The history of Brazil - Summary on a Map

The history of Brazil - Summary on a Map

The history of Brazil - Summary on a Map

The history of Brazil, from the first explorations of Portugal at the end of the 15th century, until today.
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English translation \u0026 voiceover: Matthew Bates
Original French version:    • L’histoire du Brésil - Résumé sur cartes  
Russian version:    • Бразилия - история на карте  
Arabic version: Coming soon
Spanish version: Coming soon
Portuguese version (Brazil): Coming soon
Japanese version:    • ブラジルの歴史  
Korean version: Coming soon
German version: Coming soon
Music: Malandragem - Quincas Moreira
Software: Adobe After Effects
00:00 Portuguese discovery
01:30 Portuguese colonization
03:17 The Iberian Union
04:47 The gold of Brazil
06:23 Independence of Brazil
07:57 The Empire of Brazil
10:12 The Coffee Republic
12:05 Birth of modern Brazil
13:38 The military dictatorship in Brazil
15:09 Democratic Brazil

#geohistory #history #brazil


0.3 -> We start in 1481 in Portugal.
3.49 -> The new king John II takes advantage of the creation of the caravel,
8.486 -> a more maneuverable ship able to take on the oceans,
11.836 -> to accelerate explorations along the African coasts in search of new commercial routes.
17.335 -> The Spanish monarchies follow suit, exploring westward and reaching the coasts of America.
23.656 -> Portugal and Spain then agree to share the new world by drawing a meridian
28.336 -> 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands.
32.352 -> Spain can claim the new lands discovered west of this meridian,
36.354 -> Portugal those to the east.
38.263 -> In 1497, Vasco da Gama crosses the Cape of Good Hope and enters the Indian Ocean,
44.786 -> opening a new route to the rich spice trade.
48.038 -> Two years later, Pedro Álvarez Cabral in turn goes to the Indies.
52.872 -> After leaving the Cape Verde Islands, the expedition moves away from the coast of Africa
57.989 -> in order to take advantage of the sea currents
60.735 -> and discovers new lands located east of the Meridian of Tordesillas.
65.078 -> The coasts are inhabited by the Tupi-Guaraní,
68.572 -> semi-nomadic people who practice agriculture,
71.935 -> while the interior of the land is populated by hunter-gatherer societies.
76.772 -> The Portuguese discover a tree whose wood color is red like an ember, or “brasa” in Portuguese.
84 -> The tree is then called the brazilwood, and will give the name Brazil to the new colony.
93.611 -> The Portuguese quickly found trading posts to exploit brazilwood,
98.154 -> which is used to produce dyes for the textile industry.
101.596 -> The indigenous peoples cut and supply this wood in exchange for weapons and European products.
107.756 -> As the explorations continue, more  and more trading posts, called feitorias, are founded.
113.62 -> However, apart from brazilwood, no  other resource interest the Portuguese colonists,
119.3 -> who turn instead to spices from Asia, and gold and slaves from Africa.
124.593 -> The Portuguese king then tries to accelerate the colonization of Brazil by dividing the territory into “captaincies”,
131.897 -> and by offering land to Portuguese settlers who are called “Donatário”.
136.419 -> At first, only Pernambuco is of interest because the climate there is ideal for growing sugar cane,
143.373 -> sugar being an expensive and prized resource in Europe.
147.409 -> In 1549, the Portuguese king creates the Governorate of Brazil,
151.967 -> and appoints Tomé de Sousa as the  first governor.
155.495 -> The latter leaves to Brazil, and founds the new capital Salvador.
160.009 -> In addition, Portugal sends Jesuits to convert the indigenous peoples to Catholicism.
165.597 -> They move inland, but spread deadly European diseases, to which the locals are not immune.
172.161 -> Further south, the French attempt an incursion by founding a colony called “France Antarctique”.
178.495 -> But they are chased away  by the Portuguese,
181.126 -> who then settle in the same bay and found Rio de Janeiro.
185.166 -> In the north of the colony, sugar cane cultivation develops rapidly,
189.524 -> which leads to a lack of manpower.
