How To Make Your MacBook Last FOREVER! (Ultimate Guide)

How To Make Your MacBook Last FOREVER! (Ultimate Guide)

How To Make Your MacBook Last FOREVER! (Ultimate Guide)

You’ve just bought a brand new M1 MacBook, or maybe you already own an older Mac. You obviously want to make sure it lasts a long time, maybe even…forever? Is that even possible? In this video I talk about some steps you can take to prolong the life of your Mac and keep it in good condition.

Products in this video:
⮕ Thule MacBook case:
⮕ Screen cleaning kit:
⮕ M1 MacBook Pro:
⮕ M1 MacBook Air:
⮕ M1 Mac Mini:

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00:00 Introduction
00:52 Before you buy
02:50 Preventing physical damage
05:04 Minimising heat
06:48 Sponsor
07:38 Battery
08:48 Keeping the Mac clean
10:11 Software performance
11:58 Internal SSD
14:37 Right to repair

#m1mac #macbook #createdtech

Disclaimer: Some of the above links are affiliated, and we may receive a small commission (at no cost to you) if you make a purchase. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.


0.56 -> okay so new macbook air let's get this
3.04 -> bad boy out of the box
4.799 -> and i wonder how long i can make this
6.56 -> thing last
10.719 -> all these kids are using their new m34
13.92 -> laptops
14.799 -> but i've still got my m1 and it still
17.76 -> works
19.52 -> okay so hopefully you guys enjoyed that
21.76 -> skit at the start
22.96 -> now i definitely encourage you to watch
24.8 -> this video in its entirety
26.72 -> if you've just bought a new mac or even
28.4 -> if you already have a mac and you want
30.24 -> to maximize its lifespan and this is
32.399 -> especially important if your budget is
34.559 -> on the lower end or if you're a student
36.32 -> and you want these things to last
38.079 -> five to ten years at least before having
40.32 -> to go out and
41.28 -> upgrade again just quickly a big shout
44.239 -> out to
44.8 -> skillshare for sponsoring this video
47.2 -> i've used skillshare a lot recently to
49.28 -> improve the quality of my content but
51.68 -> more on that later okay so the first
54.16 -> step in
54.879 -> maximizing your lifespan of this machine
57.199 -> or a mac mini
58 -> or an imac it doesn't really matter
59.44 -> which one it is is maximizing your
61.92 -> budget before you even
63.52 -> purchase the machine so what i mean by
65.439 -> this well it's
66.56 -> pretty standard practice when you're
68.24 -> upgrading to a new machine or just
70 -> buying a new machine for the first place
71.92 -> to try and spend as much as you can to
74.479 -> future-proof
75.28 -> said machine while still staying within
78.159 -> your budget
79.04 -> the rule of thumb is the more powerful a
81.28 -> machine is
82.08 -> when you purchase it the less its
84.08 -> performance will drop
85.2 -> over time so what does this mean for you
87.2 -> guys at the pre-purchase stage before
89.52 -> you even purchase a mac
91.52 -> well it means spending money on upgrades
94 -> that you know are going to come in handy
95.92 -> so for example choosing a more powerful
98 -> cpu or a more powerful gpu
100.64 -> or even upgrading the ram from 8 to 16
103.439 -> gigabytes are some common ones
105.84 -> and if you're wanting to keep your
107.119 -> macbook for a really long time
109.28 -> and if you've got a mac that has a
111.439 -> soldered on ssd
112.88 -> that is you cannot remove it consider
114.88 -> also bumping up your storage from the
117.119 -> minimum to say
118.079 -> 512 gigabytes but more on that a little
121.2 -> bit later on also bear in mind that
123.2 -> most macs these days cannot be upgraded
126.399 -> in the future
127.52 -> due to apple's practice of soldering
129.84 -> components
130.56 -> or in layman's terms gluing components
133.44 -> into the mac
134.4 -> so if you think you're going to need 16
136 -> gigabytes of ram in the future for
137.92 -> example
138.56 -> you need to get it now also if you're
140.64 -> still on the fence about whether to get
142.239 -> a apple silicon macbook air
144.16 -> or a macbook pro i'll touch on that in a
146.72 -> future section
147.84 -> now all this being said about upgrades
149.92 -> and choosing a really powerful mac
151.76 -> is true on one hand but on the other
153.76 -> hand especially with the new apple
155.44 -> silicon max
156.56 -> the performance of these things are
158.08 -> really good to begin with so don't feel
