History of The Bermuda Triangle | Weird Wild World

History of The Bermuda Triangle | Weird Wild World

History of The Bermuda Triangle | Weird Wild World

Welcome to Weird Wild World, a weekly series that takes a look at the power of nature. From natural disasters to rare and strange phenomena, and everything in between, we will take a look at the wonder and weirdness of our planet.

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Ali Zagame

This episode was edited by:
Catechism:    / @mulliemedia  

This episode’s audio was mixed by:
G. Thomas Craig

Sprites made by https://plegberb.tumblr.com/

Outro song is Cake by Retrovision

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#iilluminaughtii #mystery #bermudatriangle


1.55 -> [Music]
10.96 -> hello
11.519 -> and welcome to weird wild world a weekly
14.4 -> series that takes a look at the power of
16.24 -> nature
16.88 -> from natural disasters to rare and
18.88 -> strange phenomena and everything in
20.72 -> between
21.439 -> we will take a look at the wonder and
23.039 -> weirdness of our planet
24.96 -> i'm the illuminati and today we're going
27.359 -> to be taking a look at a triangle
29.519 -> more famous than me the bermuda triangle
32.48 -> so
32.96 -> what is it and why is it so infamous
35.36 -> well let's dive right into these rocky
37.52 -> waters
38.079 -> and try to find out without disappearing
40.32 -> under mysterious circumstances of course
45.68 -> to start with let's go over what the
47.6 -> bermuda triangle actually is
49.6 -> according to britannica the bermuda
51.199 -> triangle is a section of the north
53.28 -> atlantic ocean off north america
55.28 -> in which more than 50 ships and 20
57.6 -> airplanes have vanished
59.28 -> the boundaries aren't universally agreed
61.199 -> upon but it has a vaguely triangular
63.52 -> shape with three points being the coast
65.28 -> of florida
66 -> the greater antilase and of course
67.92 -> bermuda itself
69.439 -> the area is an extremely heavily
71.6 -> traveled shipping lane so
73.119 -> of course the more ships that visit
74.72 -> there the more ships may vanish
76.799 -> after all you're not going to experience
78.96 -> a high number of ships and
80.479 -> aircrafts vanishing off the coast of
82.24 -> antarctica if so few people pass through
84.56 -> there right
85.36 -> well we'll get into some of the theories
87.04 -> and explanations behind the
88.479 -> disappearances in just a moment though i
90.56 -> don't want to get too far ahead of
91.759 -> myself
92.64 -> but now that we know where the bermuda
94.56 -> triangle is relatively located
96.56 -> let's get into some of the
97.52 -> disappearances and when they began
99.6 -> just to see how long this has been going
101.6 -> on although the disappearances in the
103.759 -> bermuda triangle truly began with some
105.92 -> consistency in the 1800s
107.92 -> the very first documented case of
109.759 -> something strange happening
111.2 -> was in 1492 when christopher columbus
114.479 -> sailed across the atlantic
116.24 -> this particular instance is what leads
118.399 -> many people to believe that something
119.92 -> supernatural was
121.2 -> and is going on in the bermuda triangle
124 -> it's said that christopher columbus
125.439 -> reported that his ship's logbook about a
127.6 -> large
128.08 -> fire flame falling into the sea unusual
130.72 -> compass readings and strange lights
133.12 -> one source states that amazon primes
135.44 -> inside the bermuda triangle revealed how
137.599 -> on october 11 1492
139.92 -> christopher columbus reported seeing a
141.76 -> strange light during his first voyage
143.76 -> across the atlantic
145.36 -> columbus described the light in his log
147.52 -> as a small wax candle that rose
149.92 -> and lifted up for which a few seconds
151.76 -> seemed to be an indication of land
154 -> author jian quasar explored the
156.16 -> description during the series
157.76 -> he said in 2007 the triangles got a
160.319 -> superstition of seafarers and the enigma
162.879 -> can be found as far back as columbus's
164.879 -> log
165.599 -> he was the first to sail the area and he
167.84 -> noted that on three occasions the
169.76 -> compass pointed in the wrong direction
171.84 -> eleven and a quarter degrees off from
173.76 -> the evening reading from the morning
175.519 -> reading which was unexplainable
177.599 -> he also noted that the sea rose without
180.159 -> any wind whatsoever which shocked all of
182.239 -> them
182.56 -> and then on the eve of discovering the
184.48 -> new world an unexplained light levitated
186.959 -> on the horizon
187.92 -> and then rose up and honestly if i saw
190.56 -> something like that
191.44 -> i would be terrified too i'd turn that
193.68 -> ship around no thank you we are not
196 -> going into gigantic balls of fire
198.08 -> nowaday though we know this was most
200.08 -> likely a meteor
201.28 -> not a ufo as some have speculated
203.84 -> another source says the canary islands