191.939 -> Portugal then compensates for this shortage by importing slaves from Africa.
201.84 -> In 1580, after the death of King Henry I,
204.735 -> King Philip II of Spain claims and then seizes the Portuguese throne,
209.756 -> founding the Iberian Union.
212.081 -> While Portugal retains some autonomy,
214.77 -> it is now challenged by increasing competition from the rising powers of Western Europe,
220.222 -> such as the United Provinces, France, and England, which take over its colonies around the world.
226.191 -> In 1612, French troops land in the very north of Brazil to found St. Louis, but again they are driven out.
234.147 -> A few years later, the Dutch briefly seize Salvador.
237.857 -> At the same time, around São Paulo, large wheat plantations are being developed.
243.475 -> The colonists then organize expeditions into the land
246.926 -> to capture indigenous people to exploit them on their plantations.
251.36 -> This causes tensions with the Jesuit communities that are looted and destroyed.
256.772 -> Further north, the Dutch succeed in settling in Pernambuco, where they found “Dutch Brazil”,
262.965 -> whose capital Recife is renamed Mauritsstad.
266.915 -> They extend their territory and develop sugar production.
270.774 -> In 1640 in Lisbon, an insurrection drives out the Spanish power.
276.126 -> Portugal regains all its autonomy, and tries to regain control of its colonies.
281.671 -> In 1654, the last Dutch are driven out of Brazil.
290.22 -> While Brazil is the largest sugar producer in the world,
293.876 -> competition is rising in the Caribbean, which cause prices to fall.
298.44 -> But from the end of the 17th century,
301.026 -> the colonists discover that the inland areas of southern Brazil are rich in gold,
306.886 -> which quickly attract many workers. Gold production explodes.
311.79 -> Annual maritime convoys are organized to bring the gold from Rio de Janeiro to Lisbon,
317.393 -> which attracts the interest of European powers.
320.508 -> During the War of the Spanish Succession, France organizes a military expedition against Rio de Janeiro.
327.172 -> The city is looted, and then liberated in exchange for a huge gold ransom,
332.712 -> which is brought back to France.
334.946 -> Later, diamonds are also discovered inland,
338.142 -> which further accelerate the colonization of the region
341.49 -> and pushes the Portuguese to explore further and further inland in search of new riches,
346.888 -> reaching the Spanish colonies.
349.162 -> To avoid border conflicts, Spain and  Portugal agree in 1750 to establish a new border.
355.94 -> In 1763, as Brazil reaches its peak of gold production,
360.787 -> the center of power is moved south, and Rio de Janeiro becomes the new capital of Brazil.
367.116 -> In addition to gold and sugar, the colony tries to diversify its income by developing cotton production,
373.761 -> and then, gradually, coffee.
375.947 -> A large part of the exports end up going to the British ally, which starts its industrial revolution.
386.815 -> In France, Napoleon, who had seized power, dominates Europe.
391.119 -> Only the United Kingdom still resists him.
393.999 -> Napoleon then decides to impose a continental blockade, and to invade his greatest ally, Portugal.
401.535 -> A Franco-Spanish army enters the  country,
404.123 -> forcing Crown Prince John to flee to Brazil with his family and the government.
409.143 -> In Rio de Janeiro, he strengthens the alliance with the United Kingdom
413.737 -> by opening its ports to increase  trade.
416.71 -> In 1815, after the fall of Napoleon, the prince chooses to remain in Brazil
421.954 -> and to give the colony a status equivalent to Portugal
425.662 -> by creating the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves.
430.686 -> Further south, in the Eastern Bank, Spain is challenged by independence movements.
435.897 -> Fearing that these would spread, the now King John VI decides to invade the territory.
441.79 -> But at the same time in Portugal, revolts break out for the return of the king to the country,
447.497 -> and for the establishment of a parliamentary monarchy.
451.04 -> John VI is forced to return to Lisbon,
453.672 -> but before doing so he appoints his son Peter as regent of Brazil during his absence.
459.629 -> In Lisbon, the new congress wants the return of Prince Peter to Portugal,
464.283 -> and the return of the status of colony for Brazil.
