Bestial NAZI  Frankenstein  Heinrich Klaustermeyer & His Horrible Crimes in Warsaw Ghetto during WW2

Bestial NAZI Frankenstein Heinrich Klaustermeyer & His Horrible Crimes in Warsaw Ghetto during WW2

Bestial NAZI Frankenstein Heinrich Klaustermeyer & His Horrible Crimes in Warsaw Ghetto during WW2

Bestial Nazi “Frankenstein” Heinrich Klaustermeyer \u0026 His Horrible Crimes in Warsaw Ghetto during WW2. Immediately after Hitler came to power, Germany became a dictatorship, and the Nazi regime quickly began to restrict the civil and human rights of the Jews and established the first concentration camps, imprisoning its political opponents, homosexuals, Jehovah’s witnesses, and others classified as “dangerous”. In the new Nazi Germany Heinrich Klaustermeyer, got a job as a messenger with the city of Bünde. In 1935, he joined the Wehrmacht – the German Armed Forces - but was discharged on health grounds 2 years later. He was then rehired as a caretaker in Bünde.

On the 9th – 10th of November 1938, the Nazi leaders unleashed a series of coordinated violent riots against the Jews throughout Nazi Germany and recently incorporated territories.
The Nazi SA and German civilians not only ransacked 7,500 Jewish-owned businesses, homes, and schools, but also destroyed hundreds of synagogues. 91 Jews were murdered and the German SS and police sent almost 30,000 Jewish males to concentration camps, primarily Dachau.
This event came to be called Kristallnacht or The Night of Broken Glass because of the shattered glass that littered the streets afterwards, but the euphemism does not convey the full brutality of the event.
Immediately after the Kristallnacht, Nazi officials claimed that the Jews themselves were to blame for the riots, and a fine of one billion reichsmarks, about $400 million at 1938 rates, was imposed on the German Jewish community. Kristallnacht was a turning point in the history of the Third Reich, marking the shift from antisemitic rhetoric and legislation to the violent, aggressive anti-Jewish measures that would culminate with the Holocaust.
Heinrich Klaustermeyer, a well-known “Jew hater”, played a leading role in the anti-Semitic riots in Bünde.

In August 1939 he was hired by the Gestapo in Bielefeld with the rank of Oberscharführer.

The Second World War started on the 1st of September 1939 with the invasion of Poland. Warsaw suffered heavy air attacks and artillery bombardment and German troops entered the capital on 29th of September shortly after its surrender.

The campaign in Poland ended on the 6th of October the same year with Germany and the Soviet Union dividing and annexing the whole of the country.
On the 23rd of November 1939, German civilian occupation authorities required Warsaw’s Jews to identify themselves by wearing white armbands with a blue Star of David. The German authorities closed Jewish schools, confiscated Jewish-owned property, and conscripted Jewish men into forced labor and dissolved prewar Jewish organizations.

In November 1940, Klaustermeyer became an employee of the Gestapo in the Warsaw District which was one of the first four Nazi districts of the General Governorate region of German-occupied Poland during World War II, along with Lublin, Radom and Kraków Districts.

In the autumn of 1941, Klaustermeyer was assigned the task of monitoring Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto. German authorities had decreed the establishment of a ghetto in Warsaw on the 12th of October 1940. The decree required all Jewish residents of Warsaw to move into a designated area, which German authorities sealed off from the rest of the city in November 1940. In December of the same year the Germans called for the death penalty for Jews who had left the ghetto without permission. The same penalty awaited any person who knowingly gave shelter to such Jews.
The ghetto, which became the largest of all the Jewish ghettos in Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II, was enclosed by a wall that was over 10 feet high, topped with barbed wire, and closely guarded to prevent movement between the ghetto and the rest of Warsaw. The population of the ghetto, increased by Jews compelled to move in from nearby towns, was estimated to be over 400,000 Jews. German authorities forced ghetto residents to live in an area of 1.3 square miles, with an average of 7.2 persons per room. Proper hygiene was almost impossible, as many homes did not have running water.

Extreme overcrowding, minimal rations, and unsanitary conditions led to disease, starvation, and the death of thousands of Jews each month.

