Why Private Billions Are Flowing Into Fusion

Why Private Billions Are Flowing Into Fusion

Why Private Billions Are Flowing Into Fusion

As the world searches for a way to avoid climate catastrophe, dozens of fusion startups are putting billions of dollars into the risky quest for unlimited clean power.

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1.876 -> Fusion power has a certain reputation,
5.38 -> something in the realm of a holy grail,
8.174 -> but not in a good way.
10.051 -> There is a famous joke about nuclear fusion
12.554 -> about how it never becomes a reality.
14.639 -> You can Google it if you like.
17.017 -> But really the moment we are in with nuclear fusion today
20.353 -> is probably more exciting than it's ever been.
23.231 -> There's more activity in the fusion world
25.275 -> than ever, and not just in government research labs.
28.695 -> There's also an emerging private fusion industry
31.448 -> that's attracted billions of dollars in capital
33.7 -> in recent years.
35.201 -> Governments and private investors alike
37.12 -> realize that we've got to find a solution
39.456 -> that's going to allow us to get to net zero targets.
42.834 -> This is one of the hardest
43.793 -> but most rewarding problems that humanity could work on.
47.505 -> Ultimately, we all want the same thing.
48.965 -> We want someone to put electricity on the grid
51.176 -> from a fusion power station as quickly as possible.
53.845 -> Frankly, the scale of the challenge,
55.972 -> 3,000 gigawatts of fossil fuel to replace.
60.351 -> There's not many things that can do that.
62.02 -> In fact, there may only be fusion that can really do that.
65.231 -> And while many in the scientific community
67.484 -> predict fusion power will take decades,
70.403 -> some in the private fusion space
72.53 -> believe we'll get there in just a few years,
75.241 -> as soon as the 2030s.
77.702 -> There is a lot of money
78.912 -> going into these companies.
81.039 -> And it's very interesting and exciting.
83.166 -> There are some I really love
86.086 -> and some I would rather laugh about.
88.797 -> The world is desperately searching
90.757 -> for a replacement for fossil fuels.
93.134 -> Now scientists and startups
95.72 -> are betting that a commercial fusion reactor
98.306 -> is finally in sight.
120.245 -> We are looking at visible light
122.205 -> coming from the plasma.
124.332 -> The plasma is this sort of 100,000 degrees temperature,
128.169 -> but what you actually see is the coldest part.
131.339 -> The hottest part you really don't see
133.341 -> because it's too hot to emit light
136.719 -> in the visible, isn't it?
139.848 -> Yes.
142.267 -> When I started, I was doing numerical modeling
145.061 -> and then I realized that running the machine
147.522 -> was a lot more interesting and a lot more fun for me.
153.278 -> My work is stressful.
154.696 -> My work can be very demanding in terms of time.
159.45 -> But this is still
161.286 -> one of the most exciting places in the world.
165.206 -> Here in Oxford, you'll find arguably
167.208 -> the most successful fusion experiment on Earth,
170.42 -> JET, the Joint European Torus,
173.381 -> torus being the technical term for donut,
176.092 -> which is how the reactor's shaped.
178.678 -> JET's been operating since the early '80s
181.514 -> and only by 1997 were we really ready to try proper fusion.
185.602 -> And we produced 16 megawatts of fusion power at the time
188.813 -> which is like a few wind turbines.
190.481 -> It's pretty significant.
191.566 -> And it shows that fusion is possible.
196.696 -> The 1997 experiment set records,
199.782 -> but the reactor was only able to run for less than a second.
203.828 -> The team spent the next two decades
206.206 -> cooking up a new approach.
208.166 -> And in 2021, they gave it another shot.
211.544 -> We always knew that we could do better.
214.631 -> The last two days before Christmas
216.341 -> were dedicated to these experiments,
218.051 -> just this window of parameters where we could get more.
221.596 -> And we did.
223.306 -> Three, two, one.
229.604 -> JET more than doubled its previous record,
232.273 -> producing more energy than any fusion experiment in history.
