Car Seat Headrest - Twin Fantasy (Face to Face) ALBUM REVIEW

Car Seat Headrest - Twin Fantasy (Face to Face) ALBUM REVIEW

Car Seat Headrest - Twin Fantasy (Face to Face) ALBUM REVIEW

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Car Seat Headrest’s remake of its Bandcamp classic Twin Fantasy is an improvement on all fronts.

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Y’all know this is just my opinion, right?


0 -> ha ha ha
1.1 -> hi everyone
3.44 -> twinfthony twintwano here, the internet's busiest music nerd
6.805 -> and its time for a review
8.765 -> of the newly revised
11.225 -> version of Car Seat Headrest's
14.06 -> 'Twin Fantasy'
15.14 -> a 'Twin Fantasy'
16.78 -> you mean like this?
18.705 -> that's not a twin fantasy
21.715 -> that's a twin nightmare [distorted]
27.12 -> straight out of Bandcamp
29.46 -> singer songwriter Will Toledo
31.7 -> aka Car Seat Headrest
33.66 -> one of indie music's fastest rising stars
37.165 -> and the album that put him on the map
38.905 -> essentially 'twin fantasy' aahhh
41.225 -> a record that at the time was very messy
43.58 -> but showed a whole lot of heart
45.04 -> Will essentially landed a music label deal off the
47.54 -> off the buzz, the online buzz, that albums like this
50.74 -> on his Bandcamp page were generating
52.58 -> and immediately after signing he began
54.6 -> plugging away on new releases that had
57.36 -> a slightly better recording quality. he eventually ended up dropping
60.3 -> one of my favorite albums of 2016
62.3 -> one of my favorite rock records of the decade 'Teens of Denial'
65.66 -> this thing is just loaded with witty profound takes
69.04 -> on the struggles of early adulthood
71.58 -> the emotional limbo many twenty somethings probably
74.76 -> find themselves in during their college years
77.06 -> so after dropping a record that pretty much
79.655 -> went toatally against
81.105 -> the downward trend of most rock music today
83.835 -> and and served as a reminder
85.925 -> of what can make the genre so exciting
88.345 -> you have to kinda imagine that Matador Records
91.115 -> would just let will do whatever the hell he wanted and *laughs*
94.14 -> in a way it looks like they did with Will's
96.82 -> new album over here essentially being
99.285 -> a full re-recording and a reassembly
102.475 -> of his his biggest and most popular
105.185 -> Bandcamp release 'Twin Fantasy'
107.24 -> now despite the fact that i really enjoy Will's music
110.1 -> and i have a lot of respect for where he came from
112.825 -> 'Twin Fantasy' is an album that i've never
115.465 -> quite been able to appreciate
118.235 -> sure while it is a Bandcamp classic
120.445 -> the recording for me is always been way too chaotic
123.38 -> way too messy
124.9 -> to really like all the way through
127.18 -> even if there are some really loud, noisy
129.36 -> and experimental mixing
130.775 -> ideas on on the record that i think for the most part
133.485 -> Will was just trying to make up for uh
136.72 -> i i guess
137.5 -> a lack of resources and equipment
139.98 -> with just some uh very risky uh
143.9 -> risks
144.58 -> so he comes back with this new version of 'Twin Fantasy'
147.84 -> this reimagined re-recorded version of 'Twin Fantasy'
150.755 -> and for me personally it's pretty much
153.64 -> improvemetns on all fronts
155.66 -> i feel like i'm now able to enjoy this album
158.345 -> as the diamond in the ruff that it is.
161.42 -> if you enjoyed the instrumentals on 'Teens of Denial'
164.42 -> you are going to enjoy the instrumentals on this album
167.1 -> they are a few degrees noisier
169.7 -> by compairson
171.02 -> but i think that was mostly Will trying to do his best to
174.74 -> sure, improve the the
176.84 -> work of art that he's made here but also stay true
179.82 -> to the original piece
181.58 -> he pays homage to lo-fi aesthetics
184.205 -> while pretty much putting together a series of tracks that are very
187.025 -> well assembled and the end result in a way
189.895 -> is kind of anachronistic it's it's weird to listen to and
192.905 -> perceive this album coming after
196.145 -> all the work that he has done up until this point
198.62 -> because its kinda like going forward but also backward
201.32 -> at the same time in comparison with his latest material
204.12 -> in my opinion 'Twin Fantasy' isn't nearly
206.925 -> as instrumentally ambitious i find the songs
209.825 -> on 'Teens of Denial' assembled a bit more smoothly
212.68 -> and personally i find his lyrics
214.425 -> to be more eccentric, hilarious
216.145 -> with these very vivid descriptions of emotions
219.02 -> and scenarios that he's moving through
220.96 -> i just feel like with his latest material
222.62 -> we get a more detailed but vivid image
224.9 -> and character portrait of the person who's
227.16 -> personality and experiences are fueling these songs
230.56 -> now in my opinion
232.545 -> Will's song writing has changed
234.74 -> and improved by leaps and bounds
236.42 -> since he released 'Twin Fantasy'
238.22 -> even with some of the alterations on this album
241.815 -> having to do with some of the flow of the tracks
243.835 -> or how the instrumentation paces out
246.58 -> or Will's also making some lyrical alterations
249.38 -> to a lot of tracks here but still
251.44 -> even with all those changes what continues to remain true about 'Twin Fantasy'
255.56 -> is that it is a super emotionally
259.195 -> knotty and difficult album
261.06 -> drowning in a sad chaos
263.08 -> of sexual confusion, love, drugs
266.72 -> and um *smacks lips* um *smacks lips*
269.5 -> youth
270.44 -> the opening track to this thing is
