639 -> Ehud LED for 80 years
929.82 -> in these times fables were devised
933.48 -> about tryptolumus who wore an Aloft with
937.32 -> the wings of dragons distributed food to
940.199 -> the poor as he flew at the command of
942.18 -> Ceres
943.8 -> about hippo centaurs in which were
946.98 -> combined the characteristics of man and
949.139 -> horse
950.699 -> about frixus and his sister helle who
954.839 -> crossed the sea conveyed by Rams
958.8 -> about the Harlot Gorgon who had serpents
962.04 -> for hair and anyone looking at whom was
964.98 -> turned into stone
967.5 -> about bellerophon who fought on the back
970.86 -> of a horse that flew with wings
974.399 -> about amphion who with the music of the
977.76 -> zither moved rocks and stones
983.76 -> Deborah LED for 40 years
987.48 -> in the same time Apollo discovered the
990 -> zither and invented the art of Medicine
994.26 -> then also fables were devised about
997.019 -> Daedalus and his son Icarus who flew
1000.139 -> with wings they fashioned themselves
1004.88 -> and the sage latinus Pickers thought to
1008.72 -> be the son of Saturn first ruled
1013.16 -> in the age the city of tire was
1015.38 -> constructed
1017.72 -> also the other mercury discovered the
1019.94 -> liar and gave it to Orpheus
1023 -> in this time Philemon was the first to
1025.579 -> Institute the chorus in pythium
1029.12 -> at that time also Linus of Thrace
1032.419 -> the music teacher of Hercules was said
1035.179 -> to have been illustrious in the art of
1037.4 -> music
1040.1 -> in addition the navigation of the
1043.04 -> Argonauts is recorded
1048.4 -> abimelech LED for three years
1051.26 -> he killed his 70 Brothers
1054.919 -> Hercules devastated elium and in Libya
1058.82 -> killed antias the inventor of the art of
1062.419 -> gymnastics
1065.78 -> Tola LED for 23 years
1069.14 -> in his times Priam ruled to Troy after
1072.98 -> Lao madon
1074.96 -> a fable is told at that time about the
1077.84 -> Beast of the Minotaur and closed in The
1080.059 -> Labyrinth
1083.419 -> Jer LED 22 years
1087.02 -> at the same time Hercules instituted the
1090.32 -> Olympic competition
1092.66 -> the nymph carmentis invented Latin
1096.08 -> letters
1100.66 -> LED for six years
1103.46 -> in its time Hercules living in his 52nd
1107.48 -> year
1108.26 -> injected himself with flames on account
1110.84 -> of the pain of his disease
1114.799 -> at the same time Alexander abducted
1117.919 -> Helen and the Trojan War surged for 10
1120.679 -> years
1123.08 -> IBS on LED for seven years
1127.28 -> the Amazons took up arms for the first
1129.919 -> time
1131.78 -> abdon LED for eight years
1135.32 -> in his third year Troy was captured and
1138.98 -> Inez came to Italy
1143.84 -> Samson LED for 20 years
1146.9 -> ascanius son of inais founded Alba
1152.6 -> also fables were devised about Ulysses
1155.48 -> and of the sirens at the same time
1160.1 -> the priest Eli LED for 40 years
1164.24 -> the Ark of the Covenant was captured by
1166.88 -> foreigners
1168.5 -> the kingdom of the sikhionans came to an
1171.38 -> end
1174.32 -> Samuel and Saul LED for 40 years
1179.36 -> the kingdom of the lacadimonions arose
1183.16 -> and Homer is reputed to have been the
1186.26 -> first poet in Greece
1189.14 -> from the promise of Abraham until David
1193.12 -> 940 years
1196.1 -> the third age came to an end in the year
1199.7 -> 4125.
1208.64 -> the fourth age of the world
1215.299 -> David ruled for 40 years
1219.26 -> cadres King of the Athenians was killed
1222.74 -> as he voluntarily offered himself to the
1225.02 -> enemy for the well-being of the country
1229.039 -> Carthage was built by Dido with gath
1232.48 -> Nathan and asapat prophesying in Judea
1240.08 -> Solomon ruled for 40 years
1243.679 -> he began building the Temple of
1245.48 -> Jerusalem in the fourth year of his
1247.28 -> Reign and finished it in the eighth
1252.7 -> rayoboam ruled for 17 years
1257.48 -> the Kingdom of Israel was separated from
1259.82 -> Judah
1260.96 -> the ten tribes being separated from the
1263.48 -> two
1264.32 -> and they began to have Kings in Samaria
1268.58 -> in this age Samos was founded
1272.059 -> and the Eritrean Sybil was regarded as
1275.36 -> illustrious
1279.799 -> abhijam ruled for three years
1283.76 -> under him abimelech high priest of the
1287.48 -> Jews was regarded as illustrious
1291.679 -> also ruled for 41 years
1295.34 -> achaeus Amos Yahoo Joel and Azaria
1300.919 -> prophesied in Judea
1304.48 -> josephat ruled for 25 years
1308.96 -> Elijah Elisha abdias azarias and mikaeus
1315.02 -> prophesied
1317.96 -> joram ruled for eight years
1321.26 -> Elijah Elisha and abdias prophesied
1328.12 -> ahaziah ruled for one year
1332 -> Elijah whose were the Miracles numbered
1335.539 -> seven
1336.559 -> was taken up by God
1341.659 -> atalia ruled for seven years
1345.32 -> the priest Jonah dog son of rehab was
1349.28 -> regarded as brilliant
1352.22 -> joita the priest was the only one after
1354.86 -> Moses who was said to have lived 130
1357.799 -> years
1360.2 -> joash ruled for 40 years
1364.6 -> Zacharias the prophet was killed
1369.28 -> Elisha whose Powers were said to number
1372.38 -> 14. died
1376.64 -> like hergus was regarded as a
1378.86 -> distinguished lawmaker in Greece
1382.7 -> amaziah ruled for 29 years
1386.96 -> some assert that Carthage was founded at
1389.6 -> this time but others say earlier
1396.14 -> Azariah ruled for 52 years
1400.64 -> the Olympic Games were established for
1403.039 -> the first time by the Greeks
1406.159 -> a sheep spoke in Greece
1411.799 -> King sarda Napolis was burned willingly
1414.919 -> in a fire
1418.58 -> the kingdom of the Assyrians was removed
1420.919 -> to Media
1423.5 -> at that time hezid the poet excelled
1427.52 -> and fiden archiveus discovered weights
1430.58 -> and measures with Isaiah Amos Isaiah and
1435.86 -> Jonah prophesying in this age in Judea
1442.94 -> jotham ruled for 16 years
1447.08 -> Remus and Romulus were born with Hosea
1450.76 -> Joel Isaiah and Micah prophesying in
1454.46 -> Judea
1456.32 -> ahaz ruled for 16 years
1460.4 -> in his times Romulus founded Rome and
1464.539 -> sennacherib King of the Assyrians
1467.299 -> moved the ten tribes of Israel from
1469.76 -> Samaria to media and sent the
1472.64 -> neighboring samurites to Judea
1478 -> Hezekiah ruled for 29 years
1482.179 -> under him Isaiah and Hosea prophesied
1487.22 -> at this time Romulus first chose
1490.28 -> soldiers from among the people
1493.22 -> he also chose 100 most noble men from
1496.159 -> among the people who because of their
1498.919 -> age were called senators and because of
1501.679 -> their care and solicitude were called
1504.14 -> fathers of the Republic
1508.059 -> Manasseh ruled for 55 years
1512.059 -> at the same time pneuma pompilius was
1515 -> placed over the Romans
1518.059 -> he was the first to Institute Vestal
1520.28 -> virgins and Priests among the Romans and
1523.58 -> he filled the city with a great number
1525.32 -> of false gods
1528.08 -> he added two months to the 10 months of
1530.48 -> the Roman year
1532.7 -> he dedicated January to the Heavenly
1534.86 -> gods in February to the gods of the
1537.799 -> underworld
1539.299 -> at that same time also the symbol of
1542.48 -> Samia excelled
1546.98 -> Ammon ruled for 12 years
1550.46 -> in his time tulis hostilius King of the
1554.6 -> Romans 74.