236.527 -> We couldn't hug.
238.613 -> We couldn't high-five, nothing,
240.281 -> because we have to be at two meters from each other.
243.826 -> But, you know, it was obvious that this was a record.
247.622 -> It was successful.
248.498 -> You could see that it was successful.
252.001 -> It's a real step
252.835 -> towards the ultimate promise of fusion,
255.672 -> a cheap, emissions-free power source
258.216 -> with virtually unlimited fuel.
261.344 -> But maybe don't break out the champagne just yet.
264.973 -> So in the 1997 experiments
267.016 -> we produced a lot of power, but very transiently.
269.394 -> So it ramped up and then we lost control.
271.604 -> Now we ramp up and sustain for five seconds.
275.858 -> So what exactly makes fusion
277.86 -> such a tough problem
279.279 -> that sustaining it for five seconds
281.698 -> constitutes a world record?
284.075 -> Nuclear fusion.
285.743 -> Once it's perfected,
287.328 -> fusion power will give us an unlimited supply of energy.
291.791 -> So nuclear fusion is really what is happening
294.836 -> inside the sun,
296.254 -> where lots and lots of hydrogen atoms
300.3 -> are moving at immense speeds.
304.262 -> And every so often some of them fuse together
307.348 -> to form helium.
309.892 -> Now the process at the atomic level
311.894 -> leads to a very small amount of loss in mass.
316.316 -> And that little amount of mass
318.735 -> actually generates a lot of energy.
321.696 -> And you do that millions and millions of times
323.948 -> and you get the sun.
326.659 -> Well look, we know fusion works.
327.744 -> It's happening right now in our sun.
329.579 -> But the reason it's happening in the sun
330.955 -> is because of the mass of the sun.
332.582 -> It's so massive,
333.958 -> has this huge gravitational force
336.419 -> which is pushing those isotopes of hydrogen
338.796 -> close enough to fuse.
340.506 -> We obviously cannot recreate the mass of the sun
343.843 -> here on Earth.
344.969 -> So instead, we have to give that fuel even more energy.
349.807 -> So we take a gas, we put a huge amount of energy into it,
354.062 -> and that turns it into the fourth state of matter, plasma.
356.647 -> If you consider water, for example, it's ice,
359.275 -> then you warm it up
360.234 -> then you get a fluid,
361.527 -> and then you warm it further up, you get steam.
364.03 -> And if you then increase the temperature even further
365.865 -> then you get plasma.
367.325 -> Common plasmas include lightning,
369.869 -> neon lights,
371.162 -> and these things.
373.456 -> We need temperatures
374.791 -> 10 times larger than in the solar interior.
377.585 -> So this is about 100, 200 million degrees.
380.338 -> And only at those sort of temperatures
381.964 -> do you get fusion to happen here on Earth.
385.093 -> Heating something
385.927 -> to 10 times the temperature of the sun
388.137 -> is, to use the technical term, very hard.
391.766 -> Scientists have been working at it since the 1930s.
395.269 -> The major breakthrough has been
396.813 -> the first tokamak experiments in the 1960s
399.232 -> in the former Soviet Union.
401.15 -> They achieved several million degrees,
403.736 -> and this was a real breakthrough.
405.947 -> Tokamaks is still one of the most popular ways
408.241 -> to create fusion.
409.659 -> That's what JET is,
410.952 -> along with many other government-run reactors
413.287 -> around the world.
415.081 -> Using powerful magnets to contain the plasma,
417.625 -> they've achieved temperatures of 100 million degrees
420.461 -> and well beyond.
422.505 -> But there's still one big milestone we need to reach
425.466 -> before fusion power becomes a reality,
428.928 -> net gain.
431.347 -> We need more power out than put in to heat the fuel
435.101 -> in the first place.
436.686 -> If we can't generate more power from fusion
438.938 -> than we put in
440.148 -> then the whole thing's a bust.
