BRUTAL Death of Christian Wirth - Extremely Sadistic NAZI Commandant of Belzec Killed by His Own Men

BRUTAL Death of Christian Wirth - Extremely Sadistic NAZI Commandant of Belzec Killed by His Own Men

BRUTAL Death of Christian Wirth - Extremely Sadistic NAZI Commandant of Belzec Killed by His Own Men

Brutal Death of Christian Wirth - Extremely Sadistic Nazi Commandant of Belzec Killed by His Own Men. Christian Wirth was born on 24 November 1885 in Oberbalzheim, then part of the German Empire. After completing his education, Wirth was employed as an apprentice carpenter at a timber company in Oberbalzheim and from 1905-1910 he served his military duty with Grenadier Regiment 123 in Ulm. In 1910 he married Maria Bantel, with whom he had two sons and then moved to Stuttgart, where he worked as a police detective.

The First World War began on the 28th of July 1914. In October of the same year, Wirth volunteered to serve in the army of Kaiser Wilhelm II and saw action on the Western Front in Flanders and northern France. Christian Wirth distinguished himself in battle, was wounded, and highly decorated for bravery. The First World War ended on the 11th of November 1918 when the German leaders signed the armistice in the Compiègne Forest in France. In June of the following year, Wirth returned to Stuttgart and a short time later was promoted back to police detective sergeant.
He earned a reputation for solving difficult tasks often by using brutal methods of interrogation.

After World War I ended, Germany experienced great political turmoil. The 1919 Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh terms on Germany, which had lost the war. In addition, the country saw the overthrow of its monarchy. In its place was the new Weimar Republic, a democratic government. Racist and antisemitic groups sprang up on the radical right and they falsely claimed that Jews and Communists were to blame for Germany’s problems. One such group was the Nazi Party which Wirth joined in 1923, becoming one of its original members.

When Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party rose to power in January 1933, they made the stab-in-the-back myth – an antisemitic conspiracy theory, which maintained that the Imperial German Army did not lose World War I on the battlefield, but was instead betrayed by certain citizens on the home front—especially Jews and revolutionary socialists - an integral part of their official history of the 1920s. The Nazis denounced the German government leaders who had signed the Armistice of 11 November 1918 as the “November criminals” who had “stabbed the nation in the back” in order to seize power. Historians inside and outside of Germany unanimously reject the myth, pointing out that the Imperial German Army was out of reserves, was being overwhelmed by the entrance of the United States into the war, and had already lost the war militarily by late 1918.

In 1933 Wirth joined the SA and in 1937 was recruited by the SD, Reinhard Heydrich’s Security Service, as an agent, spying and informing on his Party and police comrades. On 10 August 1939, Wirth transferred from the SA to the SS, attaining the rank of Obersturmführer which was equivalent to First Lieutenant.

The Second World War began on the 1st of September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. The last operational Polish unit surrendered on the 6th of October.
The German occupation of Poland was exceptionally brutal. The Nazis considered Poles to be racially inferior and they launched a campaign of terror intended to destroy the Polish nation and culture and to reduce the Poles to a leaderless population of peasants and workers laboring for German masters…