160.239 -> bad if you can only afford a base model
162.48 -> because
162.959 -> for most people a base model is all you
165.68 -> need and it's going to last you for a
167.44 -> surprisingly long amount of time
169.36 -> in my opinion so once you've purchased
171.519 -> your mac whether it's a base model or an
173.76 -> upgraded version the next most common
175.84 -> thing that's going to decrease the
177.2 -> lifespan of these machines
179.04 -> is obviously physical damage namely drop
181.599 -> or fall damage
182.64 -> and also water damage so drop and fall
185.519 -> damage is relatively easy to prevent
187.76 -> against
188.319 -> just make sure you don't put your laptop
190.4 -> in any kind of precarious positions such
192.8 -> as the edge of a couch
194.239 -> or a bed also consider investing in some
197.36 -> kind of protective case
198.879 -> such as this one from thule i've been
201.04 -> using this one for about six or seven
202.64 -> years ever since i was at university
204.64 -> uh you can see it's pretty beat up as
206.48 -> well it definitely works well
208.48 -> you can see it's kind of got a ridged
210 -> design the edges are quite thick
212.72 -> and it's actually semi-waterproof
214.319 -> because it's rubber on the outside
216.159 -> this isn't sponsored by thule by the way
218.08 -> this is just a really great case
219.92 -> so i'll try and find it on amazon and
222.08 -> link it to you guys down below
223.519 -> so something like this is going to cost
224.959 -> you about 30 or 40 bucks and if you
226.799 -> actually drop your laptop inside this
228.56 -> it's probably gonna survive
230.08 -> unlike those really crappy thin cheap
232.959 -> neoprene sleeves you can get from amazon
235.28 -> stay away from those
236.799 -> get something like this especially if
238.4 -> you're going to and from work
240.239 -> or university or school and you're going
242.319 -> to be having a laptop
243.439 -> in a bag so moving on to liquid damage
246.08 -> again guys pretty easy to prevent
248.08 -> against
248.799 -> my rule of thumb is to not have any open
251.36 -> liquids
251.92 -> within about 2 feet or 45 centimeters
254.959 -> of my machine at all times that includes
257.12 -> glasses of water
258.479 -> alcohol juice all that kind of stuff now
260.88 -> the exception to this is obviously if
262.56 -> you have a
263.28 -> bottle and you can actually close the
265.04 -> top that's totally fine but
266.72 -> any kind of open liquids like a glass of
268.88 -> water keep it well away or at least a
270.96 -> foot or two
271.68 -> away from your device now if you're
273.52 -> wondering about scratches on the
275.36 -> exterior i honestly wouldn't be too
277.44 -> worried these tend to hold up pretty
279.6 -> well there's no
280.96 -> paint or anything like that on the
282.72 -> chassis it's just solid aluminum or
284.72 -> aluminium for my australians out there
287.12 -> so don't be too worried you will see
288.88 -> some scratches on the bottom
290.72 -> over time but they're very very minimal
292.88 -> if you are worried you can get a skin
295.04 -> from dbrand for example and slap it on
297.04 -> the top
297.68 -> or on the bottom but to me that's
299.6 -> unnecessary and that money is much
301.28 -> better spent
302.24 -> on something like a case for example now
304.88 -> moving on to the next
306.16 -> factor in terms of your max longevity
308.479 -> and that is
309.52 -> heat so if you guys aren't already
311.52 -> familiar heat is one of the
313.12 -> biggest factors in decreasing the
315.44 -> lifespan
316.4 -> of electronics now if you do have an
318.8 -> apple silicon mac these things are
320.479 -> actually super super heat efficient
322.56 -> much more so than the previous
324.16 -> generation intel ones but you can also
326.4 -> aid the heat dissipation of your macbook
329.039 -> or mac mini or whatever by using a stand
331.6 -> or simply keeping it off a bed or a
333.84 -> couch for example
335.12 -> if doing intensive tasks also consider
337.84 -> the ambient temperature
339.28 -> so if your room or outside temperature
341.36 -> is super super hot
342.639 -> maybe try not to do any hardcore gaming
344.88 -> or rendering on the machine
346.56 -> in that hot environment and instead move
348.96 -> to a cooler environment or just wait
350.639 -> until later in the day for example