442.233 -> Unfortunately, no one's ever done it,
444.694 -> not even the brilliant minds at JET.
447.822 -> That's all kind of part of the plan though
449.907 -> because JET isn't actually designed to solve fusion
452.702 -> all by itself.
454.078 -> It's just set up for a much bigger project called ITER.
458.708 -> Uh, no, no.
459.542 -> ITER.
461.294 -> We are building this experimental machine
465.59 -> in the south of France, ITER, which is going to be big.
468.468 -> And it's the first one that will produce really more energy
471.679 -> than what it consumes.
473.973 -> ITER is a massive international collaboration
476.559 -> between 35 different countries.
478.644 -> And everyone involved seems pretty confident
480.897 -> it's going to get to net gain for the first time.
484.775 -> So fusion's just around the corner, right?
488.196 -> Well...
489.363 -> With the ITER project, the first plasma
492.033 -> is supposed to be created by 2025,
495.828 -> but full fusion reaction isn't expected until 2035.
501.125 -> So if ITER were the only bet that we were making on fusion
505.838 -> then it would be a safe bet to say
507.423 -> that nuclear fusion is going to take decades,
510.343 -> and that's too long for the climate fight.
514.472 -> Even the most optimistic scientists
516.474 -> think that fusion power may not be developed for 50 years,
519.977 -> if then,
521.437 -> if ever.
523.189 -> Some think we can get there much faster.
531.989 -> There's more than 30 private fusion companies
534.659 -> around the world.
536.077 -> And it feels like every month or two
538.538 -> there's another private company that springs up somewhere
541.666 -> with another great idea about how to do this.
544.71 -> The amount of funding going into fusion
546.337 -> has also been scaling.
547.797 -> There's more private funding going into fusion per year
551.008 -> than there is federal government funding
552.51 -> in the United States.
553.886 -> The private fusion space is still small
556.472 -> in terms of budget and people
558.558 -> when compared to the mainstream.
560.351 -> But if you look at the rate of progress,
563.02 -> I would say it's much, much faster.
565.356 -> And I do think that it will be the private side
569.36 -> that produces the first vital technology.
577.493 -> Canadian fusion company General Fusion
579.954 -> is steering away from the traditional tokamak design.
583.708 -> If you have followed fusion at all in recent years
585.96 -> you might have come across this steampunk octopus,
589.297 -> an earlier prototype of their reactor.
592.174 -> It's very analogous to
595.636 -> a fusion version of a diesel engine.
597.471 -> So you basically,
598.806 -> you have this very large cavity
600.766 -> that's opened up inside of liquid metal.
604.77 -> And into that liquid metal
606.314 -> we inject a high temperature plasma of hydrogen.
611.527 -> We can now perform this compression to heat up that plasma
615.698 -> very much the same way you think about a piston
619.201 -> compressing and heating the fuel in a diesel engine.
622.455 -> This is a steam-driven compression process
625.124 -> using an array of drivers.
627.543 -> It compresses and heats this magnetized plasma
631.255 -> to fusion conditions.
634.258 -> General Fusion's reactor
635.468 -> would create brief bursts of fusion energy,
638.095 -> an approach they hope will achieve net gain more easily
641.057 -> than a tokamak.
642.808 -> Founded in 2002, and supported by investors like Jeff Bezos,
647.188 -> they're one of the furthest along
648.689 -> in the field of fusion startups
651.025 -> with plans to build a demonstrative plant by 2026 in Oxford
655.112 -> on the same scientific campus as JET.
658.157 -> This thing won't actually put megawatts on the grid,
660.66 -> but it will prove that our approach to fusion
663.996 -> in a power plant relevant environment
666.207 -> can actually make fusion happen.
668.876 -> Aiming to break ground in a matter of months,
671.128 -> the company is running full tilt
673.172 -> to work out all the kinks before showtime.
677.009 -> This is about 2/3 of the full scale
678.844 -> that we'll need in our fusion demonstration plant.