206.08 -> lie
206.4 -> at roughly the 25th parallel and he was
209.04 -> familiar with the sky around those
210.64 -> islands
211.44 -> due to this reasoning it seems likely
213.28 -> that the light he saw was not a star
215.36 -> or planet this leaves only a few more
217.84 -> possibilities
219.12 -> it could have been a rare phenomenon
221.28 -> known as a ball lightning
223.12 -> however there is no mention of any
225.12 -> storms being present on the night in
226.959 -> question
227.76 -> since ball lightning is almost always
229.76 -> associated with stormy conditions we can
231.92 -> safely rule this out
233.599 -> could it have been a meteor this is also
235.84 -> a good possibility
237.12 -> there are a few aspects of this theory
238.959 -> that make it plausible
240.239 -> first of all and most obvious is the
242.319 -> short duration of the light
244.239 -> columbus only had time to call one
246.239 -> witness to his side to confirm the
248.08 -> sighting
248.64 -> by the time that rodrigo sanchez
250.56 -> appeared on the scene the light was
252.159 -> extinguished or at least no longer
254 -> visible to the men on the ship secondly
256.479 -> the light was described as
257.919 -> moving up and down or like a little wax
260.56 -> candle
261.28 -> fireballs are sometimes said to flicker
263.44 -> especially ones with long trains that
265.36 -> give off sparks
266.639 -> at first glance this would seem that the
268.56 -> description of a light moving up and
270.4 -> down
270.8 -> would negate the fireball theory this
273.28 -> would be true if the fireball was
274.88 -> witnessed from the land but we must
276.8 -> remember that columbus was standing on
278.56 -> the deck of the ship
280.08 -> this perceived movement can be easily
282 -> attributed to the ships rolling on the
283.68 -> waves which would naturally change the
285.28 -> elevation of an
286.08 -> object seen close to horizon and this
288.72 -> wasn't completely uncommon after all
290.88 -> in october 1492 the ensystem meteorite
294.32 -> made
294.639 -> impact in germany and was seen as an
296.88 -> omen from god
298.32 -> it doesn't seem like this would have
299.759 -> been the meteor that columbus saw
301.52 -> as it landed a few weeks after columbus
303.6 -> reached the new world but
304.8 -> this is to say that it wouldn't be
306.479 -> completely out of left field for a
308.08 -> meteorite to have still been there
310.4 -> still the fact is that some of the first
312.24 -> voyagers in the bermuda triangle
313.84 -> witness such an odd sight definitely
315.919 -> lends some credibility
317.36 -> now let's get to those 19th century
319.6 -> ships what happened to those
321.68 -> from the patriot to the uss and
323.68 -> previewer to the mary celeste
325.84 -> many ships vanished in these dangerous
327.68 -> waters i'm not going to get too deep
329.44 -> into each one but review some of the
331.28 -> most notable and
332.4 -> see if there's any similarities just at
334.8 -> a glance all of them seem to vanish
336.56 -> without a trace and with no survivors
339.12 -> maybe it's the fear of the unknown that
340.88 -> so widely contributes to people's
342.479 -> superstitions about this place
344.4 -> as one source states take for example
346.56 -> the case of theradocia burr
348.4 -> austin 29 daughter of former vice
350.639 -> president aaron burr and
352 -> the wife of south carolina governor
353.84 -> joseph alston
355.36 -> she was the passenger on the shooner
357.36 -> patriot which sailed from charleston
359.28 -> south carolina to new york city on
361.039 -> december 31st
362.24 -> 1812 after a few days at sea the patriot
365.52 -> and all those on board were
367.039 -> never heard from again given that it was
369.28 -> sailing from south carolina to new york
371.44 -> was the patriot even in the bermuda
373.36 -> triangle close enough apparently
376.24 -> while at first glance the cases seem
378.16 -> creepy i've got to say
379.52 -> this one doesn't really fit into the
381.36 -> curse maybe my geography is off but i'm
384 -> not sure there's
385.039 -> any way you could fault the bermuda
386.56 -> triangle for this one unless the ship
388.56 -> took a very wrong turn somewhere you
390.479 -> know
391.199 -> even sources that list it as an incident
393.28 -> in the bermuda triangle
394.56 -> admit that the ship was likely
396 -> overloaded and that led to the ship
398 -> sinking
398.56 -> so maybe this ship sinking doesn't
400.72 -> explain the bermuda triangle but
402.479 -> what about the others well in 1872 the
405.919 -> mary celeste
406.96 -> also known as a ghost ship or an
409.039 -> abandoned ship
410.08 -> became a legend in the bermuda triangle
412.72 -> the story of mary celeste
414.24 -> is an incredibly eerie one the
416.24 -> smithsonian magazine published the tale
418.319 -> in november 2007 and wrote the following
421.199 -> the british brig
422.16 -> de gracia was about 400 miles east of
