How to Use Cricut Design Space in 2022 on Desktop or Laptop!

How to Use Cricut Design Space in 2022 on Desktop or Laptop!

How to Use Cricut Design Space in 2022 on Desktop or Laptop!

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Introduction: PixelBytes (my child!)
Music: Cute by Bensound (licensed, royalty and copyright free)
Videography: Jennifer Marx on a Panasonic Lumix FZ-1000 DSLR 4K camera
Design: A Jennifer Maker original!


0.22 -> [Music]
13.04 -> hello everyone my name is jennifer maker
15.28 -> and today i'm teaching you about qriket
17.199 -> design space for desktop and laptop this
20.64 -> is the qriket kickoff lesson three and
23.039 -> we're going to go over the primary
24.64 -> functions of design space so you will
27.119 -> feel more comfortable in the software
29.359 -> and then we will create something fun
31.119 -> together
32.239 -> now in lesson one of qriket kickoff we
34.48 -> downloaded and installed the free design
36.88 -> space app from
39.68 -> setup remember remember that we created
42.239 -> cricut id or we signed in with the one
44.16 -> that we had and then we did our very
46.239 -> first test cut
47.84 -> today we're going to dive into design
49.76 -> space itself and see how it all works
52.559 -> before i get too far i want to remind
54.48 -> you about my free cricut kickoff
57.36 -> printable handbook that goes along with
59.359 -> these lessons you can download it right
61.76 -> now at
64.08 -> just register for the class it's all
65.92 -> free and you will get the handbook i'll
68.159 -> be referring to it as we go along during
70.08 -> today's lesson and there's one thing in
72.88 -> particular that's important which is
76.479 -> in
78.24 -> everything is organized by our lessons
80.64 -> but
82.24 -> when we get to lesson three we actually
84.72 -> actually have all the instructions also
87.2 -> so here is
89.2 -> lesson three that we're doing right now
91.439 -> there's the checklist but of particular
94.159 -> importance
95.36 -> is
96.479 -> the map that i made of design space
99.52 -> everything is labeled on this
101.84 -> so if i say something that you didn't
104.32 -> quite catch or
105.84 -> you're like what was that thing i want
107.36 -> you to check this because chances are
109.6 -> really good it's on here you don't have
111.68 -> to guess at it it's all labeled onto
113.92 -> this this map okay
115.68 -> and this is in the
117.52 -> handbook and are the instructions to do
119.68 -> tonight's
120.799 -> project are in there as well
122.719 -> so i invite you to pull up a chair in my
125.68 -> craft room and we will get started
128.239 -> talking about design space
135.2 -> alrighty
137.599 -> be sure you get this this is awesome
139.12 -> it's got some great places to keep notes
141.52 -> as well
142.879 -> again that's at
145.68 -> alright so what is cricut design space
149.28 -> so qriket design space is the free
151.12 -> companion app to your qriket cutting
153.04 -> machine
154 -> design space or ds as some will call it
157.68 -> lets you design and cut with your cricut
160.16 -> you can create projects from scratch use
162.16 -> one of qriket's images or upload images
165.2 -> and again this is free software so even
168.4 -> if you don't currently have a cricut
170 -> cutting machine you can download this
171.92 -> software free right now and play around
174.239 -> with it first
175.519 -> many people do that in fact
177.519 -> so let's go ahead and go into design
180.56 -> space app on my mac so you can see what
182.8 -> it looks like all right so give me just
184.56 -> a second we're going to switch over
185.84 -> there
187.12 -> this should be it
188.64 -> here we go
189.92 -> nope that's my blog
192.72 -> that's also my blog hang on i probably
194.64 -> just have the wrong one selected
196.879 -> one moment please
206 -> there we go there's my cricut design
208 -> space
209.28 -> alright so
211.12 -> here is qriket design space now qriket
213.599 -> design space for desktop looks the same
215.84 -> on mac and windows
218.4 -> the current system requirements for
220 -> qriket design space and windows are to
221.76 -> have windows 8 or later and at least
224.48 -> four gigabytes of ram or more and at
226.48 -> least two gigabytes of free disk space
229.12 -> on the mac you need to be running os
231.239 -> 10.15 or later and have at least four
234.319 -> gigabytes of ram and two gigabytes of
236.239 -> free disk space these things do matter
239.04 -> if you find qriket design space seems
240.72 -> really slow the likely culprit is your
242.799 -> computer's cpu
244.56 -> memory or available hard drive space
247.28 -> qriket design space is very fast for me
249.439 -> and i have virtually no problems with it
251.76 -> ever
253.2 -> and i'm going to see if i can
256 -> one moment
257.68 -> will this work
259.04 -> yes it does work i'm a little small
261.28 -> sometimes it's people tell me that they
262.8 -> like seeing my face so i will put this
265.36 -> on
266.88 -> and i'll try to remember to
269.199 -> hide it if it's ever covering anything
270.96 -> up okay
272.24 -> all right so here we are in qriket
274.32 -> design space this is i am on my mac but
277.28 -> again it's going to work the same on
279.759 -> windows and mac but you know i can only
282.08 -> show you one at a time and i'm a matte
284 -> girl
285.44 -> all right so this is what you see when
287.04 -> you first open up qriket design space
289.6 -> this is your home screen and i'm
291.36 -> probably going to look at this screen so
293.68 -> don't be surprised by that i have two
295.68 -> windows here
296.8 -> all right so this is cricut design space
298.639 -> here
300.24 -> and i want to show you this is the home
302.32 -> this is the home page this is what you
304.16 -> see when you first show up so
306.8 -> starting wearing kind of glow in
307.919 -> clockwise order this up here is what i
310.16 -> call the hamburger menu and if you click
312.16 -> on this it gives you what i think of as
314.639 -> settings so you can switch between the
317.44 -> home page and the canvas i'll explain
319.759 -> the canvas
321.039 -> but over here are a lot of important
323.44 -> things
324.4 -> so new product setup this is what we did
326.4 -> in lesson one
327.84 -> calibration that is important for
329.52 -> calibrating a bunch of things
332.4 -> print then cut and your knife blade if
334.88 -> you have a maker
336.56 -> and also let's click on it
338.72 -> oh right now it's something i knew oh
340.32 -> because i have the explorer selected
342.08 -> let's switch that right now
344.32 -> so right up here in this menu i can
346.639 -> change
347.759 -> which
348.8 -> qriket i um want to i can select my
352.88 -> machine so i had the explorer selected
355.68 -> so i'm going to switch it to the maker 3
357.52 -> okay so if you have multiple machines
359.759 -> this is where you will change it right
361.44 -> up here
362.4 -> so let's come back over here and go to
364.16 -> calibration and you can see here we go
366.56 -> this is where you can calibrate the
367.68 -> rotary blade the knife blade and the
369.68 -> print then cut you normally only need to
371.44 -> do this once often it will prompt you we
374.24 -> need to do it
375.6 -> don't you don't normally have to do that
377.44 -> at all
378.4 -> manage custom materials is where you
380.24 -> will
381.28 -> if you have to go in and change settings
382.88 -> or create new materials you can go in
385.199 -> there so when i say you need more
387.199 -> pressure more pressure
389.12 -> and you've already selected more
390.639 -> pressure this is where you go to add
392.319 -> more pressure
393.6 -> update firmware typically
396.16 -> it does this on its own but if you need
397.84 -> to do it you can do it here so there's a
399.28 -> bunch of things like that here qriket
400.96 -> access is here as well your sign out is
403.759 -> here too and then a what's new screen
406.4 -> tells you what is new lately so if
409.28 -> you've you know you've come back after
411.28 -> an absent in your absence you're not
413.28 -> sure what's going on check your what new
415.759 -> what's new page to see new stuff
417.84 -> all right now this up here is cricut's
420.24 -> promotional banner and if they're having
422.639 -> sales or any special events or anything
425.52 -> like here they have classes oh no this
427.84 -> is um projects images designed for
430.4 -> beginners
431.599 -> this is like a
433.199 -> like a promotion so this is good to
435.28 -> watch
436.639 -> right below this is the search bar this
438.8 -> is new
439.84 -> so you can search images projects and
442.08 -> profiles here like you could search up
444.16 -> you could search jennifer maker i've
445.52 -> never actually tried that but if you're
447.36 -> looking for something
449.12 -> it works really well to to search across
452.96 -> oh look you can search this is like
454.8 -> probably all my stuff here
456.639 -> oh look look at all of these profiles
458.8 -> i've made
461.199 -> but i've been setting up qrikets okay
462.96 -> anyways you don't want all those those
464.72 -> you don't want the real one
466.4 -> all right and then uh these down here
468.24 -> will lead you to some like
470.56 -> they're seasonal and they'll change now
472.479 -> here our featured image is and this is
475.28 -> also new this is new images or things
478.08 -> that are seasonal that cricket thinks
479.52 -> you might enjoy
480.8 -> so they're just here
482.24 -> and here are your new projects
484.479 -> sorry here are your projects
486.639 -> so it says my projects right here now i
489.36 -> want you to notice it's kind of pushed
491.039 -> down a little bit right so if you come
493.44 -> back in here after an absence and you're
496 -> like where are my projects go scroll
497.599 -> down okay they're right here
499.44 -> you can always click on view all to see
501.28 -> them all if you want and they're in you
503.759 -> know chronological order or reverse
506 -> chronological order
507.599 -> this is your most recent one here you
509.599 -> can see our projects that we've been
510.8 -> doing today you can always start a new
513.36 -> project right here with the new project
515.44 -> button
516.399 -> and then the
518.159 -> strip below that are crickets youtube
520.88 -> videos so if you want to learn more
522.32 -> about various features this is a great
524.8 -> place to go like about you know you
526.48 -> learn about the automatic background
528.24 -> remover and it's they're usually short
530.32 -> videos and you can learn all about them
532.48 -> there
533.68 -> and then they have but these everything
536.64 -> that comes after this are often like
538.32 -> ready to make projects and they change
541.04 -> right so it's usually seasonal but you
542.8 -> can get some great ideas on things here
545.6 -> here's the community projects right here
548 -> all right so going back up to the top
550.88 -> uh
551.92 -> here we have
553.839 -> a much easier way to get to your my
556 -> projects this is where i always go so if
557.76 -> you click here it just takes you to all
559.36 -> of your projects
560.72 -> that's the quickest way
562.56 -> and so this is everything that you've
564.56 -> ever saved to the cricut cloud as a
566.8 -> project
567.92 -> images are actually you know under the
570.16 -> images tab
571.76 -> but this is all of your projects so this
573.92 -> is everything going back for me to when
576.32 -> i first started using qriket
578.24 -> and when i say cricut cloud i mean to
580.16 -> their servers
581.76 -> and that allows us by putting it into
583.76 -> the cricut cloud that allows us to
585.6 -> access
586.72 -> our projects on any device any account
589.839 -> i'm not sorry not any account
592 -> any computer so i could be at my
595.279 -> sister's house and i could log into
596.959 -> cricut design space there on my cricut
599.2 -> id and access my things there or when i
602.24 -> get a new iphone i just sign in with my
604.16 -> cricut id and all my projects are there
606.8 -> which i love and you can search it here
608.64 -> too
609.6 -> and
610.56 -> let's see and then i'm going back to
612.72 -> home let's go back to home this is where
614.88 -> we were
616.079 -> this of course is the machine selection
618.56 -> i have all the five of the machines
621.6 -> and then right here is where we can
622.959 -> start a new project so there's two
624.8 -> places for that they're the same they do
626.56 -> the same thing so there's this button
628.72 -> and there's this button here so they're
630.72 -> identical and let's go ahead and click
632.64 -> on new project
634.8 -> and that brings us to our canvas our
637.2 -> canvas is where we design all of our
639.04 -> projects
640.32 -> and it's this this big gridded area is
645.36 -> you know technically where you actually
647.04 -> do your design work there are icons
649.6 -> along the left
651.04 -> and the top and this is the layers panel
654.64 -> and then at the bottom of the layers
656.079 -> panel there's more icons and i know that
657.839 -> might seem like a lot
659.44 -> but
660.48 -> they're they're laid out pretty
662.64 -> logically okay so if we ever need to
665.68 -> start a new project again we can click
667.519 -> right here to do that
669.519 -> right below that we have our templates
671.279 -> templates give you like t-shirts shapes
674.16 -> and stuff so you can see how things look
676.48 -> on various things
678.399 -> projects are ready to make projects
681.12 -> images
682.24 -> are all of the images that are in cricut
685.6 -> design space not everyone's uploaded
688.16 -> images
689.279 -> but all of the images that are in their
691.519 -> library both free and paid
694.72 -> and right now there's over 230 000 of
697.36 -> them they have a very large library
700.079 -> and if you are a cricket access
702.32 -> subscriber you get access to over 200
705.44 -> 000 of those images free of charge while
707.68 -> you're a subscriber this is a good time
709.76 -> for me to tell you about cricket access
711.279 -> in fact so cricket access is a
713.76 -> subscription plan that allows unlimited
716.639 -> use of over two hundred thousand of
718.72 -> qriket's graphics and fonts and ready to
720.72 -> cut projects
722.56 -> there's really quite a lot
724.16 -> access subscribers also get discounts on
726.48 -> purchases a priority member
729.44 -> care line to contact and special offers
731.839 -> on products reserved just for access
734.16 -> subscribers it is an optional
736.399 -> subscription plan that provides benefits
738.959 -> such as
740 -> access to the images fonts and projects
742.639 -> for free and licensed images at a
745.12 -> discounted price
746.72 -> a lot of people confuse cricket access
748.639 -> with design space but they are not the
751.12 -> same qriket design space is the free
753.44 -> software that we're in right now that
756.079 -> you use to create or upload designs and
758.48 -> cut them on your cricut
760.16 -> all the cricut explorer series
763.279 -> both the air 2 and the
765.12 -> the 3 the maker and the maker 3 and
767.68 -> enjoy need to download and use the free
770.32 -> qriket design site space software but
772.639 -> they do not need to pay for qriket
774.48 -> access unless they want to
777.12 -> most people ask me if i think qriket
778.72 -> access is worth it and i think it is if
780.959 -> you will use it
782.48 -> so basically the benefits are that you
784.48 -> get access
786.24 -> that with qriket access you get access
788.16 -> to over two hundred thousand images and
790.24 -> by the way that number
792.56 -> is constantly growing like
795.36 -> i'm gonna switch to my face i want to
797.2 -> keep looking at that
799.04 -> when i did the qriket kickoff one year
801.2 -> ago they had over a hundred thousand
803.2 -> images now they have over two hundred
805.2 -> thousand images and
806.88 -> uh the people that were in access
808.48 -> subscribers they didn't have to you know
811.519 -> pay twice to get it they just keep
813.279 -> adding to their library
816.32 -> and they oh and then you get access to
818.72 -> like over 500 fonts including writing
821.12 -> fonts and that for me personally is
823.36 -> reason enough alone if you ever buy
826 -> images or fonts from design space and
828 -> access subscription pays for itself very
830.24 -> quickly you also get the faster member
832.56 -> support
833.76 -> like twice as fast because you can get
835.44 -> priority support over those who don't
837.04 -> have access because it's the perk you
839.199 -> also can save 10 to 20 percent of
842.32 -> product purchases from
845.199 -> the variation is whether your standard
847.279 -> or premium
848.959 -> subscriber right and then you can save
851.04 -> 10 off of some of the premium licensed
854.16 -> things and another perk is the exclusive
857.12 -> discounts on products like the mystery
859.519 -> boxes with qriket cutie figures
862.72 -> if you want to learn more about qriket
864.88 -> access go to
867.519 -> cricut dash access to see a list of all
870.56 -> of the benefits and a bunch of other
872.639 -> answers to questions i get now i have
874.8 -> qriket access
876.16 -> and that means i have access to a lot so
879.36 -> you can get back here
881.44 -> to a lot of things that you may or may
883.12 -> not have you can tell if something is
885.279 -> included in access by this small green
888.16 -> flag in letter a in the top left corner
891.04 -> this identifies the item as one that is
893.36 -> included with qriket access subscription
896.079 -> if you have a qriket access subscription
898.639 -> instead of showing a price at the bottom
901.12 -> it will say subscribe just like it does
903.199 -> here okay so you can see these are all
906.48 -> access access subscription or items
910.16 -> and as an access member
912.48 -> i have access to all of these now if you
915.68 -> were not instead you would see like a
917.44 -> price or if it's a licensed image
920.399 -> looking for one now that is
922.8 -> not
923.6 -> a
926.32 -> okay here so this one is purchased
928.72 -> um this is one that i that is probably
930.959 -> in some