681.472 -> So it's mostly at this point
683.766 -> a question of understanding the properties of the plasma
687.186 -> and the plasma physics,
688.187 -> to be confident that that will scale
690.398 -> as we build the larger version.
693.818 -> The alarms you hear when we start charging
695.82 -> are alerting you to the fact
696.946 -> that we're starting to charge this machine.
699.99 -> You hear a ping from when the plasma
702.66 -> is interacting with the wall of the machine.
711.627 -> You see, at the time you heard that thump,
715.005 -> that's when the machine created the plasma.
719.552 -> It's really exciting to see
721.011 -> what's happening in the private fusion industry.
725.057 -> Of course, I came to General Fusion
727.017 -> because I like General Fusion's technology.
729.729 -> That's one man's opinion.
731.814 -> I think we have,
733.441 -> my view is the first really good shot on goal.
736.569 -> But what really feels good
738.279 -> is there's going to be lots of shots on goal, right?
740.573 -> And I'm very confident
742.408 -> we're going to score the win that we need.
746.954 -> Not far from General Fusion's headquarters,
748.956 -> you can find another fusion company.
752.042 -> Helion Energy, one of the most buzzed about
754.17 -> fusion companies in the world
755.796 -> is hunkered down in some former Boeing hangers
757.923 -> just outside Seattle.
760.259 -> What we have tried to do at Helion
761.927 -> is approach fusion from a different direction
764.138 -> than a lot of other people.
765.723 -> We looked at the state of the art
767.433 -> of what was being built in fusion
769.351 -> and thought really there has to be a better way
771.729 -> to get to commercial fusion faster.
774.815 -> That might sound like hype,
776.4 -> but there really is something radically different
778.903 -> about Helion's reactor.
781.238 -> Almost every idea behind a nuclear fusion startup
784.742 -> or a company
785.576 -> is to rely on the heat that is generated by fusion.
790.289 -> And then converting that heat into steam,
793.667 -> which is then used to turn turbines to generate electricity.
797.63 -> Now, Helion says that it doesn't have to go through
800.966 -> that heating and turning a turbine phase.
805.179 -> So we do something called direct energy conversion
807.556 -> where we take the magnetic energy of the fusion system,
810.392 -> the charged particle energy of the fuel,
812.561 -> and directly extract that to electricity.
815.231 -> We inject our fuel.
816.482 -> We magnetically compress that fusion fuel.
819.568 -> Fusion begins.
820.694 -> It pushes back on that magnetic field.
823.155 -> So, a good analogy is regenerative braking in your car.
826.325 -> We then directly regeneratively
828.369 -> take the electricity back out of that fusion expansion
831.08 -> and turn that into electricity.
833.791 -> By cutting out the steam step for fusion
836.377 -> we can radically increase the overall engineering efficiency
839.672 -> of the system.
840.84 -> We aim for a system now that can be much smaller,
843.717 -> required a lot less of the complexity and the challenges,
846.387 -> and really, from my point of view, a lot less of the time.
850.599 -> That pitch was good enough
851.851 -> to get Silicon Valley giants Sam Altman and Peter Thiel
855.062 -> on board as investors.
857.064 -> The company's $500 million Series E round
860.401 -> makes them one of the best-funded fusion companies
862.945 -> in the world.
864.822 -> They're also making one of the most ambitious predictions
867.867 -> in the industry.
869.201 -> The goal is to get this built by 2024,
872.58 -> running, generating net electricity from fusion
874.832 -> for the first time.
876.542 -> Timeline is the driver.
877.71 -> It's always the driver.
879.128 -> And so if it's a question of,
880.379 -> well, it could be a little bit better,
881.672 -> but take an extra year,
883.048 -> we say, no, we're going to make it a little bit worse
885.009 -> but get it done a year earlier.
887.052 -> It's the Silicon Valley mentality
888.554 -> of how can you build as absolutely as fast as possible?
897.146 -> Yeah, help me with the gas pressure.
898.439 -> Everything's isolated.
900.774 -> You got the gas pressure.
