US Plan for East Coast Nuclear Attack

US Plan for East Coast Nuclear Attack

US Plan for East Coast Nuclear Attack

The world knows the devastating capabilities of nuclear bombs due to the explosive ending of World War 2. The United States was responsible for dropping the bombs, but what would happen if a nuke was dropped on the US? Check out today’s epic new video to find out how the US would respond to a nuclear explosion on American soil.


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All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.


0.12 -> Ms. Adams stares out at the confused looks the  high schoolers in her classroom have on their  
4.68 -> faces. She lets out a sigh of exasperation.  “Let me explain this one more time,” she says,  
9.54 -> turning to the map on the wall and  pointing to eastern Europe. “Ukraine  
12.96 -> gained independence—” before she can  finish her thought, a strange sound  
16.68 -> fills the classroom. It’s the sound of a  siren. The shrill noise is dull at first,  
21.06 -> but as the dust from decades of neglect works its  way out of the system, the siren becomes louder.
26.16 -> “What is that?” the students say, looking around  the room. Ms. Adams looks out the window; all is  
31.8 -> quiet. She walks over to the door and opens it.  There is no one in the hallway. Slowly other doors  
36.78 -> start to open, and her colleagues peer their heads  out. The teacher in the room next door shrugs.
41.52 -> Ms. Adams walks back into the classroom and shuts  the door behind her. She looks at her class. They  
46.2 -> shift in their seats. “Is it a fire alarm?”  someone asks. But that doesn’t seem right.  
50.58 -> There are no flashing lights, and a fire drill  wasn’t in the plan for today. “Everything is  
54.84 -> fine,” she tells the kids, but everything doesn’t  seem fine. Ms. Adams walks over to the window once  
59.94 -> again. She squints her eyes. In the distance,  she can see the skyline of New York City.
64.2 -> She turns around and walks towards the phone  on the wall to call down to the office. As she  
68.46 -> walks away from the window, there is a bright  flash. Screams erupt from the classroom full of  
72.96 -> children. They dive under their desks as  the room begins to shake. Moments later,  
77.04 -> the windows explode inward; shards  of glass go flying across the room.
80.94 -> Ms. Adams falls to the floor. A piece of  glass as sharp as a knife whizzes over  
85.02 -> her head and slams against the wall, breaking  into hundreds of little pieces. The students  
89.4 -> are protected from the mayhem as they hunker  down under their desks. The siren continues to  
94.2 -> blare. Ms. Adams shakes her head to clear her  foggy vision. Her ears are ringing. She slowly  
99.36 -> stands up and looks around. The students  are scared, but they look to be unharmed.
103.26 -> Ms. Adams turns toward the window. Her jaw  drops. The New York City skyline is gone.  
108.6 -> She slowly approaches the opening; warm air blows  into the classroom. “Stay under your desks,” she  
113.82 -> says to the students. Ms. Adams stares out  the window. Where New York City once stood,  
117.72 -> a giant mushroom cloud now rises from the Earth.  The surrounding area is aglow with radioactive  
123.42 -> fires. A tear falls down her cheek. A nuclear bomb  has just hit the east coast of the United States.
128.94 -> At the same time Ms. Adams’  history class was interrupted,  
132 -> an intelligence officer named Corporal Greyson  was working out of an air force base in Trenton,  
136.86 -> New Jersey. Greyson had just gotten settled at  his station when he spotted something strange.  
141 -> Satellite feeds indicated there had been a  missile launch from the Russian-Ukrainian  
144.84 -> border. This had become a relatively common  occurrence over the last several months,  
148.14 -> so Greyson chalked it up to the Russian’s  brutal tactics in their war against Ukraine.
152.7 -> However, as Corporal Greyson moved from satellite  to satellite to try and identify the impact site,  
157.68 -> he became increasingly worried. The missile  had not yet detonated, which meant it was  
162.6 -> either a misfire or Ukrainian forces weren’t  the intended target. Greyson zoomed out his  
167.94 -> search radius. The missile hadn’t exploded  anywhere in Europe. “What is going on?” he  
172.38 -> said out loud. Then he picked something  up. It was his worst fears come to life.
176.52 -> Greyson pushed his chair away from his workstation  and darted for the red phone on the wall. “This is  
181.5 -> General Rodd,” the voice on the other line said.  “Sir, we have a problem. You need to get to the  
185.7 -> control room right away,” Greyson whispered  into the phone. Moments later, an entourage  
189.78 -> of highly decorated officers barged into the  communications room. Greyson was furiously typing  
194.52 -> on his keyboard. “I think the Russians launched a  long-range missile,” he yelled over his shoulders.