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0.36 -> The 1st of September 1939. After a false  accusation that the Poles attacked a German radio  
6.9 -> station, Nazi Germany launches a “retaliatory”  campaign against Poland triggering World War 2.  
12.96 -> Poland finds itself fighting a two front  war when it is invaded by the Soviet Union  
17.52 -> from the east on the 17th of September. Warsaw  officially surrenders to the Germans on the 28th  
23.82 -> of September and one day later in accordance with  the secret protocol to their non-aggression pact,  
28.74 -> Germany and the Soviet Union partition Poland. In the fall of 1940, German authorities establish  
35.46 -> a ghetto in Warsaw, Poland’s largest  city with the largest Jewish population.  
39.36 -> Almost 30 percent of Warsaw’s population are  packed into 2.4 percent of the city's area. 
46.32 -> German policy toward the Jews in the Warsaw  Ghetto is particularly brutal and ruthless.  
51.18 -> Extreme overcrowding, minimal rations,  and unsanitary conditions lead to disease,  
57.18 -> starvation, and the death of  thousands of Jews each month.  
61.14 -> One of the main perpetrators of these  atrocities is Heinrich Klaustermeyer.
65.7 -> Karl Heinrich Klaustermeyer, a son  of a self-employed master painter,  
70.86 -> was born on the 22nd of February 1914 in  Bielefeld, then part of the German Empire.
77.04 -> On the 24th of October 1929 the stock  market crash marked the beginning of the  
82.62 -> Great Depression in the United States  which soon spread across the globe. 
86.1 -> Due to deteriorating economic conditions  in Germany, Heinrich Klaustermeyer,  
90.54 -> a trained car mechanic, became unemployed.
93.42 -> The Great Depression also played a role in  the emergence of Adolf Hitler, the leader of  
97.68 -> the Nazi Party, which Klaustermeyer joined in  1932. The same year he also joined the SA.  
104.04 -> While the Great Depression and German  economic conditions were not solely  
108.36 -> responsible for bringing Hitler to power,  they helped to create an environment in  
112.08 -> which he gained support and on the  30th of January 1933 Adolf Hitler  
117.12 -> was appointed chancellor of Germany by  the German President Paul von Hindenburg.
121.2 -> Immediately after Hitler came to power,  Germany became a dictatorship, and the  
126.36 -> Nazi regime quickly began to restrict the civil  and human rights of the Jews and established the  
131.46 -> first concentration camps, imprisoning  its political opponents, homosexuals,  
135.66 -> Jehovah’s witnesses, and others classified as  “dangerous”. Unlike prisons with which they are  
141.66 -> often inaccurately compared today, concentration  camps were independent of any judicial review. 
146.94 -> The first such camp - Dachau - was  established in March 1933, less than  
153 -> 2 months after Hitler became the chancellor. Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its  
160.08 -> European allies would establish more than  44,000 camps and other incarceration sites,  
164.94 -> including ghettos. The perpetrators  used these locations for forced labor,  
169.68 -> detention of people deemed to be "enemies of  the state," and the mass murder of millions.
175.56 -> In the new Nazi Germany Heinrich Klaustermeyer,  got a job as a messenger with the city of Bünde.  
181.26 -> In 1935, he joined the Wehrmacht – the  German Armed Forces - but was discharged  
185.82 -> on health grounds 2 years later. He was  then rehired as a caretaker in Bünde.
190.38 -> On the 9th – 10th of November 1938, the Nazi  leaders unleashed a series of coordinated  
195.72 -> violent riots against the Jews throughout Nazi  Germany and recently incorporated territories. 
200.82 -> The Nazi SA and German civilians not only  ransacked 7,500 Jewish-owned businesses,  
207.12 -> homes, and schools, but also destroyed hundreds  of synagogues. 91 Jews were murdered and the  
213.78 -> German SS and police sent almost 30,000 Jewish  males to concentration camps, primarily Dachau. 
220.2 -> This event came to be called Kristallnacht  or The Night of Broken Glass because of the  
225.48 -> shattered glass that littered the streets  afterwards, but the euphemism does not  
229.26 -> convey the full brutality of the event. Immediately after the Kristallnacht,  
233.64 -> Nazi officials claimed that the Jews themselves  were to blame for the riots, and a fine of one  
238.38 -> billion reichsmarks, about $400 million at 1938  rates, was imposed on the German Jewish community.  
244.5 -> Kristallnacht was a turning point in the history  of the Third Reich, marking the shift from  
