Best compact crossover 2021? Nissan Juke v Opel Mokka v Volkswagen T-Cross

Best compact crossover 2021? Nissan Juke v Opel Mokka v Volkswagen T-Cross

Best compact crossover 2021? Nissan Juke v Opel Mokka v Volkswagen T-Cross

Today we will drag 402m, make moose and slalom test, check real fuel consumption and autonomous safety System on Juke, Mokka, T-Cross 2021.

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#2hp #carreview #suv #NissanJuke #OpelMokka #VolkswagenTCross

00:00 Intro \u0026 ExteriorDesign
01:35 Braking test
02:34 Boot
04:44 Moose test
08:23 Back Seats
11:45 Slalom test
12:53 Motors \u0026 0-100kmh \u0026 Drag
14:42 Fuel consumption
15:00 Autonomous Safety Systems test
16:40 Verdict


0.56 -> hello everybody at the numerous requests of our  viewers and subscribers today we are conducting a  
5.84 -> comparative test drive of three compact crossovers  it will be opel mocha volkswagen t-cross i nissan  
12.96 -> juke i'm sure you will be very interested firstly  because today japanese technology will withstand  
19.44 -> german technology obviously we have at least two  youth cars in front of us the peculiarity of the  
25.92 -> first car is the absence of a classic grill it  is a glossy plug that hints at electric cars  
32.8 -> the car is two-tone i'm talking about mocha and  this is also a reference to a younger audience
41.76 -> if you look at the nissan duke you will  see the original design if you look at  
47.04 -> the silhouette of this car you will see that  this design is inspired by many racing cars  
53.36 -> and if you look at the headlights  in the shape of a meat grinder  
56.96 -> then in principle it would be cool if it could  spin and work like the blade scan system in lexus
65.92 -> but we are talking about the appearance of cars  
69.28 -> and of course we will talk about the volkswagen  t cross which looks extremely conservative which  
76.16 -> looks restrained and this of course is a very  correct and thoughtful tactic this is all for the  
83.04 -> conservative european public and of course for vag  wanker lovers who like this discreet design attack
100.96 -> braking distance test at a speed of 60  kilometers per hour the best result of  
106.72 -> the braking distance test you opel is 10 meters  35 centimeters the worst result is 11 meters 12  
112.64 -> centimeters and the arithmetic average over  the three races is 10 meters 82 centimeters
120.16 -> the best result of the braking distance test  you nissan is 11 meters seven centimeters  
124.32 -> the worst result is 11 meters 29  centimeters the arithmetic average  
128 -> over the three races is 11 meters 20 centimeters  what results will volkswagen have the best result  
134.56 -> for volkswagen is 12 meters 24 centimeters  the worst result of the braking distance  
139.04 -> test is 13 meters 83 centimeters and the  average result is 12 meters 95 centimeters  
145.92 -> opel is on the first place nissan is on the  second place volkswagen is on the third place
157.36 -> i remind you right away that none of the  competitors in this category have an electric  
162.08 -> boot the marker probably has the most awkward  trunk opening due to the low opening button if  
169.68 -> your height is 1 meter 90 centimeters then it will  not be easy for you you will need to bend over
178.8 -> we have a shelf here we can adjust the shelf  in height i mean a shelf that covers where the  
185.12 -> spare wheel should be here we have sound  proofing note felt does not stick out of  
191.52 -> the sound proofing the sound proofing is  neatly sewn up and the shelf is black on
204 -> perhaps only a repair kit goes here  and perhaps this is just a test car
211.04 -> the t-cross is doing well with the trunk  release button the button is located under  
216.24 -> the logo the shelf looks pretty good and  you can also adjust the height of the shelf  
222.72 -> there is no sound proofing but at the same  time we have an almost full-fledged spare wheel
231.84 -> the nissan duke almost horizontal shelf on  top if we talk about some tokyo size then  
238.64 -> you can safely hold a party because sushi  and a little sarcai can easily fit here
248.4 -> the trunk release button is also located  under the logo you do not need to bend over  
254.64 -> what do we have in the trunk we have a shelf  in the trunk which is also height adjustable  
261.36 -> there is no noise isolation but under one shelf  we have another shelf and this shelf with felt but  
268.48 -> pay attention we have two shelves at once while  we also have a small spare wheel in the trunk
280.16 -> of
299.36 -> before starting the moose test jar let me remind  you that no car on this test has a multi-link rear  
304.08 -> suspension all have semi-independent  beams with variations on this topic  
308.24 -> we start with the opel mocha for a warm up at a  speed of 55 kilometers per hour everything looks  
313.76 -> simple and stable at a speed of 60 kilometers per  hour the car also passes without any surprises  
321.6 -> at around 65 kilometers per hour during my  maneuvers the stability control system is  
