COUNTRYBALLS: History of Ottoman empire

COUNTRYBALLS: History of Ottoman empire

COUNTRYBALLS: History of Ottoman empire

History of Ottoman empire from its creation in 1299 until its dissolution in 1922.

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0 -> Ottoman Empire gets Independence from Seljuqs and Byzanitum.
2.042 -> Battle of Koyunhisar.
6.041 -> Conquest of Bursa.
14.04 -> Conquest of Gallipoli.
21.039 -> Conquest of Edirne. (Adrianpole)
24.039 -> Ottoman Sultan I.Murad, moves the Capital Bursa to Edirne. (Adrianpole)
25.039 -> I.Battle of Kosovo.
35.038 -> Ottomans Conquer small Anatolian Beyliks.
39.037 -> Battle of Sırpsındığı. (Conquest of Bulgaria)
43.037 -> Niğbolu Crusade War.
55.035 -> Conquest of Karamanid Beylik.
65.034 -> Battle of Ankara.
72.033 -> After battle of Ankara, Ottoman Sultan I.Bayezid falls Prisoner to Timurid King Emir Timur.
77.032 -> :Ottoman Civil War.
82.032 -> Mehmed Çelebi is the new Ottoman Sultan.
97.03 -> Varna Crusade War.
117.027 -> II.Battle Of Kosovo.
132.025 -> Conquest Of Istanbul. (Costantinapole)
176.019 -> After II.Mehmed Conquered Istanbul He changes His name to ''Mehmed The Conqueror.''
180.019 -> Conquest of Central Serbia.
187.018 -> Conquest of Bosnia.
201.016 -> Ottoman Empire-Venice War 1479
209.529 -> Ottoman-Mamluk War. (Not Conquest of all Egypt)
218.834 -> Crimea becomes an Ottoman Vassal and Crimea's Name change to ''Crimean Khanate.''
228.013 -> Battle of Otlukbeli.
247.01 -> Conquest of Egypt. (And Ottomans change their flag and Ottomans are the new Caliph.)
265.008 -> Siege of Belgrade. (1521)
279.006 -> Battle of Mohacs. (1526)
297.004 -> I.Siege of Vienna. (1532 I think)
332.041 -> Battle of Çaldıran. (1514-1555)
345.039 -> Some of the Christian countries make a pact against Ottoman Empire.
363.037 -> Preveza Sea Victory.
403.657 -> Conquest of Muscat.
409.031 -> Conquest of Tunisia. (1574)
418.862 -> Battle of Lepanto.
426.209 -> Battle of Sisac.
471.023 -> Treaty of Zsitvatorok.
477.022 -> Ottoman-Safavid War. (1603-1618)
485.021 -> Conquest of Poland.
494.02 -> Conquest of Crete.
515.017 -> II.Siege of Vienna. (1683)
610.005 -> Austrians pushes back Ottomans with help of Holy League. 1684-1699
612.005 -> Defence of Azov.
620.004 -> Ottomans are pushed to Estergon Fortress.
624.003 -> Battle of Peloponnese. (1684-1699)
630.003 -> Battle of Zenta.
639.001 -> Ottoman Sultan II.Mustafa signs Treaty of Karlowitz. (1699, After this Treaty, Ottomans begin to fall.)
650.042 -> Ottomans lose Azov.
668.039 -> Russians attack Boghdan but Ottomans defend it sucseffully.
673.039 -> Ottomans get Azov back.
675.038 -> Ottomans get Peloponnese back. (1715)
687.037 -> Ottomans lose Central and South Serbia and little of Wallachia and Bosnia.
702.035 -> Ottomans lose Azov again but, They get Western Wallachia and Central Serbia back. (Belgrade too)
711.034 -> Ottomans lose Algeria.
719.033 -> Ottomans lose Crimea.
732.031 -> Napoleon Boneparte Takes Egypt from Ottomans. (1798)
742.03 -> Ottomans sucseffully defend Acre Fortress with help of British. (1799)
749.029 -> Ottomans join Second Coalition which is against Napoleonic France.
755.028 -> Ottomans get Egypt back.
767.027 -> Serbians Declare Independence on Ottomans.
772.026 -> Russians help Serbia.
776.025 -> Ottomans give half of Boghdan to Russians and Serbia becomes an Ottoman Vassal.
785.024 -> Greek Revolt. (1821)
794.023 -> Ottomans wants help from Egypt to defeat Greece.
803.022 -> Ottomans defeat Greece but Britain, France and Russia threated Ottomans and Greeks become Independent.
