World War II (short version)

World War II (short version)

World War II (short version)

Watch the extended version here:    • World War II - Summary on a Map  

This video is a summary of the main stages of the Second World War. Let’s retrace on a map the origins, course and consequences of the deadliest war in history.
English translation \u0026 voiceover: Rahul Venkit
Original French version:    • La Seconde Guerre mondiale - Version …  
Russian version:    • Вторая мировая война -  на карте  
Arabic version:    • الحرب العالمية الثانية في 12 دقيقة  
Spanish version:    • La Segunda Guerra Mundial - versión c…  
Music: “Intentions” - “Anno Domini Beats” (YouTube Library)
Software used for editing: Adobe After Effects
00:00 Introduction
00:16 End of World War I
00:47 Financial instability
01:31 Rise of Nazism and Fascism
02:23 Events before the war
03:00 German annexations
03:37 German domination
04:24 French capitulation
04:59 Internationalization
05:52 Resistance
06:27 Operation Barbarossa
07:16 Pacific front
07:56 Crimes against humanity
08:37 Turning point
09:24 Retaking Europe
10:02 End of the war
10:32 Consequences


0.1 -> It is the largest armed conflict that humanity has known.
3.84 -> A deadly war that involved tens of millions of fighters around the world.
8.3 -> Let’s retrace on a map, a summary of the main events of World War II.
17.82 -> At the end of World War I, Germany and its allies are defeated and held solely responsible for the war.
25.08 -> With heavy sanctions imposed upon them, the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires are dismantled,
30.96 -> while Germany has to repay what many consider an unreasonable debt.
35.84 -> Its colonies and some of its territories are ceded to the victors, and to Poland which is recreated.
42.24 -> These sanctions are seen as humiliation by the German people.
49.62 -> The German economy is weakened by excessive debt and suffers hyperinflation.
54.78 -> National mints try to address this by printing banknotes, causing a devaluation of its currency.
61.22 -> Between 1914 and November 1923, the value of the mark grew by 1,000 billion.
68.299 -> The following year, radical measures are taken to halt inflation and stabilize and revive the economy.
75.31 -> But in 1929 the Wall Street crash in New York causes the worst economic crisis of the 20th century.
82.32 -> Its impact is felt worldwide,
84.9 -> with Germany not spared either, causing the unemployment rate to explode.
93.5 -> Severely weakened, Germany sees a rise of nationalism in 1933
98.44 -> that allows the rise to power of the Nazi party with Adolf Hitler at its helm.
104.32 -> Despite the strict conditions imposed upon Germany after WWI,
108.409 -> the new totalitarian regime resets the country and restores military service.
114.03 -> The country also begins an aggressive foreign policy with the dream of uniting all German-speaking people.
120.57 -> Italy, despite its victory with the Allies, is frustrated by the amount of territory it gained after WWI.
128.11 -> Since 1922, the country is ruled by the dictatorial fascist party of Benito Mussolini.
135.13 -> Italy begins a colonial policy by seizing Ethiopia and prepares an invasion of Albania.
145.39 -> In Spain, begins three years of civil war opposing the Republican government who're supported
150 -> by the USSR and the International Brigades, and the nationalist camp led by Francisco
155.1 -> Franco, and aided by Italy and Germany.
158.87 -> The two countries took the opportunity to test their armies and to get closer diplomatically.
164.47 -> In Asia, Japan continues its expansionist policy.
168.069 -> The country takes advantage of the civil war in China to invade new territories.
173.17 -> The Japanese army uses chemical and biological weapons and commits massacres of populations,
182.48 -> Germany is now powerful enough to launch its territorial expansion.
186.32 -> It first annexed Austria with support from the local Nazi party.
190.31 -> Next, the west of Czechoslovakia was invaded.
194.08 -> The Slovak Republic becomes a German satellite state while Hungary grows closer diplomatically.
200.12 -> After the occupation of a part of Lithuania,
202.52 -> Germany signs with the USSR a non-aggression pact and a plan to carve up Europe.
208.36 -> It then attacks Poland, which provokes the United Kingdom and France to declare war,
213.12 -> marking the beginning of World War II.
219.48 -> Although the German forces are concentrated in the East, the Allied troops do not take initiative in the West.
225.73 -> Instead, France and the United Kingdom try to cut the strategic iron ore route that passes
231.23 -> through Norway and supplies the German military industry.
235.16 -> Germany reacts by invading Denmark and Norway.
238.6 -> Within days, the country captures Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Belgium.
242.549 -> Hitler’s new military strategy is called Blitzkrieg, which surprises opposition defenses
248.22 -> with rapid, high-intensity attacks in a concentrated area.
252.77 -> British forces retreat in the face of this German military prowess, and the German army bears down on Paris.
259.32 -> The French army is defeated and an armistice is signed.
266.66 -> Germany occupies the north and west of France,
269.4 -> leaving its other territory and colonies under the control of the new government.
274.04 -> Germany thus has indirect control of French colonies without having to send an army there.
279.44 -> However, parts of the French colonies and the Belgian Congo chooses to stay in the camp of the Allies.
286.369 -> In London, which already hosts several governments in exile, General Charles de Gaulle creates
291.699 -> Free France which continues to fight Nazi Germany.
295.449 -> Brazzaville is named as its capital.
301.48 -> Pursuant to agreements signed with Germany,