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0.9 -> The 1st of September 1939. After a false  accusation that the Poles attacked the  
7.74 -> German radio station, Nazi Germany launches a  “retaliatory” campaign against Poland triggering  
13.32 -> World War 2. After defeating the Polish army,  the Germans ruthlessly suppress the Poles whom  
19.08 -> they consider to be racially inferior and, in the  weeks, that follow the German attack on Poland,  
23.88 -> German SS, police, and military units shoot  thousands of Polish civilians, including  
29.82 -> many members of the Polish nobility, clergy, and  intelligentsia. In the fall of 1941, Nazi Germany  
37.14 -> begins to implement a plan codenamed “Operation  Reinhard” to systematically murder almost two  
42.78 -> million Jews living in the German-administered  territory of occupied Poland, called the  
47.52 -> General Government. Three killing centers are  established as part of this plan: Belzec, Sobibor  
53.82 -> and Treblinka. One of the main perpetrators  of this operation becomes Christian Wirth.
59.16 -> Christian Wirth was born on 24  November 1885 in Oberbalzheim,  
65.82 -> then part of the German Empire. After  completing his education, Wirth was  
70.74 -> employed as an apprentice carpenter at a timber  company in Oberbalzheim and from 1905-1910 he  
76.68 -> served his military duty with Grenadier Regiment  123 in Ulm. In 1910 he married Maria Bantel,  
83.58 -> with whom he had two sons and then moved to  Stuttgart, where he worked as a police detective.
88.02 -> The First World War began on the 28th of  July 1914. In October of the same year,  
94.68 -> Wirth volunteered to serve in the army of Kaiser  Wilhelm II and saw action on the Western Front  
100.02 -> in Flanders and northern France. Christian Wirth  distinguished himself in battle, was wounded, and  
106.02 -> highly decorated for bravery. The First World War  ended on the 11th of November 1918 when the German  
112.8 -> leaders signed the armistice in the Compiègne  Forest in France. In June of the following year,  
118.08 -> Wirth returned to Stuttgart and a short time later  was promoted back to police detective sergeant. 
124.02 -> He earned a reputation for solving difficult tasks  often by using brutal methods of interrogation.
129.18 -> After World War I ended, Germany  experienced great political turmoil.  
134.76 -> The 1919 Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh terms  on Germany, which had lost the war. In addition,  
140.52 -> the country saw the overthrow of its monarchy.  In its place was the new Weimar Republic,  
145.68 -> a democratic government. Racist and antisemitic  groups sprang up on the radical right and they  
151.68 -> falsely claimed that Jews and Communists  were to blame for Germany’s problems. One  
156.12 -> such group was the Nazi Party which Wirth joined  in 1923, becoming one of its original members.
161.76 -> When Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party rose to power  in January 1933, they made the stab-in-the-back  
168.36 -> myth – an antisemitic conspiracy theory, which  maintained that the Imperial German Army did  
173.34 -> not lose World War I on the battlefield, but was  instead betrayed by certain citizens on the home  
178.38 -> front—especially Jews and revolutionary socialists  - an integral part of their official history  
183.72 -> of the 1920s. The Nazis denounced the German  government leaders who had signed the Armistice  
190.38 -> of 11 November 1918 as the "November criminals"  who had "stabbed the nation in the back" in  
195.6 -> order to seize power. Historians inside and  outside of Germany unanimously reject the myth,  
201.12 -> pointing out that the Imperial German Army was  out of reserves, was being overwhelmed by the  
206.28 -> entrance of the United States into the war, and  had already lost the war militarily by late 1918.
212.4 -> In 1933 Wirth joined the SA and  in 1937 was recruited by the SD,  
218.46 -> Reinhard Heydrich’s Security Service, as  an agent, spying and informing on his Party  
223.02 -> and police comrades. On 10 August 1939,  Wirth transferred from the SA to the SS,  
229.5 -> attaining the rank of Obersturmführer  which was equivalent to First Lieutenant.
234.12 -> The Second World War began on the 1st of  September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland.  
240.42 -> The last operational Polish unit  surrendered on the 6th of October. 
244.5 -> The German occupation of Poland  was exceptionally brutal. The  
248.94 -> Nazis considered Poles to be racially  inferior and they launched a campaign  
