LGR - The Sims 4 High School Years Review

LGR - The Sims 4 High School Years Review

LGR - The Sims 4 High School Years Review

Gameplay and overview of the TWELFTH expansion pack to The Sims 4. This time it’s all about making teen sims spend years in high school. Classes to attend, social media to influence, proms to eat copious whole chickens at… Is it worth the $40 price tag? Let’s see!

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0.424 -> [upbeat educational jazz plays] [computer buzzes, beeps]
5 -> Ahh, I gotta say folks. It’s been a refreshing  year off from reviewing Sims 4 content, and I  
11.58 -> needed it more than I realized. It wasn’t exactly  my intention to go so long but that’s how it ended  
17.4 -> up, since I swore off reviewing game packs, stuff  packs, and kit crap for my own well-being. It just  
23.58 -> so happened that EA took another full year to  release a new expansion after Cottage Living,  
28.2 -> allowing me some much-needed time away from  Sims drama and disillusionment. But welp,  
34.5 -> it’s back to the grindstone since there’s  a new $40 pile of CONTENT on the table:  
39.54 -> High School Years, the twelfth full-fat  expansion pack to The Sims 4. And it’s a  
46.44 -> pack I was genuinely curious to try! Partially  due to my not touching the game for a solid 365  
52.26 -> days. But also because this is the first time  sims actually have the opportunity to go to  
56.94 -> daggum school. Like in-person, controlling them  during class and lunchtime and activities and  
61.92 -> things. Not counting universities of course.  When it comes to secondary education though,  
66.78 -> yeah that’s never been an option in the mainline  Sims games, beyond some rabbit hole buildings and  
72.54 -> special events. It’s always been pretty hands-off,  so yep, as an old school simmer that’s a good 17  
78.48 -> years removed from his own time in high school  – uh, I dunno, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be!
84.36 -> And that readiness begins with exploring the new  world of Copperdale, an old lakeside mining town  
90.78 -> nestled down into an alpine valley. There  are three neighborhoods to live out your  
95.64 -> high school years within: Rockridge Heights,  Prescott Square, and Plumbite Cove. Featuring  
101.52 -> an admittedly average 12 lots, with two of  them filled up by the all-important high  
106.74 -> school itself and its associated auditorium.  Both can be highly customized and rebuilt,  
112.14 -> providing you stick to a handful of guidelines as  with other specialized lots. Unfortunately though,  
117.6 -> high schools cannot be placed in other towns  in The Sims 4, since apparently the entirety  
123.66 -> of Copperdale is vital to the operation of this  one school. So teens from elsewhere simply attend  
129.42 -> the old invisible off-screen school as usual, or  travel some unknown distance to appear at the high  
135.06 -> school in Copperdale. And hey, if they do happen  to live there then it’s quite a nice place! Look  
141.6 -> at all those wide, perfectly-drivable  roads, ahh. Ideal for the long-awaited  
146.82 -> reintroduction of cars to the game so teen sims  can learn to drive and – oh wait, NOPE! Yeah,  
152.04 -> The Sims 4 still lacks usable automobiles.  Driving lessons for high school sims would’ve  
157.32 -> been a perfect chance to introduce them again, but  oh well. What you do get is a heavy emphasis on  
163.08 -> teen fashion! Which I guess is 2020s teen fashion,  a subject which I know less than nothing about,  
169.2 -> so I won’t even pretend to go all “hello fellow  kids” on a topic like Gen Z clothing. What I can  
175.74 -> say with confidence is there’s a whole crapload  of it, along with hairstyles, accessories, and  
181.32 -> other wearables. Regardless of style preferences  or fashion trends, the quantity is impressive. You  
188.1 -> also get four new aspirations and three traits:  the teen-specific Drama Llama, Goal Oriented,  
193.86 -> Live Fast, and Admired Icon. And broader traits  of Overachiever, Party Animal, and Socially  
200.4 -> Awkward. All useful for teenage sims living  through the potential hellscape of high school.