198.72 -> The officers immediately dispersed to the  different stations around the room. They  
202.62 -> looked at the data and determine the President  needed to be informed of the threat right away.  
206.34 -> Fighter jets were scrambled. They took off  towards New York. “I’ve got it!” Greyson  
210.9 -> yelled. The officers rushed over to his  station and looked at the data coming  
214.44 -> in. A blurry image started to come into focus.  “Mother of God,” one of the generals said. “Is  
219.84 -> that the Russian hypersonic missile  we were briefed on a while back?”
222.78 -> “Yes, sir,” Greyson confirmed. “And it’s  headed straight towards New York City.”
226.38 -> The day that the nuke detonated over the  East Coast of the United States was the  
230.34 -> day that World War III started. The blast was  immense as the bomb had a 1-megaton payload. Time  
236.16 -> Square and most of Manhattan were vaporized in  the initial blast. In an instant, over a million  
241.38 -> people died. As the shockwave and radiation  spread outwards, millions more would perish.
245.88 -> The explosion heated up the surrounding area to  thousands of degrees, incinerating buildings,  
250.74 -> cars, and roads. The superheating of the air  also caused a massive change in pressure,  
254.88 -> which resulted in a shockwave with winds  blowing hundreds of miles per hour,  
258.96 -> strong enough to blow people off their  feet and cause trees to topple. This  
263.28 -> shockwave extended for three miles  in all directions. But it was the  
266.58 -> radiation from the explosion that  would end up killing the most people.
269.46 -> As the mushroom cloud rose into the air,  it carried radioactive particles with it.  
273.84 -> The wind pushed these particles northeast. The  fallout covered parts of Brooklyn and Queens,  
278.52 -> but the Bronx was the borough  that received the largest dose  
281.28 -> of radiation. The fallout continued to  travel with the wind, which carried it  
285.36 -> up the East Coast of the United States,  reaching as far north as New Hampshire.
288.54 -> Hours after the blast, Corporal Greyson has a  moment to breathe. He has been relieved by another  
293.22 -> officer so he can contact his wife, who is a  school teacher in New Jersey. She teaches history,  
297.78 -> and he knows that she has an excellent view of  the New York City skyline from her classroom,  
302.22 -> or at least she did until it was  wiped off the face of the Earth.
305.52 -> Greyson dials his cell phone. The phone  rings, and rings, and rings. “Come on,  
309.78 -> pick up. Please pick up,” he preys.  There is a pause in the ringing,  
312.78 -> then a familiar voice answers. “Thank God you’re  okay,” Greyson says into the receiver. Ms. Adams  
317.52 -> is still at the school. It has become a shelter  for families needing food or water. Many in the  
322.02 -> community commuted into the city for work,  and even though the town was spared from the  
325.62 -> blast and initial fallout, at least half  of its residents were lost in the attack.
329.58 -> Corporal Greyson explains what is happening to  his wife. A nuke was fired using a long-range  
334.5 -> hypersonic missile. The United States  believed Russia was still decades away  
338.04 -> from making the weapon operational, but as  Putin became more and more frustrated with  
342 -> his shortcomings in the war with Ukraine, he  took drastic measures. It was more luck than  
346.38 -> anything else that the hypersonic missile  actually worked, but now the East Coast  
349.98 -> of the United States is consumed in flames  and radiation. Putin couldn’t be happier.
354.36 -> After the bomb detonated, the United States  immediately went into lockdown. All flights  
359.04 -> were grounded. The borders closed up. No one  was allowed in or out. The armed forces were  
363.9 -> instantly mobilized, and since it  was clear where the nuke came from,  
366.84 -> soldiers were ordered to report to  their bases for immediate deployment.
369.9 -> New York City is in ruins, and much of the  North East coast will be covered in fallout.  
374.28 -> The military sends doctors and medics to the  surrounding areas to help the hospitals deal  
378.54 -> with the millions of people with burns,  radiation sickness, and wounds caused by  
382.92 -> blunt force trauma. The death toll will continue  to rise, and over the next several years, anyone  
387.84 -> who received even a small dose of the initial  radiation will need to be examined for cancer.
392.1 -> The nuke will have long-lasting effects  on the East Coast of the United States,  
395.76 -> but none of that might matter as NATO  is about to go to war with Russia.