424.8 -> the azores on december 5th
426.68 -> 1872 when crew members spotted a ship
429.52 -> adrift in the choppy seas
431.68 -> captain david morehouse was taken aback
433.84 -> to discover that the unguided vessel was
436.16 -> the mary celeste
437.599 -> which had left new york city eight days
439.68 -> before him and should have already
441.52 -> arrived in genoa italy
443.44 -> he changed course to offer help
445.52 -> morehouse sent a boarding party to the
447.28 -> ship
447.84 -> below decks the ship's charts had been
449.919 -> tossed about and the crewmen's
451.44 -> belongings were still in their quarters
453.599 -> the ship's only lifeboat was missing and
456 -> one of its two pumps had been
457.68 -> disassembled
458.8 -> three and a half feet of water was
460.8 -> sloshing in the ship's bottom
462.56 -> though the cargo of 1701 barrels of
465.84 -> industrial alcohol was largely intact
468.479 -> there was a six-month supply of food and
470.639 -> water but not a soul to consume it
473.199 -> so that's also a bit terrifying i think
475.759 -> this story alarms me
477.199 -> more than the patriot simply because i
479.199 -> can only picture what it would be like
480.639 -> to find a completely empty ship
482.56 -> but no survivors without any concrete
485.36 -> proof of course
486.24 -> speculation soared theories about sea
488.56 -> monsters mutiny
489.919 -> pirates waterspouts all of these things
492.319 -> were thrown around
493.28 -> and arthur conan doyle wrote a short
495.28 -> story based on the events of 1884
498 -> suggesting a vengeful ex-slave did it
500.479 -> the smithsonian suggested that the story
502.479 -> of mary celeste might have drifted into
504.56 -> history if not for conan doyle's
506.52 -> sensationalistic account
508.24 -> so what did happen well authorities at
511.28 -> the time weren't entirely convinced of
513.2 -> the de gracia's crew's innocence
515.279 -> yet the ship's condition intact with
517.36 -> full cargo seemed to rule out robbery or
519.839 -> pirates
520.88 -> documentarian and mcgregor tried to put
523.279 -> this puzzle together
524.32 -> though she had very little pieces to
526.24 -> work with abandoning a ship in the open
528.88 -> sea is the last thing a captain would
530.64 -> order
531.04 -> and a sailor would do but is that what
533.519 -> captain briggs ordered
534.959 -> if so why his ship was seaworthy
538.16 -> it wasn't flooded or horribly damaged
540.16 -> says phil richardson
541.36 -> a physical oceanographer at the woods
543.519 -> hole oceaographic institution in
545.44 -> massachusetts and
546.72 -> an expert in derelict vessels whom
549.2 -> mcgregor enlisted in her investigation
552.16 -> the discovery crew sailed it so it was
554.48 -> in really good shape
555.839 -> the night before the last entry in the
557.519 -> ship's log the mary celeste again
559.839 -> faced rough seas and winds of more than
561.92 -> 35 knots
563.36 -> still mcgregor reasons rough seas and a
565.92 -> faulty chronometer wouldn't by
567.519 -> themselves prompt an experienced captain
569.839 -> to abandon ship
571.12 -> was there something else mcgregor
573.44 -> learned that on a previous voyage the
575.2 -> mary celeste had carried coal and that
577.44 -> the ship had recently been
578.8 -> extensively refitted coal dust and
581.44 -> construction debris could have fouled
583.279 -> with the ship's pumps
584.399 -> which would explain the disassembled
586.16 -> pump found on the mary celeste
588.32 -> with the pump inoperative briggs would
590.399 -> not have known how much sea water was in
592.64 -> his ship's hull
593.68 -> which was too fully packed for him to
595.44 -> measure visually
596.8 -> at that point says mcgregor briggs
599.04 -> having come through some rough weather
600.88 -> having finally and belatedly sighted
603.2 -> land and having no way of determining
605.279 -> whether his ship would sink
606.959 -> might have issued an order to abandon
608.88 -> ship as anticlimactic as that might be
611.92 -> it seems more likely that this ship was
613.92 -> abandoned due to technical difficulties
616.399 -> not a sea monster not a meteor and not
619.04 -> even pirates
620.399 -> other ships in that time period may have
622.56 -> encountered storms as well
624 -> such as the ship called ellen austin so
626.72 -> generally speaking these 19th century
628.72 -> ships disappearing in a well-traveled
630.399 -> area
630.959 -> isn't out of the question these deaths
633.44 -> though tragic
634.56 -> can be explained however it's the 20th
637.76 -> century ships vanishing that really
639.76 -> began to catch people's attention
641.76 -> personally i believe it's due to the
643.44 -> fact that there were distress calls and
645.2 -> things of that nature
646.48 -> not to mention the idea of massive cargo
648.8 -> ships just being swallowed up by the
650.48 -> ocean
650.959 -> is enough to catch anyone's attention
653.36 -> one source states
654.8 -> reports of unexplained disappearances
