How to Remember Your Dreams | Proven Tips to Use TONIGHT | Dream Interpretation Mini-Course Video 2

How to Remember Your Dreams | Proven Tips to Use TONIGHT | Dream Interpretation Mini-Course Video 2

How to Remember Your Dreams | Proven Tips to Use TONIGHT | Dream Interpretation Mini-Course Video 2

You want to understand your dreams… This is a TOTALLY REALISTIC goal, but first you have to be able to remember a dream. In this video, which is part of our Free Mini-Course, we give you proven techniques to improve your dream recall, starting tonight.

- What is sleep hygiene? Why is it important? How can I improve my sleep hygiene?
- Setting an intention to remember a dream - does this really work? YES!!!
- Recording your dreams efficiently. Is writing them down or using a voice recorder better? It depends on YOUR wants and needs.
- Incubating a dream: how to ask a question and get an answer from your dreams
- And much more!

What if you already have solid dream recall? Can this video still help you? It includes several ideas for improvement to help you recall more dreams, record them, or get answers to questions from your dreams. This skill improves A LOT with practice.


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1.44 -> this video will give you proven ideas for  developing a better relationship with dreaming  
7.02 -> which will help you to remember your dreams  better too during this video you will learn  
12.48 -> the steps to better dream recall and as  a bonus we're going to teach you how to  
16.86 -> use your dreams to get answers to specific  questions a skill called incubating a dream  
24.36 -> before we begin you should know that we've  observed many types of Dreams over the years  
30.78 -> let's keep track of the ideas we're  discussing on the left side of your screen
36.42 -> we call the dreams you can  interpret message dreams  
41.16 -> not all dreams are message dreams knowing about  the types of dreams is going to help you to avoid  
46.74 -> a lot of frustration as you're learning dream  interpretation because not all dreams are symbolic  
52.56 -> people have other kinds of dreams too like  practice streams lucid dreams healing dreams  
60.78 -> or visitation dreams you may want to listen to  our podcast about the types of dreams a link  
67.2 -> to the podcast is in the description and we're  going to display it on the screen for you too  
74.46 -> on that note if you haven't listened to our  podcast please subscribe to it wherever you  
79.56 -> listen to your podcasts for a convenient learning  experience anytime you have a few minutes  
84.24 -> in each episode we tackle one dream then in the  second half of this show we take you behind the  
91.08 -> dreams to explain how we unlocked the guidance in  the dream it's time to go to sleep again and you  
97.5 -> rarely remember your dreams you're wondering  how can I remember a dream when I wake up in  
102.18 -> the morning this video is about the techniques  that we at DreamSpeak use to remember our dreams
111.06 -> first things first to have a better  relationship with our dreams we need to  
116.16 -> have a better relationship with our sleep you  may have heard the term sleep hygiene this is  
121.8 -> the idea that we need to prepare our bodies and  our surroundings to support deeply restful sleep  
128.52 -> deeply restful sleep supports more time  in REM which is when dreaming occurs  
133.86 -> just like dream interpretation the  goal should be Improvement no one's  
138.54 -> sleep hygiene is perfect congratulate  yourself for small positive steps
148.44 -> let's keep track of the Big Ideas to  remember on the right side of your screen
155.7 -> staying healthy with a good  diet remaining hydrated and  
160.14 -> keeping active are all important  preconditions to restful sleep
167.46 -> for most people your sleep environment should  be dark and free from light that seeps in  
172.8 -> allowing the full length of time you  need for a night's sleep is important  
176.76 -> for most adults this is no less than seven  hours but eight hours or more is optimal
184.62 -> avoiding stimulants or depressants like alcohol  for several hours before bedtime is important  
190.38 -> both of these take a long period to be metabolized  and if they are still in our system while sleeping  
195.42 -> we will have more disrupted sleep and more  time awake in the night eating too close  
200.76 -> to bedtime can make you sleep more lightly  because your digestion is still working hard
209.76 -> avoiding screen time for a set period  before bed helps sleep be more restful
218.22 -> make sure the room temperature is  adjusted for your comfort as you sleep
224.16 -> you may find it fun and informative to get a  fitness band that allows you to monitor your sleep  
229.2 -> you can use this data to discern which  lifestyle changes might help you get better rest
237.84 -> the most important technique of all is  setting an intention to remember a dream  
243.54 -> we're going to offer several examples of  ways that you can phrase your intention  
247.86 -> whatever intention you choose be consistent  in setting your attention every night
254.58 -> there is never a point you reach where  setting an intention ceases to be helpful  
258.96 -> we have been setting an intention for dreaming  nearly every night for more than a decade
266.4 -> be experimental and playful with your intentions
270.96 -> vary them to keep your own interest and watch  what kinds of dreams they bring into your life