352.639 -> when the ambient temperature is a little
354.479 -> bit less now this next
356 -> tip is specific to apple silicon max
358.639 -> mainly for people on the fence about
360.4 -> choosing between an
361.44 -> air and a pro so the air is obviously
364.319 -> passively cooled that is it does not
366.319 -> have a fan
367.44 -> whereas the macbook pro does have a fan
370.8 -> so why this is important is if you're
372.8 -> doing a lot of gaming
374.16 -> rendering or editing for example and the
376.479 -> cpu or the gpu
378.16 -> is going to be regularly getting quite
379.759 -> toasty having the
381.199 -> fan on the pro is going to keep the
383.199 -> internal temperature
384.639 -> lower than the air and that might
386.96 -> actually help to
388.08 -> increase the lifespan of the pro instead
391.12 -> of if you're just doing everything on an
392.96 -> air which is passively cooled but again
396.16 -> this is mainly for people who do a lot
398.08 -> of activities where your machine is
399.919 -> going to be getting quite hot
401.199 -> if you're just doing basic tasks or
402.72 -> maybe even just a bit of editing or
404.08 -> gaming every now and then
405.52 -> doesn't really matter which one you go
406.96 -> for in my opinion now just before we go
409.28 -> into the next
410.16 -> section a quick word from our sponsor
412.639 -> skillshare
413.599 -> skillshare is an online learning
415.36 -> community for creatives where millions
417.36 -> come together to take the next step in
419.52 -> their creative journey
420.88 -> skillshare offers thousands of inspiring
423.12 -> classes for creative and curious people
425.599 -> on topics including content creation
427.599 -> design photography videography and more
430.24 -> i've found marquez's skillshare class
432.88 -> youtube success
434.08 -> script shoot and edit with mkb hd
437.199 -> really interesting and will be
438.72 -> implementing some of his unique camera
440.639 -> angles in future videos
442.319 -> skillshare classes include a combination
444.56 -> of video lessons and class projects
446.96 -> all designed to fit your schedule and
448.8 -> skill level the first 1000 of my
450.96 -> subscribers to click the link in the
452.479 -> description will get a one month free
454.4 -> trial of skillshare so you can start
456.4 -> exploring your creativity today
458.56 -> now moving on to the battery which is a
460.319 -> question i get asked almost every day
462.56 -> guys i won't go into this too much in
464.56 -> detail i have a super super
466.56 -> in-depth video on this already so i'll
469.52 -> link it up in the top right hand corner
471.28 -> definitely do go and check that out
473.52 -> after this video but the short version
475.44 -> of that video is try to keep the battery
477.52 -> as cool
478 -> as possible charge it in bursts to keep
480.639 -> the overall charge between about
482.879 -> 20 and 80 ideally you want to keep your
486 -> charge around
486.879 -> 50 and also keep your macbook plugged in
490.56 -> if you're going to be sitting at a desk
492.08 -> for hours and hours using it
494 -> there's no need to actually keep
495.52 -> unplugging it charging it plugging it
497.12 -> back in if you're just sitting at a desk
498.879 -> but again
499.68 -> watch that video it's going to explain
501.84 -> everything now at the end of the day if
503.68 -> there are any issues with your battery
505.44 -> or for example you have this thing for
507.039 -> five
507.44 -> years and the battery isn't holding a
509.52 -> charge as well as it used to
511.039 -> it's not really a big deal you can
513.039 -> actually get the battery replaced
514.959 -> depends on which country you're in which
516.719 -> model of macbook you have
518.159 -> but it's relatively inexpensive and most
520.959 -> batteries are actually going to last
522.479 -> about five years
523.68 -> before you actually do need to replace
525.839 -> them so don't stress about the battery
528.16 -> that much now moving on to cleaning i'm
530.56 -> sure you guys
531.279 -> seen the videos out there of absolutely
533.68 -> filthy macbooks getting clean
535.44 -> and your macbook is no exception try to
537.68 -> keep it as clean as you can
539.6 -> so starting with the screen what you
541.68 -> want to do is you want to get a
543.04 -> special microfiber cloth and you want to
545.519 -> get a special screen cleaning solution