656.959 -> did not really capture the public's
658.72 -> attention until the 20th century
661.04 -> an especially infamous tragedy occurred
663.36 -> in march 1918
664.959 -> when the uss cyclops a 542-foot long
668.8 -> navy cargo ship with over 300 men
671.36 -> and 10 000 tons of manganese ore on
673.76 -> board
674.56 -> sank somewhere between barbados and the
676.72 -> chesapeake bay
677.839 -> the cyclops never sent out an sos
680.079 -> distress call despite being equipped to
682 -> do so
682.72 -> and an extensive search found no
684.64 -> wreckage only god
686.399 -> and the sea know what happened to the
688.16 -> great ship u.s president woodrow wilson
690.64 -> later said
691.6 -> in 1941 two of the cyclops sister ships
694.8 -> similarly vanished without a trace along
696.959 -> nearly the same route as more ships
699.279 -> passed through this route the pattern
700.88 -> became
701.36 -> undeniable only three years after the
703.6 -> cyclops vanished the carol
705.44 -> a deering a shooner was found abandoned
707.92 -> in the area as well
709.519 -> then four years after that in 1925
712.56 -> the ss cotopaxi sent a distress signal
715.44 -> but was never found
717.04 -> the wreck was found decades later though
719.2 -> in 1985.
721.12 -> since this wreck was actually discovered
723.2 -> i thought it may hold a bit more answers
725.2 -> for us
725.92 -> as it turns out the identification of
727.76 -> this shipwreck actually has a part
730 -> in debunking the bermuda triangle itself
732.399 -> because the steam-powered bulk carrier
734.8 -> never made it to its destination in
736.56 -> havana in fact the shipwreck wasn't
739.279 -> found in the bermuda triangle
740.8 -> and michael barnett a marine biologist
742.959 -> who identified the wreck
744.32 -> said the conspiracy of the bermuda
745.839 -> triangle is total rubbish
748 -> the thing about this bermuda triangle he
750 -> says if you actually look at it on a map
752.56 -> most of the stories associated with it
754.32 -> aren't even in the boundaries
756.079 -> the cotopaxi is one of these stories
758.88 -> when barnett moved to florida from the
760.639 -> mid-atlantic almost 20 years ago
762.72 -> he sought out shipwrecks he could
764.16 -> explore while diving one wreck in
766.32 -> particular
766.959 -> known to locals as the bear wreck and
769.6 -> located about 35
771.04 -> nautical miles off the eastern coast of
773.12 -> saint augustine in north florida
774.88 -> caught his attention unlike most
777.04 -> shipwrecks in that area the bear wreck
778.88 -> was large
780.16 -> intrigued barnett did some research he
782.399 -> took measurements of the shipwreck
784.079 -> looked at historical newspaper articles
786 -> and insurance records and
787.519 -> examined artifacts found on the wreck
790 -> his investigation showed that the
791.6 -> cotopaxi was really the only option
793.92 -> barnette said
794.88 -> it's the one that just kind of screamed
797.12 -> out in 2015 a rumor began circulating
800.079 -> that a ghost ship found by the cuban
801.92 -> coast guard was actually the ss cotopaxi
804.88 -> barnette decided to set the record
806.399 -> straight so he posted a video online
808.639 -> saying that the real cotopaxi was at the
810.399 -> bottom of the atlantic
811.839 -> soon after he posted that science
813.519 -> channel contacted him and the two worked
815.519 -> together to make a show about his
817.12 -> findings
818 -> perhaps so many people believe that the
819.839 -> cotopaxi mysteriously vanished because
822.079 -> of paranormal or curse-related
823.76 -> activities because it's an easier pill
825.68 -> to swallow than
826.56 -> storms happen and you can die at every
828.48 -> time even if the ship is powerful
830.639 -> but i'm not sure but barnett said that
833.279 -> based on testimony at the time
834.959 -> the cargo hold covers were in sad repair
837.68 -> the crew members families even sued the
839.6 -> company that owned the ship and the
841.199 -> ship's carpenter
842.16 -> testified that the hatch covers meant to
844.079 -> cover coal were broken
846.079 -> if water sloshed aboard the ship and ran
848.079 -> down into the cargo hold
849.519 -> then the broken covers meant that ship
851.839 -> could flood and
852.8 -> subsequently sink i'm not saying that
855.04 -> this is 100
856.16 -> without a doubt what happened but it
857.839 -> seems the most likely anyway
859.44 -> and certainly the most fact-based
861.76 -> there's more evidence to prove this
863.199 -> flood than any sort of curse of
864.959 -> extraterrestrial events though
866.88 -> now before we continue on to discuss
868.8 -> some of the flight incidents
870.399 -> we're gonna go ahead and take a break to
871.92 -> speak about today's sponsor
876.079 -> do you ever wish you could listen to
877.6 -> these episodes on the go without
879.92 -> leaving your youtube player open well
882.32 -> now you can
883.12 -> because all of my episodes are available