249.96 -> antisemitic rhetoric and legislation  to the violent, aggressive anti-Jewish  
254.52 -> measures that would culminate with the Holocaust. Heinrich Klaustermeyer, a well-known “Jew hater”,  
259.92 -> played a leading role in the  anti-Semitic riots in Bünde.
262.86 -> In August 1939 he was hired by the Gestapo in  Bielefeld with the rank of Oberscharführer.
268.98 -> The Second World War started on the 1st of  September 1939 with the invasion of Poland.  
275.64 -> Warsaw suffered heavy air attacks  and artillery bombardment and German  
279.72 -> troops entered the capital on 29th of  September shortly after its surrender.
284.64 -> The campaign in Poland ended on the 6th of October  the same year with Germany and the Soviet Union  
289.62 -> dividing and annexing the whole of the country. On the 23rd of November 1939, German civilian  
296.64 -> occupation authorities required Warsaw's Jews  to identify themselves by wearing white armbands  
302.34 -> with a blue Star of David. The German authorities  closed Jewish schools, confiscated Jewish-owned  
308.1 -> property, and conscripted Jewish men into forced  labor and dissolved prewar Jewish organizations.
312.96 -> In November 1940, Klaustermeyer became  an employee of the Gestapo in the Warsaw  
318.42 -> District which was one of the first four Nazi  districts of the General Governorate region  
322.98 -> of German-occupied Poland during World War II,  along with Lublin, Radom and Kraków Districts.
329.34 -> In the autumn of 1941, Klaustermeyer was assigned  the task of monitoring Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto.  
334.98 -> German authorities had decreed the establishment  of a ghetto in Warsaw on the 12th of October 1940.  
341.64 -> The decree required all Jewish residents  of Warsaw to move into a designated area,  
346.32 -> which German authorities sealed off from the  rest of the city in November 1940. In December  
352.08 -> of the same year the Germans called for the  death penalty for Jews who had left the ghetto  
356.28 -> without permission. The same penalty awaited any  person who knowingly gave shelter to such Jews. 
362.1 -> The ghetto, which became the largest of all  the Jewish ghettos in Nazi-occupied Europe  
366.54 -> during World War II, was enclosed by a wall that  was over 10 feet high, topped with barbed wire,  
371.82 -> and closely guarded to prevent movement  between the ghetto and the rest of Warsaw.  
376.14 -> The population of the ghetto, increased by  Jews compelled to move in from nearby towns,  
380.64 -> was estimated to be over 400,000 Jews.  German authorities forced ghetto residents  
386.58 -> to live in an area of 1.3 square miles,  with an average of 7.2 persons per room.  
391.08 -> Proper hygiene was almost impossible, as  many homes did not have running water.
396.12 -> Extreme overcrowding, minimal rations, and  unsanitary conditions led to disease, starvation,  
402.72 -> and the death of thousands of Jews each month.  An average daily food ration in 1941 for Jews  
409.44 -> in Warsaw was limited to 184 calories, compared  to 2,613 calories for the Germans. An official  
417.3 -> German order stated that “the basic provisioning  of the Jewish Residential District must be less  
421.86 -> than the minimum necessary for preserving  life, regardless of the consequences.” 
426.84 -> The hunger in the ghetto was so great,  that dying people were laying on the  
430.62 -> streets and small children were seen begging. Economic activity in the ghetto was minimal and  
436.74 -> generally illegal. The most prevalent of such  activity was the widespread smuggling of food  
441.6 -> and medicines into the ghetto which supplemented  the miserable official allotments and kept the  
445.92 -> death rate from increasing still further. Those individuals who were active in these  
450.6 -> illegal acts or who had other savings were  generally able to survive longer in the ghetto.
455.52 -> Between 1940 and mid-1942, 83,000  Jews died of starvation and disease. 
461.88 -> When a resident from the Warsaw Ghetto passed  away, their families would place the body in the  
466.68 -> street and it would be picked up in the morning  by a funeral cart that made its rounds every day.
471.54 -> Heinrich Klaustermeyer, known in the ghetto for  his brutal and ruthless behavior towards Jews,  
476.496 -> was corrupted and with the proceeds  from his side businesses he was able  
480.42 -> to afford a lavish life style  and stay at the luxurious hotel.
483.42 -> With his SS comrade Josef Blösche, Klaustermeyer  would ride a bicycle into the ghetto and beat  