932.16 -> i don't know what it was in so this one
933.839 -> says purchased and this one says
935.68 -> uploaded so this is this is my project
937.839 -> that i uploaded we'll talk about that so
941.12 -> and then if you if a none of those
942.88 -> things apply you will see a price if you
944.959 -> want to buy it it's up to you i'm
946.399 -> looking for one that has a price i want
947.92 -> you to see what that looks like
950.959 -> now people will ask
952.959 -> if you subscribe to access and then
956.16 -> you're no longer a member can you still
959.44 -> cut your project you can't no so you're
961.759 -> basically like renting it
964 -> while you're a subscriber now they won't
965.92 -> delete your project or anything like
967.279 -> that your project stays in there
969.199 -> assuming you saved it hopefully you
971.12 -> saved it but
973.04 -> if
975.04 -> if you
976.079 -> are not an access subscriber anymore and
978.56 -> it uses access images that you didn't
980.72 -> buy
981.6 -> it will prompt you to buy them or or you
984.48 -> can just re-subscribe okay
987.68 -> let's let's look for a star wars one
989.759 -> that's a licensed one those are not
991.839 -> usual those are usually ones that you
993.199 -> like have to buy
996.399 -> um sometimes here we go right so there's
998.959 -> the price
1000.16 -> and it just says it right there at the
1001.519 -> bottom now you can go ahead and put them
1004.079 -> onto your canvas and play around with
1005.92 -> them to your heart's content you are not
1008.399 -> charged until you actually go to cut
1010.079 -> them okay so you can it's fine to mess
1012.8 -> around with them and play with them and
1014.639 -> experiment with them and you don't have
1016.079 -> to pay for it and once you pay for it
1017.6 -> it's yours
1019.12 -> you don't you're not going to get
1020 -> charged every time you go to cut it it's
1021.92 -> it stays in your account
1023.68 -> and um
1025.6 -> for licensed things like this you can't
1028.079 -> sell them
1029.36 -> but for all the other things you can
1031.6 -> like as long as it's not a licensed
1033.439 -> thing qriket's angel policy lays
1035.679 -> everything out for you
1037.199 -> all right so let's get off of star wars
1039.28 -> now if you don't have qriket access
1040.88 -> don't intend to you can see there's free
1042.48 -> files too so if you click on this filter
1044.799 -> right here
1046.079 -> this actually all of this will let you
1048.4 -> look for lots of different kinds of
1050 -> images but this will show me all the
1052.08 -> free images that are available right now
1055.36 -> as you can see there's a bunch there's a
1057.28 -> whole calendar set here this is a card
1060.08 -> this is the smile card if anyone
1061.84 -> recognizes that that's one of the early
1064.96 -> test cuts they had people do with the
1067.2 -> maker years ago
1069.52 -> so lots of cute things but i want to
1071.36 -> note that not all free things stay free
1073.84 -> so
1074.64 -> qriket has free images each week
1077.28 -> and so they're they're available for a
1079.36 -> while and so you can cut them while they
1081.6 -> say they're free but later on if they're
1083.36 -> not free they become part of qriket
1084.96 -> access so you'd want to either have a
1086.48 -> subscription or pay for them
1089.28 -> all right so let's find a free image um
1094 -> well actually no let's keep going down
1096.16 -> and looking at our canvas
1098.4 -> because we have other things to talk
1099.76 -> about so below images we have text
1103.039 -> and i'll show you how that works when we
1104.72 -> get to our project
1106.16 -> then we have shapes
1107.6 -> so i'm going to click on shapes now uh
1110.32 -> on this is the newer feature
1113.2 -> it used to be there were only
1115.12 -> eight shapes nine shapes something ten
1117.039 -> shapes i don't know that many they've
1118.64 -> added new shapes and as you can see here
1121.679 -> so these are all free we didn't used to
1123.52 -> have quite so many now we have more
1125.679 -> shapes and then there are some extra
1128.24 -> shapes for those who have qriket access
1130.64 -> so just some bonus shapes and there's
1132.64 -> really even more too it's right here you
1134.799 -> can do you can search for more if you're
1136.16 -> an access member so if you are however
1139.2 -> not in access you can use these shapes
1141.28 -> i'm going to go ahead and click on one
1142.559 -> so you can see how it works so this is a
1144.4 -> heart
1147.12 -> and there's my heart and you can zoom in
1149.039 -> on your canvas so you can see it a
1150.64 -> little better by clicking on
1152.64 -> oops
1153.6 -> see this is where you i'm now
1156.16 -> my face is now in the way hang on i'm
1158.08 -> going to fix that
1160.64 -> will stick me right here how's that that
1164.16 -> shouldn't cover it very much okay so let
1166.64 -> me try that again so you can see
1169.52 -> i'll go back to the way it was
1171.6 -> at 100 okay so you can zoom in
1174.88 -> on your canvas so you can see it better
1176.48 -> with the zoom button right down here
1179.039 -> the negative
1180.24 -> sign
1181.12 -> makes it smaller and it's not your image
1183.84 -> that's smaller it's just your view of it
1186.24 -> and the plus sign makes it bigger
1188.88 -> so there we go and go up to 300 it's
1191.52 -> nice and big
1192.96 -> all right so this is the shape shapes
1195.039 -> are fun i like to start with lots of
1196.48 -> shapes when i'm designing things
1198.4 -> and having this shape will help me
1200.48 -> explain some other things about this
1203.36 -> now first of all i want you to note that
1205.52 -> right now this heart is selected and we
1207.76 -> can tell because you can see a box all
1209.76 -> around the heart right
1211.679 -> also over here in the layers panel which
1214.32 -> is what this whole rectangle here is
1217.44 -> we can see that where it says heart
1220 -> right here it's kind of looks like it's
1222.24 -> been selected it's a darker gray if i
1224.64 -> click off of it and onto any other part
1227.2 -> of the canvas so like over here where
1228.799 -> it's just a grid line
1230.72 -> it's now no longer selected so now it's
1234.08 -> over here it's not darker and there's no
1236.08 -> box around it okay so when i say select
1238.48 -> it i mean click on it and so that it's
1241.36 -> selected like this
1243.12 -> now there's these icons around the four
1245.52 -> corners of your box your selection box
1248.32 -> so the first one right here is to rotate
1250.96 -> it and you just click and hold with your
1253.12 -> mouse and drag
1255.2 -> your mouse and it rotates just like this
1258 -> if however you hold down your shift key
1260.799 -> i'm going to undo this is the undo right
1262.799 -> here
1263.679 -> your best friend is the undo this arrow
1266.32 -> this arrow pointing to the left
1268.64 -> if you hold down your shift key on your
1270.559 -> keyboard when you rotate it rotates in
1273.28 -> these nice little increments here so if
1276.24 -> you're trying to get something to rotate
1277.84 -> perfectly straight
1279.36 -> you hold down your shift key on your
1280.88 -> keyboard
1282.08 -> all right and then
1283.76 -> right here this is the resize handle
1286.64 -> it's in the lower right corner you can
1288.88 -> use this to make your heart bigger or
1290.72 -> smaller now this is actually changing
1292.64 -> the size of it
1294.08 -> and you can you can see up here
1296.799 -> how i'm changing the size so here it's
1299.44 -> only 1.2 inches in this size box
1302.64 -> and you can also see it right here
1304.96 -> on the on the corners it gives you the
1307.2 -> measurement
1308.48 -> so this is big but i want you to see how
1310.559 -> as i resize this it's not its
1312.48 -> proportions aren't changing and if you
1314.64 -> wanted a chunkier heart you would need
1316.799 -> to unlock it with this icon right here
1319.12 -> in the lower left so if you click that
1321.28 -> it unlocks it you can see the icon
1323.28 -> changed and now if i use this resize
1326.08 -> handle
1327.28 -> i get all of the options to change it
1330.32 -> okay
1331.12 -> so i can have like a chunkier heart like
1332.96 -> this
1334.24 -> and then this button right here this x
1336.799 -> here will delete it so you can there's
1338.72 -> actually three ways to delete you can
1340.96 -> click here
1342.559 -> or
1343.36 -> undo that
1344.559 -> you can select it and click on delete
1347.28 -> right here
1348.64 -> or
1350.32 -> one more time you can use the
1353.039 -> delete
1354.24 -> key on your keyboard all right
1357.2 -> i'm going to undo though and go back
1360.08 -> there we go so there's our heart again
1362.72 -> and
1363.919 -> so along the top are a lot of other
1366.64 -> options
1367.919 -> besides that so this was the undo key as
1370.32 -> i mentioned this is the redo key i
1372.4 -> almost never used that one but it's
1373.919 -> there if like you went backwards and
1376.24 -> decided oh no it was fine after all and
1378.88 -> so you can go back to where you were
1381.28 -> there i people will ask me how many
1383.6 -> times you can undo and redo and i have
1385.919 -> yet to find the limit
1387.679 -> so
1388.559 -> whatever it is i counted once and it was
1390.24 -> like well over a hundred so
1392.64 -> so it's a lot so you probably won't ever
1394.48 -> encounter it
1395.919 -> and then the next menu here is the
1397.36 -> operation menu and this changes what
1400.799 -> our
1401.76 -> design will do with our qrikets so by
1404.96 -> default most designs are are set to
1407.679 -> basic cut which you can see here basic
1410.88 -> cut but if i click on this i can see all
1413.44 -> of my options so i can change it because
1416.799 -> i selected the maker 3 i get all the
1418.72 -> options so i can change the blade to the
1421.2 -> wavy blade or the perforation blade
1423.919 -> or i can change it to draw to with the
1426.799 -> poi the pen
1428.88 -> i can change it to draw with a pen or i
1431.039 -> can use the foil transfer tool or the
1433.679 -> scoring tool
1434.96 -> the debossing tool or engraving tool
1437.279 -> then i can also do print then cut so
1440 -> whenever i want to change it to one of
1441.52 -> these i just come up to i just select it
1443.6 -> and go to operation and change it
1446.159 -> and then the edit menu here lets me do
1448.799 -> copy paste i usually use my keyboard for
1451.36 -> this but if you prefer not to you can
1453.679 -> select it here
1455.76 -> or use your keyboard
1457.679 -> offset is a relatively new feature and
1460.88 -> if you don't see it in your version of
1463.36 -> design space for desktop that means that
1465.039 -> you have to update your operating system
1468 -> to be to be newer okay so for example my
1471.12 -> mac at home doesn't
1472.799 -> i can see it sorry i can see offset in
1474.96 -> my menu but it doesn't function
1477.2 -> if i click on it you'll see it says it's
1478.64 -> still in beta 2. but the real reason is
1481.12 -> because i'm not using os 10.15 at home
1485.2 -> this computer is this computer is newer
1488.32 -> but i haven't updated my os at home
1490.799 -> so
1491.6 -> but offset lets you add
1493.679 -> an offset around words and shapes and
1497.039 -> layers
1498.08 -> and you can change the size of it so
1500 -> there's a big offset
1501.6 -> you can even do insets
1503.36 -> so you can see this blue line has come
1505.039 -> in
1505.919 -> so you can use this to make
1507.679 -> cool designs
1509.76 -> right
1510.559 -> and then
1512 -> we have the align and arranged they're
1514 -> grayed out right now because we have
1515.52 -> just one item selected so i'm going to
1517.76 -> go ahead and duplicate this heart
1519.76 -> there's two ways to duplicate
1521.76 -> well actually there's several but
1523.6 -> strictly duplicate is one of the ways to
1525.84 -> select the heart and then choose
1527.44 -> duplicate over here at the top of the
1529.039 -> layers panel
1531.12 -> just like this and the other way is to
1534.32 -> use your mouse
1536.72 -> you see my mouse
1539.44 -> and to right click with your mouse and
1542.4 -> doing that
1544.799 -> if you right click on it you get this
1546.559 -> menu this menu is very useful for a
1548.88 -> bunch of things
1550.32 -> but you can duplicate right from there
1551.919 -> too so
1553.52 -> there's a third heart which we don't
1555.039 -> need so we'll delete that
1556.799 -> okay so when you have two items now we
1559.36 -> have the option to align them so we can
1561.84 -> align all the ways we need to right here
1564.64 -> and we can flip them although a heart
1566.96 -> flipped it's gonna look the same but we
1568.4 -> can flip it the other way see there we
1570.24 -> go you can flip it
1571.76 -> you can also do a range a range will
1573.919 -> send items to the back or front or
1577.279 -> up one layer and down one layer so for
1579.6 -> example if you're doing a design and all
1581.36 -> of a sudden it seems to disappear
1583.44 -> chances are what happened is it actually
1585.679 -> went behind a layer and so you can come
1588.08 -> over to the layers panel look for it and
1590 -> bring it up a little higher so you can
1591.76 -> see it
1594.159 -> and then you have the option to change
1596.159 -> your size right up here so you can
1598.4 -> actually type right into these fields
1601.039 -> and get a more precise measurement right
1603.84 -> so if you need something to be
1606.559 -> you know just as big as your mat so you
1608.559 -> want to cut from edge to edge that would
1610.72 -> be
1611.64 -> 11.49 inches on the explorers and makers
1616.64 -> let's uh make that
1618.559 -> so it's pretty big right
1620.64 -> but that would cut like that would fill
1622.559 -> your mat right and but i can get
1625.52 -> that oh that this the width is too big
1627.44 -> let's let's let's fix that that was the
1629.44 -> height
1631.44 -> there we go that would be the correct
1633.039 -> one to fit
1634.4 -> and um that it's easier to get that
1636.88 -> exact measurement when you just type it
1638.64 -> in
1639.36 -> rotate i'm it's the same as this rotate
1642.399 -> right here you can just type in the
1643.84 -> number exactly
1645.6 -> and then position is just where it is on
1648 -> your like relative to something else i
1650.399 -> don't actually use that one very often
1653.039 -> all right and then coming over here to
1654.559 -> the layers panel
1656.24 -> mostly you see your layers here
1658.72 -> on this you know here you can select
1661.039 -> them from here you can select both of
1663.52 -> them by holding down the shift key
1665.919 -> so i just held down the shift key on my
1667.6 -> keyboard and i was able to select both
1669.6 -> of them
1670.559 -> i can also select them both like this by
1672.72 -> dragging
1673.84 -> clicking dragging clicking holding down
1676 -> and dragging my mouse over them both but
1678.48 -> i can also just go click and hold down
1680.88 -> shift and click the other one
1683.36 -> all right and then
1685.76 -> let's see so let's uh let's kind of go
1688 -> backwards here and put our hearts back
1689.76 -> the way they were
1692.72 -> oops
1693.6 -> see there's a there's
1695.679 -> there's me doing uh redo okay so let's
1698.08 -> let's zoom in on these there we go
1700.88 -> still see everything yes
1702.48 -> okay oh and i forgot to tell you how to
1704.48 -> change colors so right up here at the
1706.72 -> top where the operation menu is next to
1709.76 -> that is the color picker and if you
1712.559 -> click on that you get access to all the
1714.24 -> colors now the colors are mostly for you
1716.88 -> know designing
1718.32 -> that your qriket doesn't know what color
1719.84 -> material you put in your map but it's
1721.76 -> useful when you're trying to design
1723.679 -> design something so i can pick the red
1726.159 -> here for example
1728 -> or i can choose a color from the
1730.559 -> spectrum bar down here
1732.48 -> i want something that's like not up here
1735.039 -> right so there is a teal
1738.399 -> there we go
1740 -> so now that looks like green we need to
1741.919 -> fix that
1745.679 -> that's definitely that's the wrong
1746.799 -> direction there we go that's a teal
1749.039 -> all right so
1751.12 -> um that's how you can change colors and
1753.36 -> you can also change you can do a bunch
1755.36 -> there you can also change your pen
1756.72 -> colors there we'll talk about that in a
1758.24 -> bit all right so i want to talk about
1761.039 -> the things now at
1763.039 -> um
1763.919 -> talk about group okay so let's select
1766.159 -> both of these hearts and you'll see now
1768.24 -> that the group option becomes available
1770 -> to click on
1771.2 -> and i'll go ahead and do that grouping
1772.88 -> is an organizational
1774.88 -> method for keeping things together on
1777.12 -> your canvas but only on your canvas if i
1780 -> were to go ahead and cut this right now
1782 -> the hearts would still be separated from
1783.679 -> one another so grouping is just
1786.799 -> just a design tool
1789.279 -> and you can ungroup right here
1791.6 -> and then
1792.559 -> at the bottom here we have more options
1795.679 -> let's select these two again
1797.6 -> so we can slice slicing means to like
1800.399 -> literally just slice one shape out of
1802.72 -> another slice only works when you have
1805.44 -> two layers selected and only two
1808.399 -> if you have a third or fourth layer
1810.24 -> hidden in there or you've only selected
1812.64 -> one layer it will you won't be able to
1814.72 -> use it okay so you can always confirm
1817.44 -> how many layers you have selected in
1819.84 -> your layers
1821.12 -> in your layers menu right here and you
1822.559 -> can see i have just two so if i click
1824.88 -> slice right now
1827.84 -> let me try that again
1829.679 -> oops no it worked i was just being a
1831.12 -> little impatient so there is slice and i
1833.44 -> can pull them away so you can see what
1835.039 -> they look like so we get four slice
1837.76 -> layers
1839.12 -> and there they all are and now we've
1841.279 -> created new shapes they kind of look