252.9 -> of terror intended to destroy the Polish  nation and culture and to reduce the Poles  
257.58 -> to a leaderless population of peasants  and workers laboring for German masters.
261.96 -> In the end of 1939, Wirth started to work for the  Nazi Euthanasia Program, code-named T4, which was  
268.92 -> the systematic murder of institutionalized  patients with disabilities in Germany.  
273.72 -> The patients were transported by bus or by  rail into 6 killing centers where they were  
278.52 -> murdered. In these centers the Nazis gassed,  shot, or killed by lethal injections those  
284.7 -> who were deemed “unworthy of life “such  as residents of welfare institutions,  
288.84 -> some concentration camp inmates, the chronically  sick, the mentally and physically disabled,  
294.12 -> homosexuals, and even sick German soldiers. In December 1939 or January 1940 Wirth was  
302.76 -> present when twenty to thirty German mental  patients were subjected to the first known  
306.48 -> gassing experiment using carbon monoxide. This  is where the idea to disguise the gas chambers  
312.48 -> as showers was introduced. Wirth continued  to participate as a troubleshooter in the  
317.52 -> T-4 killing centers. For instance, when  at Brandenburg killing center a group of  
322.38 -> suspecting mental patients refused to enter  the disguised gas chamber, Wirth coaxed them  
326.7 -> into the room by telling them that they had  to enter it in order to receive clothing. 
330.72 -> On another occasion, when four female patients  at Hartheim killing center were suspected of  
335.52 -> having contracted typhus, Wirth shot them to  prevent the spread of disease to the staff.
340.86 -> In the second half of 1940 Wirth was promoted  to become the head of the euthanasia program in  
346.74 -> Germany and Austria. Franz Stangl, the commandant  of the Sobibór and Treblinka extermination camps,  
352.44 -> described Wirth in a 1971 interview saying: “When  he spoke about the necessity of this euthanasia  
358.08 -> operation, he was not speaking in humane or  scientific terms. He laughed. He spoke of 'doing  
364.38 -> away with useless mouths', and that 'sentimental  slobber' about such people made him 'puke'.”
370.2 -> The T4 program predated the genocide of European  Jewry, the Holocaust, by approximately two years.  
376.44 -> Historians estimate that the program  claimed the lives of 250,000 men, women,  
381.96 -> and children. In the fall of 1941, Nazi Germany  implemented a plan to systematically murder the  
388.62 -> 2 million Jews living in German-occupied Poland.  This plan was codenamed Operation Reinhard and  
394.5 -> as part of this action, three killing centers  were established: Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka.
400.26 -> Because of his experience in the  T4 program in December 1941 Wirth  
405.3 -> was sent to the Belzec concentration  camp where he worked as a commandant. 
409.44 -> It was during his time at the Belzec camp  that Wirth earned his nickname “Christian the  
414.36 -> Savage”. He was so-called by the SS staff because  of his extreme, unforgiving approach to his work.  
421.02 -> Wirth ran the Belzec death camp  with an iron grip and he was feared  
424.86 -> by the staff, Germans and Ukrainians alike. Werner Dubois, SS guard at Belzec described  
431.88 -> him as follows: “Wirth was more than brutal. In  my opinion, his brutality was grounded more in  
438.06 -> his human nature than his political mentality.  He bellowed, screamed and threatened us, and hit  
444 -> members of the German garrison in the face. There  was no-one at Belzec who was not afraid of Wirth.” 
449.7 -> In Belzec, he established the regime of terror  and death which was carried out in all Operation  
454.68 -> Reinhard camps more than any other camp  commander. During his time at Bełżec,  
459.66 -> Wirth carried out experiments to determine  the most efficient method of handling the  
463.62 -> transports of Jews from the time of their  arrival at the camp until their murder and  
467.64 -> burial. He developed some basic concepts for the  process of extermination and for camp structure.  
472.98 -> The basic structure of the camp and the various  actions the victims were made to do as soon as  
477.9 -> they left the train were intended to ensure that  they would not grasp the fact that they had been  
482.4 -> brought for extermination. The aim was to give  the victims the impression that they had arrived  
487.14 -> at a labor camp or a transit camp from where they  would be sent to a labor camp. The deportees were  