548.32 -> i'll link these products down below in
550.16 -> the description as well and if you buy
552.16 -> a proper screen cleaning fluid or liquid
554.88 -> it's not going to damage the screen and
556.32 -> it's going to be a lot safer than
557.92 -> water all you have to do is spray a tiny
560.16 -> bit of the solution on a microfiber
561.68 -> cloth
562.32 -> gently rub the screen until it's clean
564.399 -> while using your hand to support
566.64 -> the back now if you have a macbook pro
569.2 -> with a fan
570.32 -> consider opening up the back chassis
572.48 -> every 12 to 18 months
574.24 -> to clean out all the dust and debris
576.08 -> that sometimes accumulates inside these
578.16 -> machines
578.88 -> especially if you live in a dusty
580.959 -> environment or you have a pet for
582.48 -> example
583.2 -> you will probably find quite a bit of
584.959 -> stuff clogging up the fan so it is a
587.2 -> good idea to clean it every now and then
589.12 -> i do have a video on this on my channel
591.12 -> so feel free to check that out
593.6 -> now the reason this is important is that
595.6 -> a buildup of dust and debris
597.519 -> in the fan will decrease the cooling
599.519 -> capacity of your laptop
601.2 -> leading to decreased performance and
603.6 -> increased
604.399 -> heat the fan will probably be a lot
606.24 -> louder as well because it needs to work
608.079 -> harder
608.72 -> to keep the internal components cool now
611.519 -> moving on to the next
612.72 -> section that affects the longevity of
614.48 -> your machine and that is performance
616.959 -> now guys a really really common
618.959 -> misconception i hear
620.48 -> is that computer hardware slows down
622.88 -> over time that is not true
624.8 -> at all let me explain it to you guys
626.959 -> real quick there are two main things
629.12 -> that
629.519 -> constitute this rumor so number one is
632.48 -> obviously as time goes on
634.24 -> the technology and components within
636.399 -> your computer
637.279 -> they do become outdated whereas software
640.16 -> and apps become
641.279 -> more advanced it's like trying to run a
644 -> modern computer game
645.2 -> from a laptop from 2010 you're just not
648 -> gonna have a good time now secondly over
650.56 -> time the operating system which in this
652.32 -> case is mac os
653.68 -> can become slower and cause performance
656.16 -> issues or the dreaded
657.68 -> spinning beach ball now the reason for
659.92 -> this could be a number of different
661.04 -> issues it could be programs not
662.56 -> installed correctly some corrupted files
664.8 -> on the operating system
666.24 -> or just a load of unnecessary junk or
668.72 -> files just clogging it up
670.24 -> now there are a couple of ways you can
671.68 -> actually go into the operating system
673.36 -> yourself and sort of clean it up
674.959 -> make it a little bit faster you don't
676.48 -> need any kind of special program as well
678.32 -> you can just do it yourself
679.68 -> tell me if you want a video on that and
681.519 -> i'd be more than happy to
682.8 -> make it for you guys now another thing
684.8 -> is i like to
685.839 -> reset my mac every one to two years and
688.8 -> by reset
689.6 -> i mean back everything up on an external
691.76 -> hard drive and then go
693.2 -> into the recovery partition on this
695.44 -> machine and actually
696.88 -> format the hard drives that deletes
698.72 -> everything and then i reinstall the
700.8 -> operating system which is mac os
702.72 -> bring all of my files and programs back
705.04 -> on and it's basically like
706.64 -> getting a brand new computer everything
709.04 -> is going to be super smooth
710.399 -> super fast and it's just a really good
712.079 -> thing to do every couple of years
714 -> to give your mac a little speed
715.839 -> performance and usability boost
718.16 -> now moving on to probably the most
719.839 -> controversial section of this video and
722.079 -> that
722.399 -> is the internal ssd so if you guys
725.04 -> didn't already know i did touch on it
726.8 -> briefly at the start of this video
728.56 -> but apple is more and more moving
730.72 -> towards a world where
732.32 -> everything on these devices are glued
734.399 -> together or soldered on
736 -> and you cannot remove them or cannot
738.079 -> replace them now for me personally i
740.079 -> don't agree with this practice i really