1557 -> took a census of the Republic for the
1559.1 -> first time
1560.24 -> because the population of the whole
1561.919 -> world was still unknown
1564.679 -> he was also the first to use the color
1566.72 -> purple as a sign of Honor
1571.36 -> Josiah ruled for 32 years
1575.179 -> Baileys of militis excelled as a
1578.12 -> philosopher of physics
1581.659 -> having come to understand the defects of
1583.94 -> the sun with the most acute scrutiny
1586.52 -> he was the first to investigate the
1588.559 -> number of astrology with Jeremiah olda
1592.82 -> and sephonia prophesying in Judea
1597.5 -> jehoi Akim ruled for 11 years
1601.46 -> in his third year
1603.52 -> Nebuchadnezzar made captive Judea a
1606.62 -> tributary
1610.22 -> at that time
1611.659 -> Daniel
1612.799 -> ananias azarius and Messiah
1617.059 -> excelled in Babylonia
1621.44 -> zedekiah ruled for 11 years
1625.34 -> the king of Babylon coming to Jerusalem
1627.74 -> a second time led him away captive along
1631.039 -> with his people
1632.48 -> the temple having been burned down in
1635.24 -> the 454th year after its construction
1639.98 -> at the same time the woman sappho
1642.98 -> excelled in Greece with various poems
1646.82 -> Solon gave laws to the Athenians
1652.76 -> from David to the migration of Babylon
1657.039 -> 485 years
1660.559 -> the fourth age came to an end in the
1663.32 -> year 4610.
1669.799 -> the fifth age of the world
1674.84 -> the Captivity of the Hebrews lasted for
1677.48 -> 70 years
1679.22 -> during which time the fire was removed
1681.799 -> from the altar of God and deposited in
1684.5 -> filth
1685.94 -> it is claimed that it was still burning
1688.4 -> after the 70th year
1690.5 -> the year of the return of the Jews
1695.299 -> during the same period of captivity the
1698.779 -> story of Judith was written
1701.24 -> also Pythagoras the philosopher and
1704.419 -> inventor of the art of arithmetic
1707.14 -> varicides the first writer of histories
1710.059 -> and xenophanese the inventor of
1712.52 -> tragedies were regarded as distinguished
1718.4 -> Darius ruled for 34 years
1722.48 -> in his second year the Captivity of the
1724.94 -> Jews ended from which time in Jerusalem
1728.24 -> there were princes not Kings up until
1731.6 -> aristobulus
1734 -> at that time the Romans having expelled
1737.36 -> their kings began to have consoles
1743.36 -> Xerxes ruled for 27 years
1748.299 -> pindar Sophocles and euripides were
1751.64 -> celebrated as distinguished authors of
1753.799 -> tragedies
1756.02 -> Herodotus the author of histories and
1759.26 -> zuxus the painter were also acknowledged
1764.559 -> artaxerxes also known as longemanus
1767.919 -> ruled for 40 years
1771.14 -> with him ruling Ezra the priest
1773.899 -> renovated the law that had been burned
1775.88 -> by the invading peoples and Nehemiah
1778.58 -> restored the walls of Jerusalem
1781.96 -> aristarchus Aristophanes and Sophocles
1785.539 -> were regarded as distinguished authors
1788 -> of tragedy
1790.279 -> also Hippocrates the doctor Socrates the
1793.82 -> philosopher and Democritus except
1799.76 -> Darius also known as nofas
1803.12 -> ruled for 19 years
1806.059 -> this age saw the philosopher Plato and
1809.6 -> gorgeous the first rhetor
1815.679 -> artaxerxes ruled for 40 years
1819.62 -> in his time the story of Esther it is
1822.26 -> taught was completed
1825.679 -> also Plato and xenophon were regarded as
1828.679 -> distinguished socratics
1833.2 -> artaxerxes also known as akus ruled for
1837.2 -> 26 years
1839.62 -> demosthenese was acknowledged to be the
1842.059 -> first orator and Aristotle was reported
1845 -> to be the first dialectician
1847.64 -> Plato Dodd
1852.86 -> RC's son avocas ruled for four years
1858.08 -> xenocrates was regarded as an
1860.779 -> illustrious philosopher
1864.399 -> Darius ruled for six years
1868.399 -> Alexander conquering illyricum and
1870.919 -> Thrace from there took Jerusalem and
1874.52 -> entering the temple burned sacrifices to
1877.82 -> God
1879.799 -> the kingdom of the Persians still
1881.84 -> remained standing
1884.419 -> from this point began the kings of the
1886.82 -> Greeks
1889.52 -> Alexander the Macedonian ruled for 15
1892.159 -> years
1893.659 -> in his last five years in the order of
1896.24 -> years by which they are numbered he
1898.64 -> obtained the monarchy in Asia having
1901.399 -> destroyed the kingdom of the Persians
1905.24 -> his first seven years are thought to
1907.22 -> have been spent among the kings of the