885.44 -> in podcast form
886.639 -> if you didn't know that well now is the
888.399 -> time to jump on board because it's free
890.639 -> and it's easy
891.519 -> if you want to start listening to my
893.519 -> episodes and podcast form all you have
895.199 -> to do is go to my description box and
896.88 -> simply click on my
898 -> link tree link and it will pop up a
899.839 -> little list of all of my links for other
901.68 -> projects social media and of course
903.44 -> the links for my podcast all you do is
905.92 -> click on the link that says podcast and
907.68 -> it will pull up a landing page to select
909.68 -> your favorite place to listen to
910.959 -> podcasts and then it will add mind to
912.72 -> your list
913.44 -> and if you're a spotify user you get a
915.199 -> different button because
916.48 -> spotify says so apparently and she wants
918.24 -> to be quirky and not like all the other
919.839 -> links but if you want to listen to my
921.68 -> podcast through spotify just click the
923.36 -> one that says podcast in parentheses
925.279 -> spotify
926 -> and it'll pull up the exact same thing
927.92 -> we are creeping up on 100 episodes so
930.88 -> make sure you're there we're trying to
932 -> upload around the same time as i do the
934.399 -> youtube videos so that you're always up
936.24 -> to date on
937.04 -> whatever the episode of the day is so
939.68 -> yeah this is just a little alternative
941.199 -> if you wanted to have these episodes
942.88 -> downloaded and an audio form
944.8 -> and a little easier to travel or drive
946.88 -> in the car when you're commuting or
948.079 -> whatever it is that you do so
949.68 -> there you go love you guys let's go back
951.12 -> to the episode
955.44 -> another incident that's widely
957.12 -> referenced is that of flight 19.
959.68 -> this one sort of combines these ships
961.519 -> and planes element together
963.36 -> see it started as nothing more than a
965.199 -> routine training flight on december 5th
967.32 -> 1945. five tbm avenger torpedo bombers
970.959 -> took off from a naval air station in
972.72 -> fort lauderdale florida and the planes
974.8 -> known as flight 19 were scheduled to
976.8 -> tackle a three-hour exercise
979.04 -> their triangular flight pattern called
980.959 -> for them to head east from the florida
982.639 -> coast and conduct bombing runs at a
984.639 -> place called hens and chicken's shoals
986.88 -> they would then turn north and proceed
988.639 -> over grand bahama island before changing
990.88 -> course a third time and flying southwest
993.04 -> back to base
994.24 -> safe for one plane that carried only two
996.48 -> men each of the avengers was crewed by
998.8 -> three
999.279 -> navy men or marines most of whom had
1001.92 -> logged around 300 hours in the air
1004.24 -> the flight's leader was lieutenant
1005.839 -> charles c taylor an experienced pilot
1008.16 -> and veteran of several combat missions
1010.24 -> in world war
1010.959 -> ii's pacific theater at first flight
1013.6 -> 19's hop proceeded just as smoothly as
1016.16 -> the previous 18 that day
1018 -> taylor and his pilots buzzed over hens
1019.839 -> and chicken shoals around 2 30 pm
1021.92 -> and dropped their practice bombs without
1023.6 -> incident but shortly after the patrol
1026 -> turned north for the second lag of its
1027.76 -> journey
1028.319 -> something strange happened for reasons
1030.48 -> that are still unclear
1031.679 -> taylor became convinced that his
1033.28 -> avengers compass was malfunctioning and
1035.36 -> that his planes had been flying in the
1036.959 -> wrong direction
1038.24 -> the troubles only mounted after a front
1040.319 -> blew in and brought rain
1041.76 -> gusting winds and heavy cloud cover
1044.16 -> flight 19 became hopelessly
1045.919 -> disorientated
1047.12 -> we don't know where we are one of the
1048.799 -> pilots said over radio
1050.16 -> we must have got lost after that last
1052.16 -> turn lieutenant robert f cox another
1054.88 -> navy flight instructor who was flying
1056.64 -> near the florida coast
1057.919 -> was the first to overhear the patrol's
1059.919 -> radio communications
1061.52 -> he immediately informed the air station
1063.28 -> of the situation and then contacted the
1065.28 -> avengers to ask if they needed
1066.799 -> assistance
1067.76 -> both my compasses are out and i'm trying
1069.6 -> to find fort lauderdale florida taylor
1071.6 -> said
1071.919 -> his voice sounding anxious i'm over land
1074.32 -> but it's broken i'm sure i'm in the keys
1076.48 -> but i don't know how far down
1078.32 -> and this didn't make any sense how could
1080.48 -> his plane drift hundreds of miles off
1082.32 -> course into the florida keys
1084.16 -> the 27 year old taylor was new to the
1086.24 -> area though and
1087.2 -> many believe he may have confused some
1088.88 -> of the islands of the bahamas for the
1090.72 -> keys
1091.6 -> pilots lost in the atlantic typically