742.48 -> do not like it at all
744.079 -> if you're lucky enough to have an older
745.92 -> macbook you can actually
747.76 -> take off the back cover of the chassis
750.079 -> pull out the old hard drive
751.839 -> or solid state drive and replace a new
754.16 -> one and that's great
755.44 -> especially if your ssd or hard drive
758.16 -> fails because they
759.2 -> are consumable devices so they only have
762.24 -> a
762.56 -> finite lifespan so that begs the
764.88 -> question how long
766 -> will the internal ssd on your mac last
769.44 -> so let's talk about tbw or total
772.639 -> bytes written it's a metric that
775.04 -> describes how much data can be written
777.04 -> to a drive
778 -> before the memory cells within it begin
780.24 -> to degrade
781.12 -> and the possibility of data loss and
783.279 -> entire drive
784.56 -> failure increases now for a base model
788.48 -> mac with a 256 gigabyte ssd
791.6 -> the tbw rating is anywhere from 150 to
794.959 -> 300 terabytes no one really knows
797.68 -> because that information isn't exactly
799.519 -> made public
800.56 -> by apple now this tbw rating means you
803.36 -> can comfortably write
804.48 -> hundreds of terabytes before potentially
807.6 -> seeing issues i say potentially because
809.92 -> there have been numerous tests done
812 -> where ssds have completely blown past
815.44 -> their tbw rating and have been able to
818.079 -> write petabytes of data
820 -> before failing i'm pretty confident in
822.32 -> saying that even these
823.44 -> entry-level ssds will probably last at
825.68 -> least eight to ten years
827.199 -> with normal use before you start to see
829.76 -> issues
830.399 -> and before they potentially start to
832.72 -> fail that being said if you do decide to
835.199 -> upgrade the storage on your mac
837.04 -> from for example a base model 256
840 -> gigabyte version
841.12 -> to a 512 gigabyte ssd version
844.399 -> the tbw rating will scale accordingly
847.519 -> so using that same example of 256 to 512
851.36 -> that is double the capacity which means
853.36 -> the tbw has doubled as well which means
856.32 -> you can write
857.279 -> double the amount of data to the
859.199 -> internal ssd
860.639 -> when compared with a smaller capacity
862.399 -> ssd before potentially
864.48 -> seeing issues so although you might not
866.639 -> be able to get these apple silicon macs
868.56 -> with the ssds soldered on to last
870.639 -> forever
871.44 -> it has the potential to last a very long
874 -> time
874.56 -> as long as the internal ssd holds up now
877.76 -> speaking of the ssd
879.199 -> failing and not being able to be
880.8 -> replaced by apple there may
882.639 -> actually be an option for you and that
884.959 -> is the right
885.92 -> to repair now i'm not going to go too
888 -> much into detail on right to repair in
890.24 -> this video
890.959 -> i definitely do recommend going on to
893.12 -> louis rossman's channel he's also on
894.959 -> youtube
895.6 -> have a watch of some of his videos also
897.839 -> do some googling to bring yourself
899.44 -> up to speed but right to repair in a
901.279 -> nutshell simply just gives you the right
903.12 -> to choose
904.079 -> who what and where your mac is repaired
907.36 -> or replaced by
908.48 -> apple is trying to monopolize this so
910.639 -> you can only take this to
912.399 -> apple themselves and they can force you
914.16 -> to pay or upgrade if you have an issue
916.56 -> with this machine
917.519 -> and write to repair is super important
919.839 -> because it gives
920.639 -> you the choice as a consumer so why is
923.44 -> right to repair
924.48 -> so important in terms of the ssd well
927.519 -> even though apple says that it cannot be
929.519 -> repaired or replaced
930.8 -> there might be other people out there
932.639 -> such as louis rossman
934.24 -> that may be able to repair or replace it
936.72 -> for you
937.36 -> and it's just important for us as
939.279 -> consumers and owners of this product
941.839 -> to have that choice if we wanted to and
944.24 -> not just
944.959 -> rely on apple anyway guys hopefully you
947.519 -> enjoyed
948.16 -> this particular video and i touched on a
949.92 -> few useful tips and tricks
951.68 -> for you if you have any comments as
953.519 -> always leave them down below but apart
955.199 -> from that i will catch you
956.399 -> in the next one