1842.64 -> like baseball caps don't they i just
1844.399 -> noticed that it kind of looks like a
1846.24 -> baseball cap i like to use slice to make
1848.88 -> new shapes
1850.64 -> a lot of people use slice to slice you
1852.72 -> know words out of things or whatever
1854.96 -> or just change the way an image looks
1856.96 -> slice can be great for that
1859.76 -> so i will undo so that's how slice works
1864.159 -> there we go
1865.44 -> something else you can do is weld so if
1868.399 -> grouping
1869.519 -> is a
1871.519 -> attachment so sorry
1874.159 -> grouping is keeping things together on
1876.64 -> your canvas for design
1879.36 -> weld is the opposite of that weld is
1882.399 -> smooshing them together with permanent
1884.399 -> glue that you cannot remove
1886.72 -> so if i click weld right now they're
1888.96 -> going to meld it together
1892.559 -> there we go so now we have created a
1894.24 -> brand new shape you can't even see the
1896.48 -> other part of that heart that was there
1898.32 -> it's all one new shape with three bumps
1900.559 -> and two points right so weld sticks them
1903.679 -> together permanently you there is no
1906.24 -> unweld option at all if you want to
1908.88 -> unweld something you have to immediately
1911.36 -> undo it
1912.559 -> or you know keep undoing it until you
1914.72 -> get back to your pre-weld condition
1918.32 -> there we go so now we're back to before
1920.559 -> we welded it
1921.919 -> and then if you want something in
1923.84 -> between group and weld you can use
1926.32 -> attach attach is what i use most the
1928.559 -> time attach will keep your objects
1931.44 -> together
1932.799 -> on your mat and in the exact position as
1936.159 -> you see on your screen
1938.32 -> relative to one another so these two
1940.72 -> hearts were on top of each other
1942.88 -> but they were distinct and when i
1944.72 -> attached them they're now going to stay
1946.559 -> together on my mat that means this one's
1949.44 -> going to cut out and then
1951.279 -> this one is going to cut out just right
1953.279 -> right where you see these black lines
1954.799 -> you're going to cut out in the same
1955.919 -> places
1957.12 -> so
1958.399 -> whenever you attach something because
1960 -> it's going to be cut out in the same mat
1961.76 -> it means it's going to change the same
1963.2 -> color too
1964.399 -> right so only use attach if you truly
1966.64 -> want them to be cut on the same mat
1969.2 -> from the same color of material or
1972.399 -> somehow some way they need to stay
1974.48 -> together because you can have
1976 -> combinations like pen
1978.32 -> on paper
1979.76 -> which you attach to it and you i'm going
1981.84 -> to show you exactly how to do that when
1983.519 -> we do our project
1985.039 -> so we can detach though so attach is not
1987.519 -> permanent i love that about attach
1990.159 -> so i'm going to detach there
1992.32 -> all right now the next one over here
1994.32 -> flatten flatten is for doing print then
1996.559 -> cut which you can do on the explorers
1999.039 -> and the makers but you cannot do on the
2001.679 -> joy okay so if i wanted to turn these
2004.399 -> two hearts into a sticker
2006.32 -> let's actually go back all the way so
2008.159 -> that they're two different colors
2010.64 -> because it'll flatten it and it'll
2012.48 -> retain the color
2014.159 -> so if i click flatten right now
2016.799 -> now it is a red and teal heart we can
2019.679 -> see that the other one is a heart
2021.679 -> it'll cut it'll print on my printer
2024.24 -> this heart and then it'll cut around it
2027.039 -> right
2027.919 -> and
2028.799 -> it says right here that it'll be print
2030.32 -> and cut so it tells me what it is it
2032 -> always tells you what
2033.76 -> your layer is set to in the layers panel
2037.679 -> and i can unflatten too so there we go
2040.32 -> i've unflattened it
2042.64 -> nope it still says print and cut so
2044.08 -> let's just undo we don't want to have
2045.84 -> print then cut there we go
2047.6 -> and then there's one last one contour
2050.639 -> and i'll need to go grab an image to
2052.399 -> show you how that works so i'm going to
2053.599 -> go back to images
2055.599 -> and we're going to find ourself a free
2057.119 -> image so we still have free selected
2059.28 -> right here under images
2063.359 -> and let's look for
2065.359 -> an image that we could
2067.359 -> use
2068.8 -> there's a lot of cute oh those are so
2070.639 -> cute toast for a better
2072.8 -> toast for a butter day ah that's cute
2076.56 -> i love cute stuff okay
2078.399 -> how about our sunflower from our test
2080.96 -> okay this will stay free
2083.28 -> so let's add this to our canvas
2087.04 -> so there's our sunflower
2088.639 -> kind of big let's
2090.079 -> let's zoom out a little bit so that we
2092 -> can see it better i'm just scrolling
2093.76 -> down so i have more space on my canvas
2096.8 -> so let's say i really like this
2098.4 -> sunflower but i wanted these petals in
2101.04 -> the back to not be hollow but instead
2103.76 -> filled in
2104.8 -> and for that i can use contour
2107.2 -> so i'm going to click on it contours all
2109.599 -> the way over here in the lower right
2111.599 -> corner of the screen so we click on
2113.359 -> contour
2114.72 -> and we can turn off these parts and they
2117.44 -> won't be cut
2118.72 -> so i can click on the things i don't
2120.4 -> want to be cut so i can click on all
2121.839 -> these petals around the edge here
2124.96 -> just like this
2126.48 -> and then when i close the window
2128.64 -> you will see i have changed it so if you
2131.44 -> encounter an image that you want to
2133.68 -> change in this way
2135.359 -> contour is an awesome tool to use to do
2138 -> that
2139.2 -> and i think that actually looks kind of
2140.72 -> cool
2141.44 -> all right so we've talked about
2143.839 -> shapes
2144.8 -> and images
2146.48 -> so i think it's time for us to do text
2149.52 -> and to do text we're going to want to
2151.04 -> upload a file so i'm going to show you
2154.56 -> how to download an svg cup file and
2157.599 -> upload it and customize it okay
2160.079 -> now i love to create
2163.599 -> i love to create designs for you for
2166.16 -> free all of my designs are free i don't
2168.8 -> charge for them
2170.079 -> and i store them all on my blog so i'm
2172.72 -> going to show you where to find my free
2174.48 -> designs
2175.76 -> and
2177.28 -> we're going to download one and upload
2179.2 -> it and customize it okay so
2181.92 -> my website
2183.68 -> is right here
2185.2 -> so is my blog
2188.96 -> i have lots of tutorials so if you have
2191.68 -> been following me this month at all you
2193.599 -> probably saw me talking about them
2196.079 -> so for example distant stickers
2198.64 -> right so stickers they have a design
2200.72 -> file
2201.76 -> and
2202.72 -> not those things but oh this one our diy
2205.839 -> gifs tons of tons of designs for that
2209.44 -> so to find our design files
2212.079 -> you first to identify a tutorial that
2214.079 -> you want to make and then you can scroll
2216.24 -> down to the yellow materials box right
2219.52 -> here that tells you exactly what you
2220.88 -> need
2221.68 -> and at the bottom of it it'll always
2223.359 -> tell you a design number so to make our
2225.839 -> diy gifts you want design number 362.
2229.28 -> so to find our designs you go to our
2231.839 -> library so that's in the red bar at the
2234.64 -> top of the blog
2236.079 -> and you can get a password for free if
2237.92 -> you don't yet have one once you've got
2239.599 -> your password you click enter the
2241.04 -> library and it'll ask you to put your
2243.04 -> password in
2244.64 -> it's pretty easy password
2246.56 -> so once you're in here the easiest way
2248.32 -> to find things is to search the page
2250.8 -> so like what did i say that was 368 i
2254.079 -> don't think it was six eight let's put
2255.76 -> in three six eight no it must have been
2259.28 -> i don't remember three six five i'm
2261.28 -> totally just guessing now
2263.119 -> it was three six three there it is
2264.8 -> that's so nope nope three six two
2268.64 -> there's a diy gifts so whenever we have
2271.04 -> a project we put our
2272.96 -> files first in our list
2275.52 -> and then the second thing here is our
2277.52 -> tutorial or our information about it
2280.16 -> what i want you to find today is design
2282.32 -> number
2283.2 -> seven seven
2285.28 -> design number two seven seven and i
2287.68 -> brought by the way i brought this little
2289.28 -> box up i'm searching with by typing
2291.839 -> command f on my mac or
2294.96 -> um control f on windows okay
2298.88 -> that's how i found it if you don't know
2300.24 -> how to do that it also actually tells
2302.079 -> you on the side here
2303.76 -> but we want design number 277 because
2306.16 -> that is our cricut kickoff certificate
2308.8 -> so to download it you just click on it
2312 -> and it will download let's try that
2313.839 -> again it'll download to your computer
2317.44 -> and you can just click on
2320.24 -> open
2321.52 -> and i might have to
2323.359 -> switch over to my
2325.28 -> desktop so you can see this just a
2326.8 -> minute
2328.64 -> ago in a second
2332 -> it might be a little
2333.76 -> there it is let's see if i can make this
2334.96 -> any bigger
2336.16 -> i guess not this is as good as it's
2337.44 -> going to get
2338.72 -> but here is where my downloads folder
2341.359 -> and it actually downloaded right there
2343.119 -> and i have my browser set to
2345.28 -> automatically unzip things
2347.599 -> but if you don't you can double click on
2349.599 -> it or right click on it and choose uh
2354.64 -> i don't think i have to right click on
2356.079 -> mine so what i do on the mac
2358.32 -> is i just double click on it and it
2360.72 -> makes a folder for me on windows you
2364.16 -> typically need to right click on it and
2366.4 -> there'll be an option to extract or
2368.56 -> uncompress it
2370 -> if you don't know how to unzip files i
2372.88 -> have a whole tutorial in fact a whole
2375.44 -> video series oops
2377.44 -> that's covering my face i have a whole
2378.96 -> video series on how to work with svg
2381.599 -> files it's over at
2384.88 -> svgs it is free i recommend you watch it
2388.48 -> it'll show you how to do in windows i
2390.8 -> can only show you one computer at a time
2392.88 -> anyway so
2394.16 -> um
2395.359 -> going back to my computer
2398.079 -> i have
2399.28 -> i want you to show you what's inside the
2401.119 -> folder okay
2402.56 -> so here we have the actual file itself
2405.52 -> the svg it says svg right in the file
2408.96 -> name it also says svg here
2411.92 -> and
2412.88 -> if i scroll over here it says svg
2415.76 -> now if you're on windows it might say
2418 -> something more like it might say svg in
2420.16 -> the file name but over here under like
2423.04 -> kinder type it might say
2425.68 -> chrome html or edge html it is it's
2429.04 -> still that's the svg if it says svg in
2431.28 -> the file name you're golden
2433.119 -> these other things in the folder are
2435.52 -> files i always put in my folder so this
2437.52 -> explains
2438.72 -> what this what these files are and where
2440.8 -> to get more information so you can kind
2442.24 -> of see the preview right here there's
2443.76 -> like usually a link if you need to know
2446 -> what this thing is that you downloaded a
2447.839 -> year ago and you've forgotten about
2450.4 -> and then this is where my cricut
2451.839 -> discount code is if you ever need it
2454.319 -> and this is information about the qriket
2456.64 -> coach playbook if you ever need it but
2458.88 -> the one that we care about is this what
2460.8 -> i don't want you to do is double click
2462.64 -> on it because it will it doesn't will
2464.56 -> not open up anything useful okay
2467.359 -> so instead let's go back to qriket
2469.04 -> design space and i'll teach you how to
2470.72 -> upload it
2472.079 -> so over here this very last button here
2474.56 -> the one that we didn't talk about that
2476.079 -> is
2478.839 -> upload and we click on upload
2482.079 -> and that brings us to our upload screen
2484.48 -> and we click on upload image and then
2486.72 -> browse
2488.24 -> and we want to go find the thing that we
2490.48 -> just downloaded so it's usually in your
2492.24 -> downloads folder okay windows or mac
2494.64 -> that part doesn't matter everyone's got
2496 -> a downloads folder
2497.68 -> and you want to go find the most recent
2499.68 -> one thing that you downloaded that's how
2501.04 -> i always find it which just happens to
2502.72 -> be right here
2503.92 -> and you have to make sure you have
2505.599 -> unzipped it if you try to upload it and
2507.76 -> it says this file is not supported you
2509.92 -> know you haven't unzipped it okay
2512.24 -> but you saw me unzip it and here it is
2514.8 -> ready to go svg svg image this is what
2518.56 -> we want so we click on open
2520.96 -> and it uploads to the cricut cloud
2523.2 -> servers it shows us a preview if it
2525.92 -> looks good we go ahead and click upload
2529.28 -> we don't have to name it if we don't
2530.88 -> want to i don't usually
2532.72 -> now you'll see
2534.079 -> it uploaded right here you can see all
2536.079 -> these other ones because of
2537.839 -> earlier classes it's the same file just
2539.92 -> ignore that part normally you'll have
2541.839 -> just one upload for your your project so
2544.96 -> this is what we just uploaded it'll
2546.64 -> always be in the far left side under
2550.079 -> recent uploads okay and it shows you
2552.4 -> this screen as soon as you're finished
2553.839 -> uploading
2554.96 -> so you click on this and then you click
2556.96 -> make sure you got this green box around
2559.28 -> it
2560 -> and then you click add to canvas
2564 -> and
2565.52 -> it brings it in and it looks you're like
2567.839 -> what the heck is that that's huge llc is
2570.16 -> a star that doesn't look like what i
2571.68 -> uploaded
2572.8 -> remember we're zoomed in really close so
2575.359 -> let's zoom out with our buttons right
2577.44 -> here on the lower left corner so we can
2579.839 -> see our project
2581.76 -> there it is right so let's not let's
2584.64 -> just get rid of all this stuff we'll
2585.839 -> delete it
2587.2 -> and here is our certificate and i'm
2589.44 -> going to teach you how to put text on
2591.119 -> this change your text to
2594.079 -> writing with a pen
2596 -> change this my signature signature here
2599.28 -> also to writing with a pen and attach it
2601.92 -> to your layer
2603.2 -> and we're going to cut it out
2605.2 -> now first of all anytime you upload an
2608.4 -> image wherever it came from whether you
2610.079 -> made it yourself you got it from
2611.359 -> somewhere you bought it or whatever
2613.92 -> it usually comes in grouped so you want
2616.079 -> to ungroup it just a general rule so
2618.8 -> right up here at the top is the ungroup
2620.48 -> command so you want to click that and
2622.16 -> now
2622.96 -> you can move things around and you know
2625.68 -> manipulate them on their own
2628.96 -> again you can you can change the colors
2630.64 -> let's change the color of this to red
2633.52 -> and let's change the color of this one
2635.119 -> to teal
2636.72 -> pretty teal blue i had
2638.96 -> although it's gone now since i deleted
2640.64 -> it
2643.04 -> there we go so remember you can use the
2645.2 -> spectrum here once you add colors to
2648 -> your canvas they'll show up here at the
2650.079 -> top so you could always pick those
2652.8 -> colors and make sure you have them and
2654.96 -> that's important because if you don't
2656.88 -> pick the same color
2658.56 -> it'll think it's a different it'll put
2660.079 -> it like on a different matte for you and
2661.92 -> that's a pain in the butt we don't want
2663.599 -> that so you want to use the same colors
2665.28 -> if you really intend for it to be cut
2667.839 -> together
2669.04 -> all right so i've changed the colors of
2670.72 -> my things
2672.48 -> i could even use contour right now to
2674.96 -> change things about the certificate if i
2677.44 -> wanted to
2678.48 -> i can come in here and i can like get
2680.4 -> rid of some of the stars if i wanted to
2683.119 -> right i can just do this and you know
2685.52 -> get rid of all the stars if i wanted to
2687.52 -> i didn't want stars
2689.2 -> there's a lot of stars in this design
2690.72 -> though there's even a star right there
2692.4 -> that one will be hard to get rid of
2694.8 -> but when i do that and then close it you
2697.2 -> can see oh i missed a star
2700 -> but you can get rid of a bunch of stars
2701.92 -> i'm going to undo that so because i want
2703.359 -> all the stars
2704.88 -> all right so you can
2706.24 -> customize it if you want what you don't
2708.48 -> want to do
2710.319 -> is make it much smaller
2713.52 -> you could if you want to change the size
2715.2 -> of this at all you'll want to select
2717.28 -> everything you can just drag a box
2719.04 -> around everything or you can choose
2721.359 -> select all up here at the top of the
2722.96 -> screen
2723.839 -> and then you would resize everything
2725.52 -> together okay like this so you can make
2727.76 -> it bigger it wouldn't go too much
2729.52 -> smaller because it might get difficult
2731.04 -> to cut i have an intentionally intricate
2733.76 -> cut for you to practice on
2736 -> so
2736.88 -> so that you can make sure that you're
2738.16 -> good to go for your paper crafting
2740.8 -> but i'm going to keep mine at the same
2742.8 -> size it's important to note this this is
2745.68 -> smaller
2746.8 -> it's supposed to because it fits right
2748.48 -> into the certificate okay
2751.04 -> so
2752.16 -> let's add some text to it and
2753.52 -> personalize it let's zoom in here a
2755.599 -> little bit more
2758.4 -> alright so on here you can do whatever
2760.64 -> you want but what i've done
2763.76 -> is this is what we did in our earlier
2765.52 -> class uh congratulations to jennifer