272.06 -> roaring exciting song
273.3 -> that really kinda sets the tone for the entire record
275.8 -> following cuts that are a bit more
278.675 -> measured and based around
280.725 -> a more simple verse chorus verse format tracks like "Sober to Death"
284.08 -> incredible catchy, super compelling
285.985 -> interesting tune as well about essentially
288.885 -> uh misery loving company
290.84 -> sharing in your emotional problems with another person
293.76 -> all of these very *laughs*
295.26 -> difficult feelings are condensed
297.32 -> into a very rowdy lo-fi rock tune
299.56 -> the song "Cute Thing" has turned into one of the most adorable tracks
303.22 -> on the entire record
304.52 -> talking about needing Frank Ocean's voice
306.7 -> and James Brown's stage presence
308.82 -> to essentially uh become a rock god
311.38 -> which is one of the many funny lyrical switches
313.76 -> on the album because prior
315.58 -> on the original version of the record
317.3 -> uh Will was talking about Dan Bejar's and John Entwistle's
320.42 -> and you know what for me
321.76 -> "Cute Thing" is one of the few tracks
323.78 -> on the entire album that originally translated pretty well
327.74 -> in fact i will say i kind amiss the nervous energy of Will's voice
331.26 -> that was on the first version of the record
333.58 -> but the pulsating dinga dinga dinga ding synthesizers
336.56 -> and the very well executed vocal harmonies
338.7 -> that kinda bleed into each other really chaoticlly
341.28 -> are a very nice swap
342.4 -> the song "Bodys" features all of these echo splash
344.98 -> sequence beats
345.925 -> there are actually a lot of incredible grooves and
349.035 -> on this album that didn't quite pour
351.105 -> through on the original 'Twin Fantasy'
352.78 -> like in comparison with 'Teens of Denial'
354.8 -> and nearly everything Will has done so far
356.58 -> this is a pretty danceable record
358.44 -> a very physical and visceral album despite
361.02 -> just *laughs* how sad a lot of the emotions going into it are
364.22 -> but again on "Bodys" this track features all of these
366.4 -> echo splashed sequence beats a lot of references in the lyrics
369.895 -> to dancing it's kind of about giving into this
372.325 -> carefree, freewheeling
374.015 -> youthful energy. the song has a fantastic groove
376.52 -> great momentum, there's a crescendo
378.4 -> after the half way point that is super exciting: it's a bloody mess
381.575 -> of synths and drums and bass and guitars
384.115 -> it's the kind of chaos
385.005 -> where all the instrumentation is adding into a very collective
387.985 -> and purposeful way
389 -> then with "Nervous Young Inhumans" we get yet another killer
391.84 -> driving drum beat, very sharp synth lead
394.1 -> we do have a bit of an outro monologue
396.24 -> that in my opinion goes a little long
398.2 -> uh
398.705 -> this isn't something that i was super crazy about on the last record
401.345 -> but i actually prefer the previous monologue before
403.54 -> Will totally just flipped it on it's head
405.4 -> and added something completly different
406.995 -> maybe this new one adds a bit more to
409.635 -> the narrative however i i enjoyed
412.255 -> how meta the last outro was because the song
414.715 -> itself is pretty meta making references to
417.14 -> art and writing
418.88 -> and the creative process
420.52 -> and i'm loving this new version of "High to Death"
423.12 -> which in comparison with the old one is so much trippier
426.56 -> and very psychedelic and weird especially with like all
429.62 -> the reversed guitar la la la
432.88 -> i definitely do get the sense that *laughs* the wall paper in the room is spinning
436.64 -> it's very surreal and i love the return
438.82 -> of the stop smoking melody
440.68 -> in in a very dreamy fashion on the track too
442.82 -> of course you get these multi facited
444.84 -> monsters on the album as well
446.5 -> these tracks that are ten plus minutes long
449 -> and have numerous phases to them it's super epic
451.74 -> uh "Beach Life-In-Death"
453.34 -> and then "Famous Prophets" a new and improved version
456.08 -> of the track features six more minutes of music
458.94 -> bringing the length of the track out to sixteen minutes
462.34 -> which now has a bigger crescendo
464.42 -> a nice little piano part
466.28 -> and an overall i just enjoyed what Will did with this revision
469.2 -> a lot i mean pretty much
470.815 -> any of the issues i had with this album had been mostly to do
473.86 -> with the original source material
476.52 -> and Will in my opinion growing as a song writer
479.045 -> growing as a musician since the release of this album
481.765 -> i still do prefer [Teens of] Denial which in my opinion
484.38 -> has grown on me even more since the release originally
487.58 -> but i love this new version of this record
489.885 -> because it just allows me to
492.625 -> enjoy this record for what it really is
494.36 -> and that's just a great album
496.06 -> i'm feeling a decent strong 8 on this thing
498.6 -> transition:
499.58 -> have you given this album a listen?
503.34 -> did you love it, did you hate it, what would you rate it?
505.74 -> you're the best, you're the best, what should i review next?
507.66 -> hit the like if you like, please subscribe
509.78 -> and please don't cry
511.8 -> just leave a thoughtful comment in the comments if you're feeling full of thoughts, okay?
516.04 -> over here next to my head is another video you can check out
518.34 -> hit that link to subscribe to the channel
521.265 -> Anthony Fantano x car seat headrest forever