278.7 -> based on our experiences we've found the most  effective time for setting an intention is when  
283.5 -> you're getting into bed and getting settled to  rest you can also do this for daytime sleeping
290.82 -> some people like to ritualize  the transition into sleep to  
294.18 -> open themselves to the possibilities of dreaming
299.28 -> one idea is to put your journal or pen and  paper on your nightstand you could state your  
304.2 -> intention as you turn out your light you may  wish to engage in a process of reflection on  
309.18 -> your day or a prayer or meditation practice of  your own design to help calm yourself for sleep
317.16 -> a subtle but important point is about mindset
321.84 -> improving your relationship with dreaming has a  lot to do with valuing the experience of dreaming  
328.5 -> as you state your intention if you  can generate positive emotional  
332.46 -> states such as openness receptiveness  excitement or anticipation for a dream  
338.7 -> it can help you remember your  dreams and dream more vividly
345.12 -> stay tuned because when we come back we're going  to share some examples of how you can phrase a  
349.92 -> dream intention if you're enjoying this video  please give us a like and consider subscribing  
356.28 -> to DreamSpeak don't forget to click the bell  to be notified when we post a new dream video
363.12 -> dream intentions can take many different forms  we at DreamSpeak have found it is best to choose  
369.36 -> a single intention for each night but feel free to  experiment maybe you will find something different  
374.28 -> to be true here are some examples to help you  get started setting your nightly intention
381.36 -> I will have a dream that I remember  so I can record it when I wake up  
386.88 -> this is a wonderful dream intention to learn  because it is effective and it can be used anytime
395.16 -> an example of a dream intention that a religious  person might use would be dear god please help me  
401.22 -> to remember and record a dream the meaning  of which will help me to do your will amen  
407.76 -> to a person with a deep religious faith it will  
410.64 -> be natural to invoke the will of the  creator when stating a dream intention
418.8 -> I will remember and record a dream that will  bring me fresh inspiration this is an example of  
424.8 -> an intention that is meant to influence the type  of dream and the way that that dream will impact  
429.48 -> waking life the following day for some people  this technique can be highly effective try it out
438.96 -> here is a series of examples that use a  dream intention to fuel your waking life  
444 -> please let me remember and record a dream the  meaning of which will enhance my happiness  
451.92 -> bring me peace add to my self-understanding  allow me to help others come up with your own
463.5 -> finally we will share a special kind of  intention sometimes we get a message but  
469.14 -> we don't fully understand it if you want  further clarity on the meaning of a dream  
473.7 -> you can ask to have another dream about the  same issue using the following intention
480.72 -> tonight I will have a dream that will further  clarify the message I received in my last dream
488.4 -> the thing to remember about this is that your new  dream will use completely different imagery from  
493.32 -> the last there may be some points of connection or  overlapping imagery but there likely will not in  
500.46 -> spite of this once interpreted you will find that  the dream contains the information that you asked  
505.14 -> for this is an example of incubating a dream which  we will explore in more detail later in this video
515.52 -> when you wake up remind yourself to value every  small thing that you remember I occasionally  
522.72 -> remember only a single image from a dream in  the morning but even one image carries meaning  
528.96 -> for example I recently remembered the image of  accidentally closing a hinge on my wife's fingers  
534.72 -> this was trying to help me keep proper  perspective on a negative experience I  
538.62 -> had had at work a few days earlier because  it was accidental I was being told that the  
545.4 -> problem at work was out of my control but  the symbol of the injury told me that it  
550.02 -> had discouraged me anyway and that I should  allow myself some time to bounce back from it
556.8 -> you can get all that information from a single  
559.08 -> dream image because the messages  from our dreams are always timely
569.1 -> if you have remembered an entire dream  or even several dreams all the better  
574.44 -> now what should you do with this information
579.66 -> we have worked with people who have such a strong  relationship with their dreams that they will  
583.8 -> remember them all day long and be able to recall  them even after a busy day at work but for most of  
589.56 -> us including those at DreamSpeak we need to record  them to remember them the best time to record them  
596.82 -> is now when you remember a dream or part of  a dream stop what you're doing and record it  
603.6 -> recall as much detail as you can the location  the people whether it's day or night the colors  
610.98 -> and especially the feelings you can never  have too much information about your dreams
618.06 -> keep in mind that every element of a message  dream carries meaning just like the words  
622.32 -> of a spoken language jot down or record  even those things that don't make sense
629.1 -> there are two main places to record  dreams writing them down or using a  
