History of the Fallout World (Lore)

History of the Fallout World (Lore)

History of the Fallout World (Lore)

When the bombs fell it only ended a chapter in human history and began another. One filled with radioactive wastelands and Roman-inspired slavers. This is the world of Fallout. And in honor of Fallout 4, I’m exploring the alternate world of the game franchise.

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Music by Sam Kuzel and Cadre Crimson:

Special Thanks to Tyler for double checking my work and being a true fan of Fallout.

Fallout is property of Bethesda Softworks.

You’re such a sweet roll Izz.


0 -> Throughout mankind's history, humans have strived for better weapons
3.48 -> and armor in an age of constant warfare.
6.46 -> As technology improved, the conflicts grew larger; more devastating.
10.52 -> But with all its violent tendencies, humanity never had the capability to destroy itself.
16.06 -> Well, until 70 years ago.
18.46 -> World War 2 brought on the ultimate deterrent.
21.38 -> The Nuke.
22.3 -> For the first time in history, humanity harnessed the power to annihilate itself
26.94 -> in its own atomic armageddon.
29.16 -> In our timeline, the 1950s was an era of American exceptionalism
32.88 -> and happy optimism.
34.22 -> The suburban family with their white picket-fence,
36.9 -> juke box diners and classic post-war nostalgia are looked back on as a different time.
41.8 -> It passed.
43 -> The cold war ended
44.16 -> and the red scare along with it --
46.1 -> but what if that era...
47.46 -> that mindset...
49 -> Never went away?
50.12 -> What if technology improved --
52.1 -> But the cold war, fear of communism and the culture of the '50's continued on in to the 21st century and beyond?
59.1 -> Welcome to the world of Fallout™.
61.2 -> The game series "Fallout™" has a deep lore based on alternate history
64.8 -> In a timeline that differentiates from our own.
67.94 -> The world went down a much darker path
70.02 -> and in result the nuclear holocaust came.
72.94 -> In Fallout™ the nuclear war was just the end of a chapter in mankinds history --
77.96 -> And in the rubble, brought on another.
80.22 -> Because even though society itself was destroyed, and the land radiated beyond reason --
85.64 -> New factions still arose
87.66 -> And humanity found new reasons to kill each other in a world populated by ghouls and mutants.
93.36 -> That is why in the Fallout™ universe the saying stays true--
97.2 -> War.
98.3 -> War never changes.
99.78 -> This video is to give you a summary of the world of Fallout™
102.8 -> and to catch you up on the lore of this universe before the big kahuna itself comes out.
107.92 -> The Fallout™ games take place in an alternate timeline that diverts from our own in the mid 20th century.
114.2 -> Sometime after World War II in the 1950's and 60's --
117.96 -> The United States drastically changed itself in an attempt to stop political strife and better organize its own government.
125.1 -> The U.S. divided the states among 13 different Commonwealths,
129.1 -> The Commonwealth would be one step higher than the State but below the Federal Government -- and consist of multiple states.
135.98 -> However, the Commonwealths began competing against one another and only weakened the country as a whole.
141.46 -> As in our timeline, the "Red Scare" was in full effect throughout the post-war era.
146.06 -> In this alternate timeline, the Soviets grow weaker --
148.98 -> China comes in to take its place.
151.02 -> The U.S. has a new enemy on the global scale
153.88 -> And at the turn of the 21st century it was still U.S. foreign policy to do everything to destroy the communists.
161 -> As the decades went on the global oil supply began to run thin --
165.08 -> Leading to higher oil prices and competition.
167.64 -> The United States went deeper and deeper in to hostilities with former allies and neighbors
172.3 -> The already divided country began to lash out once the resources ran thin.
176.72 -> In 2051 the United States accused its southern neighbor, Mexico, of destabilizing the border.
182.04 -> The U.S. placed sanctions on the country causing it to collapse in to political instability.
187.14 -> To protect oil interests, the U.S. invaded Mexico to maintain a constant supply between the two nations.
193.26 -> This brash foreign policy reflected the dying nature of oil in the middle of the 21st century.
198.58 -> Texas -- once booming in the early 21st century -- now is covered in empty wells.
203.68 -> This was seen throughout the globe.
205.4 -> As prices rose, the middle east countries held on to their oil.
208.8 -> To combat the high oil prices, the European Commonwealth (basically an evolved EU) sent troops in to the middle east.