204.84 -> On that note, school starts at 8:00 AM and ends  at 3:00 PM. Officially, technically. In reality,  
212.94 -> the schedule is more what you'd call guidelines  than actual rules, with the first hour or so  
217.68 -> dedicated to hanging out and screwing around  before class. A good time to claim a locker then,  
222.96 -> and freshen up, grab supplies, or decorate it  using a handful of predetermined aesthetics. Then  
229.38 -> it’s onto first period in one of two classrooms,  each with 9 student desks – that are distractingly  
235.98 -> never all filled at once. I’m sure it’s possible,  but I’ve personally never witnessed a full class.  
241.86 -> I do like that some of the desks and furniture  look all worn out though, that’s a nice touch.  
246.3 -> Though everything is still far cleaner and more  pristine than any school I ever saw growing up,  
251.82 -> this looks more like a set from a Disney Channel  movie than anything else. Basically it doesn’t  
257.04 -> look enough like a prison to be fully relatable  growing up in America. That and lunchtime is  
261.9 -> entirely too jovial and free of judgment, everyone  is so happy to talk and mingle with everyone  
267.24 -> else all the time. With no one preferring to sit  anywhere in particular or cause too much mayhem,  
272.04 -> imagine that. Anyway, the two daily classes  are brief and suitably boring, with the teacher  
278.76 -> droning on about unimportant things and students  often distracting themselves with silliness and  
284.22 -> social media. With an occasional pop-up decision  during lessons giving your sim an opportune choice  
290.16 -> that’ll benefit or hurt their daily performance.  You can also, just, ignore class entirely if  
296.16 -> you like, sitting there idly doing nothing but  farting to pass the time and share the smells.
301.379 -> [flatulence.]
302.935 -> [fart-inspired jubilation]
307.004 -> Mm. Farting so hard it sets off the fire alarms, now  that’s how you solidify yourself as a freshman  
312.06 -> legend. Or maybe that was just a scheduled fire  drill but hey, one can dream. As a student you  
318.54 -> can even just get up and leave at any time really,  or cut classes entirely to go wandering the halls,  
325.08 -> trying to avoid the custodian. But you’ll  naturally be penalized, and/or sent to the  
330.18 -> principal's office for a stern talking-to. And  by that I mean they’ll probably just play video  
335.04 -> games while you sit there trying to hold in your  flatulence. Yeah I’ve noticed a good number of  
339.6 -> weird moments, and I mean, being a Sims game  that’s how this stuff goes. Teachers peeing  
344.76 -> themselves in front of the class. Students opting  for the floor instead of a chair. Random t-posing  
350.46 -> in the hallways – er wait, that’s a feature, not  a bug. Yeah “The T-posing Challenge” is a thing  
356.34 -> teen sims can do... Because. As well as causing  some relatively harmless mayhem, eungh it’s  
363.06 -> just a prank, bro. In addition to the usual  mischief-related hijinks, you’ve got hall locker  
367.98 -> stink bombs, PA system overrides, whiteboard  shenanigans. Good times. Just be careful who’s  
374.46 -> on the receiving end, as you may end up with  a Bullworth situation on your hands, and Jimmy  
378.96 -> Hopkins don’t play like that. Especially with more  reasons than ever for teens to be mean and poke  
384.18 -> fun at one another, like the addition of puberty,  acne breakouts, and body hair. And yep, the hair  
390.24 -> grows over time now, so shaving your bountiful  body parts is potentially advised depending on  
395.34 -> your sims’s inclinations. Either way toss a bunch  of horny unhinged teens in a building for 7 hours  
401.1 -> a day and dumb stuff is gonna happen, likely  resulting in after-school detention. Heh, though  
407.58 -> what does that even mean here? Sims sit around the  classroom chatting and playing with their phones?  
412.44 -> How’s that any different to normal school? Cuz  seriously, the high school is really more of a  
416.88 -> community hangout spot for teens in this pack.  Student sims effectively have free reign of the  
422.22 -> place, especially after hours with classes no  longer in session. Draw wangs on the whiteboard,  
427.44 -> sleep on the couch in the teacher’s lounge,  flagrantly fumble through the principal’s computer  
431.76 -> and see those games they were playing. The faculty  never stopped me cuz hey, school’s not in session  
437.04 -> so anything goes. Have at it, kids, no one cares!  This is not a complaint, it’s just kinda silly!