903.027 -> Fire. Firing.
906.989 -> Nice.
907.823 -> Good shot.
909.366 -> That was easy.
911.368 -> Back in Oxford,
912.453 -> First Light Fusion is taking what might be
914.955 -> the most original approach of any fusion company,
918.208 -> borrowing from a branch of fusion
919.793 -> called inertial confinement.
923.672 -> The idea behind inertial confinement is you hold plasma
928.177 -> for a very short time
930.638 -> in a very small space.
932.556 -> So, one example of inertial confinement
935.225 -> is where lasers, very high-powered lasers,
938.145 -> are used to heat a very small amount of hydrogen
941.357 -> for nanoseconds, that is billionths of a second.
945.402 -> This has been done before,
946.946 -> most famously at the National Ignition Facility
949.657 -> in California.
951.158 -> But First Light has come up with a new approach.
954.37 -> We call it projectile fusion.
955.829 -> We have a high velocity projectile.
957.957 -> It flies in and it hits into our, what we call a target.
961.502 -> And the target has to focus the energy of the projectile
964.713 -> into the fusion fuel.
966.131 -> This is one of our targets.
968.926 -> This is the key technology to our approach to fusion.
971.553 -> So this is completely turned into a plasma
975.099 -> by the force of the impact and the energy released.
980.646 -> In a power plant, one of these targets
983.232 -> would release enough energy to power the average UK home
985.859 -> for over two years.
988.112 -> That sound.
990.739 -> That's the projectile being fired out of this gas gun
993.659 -> at around 15,000 miles an hour.
996.745 -> To generate power
997.705 -> you have to do that at a repetition rate.
999.665 -> You have to do a certain number
1001.917 -> and it's the energy you release every time
1004.461 -> times by the frequency
1005.421 -> and that's the power.
1006.588 -> So in our power plant design
1008.09 -> we'd be doing this about once every 30 seconds.
1011.468 -> So we recently showed fusion in our lab
1014.763 -> with a projectile driven approach for the first time.
1017.307 -> Just simply experimentally it's a big proof of concept
1019.518 -> that it can really work.
1020.894 -> If we look at the actual amount of fusion we produced
1024.314 -> then that number by itself, it was 50 neutrons.
1026.9 -> And we're not hiding it.
1028.193 -> It's not very impressive.
1029.57 -> But the point is
1030.738 -> that's exactly what the simulations predicted.
1032.99 -> And that's what gives us the very rapid, we hope,
1036.702 -> pathway forwards to improve that number.
1040.372 -> I hope we're not talking about 50 neutrons
1042.916 -> at the end of the year.
1047.963 -> So there's these disruptive technologies
1049.548 -> which are coming into our space, which is great.
1051.717 -> We want new ideas.
1052.76 -> We want people to come and tackle
1054.47 -> the big challenges that we face.
1056.013 -> There's lots of startup companies.
1057.806 -> Some of them will fail.
1059.183 -> Some of them will go to the wall.
1060.476 -> Some of them will wildly succeed.
1062.394 -> That's just healthy.
1064.354 -> Some on the scientific research side of fusion
1066.899 -> are more critical of the startup phenomenon.
1069.943 -> Few private fusion companies have shown any results
1072.529 -> beyond fusing a few atoms.
1074.823 -> And many scientists worry that these startups
1077.493 -> are promising too much.
1079.912 -> The cons in my mind
1081.705 -> are the promises by companies
1084.416 -> who either have a concept
1085.959 -> that we have already, for good reason, put apart
1088.253 -> and knew why they won't work,
1090.798 -> or completely new concepts.
1093.175 -> Some change them every other year.
1096.386 -> And then they still promise fusion energy
1098.722 -> by 2030 or something.
1101.266 -> And I don't like that too much because I'm afraid
1103.435 -> that if there are so many promises not kept
1107.272 -> that this would not be positive for fusion energy
1109.942 -> in general.