492.78 -> to believe this until they were closed into the  gas chambers which were camouflaged as baths. 
497.58 -> The second principle of the extermination process  was that everything should be carried out with  
502.2 -> the utmost speed. The victims should be rushed  in, made to run, so that they would not have  
507.24 -> time to look round, to reflect, or to understand  what was going on. This also supported the basic  
512.88 -> principle of deceiving the victims. They should be  shocked, and their reactions paralyzed in order to  
518.1 -> prevent escape or resistance. In order to achieve  this, Wirth decided that newly arrived prisoners  
523.74 -> to be murdered should be beaten with whips  incessantly to drive them into the gas chambers,  
527.88 -> thus creating a sense of panic and terror in  which the prisoners felt forced to comply.  
532.14 -> The speed of the extermination process served  yet an additional purpose: it increased the  
537.54 -> killing capacity of the camp. More transports  could be brought and annihilated in one day. 
543.12 -> According to Wirth's annihilation  scheme, the Jews themselves should  
546.6 -> carry out all physical work involved in  the extermination process of a transport.
551.22 -> After ensuring that Bełżec  was operating efficiently,  
553.74 -> on 01 August 1942 Wirth was appointed  to the post of ‘Inspector of Operation  
558.66 -> Reinhard camps,‘ and was based at the  headquarters of Operation Reinhardt,  
562.2 -> on the Old Airfield just outside Lublin  and close to Majdanek concentration camp.
567.06 -> Beginning in March 1942, Jews from  various parts of the General Government,  
571.08 -> which was an annexed territory of  Poland run by German authorities,  
574.62 -> were deported to Belzec, where they were  murdered in gas chambers with carbon monoxide  
578.94 -> gas generated by large diesel engines. On one occasion, Wirth would whip the  
583.86 -> Jewish prisoners to get them into the gas  chambers while he also beat a guard who  
587.22 -> had failed to start up the engine which was to  release the carbon monoxide into the chamber.  
591.72 -> Rudolf Reder, a survivor from Belzec described  Wirth as follows: “He was a tall, broad-  
597.4 -> shouldered man in his middle forties with a vulgar  face. He was a born criminal, the extreme beast.”
604.5 -> The authorities at the Belzec killing center  consisted of a small staff 20-30 of German SS  
609.66 -> and police officials. Between March and December  1942, when the last transport of people arrived,  
615.54 -> the Germans deported approximately 434,500 Jews  and an undetermined number of Poles and Roma  
621.84 -> people to Belzec, where they were killed. When  the camp was liquidated in June 1943, the Jewish  
628.2 -> forced laborers were either shot or deported to  the Sobibor killing center to be gassed. Belzec  
634.14 -> was the third- deadliest extermination camp,  exceeded only by Treblinka and Auschwitz. Only  
639.6 -> seven Jews performing slave labor with the camp's  Sonderkommando – special detachments working in  
644.58 -> the killing area - survived World War II. The  lack of viable witnesses able to testify about the  
650.16 -> camp's operation is the primary reason why Belzec  is little known, despite the victim number count.  
656.22 -> After the Belzec camp was dismantled, the  Germans ploughed over the site and they built  
660.78 -> a manor house and planted trees and crops to  disguise the area as a farm. A former auxiliary  
666.12 -> police guard was placed on the site to farm the  property in order to further camouflage the site.
670.68 -> During the construction of Sobibór in the spring  of 1942., Wirth visited the incomplete site,  
676.74 -> and conducted an experimental gassing of 25  Jewish slave-labourers. He liked to carry a whip,  
682.98 -> and he used it on both Jewish victims and guards. When the transport of 40 to 60 freight cars  
688.92 -> arrived at the Sobibor railway station, only  20 cars at a time were taken into the camp,  
693.42 -> while the rest of the victims remained locked in  the rail cars. The victims were then brought into  
697.92 -> the so-called arrival area where an SS man would  give a speech welcoming them saying that they had  
702.42 -> reached a transit camp on their way to the labor  camps. They were also told that before embarking  
707.46 -> on the next part of their journey, they were to  take showers, have their clothes disinfected and  
711.9 -> get a meal. The men and women were then separated,  and the children were sent with the women.  
717.36 -> The Nazis ordered the victims to remove their  clothing and hand over their valuables. The Jews  