1909.2 -> Persians
1911.72 -> from this point begin the kings of
1914.36 -> Alexandria
1917.059 -> Ptolemy son of lagus ruled for 40 years
1920.679 -> having seized Judea he moved to many of
1924.14 -> the Hebrews into Egypt
1926.659 -> in this time Zeno the stoic manander the
1929.96 -> comic and theophrastus the philosopher
1932.72 -> excelled
1935.12 -> at the same time the first book of The
1937.58 -> Maccabees was begun
1941.179 -> Ptolemy philadelphus ruled for 38 years
1945.44 -> he released the Jews that were in Egypt
1947.659 -> and restoring the holy vase to eliezar
1950.72 -> the priest
1951.919 -> he sought out 70 translators and
1954.62 -> translated the Divine scriptures into
1956.96 -> Greek
1958.6 -> at the same time aratus was acknowledged
1962.36 -> as an astrologer and the silver coins of
1965.48 -> the Romans were minted for the first
1967.7 -> time
1970.419 -> Ptolemy evergetes ruled for 26 years
1975.08 -> under him Jesus the son of sirach
1978.46 -> composed the book of wisdom
1983.96 -> Ptolemy filopator ruled for 27 years
1988.58 -> the Jews were defeated by him in battle
1991.12 -> sixty thousand soldiers falling
1994.039 -> at the same time the consul Marcellus
1997.22 -> conquered Sicily
2002.799 -> Ptolemy epiphanies ruled for 24 years
2008.019 -> in his time the events occurred which
2010.299 -> are contained in the story of the second
2012.1 -> book of The Maccabees
2014.86 -> in this age the Romans ordered the
2017.5 -> vanquished Greeks to be freed saying it
2020.799 -> is impious to enslave a people from a
2023.32 -> place where philosophy the master of
2025.84 -> morals and inventor of liberal
2027.519 -> disciplines first a rose
2031.48 -> at the same time
2033.159 -> Aeneas was celebrated as the first
2035.5 -> distinguished Latin poet of Rome
2041.019 -> Ptolemy filomata ruled for 35 years and
2045.399 -> Antiochus overcame him in battle and
2047.98 -> oppressed the Jews with various
2049.599 -> calamities
2051.58 -> at the same time
2053.26 -> Scipio conquered Africa
2055.96 -> Terence the comic excelled
2062.379 -> Ptolemy evergetes ruled for 29 years
2066.399 -> at this time Spain was conquered by the
2069.099 -> Romans under the consul Brutus
2073.24 -> Ptolemy soter ruled for 17 years
2077.74 -> varro and Cicero were born
2080.619 -> Thrace was subjected to the Romans
2086.44 -> Ptolemy Alexander ruled for 10 years
2090.76 -> Syria passed under the Dominion of the
2092.859 -> Romans Under The General gabinas
2097.02 -> also the poet lucretius was born who
2100.48 -> later killed himself as a result of a
2102.64 -> Lover's Madness
2106.839 -> Ptolemy son of Cleopatra ruled for eight
2110.619 -> years
2111.76 -> at the same time plotius gallus was the
2114.82 -> first to teach Latin rhetoric in Rome
2118.18 -> at that time also soliced the historian
2121.9 -> was born
2126.7 -> Ptolemy dionysius ruled for 30 years
2131.02 -> Pompey having captured Jerusalem made
2134.079 -> the Jews tributaries to the Romans
2137.44 -> at the same time the philosopher Cato
2139.839 -> excelled
2141.88 -> Virgil was born in Mantua
2144.579 -> Horus in venusia
2147.82 -> at that time also apollodorus preceptor
2151.24 -> of the emperor was regarded as
2153.339 -> illustrious and Cicero was celebrated
2156.099 -> with praise for his oratory
2161.46 -> Cleopatra ruled for two years
2164.92 -> she was the daughter of Ptolemy IX King
2168.28 -> of the Egyptians and sister and wife of
2171.4 -> her brother Ptolemy the 13th
2174.579 -> Desiring to defraud him of the Kingdom
2176.859 -> in a time of Civil War in Alexandria
2180.46 -> she went to Caesar who was besieging the
2183.099 -> city and using pretense and debasing
2185.92 -> herself she begged in the presence of
2188.8 -> Julius for the death of Ptolemy and to
2191.619 -> have the kingdom for herself
2194.5 -> the kingdom of Alexandria in the third
2197.02 -> year of the reign of Cleopatra passed
2200.2 -> under the Dominion of the Romans under
2203.14 -> Julius Caesar
2207.16 -> Gaius Julius Caesar ruled for five years
2210.94 -> before he was made Consul he conquered
2213.46 -> Gaul and triumphed in Britain
2216.099 -> and after having waged a war against
2218.02 -> Pompey he obtained the monarchy of the
2221.26 -> entire Empire
2223.72 -> the succeeding Emperors were called
2225.78 -> Caesars after his name
2229.78 -> from the migration to Babylonia up to
2232.359 -> the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
2235.32 -> 587 years
2238.18 -> the fifth age came to an end in the year
2241.06 -> 5155.
