mtDNA shows how humans migrated across the World

mtDNA shows how humans migrated across the World

mtDNA shows how humans migrated across the World

It has been over 20 years since DNA analysis technology began to be used in the field of archaeology. In many countries, scientists are analyzing genes from ancient human fossils and making them into a database so that they can be used for research.

Genes extracted from more than 10,000 fossils were extracted, analyzed, and compared.As a result, humans are said to have originated from a woman in Africa about 200,000 years ago.

And as a result of genetic analysis of her descendants who lived scattered around the globe, their migration routes were revealed.
In this video, their movement paths by era were mapped.
#mtDNA #MitochondrialEve #ealyman_migration #sapience


0.801 -> Wouldn't you like to follow the traces of how mankind spread?
10.933 -> Our hominins have been living on this land for millions of years
14.417 -> But it wasn't noticed until our ancestors tried to escape from Africa.
18.651 -> Astonishingly,
20.103 -> scientific research has shown that the 7.5 billion people
24.025 -> who occupy the Earth today
25.756 -> are the descendants of a woman who lived 200,000 years ago in eastern Africa.
30.401 -> Scientists call her mitochondrial Eve.
33.306 -> Will you not follow along with me?
36.036 -> the traces of how mankind spread by following the footsteps of the descendants of Mitochondrial Eve?
41.595 -> Mitochondrial Eve was born and lived in East Africa about 200,000 years ago.
46.743 -> First, let's go to the place where she was born and raised through Google Earth.
51.432 -> You can see a huge lake and a wide meadow.
54.778 -> Lake Victoria and Serengeti Plains.
57.588 -> You can also see Mount Kilimanjaro.
60.537 -> The surface area of ​​Lake Victoria is 59,947 square meters.
65.542 -> It is a huge lake that is 38 times larger than London,
69.522 -> 99 times larger than Seoul,
71.645 -> 76 times larger than Singapore,
73.979 -> and 339 times larger than Washington DC.
77.441 -> The Serengeti ecosystem is a geographical region in Africa
81.743 -> spanning northern Tanzania.
83.435 -> The protected area within the region includes approximately 30,000 km2 of land,
89.136 -> including the Serengeti National Park and several game reserves.
92.453 -> The name "Serengeti" is often said to be derived from the word "seringit" in the Maasai language,
97.667 -> Maa, meaning "endless plains"
99.833 -> Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano in Tanzania.
103.303 -> It has three volcanic cones: Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira.
108.478 -> It is the highest mountain in Africa and the highest single free-standing mountain in the world:
113.621 -> 5,895 metres above sea level.
116.73 -> Because of its shrinking glaciers and ice fields,
120.149 -> which are projected to disappear between 2025 and 2035
124.126 -> it has been the subject of many scientific studies.
126.955 -> So far, we have looked at the region where the common mother of mankind,
131.054 -> mitochondrial Eve, may have lived.
133.005 -> This is where her descendants lived as hunter-gatherers.
136.164 -> It may seem peaceful, but it is also a place of fierce life.
139.712 -> At that time,
140.991 -> climate change caused the prey to migrate,
143.228 -> and it is presumed that they moved along with the prey.
145.406 -> Now you are looking at their migration routes from 150,000 to 100,000 years ago.
150.586 -> L is mitochondrial eve,
152.878 -> and Lx are her descendants.
154.658 -> Letters are human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups,
158.335 -> Arrows are migration pathl
160.007 -> The number in the upper left corner of the screen is the estimated age.
164.041 -> How would you have known this?
166.067 -> We have DNA that is inherited only through females.
169.585 -> It's called mitochondrial DNA.
172.099 -> we can trace back this mitochondrial dna to find out who our ancestors were
177.769 -> But why is mitochondrial DNA only inherited through females?
181.259 -> Doesn't the man have it?
183.466 -> Of course, men also have mitochondrial DNA.
187.186 -> However, a man's mitochondrial DNA is not passed on to offspring.
191.944 -> Let's find out why.