399.9 -> After the nuke struck Manhattan, the U.S.  immediately reached out to its allies and  
404.16 -> informed them of what was going on. They  needed to take care of things at home,  
407.34 -> but Russia had declared war on the free world,  and now the nations of NATO needed to make them  
412.38 -> pay. The U.K. and France arm their own nukes and  await orders from high command. Even though the  
417.6 -> United States had been attacked, military leaders  know the consequences of retaliating with nukes.
422.16 -> If World War III becomes a nuclear war,  the entire planet will be at risk. There  
426.54 -> are no winners in a war where NATO and Russia  continuously fire nukes at one another. However,  
431.16 -> this does not mean they will not be going  to war. After the nuke hit the East Coast,  
435.06 -> all negotiations were off the table. The U.S. will  be invading Russia, and Vladamir Putin will pay.
440.88 -> A nuke hitting New York City  is a worst-case scenario,  
443.58 -> and the enemy knew this. There is no doubt  that wherever a nuclear bomb detonates,  
447.3 -> there will be mass destruction and countless lives  lost. However, New York City is the most densely  
452.4 -> populated urban center in the U.S. By firing  a nuke here, it ensures that it will cause the  
457.5 -> most amount of casualties. Another side effect  of nuking New York City is much more widespread.
462.24 -> If a nuke hits the East Coast of the United  States, economies around the world will crash.  
467.1 -> This may not be the most immediate concern,  but if New York City is wiped off the face  
471.3 -> of the planet, the world economy could  collapse. All-out war will likely occur,  
475.74 -> so nations around the world will start gearing  up. The private sector will pool its resources  
480.3 -> to start building more weapons and machinery  to help in the war effort. The U.S. dollar and  
485.04 -> economy will probably tank as investors  pull their money from the stock market.
488.7 -> But what if another nuke detonated somewhere else  on the East Coast of the United States? Regardless  
493.62 -> of the exact target, the results would likely  be the same. The U.S. military would mobilize  
498.24 -> and immediately strike whoever was responsible  for the atrocious act. All NATO countries would  
502.98 -> send aid to the United States and help in any way  they could. The nuclear arsenals of NATO would be  
507.78 -> put on high alert, and at any given moment,  the world could be plunged into nuclear war.
512.1 -> A nuke going off in New York City  would most definitely cause the most  
515.4 -> casualties as far as targets on the  east coast of the United States go,  
519.06 -> but there is another key location that an  enemy could strike. If someone wanted to  
522.96 -> hit the heart of America, they would  detonate a nuke in Washington, D.C.
526.38 -> Moments before the nuke strikes New York City,  the President of the United States sits in the  
530.82 -> oval office sipping coffee. It had been a long  night; decisions needed to be made about further  
535.32 -> sanctions being placed on the countries aiding  Russia in the war against Ukraine. Suddenly,  
539.82 -> a squad of secret service agents bursts  through the doors. The President startles,  
543.54 -> spilling his coffee across the desk. “Sir, we need  to get you out of here!” the lead agent yells.
547.92 -> The president grabs his jacket from the  back of his chair and is escorted out of  
551.4 -> the room. “What is going on?” he asks.  There is no time to talk; the agents  
554.7 -> rush him toward Marine One. The helicopter's  propellers are already spinning. The agents  
559.14 -> desperately try to get the President on  board. “Where is my family?” he asks.
562.44 -> “They will be right behind you, sir!” the  agent yells over the chopper’s blades cutting  
566.1 -> through the air. The President stops dead in his  tracks. “I’m not leaving without them,” he says,  
570.48 -> but it doesn’t matter. Before anyone can  protest, there is a bright flash. A nuke  
574.68 -> explodes in downtown D.C. The dome of the Capitol  Building instantly melts. The Washington Monument  
580.02 -> goes up in flames like a torch. The White House  is obliterated. In a millisecond, the executive,  
585.18 -> legislative, and judicial branches of  the U.S. government are all wiped out.
588.66 -> Luckily, the Vice President was visiting family on  the other side of the country. She is immediately  
593.64 -> informed of the incident in the capital and is  rushed to a secure location where she starts  
597.96 -> making decisions about rescue efforts in D.C. and  New York City and how best to help the people in  
602.82 -> those areas that need medical attention.  She contacts one of her closest advisors,  
606.6 -> a general working out of an airbase in  New Jersey, to become her new Secretary  
610.62 -> of Defense. The National Guard is deployed to the  surrounding regions. These soldiers are provided  
615.3 -> with radiation suits and iodine tablets  to give them an extra layer of protection.