2248.68 -> the sixth age of the world
2254.079 -> Octavian Augustus ruled for 56 years
2257.92 -> he and his Imperium after the Sicilian
2260.92 -> War had three triumphs
2264.54 -> Dalmatia Asia and later Alexandria
2268.9 -> against Anthony
2270.88 -> from there Spain
2274.54 -> at that point having brought peace on
2277.359 -> land and seed to the entire world
2280.06 -> he closed the gates of jainus
2284.44 -> under his Imperium the writings of
2287.02 -> Daniel were completed in 70 weeks and as
2290.5 -> the kingdom and priesthood of the Jews
2292.48 -> was coming to an end
2294.46 -> the Lord Jesus Christ was born from a
2297.099 -> virgin in Bethlehem of Judah in the 42nd
2300.339 -> year of octavian's rule
2305.02 -> Tiberius the son of Augustus ruled for
2308.32 -> 22 years
2310.54 -> he out of cupidity did not let the Kings
2314.079 -> coming to him return
2316.18 -> and many people receded from the Roman
2318.46 -> Empire
2319.8 -> the Lord was crucified in the 18th year
2322.72 -> of his reign
2325.68 -> 5229 years having elapsed since the
2328.78 -> beginning of the world
2332.5 -> chias calicula ruled for four years
2336.22 -> he was fierce with avarice cruelty and
2339.88 -> lust
2340.78 -> and elevating himself to the level of
2342.94 -> gods he ordered a statue of Olympian
2345.76 -> jove to be placed under his name in the
2348.46 -> temple of Jerusalem
2350.98 -> at the same time in Judea
2353.44 -> the Apostle Matthew was the first to
2355.96 -> write a gospel
2360 -> Claudius ruled for 14 years
2363.4 -> with him ruling the Apostle Peter went
2366.16 -> to Rome against Simon magus
2368.74 -> also Mark the Evangelist preaching
2371.5 -> Christ in Alexandria wrote his gospel
2377.04 -> Nero ruled for 14 years
2381.46 -> given to injury cruelty and lust
2385.06 -> he even fished with Nets of gold
2388.18 -> he prostituted and killed his mother and
2391.119 -> sister
2392.02 -> wiped out much of the Senate lost many
2395.26 -> cities and provinces of the Republic
2397.54 -> and also burnt down the city of Rome so
2400.24 -> that he might witness an image of the
2401.92 -> destruction of Troy
2404.2 -> in his times Simon Magus was reported to
2407.44 -> have had an altercation with the
2408.94 -> apostles Peter and Paul
2411.119 -> claiming that a certain great power that
2413.56 -> he had came from God he proposed at
2416.619 -> midday to fly to the Father in heaven
2418.96 -> with the help of demons
2420.94 -> by whom he was to be born Aloft
2424.06 -> but with Peter swearing at the demons
2426.339 -> and Paul praying Simon was cast down and
2430.3 -> he crashed
2432.46 -> because of Simon's death
2434.38 -> Peter was crucified by Nero and Paul was
2437.68 -> killed with a sword
2439.96 -> in this same storm a Persian poet died
2444.339 -> in addition
2445.72 -> Lucan and Seneca were killed by the
2447.94 -> order of Nero
2451.359 -> Vespasian ruled for 10 years
2454.54 -> vigorous in military discipline
2457.18 -> through his fighting He restored to The
2459.099 -> Republic many of the provinces which
2460.96 -> Nero had lost
2463.06 -> he was unmindful of offenses and he bore
2466.18 -> lightly the insults set against him
2469.3 -> in his second year Titus took and
2472.18 -> overthrew Jerusalem
2473.98 -> where one million one hundred thousand
2476.44 -> Jews perished by famine and the sword
2480.52 -> Beyond these another a hundred thousand
2483.7 -> were publicly sold into slavery
2490.54 -> Titus ruled for 11 years
2493.78 -> he was so eloquent in both languages
2496.119 -> that he could prepare legal cases in
2498.4 -> Latin and compose poems and tragedies in
2501.28 -> Greek
2502.42 -> he was however so bellicose that in the
2505.599 -> assault on Jerusalem fighting under his
2508.06 -> father he pierced 12 Soldiers with 12
2511.18 -> arrows
2513.28 -> but he was of such magnanimity in the
2515.5 -> exercise of his Imperial rule that he
2518.079 -> punished no one at all but dismissed
2520.9 -> those convicted of conspiring against
2522.64 -> him and maintain the same familiarity
2525.46 -> with them which he had had before
2528.52 -> among all of his sayings the most famous
2531.339 -> was
2532.54 -> the day is lost in which nothing good is
2535.96 -> accomplished
2539.079 -> domitian the brother of Titus ruled for
2542.619 -> 16 years
2544.9 -> he was the second after Nero who cursed
2547.839 -> with pride commanded that he be
2550 -> considered a God and ordered the
2552.16 -> Christians to be persecuted by the
2554.079 -> pagans
2556.06 -> under him the Apostle John was banished
2559 -> to the island of Patmos where he wrote
2561.339 -> The Apocalypse
2563.8 -> domitian killed and sent many of the
2566.14 -> Senators into Exile and he ordered
2568.42 -> everyone from the line of David to be
2570.28 -> killed so that none of the Jews from the
2572.56 -> Royal Line would survive
2577.78 -> nervo ruled for one year
2580.359 -> a moderate man in his Imperium he
2583.3 -> presented himself as equal to and
2585.52 -> approachable by everyone
2588.88 -> in his time John the Apostle returned
2592 -> from exile to Ephesus and entreated by
2594.94 -> the Bishops of Asia became the most
2597.4 -> recent to edit a new gospel
2601.3 -> trajan ruled for 19 years
2604.78 -> he extended the Empire of the Romans
2606.819 -> with wondrous power far and wide to the
2609.76 -> east
2611.8 -> tranquil and liberal in all things
2614.92 -> he took Babylonia and Arabia and reached
2618.4 -> all the way to the territory of India
2620.5 -> like Alexander
2623.68 -> among all of the things he said the most
2627.04 -> extraordinary is reported to have been
2628.96 -> his response when asked why he was so
2631.66 -> approachable by everyone around him
2634.18 -> to it that he would rather deprive
2636.339 -> himself of being Emperor than be a
2638.8 -> private emperor
2642.52 -> Simon cleophas
2644.38 -> Bishop of Jerusalem was crucified at
2647.38 -> this time
2648.4 -> and John the Apostle passed away
2654.64 -> Hadrian ruled for 21 years
2658.119 -> envying the glory of trajan
2660.76 -> he surrendered the provinces of the East
2662.859 -> to the Persians and established the
2665.38 -> boundary of the Roman Empire at the
2667.48 -> river Euphrates
2670 -> he also subjugated the Jews who for a