2768 -> maker for completing qriket kickoff so i
2770.48 -> recommend you put your name here and
2772.72 -> then
2773.92 -> my signature here we're going to change
2775.359 -> both of these to a pen and the we're
2777.44 -> going to have the qriket write them
2779.44 -> all right so
2780.56 -> back in qriket design space
2783.28 -> we need our text here so to add text we
2785.76 -> click on text over here on the left
2788.4 -> and we type it on our text so you get
2790.24 -> this add text here box
2792.72 -> and we just start typing on the keyboard
2795.839 -> so i'm going to type congratulations
2799.359 -> and then to get to the next line let me
2802.48 -> just show you what i'm doing here
2805.359 -> no need to
2807.839 -> because just in case
2810 -> so here's my keyboard right
2812.079 -> you see this so to get to the next line
2815.44 -> in my line i'm actually going to press
2817.44 -> the return key
2819.2 -> and
2820.4 -> you can see here
2822.88 -> that it's gone to a new line right so
2825.839 -> you just and so on the mac is called a
2827.839 -> return key and on windows it's called
2830.24 -> the enter key it's in the same spot
2832.4 -> though on your keyboard
2833.839 -> so congratulations to
2836.16 -> and then return again
2838.4 -> jennifer maker
2841.2 -> return for completing
2844.24 -> return
2845.44 -> qriket
2846.559 -> kick off all one word
2849.76 -> like that you can spell it any way you
2851.68 -> want you're right whatever you want here
2853.119 -> by the way i saw someone today do it in
2858.16 -> it swedish i can't remember it was
2860.079 -> awesome it's all swedish okay
2862.319 -> so here's our text yay it's way too big
2866.8 -> so the first thing we need to do is make
2868.16 -> it smaller so remember we use the resize
2870.72 -> handle right down here to make it
2872.4 -> smaller so i'm going to click hold and
2875.119 -> drag until it looks like it's
2877.44 -> approximately the right size that looks
2879.599 -> good
2880.72 -> move it over so it's at least in the
2882.64 -> center
2884.079 -> now it's also not centered so we can
2886.24 -> change that
2887.44 -> so once we have our text selected we now
2890.559 -> have a new sub menu here
2893.2 -> we can change the font the style the
2896 -> font size
2897.28 -> the letter spacing that's how much space
2899.119 -> is between our letters the line spacing
2901.599 -> that's how much space is between each
2903.359 -> line
2904.48 -> and our alignment
2906.48 -> so we want alignment so i'm going to
2908.079 -> click on alignment here and choose
2909.839 -> center
2910.72 -> and now it's centered
2912.4 -> and we need to change the style the font
2914.96 -> and the style because if i were to
2919.52 -> draw this right now with the pen on my
2921.119 -> cricut
2922.24 -> and i'll show you what it would look
2923.68 -> like if we go right up now to operation
2927.44 -> and choose draw this is how you change
2929.839 -> it to pen
2931.599 -> what we get are these bubble letters
2934.319 -> i'm going to get in here so you can see
2936.079 -> that
2937.2 -> so what it will do is just go around the
2939.2 -> outline of the letter it doesn't fill it
2941.119 -> in it's not a printer right it literally
2944 -> will go around the outline of your
2945.599 -> letter
2946.559 -> well that's not what we want we want
2948.4 -> something more like this right this
2950.24 -> looks like it was written with a pen
2952.72 -> so
2953.52 -> what you want to do to get the effect
2955.76 -> that i have is to use a writing font
2958.64 -> not just a whatever regular font
2961.76 -> so
2962.96 -> to find a writing font you click on you
2965.2 -> select your text like i have here we see
2967.04 -> the box around it and then you click on
2969.44 -> font
2970.48 -> and you type in
2974.24 -> well i mean maybe you know but actually
2975.92 -> what you want to do is actually click on
2977.76 -> filters
2978.8 -> over on the far right side so you can
2980.96 -> search
2981.92 -> right right now it's displaying all
2984.24 -> fonts that are available to me free paid
2986.64 -> purchased otherwise everything
2989.2 -> i can actually look at just my system
2990.8 -> fonts which are always going to be free
2992.4 -> because they're installed on my computer
2994.48 -> i can look at just crickets fonts which
2996.72 -> are both free and subscribed and
3000.8 -> for
3001.68 -> you know the ones i can buy so there's a
3004.16 -> wide variety of fonts
3006.24 -> all the little a's mean they're part of
3008.48 -> qriket access and so i can use them
3010.96 -> while i'm a member i can even like
3013.04 -> search just by current fonts that's a
3015.04 -> whole nother thing we won't get into
3016.4 -> that tonight but that you know basically
3018.559 -> means the fonts look a little better
3020.8 -> because they're kerned better for anyone
3022.24 -> who knows what that means but
3024.319 -> i want to call your attention to filters
3026.48 -> right here
3027.839 -> filters lets you search by only your own
3030.559 -> fonts fonts that you've uploaded
3033.2 -> or purchased i think that's what that is
3036.079 -> multi-layer fonts single layer fonts
3038.319 -> fonts you downloaded for offline use and
3041.119 -> the most important one i want you to
3042.72 -> notice right now
3044.16 -> is writing
3045.52 -> writing fonts are what we want for our
3047.44 -> project tonight so i'm going to go ahead
3048.72 -> and click on that
3050.16 -> and now it's only going to show us
3051.76 -> writing fonts
3053.28 -> right now
3055.28 -> because i'm a qriket access member these
3057.28 -> are all writing fonts that i can use
3059.04 -> without being charged anything extra but
3061.76 -> because you are may not be a cricut
3063.92 -> access member yet
3065.76 -> i'm going to point you to a free one
3067.599 -> okay so in under search fonts i want you
3071.04 -> to type qriket and then press return on
3073.52 -> your
3074.319 -> keyboard to search
3076.319 -> and also
3078 -> i want you to unclick
3080 -> uncheck
3081.28 -> this only current fonts if ever you
3083.76 -> can't find a font that you're sw that
3085.599 -> you swear is there
3087.2 -> uncheck this
3090.64 -> some fonts have kerning information some
3092.48 -> don't by default it only shows the
3094.72 -> pretty fonts we want all the fonts
3096.96 -> though
3097.76 -> so the font we want is called cricut
3099.68 -> alphabet this is free it's been free for
3101.68 -> as long as i've known and i want you to
3104.079 -> see here it's got a multi-layer option
3106.559 -> a cutting option and a writing option
3108.559 -> which is what we want so i'm going to
3110.319 -> click on this
3111.839 -> just click on it this by the way i know
3113.92 -> you're going to ask me this download
3115.839 -> over here that's for doing offline work
3118.48 -> not really talking about that tonight
3120.319 -> but you can download fonts to work
3122.079 -> offline okay but we're not doing that so
3123.839 -> we just want to click on the font itself
3126.64 -> and it will change our font to that one
3130.96 -> all right there we go we're now
3132.8 -> we have qriket alphabet
3134.72 -> and our style is
3137.04 -> was pre-selected to writing
3139.52 -> because we had already changed
3142 -> our operation from cut to pen when we
3144.88 -> were talking about it so if you didn't
3146.96 -> change your operation then you need to
3149.76 -> do that you need to change it over to
3151.359 -> writing okay
3153.52 -> and use pen so for let me let me show
3155.839 -> you an example so let's say it was back
3158.16 -> on basic
3159.76 -> and
3160.72 -> um
3161.839 -> it was on this is what it would be like
3163.839 -> if you hadn't like done what i would had
3166 -> done it would look like this
3168.559 -> so you need to be sure this is important
3170.96 -> you have to change this
3172.96 -> to
3174.559 -> pen
3175.76 -> and then you also have to change the
3177.44 -> style to writing okay you have to do
3179.28 -> both of those things in order to get the
3180.96 -> same
3181.839 -> pretty writing look that i have
3184.72 -> and there we go that looks awesome so
3186.72 -> i'm going to put that right there
3189.04 -> and i'm not missing stars or just kind
3190.88 -> of slid over there like where'd my stars
3192.72 -> go they're right there all right so
3194.72 -> let's center this on our card we can of
3197.28 -> course to center things we can actually
3199.68 -> select everything
3201.359 -> we want to center
3203.04 -> just like this so i have three things
3205.2 -> selected you can see here and under a
3207.76 -> line i can choose to
3210.64 -> center horizontally
3212.559 -> and that centers everything for us
3214.88 -> all right so we're almost done
3216.8 -> so we have our certificate text in our
3220.48 -> pen
3221.359 -> but our signature on the other hand i
3224.079 -> want you to know it's still set to basic
3226.16 -> cuts
3227.04 -> we don't want my signature cut out we
3229.359 -> want it to draw it so we have to change
3231.76 -> this operation too so we just go on up
3234.64 -> to the operation menu just like we did
3237.04 -> for the other text
3238.559 -> and we change it from the default of
3240.8 -> basic cut
3242.16 -> to pen
3243.76 -> and now we have pen for both our
3246.88 -> text here and the signature
3249.599 -> and now so we're not quite done yet
3252.4 -> right now and if we were to go ahead and
3254.96 -> make it right now
3256.8 -> i'm going to show you what it does in
3258.079 -> fact so you can just say so first we're
3259.76 -> going to save this
3261.28 -> project we've done all this work i like
3262.88 -> to i always like to save my project
3264.4 -> before i ever go to make it
3266.48 -> all right let's say this as cricut
3268.96 -> kickoff
3271.839 -> certificate
3275.28 -> i spelled that right there we go okay
3278.24 -> all right so i've saved it save early
3280.24 -> and often to spare yourself
3283.04 -> headaches and save your sanity that's
3285.04 -> what i say usually right save early and
3287.28 -> often to save your sanity
3289.52 -> all right so our project um we have
3293.04 -> changed our
3294.64 -> anything we want drawn has been changed
3296.24 -> to pen
3297.599 -> and the other layers are cut right so
3300.079 -> this layer is going to be cut
3302 -> and this layer is cut out of card stock
3304.319 -> so that's what our we're doing tonight
3306.88 -> if i were to make it right now i want
3308.88 -> you to see what happens
3311.76 -> so i'm just going to click on make it in
3313.04 -> the upper right corner
3315.28 -> what we get first of all it asks us
3316.96 -> where we want to load our materials
3318.4 -> we'll say on matte because we're going
3319.68 -> to use our mats for this
3321.68 -> and then click done
3324.88 -> what we get is this
3326.72 -> our text just floating out here on
3330 -> nothing this is not even a matte
3332.319 -> it's literally just our pen on a mat so
3335.44 -> if i were to actually send this to my
3338.96 -> to my cricut it would like write all
3341.119 -> over my mat
3342.88 -> and um our other layers are down here
3345.28 -> they look okay
3346.88 -> but the text isn't on the layer it's
3348.799 -> supposed to be
3350.079 -> so we want to cancel and the reason why
3352.4 -> it's not is because we have yet to tell
3354.799 -> it where to go
3356.319 -> so right now these
3358.24 -> are all individual layers they're all
3360.64 -> independent from one another if i click
3362.72 -> on them they're all loose
3365.359 -> they're all free agents
3367.2 -> that's not what we want we have to tell
3369.04 -> cricket what to do with them do we want
3370.72 -> it to attach
3372 -> to this one do we want to attach it to
3374.24 -> like something completely else of course
3376.24 -> we want to attach it to this right let
3378 -> me undo back to where it's all nice and
3379.839 -> straight there we go
3381.359 -> so we are going to use the attach
3383.28 -> command that i told you earlier about to
3385.04 -> attach it to
3386.64 -> this piece of card stock right so to do
3390.16 -> that we just select everything that we
3391.839 -> want to be attached so that's our text
3394.799 -> layer
3395.76 -> our signature layer and our card layer
3399.2 -> and you can see all three are selected
3401.28 -> and all i did was just drag the box
3403.28 -> around them like this but of course we
3405.599 -> can also select from over on the layers
3407.839 -> panel
3409.2 -> by selecting there's the pen there's the
3411.599 -> text layer
3413.04 -> here's the signature layer
3415.839 -> and i'm holding down the shift key
3417.52 -> remember
3418.4 -> and then here is the blue layer so you
3421.599 -> can you do either way
3423.359 -> so now we have the three layers selected
3425.359 -> and now we click attach which is right
3427.599 -> down here at the bottom of the layers
3429.2 -> panel
3430.72 -> now if we click make it
3434.48 -> we will see moment of truth
3437.76 -> we're going to cut on the mat
3439.599 -> because we're cutting card stock
3442.4 -> now we see our red layer i did it
3445.28 -> and here is our blue layer
3447.92 -> looking amazing in just the way we want
3450.079 -> it to be
3451.2 -> all right so
3452.559 -> uh
3453.359 -> this is the prepare screen it says
3455.359 -> prepare right up here right up here it
3457.44 -> tells us how many mats we're going to
3459.04 -> cut so we have our red layer that says i
3461.839 -> did it and we have our
3463.839 -> our blue layer and this it tells you
3467.2 -> what you're going to do on each layer so
3468.4 -> this layer says basic cut
3470.559 -> and this layer says pen and basic cut
3474.48 -> and you can move these things around on
3476.16 -> the mat if you need to
3478.319 -> typically it's fine to leave them right
3480.48 -> in the default positions
3482.4 -> there's some reason sometimes when you
3484.079 -> might want to move it but it's mostly
3485.599 -> just you know
3487.76 -> to move things around on your map for
3489.119 -> other reasons
3491.28 -> so we'll leave them all right there in
3492.799 -> the corner
3494.24 -> and
3495.28 -> this looks good so we click continue
3498.96 -> alright so
3500.319 -> i am connected to my maker 3 by usb
3504.24 -> and it says it looks like this device is
3505.92 -> already connected in a different window
3507.44 -> which it actually is so let's retry them
3509.76 -> i have to close that window
3511.599 -> i was playing around with things before
3513.68 -> look at all my look at all my crickets
3516.319 -> are you impressed
3517.92 -> because i am
3519.92 -> like that's a lot of things to be
3521.28 -> connected right now
3523.04 -> let's try that again
3526.72 -> it is actually open another window i'm
3528.64 -> going to go find that window and close
3530.319 -> it
3531.599 -> i was playing around so i actually want
3533.92 -> to show you something else i have extra
3535.92 -> windows here
3537.2 -> here's my explorer 3 window
3540.48 -> here is my joy window
3544.079 -> here is my maker three let's close this
3545.76 -> one this is my other one right yes
3548.559 -> alright so
3550 -> you could have multiple windows
3552.4 -> in qriket design space and they can be
3554.64 -> connected to different crickets
3557.599 -> i do this fairly frequently when i want
3560.16 -> to do different projects so let's see if
3562 -> this will connect now excellent so see
3564.48 -> you can connect you can have multiple
3566.4 -> windows and do multiple projects
3568.64 -> and all that matters is when you go to
3570.559 -> cut it right so if i i can't cut this to
3573.359 -> the same machine in two different
3575.119 -> windows that's two different directions
3576.88 -> but if you have multiple window multiple
3579.76 -> crickets
3580.88 -> you can go up to the file can you see
3583.04 -> that you can't see the file
3586.88 -> i'll have to show you my entire window
3588.64 -> which i can do hang on a second
3590.96 -> let's see here
3592.72 -> show
3593.839 -> primary display
3596.96 -> there we go now the top here is red i
3599.52 -> know you can see where it says like the
3601.839 -> menu bar says qriket design space
3605.119 -> oops sorry i'm not showing you right
3606.72 -> here his qriket design space
3610.24 -> there we go now you can see it help if i
3612 -> was in the
3612.839 -> application there's qriket design space
3615.04 -> here at the top so this is the like the
3617.44 -> menu bar that you see when you're inside
3619.119 -> an application
3620.88 -> if i go to file
3622.48 -> and this is true on both windows and mac
3624.16 -> and i say new window
3626 -> i get a new window okay so if ever you
3628.72 -> wanted a new window to work on another
3630.64 -> project
3631.92 -> um
3632.96 -> because you're doing something else what
3634.319 -> who knows i do i actually have a lot of
3636.24 -> windows open most of the time
3638 -> i just go start a new window and i leave
3640.079 -> the other thing open and the other
3641.2 -> window is what i do
3642.64 -> but anyways you can have multiple
3644.079 -> windows so
3645.599 -> that's just this is only something you
3646.88 -> can do on desktop this is one of the
3648.4 -> desktop features
3649.76 -> and i want to quit okay but we are doing
3652.96 -> our qriket kickoff certificate
3655.359 -> so let's stack everything back up so
3657.599 -> that we're only looking at that and i'll
3659.52 -> just go back to
3661.359 -> our
3661.69 -> [Music]
3664.079 -> current there we go
3666.72 -> there we go so
3668.079 -> so you can see things much bigger okay
3670.24 -> so this is
3672.96 -> there we are so this is the maker three
3676.24 -> and you can see it right up there maker
3678 -> three
3678.88 -> all right so this is the make screen
3682.48 -> and on the make screen uses where you
3684.96 -> choose your materials and your tools and
3687.44 -> actually say hey time to make it qriket
3690.799 -> so the first thing we do is set the base
3693.44 -> material
3694.799 -> and for this project we want medium card
3697.52 -> stock which is right here under popular
3700.799 -> but if you don't see it just click on
3702.16 -> browse on materials
3703.92 -> and you can search for it or you can
3706.079 -> scroll the list for it