619.26 -> They have to wait several days for the fires to  die out before they can search for survivors in  
623.94 -> downtown D.C. During this time, anyone who  was exposed to the fallout is brought to  
628.38 -> the closest hospital where they are treated for  burns and radiation sickness. The initial blast  
632.58 -> killed half a million people in D.C. and wiped out  most members of the U.S. government. As the wind  
637.92 -> swept through the capital, it carried radioactive  particles north, covering Maryland, Philadelphia,  
642.24 -> and parts of New Jersey. The fallout reaches as  far as Connecticut, where it isn’t as deadly but  
647.28 -> can still cause complications, especially for  anyone who ingests contaminated food or water.
651.84 -> If Washington D.C. was destroyed, there  could be a slight delay in action as a  
656.16 -> new chain of command would need to  be put in place. But as soon as the  
659.16 -> Vice President or whoever was next in  line to become President was sworn in,  
662.82 -> the full might of the U.S. military would be  unleashed on whoever committed this atrocity.
667.44 -> B-2 bombers carrying massive payloads or their  own nuclear bombs would take off and unleash a  
672.42 -> firestorm upon enemy military bases and key  strategic locations. Nuclear submarines and  
678.06 -> aircraft carriers would be re-positioned to areas  where they could launch counter-offensives and  
682.08 -> fire high-powered conventional missiles  at the enemy. Next, there would be boots  
685.68 -> on the ground and tanks rolling toward the enemy  capital to remove the current regime from power.
690.3 -> NATO would mobilize to aid in the war  effort, but one thing is absolutely  
694.38 -> sure to happen. If the East Coast of the  U.S. was attacked by nuclear weapons,  
698.7 -> there would be retaliation on a scale that the  world has never seen before. Time would be of  
703.56 -> the essence as the longer the enemy remained in  control and had access to their weapons arsenal,  
707.94 -> the more likely it would be that another  nuke would hit the United States.
710.94 -> Perhaps the next nuke would be fired  at the southeastern coast of the U.S.
714.54 -> Marcus sits on his fishing boat with the line in  the water. He hasn’t caught much today and decides  
719.4 -> maybe it’s time to head in and cut his losses.  He begins reeling in the line when suddenly it  
723.84 -> gets stuck. Marcus pulls and pulls but whatever  is on the hook is gigantic. He smiles. Perhaps  
729.24 -> this will make up for not catching anything else  that day. He hopes it’s a tuna or a swordfish;  
733.68 -> at this point, he thinks it could be a tiger shark  as whatever he’s caught won’t let him real it in.
738.54 -> Suddenly the water all around him starts to  bubble. The boat whips back and forth. Marcus  
743.64 -> lets go of the rod and grabs onto the side of  the boat for dear life. Out of the depths of  
747.78 -> the ocean, a metal hull appears. On the side is  a five-pointed red star. It’s a Russian submarine  
753.42 -> rising to the surface. Marcus shouts in terror as  his boat capsizes and he is thrown into the water.
758.4 -> A few moments later, Marcus surfaces. The Russian  sub sits on the water like a giant metal whale  
763.68 -> coming up from air. He watches in horror as a  hatch opens on the top of the sub. There is a  
768.18 -> rumbling sound and a missile launches from its  tube. It rises up into the air, arcing towards  
772.8 -> downtown Miami. For a moment, Marcus can’t  breathe. He watches as the nuclear warhead  
777.42 -> falls from the sky. It disappears for a second  before a bright flash of light fills the sky.
782.4 -> Marcus goes blind for a moment. He thrashes  in the water, trying to catch his breath and  
787.2 -> reorient himself. He blinks hard, just in  time to see the Russian sub sink back below  
791.94 -> the water and disappear. He looks around  for his boat, hoping that he can climb onto  
795.9 -> it and wait to be rescued. Surly, the coast  guard will come to aid the people of Miami.
799.92 -> Marcus spots his capsized boat and starts  swimming toward it. Before he can reach the side,  
804.66 -> he feels a wind against the back of his head.  Marcus slowly turns around and treads water. He  
809.4 -> closes his eyes and shakes his head. A tidal  wave created by the nuclear blast is rushing  
814.38 -> toward him at hundreds of miles per hour. In  that moment, he thinks about his family. He  
819.06 -> wonders if there is any way his wife, who works  in the local fish shop, could have survived the  
823.2 -> blast. He then thinks of his twin brother, who is  on the President’s detail in the Secret Service.  