2672.94 -> second time had become Rebels
2675.4 -> and He restored the city of Jerusalem
2677.44 -> and called it by his own name
2680.44 -> Ilia
2683.079 -> at the same time Aquila ponticus the
2686.68 -> second translator after the Septuagint
2688.96 -> arose
2690.52 -> and Facilities was acknowledged to be a
2693.579 -> heresy Arc
2697.319 -> antoninus Pius ruled for 22 years
2702.099 -> he received this cognomen on account of
2704.56 -> his clemency because throughout the
2706.72 -> entire Roman Kingdom he relaxed the
2709.24 -> debts of everyone burning the notes
2713.56 -> for which reason he was also called
2715.5 -> father of the country
2719.38 -> he was the first to divide the Imperium
2721.48 -> of the Roman World which he did with
2723.94 -> antoninus the younger making him equal
2726.64 -> in power
2728.819 -> valentius and marcian were shown to be
2731.56 -> hariziarcs and the Dr Galen born in
2734.8 -> pergamum was regarded as illustrious in
2738.46 -> Rome
2741.78 -> antoninus minor ruled for 18 years
2746.2 -> having Advanced to Parthia he took
2748.96 -> salukia the city of Assyria with 400 000
2752.74 -> men
2753.96 -> he triumphed over the parthians and the
2756.88 -> Persians
2758.619 -> with him ruling the author of The
2761.68 -> cataphragite Sensation from whom came
2764.619 -> the heresy of the ncratitarites appeared
2771.22 -> Commodus ruled for 13 years
2774.7 -> he was a man of great lust
2778.06 -> under his Imperial rule theodotian of
2781.54 -> Ephesus the third translator appeared
2785.2 -> and irenaeus Bishop of Leon was regarded
2788.859 -> as illustrious in his teaching
2793.96 -> Alias peritonax ruled for one year
2798.22 -> with the Senate entreating him to make
2800.079 -> his wife Augustus and his son Caesar he
2803.619 -> refused saying that he ought to be
2805.54 -> replaced because he ruled unwillingly
2811.119 -> Severus peritonax ruled for 18 years
2815.02 -> he successfully waged many wars
2818.319 -> he conquered Parthia acquired Arabia and
2821.98 -> took Britain by force
2824.5 -> he had a knowledge of literature and
2826.42 -> philosophy
2828.28 -> in his time simicus the fourth
2831.339 -> translator was acknowledged
2834.54 -> narcissus Bishop of Jerusalem was
2837.819 -> celebrated with many virtues
2841.54 -> tertullian of Africa was regarded as
2843.94 -> illustrious in the church
2846.4 -> origin of Alexandria was erudite in his
2850.18 -> studies
2853.48 -> antoninus karakala the son of Severus
2856.9 -> ruled for seven years
2862.119 -> he was impatient in his desires
2865.119 -> he took his stepmother as a wife
2867.88 -> he did nothing memorable
2870.64 -> in his time in Jericho a fifth edition
2874 -> of the Holy scriptures was found
2876.579 -> the author of which was not known
2881.46 -> macrinus ruled for one year
2885.04 -> ruling with his own son
2887.02 -> he undertook nothing memorable during
2889.06 -> his brief time as Emperor
2891.42 -> for after only one year
2894.4 -> both were killed as a result of a
2896.56 -> military uprising
2900.7 -> Aurelius antoninus ruled for four years
2904.24 -> he lived most obscenely and was himself
2907.54 -> killed by a military revolt
2910.48 -> in his time a sixth edition was found in
2913.72 -> nicopolis
2916.18 -> the horiziarchs sibelius appeared
2921.339 -> Alexander ruled for 13 years
2925.02 -> he most gloriously conquered the
2927.46 -> Persians
2929.8 -> he was favorable to the citizens
2933.16 -> in his time origin of Alexandria
2935.8 -> excelled in Rome and the legal expert
2938.26 -> upian was illustrious
2943.14 -> maximinus ruled for three years
2947.26 -> he was the first to be made Emperor by
2949.48 -> the body of the military without a
2952.18 -> Senate's decree
2953.74 -> he persecuted Christians
2959.14 -> accordion ruled for six years
2962.26 -> he Afflicted the rebelling parthians and
2964.66 -> Persians
2966.3 -> returning Victorious from Persia
2969.28 -> he died as a result of the treachery of
2971.44 -> his own men
2973.72 -> in his time
2975.42 -> zephyrinus with the witness of the Holy
2978.52 -> Spirit descending in the form of a dove
2980.8 -> over his head
2982.24 -> was ordained Bishop of Rome
2988.839 -> Philip ruled for seven years
2992.14 -> he was the first among the Emperors to
2994.3 -> Believe In Christ
2996.22 -> in his first year the 1000th Year of the
2999.579 -> city of Rome was reported to have passed
3005.819 -> decius ruled for one year
3009 -> in this time Saint Anthony the monk by
3012.24 -> whom monasteries were first founded is
3014.88 -> reported to have appeared
3018.66 -> gallus and his son follow sianus ruled
3021.599 -> for two years
3024.42 -> novatus a priest under Bishop cyprian
3027.359 -> came to Rome and founded the novotian
3030.06 -> heresy
3032.339 -> Valerian with gallianis ruled for 15
3035.52 -> years
3037.56 -> cyprian first retter and then Bishop was
3041.7 -> crowned with martyrdom
3044.28 -> also the Goths depopulated Greece
3047.119 -> Macedonia and pontus in Asia
3052.38 -> Valerian orchestrating a persecution of
3055.26 -> the Christians was captured by sappor
3057.9 -> King of the Persians and there he grew
3061.38 -> old with the disgrace of his life
3066.78 -> Claudius ruled for two years
3070.02 -> he conquered and devastated the Goths in
3072.48 -> illyricum and Macedonia
3076.14 -> Paul of samostanus was acknowledged to
3079.319 -> be a horiziarc
3084.42 -> aurelian ruled for six years
3087.839 -> he extended the Empire of the Romans by
3090.3 -> force almost to its previous boundaries
3094.68 -> carrying out the persecution against the
3096.96 -> Christians
3098.099 -> he was seized with a sudden Calamity and
3100.92 -> died without delay
3105.059 -> tacitus ruled for one year
3107.94 -> his brief life left no deed worthy of
3110.88 -> record
3113.64 -> Probus ruled for six years
3116.579 -> vigorous and War and illustrious in
3119.099 -> civilian life He restored to the Romans
3121.8 -> by force
3123.18 -> call
3124.319 -> which had been occupied by The
3125.88 -> Barbarians
3128.76 -> in his time the heresy of the
3131.339 -> manichaeans Rose
3136.04 -> ruled that the sons carinus and
3139.079 -> numerianus for two years
3142.859 -> Charis after he triumphed over the