326.16 -> activated but the system does it in a very  timely manner and really helps at a speed  
333.92 -> of 70 kilometers per hour i pass this stage  the first time and without any visible effort  
345.68 -> the same thing happens at a  speed of 75 kilometers per hour
356.4 -> i'm pretty sure the mocha handle the 80 kilometers  per hour mark but i decided not to risk it because  
362.56 -> the shock bumpers are too close here when  you start maneuvering at such high speeds
370.88 -> nissan duke is very different from the mocker it  seems to me that even at a speed of 55 kilometers  
376.16 -> per hour the car is maneuverable and so  nimble that you need to be very careful  
382.64 -> nissan overcomes the mark of 60 kilometers  per hour confidently and reliably
390.32 -> at a speed of 65 kilometers per hour as in maca  
393.2 -> as in the first time traction  triggered and this really helps
399.28 -> at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour in the  first attempt i try to drive beautifully  
403.6 -> as a result i knock off my favorite traffic cone
410.08 -> on the second try everything goes well at the  same time the traction turned on at full power  
414.96 -> because of this it seems that the  car is moving in jerks and jumps  
423.6 -> at 75 kilometers per hour i hit the traffic  cone again but the person must have character  
429.2 -> and i make a second attempt this shows  the result 75 kilometers per hour is there  
436.8 -> am i ready to storm the 80 kilometers per  hour mark no not ready i still need to train  
443.76 -> i must admit that of the three the t-cross  looks the most unsportsmanlike but perhaps  
448.4 -> the looks are deceiving nevertheless  the warm-up goes without incident  
453.12 -> moose test at 55 kilometers per hour is  almost a normal situation for this car  
458.8 -> what i will not say about the speed of 60  kilometers per hour the rear suspension  
463.36 -> worked completely unpredictably here but  i'm doing a moose test at a speed of 65  
468.32 -> kilometers per hour all of a sudden everything  goes well and goes almost like a standard
476.4 -> the first attempt at a speed of 70 kilometers per  hour i failed i wanted to drive beautifully again  
483.44 -> then i wanted to perform beautifully again  and now the milestone of 70 kilometers per  
488.56 -> hour has been reached this is completely  predictable and expected because i was  
494.08 -> unable to complete the exercise at  a speed of 75 kilometers per hour
503.6 -> so the back seat of the t-cross with my knees i  rest a little against the back of the front seat  
509.36 -> but this is not critical because these backs are  soft and when we talk about free space above our  
515.04 -> head then our ceiling is not so soft and i rest  my head against this ceiling the second row of  
521.04 -> seats on the t cross not as straight forward as  you think because we can move the second row of  
526.56 -> seats up and increase our luggage space it's bad  that i cannot push these seats to the maximum and  
533.28 -> reduce the volume of the trunk in order to get  more free space for the second row passengers
543.12 -> we have a diode backlight we don't have an armrest  we have fabric upholstery and eco leather inserts  
551.44 -> there are even special prints on the fabric that  somehow make this salon richer than it really is
559.92 -> also for passengers in the second row two usb  connectors are offered and there is no seat  
565.52 -> heating at least in this configuration opel marker  it is obvious that here with my knees i rest much  
572.24 -> more strongly against the back of the driver's  seat the seat backs are still softer but there is  
578.56 -> less room and the tunnel that separates the left  and right passengers is much lower than in the t  
583.92 -> cross and if we talk about connectors then here  is not type c but usb much to my surprise there  
591.44 -> is much more headroom here than happened this is  not because the mocha is taller but because the  
597.2 -> developers have taken care of the extra headroom  there are stampings for the driver there are you  
603.6 -> stampings for second row passengers at the same  time we can neither move our seats nor move
613.52 -> the seat backs are also not adjustable and now  i specifically drew attention to the fact that  
618.32 -> there is no backlight for the second row of seats  but in the t cross there is naturally here i do  
624.8 -> not observe any heating for the second row of  seats but vt cross there is i have a feeling  
631.28 -> the duke more room than the mocker but less than  the t cross when it comes to second row knees  
638.16 -> because i still rest my knees  on the back of the driver's seat  
642.72 -> but again there is more knee room than in the  marker but slightly less than in the t cross
654.4 -> so now let's see what we have about the head room  here i still rest my head against the ceiling  
661.68 -> these seats look richer because they are  conventionally leather and conventionally  