1093.52 -> point their planes towards the setting
1095.2 -> and fly west towards the mainland
1097.039 -> however
1097.6 -> taylor was convinced he may be over the
1099.28 -> gulf of mexico so he was heading in the
1101.6 -> wrong direction
1102.96 -> one man even complained over the radio
1104.72 -> that if they just flew west they would
1106.48 -> get home
1107.36 -> taylor's pilots argued against his
1109.12 -> direction to head east
1110.559 -> some investigators even believe that one
1112.48 -> of the planes broke off from the group
1114 -> to try and get home
1115.039 -> but most of these planes followed their
1116.72 -> commander's lead the radio transmissions
1119.12 -> became
1119.52 -> faint fuel ran low and it's assumed that
1121.84 -> they crashed into the ocean
1123.52 -> although this was an honest mistake from
1125.12 -> taylor he should have gone west to guide
1126.96 -> his men home
1127.84 -> his disorientation cost him and his men
1130 -> their lives
1131.2 -> as before wild theories flew through the
1133.28 -> air an idea that magnetic anomalies
1135.679 -> parallel dimensions and
1137.039 -> alien abductions played a role in the
1138.88 -> tragedy became common
1140.4 -> in 1977 close encounters of the third
1143.28 -> kind famously depicted flight 19 as
1145.52 -> having been whisked away by ufos
1147.6 -> and deposited in the deserts of mexico
1150.48 -> it's true what flight 19
1152 -> is surrounded by oddities and questions
1154.4 -> witnesses claim that taylor didn't want
1156.08 -> to fly that day
1156.96 -> some speculating that he may have not
1158.72 -> been fit for duty
1160.08 -> yet none of the flight 19 members made
1162.4 -> use of the rescue radio frequency or
1164.559 -> their planes
1165.44 -> zbx receivers which could have led them
1167.84 -> towards navy radio towers
1169.76 -> in 1991 a group of treasure hunters did
1172.559 -> find
1172.96 -> five world war ii era avengers in the
1174.96 -> area but their serial numbers didn't
1177.039 -> match those of flight
1178 -> 19. the naval history and heritage
1180.32 -> command explains in further detail how a
1182.48 -> rescue was attempted within minutes of
1184.4 -> flight 19 saying they were lost but the
1186.559 -> rescue planes too
1187.76 -> were lost so not only were 14 men from
1190.799 -> flight 19 lost
1192 -> but 13 more from the attempted rescue
1194.16 -> were lost as well
1195.36 -> making it a total of 27 men that
1197.6 -> vanished because of this tragedy
1199.679 -> i can't say for sure what happened some
1201.6 -> point to taylor saying the compasses
1203.2 -> weren't working properly
1204.799 -> many point to this being taylor's maiden
1206.72 -> flight from fort lauderdale
1208.4 -> personally i do think not knowing the
1210.4 -> area seems like the main cause of flight
1212.32 -> 19 being lost here
1213.76 -> and as for the pbm mariner plane that
1216.24 -> went searching for that one
1217.679 -> it was later presumed to have exploded
1219.679 -> by investigators
1221.039 -> regardless of what you think happened
1222.64 -> there are plenty still out there that
1224.4 -> connect flight 19 to the bermuda
1226.159 -> triangle
1226.799 -> and to this only solidifying the legend
1229.52 -> of the bermuda triangle
1230.96 -> the naval air station fort lauderdale
1232.64 -> museum reiterates this and states the
1234.559 -> following
1235.44 -> several colorful and far-out theories
1237.52 -> surround the plane's disappearance
1239.039 -> including one where they were all
1240.4 -> abducted by extraterrestrials
1242.48 -> another theory asserts they wandered
1244.24 -> into a strong electromagnetic
1245.919 -> disturbance that interfered with their
1247.52 -> compasses
1248.48 -> more practically experts think that
1250.32 -> taylor the squadron leader
1251.84 -> simply lost his bearings after his
1253.6 -> compasses failed
1254.88 -> believing he was over the florida keys
1256.96 -> taylor aimed the squadron north
1258.72 -> east in hopes that would lead the single
1260.72 -> single-engine bombers back to fort
1262.48 -> lauderdale
1263.44 -> instead it led the squadron out over the
1265.52 -> open atlantic
1266.799 -> to compound matters the planes likely
1268.96 -> flew into stormy weather
1270.559 -> perhaps he realized his mistake and
1272.32 -> aimed the planes west towards florida's
1274.159 -> coast but only after it was too late
1276.559 -> in 1989 alec mcelhinney and member frank
1280.32 -> hill
1280.72 -> were brought into the everglades to
1282.64 -> investigate a tbm
1284 -> avenger crash site which was revealed
1286.08 -> after a fire
1287.36 -> this plane was determined not to be part
1289.36 -> of flight 19
1290.4 -> because of the be no number didn't match
1293.6 -> the wreckage parts are on exhibit at our
1295.76 -> museum an interesting account was
1297.679 -> written by flight 19 expert john
1299.919 -> f meyer a former army pilot and aviation
1302.4 -> historian with his book discovery of
1304.4 -> flight 19.