467.348 -> In reaction, on September 7, 1822,
471.232 -> Peter proclaims the independence of the Empire of Brazil and becomes its emperor.
480.611 -> In 1824, Portugal recognizes the independence of Brazil.
485.641 -> The new country sets up an electoral system which is reserved for the richest,
490.675 -> then quickly signs an alliance with the United Kingdom in order to maintain commercial privileges.
496.579 -> In addition, the United Kingdom is called in as a mediator to settle the conflict
501.143 -> between Brazil and the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata over control of the Cisplatine Province.
508.041 -> In 1828, an agreement is reached,
510.892 -> and both countries recognize the independence of a buffer state that is called Uruguay.
516.425 -> In the following years, Brazil's economy becomes more and more dependent on the cultivation of coffee.
522.937 -> To increase production, the country continues to import slaves from Africa on a massive scale,
529.13 -> despite the ban on the transatlantic slave trade imposed by the European powers.
534.252 -> Finally, in 1850, after having imported 4 million slaves, the country abolishes the trade.
541.863 -> In Uruguay, since independence, many civil wars have torn the country apart.
547.011 -> In 1864, Brazil decides to intervene militarily, officially to restore peace.
553.396 -> The country allies itself with the camp of the Colorado Party, which opposes the Blanco Party, itself allied with Paraguay.
561.818 -> The latter then reacts by organizing raids on Brazil and violating Argentine territory to go and fight in Uruguay.
569.624 -> After the victory and the rise to power of the Colorado Party,
573.109 -> the latter allies itself with Brazil and Argentina to fight Paraguay.
577.856 -> A very deadly war follows, at the end of which Paraguay loses many territories.
583.86 -> In 1888, Brazil is the last country in America to abolish slavery.
589.121 -> 700,000 slaves are freed.
592.239 -> In the north of the country, a large part of the freed slaves continue to work in the fields for a meager salary,
598.845 -> while in the south, many migrate to working-class areas of the big cities.
603.26 -> Moreover, the landowners receive no compensation, which provokes their anger.
608.568 -> The Emperor is more and more contested.
615.54 -> On November 15, 1889, a military coup overthrows the Emperor, and proclaims the Republic of Brazil.  
623.88 -> A new flag is created, and Manuel Deodoro da Fonseca becomes the first president of the country.
630.949 -> Coffee production is now so important  that it accounts for more than half of the country's exports,
636.714 -> which supplies 3⁄4 of the world's coffee.
640.3 -> In addition, rubber production is expanding and drawing many workers far into Amazon lands.
646.64 -> Finally, São Paulo becomes the economic heart of the country.
650.775 -> The city attracts many migrants, mainly European, but also from the Ottoman Empire and Japan.
657.381 -> Meanwhile, Rio de Janeiro is modernized on the model of European cities.
662.458 -> The inhabitants of the working class neighborhoods are driven out and take refuge in the favelas on the hillsides.
669.318 -> In 1903, the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, who is nicknamed the Baron of Rio Branco,
675.549 -> obtains, in a diplomatic and peaceful manner, a Bolivian territory in the Amazon.
680.944 -> The following year he comes to another agreement with Ecuador,
684.84 -> and finally, in 1907, a third agreement is signed with Colombia.
689.309 -> In the years that follow, Brazil's economy encounters trouble,
693.352 -> particularly because of competition from Asian rubber,
696.656 -> which has been organized by the British,
699.194 -> who succeed in taking Hevea brasiliensis seeds from Brazil to develop plantations in Asia.
705.743 -> In 1929, the Wall Street Crash causes a worldwide depression,
710.758 -> which further depresses the Brazilian economy.
713.456 -> The price of coffee falls by 30% worldwide,
717.504 -> forcing Brazil to destroy a large part of its reserves
721.039 -> in order to try to maintain a decent price on the international market.
729 -> In 1930, the powerful regions of São Paulo and Minas Gerais,
733.691 -> which had previously been allied, clash in the elections.