3145.559 -> Persians and Victorious placed
3148.26 -> fortifications along the Tigris
3150.54 -> was killed by a stroke of misfortune
3156.599 -> Diocletian and maximian ruled for 20
3159.359 -> years
3161.94 -> Diocletian having burned holy books
3164.9 -> persecuted Christians throughout the
3166.92 -> whole world
3168.78 -> he was the first to order gems put on
3171.119 -> clothes and shoes
3173.46 -> at that time princes were to wear only
3175.859 -> purple on their backs
3178.559 -> these Emperors waged various Wars and
3182.28 -> having conquered Persia
3184.14 -> took Mesopotamia
3187.5 -> after a while when both had left the
3190.38 -> rank of emperor
3191.94 -> they lived as private citizens
3196.26 -> galarius ruled for two years
3199.619 -> his brief Imperium saw nothing worthy of
3202.38 -> historical record
3206.48 -> Constantine ruled for 30 years
3210.059 -> he prepared for war with the Persians
3212.16 -> and they feared his arrival so that
3214.92 -> supplicants came forth promising to
3216.9 -> carry out his orders
3219.059 -> he also became a Christian giving
3221.28 -> permission to Christians to congregate
3223.319 -> freely and built basilicas in honor of
3226.38 -> Christ
3228.3 -> in these times the Aryan heresy appeared
3232.079 -> also the Nicene Council was convoked by
3235.079 -> Constantine for the condemnation of
3237.24 -> Arius
3238.98 -> also at that time the Schism of the
3241.8 -> donatists arose
3243.78 -> at the same time the Cross of Christ was
3246.72 -> discovered in Jerusalem by Helen the
3249.24 -> mother of Constantine
3252.059 -> but Constantine baptized by Bishop
3254.76 -> eusebius of Nico media at the very end
3257.339 -> of his life was converted to the Aryan
3260.16 -> Dogma
3261.96 -> the pain
3263.88 -> such a good beginning
3265.68 -> such a bad end
3268.88 -> constantius and Constance ruled for 24
3272.099 -> years
3274.16 -> constantious terrible in the cruelty of
3277.26 -> his ways endured many things from the
3280.14 -> Persians
3282.3 -> from that time on he became an Aryan and
3284.819 -> persecuted Catholics all over the world
3288.18 -> relying on his favor Arius proceeded to
3291.54 -> the church in Constantinople
3293.7 -> about to fight against those of our
3295.8 -> faith
3297.839 -> diverted through the form of Constantine
3300 -> for the sake of some necessity
3302.28 -> suddenly his viscera and his life
3306.38 -> simultaneously poured out
3309.9 -> at the same time athanasius and Hillary
3312.839 -> were celebrated for their Doctrine and
3315.3 -> confession of the faith
3318.66 -> the heresy of the anthropomorphites
3320.819 -> arose in Syria Macedonia and
3323.22 -> Constantinople
3325.92 -> donatus an author of The Art of grammar
3329.099 -> and instructor of Jerome was regarded as
3332.099 -> illustrious in Rome
3334.74 -> Anthony the monk died
3338.16 -> the bones of the Apostles Andrew and
3340.68 -> Luke were brought to Constantinople
3346.02 -> Julian ruled for two years
3349.68 -> he went from being a cleric to being an
3351.96 -> emperor and a pagan
3354.24 -> he was converted to The Cult of the
3356.28 -> idols an instituted martyrdom for the
3359.339 -> Christians
3361.14 -> he forbade Christians to teach or learn
3363.42 -> the liberal arts
3365.4 -> at the same time he also out of his
3368.04 -> hatred for Christ permitted the Jews to
3370.859 -> repair the Temple of Jerusalem
3374.28 -> Jews gathered from all the provinces and
3377.28 -> laid New Foundations for the temple
3380.22 -> Suddenly at night an earthquake struck
3384.66 -> and the stones from the deepest parts of
3386.819 -> the foundation were shaken and Scattered
3389.28 -> far and wide
3391.44 -> in addition a fiery ball came out from
3394.2 -> the interior of the building of the
3395.579 -> temple and prostrated many with its fire
3400.2 -> those remaining were frightened by this
3402.24 -> Terror and involuntarily confessed
3405 -> Christ
3406.64 -> unless they thought it was over with
3409.079 -> this destruction
3410.46 -> the sign of the cross appeared the
3412.68 -> following night on everyone's clothing
3416.46 -> Julian proceeding against the Persians
3419.339 -> died having been hit with a javelin as
3423.059 -> the attack was being launched
3428.4 -> Jovian ruled for one year
3431.46 -> when he realized that he was being
3432.9 -> chosen an emperor by the Army he
3435.599 -> confirmed that he was a Christian and
3437.76 -> decided it was no longer permissible for
3439.74 -> pagans to hold office
3442.319 -> and we
3443.94 -> said to all of the army Luther julianus
3447.42 -> rejected the name of Christ
3449.52 -> wished to be Christians again
3453.48 -> he then received the scepter of the
3455.22 -> Imperium from those who had heard him
3457.079 -> and returned after making peace with the
3460.559 -> Persians
3465.059 -> he gave the Privileges back to the
3467.04 -> Christians with a law granted in
3468.96 -> perpetuity and ordered the temples of
3471.54 -> the idols closed
3475.64 -> valentinian and his brother Valance
3477.839 -> ruled for 14 years
3480.839 -> the Goths in istris were divided into
3483.54 -> two kingdoms under Kings friedergen and
3486.72 -> othaleric
3488.4 -> but fertigern overcame atholarik with
3490.98 -> the help of fallons the Aryan Emperor
3493.74 -> having been persuaded in exchange for
3496.26 -> Aid
3497.22 -> to convert from being a Catholic to
3499.92 -> being an Aryan along with all of the
3502.559 -> people of the Goths
3504.18 -> thus following balance error
3508.319 -> also at that time wufilas Bishop of the
3512.22 -> Goths invented letters for the Goths
3515.099 -> like the letters of the Greeks and then
3517.5 -> translated both the New and Old
3519.78 -> Testaments into their own tongue
3523.619 -> also fotinus eunomius and apolinaris
3528.359 -> were acknowledged to be hesi arcs at
3530.579 -> this time
3533.22 -> gracian and his brother valentinian
3535.44 -> ruled for six years
3538.579 -> ampros Bishop of Milan excelled in the
3542.4 -> dogma of the Catholics
3545.339 -> priscillian introduced into Spain the
3547.68 -> evil heresy bearing his name
3550.22 -> Martin Bishop of Tours the city of Gaul
3554.099 -> was resplendent with the signs of many
3556.859 -> miracles