3708.319 -> i'll just search for it there's medium
3710.24 -> card stock right here this is what i use
3712.4 -> for both 65 pound and 80 pound card
3715.52 -> stock which is what i'm using tonight
3718 -> and i click done
3720.16 -> so that's the material selection there's
3722 -> a lot of materials to choose from
3725.2 -> and it depends of course on which
3726.799 -> machine you're using
3728.48 -> but i have the maker 3 so i have all the
3730.799 -> options available to me right now
3733.2 -> and then for pressure
3734.799 -> i like to choose more pressure because
3736.96 -> it tends to give me a cleaner cut and i
3739.119 -> like clean cuts
3740.72 -> and then under there there's an option
3742.88 -> that says remember material settings
3745.76 -> click that so long as both layers that
3748.4 -> you're going to cut are the same
3750.16 -> material and in our case they are
3752.16 -> they're both cardstock so you'll want to
3754.64 -> click that i also want to call your
3756.72 -> attention to what's going on over here
3758.64 -> on the side
3759.76 -> these
3760.96 -> two can be clicked right so these are
3762.72 -> your two mats that you're going to cut
3764.96 -> you could have more or less
3767.28 -> and
3768.64 -> you can actually do you know you can go
3770.64 -> and you can see if you hover over them
3772.48 -> you can see how much material you need
3774.72 -> you can see them right on the mat
3777.119 -> and if you click this one it'll cut this
3779.119 -> one first
3780.64 -> if you don't it'll start with the top
3782.64 -> one and move down okay it does kind of
3784.72 -> keep does it does keep track of what
3786.72 -> it's cut
3787.839 -> and whatever it hasn't cut it will try
3789.68 -> to cut for you but so long as you
3792.799 -> haven't switched around your mats at all
3794.96 -> it should start with
3796.72 -> the first mat so we'll have it start
3798.64 -> with the red matte like we want to okay
3801.839 -> now it tells us to load our tools and
3804.319 -> material
3805.599 -> so no tools required in clamp a
3809.28 -> for this mat for this mat let's click on
3812.24 -> it so you can see
3813.52 -> it does want us to put the black pen in
3817.039 -> and we're going to have the fine point
3818.88 -> blade all right so
3821.44 -> let's switch the camera over to the
3824.079 -> cricut oh that's really let's zoom out a
3826.4 -> little bit
3828.88 -> that's pretty close we don't have to be
3830.64 -> quite so close
3833.359 -> there we go oh my goodness there's two
3835.119 -> of me we don't need that
3837.78 -> [Laughter]
3839.359 -> all right here is the cricut maker 3
3842.96 -> all ready to go
3844.64 -> i want you to see over here that it's
3846.72 -> already blinking and telling us it's
3848.24 -> time to load the mat
3849.839 -> that's what that little remember i told
3851.359 -> you the double arrow is that means it's
3853.44 -> loading time
3854.96 -> but we need to actually put our material
3857.039 -> on so i'll be using a blue light grip
3860 -> map
3862.799 -> and i'll switch to my overhead
3865.68 -> so my first layer is red right
3869.039 -> so we just
3870.319 -> take off our protective cover now you
3873.119 -> can use blue or green for this project
3876.079 -> i have a bunch of blue matte so i'm just
3878 -> using those i usually use green but
3880.88 -> blue is what we got tonight
3882.64 -> alright so here's my card stock this is
3885.44 -> the card stock i showed you yesterday
3888 -> i'll show you real quick what it is
3889.359 -> again
3890.88 -> this is ac cardstock and it's the
3893.839 -> primary pack it's really nice qual high
3896.24 -> quality card stock that matters
3898.88 -> getting nice clean cuts
3900.96 -> all right so this this card stock
3902.72 -> actually has two sides a smooth side and
3904.96 -> a textured side whenever you have the
3907.039 -> option like when there you have double
3908.96 -> like paper that's like that you always
3910.799 -> want the smoother side against your mat
3913.039 -> it'll help it stick better so we just
3914.64 -> put it in the upper left corner
3916.64 -> matching it up to the guidelines here
3919.119 -> you can just press it down with your
3920.319 -> fingers or you can use a brayer tool
3922.4 -> which will help keep it in place like
3924.16 -> this
3925.599 -> all right so let's switch over to
3928.559 -> our
3930.16 -> maker
3931.599 -> and
3932.88 -> so we need our pen right
3935.039 -> so here is our pen so we'll take off the
3937.599 -> cap
3939.359 -> open up the clamp
3940.88 -> with that so you can see it
3942.96 -> put the pen in tip down
3945.2 -> until it snaps
3946.799 -> like that
3948.079 -> close the clamp put your cap on your pen
3951.76 -> like that that helps you avoid losing it
3955.68 -> and then our fine point blade is in
3958.4 -> clamp b so we've got the pen and clamp a
3961.52 -> and the blade in clamp b and here is our
3965.119 -> mat with our material all ready to go
3968.079 -> and we put that in between our guides on
3970.48 -> the
3971.68 -> the qriket maker three
3973.599 -> and the explore three have these guides
3975.359 -> on the sides here
3977.359 -> and we slide it in under the guides like
3979.76 -> this
3980.88 -> and
3982.079 -> we apply
3983.76 -> light pressure
3985.039 -> right and then we press the load
3987.52 -> is that under the guide there oh it
3989.28 -> wasn't no
3990.64 -> it's hard to see where i am there we go
3993.68 -> so it's under both guides that's
3995.2 -> important and then we press the load
3997.119 -> button
4005.44 -> and it will bring it all the way in make
4007.839 -> sure you've got that space behind your
4009.839 -> cricut
4010.799 -> like we talked about in lesson one okay
4012.96 -> because it's going to bring that mat all
4014.319 -> the way in
4015.44 -> to make sure you have it before it
4017.039 -> starts so definitely at least 10 inches
4020.079 -> behind your qriket is important all
4022.559 -> right so we're now ready and
4025.359 -> the
4026.079 -> the arrow button is flashing that's i
4028.96 -> just call it the flashing button the
4030.88 -> button looks a little different on the
4032.319 -> explore air 2 in the original maker it
4034.16 -> looks like a little c
4035.599 -> and on the maker 3 and the explorer 3 it
4038.24 -> looks like a like a play button okay
4040.64 -> either way same thing
4042.72 -> that's the one you want to press
4044.88 -> to start
4046.72 -> cutting that's our first layer right so
4050.079 -> back in qriket design space
4052.559 -> this is what we see
4054.319 -> so it's detecting what tool to make sure
4056.96 -> you have the right tool installed
4059.76 -> and if it once it confirms that you do
4062.319 -> because it can tell what tool you have
4064.319 -> right
4065.119 -> it'll start cutting out your project
4070.48 -> and we'll watch it cut
4073.599 -> so it's going to cut all the little
4074.88 -> stars in the trophy and everything like
4076.799 -> that
4080 -> it shouldn't take too long
4086.72 -> oh i wanted to tell you one thing that's
4088.64 -> important
4089.76 -> where is it
4090.96 -> oh yes here it is
4092.64 -> those of you that have a maker 3
4096 -> and an explorer 3 would have gotten in
4099.199 -> your in your packages
4101.759 -> you would have gotten a piece of
4106.159 -> smart paper right it looks like this
4109.6 -> it says sticker card stock if you're new
4112.159 -> to crafting you might be like oh i can
4114 -> use this for the project
4116.48 -> don't use this for the project
4119.12 -> uh this is stick like a sticker paper
4121.199 -> and will not behave the way same way
4123.199 -> it'll be a giant mess
4124.96 -> save this for something else i actually
4127.52 -> have a whole
4128.88 -> tutorial on what you can do with those
4130.799 -> three sheets of material in your maker 3
4133.92 -> and explorer 3 box
4135.759 -> and i will share it with you when i send
4137.359 -> you the replay links so that you can go
4139.279 -> make that if you want i actually use
4141.199 -> this to make pantry labels
4143.44 -> so
4144.239 -> don't use this for this project because
4145.839 -> you don't want that sticky stuff it
4147.199 -> won't come it won't work well for what
4149.04 -> we're doing
4150.159 -> it'll it'll be confusing you want to use
4152.239 -> just
4153.199 -> a just a card stock like this you can
4155.52 -> get cardstock in lots of places you
4157.839 -> probably even have some at home
4159.6 -> an old christmas card will work you know
4162.159 -> old birthday card those are good usually
4164 -> good quality card stocks too
4167.359 -> all right let me switch this back so you
4169.12 -> can keep watching it oops that's the
4170.56 -> wrong one there we go
4175.199 -> all right it has finished cutting when
4177.6 -> it's finished cutting the load and
4179.12 -> unload button blinks and we can
4182 -> take it out and this is what it looks
4184.48 -> like you see the cut image
4186.88 -> so let's go to our work surface whenever
4190.56 -> we have um something cut on our mat we
4192.64 -> want to flip it over onto our work
4194.48 -> surface
4195.52 -> and peel it away
4197.28 -> from our peel we peel the mat away from
4200.64 -> our material and it works so much better
4203.76 -> it avoids tearing and curling and all
4207.12 -> the bad things you can use your finger
4209.199 -> to lift the pieces up or
4212 -> you can use a spatula tool which we
4213.92 -> talked about in lesson two yesterday
4220.48 -> because this is this is an intricate cut
4223.76 -> all right
4225.04 -> so this is what your mat looks like when
4226.88 -> you're done
4228.159 -> and this is what your project looks like
4230.64 -> when you are done with it and see i did
4233.04 -> it isn't that awesome you see
4235.28 -> look at how well it cut oop there's a
4236.96 -> little piece here
4238.159 -> sometimes it'll be little pieces that
4239.52 -> didn't just come out you can just pull
4241.44 -> them out like this and it did a lovely
4243.679 -> job
4245.44 -> and
4246.4 -> so we clean our mat and put our next
4248.8 -> color on
4250.08 -> i like to use the scraper tool to clean
4252.32 -> my mat
4253.76 -> i just scrape it all off like this it
4255.76 -> doesn't hurt the mat or anything i'm not
4258.32 -> pressing so hard that i'm
4260.32 -> taking off any adhesive or anything
4262.64 -> and then we need our blue layer i
4265.04 -> already cut a piece down
4266.719 -> it needs to be
4268 -> i think at least like six inches by the
4270.48 -> way you'll see my mat is currently got
4272.719 -> the
4273.84 -> centimeters on it but you can flip it
4275.52 -> around to see you can use both sides of
4277.84 -> the mat it doesn't matter
4279.679 -> um it's good in fact rotate your mat
4282.4 -> all right so there is our
4284.8 -> blue layer
4287.84 -> all right let's go back to qriket design
4289.52 -> space so you can see what it says right
4291.12 -> now
4293.76 -> it's telling us we're now over here
4296.48 -> it's telling us that we've already done
4298 -> red
4299.28 -> oops there's my cursor and now it's time
4301.36 -> to do the blue so it marks the one that
4304.159 -> we're going to do next so if ever you
4306.32 -> know if you're making like a shadow box
4308.719 -> that has like 10 layers you don't know
4310.64 -> which color is next come to the design
4312.96 -> space and check to see
4315.44 -> what color is next okay so it's blue
4317.84 -> that's next
4319.12 -> we have everything else set so now we
4321.12 -> can just load it in
4323.6 -> and it's going to right and
4328 -> cut is it under the guide there we go
4332.159 -> so we load it in and i'm applying light
4334.08 -> pressure
4338.96 -> does that look good
4343.12 -> yes
4344 -> and when it brings it in like this it's
4345.92 -> making sure that it's aligned and
4347.679 -> straight and everything like that
4353.36 -> awesome okay so now our the button is
4356.4 -> flashing and it's ready for us to go
4358.48 -> ahead and
4359.679 -> start and it's going to draw it
4362.64 -> and cut it so it's going to draw first
4368.48 -> oops
4371.36 -> i clearly didn't stick it down well
4372.88 -> enough this is why i prefer green mats
4375.76 -> they're just stickier
4377.84 -> however it's not going to it's not going
4379.28 -> to cause any issue
4380.88 -> just stuck it down again
4383.199 -> so you can see it let's zoom it in a
4385.28 -> little closer so you can see
4387.52 -> what it's doing here
4389.52 -> it's writing out the message
4394.56 -> and it's using the pen this by the way
4396.32 -> is a the pen this pen is the one that
4398.8 -> came with the maker
4401.28 -> the original maker the qriket maker
4403.44 -> three doesn't come with a pen
4405.6 -> so you'll you'll have to go get one to
4407.36 -> do this certificate but it's good to
4409.12 -> have a pen
4410.32 -> but this is the 0.4
4412.719 -> fine point tip pen
4418 -> and it writes like this don't be alarmed
4420.56 -> it writes in the most efficient way
4423.04 -> so that it gets done faster
4425.04 -> i'm going to kind of push this down with
4426.64 -> my brayer here
4430.88 -> i want that to get stuck again
4440.48 -> all right um yep so how are we doing
4444.96 -> it's on jennifer maker right now
4448.96 -> it's under the thing so you can't quite
4450.4 -> see it but it'll it's almost done
4455.12 -> and then once it finishes the writing
4457.199 -> it'll do the cutting i love that it'll
4459.199 -> write and cut at the same time
4465.12 -> you see there you can see my name there
4473.92 -> and i see lots of questions don't worry
4475.6 -> we're going to answer your questions
4479.12 -> i do see a i do say comment about
4480.88 -> cleaning the blade hey yeah whenever i
4483.04 -> do a project
4484.4 -> i clean my blade with my aluminum foil
4486.64 -> ball which i explained in yesterday's
4488.48 -> lesson so i'm not gonna i'm gonna try
4490.64 -> not to repeat things i already did just
4492.8 -> because the intention
4494.719 -> is for people to watch the videos in
4497.199 -> order because it's important everything
4499.04 -> everything i do builds upon itself
4501.44 -> this is true of qriket kickoff as well
4503.36 -> as qriket college it's important to
4505.6 -> understand what came before so that when
4507.92 -> i say something later it makes sense
4510.4 -> and also if i just keep saying the same
4512.08 -> things then
4513.44 -> you know
4515.52 -> we don't actually get to the heart of
4517.04 -> the matter then
4525.04 -> all right now it's cutting i believe
4529.199 -> it's really quiet
4530.88 -> if you were in my uh three o'clock class
4533.6 -> you could hear the difference the qriket
4536.159 -> maker 3 is very quiet
4540.88 -> all right no it just fit i was just
4542.159 -> doing my signature
4544.08 -> now it's cutting it out
4553.76 -> it's just putting four stars on the
4555.28 -> sides and then it's going to cut around
4556.8 -> the edge
4558.32 -> it's really fast
4563.199 -> awesome finished okay
4565.6 -> let me back out a little bit more so we
4567.679 -> can see more of this
4569.6 -> there we go
4570.8 -> all right so it's finished
4573.12 -> and to unload it we just press the
4574.88 -> unload button
4577.04 -> and you can see here
4578.88 -> that it worked awesome
4580.8 -> all right so again
4585.679 -> we
4586.8 -> want to
4587.92 -> just flip over our mat onto our surface
4591.12 -> like this
4592.4 -> and peel the mat away from the material
4594.88 -> and this helps keep
4596.8 -> our material nice and straight look how
4599.04 -> straight that is if we had done it the
4601.12 -> other way
4602.159 -> and we had gone like this i'll show you
4604.32 -> if we had gone like this
4605.92 -> we would have had curled material right
4608.08 -> so by doing it this way we get nice
4609.84 -> straight material
4611.44 -> and then we can take off our little
4612.88 -> stars we can use this as confetti you
4615.36 -> can throw them in the air when you
4616.56 -> finish
4618.88 -> don't forget to put your cover back on
4620.88 -> your mat before you store it so it stays
4624.64 -> nice and clean
4626.8 -> and i like to hang mine up with the
4628.719 -> little hang tag there
4630.719 -> and then
4634.32 -> the way that these goes together it's so
4636.239 -> easy uh you just turn this over so that
4638.88 -> it's the reverse right so it's you know
4641.44 -> facing outward
4642.96 -> and then you put the corners of your
4645.36 -> certificate
4647.44 -> right in here these little cutouts here
4650 -> at the edges
4651.28 -> if for any reason yours does not fit
4654.159 -> that means that
4655.6 -> when you were designing it playing
4657.44 -> around with it you resized it
4660.88 -> and you need to go back and check it
4663.44 -> so this is the way it should be
4665.44 -> this is the way it's designed and there
4667.199 -> we go congratulations to jennifer maker
4669.52 -> for completing qriket kickoff that's on
4671.92 -> one side and it says i did it on the
4674.8 -> other
4675.76 -> and when i really would love to see is
4678.32 -> everyone make this
4679.92 -> and then put it with your cricut you can
4681.76 -> put it like this you can put it like
4683.76 -> this i don't care
4685.52 -> take a picture of it and share it with
4687.28 -> me
4688 -> i love to see your certificates
4690.239 -> i truly do they're awesome and they're
4692.159 -> fun
4692.96 -> and it makes me feel good when you make
4695.199 -> my stuff
4696.56 -> all right don't forget to take out your
4698 -> pen
4699.28 -> and put the cap on
4701.36 -> now i promised i would show
4704.32 -> um some other i didn't promise i said if
4705.92 -> there was time i would show some of the
4708.08 -> other crickets
4709.44 -> i have them all hooked up we can attempt
4713.36 -> um one of the things i have done this
4715.36 -> once before
4716.719 -> where we actually cut to all of them
4719.52 -> at the same time
4723.04 -> i have done it
4724.8 -> so
4725.679 -> we could try it if you want does anyone
4728.159 -> want to see what happens
4729.84 -> it could be a huge failure
4733.12 -> it could also work
4735.28 -> it'll be really noisy actually it
4737.199 -> probably won't be all that bad
4739.04 -> so this is the explore air 2
4741.28 -> this is the explorer 3.
