The Cold War - Summary on a Map

The Cold War - Summary on a Map

The Cold War - Summary on a Map

Let’s look at a map and retrace a summary of the history and evolution of the Cold War, a conflict that pitted the United States against the USSR for nearly 45 years.
English translation \u0026 voiceover: Rahul Venkit
Original French version:    • La Guerre Froide - Résumé sur cartes  
Russian version:   • Холодная война - 45 лет конфликта - н…  
Arabic version:   • الحرب الباردة في 10 دقائق  
Spanish version:    • La Guerra Fría – Resumen de las grand…  
Portuguese version (Brazil):    • วิดีโอ  
Japanese version:    • 冷戦  
German version:    • Der Kalte Krieg - Zusammenfassung auf…  
Korean version:    • 냉전 - 지도를 통해 돌아보는 미국과 소련, 정치적 갈등의 역사  
Music: Morning - Text me records / (YouTube Audio library)
Software used for editing: Adobe After Effects
0:00 Introduction
0:15 Context
1:03 The Iron Curtain
1:43 Divisions
2:27 Influence Wars
3:05 Wars in Asia
3:57 The Suez Canal
4:36 Elsewhere in the world
5:04 Cuban Missile Crisis
5:42 Vietnam War
6:13 Soviet ascent
6:59 The fall of the USSR