827.52 -> He hopes he is okay, even though deep down, he  knows no one is safe. Marcus grabs onto the side  
832.5 -> of his boat and grips it tightly. The sea was  his entire life, and now it will claim him.
837.54 -> Approximately 200,000 people die instantly in  Miami as a result of the nuclear blast. The  
843.12 -> fallout would likely drift out into the Atlantic,  with some radiation reaching the Bahamas.
847.2 -> It is the thought of this horrifying scenario  that would lead the United States and NATO to  
851.34 -> take immediate action and destroy any enemy  nuclear launch site or housing facilities  
855.84 -> as quickly as possible. That being said, if  U.S. and NATO forces invaded a country with  
860.4 -> nuclear capabilities like Russia, there is a  good chance that they would deploy everything  
864.06 -> they had in their arsenals. Cities across the  world would be targeted by nuclear weapons,  
868.5 -> and millions of people would be vaporized or  succumb to the horrors of radiation poisoning.
873.06 -> Regardless of who fired the nuke or why, there  is a very real possibility that if the East  
877.92 -> Coast of the United States was bombed,  the world would come to a terrible end.  
881.34 -> The last thing the United States or most  countries want is nuclear war. However,  
885.72 -> if a nation like Russia was the one who  detonated the nuke and the U.S. tried  
889.62 -> to fight back, Russia would likely unleash  their entire arsenal, which contains enough  
893.94 -> nukes to cover most of the European and North  American continents in radioactive fallout.
898.26 -> There are several cities that are likely to  be major targets on the east coast if a nuke  
902.82 -> was ever launched at the United States. New  York City and Washington D.C. are definitely  
906.9 -> the two most likely areas to get hit for  the reasons mentioned earlier. However,  
910.86 -> cities like Boston, Atlanta, and Annapolis,  could also be targets. The problem with being  
915.9 -> on either coast when it comes to war is that  submarines equipped with nuclear warheads could  
920.58 -> theoretically find their way to an area  where they could hit several key targets.
924.24 -> Take Washington, D.C., for instance.  If an enemy sub loaded with several  
927.78 -> nukes found itself off the coast of Delaware and  Maryland, or even worse, in the Chesapeake Bay,  
932.58 -> it could hit several major east coast  cities all at once. Baltimore, Richmond,  
936.54 -> Philadelphia, Annapolis, and D.C. would be  within firing range. The terrifying part  
941.46 -> is that once the nukes were deployed, it would  be impossible to stop them before they reached  
945.9 -> their targets. This would give residents in  these cities little time to seek shelter and  
950.28 -> hide from the oncoming apocalypse. That  is if they received any warning at all.
954.3 -> The last time serious nuclear drills were  carried out in the United States was during  
958.26 -> the Cold War. The sirens and fallout shelters of  that era have fallen into disuse, and it’s highly  
963.84 -> unlikely the average U.S. citizen knows where  the closest fallout shelter is. Even if there  
968.28 -> was time to warn a population of an incoming  nuclear strike, it’s doubtful people would  
972.42 -> know what to do. There would be mass hysteria up  until the nuke reached its target and detonated.
977.22 -> Make no mistake. If a nuke hit the east coast of  the United States, it would almost certainly be  
981.6 -> the end of the world. The only way that World War  III wouldn’t start would be if whoever detonated  
986.52 -> the device had no political ties or worked  for a terrorist group. In these circumstances,  
991.44 -> the world might rally around the attack and  decide that nukes are much too dangerous to  
995.7 -> be used in conventional warfare. Perhaps if  this happened, all countries that possess  
999.54 -> these doomsday devices would decommission them and  lock them away so they could never be used again.
1004.34 -> This is wishful thinking, however. It’s much  more likely that if nukes ever did go off on  
1009.38 -> the East Coast of the U.S., the world  would be put on a path to nuclear war,  
1012.68 -> and missiles would start flying across the planet  in a desperate attempt to wipe out the enemy  
1017.54 -> before they themselves are wiped out. In this  scenario, Ms. Adams, Corporal Greyson, the Vice  
1022.22 -> President, Marcus, and every other human on the  planet, including you, likely wouldn’t survive.
1027.02 -> Now watch “What if Russia Launched a Nuclear Bomb  
1029.6 -> (Minute by Minute).” Or check out “This Is  How You Actually Survive a Nuclear Attack.”