4743.6 -> this is the maker
4745.12 -> back here i know it's kind of hidden but
4746.8 -> it's here if you were in my
4750.64 -> three o'clock class
4752.4 -> this is a different maker this is the
4754.159 -> one i usually use
4755.84 -> and even my joy
4757.76 -> so there's the joy you see the joy
4762.64 -> go for it beth says go for it i'm going
4765.28 -> for it oh we need to get the joy in
4766.719 -> there all right so here's the maker
4774.96 -> and then of course we need a piece of
4776.239 -> paper for this one because it can't be
4777.84 -> left out i want to see if we can do all
4779.44 -> five at the same time
4781.28 -> from one design space
4785.44 -> i have never done it before it's just
4787.44 -> for fun this is my last class this will
4790.159 -> be
4791.679 -> five plus three plus three eleven this
4793.6 -> is number of this is class 11 in three
4796.48 -> days
4797.92 -> so i'm just having fun
4800.159 -> plus it'll be cool
4801.76 -> all right so put this one in
4807.28 -> all right
4810.56 -> now with the joy
4813.28 -> let's go find the joy so let's go back
4815.04 -> to qriket design space
4821.12 -> so that's the maker checking the mat
4823.44 -> right i'm going to slide these all over
4825.52 -> so you can see all of them there's the
4826.639 -> maker three
4828.159 -> it's ready to go
4830.56 -> here is the explorer three medium card
4832.88 -> stock
4833.84 -> more pressure
4836.159 -> that one's ready to go
4838.32 -> can you see all these yes you can
4840.56 -> here is the joy
4842.4 -> we want
4843.84 -> medium card stock
4845.6 -> more pressure
4847.84 -> remember material settings
4851.199 -> load that one in
4854.4 -> that one's loaded
4860 -> look good
4861.84 -> i need to tilt that one a little bit to
4863.44 -> the side okay
4864.88 -> and then the
4866.48 -> maker the original maker
4869.12 -> where's that window hiding here a lot of
4871.76 -> windows here there there it is
4874.37 -> [Laughter]
4877.199 -> i'm probably really crazy aren't i it's
4879.12 -> probably going to be a terrible failure
4881.12 -> i don't care
4883.92 -> i want to see if i can do it okay maker
4886.239 -> do you see how we have all these windows
4887.6 -> up
4888.56 -> here is the maker 3. so original maker
4892.08 -> maker 3
4893.84 -> explore air 2
4896.8 -> explorer 3
4898.4 -> and the joy
4903.6 -> oh
4904.4 -> i might be getting a little punchy let's
4906.159 -> be honest you can't even see my picture
4908.4 -> am i even up right now
4910.08 -> there you can see it now
4912.4 -> all right i have them all up
4915.12 -> can you see they're all loaded
4918 -> all loaded they're all ready to go
4921.36 -> um okay so
4923.36 -> i'll show you
4925.04 -> only the joy actually i just need to all
4927.12 -> i have to do is press
4928.96 -> the go button on all of them except the
4931.12 -> joy the joy doesn't have any buttons we
4933.52 -> actually control it from here so
4937.28 -> i am going to press the go button on the
4939.6 -> joy
4940.639 -> and then i'll press the go button on
4942.48 -> each one
4943.679 -> individually so there's the joy
4950.32 -> and
4952.4 -> is it blinking this one's blinking
4958.96 -> this one's not blinking
4964.32 -> this one's blinking
4966.56 -> this one's blinking
4970.88 -> that one's not blinking
4972.4 -> that's this one oh i forgot to change
4974.719 -> the
4976.56 -> material that's all
4978.48 -> got to hurry so i get them all
4981.28 -> again again
4987.12 -> there we go
4991.04 -> nope
4995.84 -> i want to see them all going
4998 -> did it
4998.96 -> five crickets from one cricket design
5002.159 -> space account so
5004.32 -> i did this once i think last year i
5006.239 -> haven't done it since then but
5008.32 -> i'm impressed are you guys impressed
5013.28 -> so for anyone who ever wonders can you
5015.199 -> have multiple ones going you totally can
5018.96 -> and i'm going to cut out oops this this
5020.8 -> man is clearly not sticky enough let's
5022.4 -> fix that
5023.6 -> uh they're all going to not even know
5024.88 -> what they're doing
5026.08 -> i just i just made them start going so
5029.28 -> you can see the screen though
5032 -> i mean look at this it's a champ
5034.32 -> look at it it's keeping track of
5036.159 -> everything
5037.199 -> look at that isn't that amazing
5039.6 -> this is a real i mean okay hopefully
5042.159 -> someone from cricket
5043.84 -> is watching this
5045.52 -> great job guys this is really awesome
5048 -> that this is possible this was not
5050.159 -> possible a few years ago at all it would
5052.639 -> have been crazy it would have been
5054.4 -> confusing and but
5056.4 -> they made a lot of improvements in the
5058.239 -> last year to qriket design space things
5060.96 -> that i don't know if you guys can hear
5062.639 -> me i'm trying anyways um things like
5065.04 -> under the hood that we can't even see
5067.52 -> and that allows this to be possible so
5070.88 -> they deserve
5072.08 -> a huge round of applause i don't think
5073.84 -> that
5074.639 -> they
5075.36 -> i don't think they get the credit they
5076.96 -> deserve
5077.92 -> it's difficult to make something that's
5079.679 -> simple
5080.639 -> for so many people to use and still have
5083.84 -> good features so good job qriket
5088.239 -> let's see
5090.239 -> the qriket joy finished we did start
5092 -> that one first i'll unload that one
5095.76 -> what else is finished
5097.52 -> the original maker finished
5099.84 -> the explorer three finished
5102.159 -> the explore air is still going
5105.36 -> and the maker is doing a different mat
5108.32 -> it's like doing these were all doing the
5110.239 -> cut only one this is doing the right one
5112.639 -> there's just no pen in there so don't
5114.96 -> don't let that think that it's slow it's
5117.44 -> not slow these are the two fastest ones
5120.639 -> these are the two slower ones this is
5123.12 -> probably the slowest one
5124.96 -> though i think the maker and explorer
5127.36 -> are
5128.32 -> pretty much
5131.679 -> wasn't that awesome okay that was really
5133.36 -> cool all right
5135.28 -> let me do my little wrap up
5138.56 -> my little wrap up that i use for my end
5140.4 -> of my videos because we're going to edit
5142.32 -> this all down so that is
5144.719 -> nice and clean and neat and doesn't have
5146.639 -> you know weird whatever in it and we'll
5149.44 -> put this on youtube later so now it's
5151.6 -> doing the cut because it was doing the
5153.199 -> pretend writing there's no pen in there
5158 -> be careful when it's moving
5160.639 -> maybe don't do it i just did
5162.4 -> all right um i'm gonna do i'm gonna wait
5165.04 -> till that finishes actually it'll be
5166.96 -> done in just a minute
5168.8 -> it's kind of noisy
5171.52 -> there we go okay
5173.28 -> so i'm gonna do my little um conclusion
5175.84 -> and then i'm gonna come back and answer
5177.04 -> your questions okay
5178.96 -> so
5180.35 -> [Music]
5186.639 -> so
5188.41 -> [Music]
5196.159 -> all right so if you have any questions
5198.08 -> about qriket design space for desktop
5199.84 -> app please let me know leave your
5202 -> question below this video or ask in our
5204.159 -> qriket crafters group at
5205.88 ->
5207.44 -> cricketcrafters where you can get help
5209.679 -> and guidance from hundreds of thousands
5212 -> of qriket crafters just like you
5214.239 -> we are almost at 450 000 of us and it's
5217.6 -> an awesome place to learn and connect
5220.719 -> with others
5222.08 -> if you want to also learn about how to
5223.92 -> use design space on android or on the
5226.239 -> iphone or ipad because they are quite
5228.32 -> different i have lessons on those
5230.239 -> devices as well get links to those
5232.48 -> classes at
5234.96 -> and if you'd like to learn more about
5236.48 -> qriket design space i invite you over to
5238.639 -> my blog at
5241.28 -> for hundreds of free qriket tutorials
5243.76 -> and projects i also have a helpful guide
5246.639 -> called the cricut coach playbook
5248.639 -> here it is
5250.239 -> that contains dozens of cheat sheets for
5252.56 -> design space this is a very popular
5255.199 -> guide that has been used by over 300 000
5258.08 -> cricket owners and counting at the time
5260.639 -> i'm recording this video and they tell
5262.719 -> me they find it really helpful thank you
5265.28 -> if you'd like to learn more about qriket
5266.639 -> coach playbook and get a free page for
5268.8 -> it go to
5271.52 -> and i also offer cricut classes
5274.159 -> workshops and courses including qriket
5276.639 -> college which i mentioned earlier over
5278.96 -> at
5279.719 -> come visit and sign up
5282.4 -> for something fun today
5284.239 -> thank you so much for joining me for
5286.159 -> your qriket kickoff i hope this has
5288.4 -> helped you get on the path to success
5290.96 -> you'll be making many more wonderful
5292.88 -> things with your cutting machine
5295.199 -> and if you do please please please share
5297.92 -> photos in my cricut crafters group
5300.4 -> because i love to see your creations it
5303.12 -> fills me up and keeps me going
5305.44 -> until next time this is jennifer maker
5307.44 -> reminding you to craft a life you love
5311.04 -> all right let me answer your questions
5314 -> i have a list of them right over here
5316.719 -> lots of questions
5318.48 -> lots of questions
5321.199 -> all right uh deb says ww says will there
5324.239 -> be new printables for qriket kickoff due
5326.239 -> to new machines and materials
5328.4 -> i updated qriket kickoff
5331.04 -> it is updated
5332.88 -> it's where is it it's all updated maybe
5335.44 -> you have the old version
5337.12 -> the new version
5339.44 -> has
5340.48 -> five machines on the cover
5342.8 -> okay so i updated it just a few days ago
5345.52 -> if you meant on the other hand cricut
5347.84 -> coach playbook this is all about design
5350.239 -> space so
5351.84 -> design space did not change just because
5353.52 -> we got new machines i have have however
5356.239 -> recently updated it so
5358.32 -> either way
5360.08 -> kathy says do you need your qriket maker
5362.08 -> to go into design space
5365.6 -> do you need to have a machine to use
5366.88 -> design space no you don't you can
5368.8 -> actually download qriket design space
5371.44 -> right now before you ever get your maker
5373.36 -> or whatever machine you're going to get
5375.36 -> and play with it before you ever get it
5377.44 -> so i encourage you to go download it
5379.84 -> watch lesson one to see how to do that
5382.4 -> or just go download it at
5385.159 ->
5386.719 -> and just skip the machine setup part
5389.12 -> just make a qriket id and play with it
5393.36 -> helen says what does it mean when an
5395.52 -> image says exclusive
5397.679 -> would you get it with qriket access
5400.48 -> i don't know what that means
5403.76 -> i've never seen an image that says
5405.04 -> exclusive i don't know i have no idea
5408.159 -> does anyone else know i'm not even sure
5411.36 -> i can only guess and i might guess wrong
5413.76 -> so i probably shouldn't guess
5416.96 -> i don't know yeah i'm not sure
5418.88 -> anne says if you're not an access member
5421.36 -> can you buy fonts images etc from access
5424.159 -> yes you can
5425.44 -> you don't have to be an access member to
5427.44 -> get those things you can just buy them
5429.52 -> but after a while it kind of adds up and
5431.6 -> it's better to get access it's up to you
5433.76 -> but you can just buy them if you want
5435.199 -> yeah the price is right at the bottom
5437.199 -> and it tells you how much it is
5439.04 -> molly says i'm confused about cricut
5441.04 -> cloud how do i get that everyone with a
5443.76 -> cricut id which is free
5446.159 -> has access to the cricut cloud
5448.719 -> so which is really actually amazing
5451.84 -> there's no limit to how much you can
5454.08 -> upload
5455.199 -> to cricut design space
5457.44 -> uh at one point poor cricket
5460.96 -> it was earlier this year
5462.8 -> they were like oh my gosh our servers
5464.8 -> they're just groaning under all of this
5466.639 -> so we're going to sit we're going to try
5468 -> to limit people and people did not like
5469.92 -> that
5471.12 -> however the thing the fact of the matter
5473.12 -> is is that that is that is a weight that
5475.28 -> they are carrying to allow us to upload
5477.92 -> all their fold full all of their folder
5480.08 -> all of our files and i'm grateful that
5482.239 -> they're doing that but
5485.04 -> but
5486 -> um that is pretty amazing that they do
5488.32 -> that
5489.04 -> i don't know of any other service that
5490.32 -> does that let's just upload thousands
5492.32 -> and thousands of files
5494.159 -> but yeah the cricut cloud just comes
5496.159 -> with cricut id and it's free so
5499.36 -> you can just upload your files i have no
5501.52 -> idea if they won't might not one day
5503.52 -> change that but considering how people
5505.52 -> reacted
5506.639 -> to them attempting to like
5510.159 -> not do not do it i don't think that they
5511.92 -> will i think they'll do other things
5514.159 -> but yeah the qriket cloud is just a part
5515.84 -> of the cricut id and it's free and as
5518.32 -> soon as you make a cricut id you have
5520 -> access to the cloud and to upload your
5522.48 -> files and save your projects it's pretty