194.477 -> Mitochondrial DNA is only a small portion of the DNA in a eukaryotic cell
198.905 -> most of the DNA can be found in the cell nucleus and,
202.48 -> in plants and algae,
203.981 -> also in plastids such as chloroplasts
207.738 -> Sperm from a man's body goes on a long journey,
210.846 -> to find an egg deep in the woman's body to obtain descendants.
214.549 -> Among tens of thousands of sperm,
216.623 -> only one sperm is selected and fertilization takes place.
220.357 -> You have experienced your first victory here,
222.934 -> so you should be proud of being born.
225.024 -> during fertilization.
226.641 -> Not all parts of the sperm enter the egg
229.222 -> The tail part is left and only the head couple gate is inserted and fertilized.
234.093 -> Herein lies the secret that men's mitochondrial DNA is not inherited.
238.68 -> Man's mitochondrial DNA resides in the tail.
242.16 -> This principle has only recently been used in the study of human history.
246.297 -> By 1985,
247.767 -> data from the mtDNA of 145 women of different populations,
251.835 -> and of two cell lines,
253.458 -> HeLa and GM 3043,
255.977 -> derived from an African American and a !Kung respectively, were available.
261.402 -> The study  published on 1 January 1987.
264.938 -> The published conclusion was that all current human mtDNA originated from a single population from Africa,
270.881 -> at the time dated to between 140,000 and 200,000 years ago
275.001 -> after this thesis
276.302 -> DNA was extracted from ancient human fossils and analyzed,
280.024 -> The map used in this video was created by referring to the results of direct mapping of these research results and data from wikipedia
287.577 -> Click the link in the description below to view them mapping results by year.
292.374 -> Now let's watch the migration path of the mitochondria lead descendants again
297.466 -> About 60 to 80 000 years ago
300.067 -> a renewed expansion repopulated africa with L2 and L3 mtDNA types. 
304.432 -> About 50 to 60 000 years ago,
306.952 -> l3 type african moved to southwest asia.
309.589 -> All non-Africans are today descended from either M or N types,
313.922 -> both descended from an Africa L3 type.
316.623 -> The group leaving Africa must have been very small,
319.886 -> given that only two mtDNA lineages survived.
322.391 -> The M and N types which left india about 60000 years ago
327.219 -> arrive in australia around 50 000 to 40 000.
330.821 -> this was the ice age
332.474 -> and the seas near indonesia were all land.
335.009 -> It is called sunderland.
337.191 -> It is presumed that they crossed the sea by constructing a raft near present-day Bali.
341.962 -> They were the first navigators of mankind,
344.701 -> at this time between New Guinea and Australia was land
348.654 -> Some of the M N types that migrated to australia between fifty thousand and forty thousand years ago, 
354.194 -> change direction and head towards east asia along the eastern coast.
357.617 -> Crossing the m and n type eurasian grasslands that lived in western asia and heading to east asia.
363.179 -> many races are born in western asia
366.118 -> I, U, H,V types go to Europe
369.825 -> At this time, Europe was inhabited by Neanderthals.
373.373 -> Type x leaves west asia a little later and heads for siberia.
377.635 -> It was a very cold ice age.
380.059 -> I will introduce the life of our ancestors during the ice age through another video
384.673 -> The M and N types derived from L3
387.282 -> served as the basis of mitochondrial dna for today's offspring.
390.96 -> Currently europeans do not have M-type mitochondrial dna which is unusual.
396.877 -> Between 40 000 and 30 000 years,
400.001 -> a group with mitochondrial dna of type A ,B and F derived from type N appears in east asia.
406.079 -> At the same time. 
407.264 -> C,G and D types appear. 
410.001 -> C and Y types also appear.
412.354 -> They have M-type as their ancestor.
414.923 -> Type D advances to japan via the korean peninsula.
418.658 -> Lhe last glacial maximum period begins in 33 000.
422.743 -> LGM lasts as long as 25 600.
426.673 -> During this time large continental ice sheets existed in Europe and North america.
431.854 -> the sea level was also 120 meters lower than it is today.