489.66 -> and shoot men, women and children at random,  just to terrorize them. For their brutality,  
495.06 -> the Jews in the ghetto gave Klaustermeyer  and Blösche the nickname "Frankenstein".
499.74 -> In autumn 1941, Klaustermeyer shot the Jewish  police officer in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.  
506.34 -> In the summer of 1942, he captured six women  on Kupiecka Street, made them stand against a  
512.28 -> wall and then shot every second of them. On one occasion he fired into a Jewish  
517.2 -> marching column on one of the Ghetto’s  streets and killed one Jew in the process. 
521.76 -> After the war one witness testified how on one  autumn day in 1942, he had observed Klaustermeyer  
528.54 -> shooting three randomly chosen Jews: two women  and one man. None of them were older than 30.
534.9 -> Holocaust survivor Irena Rojek reported  after the war how in the spring of 1942  
540.42 -> she had seen how Klaustermeyer had snatched  the child from a woman and threw it onto  
544.92 -> the street. He then walked towards  the child, pulled out his short gun,  
548.64 -> aimed and shot the child. Then he turned  to the child’s mother and shot her as well.
554.94 -> Another witness later testified how,  while staying just a few meters away,  
558.78 -> he had to watch Klaustermeyer shoot his  mother, wife and three-month-old child.
563.46 -> In the ghetto, his mode of transportation  was a three-wheeled rickshaw that resembled  
568.5 -> a two-seater deck chair. Wherever  he appeared, the Jews in the ghetto  
572.4 -> fled because they were afraid of being shot. Between the fall of 1941 and February 1943,  
578.46 -> he killed twenty Jews on this route between  the commandant's office and the ghetto,  
582.48 -> where he controlled Jewish Ghetto  workers in German companies.  
586.2 -> After the war, Klaustermeyer claimed that he  and his colleagues liked going to the controls  
590.94 -> in the Warsaw Ghetto because they usually  got breakfast at the factories. However,  
594.9 -> one Holocaust survivor later testified that  Klaustermeyer together with his Nazi comrades  
599.7 -> were unable to have breakfast  before they had shot a few Jews. 
603.42 -> Heinrich Klaustermeyer did not spare  even his rickshaw driver. In August 1942,  
608.76 -> he drew his pistol and shot him  in the head without any reason.
612.3 -> From the 22nd of July until the 12th of September  1942, German SS and police units, assisted by  
619.8 -> auxiliaries, carried out mass deportations from  the Warsaw ghetto to the Treblinka killing center,  
624.6 -> 52 miles away from Warsaw. Rather than fill the  daily quotas for deportation, Jewish council  
631.02 -> leader Adam Czerniaków committed suicide on  the 23rd of July by swallowing a cyanide pill. 
636.78 -> The deportees were allowed to carry with them  15 kg of baggage, food for three days, money,  
643.8 -> gold, and other valuables. During this  period, the Germans deported about 265,000  
650.22 -> Jews from Warsaw to Treblinka  and they killed approximately  
654.18 -> 35,000 Jews inside the ghetto during the  operation. Heinrich Klaustermeyer served  
659.16 -> as a local expert hunting down many Jews who  were hiding from deportations during this time.
663.72 -> In January 1943, SS and police units returned  to Warsaw, this time with the intent of  
670.56 -> deporting thousands of the remaining  approximately 70,000-80,000 Jews in the  
675.24 -> ghetto to forced-labor camps for Jews in Lublin  District. This time, however, many of the Jews,  
681.48 -> understandably believing that the SS and police  would deport them to the Treblinka killing center,  
685.92 -> resisted deportation, some of them using small  arms which had been smuggled into the ghetto.  
691.2 -> After seizing approximately 5,000 Jews, the SS and  police units halted the operation and withdrew.
697.8 -> On the 19th of April 1943, the Warsaw  ghetto uprising began after the German  
703.44 -> troops and police entered the ghetto  to deport its surviving inhabitants  
707.22 -> to the forced labor camps in Lublin district.
708.9 -> The ghetto inhabitants offered organized  resistance in the first days of the operation,  
713.52 -> inflicting casualties on the well-armed  and well-equipped SS and police units. 
718.26 -> They continued to resist deportation as  individuals or in small groups for four weeks. 
723.48 -> It was the largest uprising by Jews  during World War II and the first  
727.38 -> significant urban revolt against  the German occupation in Europe.