722.58 -> were then marched on the run to the gas chambers.  The honking of the geese would obscure the cries  
726.48 -> of victims from those still sitting in the locked  rail cars as they were being beaten, screamed at,  
731.4 -> and having warning shots fired at them. About 450-550 Jews were forced into the  
737.64 -> chambers at a time. The gas chambers were then  sealed once the maximum number of victims was  
742.68 -> inside. Poisonous gas was then piped in. Within  20-30 minutes, all those inside were dead. Those  
750.18 -> who were too ill, weak, or elderly to make the  walk to the gas chambers were shot in an open pit.
755.88 -> From April 1942 until mid-October 1943,  
759.42 -> the German SS and their auxiliaries  killed at least 167,000 people at Sobibor.
765.06 -> From mid-August 1942, Wirth played a leading role  in the re-organization of Treblinka, including  
770.7 -> the construction of the new gas chambers,  and thereafter visited the camp frequently.  
774.804 -> SS-Unterscharführer Franz Suchomel testified the  following about Wirth: “From my activity in the  
781.38 -> camps of Treblinka and Sobibor, I remember that  Wirth in brutality, meanness, and ruthlessness  
787.38 -> could not be surpassed. We therefore called him  'Christian the Terrible' or 'The Wild Christian'.  
794.4 -> The Ukrainian guardsmen called him 'Stuka',  which was a German dive bomber. The brutality  
800.16 -> of Wirth was so great that I personally see it  as a perversity. I remember particularly that on  
806.22 -> each occasion, Wirth lashed Ukrainian guardsmen  with the whip he always kept. If only someone  
811.86 -> had had the courage to kill Christian Wirth –  then Operation Reinhard would have collapsed.  
816.84 -> Berlin would not have found another man  with such energy for evil and nastiness.”
822 -> Franz Stangl, former commandant of Treblinka and  Sobibor, later recalled one of Wirth's inspection  
827.82 -> visits to Treblinka as Inspector of Operation  Reinhard, around September 1942: ”To tell the  
833.88 -> truth, one did become used to it... they were  cargo. I think it started the day I first saw  
839.82 -> the extermination area in Treblinka. I remember  Wirth standing there, next to the pits full of  
845.28 -> black-blue corpses. It had nothing to do with  humanity – it could not have. It was a mass – a  
851.58 -> mass of rotting flesh. Wirth said 'What shall  we do with this garbage?' I think unconsciously  
857.34 -> that started me thinking of them as cargo. “ From late July 1942 through September 1943,  
863.94 -> the camp personnel murdered an estimated  925,000 Jews at the Treblinka killing center.
870.18 -> When Operation Reinhard was terminated after three  million Polish Jews and thousands of Gypsies were  
875.28 -> murdered, Wirth was sent to Trieste in Italy along  with the other former Operation Reinhard staff.  
880.38 -> From autumn 1943, Wirth's role was to oversee  the Risiera di San Sabba concentration camp  
885.48 -> as well as to combat partisans over  the border in occupied Yugoslavia. 
890.04 -> Wirth had not lost his touch or commitment  to the Jewish Question and introduced the  
894.66 -> necessary accoutrements for mass murder  by establishing gas van facilities and  
898.5 -> crematoria. The Nazi staff under Wirth command  continued to use the methods used in Poland:  
904.02 -> beating prisoners to death, torturing,  
906.42 -> and ordering young children to collect firewood  to light the fires for their own cremation.
911.1 -> Christian Wirth was 58 years  old when he died on 26 May 1944.  
917.94 -> There are two contradictory accounts  of the circumstances of Wirth’s death.
921.54 -> One states that he was killed in May 1944  by Yugoslav Partisans while travelling in  
927.12 -> an open-topped car on an official trip to Fiume. However, according to the previously mentioned SS  
933 -> commandant Franz Stangl, who served in Trieste  towards the end of the war and saw him after he  
938.28 -> had died, Christian Wirth was taken care of and  killed by his own men because they despised him.
944.22 -> Wirth was buried with full military honors in the  German Military Cemetery in Opcina, near Trieste.  
950.58 -> In 1959 his remains were transferred to the German  
953.4 -> Military Cemetery at Costermano,  near Lake Garda, northern Italy.
957.96 -> Wirth, a man who supervised the  murders of more than 1.5 million Jews,  
962.34 -> never faced justice for his crimes.
965.82 -> There were no tears shed for Christian Wirth.
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