3561.059 -> valentinian ruled with theodosius for
3563.7 -> eight years
3565.16 -> the sign out of Constantinople with 150
3569.76 -> holy fathers at which all heresies were
3572.7 -> condemned was convoked by theodosius
3576.599 -> the priest Jerome in Bethlehem was
3579.119 -> regarded as illustrious throughout the
3581.16 -> world
3582.9 -> priscillion being accused by itakius was
3586.92 -> killed with the sword by the Tyrant
3588.78 -> Maximus
3592.44 -> at the same time the head of John the
3594.9 -> Baptist was taken to Constantinople and
3597.78 -> buried at the seventh Milestone of the
3600 -> city
3601.319 -> and in the same time
3603.24 -> the temples of the Gentiles all over the
3605.88 -> world were torn down by order of
3608.64 -> theodosius
3610.26 -> for until then they had remained
3612.96 -> untouched
3618.079 -> theodosius with arcadius and anorius
3622.38 -> ruled for three years
3625.859 -> at the same time John the Anchorage was
3628.799 -> regarded as noteworthy in the Miracles
3630.839 -> of his virtues
3633.839 -> also when consulted by theodosius he
3637.319 -> foretold his victory over the tyrant
3639.72 -> eugenius
3643.2 -> arcadius and his brother honorius ruled
3645.9 -> for 13 years
3648.059 -> in his time
3649.619 -> Bishop Augustine was regarded as
3652.079 -> noteworthy in the knowledge of his
3653.76 -> teaching
3654.839 -> also John of Constantinople and
3657.599 -> Theophilus of Alexandria were proclaimed
3660 -> to be illustrious Bishops
3663.24 -> at the same time donatus Bishop of
3666.299 -> Emperors was regarded as noteworthy in
3669 -> his miracles
3671.22 -> he killed by spitting in its eye an
3674.28 -> immense Dragon which even with eight
3677.28 -> yoke of oxen was scarcely able to be
3679.619 -> dragged to its place where it was to be
3681.96 -> burned so that it would not corrupt the
3684.059 -> air as it decomposed
3688.079 -> at the same time the bodies of holy
3691.02 -> prophets habakkuk and Micah were found
3694.38 -> by divine revelation
3697.92 -> the Goths plundered Italy
3700.619 -> and the vandals and the Allens invaded
3703.799 -> Gull
3707.819 -> honorius with theodosius the younger the
3711.18 -> son of his brother ruled for 15 years
3716.4 -> with these two governing the Goths took
3719.16 -> Rome and the vandals Allens and swavey
3722.18 -> seized Spain
3725.099 -> in this time Pelagius preached the dogma
3728.04 -> of his error against the grace of Christ
3732.18 -> a council of 214 Bishops was convoked in
3735.66 -> Carthage for his condemnation
3738.72 -> in this time Cyril Bishop of Alexandria
3742.98 -> was regarded as noteworthy
3748.26 -> theodosius the younger son of arcadius
3751.28 -> ruled for 27 years
3755.099 -> the vandals crossed over from Spain into
3757.44 -> Africa
3758.819 -> there they subverted the Catholic faith
3761.04 -> with Aryan impiety
3764.579 -> at the same time Nestor the bishop of
3767.94 -> Constantinople stirred up the error of
3770.94 -> his perfidy
3773.819 -> the Synod of Ephesus convoked against
3776.22 -> him
3777.48 -> condemned his impious Dogma
3781.619 -> in this same time the devil and the
3784.38 -> guise of Moses appeared to the Jews in
3786.96 -> Crete and promised to lead them to the
3789.54 -> promised land over the sea without ever
3792.059 -> getting their feet wet
3794.579 -> after many had been killed those
3797.04 -> remaining who survived were converted
3799.619 -> immediately to the grace of Christ
3805.02 -> marcian ruled for six years
3808.14 -> at the beginning of his Imperial Reign
3810.059 -> the Council of chalcedon was held
3813.119 -> where Utah Keys along with diascorus the
3816.24 -> alexandrian bishop were condemned
3820.98 -> in the sixth year of his Imperium
3823.799 -> theodoric King of the Goths invaded
3826.74 -> Spain with a huge Army
3830.88 -> Leo the Elder ruled with Leo the younger
3833.76 -> for 16 years
3836.54 -> Alexandria and Egypt despising the sign
3839.88 -> and of chalcedon and languishing in the
3842.819 -> error of the heretic diascorus
3845.76 -> barked with canine Madness
3848.4 -> filled with an unclean spirit
3852.48 -> at the same time appeared the heresy of
3854.88 -> the acephaly attacking the Council of
3857.819 -> chalcedon
3859.02 -> they are called acephaly that is without
3861.78 -> a head because the one who first
3864.299 -> introduced this heresy is not known
3867.78 -> many to the east languish with the
3870 -> disease of this heresy
3874.44 -> Xeno rules for 17 years
3878.099 -> the heresy of the acephaly was defended
3880.859 -> by him and the decrees of the Council of
3883.44 -> chalcedon were abandoned
3886.38 -> Zeno sought to kill his son Leo Augustus
3890.46 -> but his mother handed over to Zeno
3892.44 -> someone similar to Leo in appearance
3895.44 -> and secretly made Leo a cleric
3899.04 -> he lived among the clergy until the time
3901.559 -> of Justinian
3904.02 -> at the same time
3905.7 -> the body of Barnabas the Apostle and the
3908.52 -> gospel of Matthew written with his own
3910.319 -> stylus having revealed themselves were
3914.22 -> found
3918.079 -> anastasius ruled for 27 years
3921.96 -> appropriating the error of the acephaly
3924.599 -> he condemned to Exile the Bishops who
3927.42 -> were Defenders of the Synod of chalcedon
3929.94 -> and also found fault with and corrected
3932.52 -> the gospels as if they had been composed
3935.4 -> by idiot evangelists
3938.88 -> in his time Bishop fulgentius excelled
3942.119 -> in his knowledge and confession of God
3945.38 -> trasimundus King of the vandals closed
3948.72 -> Catholic churches in Africa
3950.88 -> sent 120 Bishops to Sardinia and raged
3955.2 -> against the Catholics
3961.14 -> at the same time in Carthage Olympus a
3964.859 -> certain Aryan who blasphemed the Holy
3967.079 -> Trinity in the bath
3968.94 -> was ignited in public by three fiery
3972.359 -> javelens thrown by angels
3975.78 -> also a certain Aryan Bishop by the name
3978.66 -> of barbas was reported to have spoken
3981.059 -> against the rule of the faith while
3983.099 -> baptizing
3984.66 -> barbus baptizes you in the name of the
3987.359 -> father through the son in the name of
3990.059 -> the Holy Spirit
3991.559 -> and immediately the water in the font