807.021 -> Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Pasha revolts against Ottomans. (Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Pasha is Sultan of Ottoman Egypt)
815.02 -> Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Pasha pushes Ottomans to Konya.
818.02 -> Russians help Ottomans to defeat Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Pasha.
823.019 -> Ottoman Egypt gets land from Ottoman Empire.
833.018 -> Ottoman Flag and Army Reform.
842.017 -> 1853 Ottoman-Russian/Crimean War. (Balkan Front)
876.012 -> 1853 Ottoman-Russian/Crimean War. (1853-1856, Crimean Front)
906.009 -> Treaty Of Paris. (1856)
920.007 -> Montenegrin–Ottoman War (1861–1862)
923.006 -> Ottoman Constitution of 1876. (Ottoman Mebusan Assembly opens but, Ottoman Sultan II.Abdülhamid breaks it.)
929.006 -> 1877-1878 Ottoman-Russo War. (Bulgaria,Romania and Serbia helped Russians too)
967.001 -> Treaty of San-Stefano. (1878)
970.042 -> Britain, Germany and Austria-Hungary breaks Treaty of San-Stefano.
974.041 -> Berlin Congress. (1878, Romania and Serbia gets Independence from Ottoman Empire)
982.04 -> Bulgaria and South Rumelia becomes an Ottoman Vassal.
983.04 -> Austria-Hungary gets Bosnia from Ottomans and Britain gets Cyprus from Ottomans.
990.039 -> Britain takes Egypt from Ottomans and France Takes Tunisia from Ottomans.
995.039 -> Greece attack Crete but Ottomans defend Crete sucseffully.
1003.038 -> 1908 Young Turk revolution
1009.037 -> Ottoman Constitution of 1909. (The Ottoman Mebusan Assembly is back)
1011.037 -> Bulgaria gets Independence from Ottomans.
1019.036 -> Battle of Tripolinia. (Ottomans loses their last land in Africa, 1911-1912)
1048.032 -> I.Balkan War. (1912-1913)
1103.025 -> II.Balkan War. (1913)
1112.024 -> Ottomans join Central Powers. (Ottomans join WW1)
1124.022 -> Ottomans attack Crimea
1140.02 -> Opearation Of Sarikamish (1914)
1173.016 -> Armenian Deportation (1915-1917)
1190.014 -> Britain takes Kuwait and Iraq Front opens. (1914-1918)
1206.012 -> Ottomans attack Sinai and Egypt. (1915-1917)
1219.01 -> Winston Churcill plans to attack Gallipoli. (1915)
1228.009 -> Gallipoli Campaign. (1915)
1272.003 -> : Gallipoli Victory. (First Victory: 1915, Last Victory: 1916)
1273.828 -> Defence of Kut (Kut-ül Amare, 1915-1916)
1294.042 -> : Ottomans Retraat to Eastern Anatolia in the Casucasian Campaign.
1308.04 -> With Command of T.E Lawrence Arabs start Revolt with help of British. (1916)
1339.036 -> Russians lose Casucasia. (And Ottomans take Casucasia)
1350.035 -> In Middle East front Ottomans Retreat to Aleppo. (1918)
1371.856 -> Bulgaria Surrenders. (1918)
1375.031 -> Truce of Mudros. (1918, Ottomans Retreat to Black Sea)
1386.03 -> Treaty Of Sevres. (1920, Ottomans Collapse)
1411.027 -> Goverment of Ankara gets Independence from Ottomans. (1920)
1423.025 -> Turkish War of Independence starts. (1919)
1446.022 -> Ankara Goverment and Bolsheviks splits Armenia. (Treaty of Gümrü)
1462.02 -> Bolsheviks supports Ankara Goverment in Tukish War of Independence.
1495.016 -> Turks retreat to Sakarya River. (1920 or 1921)
1497.016 -> Bolsheviks sends supports to Turks again.
1507.014 -> Turkco-Greek Wars.
1519.013 -> Greece Retreats to Izmir. (Symria, 1922)
1521.013 -> Turks enter Izmir. (Symria, 1922)
1538.01 -> Britain Retreats from Istanbul. (Costantinapole, 1922)
1550.009 -> Treaty of Laussene. (Republic of Turkiye becomes Independent, 1923)
1556.008 -> Last Ottoman Sultan VI.Mehmed Vahdettin escapes from Turkiye. (1922)
