Car Seat Test Drive: Britax Review Video

Car Seat Test Drive: Britax Review Video

Car Seat Test Drive: Britax Review Video - Carseats are some of the most important baby products that parents will need. In this episode of Gear Daddy, Daddy Troy gets a tour of the latest Britax car seat. Britax car seats have a reputation for being some of the best car seats on the market with high points for child safety. A representative from Britax provides information on the many safety features of this infant car seat. See if it passes the test. Ep. 439 from DadLabs Distributed by Tubemogul.\r
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0 -> welcome back to gear daddy I'm your host
1.319 -> daddy Troy and today I'm talking with k2
2.909 -> britax she's going to tell us all about
4.47 -> the boulevard CS car seat
17.88 -> so if you know anything about car seats
20.38 -> you know the britax is one of those
21.67 -> brands that's really well known for
23.23 -> safety okay which tell us all about the
24.97 -> boulevard first I want to tell you that
26.47 -> one in four car crashes actually
27.939 -> occurred from the side and so side
29.8 -> impact protection is so important in car
31.72 -> seats there's a crumple zone in the
33.55 -> front and the rear of a vehicle and
35.23 -> we're more concerned right now with
36.85 -> those side impact crashes which are the
38.26 -> most of the year so what we've done at
40.15 -> britax is actually add an adjustable
42.07 -> head support right here it's a headrest
43.78 -> that when you turn the knob on the side
45.85 -> it goes it goes down know there's a
47.53 -> shield that we call this true side
49.3 -> impact protection and the true is not
51.1 -> the opposite of faults in this case it's
52.809 -> actually the truing the aligning of the
55.09 -> head the neck and the torso which
57.1 -> minimizes the lateral head movement in a
59.5 -> side impact crash so we're trying to
61.719 -> manage energy away from the child keep
64.33 -> the child aligned in the vehicle I mean
66.19 -> the car seat so that they can survive a
69.19 -> side impact crash and this this
70.84 -> mechanism right here helps you do that
72.25 -> yes it has it has energy managing foam
75.009 -> on the inside which is actually a
76.24 -> comfort foam to for the child they use
78.13 -> it a lot as a pillow but on the outside
79.899 -> it's a stiff structure the nice thing
81.94 -> about the boulevard CS that's new to the
84.429 -> boulevard I should say is the click and
86.02 -> say feature down at the bottom looker
87.61 -> this right here is the harness adjuster
89.59 -> that's an audible indicator telling us
92.38 -> that the child is secure in the state
93.849 -> and the feet and you don't have to come
95.44 -> back and check your harness straps if
96.91 -> this is a real child you would it clicks
99.369 -> when it's at the right tension or what
100.99 -> is okay there's actually a mechanism
102.55 -> inside the adjuster that it knows when
106.33 -> the tension is the tautness that you
108.399 -> need it to be and you can continue
110.11 -> pulling on that strap but it's not going
111.759 -> to get any tighter it's just going to
112.99 -> know so sometimes enter that with my
114.7 -> daughter I would tighten it so tightly
116.17 -> that she would complain but you're
117.28 -> telling me that this right here when you
118.45 -> pull it doesn't get any tighter now in
120.399 -> the nice thing about this is because it
122.11 -> clicks the child can listen for it too
124.27 -> and then they know they can be the one
125.979 -> telling you okay daddy oh I'm safe
128.02 -> what's home so cool it's a really neat
130.42 -> feature so another thing I noticed it's
131.77 -> different you have these little side
133.09 -> bars right here I don't understand I've
134.92 -> never seen these before what are these
136.66 -> it's actually a latch bar lower anchors
138.82 -> and tethers for children is what last
140.38 -> stands for 08 / that huh but the last
142.45 -> usual you don't have this kind of far on
143.83 -> them do this we created it for ease of
145.36 -> use and by saying ease of use we have
148.51 -> the premium latch connectors right here
150.4 -> that the thick part on the top always
152.62 -> look the thick part on the top that
154 -> you're looking at right now always has
155.14 -> to be on the top when you've latched on
156.52 -> to the anchor sure so this is in a
158.2 -> forward-facing position and as you can
160.9 -> see it just slides very easily on this
162.7 -> latch bar so you just click click it in
165.01 -> when it's going in the rear-facing mode
167.14 -> we need this to be this way and that
170.2 -> would be inside out that way so we
172.15 -> actually have the latch bar coming
174.25 -> underneath the seat and the latch slides
177.13 -> very easily where they can switch places
179.2 -> but has a secondary feature too because
181.51 -> it's a pretty strong structure and so
183.64 -> it's part of the manage the energy
185.41 -> managing system on our seats you have
188.26 -> the stiff structure of the seat base I
190.72 -> mean the seat shell but you also have
192.46 -> this metal piece this metal bar right
194.14 -> here that on a side impact crash could
196 -> add to that safety this is the back of
198.28 -> the car seat right here tell me about
199.39 -> this threaded rod right here what does
200.65 -> it do it's actually there for this
203.23 -> plastic piece right here to move up and
205.06 -> down on as you can see these are the
207.76 -> straps that go over the bigger shoulders
209.05 -> correct and in a rear-facing mode they
211.12 -> need to be at or below the shoulder and
212.98 -> Anna forward-facing though they need to
214.39 -> be at or slightly above the shoulders
216.19 -> and so in order to change the height of
218.2 -> these which is totally a pain my first
220.06 -> thing they have to actually take it out
221.14 -> on strap everything and that can take
223.15 -> actually a lot of time and when you're
224.5 -> taking them out sometimes you forget
225.7 -> which hold are supposed to go back into
227.94 -> so you don't have to wrestle that the
230.05 -> other night and this one you don't have
231.61 -> to worry about it's not a pain in this
232.63 -> it's not a pain because you can you can
234.88 -> install your car seat and know that it's
237.489 -> in there good and as your child is
239.32 -> growing this knob right here is all you
242.11 -> have to turn to change the height right
243.94 -> you can actually get tighter and tighter
245.739 -> right okay thanks so much for telling us
247.81 -> about the boulevard CS from britax and
250.39 -> we'll see you next time on gear daddy
251.41 -> and all week long at
257.84 -> you