215.26 -> The Resource Wars had begun.
217.7 -> The middle east nations and Europe would fight a drawn out, bloody conflict over the oil wells of the region--
223.36 -> Until they ran dry just 8 years later.
225.9 -> Nukes were used on middle east cities--
227.96 -> Causing the Americans to fear the possibility of a nuclear war at some point.
232.82 -> Project Safehouse was born.
234.82 -> Its official objective was to provide shelters in a supposed nuclear exchange.
239.74 -> The Vaults were born.
240.9 -> Meanwhile, across the ocean, Europeans were left with nothing after the fighting--
245 -> And the Commonwealth fell in to civil war by 2060.
248.16 -> As oil wells shriveled up across the globe, Alaska's wells remained--
252.08 -> Soon becoming the last place on earth for cheap oil--
255.62 -> Making it a target to The People's Republic of China in the east.
259.04 -> The Americans saw that Alaska was in danger and set up a defense force to deter the Chinese,
264.38 -> but the inevitable happened
266.1 -> and China sent an invasion force in to Alaska in 2066,
270.52 -> sparking the Sino-American War.
272.7 -> This was the war that would define the Fallout™ series.
275.58 -> Over the next 10 years of fighting, the United States and Chinese would dedicate their greatest minds to
280.44 -> creating new and powerful weaponry to one up the other.
283.92 -> The U.S. created robots for war--
286.38 -> and Power Armor to devastate the enemy forces.
288.76 -> However, even with the advancement in the U.S. miltary, the war would rage for a decade.
293.94 -> Canada would be stuck with allowing U.S. forces on to their land--
297.62 -> Which made tensions sour between the traditionally allied nations.
301.38 -> As the war against China grew the Americans wanted an easier route to combat the communists
306.2 -> and so in 2076,
307.66 -> Canada was officially annexed by the United States.
310.48 -> In a bid to direct Chinese forces away from Alaska,
313.64 -> the U.S. invaded mainland China with soldiers wearing Power Armor.
317.5 -> The objective was to cause enough damage at home that the Chinese would need to take troops off of the Alaskan Front.
323.6 -> And it worked.
324.54 -> The soldieres in China were trapped in Asia but after nearly a decade of fighting--
329.14 -> The Americans fought off the Chinese and reclaimed Alaska by 2077.
333.38 -> With Alaska reclaimed the war appeared over--
336.24 -> At least on the American front.
338.3 -> Countless lives were lost in the fighting--
340.12 -> But it ended in an American victory--
342.34 -> So, to the people, the peace seemed to be won.
345.06 -> But -- it was only a pause.
347.06 -> On October 23rd, 2077 -- the Great War began--
350.84 -> And lasted only 2 hours.
353.02 -> This nuclear exchange destroyed cities across the world.
356.5 -> So many bombs were fired that it completely transformed the earths surface.
360.22 -> Water became irradiated.
361.78 -> The environment itself was cancerous.
363.78 -> Barely any organisms survived at all
366.42 -> Thus the story of the Pre-War nations ended in a blaze of nuclear fire.
371.22 -> However, people did survive.
373.22 -> Either out in a new Wasteland or inside of massive fallout shelters scattered across the old United States.
379.14 -> Officially, 122 "Vaults" (as they were called) were constructed by Vault-Tec during Project Safehouse.
385.56 -> The vaults official goal was to provide safe harbor inside the shelters in case of nuclear war.
391.3 -> They were capable of holding enough supplies and equipment that dwellers could survive inside the vault for long stretches of time.
398.38 -> Each vault was given two Garden of Eden Creation Kits--
401.76 -> or "G.E.C.K.'s"
402.7 -> So that the dwellers could recolonize once radiation levels went to healthy limits.
407.4 -> That was the supposed story.
409.28 -> The United States and Vault-Tec in this alternate timeline had darker plans.
413.62 -> Inside the government (and major economic titans) there was a faction who believed themselves superior over the common American--
420.74 -> And accepted that not many would survive the coming apocalypse.
424.26 -> They made plans to preserve their own existence--
426.98 -> These people formed what is now known as The Enclave.
429.9 -> The American government funded the creation of the Vaults--
432.62 -> In which special American citizens could find safe harbor.
435.74 -> However, this was just a ruse.
437.58 -> The true purpose of the vaults was to conduct physical, psychological and social experiments on unsuspecting subjects.
445.24 -> The vaults weren't meant to save the U.S. population.