730.2 -> In the end however, the Germans razed  the ghetto to the ground. They burned  
735.96 -> and demolished this part of Warsaw, block  by block, in order to smoke out their prey.
740.58 -> The Germans ended the operation on  the 16th of May when Jürgen Stroop,  
744.9 -> who led the suppression of the uprising, announced  in his daily report to Berlin that “The former  
749.52 -> Jewish Quarter in Warsaw is no more.” The SS and police deported approximately  
755.7 -> 42,000 Warsaw ghetto survivors, who  had been captured during the uprising,  
759.06 -> to the forced-labor camps at Poniatowa,  Trawniki and to the Majdanek concentration camp.  
764.16 -> At least 7,000 Jews died fighting or in hiding  in the ghetto as they were burnt alive or died  
770.22 -> from smoke inhalation. The SS and police sent  another 7,000 to the Treblinka killing center.
776.76 -> On the following year, Heinrich Klaustermeyer  participated in the suppression of the Warsaw  
781.86 -> Uprising which began on the 1st of August 1944. The Polish Home Army, a non-Communist underground  
788.46 -> resistance army with units stationed  throughout German-occupied Poland,  
791.88 -> rose against the German occupation authorities in  an effort to liberate Warsaw. The impetus for the  
797.82 -> uprising was the appearance of Soviet forces along  the east bank of the Vistula River. The Soviets  
803.7 -> however failed to intervene, and the Germans  eventually crushed the revolt and razed the  
808.38 -> center of the city to the ground in October 1944.  Though they treated captured Home Army combatants  
814.32 -> as prisoners of war, the Germans sent thousands of  captured Polish civilians to concentration camps  
819.54 -> in the Reich. 166,000 people lost their lives  in the uprising, including perhaps as many as  
826.56 -> 17,000 Polish Jews who had either fought with the  Polish Home Army or had been discovered in hiding.
831.9 -> After the suppression of the Warsaw  Uprising, Klaustermeyer left the city.
836.1 -> After Germany's surrender, Klaustermeyer was  detained by British occupation forces and sent  
841.8 -> to an internment camp. He was released in late  1947, only to be re-arrested for being a member  
848.04 -> of the Gestapo. During his denazification  trial, Klaustermeyer was incriminated in  
853.62 -> his boycotting of Jews in the 1930s, but not  for the murders he had committed in Warsaw.  
859.32 -> He was quickly released, settled down in West  Germany, got married and took a job as a driver.
864.42 -> However, he did not escape justice. In February 1961, Klaustermeyer was  
871.38 -> exposed after his name was mentioned during the  investigation of former Nazi official Ludwig Hahn  
876.72 -> who as Klaustermeyer was directly involved in  the destruction and liquidation of the Warsaw  
881.52 -> Ghetto and the brutal suppression of both the  Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and the Warsaw Uprising.
886.32 -> Klaustermeyer was arrested and admitted to having  been a member of the Gestapo in Warsaw from 1941  
892.68 -> to 1944. During the investigation, Klaustermeyer  implicated his Nazi Comrade Josef Blösche,  
899.82 -> who was now living in East Germany,  in the atrocities he had committed. 
903.54 -> At the trial, Klaustermeyer claimed that although  he had often had a reason to intervene against the  
908.82 -> Jews in the ghetto, he had instead turned  a blind eye to them. However, more than 80  
913.38 -> witnesses who came to testify against him, had  very different recollections of his conduct.
918.12 -> While Blösche was executed for his  crimes in 1969, Heinrich Klaustermeyer,  
923.22 -> charged with murdering 20 Jews in the  Warsaw Ghetto, escaped death sentence.
928.02 -> On 4 February 1965 Heinrich Klaustermeyer  was found guilty of murdering 9 Jews in  
934.2 -> the Warsaw Ghetto. He was sentenced to nine  life terms, one for each murder. In addition,  
939.72 -> he was sentenced to hard labor and ordered  to permanently forfeit his civil rights.  
944.52 -> The judge noted that the proven victims  were killed entirely of his own volition  
948.96 -> and his "sheer lust for murder." He said that  Klaustermeyer, who maintained his innocence,  
954.3 -> had hated Jews his entire life  and showed no signs of remorse.
958.44 -> Dying from advanced cancer, he was released  from prison on the 8th of April 1976.  
964.8 -> Heinrich Klaustermeyer was 62 years old when  he died 13 days later on the 21st of April.
971.1 -> There were no tears shed  for Heinrich Klaustermeyer.
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