#geohistory #history #coldwar #ussr #usa #russia #nato


0.359 -> During the second half of the 20th century,
2.673 -> the world’s two major powers were engaged in a face-off without direct confrontation for almost 45 years.
9.269 -> Let's trace on a map the chain of events that shaped the Cold War.
17.12 -> At the end of World War II, major European powers are weakened
20.361 -> after more than 60 million deaths over 6 years of fighting.
24.6 -> Two superpowers remain in the world: the United States of America and the USSR,
29.1 -> who fought together as allies to defeat Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan.
34.89 -> The USSR or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
38.24 -> is a vast area covering one-sixth of the land surface of the planet.
42.06 -> It is a federal state under a communist regime, consisting of 15 republics and headed by a single party.
49.399 -> The United States of America is a liberal democracy based on capitalism.
53.829 -> It has a military edge being the only power with nuclear weapons,
57.26 -> and also boasts the world’s strongest industry and economy.
65.38 -> Both powers try to peddle their influence In Europe.
68.16 -> The US, under its Marshall Plan, offers substantial loans to European countries
72.44 -> to revive the economy and establish trade links.
75.6 -> The USSR, for its part, wants to protect its borders and set up pro-Soviet governments in liberated countries.
82.18 -> Europe is found divided into two blocks and separated by what is called the Iron Curtain.
87.34 -> In Germany, allies merge territories they control, in violation of agreements signed with the Soviets.
93.32 -> In response, the Soviet Union imposes a blockade on West Berlin, which is still under allied control.
99.11 -> An airlift is set up to bring supplies to the area.
106.52 -> Henceforth, both powers harbour a fear of the other. On both sides begins a witch hunt.
112.17 -> In the United States, federal employees sympathetic to Communist ideas are fired.
116.98 -> Even Hollywood is used as a tool to produce anti-communist propaganda.
121.81 -> In the USSR, any form of opposition is suppressed.
125.46 -> Beyond ideology and clout, the two powers battle for influence
129.52 -> in the fields of science, industry, space, sports and military.
133.91 -> The Soviet Union invests heavily in industry and arms, and in 1949 tests its first atomic bomb.
140.81 -> The same year, the United States sets up NATO, a military alliance between countries of the Western bloc.
150.48 -> Throughout the Cold War, there would be many indirect confrontations between the two powers and their allies.
155.9 -> The first one takes place in Greece where a rebel communist militia from the Second World War,
159.82 -> supported by the Soviets and armed by Yugoslavia, enters into a civil war
165.18 -> against the traditional monarchist party, supported and financed by Britain and then the United States.
170.78 -> However, following tensions, the USSR breaks its alliance with Yugoslavia.
175.48 -> As a result, Greek communists lose vital support and are forced to lay down their arms.
181.2 -> Greece then becomes part of the Western bloc.
188.2 -> In China, after 3 years of civil war, the communists prevail over the nationalists who retreat to Taiwan.
194.38 -> The USSR wins an important ally in the region that would influence two wars in particular.
200.01 -> The first was fighting alongside Communist North Korea against South Korea,
204.32 -> which was supported by a United Nations-led international force directed by the United States.
209.5 -> After 3 years of fighting, a ceasefire leaves the Korean peninsula divided in two.
214.31 -> China also intervenes in French Indochina where it supports a rebel communist militia
218.761 -> against France, which after struggling to regain control of its former colony, is forced to leave the region.
225.23 -> Vietnam is divided in two at the 17th parallel, with communists in the north
228.94 -> and nationalists in the south supported by the United States.
233.08 -> This marks the beginning of the Vietnam War.
239.89 -> In response to NATO, the USSR organizes its own military alliance through the Warsaw Pact.
245.519 -> The following year, France and Britain unites with Israel in a surprise war against Egypt
250.209 -> to regain control of the Suez Canal.
252.88 -> The United States and the USSR oppose this attack and quickly impose a ceasefire,
256.86 -> marking the end of European dominance in the region to the benefit of the USSR.
262.28 -> The Soviet Union, which has now caught up in military and industrial technology,
266.38 -> installs hundreds of long-range missiles pointed at Western Europe.
270.55 -> In response, the US points its missiles towards Soviet territories.
279.44 -> Following disagreements, China breaks its alliance with the USSR,
282.651 -> as the country aims to distance itself and become a new world power.
286.58 -> On the other hand, many countries break with the two main camps and choose to remain neutral
291.389 -> by creating the Non-Aligned Movement.
293.599 -> In Latin America, the United States plays its part to ensure no room for communism.
298.389 -> But the country fails to militarily overthrow the new communist government in Cuba.
307.42 -> The USSR takes advantage of the American failure to diplomatically influence Cuba.
312.4 -> Soldiers and Soviet military ships are sent to the island
315.046 -> and missiles are installed and pointed at the United States.
318.189 -> Tensions build to a point where the marine forces of both sides get ready to face off against each other.
323.64 -> The whole world holds its breath and many countries prepare for an eventual World War III.
328.58 -> But after negotiations, the USSR agrees to withdraw and remove its military facilities
333.64 -> if in return the US promises not to attack Cuba and removes its missiles in Europe.
338.68 -> This deescalates the situation.
345.28 -> In Vietnam, the United States fearing a Communist takeover of the south,
349.3 -> organizes a military invasion with more than half a million soldiers.
353.38 -> The decision antagonizes France, which prefers to find a peaceful solution.
358.58 -> France decides to distance itself from the increasingly assertive United States and leaves NATO.
363.96 -> In 1975, communists win the war, inflicting a heavy defeat for the United States,
369.62 -> whose image is tarnished globally.
376.189 -> The USSR took this opportunity to revive its political influence in the world.
380.68 -> On the one hand, it supports communist militias in Africa
383.84 -> which takes over power in newly independent countries.
386.949 -> On the other hand, the country sends its army to Afghanistan in support of the Communist
391.229 -> regime fighting the Mujahideen, a group of Islamists supported and funded,
395.86 -> among others, by the United States.
398.22 -> The USSR also upgrades and replaces its missiles directed towards Europe with more precise ones.
404.009 -> This marks the beginning of the Euromissile crisis
406.417 -> which threatens Europe and pushes the United States to install new missiles of its own.
411.789 -> This sparks an arms race, with the USSR investing up to 14% of its gross national product on the cause.
422.68 -> The Soviet Union begins to run out of money.
425.55 -> At the height of the crisis, it tries to implement economic reforms but to no avail.
429.959 -> The two global powers eventually meet to begin disarmament negotiations.
435.199 -> The USSR withdraws from Afghanistan and stops funding communist militias in Africa.
440.249 -> It attempts to open up to reforms and boost transparency,
443.184 -> but it is already too late for the Soviets who can no longer quell multiple revolts.
448.27 -> The Berlin Wall is destroyed and Germany is reunited.
451.369 -> In 1991, the USSR implodes, and the 15 republics become independent states,
456.489 -> marking the end of the Cold War.