442.429 -> [fireworks explode in a silly fashion]
444.649 -> Same with the auditorium, that acts as a school  extension on a nearby separate lot. Events like  
450.24 -> prom are held in this space, seemingly at the  end of every week? Not sure why it’s so often, it  
457.2 -> kinda loses its luster when it’s such a frequent  event but anyway. Prom is, in effect, just like  
462.96 -> any other weekend party, albeit with more angsty  hormones and less booze. There's a list of goals  
468.84 -> to complete, but otherwise it's a mashup of  dancing, selfies, awkwardness, bickering,  
473.76 -> and voting on the Prom Jester and Royalty toward  the end. Oh and roast chickens, so many chickens,  
480.6 -> a disturbing number of whole cooked chickens. And  the party of course continues, minus quite so much  
487.56 -> poultry, at the inevitable prom after-parties  held around town. Like at Plumbite Cove just  
493.68 -> across the lake from school: a delightful little  waterside destination holding a ferris wheel,  
498.42 -> haunted house, and tunnel of love. All acting as  new rabbit holes for sims to lightly traumatize  
505.44 -> onlookers with messing around and woohooing. It’s  entirely possible to get banned from these things  
510.96 -> if you’re caught doin’ the nasty, so y’know.  May as well have your picture taken to remember  
515.46 -> the days before being outlawed from having fun, a  task which the new photo booth carries out nicely  
521.1 -> for a small fee. And hey, the local ice cream  and boba tea vendors will never turn you down,  
526.74 -> no matter how many times you’re kicked off the big  sex wheel. Truly, everyone is equal in the eyes of  
531.66 -> sketchy food sellers. Perhaps not in the eyes of  SimParents, understandably, which may not be so  
537.9 -> forgiving or open to afterdark teenage canoodling.  Thankfully windows and doors exist, providing  
544.56 -> ideal passageways towards adolescent freedom under  the veil of darkness. A more responsible reason  
550.92 -> for departure are all the after-school activities  and high schooler jobs available. Football, cheer,  
557.22 -> computer, and chess teams are all optional  options, each with their own related objects  
561.78 -> for practicing their associated skills at home.  Along with semi-frequent group meet-ups somewhere  
566.94 -> on school grounds, which is nice cuz otherwise  these team things happen off-screen. And classic  
572.22 -> part time jobs like babysitter, barista, fast  food and retail worker, lifeguard, and day  
577.92 -> laborer are a thing. But c’mon this is 2022,  what about that online hustle? Enter the fresh  
584.28 -> new jobs of Video Game Streamer and Simfluencer,  each making use of the new Entrepreneur skill.  
590.94 -> Streamer is self-explanatory: your sim plays games  online for profit, streaming live either alone or  
597.12 -> with friends for those sweet, sweet simoleons.  Simfluencer is more open-ended, with the option  
602.88 -> to review so-called “lifestyle” objects around  the house, and post them online. These are limited  
608.22 -> part jobs but the freedom provided in both hours  worked and income earned make them super appealing  
613.8 -> for teens. And who can resist all that tech,  from ultrawide, curved, and dual monitor setups,  
619.92 -> to RGB LED lighting blasting your eyeballs on  every available surface. Even gaming chairs  
625.92 -> are complete with their own RGB nonsense and  totally-not-sponsored branding. Not all chairs  
632.4 -> are as illuminating though, with High School Years  providing a good 16 chairs and chair-like seats  
638.04 -> overall. Impressive. And useful for sittin’  your butt down, wasting time on the internet.  
643.62 -> Naturally, side hustles make heavy use of social  media, though it’s separate from the vague “social  
649.32 -> media” option already in-game. Instead, each  hustle has its own number of followers unrelated  
654.84 -> to other platforms. On that note there are two  new platforms: Trendi and Social Bunny. Trendi  
661.74 -> with an “i” being an online fashion marketplace,  and Social Bunny being somewhat Facebook-ish.  