665.84 -> alcantara the seats cannot be moved  the backrests cannot be adjusted either  
672.48 -> instead of two usb as in mocker there is one usb  and there is no seat heating here either but there  
680.16 -> are beautiful speakers from the bose music system  this is a highlight of the new duke when these  
686.4 -> speakers are integrated into the headrest i read  somewhere but i do not know at the moment whether  
692.8 -> it is true or not i will clarify this that if  the speakers are in the headrests then they are  
699.36 -> definitely not in the door trim although it is  clear that there is space for the speaker here
713.44 -> very often on our tests the best car in the moose  test becomes the best in the slalom test but there  
717.76 -> are exceptions for example today in the moose  test opal mocha went farthest and in the slalom  
725.12 -> test it showed a result of 11.92 seconds this is a  normal result good handling and the car is stable  
732.32 -> and predictable but the very unsportsmanlike  volkswagen t-cross passed in 11.20 seconds and  
738 -> volkswagen went much faster than the mocker that  was until the start of the nissan duke a car that  
745.28 -> showed the result in 11 and 12 tenths of a second  and thus overtook both the mocker and the t-cross  
752.16 -> it was really quite unexpected  that's why we love comparison tests
774.4 -> now let's talk about motors  gearboxes and car dynamics  
778.8 -> now you see a pivot table in front of you from  which it is clear that according to the documents  
783.52 -> the opel mocker nissan duke is the slowest at the  same time the mocker should go out in 10 seconds  
789.76 -> the t-cross should be close to 10 seconds and  the duke should go out in no more than 12 seconds  
795.44 -> what happened in reality mokka did  not run out of 10 seconds and showed  
799.6 -> not declared nine and two tenths of  a second but was slower by one second
806.72 -> t-cross showed a time of 11 seconds  but lost 0.8 seconds to itself
815.36 -> and only the duke improved the time  from 11.08 seconds to 11.03 seconds  
824 -> but acceleration to hundreds is  one thing and 402 meters is another  
828.16 -> and if not then such a race always clearly  demonstrates the difference in dynamics  
832.4 -> we start with a battle for third place  where in a tense struggle the volkswagen t  
836.96 -> cross due to the gti sticker on  the inside of the driver's mat  
840.88 -> is ahead of the nissan duke without a gtr sticker  practically on the body of course the opel marker
853.92 -> which as expected outstripped  the t-cross by several hulls  
857.44 -> for the sake of fairness of the  experiment opel also competed with nissan
868.4 -> it seems to me that the difference in  body is close to that of the t-cross  
875.28 -> in general the result is as follows  mocha first t-cross second duke third  
881.92 -> we did fuel consumption in single tests so i take  the data from them and leave links for you to view
905.84 -> the test of autonomous security systems which are  able to automatically without the participation of  
910.96 -> the driver prevent a collision with another  car went very quickly with us unfortunately  
916.56 -> in these trim levels both the t cross and  the opel mock are not able to independently  
921.28 -> recognize the threat and break therefore they  do not recognize the threat and do not slow down  
927.36 -> however duke simply obliged to do this because  the manufacturer guaranteed it and included in  
932.48 -> the price of the car the first race takes place at  a speed of up to 30 kilometers per hour with the  
938.24 -> cruise control mode turned off in this situation  the emergency braking system works very clearly  
949.36 -> now try number two there is an activated  cruise control mode and a second successful  
954.8 -> braking i would like the electronics  to work earlier in this situation  
959.68 -> but this is already a matter of comfort  because safety is still guaranteed  
964.8 -> but we go further and complicate the test duke  is now following a car that suddenly changes  
970.8 -> from lane to lane and another car is found in  your lane which is stationary usually at this  
976.88 -> point 99 of the cars on our test do not have time  to react and knocks down our layout but duke time  
984.48 -> and stops but this happens with the included  cruise control mode what will happen without  
988.48 -> this regime i have an answer duke will react  to but it will not have enough braking distance
996.8 -> almost almost here i think that today our viewers  will make at least six obvious conclusions  
1004.56 -> first conclusion i was paid by nissan duke  the second conclusion i was paid by the third  
1010.24 -> conclusion i was paid by the volkswagen t-cross  the fourth conclusion is that competitors paid me  
1015.84 -> fifth conclusion raul does not know how to drive  a car and the sixth conclusion everyone paid at  
1021.04 -> once you've watched the two horsepower programme  my name is raul we will meet with you next week
1041.84 -> you