737.459 -> After the victory of the candidate from São Paulo,
740.75 -> Getulio Vargas, who was defended by Minas Gerais, does not recognize his defeat,
746.656 -> and after a revolution and a military coup, seizes power.
750.926 -> On the one hand, he exercises an authoritarian and repressive power towards his opponents.
757.027 -> On the other hand, he launches reforms to modernize and industrialize the country.
762.381 -> His mandate marks the end of the white Brazil of the so-called “Coffee Republic”,
767.261 -> and the beginning of a popular and mixed race culture.
770.895 -> In 1931, the Christ the Redeemer statue is inaugurated in Rio de Janeiro.
776.629 -> The following year, voting becomes compulsory, including for women, but not yet for the illiterates.
783.549 -> In the following years, the country develops the aeronautical sector and begins to exploit oil on its territory.
790.613 -> During World War II, Brazilian merchant ships are attacked by German submarines.
795.494 -> In response, in 1942, Brazil declares war on Germany and Italy.
800.848 -> Approximately 25,000 Brazilian soldiers are sent to the fronts in Italy,
805.782 -> while 55,000 others are sent to the Amazon to harvest rubber to be supplied to the Allies.
811.738 -> After the Allied victory, in the context of the Cold War, Brazil moves closer to the American camp.
822.63 -> In 1960, President Kubitschek founds Brasília, a brand-new capital in the heart of the country.
829.077 -> The following year, Joao Goulart becomes president, after narrowly avoiding a military coup.
835.311 -> He reforms education to combat illiteracy, taxes multinationals whose headquarters are abroad,
841.967 -> and expropriates huge estates to redistribute land to farmers.
846.838 -> But in the midst of the Cold War,  his policies do not please the United States,
851.635 -> which secretly supports a military coup.
854.333 -> General Castelo Branco becomes president, and is directly recognized by the United States.
861.302 -> The new regime  establishes a military dictatorship.
864.973 -> The country opens up to foreign investment, which boosts the economy.
869.252 -> The Amazonian forest is more and more threatened,
872.307 -> on the one hand with the construction of the Trans-Amazonian road,
876.314 -> which is intended to facilitate the exploitation of the lands in the heart of the forest,
881.215 -> and on the other hand, in the south, with the development of immense plantations of soy,
886.706 -> which nibble at the Amazonian lands.
889.402 -> In the 1980s, Brazil begins a peaceful  democratic transition.
893.781 -> In 1985, elections are held, and in 1988, a new constitution puts an end to the military regime.
902.416 -> Illiterate people now have the right to vote, and the ethnic and cultural diversity of the nation is recognized.
912.742 -> Quickly, the country undergoes an important inflation.
916.087 -> In 1994, after 38 different currencies in 2 centuries, the Real becomes the new official currency of the country.
923.087 -> The following year, the country signs a free trade treaty with Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay.
930.087 -> In 2002, Lula becomes the first president from the  left-wing “Worker’s Party”.
936.002 -> He launches a series of reforms and programs designed to end poverty and hunger.
941.418 -> He also finances infrastructure in the favelas to improve the living conditions of the 12 million Brazilians living there.
949.131 -> In two mandates, he brings roughly 20 million Brazilians out of poverty.
954.676 -> Dilma Rousseff takes over, and continues the policy of her predecessor.
959.422 -> However, she is undermined by suspicions of corruption,
963.032 -> and by the enormous expenses incurred for the organization of the World Cup and the Olympic Games,
968.749 -> while the country's economy  is deteriorating.
971.807 -> During her second term, the situation worsens, and she is impeached in 2016.
977.759 -> Two years later, Jair Bolsonaro, ultra conservative and nostalgic for the military dictatorship, comes to power.
985.523 -> In October 2022, after close elections, he is defeated by Lula,
991.067 -> who wins a third mandate as president.
993.616 -> Today, Brazil is a mixed nation, the result of migrations mainly from Europe,
999.043 -> slaves imported from Africa, and people present before the arrival of the Europeans.
1004.409 -> The history of the country, which is now one of the world's leading democracies,
1008.774 -> has always been closely linked to global developments and  the need for natural resources.