1111.568 -> If you look at the timescales that governments work at
1116.99 -> in research,
1118.617 -> that's completely different than the timescales
1121.036 -> that entrepreneurial private industry works at.
1123.956 -> It's not that there's a problem there with government,
1126.375 -> but, you know, they're a different set of metrics there.
1129.211 -> They're largely research-driven organizations.
1132.84 -> You need look no further than commercial access to space.
1136.677 -> SpaceX.
1137.803 -> They've created what people thought would never be possible,
1141.306 -> which is reusable rockets.
1143.809 -> NASA was never able to achieve that
1146.145 -> because they weren't motivated by the same things.
1149.982 -> And so when it comes to the last mile of commercialization,
1153.861 -> that's where you really need to hand the baton
1156.113 -> from government to private industry.
1159.658 -> From what I know, some of the private sector
1161.994 -> is very serious
1163.579 -> and is bringing
1165.164 -> significant capital and significant engineering advances.
1170.002 -> It needs to promise things
1173.213 -> on the time
1174.047 -> on a realistic timescale.
1175.34 -> So, not next year.
1177.593 -> And the timescale of about 20 years is realistic.
1182.723 -> It remains to be seen
1184.016 -> whether the Silicon Valley VC type approach
1186.685 -> will actually get us to commercial fusion faster.
1191.607 -> One thing is for sure though,
1193.525 -> progress, however slow and incremental, is being made.
1197.738 -> And if we're going to get to a fusion powered future,
1200.866 -> we're probably going to need both the painstaking research
1204.328 -> and the risky new ideas.
1207.08 -> I think the rate of progress is really driven
1208.707 -> by the imperative.
1209.791 -> And to be honest, I mean, let's just be honest as a society,
1212.961 -> over the last 20 or 30 years
1214.254 -> we've been pretty comfortable with burning fossil fuels.
1216.34 -> The fact that we have to stop it
1218.508 -> now drives the imperative.
1220.26 -> This is the most important question for mankind
1222.471 -> because, I mean, you need electricity or energy
1225.057 -> for everything.
1226.558 -> We have a lot of developing countries,
1228.477 -> and if these countries
1229.645 -> want to come to our standards of living,
1231.355 -> there's no way other than provide them with cheap energy,
1234.566 -> and better, CO2 neutral.
1236.318 -> Otherwise, we have a climate crisis.
1239.571 -> Each fusion technology
1241.198 -> has a slightly different flavor
1243.158 -> in terms of its ultimate value proposition.
1246.119 -> And so I think that you're going to see
1248.997 -> a portfolio of technologies being commercialized
1252.292 -> over the coming decades
1253.835 -> that address different parts of the market.
1255.963 -> And the market is huge and diverse.
1258.548 -> The total addressable market for fusion
1261.927 -> is on the order of $1 trillion a year.
1264.888 -> It might be decades
1265.931 -> before fusion becomes a reality,
1268.6 -> but it's the kind of cheap, unlimited power
1273.021 -> that you would want to give a civilization
1276.566 -> to be able to do all the things it wants to.
1280.946 -> Imagine if you could make a lot of rocket fuel
1283.532 -> to create an entire fleet of rockets
1285.534 -> that would go and mine asteroids
1287.369 -> because, you know, at some point
1288.745 -> we're going to run out of metals.
1291.206 -> Or you could remove
1292.374 -> existing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
1295.085 -> back down and bury it deep underground.
1297.838 -> That process requires a ton of energy,
1301.091 -> but if you were able to create nuclear fusion
1303.802 -> you could imagine restoring the Earth's atmosphere
1306.68 -> to pre-industrial levels.
1309.808 -> And these are the kinds of application
1311.351 -> that really cheap and clean energy
1314.146 -> can enable humanity to do.
1320.569 -> I want my kids to have a future
1323.947 -> that has the possibilities that I've had.
1328.91 -> So I hope we get fusion,
1331.705 -> and I think private, public,
1334.082 -> it all needs to come together because this is worth it.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp6W7g9no0w