303.84 -> the Soviet Union seizes the Baltic states and a part of Romania.
308.54 -> Germany, Italy and Japan combine to form the Axis Powers.
313.77 -> All dominions and British colonies, with the exception of Ireland, enter the war.
319.129 -> In Africa, fighting begins between Italian colonies and Allied forces.
323.529 -> While in Europe, despite the massive aerial bombing of British cities, Germany fails to take over the country.
330.43 -> Hitler then changes his plans: he now wants to invade the USSR.
335.029 -> But the plan is delayed by Italy, that fails to invade Greece and is forced to retreat by Allied forces.
341.94 -> After the accession of Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria to the Axis forces,
346.6 -> the German armies head south to invade Yugoslavia and Greece.
354.58 -> Everywhere in Europe, the resistance is organized in different forms.
358.509 -> Sometimes, people organize strikes, demonstrations or protect wanted persons.
364.41 -> Some groups spy for the Allies, conduct sabotage or print resistance newspapers.
369.96 -> In Eastern Europe, guerilla forces undermine the Axis armies.
374.18 -> In Yugoslavia and Greece, resistant communists and royalist groups confront each other.
379.76 -> Germany isn’t spared the anti-Nazi resistance, with some attempts to assassinate Hitler … which fail.
389.66 -> On June 22, Axis forces launched - on some counts - the largest military operation in history to attack USSR,
396.78 -> which now passes de facto into the camp of Allied forces.
401.199 -> The bulk of the German troops, well equipped and motorized, rush to the east.
406.629 -> To support the Soviets, Allies occupy Iran which then opens up a supply route through the Caucasus.
412.94 -> German armies arrive in Leningrad and begin a siege of the city that would last 872 days
418.78 -> and cause more than 1 million civilian deaths.
422.76 -> Further south, German troops were stopped at the gates of Moscow, where they suffer a harsh and deadly winter.
429.76 -> Behind the front lines, the SS massacre Slavic and Jewish populations.
438.58 -> In Asia, Japan occupies French Indochina.
442.12 -> To counter its expansionist policy, the United States imposes upon it an embargo on oil and steel.
448.86 -> In response, the Japanese conduct a surprise attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor.
454.44 -> A massive aerial bombing damages a large part of the US naval fleet.
459.449 -> The United States enters the war on the Allied side.
462.839 -> At first, they concentrate their forces on the Pacific front.
466.069 -> The country also provides supplies to the USSR, which continues resisting the German advance.
471.849 -> Japan, for its part, conquers new territories in the Pacific.
479.1 -> In addition to the massacres, Japan sends 10 million Chinese civilians into forced labor camps.
485.2 -> In Indonesia, millions of prisoners suffer the same fate on the island of Java.
490.44 -> In Burma and Thailand, Allied prisoners are exhausted in the construction of a railway line.
496.48 -> Moreover, hundreds of thousands of women are forcibly recruited into prostitution for the Japanese army.
503.539 -> In Europe, concentration and extermination camps are built to massacre, among others,
509.25 -> Jews, resistance fighters, political opponents, gypsies, homosexuals and people with disabilities.
519.68 -> Fearing a second front in Europe, Hitler built the Atlantic Wall,
523.72 -> a series of military installations protecting the coast from invasion.
528.42 -> But the Allies first landed in Morocco and Algeria.
532.14 -> Italian Libya finds itself caught between two fronts.
535.96 -> Having lost control of its colonies, Vichy France is invaded.
540.19 -> In the East, Axis forces try to cut the supply route of the Caucasus.
544.509 -> But for the first time, the German offensive undergoes a major military setback.
549.449 -> The Soviets take the initiative and counterattack.
553.199 -> Africa is now entirely controlled by Allies who organize a landing in Sicily.
558.19 -> The new Italian government requests an armistice, causing the Germans to invade.
566.93 -> The USSR advances rapidly westward, forcing the German army to concentrate on that front.
572.96 -> On June 6, 1944, the Allies land in Normandy.
576.98 -> Their armies quickly take over and liberate Paris.
580.22 -> In the West, as in the East, countries are liberated or switch camps.
585.34 -> With victory in sight, Allied powers announce the creation of the United Nations.
590.48 -> Countries that declared war on Germany and Japan would be admitted at its founding conference.
596.06 -> This triggers a wave of declarations of war but without major consequence.
604.48 -> On April 30, Hitler commits suicide in his bunker just before the arrival of the Soviets.
610.32 -> Eight days later, the country surrenders.
613.32 -> The United States and USSR join forces to overcome the Empire of Japan.
618.34 -> The Soviets began a military invasion via Manchuria
621.36 -> while the US drops two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
626.36 -> On August 15, Japan surrenders, marking the end of World War II.
635.29 -> After 6 years of war, the human toll is heavy with at least 60 million dead, mostly civilians.
641.84 -> Many cities are completely destroyed.
644.28 -> Europe and the USSR subject millions of German prisoners of war to bonded labour,
649.62 -> many of whom would die.
651.96 -> Germany and Austria are carved up among the victors.
655.36 -> The old guard of European powers are left exhausted and ruined by war.
660.38 -> The United States and USSR emerge as the remaining global superpowers.
665.62 -> Despite the role of the UN, which aims to maintain peace and international security,
670.12 -> both sides would eventually engage in indirect confrontations around the world.