668.04 -> Trendi lets sims browse, buy, and sell fashion  styles, which come and go seasonally. Along  
673.68 -> with hyping up styles to followers online in an  attempt to manipulate the market a smidge before  
678.48 -> selling it for a bigger profit. You can push  existing styles, or slap some together yourself  
683.76 -> at the new thrift stores/boba tea shops.  An appealing combo I wish I had for real!  
690.06 -> Peruse the pants and pullovers, tunics and  trousers, and come up with your own amalgam of  
695.04 -> astounding style. Towniecore will be the next big  trend in Copperdale, mark my words. And as for the  
702.48 -> Social Bunny app, ehh. It’s kinda fun at first,  being able to share recent events online using a  
708.24 -> handful of emotional states. And sliding into the  DMs of everyone you’ve ever met like a libidinous  
713.52 -> lunatic. But it’s not long before you realize  it’s largely a repetitive time-waster, with only  
719.34 -> a few of the same messages ever being sent back  and forth between anyone, and no option to fully  
724.8 -> customize what your sims are saying. I disabled  it after a week of everyone in town letting me  
729.6 -> know I should play the guitar or start a pillow  fight. Finally, at the finale of high school lies  
735.15 -> a grand graduation ceremony... I... assume.  My sims never actually managed to graduate,  
741.84 -> at least not with any pomp or circumstance. One  opted to graduate early after the fifteenth time  
747.24 -> being asked by a random sim over the phone. So  no ceremony for them. And the other simply went  
753 -> to high school till they were forced to age into  young adulthood, which kicked them outta school  
757.38 -> with no option for a ceremony. Despite being  class valedictorian. In both cases, a diploma  
763.14 -> arrived through the mail and that was that. Which,  hey, is exactly how I graduated high school myself  
769.44 -> having spent my senior year attending online. So  uh, points for oddly relatable realism, I guess.
775.92 -> And that’s the gist of the High School Years  expansion pack! It’s pretty okay in a pretty  
782.64 -> typical way for $40 Sims 4 expansions, in that  it adds a variety of stuff to experience without  
789.18 -> rocking the boat in any substantial way. And  y’know what, fine by me. I’ve made my peace  
794.76 -> with how The Sims 4 is never gonna be quite the  same as older games in the series. It is entirely  
799.56 -> its own thing at this point and being run by  folks with a production roadmap that clearly  
803.7 -> works well for their bottom line, so there’s  not much point in changing the formula. And so  
808.5 -> it’s unsurprising to see that High School Years  falls right into what I’ve come to expect from  
812.88 -> Sims 4 expansions. A straightforward extension  of core gameplay that doesn’t scream “wow,  
817.98 -> this is game-changing!” But instead whispers,  “hey, this is sorta fun to mess around with  
822.66 -> when it’s not glitching out.” And according to  many reviews, bugs and glitches are copious with  
828.84 -> this one. I personally didn’t experience much  of that at all, mainly the graduation glitch,  
834.06 -> so your mileage may vary. If nothing else,  it’s neat that for the first time we’ve got  
839.64 -> a section of sim life that’s more fleshed out  than it ever has been. I know it’s a trade-off  
844.14 -> compared to how things were done in the past,  like instead of one big Generations expansion,  
848.28 -> now much of the same style of content is spread  across multiple packs. Though simultaneously,  
853.32 -> the individual parts that make up said content are  more involved and arguably offer more potential  
859.68 -> for emergent gameplay. So anyway, yeah, High  School Years. Not a time in my life I’d wanna  
865.98 -> revisit in reality, but in SimReality? I enjoyed  my time with it, however middle-of-the-road it  
871.92 -> may be. I’d recommend the pack, on sale,  if you’re looking for a slice of “realism”  
877.2 -> in your Sims 4, and don’t require anything  earth-shatteringly different from the status quo.
882.72 -> [upbeat tunes intensify]
886.835 -> If you’d like to check out my previous Sims videos  I’ve got far too many of them. And if you like  
892.56 -> this style of video then do check out my others,  I cover lots of computer gaming-related things  
897.42 -> here on LGR, so I hope you stick around.
900.741 -> And of course, thank you for watching!

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aym80GTi6Ls