5524.719 -> awesome
5526.32 -> dd says do we have to upload all
5528.32 -> projects to the cloud or is it done
5530 -> automatically if you you have to save
5532.639 -> your projects for them to be
5534.88 -> in the cloud it is not automatic there's
5537.199 -> no automatic save
5539.199 -> now there is a fairly new feature that
5541.52 -> if you
5542.48 -> lose your connection while you're
5544.08 -> designing or you crash
5546.4 -> or something it will sort of take a
5549.92 -> you know it'll sort of record what was
5551.84 -> there like a sort of snapshot of what
5554.639 -> was there and when it comes back up on
5556.88 -> your computer it will attempt to bring
5559.199 -> you back to the same place so it's kind
5561.84 -> of like an auto save but not quite
5564.48 -> because then actually save it
5566.719 -> technically okay so you still need to
5569.12 -> save your projects
5571.76 -> april says can you share a project
5573.679 -> outside of design space if it's created
5575.6 -> in design space you sure can
5577.76 -> so long as you don't upload anything to
5579.92 -> your project you can share it
5581.92 -> with others it just has you share the
5584 -> project link and it takes them right
5586.159 -> into the design space but if you
5587.52 -> uploaded anything
5588.96 -> any fonts any svg files any pngs or
5592.4 -> jpegs you can't share it because of
5594.8 -> licensing because people would just
5596.32 -> upload things that they don't have
5597.92 -> permission to share so that's why that
5600.08 -> is like that
5601.52 -> teacher 4416 says you can only work on
5604.239 -> one project in design space at a time
5607.199 -> no as you just saw so
5610.56 -> um so when a project is cutting you
5612.32 -> cannot switch to another screen to work
5614.08 -> while you wait yes you can you totally
5616.719 -> can do that so you can have multiple
5618.88 -> file windows open and as long as they're
5622.239 -> you know
5623.44 -> they're busy whatever yeah you can just
5625.12 -> have multiple files open the only thing
5626.639 -> you can't do is like be cutting to the
5628.4 -> same machine with two like two windows
5630.88 -> like that's just not gonna work but as
5633.04 -> long as
5634.239 -> you're not really cutting in one window
5636.08 -> you can be working in plenty of other
5637.44 -> windows
5638.96 -> do it all the time
5640.56 -> ashley says can you upload any image
5642.8 -> does it have to be a certain type of
5644.239 -> image you can upload pngs jpegs gifs
5648.88 -> and
5649.76 -> also h-e-i-c images those are the ones
5652.96 -> that you take on your phone on an iphone
5655.44 -> at least h-e-i-c
5657.199 -> you can upload those as well oh and bmps
5659.76 -> not many people still use those though
5661.6 -> so five types and then of course svg
5665.28 -> eric says what is the licensing use so
5668 -> cricket has what they call the angel
5669.679 -> policy so all of their images they're
5671.92 -> like they're non-licensed images so not
5674.48 -> the disney not the marvel stuff it falls
5676.88 -> under what's called the angel policy and
5679.12 -> that allows you to
5682.56 -> like sell it right so that's what you
5684.159 -> mean about licensing use so you can sell
5686.96 -> the completed projects made with those
5689.44 -> images
5690.639 -> but if it's a licensed image like marvel
5693.199 -> or disney or you know hello kitty that's
5696.56 -> different you can't sell those projects
5698.96 -> so to get more information about the
5701.119 -> angel policy just go to
5704 -> i don't remember the url but if you go
5705.6 -> to google and type in qriket angel
5708.08 -> policy it'll come up for you
5711.199 -> joan says let's just say you can't
5713.199 -> afford access
5714.639 -> can you use fonts from your own computer
5716.719 -> and svg files you purchased elsewhere
5718.8 -> yeah totally absolutely that's what i
5720.88 -> did in my first year
5722.88 -> a lot of people just
5724.32 -> get fonts and they use their own fonts
5726.32 -> on their computer so and same for svg
5729.44 -> files
5730.4 -> so a lot of people i know people who
5731.92 -> only use my svg files which don't cost
5734 -> anything so yes you can totally do that
5737.28 -> frida says how do i do a test cut i have
5740.32 -> a video on it so i will refer you to the
5742.56 -> video can some member of my team find
5745.04 -> that video on youtube and share it with
5746.96 -> her
5747.76 -> it's just a
5749.44 -> basically just i'm not going to explain
5751.199 -> it because the the video explains it so
5753.76 -> that's the best way to see how it's done
5757.52 -> michelle says when rotating your image
5759.92 -> is there a way to find the center line
5762.4 -> or exact diagonal mark like there is on
5764.719 -> the iphone version if you hold down your
5767.119 -> shift key
5768.48 -> it rotates and increments and so
5771.679 -> it's always going to be
5773.6 -> at that 45 degree angle or it's always
5776.08 -> going to be at that 90 degree angle
5777.679 -> that's how you want to do it hold down
5779.76 -> your shift key there's no shift key on
5782.239 -> the ipad and the android so it has to
5784.239 -> have that yellow line but we don't have
5786.4 -> to worry about that because we've got a
5787.76 -> shift key
5788.96 -> so that's all you do
5790.96 -> jack and johnny says is flatten only
5793.6 -> used for print then cut or are there
5795.199 -> other uses for it it's really only used
5797.36 -> for print and cut yeah
5799.92 -> suzy c says is there a way to have it do
5802.4 -> soft returns in a text box so that it
5804.56 -> returns automatically based on the size
5806.719 -> of the box not to my knowledge yet no
5810.48 -> there isn't a way to do that you have to
5812.08 -> use hard returns it's a great question
5814.88 -> gianna says there are some bold writing
5817.6 -> fonts i notice that the font you use
5819.36 -> became significantly thinner in the
5821.199 -> writing mode
5822.48 -> so there are
5824.56 -> there's not really any bold writing
5826.56 -> fonts unless you kind of
5829.119 -> uh make them yourself which i have done
5831.84 -> it's very complicated to like fill it in
5834.4 -> there aren't any fonts that will
5835.76 -> automatically fill in
5837.52 -> yet to my you know to my knowledge
5839.6 -> there's a couple of fonts that will
5841.04 -> simulate it however
5842.719 -> i can't tell you what they are off the
5844.08 -> top of my head but i've used them in
5845.52 -> some engraving projects so that when
5847.119 -> they engrave they kind of fill in a
5849.28 -> little bit more
5850.56 -> i also have a tutorial on how to fill in
5852.88 -> handwriting and it's on my blog
5856.159 -> you should go look for that it's not a
5858.8 -> simple thing but it does work
5861.679 -> if it's a special project it's worth it
5865.44 -> jack and johnny says is there a way to
5867.44 -> save certain fonts as favorite so i can
5869.6 -> do a quick search for my favorite fonts
5871.52 -> in design space
5873.76 -> i don't think so but i'm hoping that's a
5875.6 -> feature that might be coming soon i i
5877.76 -> don't know when i say that when i say
5879.28 -> i'm hoping for something just make sure
5880.8 -> you know them that's just me being
5882.08 -> hopeful
5883.199 -> and also well it is also me noticing
5885.52 -> that people ask for this
5887.36 -> and i've been watching qriket long
5889.6 -> enough to know that when people ask for
5891.76 -> something like improvements to print
5893.28 -> then cut
5894.4 -> the cricut listens and so if i see
5896.88 -> enough people ask for this and i have
5898.48 -> seen them ask for the the favorite thing
5900.88 -> um i'm sure that someone is working on
5903.04 -> it i'm just sure they are but i don't
5904.48 -> know
5905.199 -> no there isn't currently that's the easy
5907.44 -> answer
5908.96 -> um well all i do is just make a note of
5912.159 -> what my favorite fonts are and i just
5913.52 -> search for them so i don't even use
5915.6 -> favorites
5916.88 -> loretta says what does multi-layer font
5919.119 -> mean multi-layer font means that there's
5921.76 -> two layers to it and so one of the
5923.76 -> layers is usually a little bit bigger
5925.679 -> and so you can use it kind of like an
5927.119 -> outline or offset
5930 -> sarah h says i want to sell my products
5932.32 -> how can i tell when i can use an image
5934.239 -> or font legally is there an option to
5936.639 -> pay for a license to use and sell my
5938.32 -> things so the angel policy is what
5940 -> you're going to want to look up if it's
5941.6 -> a cricut
5943.199 -> font or a cricut image
5945.52 -> if it's not one that's in cricut design
5947.52 -> space then you have to contact the
5949.119 -> person who created the design
5951.52 -> or
5952.56 -> the font and different places have
5954.719 -> different rules like i know font bundles
5957.679 -> will let you buy a commercial license to
5960.4 -> use their fonts commercially
5962.8 -> if you want to ever use my designs i
5964.96 -> allow people to sell
5966.639 -> the des
5967.679 -> finished projects that make with my
5969.36 -> designs without
5971.199 -> me asking for anything other than maybe
5973.52 -> a photo or something
5975.36 -> i like to get photos of your projects if
5977.52 -> you sell them that's it curtis family
5980.56 -> says on the make it screen what does the
5982.4 -> material size refer to
5984.56 -> what are the implications of changing
5986.48 -> the default size
5988.159 -> the material size refers to
5992.88 -> your like your paper size
5995.04 -> so let's say
5996.56 -> you were making um
5998.56 -> a couple of these right not just one
6001.84 -> and uh
6003.92 -> if you were using 12 by 12 paper it
6006.239 -> probably can put them side by side
6008.239 -> where's another one of them
6012.239 -> i don't know where it went
6014.719 -> we'll pretend that this is one i could
6016.4 -> put them side by side on a 12 by 12 inch
6018.56 -> piece of paper but at an eight and a
6020.4 -> half by 11 it would be too wide and
6022.159 -> you'd have to cut them like this so when
6024.159 -> you change your material size there it
6025.92 -> will rearrange the things on your mat to
6028 -> fit your material size try it you'll see
6031.119 -> what i mean
6033.36 -> simca says i'm using an explore air 2
6036.32 -> after i hit make it a message pops up
6038.56 -> that says project incompatible
6040.88 -> not supported by a current machine
6042.639 -> selection to resolve adjust layers what
6045.28 -> should i do i'd have to see your project
6047.199 -> to know
6048.4 -> i can tell you that the
6050.88 -> chances are it's because your
6054.639 -> chances are your project is too big to
6056.88 -> fit on your explorer error too
6059.6 -> so it's usually that has to do with size
6062.8 -> and it says adjust layers right so go
6065.52 -> check the size and make sure it's under
6067.6 -> 11 and a half inches on all
6070.239 -> both the width and the height all layers
6073.84 -> if that isn't it come ask in our qriket
6076.159 -> crafters group make sure you put a
6077.76 -> screenshot of your entire screen and
6080.159 -> make sure we can see your layers panel
6083.36 -> jody says after you cut a project save
6085.76 -> and close it can you come back several
6087.76 -> days later and edit the project again
6090 -> yes you can
6091.199 -> just keep in mind that you can't undo so
6093.44 -> once you've saved it closed it and then
6096.159 -> reopen it all of your undo history is
6098.4 -> not there so you just you're starting
6100.32 -> from that point forward but yes you can
6102.639 -> totally edit the project again you can
6104.48 -> move all your things around change all
6106.159 -> your operations colors add stuff all
6109.199 -> that
6110.639 -> shirley says i followed all the steps my
6112.8 -> laptop doesn't recognize my machine
6115.199 -> how can i solve that
6118 -> that's a lesson one question um
6121.36 -> so
6122.08 -> i don't know if you were in lesson one
6124.4 -> probably you said followed all the steps
6126.96 -> it's so hard to know without knowing
6128.719 -> what's going on with your laptop like
6130.88 -> how close is your laptop how good is
6133.119 -> your is your bluetooth like is your
6135.04 -> bluetooth working on your laptop right
6137.119 -> can you connect other things via
6138.639 -> bluetooth
6139.76 -> um
6141.199 -> that there's a lot going on there so
6144.4 -> answer those questions figure that out
6146.32 -> and come to our group and ask us there
6148.159 -> because i can't help you without knowing
6150.08 -> all that stuff but if you go
6152 -> posting qriket crafters makers with that
6154.32 -> information tag me so i see it i'll be
6157.119 -> able to give you more information
6159.679 -> ying says question about the smart
6162.08 -> material if the size of the project is
6164.159 -> only half of the width
6166.159 -> so i would cut it and save the other
6167.92 -> half for another project and when i want
6170.4 -> to use this piece do i need to put it on
6172.239 -> a mat or can i still run it through the
6174 -> machine without the mat thank you great
6176 -> question
6177.28 -> let's see here yes i can show you with
6179.36 -> this
6180.159 -> so this is the piece of test material
6182.719 -> that came with the maker 3 and explorer
6184.719 -> 3.