1305.76 -> this book comprises his 30-year search
1308.08 -> for the lost squadron
1309.84 -> though there's been a lot of debate and
1311.52 -> rumors circulating around flight 19
1313.52 -> this was a tragic error all the same and
1316.08 -> i wish taylor hadn't been made to fly
1318 -> that day but flight 19 isn't the only
1320.72 -> case of planes vanishing in the bermuda
1322.559 -> triangle either
1323.679 -> though flight 19 may be one of the most
1325.76 -> referenced cases in regards to the
1327.36 -> bermuda triangle there's
1328.799 -> many others flight 441 a massive carrier
1332.24 -> that belonged to the u.s navy
1333.76 -> vanished in 1954 with 42 passengers on
1337.44 -> board
1338.159 -> it was only 400 miles from the coast
1340.24 -> when it disappeared
1341.52 -> a three-engine tri-slander vanished in
1343.919 -> 2008 and its last known location was
1346.64 -> about four miles of west kaikos island
1349.52 -> very recently in early 2021 a 29-foot
1352.88 -> boat with 20 people aboard
1354.559 -> vanished as well according to the tampa
1356.88 -> bay times the first sign something was
1358.88 -> wrong came tuesday
1360 -> when bohemian authorities reached out to
1362.08 -> the u.s coast guard's southeast division
1364.159 -> to alert them that 20 people aboard a
1366.24 -> blue and white 29-foot mako cuddy cabin
1368.96 -> vessel had gone missing
1370.64 -> the passengers were in the off-sited
1372.559 -> bermuda triangle
1373.76 -> the group yet to be identified was last
1376.159 -> known to have left bimini on monday on
1378.4 -> route to lake worth the coast guard
1380.24 -> learned
1380.64 -> they should have arrived that day but
1383.039 -> something went wrong somewhere in the
1384.559 -> waters between the bahamas and south
1386.48 -> florida an area that encompasses the
1388.64 -> mythical section
1389.76 -> of the atlantic off dubbed the bermuda
1392.08 -> triangle or devil's triangle
1394.159 -> and hearing this it's understandable why
1396.4 -> people find the place dangerous and
1397.919 -> creepy right
1398.88 -> there's rumors that pilots avoid flying
1401.039 -> over the bermuda triangle for this
1402.799 -> exact reason one source states
1405.36 -> considering the superstition surrounding
1407.28 -> the bermuda triangle
1408.559 -> many people assume that airline pilots
1410.559 -> actively avoid this area of the ocean
1412.88 -> of course anyone who has flown from
1414.559 -> miami to san juan puerto rico
1416.72 -> probably knows that's not true in fact
1419.28 -> if it were
1420 -> pretty much everyone's caribbean
1421.52 -> vacation would be ruined
1423.12 -> a check on flight radar 24 will show
1425.52 -> that there are many flights that
1427.2 -> criss-cross over the bermuda triangle so
1429.52 -> it's clear that the area
1430.88 -> is not actively avoided in terms of
1433.2 -> navigation
1434 -> flights are constantly monitored by air
1436.08 -> traffic control so pilots have support
1438.32 -> if there's a navigation failure
1440.32 -> weather conditions are also closely
1442.24 -> tracked every time a plane is scheduled
1443.919 -> to take off
1444.96 -> accidents of course still happen but not
1447.36 -> any more than in some other parts of the
1449.36 -> world
1450.159 -> investigating bermuda triangle
1451.679 -> conspiracy theories in general is more
1453.84 -> of a paranormal pursuit than a
1455.36 -> scientific one
1456.4 -> so if there are any pilots who do avoid
1458.72 -> the bermuda triangle
1459.84 -> they are probably just interested in the
1461.76 -> supernatural or ufos
1463.679 -> while entertaining these theories can
1465.6 -> certainly be fun you can rest assured
1467.6 -> that the airline industry definitely
1469.279 -> doesn't plan its roots around campfire
1471.279 -> stories
1472.24 -> and it's true though these conspiracies
1474.4 -> are interesting they're definitely not
1476.32 -> proven
1477.12 -> a few popular ones are that methane gas
1479.52 -> on the ocean floor causes ships and
1481.36 -> planes to fall out of the sky
1483.279 -> while others say there's wormholes and
1485.52 -> waterspouts in the bermuda triangle
1487.52 -> even stranger still there's the theories
1489.6 -> that point to aliens or
1491.12 -> those that say there's a hole in the
1492.799 -> earth's magnetic force that disrupts