3994.079 -> which had been brought for baptism
3995.7 -> disappeared
3998.52 -> seeing this the one who was being
4000.92 -> baptized immediately rushed away to the
4003.14 -> Catholic faith and received the baptism
4005.599 -> of Christ according to the custom of the
4008.059 -> evangelic faith
4011.24 -> Justin the older ruled for nine years
4014.96 -> a love of the silent of chalcedon he
4017.9 -> abandoned the heresy of the acephaly
4021.74 -> in his time after trasimundus Childress
4025.52 -> born of the captive daughter of the
4028.16 -> emperor valentinian
4029.9 -> received the kingdom among the Vandals
4033.5 -> though Bound by an oath to trazimundus
4035.9 -> that he would not show favor to the
4037.52 -> Catholics in the Kingdom before assuming
4039.859 -> power he ordered the Bishops to be
4041.72 -> returned from Exile and commanded that
4044.059 -> their own churches be restored to them
4047.839 -> Justinian ruled for 39 years
4051.5 -> receiving the heresy of the oscephaly he
4054.799 -> compelled every Bishop in his kingdom to
4057.44 -> condemn the three chapters of the
4059.24 -> Council of Calcutta
4062.24 -> in Alexandria
4063.859 -> the theodosian and guyanin heresies
4066.26 -> appeared
4067.76 -> in Spain the Roman meles was invaded by
4070.76 -> the Tyrant athana Guild
4074.66 -> the patrizius belisarius
4077.66 -> triumphed wonderfully over the Persians
4081.74 -> from there he was sent by Justinian to
4084.859 -> Africa and destroyed the people of the
4087.5 -> Vandals
4089.96 -> also in Italy
4091.76 -> totala King of the ostrogoths was
4094.94 -> overcome by narcis the Roman patrizias
4099.56 -> at the same time the body of Saint
4102.02 -> Anthony the monk discovered by divine
4105.259 -> revelation was taken to Alexandria and
4108.56 -> buried in the church of Saint John the
4110.299 -> Baptist
4114.859 -> Justin the younger ruled for 11 years
4119.359 -> he destroyed those who had spoken out
4121.4 -> against the Synod of chalcedon and
4123.739 -> ordered the Effigy Of The 150 fathers to
4126.98 -> be burned by the people in the time of
4129.319 -> sacrifice
4131.719 -> the Armenians first received the Faith
4133.819 -> of Christ at this time
4136.12 -> the depeds were extinguished by the
4138.98 -> Lombards
4140.359 -> at the same time Martin Bishop of Braga
4144.02 -> in Galicia
4145.52 -> was regarded as illustrious in prudence
4147.92 -> and the teachings of the Catholic faith
4151.699 -> the patricius narcis after he had
4154.699 -> overcome King totala of the Goths in
4157.1 -> Italy in the time of the Augustus
4158.839 -> Justinian
4160.52 -> was frightened by the threats of the
4162.38 -> empress Sophia
4164 -> wife of Justin and so invited the
4166.819 -> Lombards from pannonia and introduced
4169.4 -> them into Italy
4171.699 -> at that time layover Guild King of the
4175.58 -> Goths brought back under the power of
4178.52 -> his kingdom certain regions of Spain
4181.339 -> that were rebelling against him
4186.279 -> Tiberius ruled for seven years
4190.219 -> the Lombards expelled by the Romans
4192.94 -> entered Italy
4195.679 -> the Goths were divided into two by her
4198.32 -> many Guild
4199.58 -> son of King leorva Guild
4202.1 -> and they were devastated with mutual
4204.679 -> Slaughter
4208.76 -> Maurice ruled for 21 years
4212.54 -> the swaby
4214.04 -> held by King leovaguilt were subjected
4217.4 -> by the Goths
4219.86 -> the Goths were also converted to the
4222.08 -> Catholic faith having been summoned by
4224.6 -> that most religious Prince
4230.12 -> the avars fighting against the Romans
4232.64 -> were defeated more by gold than iron
4237.32 -> Thrace was seized by the Huns
4240.38 -> at this time Leander excelled in the
4243.199 -> teachings of the faith and the Sciences
4245.12 -> for the conversion of the gothic people
4247.04 -> in Spain
4251.36 -> Focus ruled for eight years
4254.239 -> made Emperor as the result of the
4256.82 -> military revolt he killed the emperor
4259.52 -> Maurice and many of the Nobles
4262.76 -> in his time the prasini and the veneti
4266.42 -> waged Civil War throughout the East and
4269.9 -> Egypt and prostrated themselves with
4273.14 -> mutual Slaughter
4275.32 -> in addition
4277.28 -> very grave battles were fought against
4279.56 -> the Republic of the Persians in which
4281.96 -> the Romans were forcefully beaten and
4284.659 -> lost many provinces up to the Euphrates
4286.88 -> River as well as they say Jerusalem
4292.3 -> heraclius has completed five years of
4295.04 -> his Imperial rule
4297.26 -> at the beginning
4298.76 -> the Slavs took Greece from the Romans
4302.179 -> the Persians took Syria Egypt and many
4305.6 -> provinces
4307.34 -> also in Spain
4309.08 -> sisabit King of the Goths took certain
4312.14 -> cities from the same Roman militia and
4315.14 -> converted the Jews subject to his
4317.06 -> kingdom to the Faith of Christ
4323.86 -> 5814 years have passed from the
4326.42 -> beginning of the world to the present
4327.8 -> era 6 54. though this is really 6 16 A.D
4335.12 -> that is to the fifth year of the
4336.98 -> Imperium of heraclius and the fourth of
4339.98 -> the most glorious Prince sizabit
4344.48 -> the time remaining for the world cannot
4347.06 -> be ascertained by human investigation
4351.38 -> our Lord Jesus Christ forestalled every
4354.02 -> question about this matter when he said
4356.42 -> it is not for you to know the times or
4358.88 -> the moment which the father has fixed by
4361.82 -> his own authority
4363.86 -> and elsewhere
4365.6 -> but that day he said
4367.88 -> and that hour
4369.32 -> no one knows
4371.239 -> not even the angels of heaven
4373.699 -> but the father only
4377.659 -> each one then should think about his own
4380.06 -> passing as Holy Scripture says
4383.06 -> in all works be mindful of the most
4386.42 -> recent
4388.94 -> when therefore anyone passes away
4392.719 -> that moment is the end of his world
4399.92 -> end of chronicon
4403.04 -> by Isidore of Seville
4406.4 -> translated by Kenneth Wolff
4410.06 -> read by Dan ottrell
4413.3 -> if you'd like to support more work such
4415.28 -> as this
4416.42 -> please visit the modern
4420.02 -> hermeticist and become a supporter
4424.64 -> above all
4426.14 -> thank you for listening