448.26 -> It was simply to use vault dwellers as human guinea pigs.
451.54 -> The Enclave's true plan was not just to repopulate the Earth,
454.92 -> but to build themselves a spaceship to recolonize another planet.
458.92 -> Using live human subjects would help the Enclave know
462.12 -> how people react in long period of isolated confinement.
465.62 -> Each vault had its own specific experiment.
468.04 -> For one example, people from Vault 11 were told via intercom
471.94 -> they had to sacrifice one of their own or they would all be slaughtered.
475.76 -> The angry people chose to sacrifice the overseer, the leader of the vault.
479.18 -> And so every year the position of overseer was a position of being sacrificed
484.2 -> until one year the dwellers had enough and chose not to.
487.8 -> A message played congratulating them for being good people and not killing anymore.
492.42 -> Before the nuclear exchange,
494.16 -> the Enclave who consisted of the most powerful and influential in America
498.28 -> fled the secret bunkers throughout the globe.
500.7 -> The owners of Robco Vault Tec Poseidon Oil used their resources to protect themselves.
506.66 -> The Enclave remained on an oil rig, harnessing the technology from their wealthy connections
511.38 -> and creating new weapons to eventually reclaim the land they believed they'd lost.
515.32 -> In two centuries after the Great War,
517.74 -> new factions rose and now fight over the nuclear wasteland.
521.6 -> Most of the history that we know of takes place in the West.
525.26 -> Around after a century after the war,
527.2 -> the region New California was split among isloated villages.
530.98 -> Raiders and mutants terroized innocent civilians.
534.04 -> In some cases, vault dwellers left their shelters and set out to reclaim the wasteland,
538.56 -> banding into small tribes and villages.
541.26 -> Vault 15 suvivors founded the community of Shady Sands.
545.14 -> After a century, the growing settlement ambitiuosly renamed itself the New California Republic.
550.98 -> It absorbed other small towns under its flag
553.96 -> and soon more towns followed suit to join its ranks.
557.26 -> The NCR is not only a faction --
559.42 -> It is the closest thing, in the post-war era, that resembles a nation.
562.88 -> With over 700,000 citizens, the NCR has modeled itself off of values from before The Great War.
569.74 -> Even organizing its government in to three branches --
572.94 -> The NCR boasts the largest military in the known world--
576.18 -> But consists of mostly rifle infantrymen
578.92 -> While the NCR has provided order within their lands--
581.98 -> Even going so far as to collect tax--
583.98 -> By the events of Fallout™ New Vegas© the NCR has grown to become imperialist in nature.
588.04 -> Sometimes forcing villages under its banner and bullying its neighbors into submission.
593.36 -> The NCR has fought major wars against other factions
596.18 -> Including their most recent rival-- Caesar's Legion in the east.
599.74 -> Caesar's Legion is pretty much the exact opposite of the democracy-valued NCR.
604.98 -> Controlling the land east of the Colorado River, Caesar's Legion is a dictatorial slave-state.
610.2 -> Which gained its power by absorbing the tribes of the Mojave.
613.6 -> Caesar himself is actually a man named Edward Sallow
616.94 -> He impressed the native tribes with his knowledge of basic military strategy.
620.64 -> They declared Sallow their leader--
622.38 -> And in response he declared himself the name Caesar.
625.32 -> Caesar's new faction had a goal:
627.24 -> To bring everyone, and everything, under their rule.
630.56 -> The would go on a campaign of total war against the surrounding tribes--
634.5 -> Slaughtering and decimating the population--
636.94 -> Enslaving the survivors and indoctrinating them into the ideology of The Legion--
641.14 -> Using the men of each tribe as disposable slaves to wage war.
645.1 -> However, even though Caesar ruled as a murderous dictator, his people worshipped him--
649.62 -> Fanatical in their devotion to serving him
651.66 -> Caesar is the leader of his own personal religion.
654.8 -> The Cult of Mars.
655.86 -> Which teaches that The Great War was punishment from the God of war himself.
660.58 -> The Legion's growth brought them in to contact with the NCR, where conflict raged between the two.
665.76 -> With The Legion losing to the NCR in the first Battle of Hoover Dam.
669.76 -> But while The Legion and NCR are the largest in the west--
673.34 -> That does not mean they have the most fighting power.
675.94 -> Of course I'm talking about The Brotherhood of Steel.
679 -> The Brotherhood is an elite organization of highly trained, devout and honorable soldiers.
