How to use Sound Recognition on your iPhone or iPad — Apple Support
How to use Sound Recognition on your iPhone or iPad — Apple Support
Turn on Sound Recognition to receive notifications when your iPhone or iPad detects certain sounds, like a doorbell or a dog barking.
To learn more about this topic, visit the following article:
Recognize sounds using iPhone:
Additional Resources:
Contact Apple Support for iPhone:
To subscribe to this channel: / applesupport
To download the Apple Support app:
Apple Support on Twitter:
0 -> ♪ - [DOORBELL RING]
1.601 -> With Sound Recognition,
2.902 -> your iPhone or iPad can
listen out for certain sounds,
5.672 -> and notify you
when it recognizes them.
7.574 -> ♪
9.309 -> First,
9.909 -> we'll need to turn
this feature on.
11.978 -> In Settings,
12.679 -> ♪
13.413 -> scroll down and
tap Accessibility -
15.181 -> ♪
16.783 -> - scroll down and
tap Sound Recognition -
18.618 -> ♪
21.454 -> - and then tap to turn it on.
22.922 -> ♪
23.923 -> Next, tap Sounds -
25.625 -> ♪
26.393 -> - and choose which sounds you'd
like your device to listen for.
29.662 -> If you have
"Hey Siri" turned on,
31.598 -> you'll see a message saying
that this feature
33.433 -> will not be available when
using Sound Recognition.
36.503 -> To continue,
tap Turn On Sound Recognition.
39.105 -> ♪
43.376 -> From now on -
44.31 -> - you'll receive a notification
45.678 -> whenever your device detects
one of those sounds.
47.947 -> ♪ - [DOG BARKING]
49.482 -> ♪
52.419 -> Once you've turned on Sound
Recognition for the first time,
55.355 -> you can quickly access
it by opening Control Center -
57.924 -> ♪
58.858 -> - and tapping the Sound
Recognition button
60.66 -> to turn it on or off.
61.728 -> ♪
62.929 -> Or, touch and hold Sound
Recognition to
64.898 -> to access the Sounds menu
66.199 -> ♪
67.133 -> You can then tap a sound to
add or remove it from your list.
70.136 -> ♪
71.204 -> And that's how Sound Recognition
can alert you to important
73.873 -> sounds you might
not want to miss.
75.642 -> ♪ - [CAR HORN]
77.343 -> To learn more about
the accessibility features
79.079 -> on your Apple devices
80.98 -> subscribe to
the Apple Support channel,
82.849 -> or click another video
to keep learning.
84.818 -> ♪