436.196 -> The west coast of the korean peninsula and the bering sea were connected by land.
440.916 -> 25 000 years ago in Asia
443.397 -> A,B,C and D type spread to the east of siberia.
447.919 -> The x type from western europe also arrives here.
451.082 -> They lived here in the coldest time.
453.379 -> They begin to cross the bering sea in search of a warm place where the sun rises.
458.4 -> It was the end of the ice age.
460.75 -> It is estimated that a few types a and d crossed the bering sea 20 000 years ago.
465.953 -> Around 15 000, A type arrives in alaska in groups.
470.129 -> This is the time when the earth's temperature rose after the last ice age.
474.556 -> Sea levels would rise again
476.773 -> but the bering sea would have been covered in ice
479.374 -> The period between 14 690 and 12 890 before was the Bølling–Allerød warming period.
486.441 -> The nordic feno scandian ice sheet begins to melt.
489.738 -> This is the period when i u v j h and v types began to migrate to northern europe.
496.938 -> Types a b c d x who lived in alaska moved to south america.
503.754 -> Some of them arrived in south america 12 000 years ago.
507.302 -> At that time there was a huge continental ice sheet on the north american continent.
512.079 -> The laurentide ice sheet to the east and the cordilleran ice sheet to the west coast of north america covered the continent .
518.179 -> But how were they able to move south?
521.174 -> Recent research suggests that an ice-free corridor opened between two ice sheets before 12 600.
527.964 -> Types a b c and d traveled along this route over 1000 years,
533.185 -> reaching central and south america.
535.346 -> The earth's temperature begins to rise after the end of the ice age.
538.692 -> Then between 12900 and 11700
543.525 -> the temperature of the earth's cloud suddenly drops.
546.215 -> This period is called the Younger Dryas period.
549.838 -> it was found that this was because lake agassi in north america burst and flowed into hudson bay,
555.309 -> affecting the thermo-haline circulation system.
557.983 -> During this period, Type b migrates to the Philippines and the island of Borneo.
563.101 -> some of the B types who lived here,  moved to Madagascar before 1500,
568.33 -> and migrated to Polynesia including New Zealand before 1000.
572.385 -> So far it has been a long journey of 200 000 years along the Mitochondrial Eve.
577.129 -> Shall we summarize the results of our trip?
580.304 -> The first L-type was found in Africa .
583.163 -> Type N lived in Western Asia East Asia and Australia.
587.54 -> M-type was widely distributed and can be found in the Arabian Peninsula,
592.568 -> Sahel, India, East Asia and Aaustralia.
596.278 -> R-Type was found in Central and Eastern Aafrica, Western Asia and India.
601.539 -> U-type existed in India, Western Asia, and Northern Europe.
605.936 -> Type I  lived in Western Asia and Northern Europe.
609.333 -> T type can be found in northern Caspian Sea, and Western Europe.
613.323 -> Type H can be found around the Iberian peninsula, Northern Europe and the Black sea.
619.016 -> Type V is found in Northwestern Aafrica the Iberian Peninsula and Northern Europe.
625.054 -> Type C can be found in East Asia, Siberia, Central America and the Amazon region.
631.394 -> type A is found in East Asia North America and Greenland.
635.892 -> Type B can be found in East Asia, Southeast Asia,North America, South America,
642.53 -> Madagascar, New Zealand and the Polynesian Islands
646.442 -> Type F exists in Southeast Asia.
649.142 -> Type D is found in Alaska, the Eastern United States and the Amazon region of South America.
655.584 -> Types Y,Z and X lived elsewhere appearing in Siberia and North America.
660.701 -> Q and P types appear in Irian Jaya of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
666.246 -> If you look at the current distribution location for each type,
669.926 -> it appears like a map on the screen.
672.032 -> Thanks for watching for a long time!
674.175 -> Starting with Mitochondrial eve,
676.733 -> by tracking the occurrence and extinction of nomads,
679.725 -> we have just started mapping on the map.
681.711 -> Why don't you take a nomad trip with a map with me?
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