6185.84 -> you will note that when i went to cut
6188.159 -> out my sunflower i trimmed the vinyl
6192.48 -> and when i left the liner that means i
6195.199 -> can put it back into my machine to cut
6197.44 -> it again on this side because i didn't
6199.92 -> cut all the way through
6201.52 -> so you have two options here you can do
6203.679 -> what i did and maintain the width of
6206.159 -> your liner so that you can put it back
6208.639 -> through your maker 3 or explorer 3 as
6213.119 -> a smart material without a mat or you
6216.48 -> can just cut it and put it on a mat and
6218.8 -> cut it as smart material on your mat
6221.28 -> either way okay
6223.6 -> and to do this cut i just use my true
6225.52 -> control knife and i just made a light
6227.84 -> cut so that i wasn't cutting all the way
6229.679 -> through the liner that's all i did
6233.6 -> jack and johnny says will the smart card
6236.239 -> stock sheet that came with the maker 3
6238.8 -> fit in a regular printer for print and
6241.119 -> cut no it will not
6243.92 -> unless you have a special printer my
6246.32 -> printer only does eight and a half by
6247.679 -> 11. that piece of card stock is 12x13 i
6251.36 -> don't know any printer that i mean i
6253.36 -> know there's some that do 12x12 but they
6254.88 -> don't do 12x13
6256.719 -> so no if you really wanted to use it you
6259.52 -> can trim it to eight and a half by
6261.119 -> eleven and it will go through
6263.84 -> most printers we tried it we
6265.76 -> experimented with it and it did go
6267.44 -> through our printer
6269.04 -> but we had to use the manual bypass
6270.96 -> because it's really this is really thick
6273.44 -> paper
6274.56 -> right very thick so you'd have to have a
6277.44 -> printer that has a manual bypass like on
6280.239 -> the back
6281.52 -> so it doesn't have to make any turns
6283.92 -> dd says we set the pressure to more for
6285.92 -> the first cut do we leave the pressures
6288.239 -> more for the writing pass yeah
6290.48 -> just use more pressure
6292.4 -> you'll be happier
6295.199 -> that okay sometimes you just don't need
6297.04 -> it like i use it for i use more pressure
6299.199 -> for all of these i will guarantee you if
6301.28 -> i take them all off right now they're
6303.199 -> all going to be they're all going to be
6304.8 -> awesome more pressure it's just it's
6306.8 -> just a little bit more it's not like a
6308.239 -> lot but it's always like just enough to
6310.639 -> give me that nice clean cut where it
6312.32 -> just falls off my mat
6314.639 -> so yeah even for the writing one now if
6317.119 -> you're only doing writing and nothing
6319.44 -> else you probably don't need it then
6321.28 -> right but i i just use it anyways
6325.119 -> um this is bugging me we're gonna we're
6327.52 -> gonna undo this just sitting here there
6330.56 -> we go
6332.8 -> gina says how do you change your pen
6335.119 -> size
6336.56 -> uh can you use a thicker or thinner pen
6338.48 -> for any design where you where and where
6340.4 -> do you specify that for the image can i
6342.32 -> use a gel pen so cricut pens come in a
6344.56 -> variety of different things in
6346.159 -> yesterday's lesson in lesson two we
6348.56 -> talked all about the pens so definitely
6350.56 -> review that
6351.76 -> and you just change it right in qriket
6354.159 -> design space let's go back in here to
6356.719 -> our craziness
6358.56 -> let's go find what are we on this the
6360.719 -> joy
6362.719 -> let's uh say
6364.96 -> here we go this one
6366.96 -> uh we'll finish this one and
6369.84 -> we'll come into our pen here i'm
6372.239 -> selecting it here on this side i know
6374 -> it's a little bit smaller i'll try to
6375.28 -> bring everything in so that we can see
6377.119 -> it a little bit bigger
6378.8 -> my screen adjusts to whatever's on it
6381.6 -> all right there we go it's a little
6383.199 -> bigger now okay so
6385.44 -> i've selected this pen and if we go up
6387.28 -> here to the the color picker
6389.679 -> you can change your your pen here so
6392.159 -> there's a headed on fine point but if we
6394.48 -> want to say marker
6397.199 -> there's a marker we can change the color
6398.8 -> here to gold and this is what it'll look
6400.639 -> like
6401.36 -> so you can it helps you stimulate it
6403.76 -> that said
6404.96 -> you don't have to have it set to marker
6407.199 -> to use marker it doesn't it doesn't know
6409.119 -> it doesn't care
6410.4 -> so you can just i just keep it set to
6412.239 -> the default and i just put whatever one
6413.84 -> i want in my machine okay
6416.56 -> i don't let that stop me
6419.36 -> nikki says what are the best laptops to
6421.36 -> use for design space i know there are
6423.119 -> some that don't support it like
6424.56 -> chromebooks i just got my qriket for
6426.639 -> christmas and i only have a phone and
6428.639 -> i'm looking to buy a laptop for it
6430.8 -> the best laptop is the one that you can
6433.04 -> afford and runs design space so if you
6436 -> go to google and type in google system
6438.56 -> requirements
6440.239 -> sorry cricut system requirements qriket
6443.04 -> will tell you the minimum requirements
6444.96 -> that you need i rattled them up off
6446.8 -> earlier and in lesson one too but if you
6449.36 -> just go there it'll tell you the basics
6451.04 -> it needs
6452.159 -> the size of the ram and the hard drive
6455.04 -> and the operating system which is
6457.04 -> windows 8 or mac os 10.15
6461.28 -> i like mac computers but they're pricier
6464.88 -> honestly you can get a really good
6466.56 -> laptop that runs design space for under
6468.96 -> 500 bucks
6470.4 -> so i can't advise you on what those are
6472.719 -> i'd have to do a little bit more
6473.76 -> research to tell you exact brand names
6476.96 -> but since i'm not a windows user i use
6479.92 -> it but that's not my preference i mean
6482.32 -> you know i'd say go buy a macbook but
6484.719 -> you might not want a macbook
6487.04 -> mac in windows is a very personal
6488.8 -> preference
6490.159 -> so
6491.6 -> chromebook by the way isn't a laptop i
6493.76 -> know it looks like one but all it is is
6495.84 -> really a mobile device with a keyboard
6498 -> it's very confusing people get
6500.239 -> chromebooks and they think they're
6501.52 -> laptops and then they're disappointed
6504.08 -> when they go to use it but just so you
6506.08 -> know that's really what it is
6508.159 -> so if it's not a chromebook you should
6510.08 -> be fine okay that's really that's really
6513.52 -> the key would be to look at the
6515.44 -> operating system is it windows 8 or
6517.84 -> higher is it os 10.15 or higher if so
6521.92 -> you should be fine okay
6525.119 -> becky says design space tells me there's
6527.36 -> no internet connection how do i work in
6529.36 -> design space if it's not connected
6531.92 -> so
6532.88 -> you need to get an internet connection
6535.199 -> that one's a hard one to troubleshoot
6536.639 -> because i don't know what's going on at
6538.239 -> your house right uh if you so i would
6542 -> start by restarting design space and
6544.56 -> then restarting your computer to figure
6546.96 -> out why it doesn't have an internet
6548.239 -> connection are you connected to wi-fi
6550.719 -> right you actually have your computer
6552.4 -> connected it doesn't work otherwise like
6554.719 -> figure out what's going on with your
6556.239 -> computer's internet connection first
6558.96 -> and that usually will clear up any
6560.56 -> issues
6562.88 -> if you don't have really strong internet
6564.56 -> that might be an issue so you gotta move
6566.88 -> closer to your internet
6568.639 -> right you might have to move closer you
6570.48 -> can get
6572.48 -> wi-fi boosters for your house that can
6574.719 -> extend your signal to other parts that
6576.639 -> might make it easier for you to get your
6578.56 -> internet because you need internet in
6580.4 -> your computer for it to work and you do
6582.639 -> need some internet you can work offline
6584.56 -> but you have to have to get online at
6586.56 -> least once a month to get updates to
6588.639 -> download stuff that kind of thing so you
6591.119 -> need to have some internet to at least
6592.8 -> get things set up
6594.88 -> and the last question is from ginny and
6597.04 -> it says your design space showed more
6599.119 -> images than mine do i need to update
6602.239 -> um i don't know why it shows more images
6604.239 -> i actually noticed that
6606.239 -> in the ipad in the android and and on my
6609.44 -> desktop i saw a different number of
6611.04 -> images
6612.639 -> chances are it's because of the machine
6615.119 -> that was selected
6616.639 -> so it's nothing that has anything to do
6618.48 -> with you so not all images are available
6621.599 -> for all machines the joy has some images
6623.76 -> that are just for it
6625.52 -> right and there's some things that you
6626.719 -> can't do on the joy and they're only on
6628.48 -> the explorer or the maker and this the
6630.159 -> maker can do even more so chances are
6632.639 -> that's what's actually going on it's
6634.639 -> also possible that my uploaded images
6636.96 -> are included in that count i don't know
6638.96 -> for sure
6640.08 -> i'm not sure how they calculate it so no
6643.119 -> i don't think it's anything that you
6644.32 -> have to do
6646.239 -> all right and then i saw a question
6647.599 -> about qriket college and i want to tell
6649.52 -> you about that before we go
6651.28 -> so yesterday someone asked me about
6653.44 -> qriket college and i saw a couple of you
6655.44 -> asking about it as well so qriket
6657.679 -> college is my
6659.36 -> course for design space so it is
6661.92 -> actually the next step after qriket
6664.32 -> kickoff if you want to keep learning
6666.159 -> about qriket design space so in qriket
6668.48 -> college i lead you through step by step
6671.44 -> everything
6672.639 -> after this point and we go nice and slow
6675.28 -> we take things one step at a time
6677.119 -> through units that build off each other
6679.52 -> and someone asked yesterday if they
6681.28 -> could do it and so we have decided to
6683.199 -> open enrollment for it we only do qriket
6686.08 -> college
6687.76 -> periodically throughout the year
6690.239 -> it's not enrollment is not open all the
6692.08 -> time
6693.44 -> but it's going to be open right now for
6696.32 -> i don't know how many days but until
6697.599 -> january 8th so if you want to learn
6700.48 -> about it
6701.76 -> i think it's here
6703.599 -> yes you can go to
6705.84 -> qriket college
6707.199 -> and you will want to enroll soon because
6709.599 -> once it's closed you won't be able to
6711.679 -> get in until we open it again i don't
6713.84 -> know when we'll open it again it could
6715.84 -> be in
6717.36 -> summer but it could also be in the fall
6719.44 -> it just depends on what we have going on
6721.599 -> because it's important to us that we are
6723.679 -> able to support you
6725.28 -> so we don't just leave it open all the
6726.719 -> time we like to have enrollment sections
6729.76 -> and i think many of you have already
6731.92 -> taken it i've seen comments about that
6734.88 -> so it's awesome i love that when my
6737.04 -> students come back i actually ask all of
6739.679 -> my qriket college students to take
6741.44 -> qriket kickoff that is actually the
6743.76 -> first step so that we are all on the
6746.239 -> same page and you've learned how to make
6748.239 -> your certificates
6750.239 -> this is really important because
6751.44 -> everything builds off of this point so
6754.239 -> in our first fact i was going to show
6756.4 -> you what it looks like
6761.52 -> let's see here if i can find it
6766.4 -> here it is this it
6768 -> i don't know where it is now
6771.199 -> oh here it is
6773.679 -> when this is my
6775.119 -> no
6777.36 -> this is it but let me just show you just
6779.28 -> my browser
6782.639 -> qriket design
6784.56 -> google chrome there we go there we go
6786.56 -> okay
6787.52 -> this is qriket college so if you go to
6789.599 -> the link that you see at the top of this
6791.28 -> page that will take you to this page and
6793.599 -> it will tell you all about qriket design
6795.679 -> space so if you want to learn more
6799.199 -> come join us in qriket college designed
6801.44 -> to shine
6802.48 -> our first project is the super cute
6804.56 -> pop-up card our second project is how to
6807.28 -> make iron-on t-shirts
6809.28 -> and our third is the door hanger we make
6812.4 -> lots of other things there's actually a
6814.239 -> picture of everything
6815.92 -> that we make down here and these are not
6818.719 -> tutorial tutorials like are on my blog
6822.159 -> you actually design all of these things
6824.08 -> yourself so they're very unique to you
6826.639 -> and i show you how to do this so design
6828.56 -> to shine
6829.679 -> is how to design in cricut design space
6832.32 -> it's really cool it's
6834.4 -> unusual i don't know of anything else
6836.08 -> like it it's not just here i made a
6838.239 -> thing for you upload it this is what you
6840.239 -> do that's how my tutorials normally are
6842.32 -> i try to make them very simple like
6844.32 -> ready to make projects designed to shine
6846.88 -> teaches you how to actually use qriket
6848.88 -> design space so that you don't have to
6850.96 -> get svgs and you can do everything you
6853.599 -> want on your own that is the goal of it
6856.239 -> and i think it works really well i have
6857.92 -> seen our students make the most amazing
6860.719 -> amazing things so
6863.84 -> go check it out and see if you'd like to
6865.599 -> join us in qriket college just make sure
6867.44 -> that you've enrolled before we close
6869.679 -> enrollment
6871.28 -> emailer says can qriket college upgrade
6873.599 -> to platinum be done at any time yes you
6876.32 -> can totally get silver right now there's
6878.96 -> three tiers silver gold and platinum
6882.48 -> obviously silver is least expensive you
6884.719 -> can totally just get silver now see what
6886.719 -> you think about it and upgrade at any
6888.88 -> time and i also have like for everything
6890.96 -> i do i have a
6892.56 -> 30 day happiness guarantee so if you
6894.56 -> don't decide that you don't like my
6896 -> style of teaching or whatever you just
6898.719 -> let us know and we just refund you it
6900.639 -> doesn't cost anything extra
6902.96 -> or it doesn't there's we don't ask you
6905.36 -> that's what i'm trying to say we don't
6906.48 -> ask you why or anything it's it's it's
6909.119 -> just sure no problem just has to be
6910.88 -> within 30 days because
6912.56 -> of the processing companies not because
6914.4 -> of us
6915.28 -> um to just the rules and stuff what's it
6917.679 -> gonna say oh i want you to know that
6919.44 -> qriket college is for all platforms so
6922.56 -> we talked about desktop tonight but it
6925.36 -> also covers android and ipad and iphone
6928.639 -> and they each have their own videos
6930.8 -> and then and then we actually i show you
6933.119 -> how to make the thing you designed
6935.199 -> step by step so it's both um
6938.8 -> the
6939.52 -> designing of the project and you design
6941.679 -> it yourself you're not uploading any
6943.92 -> svgs you're designing yourself it is not
6946.32 -> hard it is fun
6948 -> and then you make it and i show you how
6949.92 -> to make it and then i even have what i
6952.56 -> call behind the design videos where i
6955.119 -> have recorded myself
6957.52 -> creating designs and narrating it and i
6960.08 -> share it with you so you can see how i
6962.159 -> did some of the amazing things i did
6964.8 -> and a lot of times that can be really
6966.56 -> helpful when you're trying to do more
6968.32 -> amazing things yourself so that's
6969.84 -> included in it as well with all of the
6971.599 -> units
6973.76 -> all right oh
6975.119 -> there's a question also kim says when
6977.52 -> does qriket college begin qriket college
6980 -> is on demand and self-paced so as soon
6982.96 -> as you enroll it begins i saw someone
6985.44 -> this morning say that she had enrolled
6987.28 -> and already started on unit one so as
6989.599 -> soon as you
6990.96 -> so it can start whenever you want so you
6993.119 -> can enroll now
6994.96 -> but not start until i don't know
6996.719 -> february because you're busy but you
6998.32 -> want to get in before the enrollment
7000 -> ends right you can start now
7002.56 -> and binge watch some binge make
7004.88 -> everything and have it all done
7007.199 -> faster you can go as fast or slow as you
7009.44 -> want you can re-watch everything you can
7011.28 -> even download all the videos it's
7013.28 -> obviously video based because i'm video
7016 -> based but we have workbooks as well
7018.8 -> because obviously i like workbooks too
7021.52 -> so everything has a video everything has
7023.52 -> a workbook also they have transcripts
7026.32 -> and they have mp3s so you can just
7028.08 -> listen like in your car
7029.76 -> it's got everything
7031.28 -> i tried to cover all the bases it's very
7033.92 -> comprehensive it covers everything about
7036.159 -> qriket design space that i know of
7040.719 -> and lillian says what's the difference
7042.56 -> between academy and college maker
7045.28 -> academy
7046.48 -> is my umbrella
7049.679 -> name for all of my stuff all of my
7052.88 -> courses
7054.08 -> books
7055.04 -> workshops classes events everything
7058.48 -> maker academy it's like
7060.56 -> the umbrella and then under that i have
7063.119 -> various courses and classes and
7064.88 -> workshops so
7066.56 -> that's what you mean so it's just
7068.56 -> a name it's just name that's it
7071.199 -> college is part of the academy right
7075.44 -> uh
7076.639 -> mess says are there projects in qriket
7078.88 -> college for the joy yes they are
7082.4 -> and can i just like point that out i
7084.56 -> need to like mar we need to marvel at
7086.88 -> this i'm going to go back to our webpage
7090.4 -> so yeah this isn't that big no big deal
7092.48 -> but this shirt made out of joy the sign
7095.44 -> made out of joy
7097.119 -> all of these things made out of joy this
7099.76 -> one
7100.4 -> not joy this one is joy right so
7103.04 -> whatever
7104.32 -> it can't be made the big ones sometimes
7106.08 -> the big ones can't be made i enjoy but
7107.679 -> there's always an alternative for joy if
7109.76 -> that's the case the only time all of
7112.32 -> these even you can cut faux leather on
7114.4 -> the joy i tell you how to your shadow
7116.8 -> box will just be a little smaller you
7118.639 -> can do all this on the joy though
7120.719 -> you can this is the joy version of the
7122.88 -> shadow box here
7124.4 -> this is the only one that's tricky
7126 -> because joy can't do print and cut but i
7128.159 -> even
7129.199 -> uh give you a little cheater method for
7131.04 -> print then cut for the joy it's still
7133.199 -> possible i was impressed with myself
7135.679 -> so i actually and and it's not just joy
7138.48 -> just so that's clear i know i'm talking
7139.84 -> about joy this is for all of the
7141.52 -> machines
7142.639 -> so qriket college designed to shine
7144.8 -> that's the full name in the course is
7146.96 -> all five cricut machines and all three
7149.92 -> platforms desktop ios and android it's
7152.639 -> the whole shebang everyone is included
7154.88 -> no one is excluded except maybe people
7157.52 -> who have cricket expression because they
7160.08 -> can't even use cricut design space
7162.96 -> so i guess they're not included but
7166.639 -> that was i never i don't even have a
7168.239 -> qriket expression so and it can't use
7170.56 -> crooked design space so i'm lost there
7175.36 -> all right i think i should wrap up
7179.36 -> i'm checking to see if there's no i
7180.8 -> think i got all the questions if for
7182.32 -> some reason i missed your question and
7183.599 -> remember
7184.48 -> you can get your question answered over
7186.159 -> in my qriket crafters group you can also
7188.8 -> email us there's my email link you can
7191.44 -> email us so if you have questions
7194.32 -> about
7195.599 -> qriket kickoff
7197.04 -> qriket college a tutorial just email us
7199.599 -> we'd be happy to help you out
7201.76 -> and
7203.52 -> i think that's it i think we have
7205.04 -> finished quick at kickoff that's awesome
7207.36 -> 11 videos in three days
7210.239 -> thank you to everyone who has joined me
7212.48 -> thank you to my team you guys are
7214.8 -> amazing this has been quite the marathon
7218 -> to do and i'm so impressed that we did
7220.48 -> it everybody
7222.4 -> pet on the back this is amazing you guys
7224.239 -> are all awesome i have the best team in
7226.08 -> the world greg is here he came in to
7228.719 -> escort me home because it's snowing here
7231.679 -> in ann arbor he says it's really really
7233.84 -> slippery so he's going to help me
7235.76 -> see it's awesome
7237.44 -> all right so i'm going to wrap up now
7239.599 -> these videos will remain available for
7241.599 -> replay on my facebook page they'll never
7243.92 -> go away they'll just be there and all
7245.76 -> their glory
7247.92 -> i link to them even if you ever want to
7250.239 -> like watch the whole thing unedited but
7253.679 -> we do edit these videos down so that
7256.08 -> they're easier to follow a little
7258.56 -> shorter we actually separate the q a
7260.48 -> from the instruction
7262.159 -> because you know it's been like over two
7264.56 -> hours now that's a long time for a class
7266.4 -> so we kind of break it down and we put
7268.8 -> the best of them up on youtube but all
7271.119 -> of them go into qriket and
7273.92 -> everyone will get an email with a link
7275.76 -> to all of the replays okay so that
7277.92 -> you've missed anything you will have a
7280.08 -> link to all the replays okay i think
7282.4 -> that's it thank you everybody
7285.119 -> so much for joining us for qriket
7286.96 -> kickoff this is a lot of fun and i'm so
7289.44 -> excited to see all of your certificates
7292.159 -> okay
7293.199 -> make these post pictures of them i'll be
7295.52 -> watching for them okay have a great
7298.159 -> night everybody
7299.679 -> i love you and i will see you after i've
7301.92 -> had a little rest
7303.36 -> bye