683.9 -> With origins dating back to the old U.S. Military.
686.8 -> The Brotherhood prides itself on its preservation and investment in technology.
691.56 -> To them their weapons and armor are the most important things above all else.
696.54 -> The Brotherhood was founded by American Army Captain Roger Maxon in the days before The Great War--
701.88 -> After he and his men went AWOL upon learning of U.S. sponsored experiments on prisoners.
708.02 -> The experiments had prisoners injected with the Forced Evolutionary Virus.
712.74 -> The F.E.V. was researched by the government to create soldiers capable of being stronger and more resistant--
718.7 -> Instead it made them in to Super Mutants.
721.14 -> There was never a response from the U.S. at Maxon's desertion--
724.52 -> As The Great War came just days after.
727.04 -> After the war, the group seized the futuristic technology from the facility--
731.28 -> Guns and Power Armor.
732.76 -> Glossing over a lot of history--
733.76 -> The Brotherhood fought numerous campaigns against raiders, the Super Mutants and the NCR.
738.86 -> In their search for more technology, The Brotherhood has spread throughout the old United States.
743.82 -> However due to the vast distance among them, ideologies are different between each group.
748.52 -> The Western Brotherhoods numbers are small, practically never allowing outsiders in to their ranks--
753.98 -> But because of their collection of pre-war weaponry and highly-trained soldiers--
757.76 -> The Brotherhood is capable of putting up a valiant effort against their enemies.
761.58 -> The Western Brotherhood believes Wastelanders cannot handle, or be trusted with, the powerful arsenal--
767.02 -> And so they keep their technology Top Secret.
769.64 -> The Western Brotherhood is the original Brotherhood-- as the group has origins in California.
774.6 -> That search for technology sparked members to send missions on airships across the continent--
779.94 -> One of which crashed in the ruins of Chicago, forming the Mid-West Brotherhood.
784.16 -> The Brotherhood eventually reached the Capital Wasteland--
786.68 -> The old ruins of Washington D.C.
788.92 -> Here the Super Mutants were larger and more violent than in the west--
792.54 -> And so the Capital Brotherhood adopted an ideology of protecting the Wastelanders over protecting technology.
798.94 -> Even recruiting natives in to their ranks.
801.6 -> This created a split among the Eastern Brotherhood--
804.2 -> The soldiers devoted to finding technology deserted and formed The Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts.
809.62 -> The Western Brotherhood learned of the Easts ideology--
812.76 -> A clear violation of the factions code--
814.9 -> and so The Capital Brotherhood was cast out.
816.96 -> Other members of The Brotherhood dot the U.S. such as in Texas and The Commonwealth--
821.42 -> Neither of which we know much about so far.
824.12 -> The Brotherhood isn't the only pre-war faction that's still around--
827.32 -> Remember The Enclave?
828.66 -> The Enclaves' descendants remained on the rig, harnessing the best technology their connections could buy--
834.36 -> Being out of the blast range, they believed that they were the last remaining humans untouched by nuclear radiation--
840.48 -> Making them, in their mindset, True Humans.
843.76 -> The Brotherhood and Wastelanders are practically mutants in their eyes--
847.42 -> And so their mindset turned genocidal--
850.06 -> To kill the populace of the Wasteland and to start anew.
853.56 -> The Enclave saw themselves as the continual government of the United States--
858 -> And the rightful population to sustain it.
860.34 -> Using their technology and flying Vertibirds, they can challenge even The Brotherhood in power.
865.58 -> However, they are practically gone in the West and remain considerable in the Eastern United States--
871.36 -> Yet, even though there are considerable factions that control areas of the West and the East---
875.98 -> Much of the old United States is still left unclaimed--
879.24 -> And even in areas under faction control, tribes and villages are the primary organization for Wastelanders.
885.3 -> If I wanted to go in to extreme detail with the entire history of each faction, that video would take hours--
891.58 -> And it's fun to discover the deeper lore by playing the games.
895 -> This was a way to introduce new people to the world of Fallout™
898 -> And to hype up returning fans.
900.04 -> Like on Facebook and Subscribe if you have not done so!
903.24 -> This is Cody -- from the Alternate History Hub.
905.76 -> (music plays)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abdqo4v4NLQ