1494.64 -> compasses
1495.6 -> hell the weirdest one i think i've heard
1497.679 -> is that some believe there's leftover
1499.36 -> technology
1500 -> from atlantis in these waters but again
1502.88 -> as fun
1503.44 -> as these theories may be to believe in
1505.279 -> it's not actually true
1506.799 -> they hold no water you could say no
1509.6 -> large releases of gas hydrates or
1511.84 -> methane hydrates are believed to have
1513.52 -> occurred in the bermuda triangle for the
1515.279 -> past 15
1516.159 -> 000 years plus according to the national
1518.72 -> ocean service
1520.08 -> environmental considerations could
1521.919 -> explain many if not most of the
1523.919 -> disappearances
1525.12 -> the majority of atlantic tropical storms
1527.12 -> and hurricanes pass through the bermuda
1528.88 -> triangle
1529.6 -> and in the days prior to improved
1531.44 -> weather forecasting
1532.88 -> these dangerous storms claimed many
1535.039 -> ships also
1536.24 -> the gulf stream can cause rapid
1538.08 -> sometimes violent changes in weather
1540.24 -> additionally the large number of islands
1542.159 -> in the caribbean sea
1543.279 -> create many areas of shallow water that
1545.36 -> can be treacherous for ship navigation
1547.679 -> and there is some evidence to suggest
1549.919 -> that the bermuda triangle is a place
1551.679 -> where a
1552.24 -> magnetic compass sometimes points true
1554.64 -> north as opposed to magnetic north
1557.279 -> the u.s navy and u.s coast guard contend
1559.84 -> that there are no supernatural
1561.44 -> explanations for disasters at sea
1563.76 -> their experience suggests that the
1565.2 -> combined forces of nature and human
1567.2 -> fallibility outdo even the most
1569.44 -> incredulous science fiction
1571.36 -> they add that no official maps exist
1573.52 -> that delineate the boundaries of the
1575.039 -> bermuda triangle
1576.24 -> the u.s board of geographic names does
1578.32 -> not recognize the bermuda triangle as an
1580.4 -> official name and does not maintain an
1582.4 -> official file on the area
1584.48 -> the ocean has always been a mysterious
1586.64 -> place to humans
1587.52 -> and when foul weather or poor navigation
1590 -> is involved
1590.64 -> it can be a very deadly place this is
1593.2 -> true all over the world
1594.72 -> there is no evidence that mysterious
1596.48 -> disappearances occur with any greater
1598.48 -> frequency in the bermuda triangle than
1600.32 -> at any other large
1601.6 -> well-traveled area of the ocean plus
1604.24 -> even if there really was something
1606 -> strange going on in the bermuda triangle
1607.919 -> and conspiracy theorists wanted to argue
1609.919 -> it's a cover-up
1610.88 -> why would the military and flight 19 be
1613.2 -> out there in the first place
1614.4 -> and losing all their ships the fact is
1617.039 -> the bermuda triangle is a busy area with
1619.2 -> bad weather
1620.32 -> considering the amount of ships and
1621.919 -> planes that pass through there the
1623.36 -> percentage that has vanished is
1625.12 -> somewhat standard i think framing these
1627.44 -> tragedies in a conspiratorial light can
1629.6 -> be damaging at times and start getting
1631.679 -> into science denial when people talk
1633.52 -> about wormholes and aliens
1635.44 -> the truth is out there it's just
1637.039 -> unfortunately rather boring and well
1639.2 -> kinda sad but with all of that being
1641.76 -> said that's where i'm going to end
1643.2 -> today's episode of weird wild world
1645.919 -> i hope you enjoyed it and if you did
1647.76 -> make sure you're liking following and
1649.279 -> subscribing so that you stay up to date
1651.039 -> with all the latest episodes as they go
1653.039 -> live
1653.6 -> if you want to connect with me outside
1655.039 -> of these episodes make sure you click on
1656.96 -> my link tree link in the description box
1659.12 -> so that you can get a hold of all of my
1660.64 -> social media and other projects that i'm
1662.48 -> involved in
1663.52 -> thank you all for making it to another
1665.279 -> episode of weird wild world
1667.44 -> love you guys and i'll see you in the
1669.039 -> next one bye
1682.35 -> [Music]
1691.6 -> you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR3sMDOv-oc