633.42 -> voice recorder there are advantages to each
639.18 -> writing down dreams allows you to keep a  dream journal you may find yourself forming  
643.62 -> a special relationship with this book as you  write it as you fill your dream journal it  
649.5 -> is fascinating to revisit the beginning  of your journal and peruse a few pages  
654.12 -> the insights you will get into dreams  you had months earlier will amaze you  
658.5 -> although I title every dream I record a long list  of dream recordings doesn't lend itself to casual  
664.08 -> review the way a dream journal does if you are a  visual or artistic person drawing sketches in your  
671.28 -> dream journal can be a powerful tool to immerse  yourself back in your dream while interpreting  
676.68 -> having a physical place to write down your dreams  and taking the time required for writing goes a  
681.66 -> long way to ritualizing the experience which helps  you build a consistent habit as well as helping  
686.94 -> you to value your dreams and anything you can do  to value your dreams will aid in your dream recall  
693.78 -> however the time it takes to write your dreams  down is also a drawback I have found it takes  
699.3 -> me 15 to 30 minutes to write down a dream while it  takes me less than five minutes to record a dream
707.4 -> recording a dream is easy with the  voice recorder app on your smartphone  
711.48 -> a big advantage to using a voice recorder is  that it allows me to keep my eyes closed and  
716.7 -> keep the lights turned off which helps me stay in  the transition state between dreaming and waking  
721.5 -> called the hypnagogic state as I narrate this has  proven important to my ability to recall dreams  
729.24 -> some people recall Vivid  and detailed dreams easily  
732.3 -> and this may not be a factor in choosing  between recording and writing them down
738.72 -> if you choose to write ensure your dreams are all  going into one repository whether that's a folder  
744.9 -> on your computer or a notebook ensure that you add  a title and a date to each dream you write down  
750.84 -> if you choose to record make sure your  phone is close at hand when you're sleeping  
757.8 -> after recording a dream we recommend titling the  dream right away with a few words that stand out  
762.78 -> based on these titles I can usually recognize my  dreams from the list for several weeks afterwards  
769.74 -> then I can use the titles to notice if I am  dreaming about the same issues repeatedly  
775.2 -> when I am interpreting the latest stream in a  series I can better understand how to navigate  
779.4 -> my life by reflecting on several related dreams  at once the voice recorder will add a date for you
788.34 -> recording a dream in the middle of the night is  not uncommon for us but it may compromise the  
793.32 -> quality of your sleep you are the best judge  of that we often find that our dream recall  
798.72 -> is more detailed in these middle of the night  dreams and that we wind up with recordings that  
803.16 -> can be longer than 10 minutes as a result these  streams can seem to be demanding our attention  
808.32 -> with important messages which may be why they  awaken us over the years we have come to value  
814.92 -> these middle of the night dreams enough to  briefly interrupt our sleep to capture them
824.88 -> incubating a dream is a term for getting an  
827.7 -> answer to a question in a dream  receiving more specific guidance
834 -> we have found over the years that  you can receive an answer to any  
836.94 -> question by asking for guidance from your dreams
842.22 -> to incubate a dream simply ask your  question inwardly with an open mind  
846.72 -> and heart at any time of the day or night  it doesn't seem to matter when you ask  
852.78 -> you will receive an answer to your question in a  dream message often the next day or within a few  
858.24 -> days bear in mind that if we ask a question  that we are not prepared to hear the answer  
863.34 -> to or if the answer to the question is beyond our  wisdom to grasp then one of two things will happen  
870.3 -> either we will not remember the dream or the  meaning of the dream will be too nuanced for  
874.86 -> us to unlock one of the principles of dream  interpretation is that we receive messages  
880.2 -> that we are able to take action on right away  if we ask a question we will receive an answer  
886.56 -> but it may not be timely and therefore  we may find the answer hard to comprehend
895.56 -> one of the best ways to improve the answers you  receive from your dreams is to let your message  
900.3 -> dreams come to you naturally by setting  it in open-ended intention each night  
905.1 -> and once you have noticed a particular issue  coming up for you repeatedly then incubate a  
910.38 -> dream to receive further clarity on the issue  as we described earlier this way the issue will  
916.38 -> definitely be something you can handle at the time  even if it seems like a challenge or a stretch
923.4 -> maybe you are a person who remembers dreams easily  what are your best techniques for remembering your  
928.74 -> dreams please share them in the comments below now  that you are prepared to remember your dreams we  
935.16 -> recommend that you watch either our video about  "Big Dreams" or "What do people and dreams mean?"  
940.98 -> next our socials are in the description  you can submit a dream at  
948.6 -> thank you so much for watching and keep dreaming
