How to Use a Free VPS Manager: Install FREE Hestia VPS manager on Hostinger

How to Use a Free VPS Manager: Install FREE Hestia VPS manager on Hostinger

How to Use a Free VPS Manager: Install FREE Hestia VPS manager on Hostinger

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Tired of paying extra for a VPS panel on top of your VPS hosting? In today’s tutorial, I’ll walk you through how you can install a FREE VPS panel called Hestia on Hostinger’s VPS services. With this free panel, you can manage your website, install applications like WordPress, and much more, all without additional costs!

📚 What you will learn:

*How to choose the right VPS hosting plan on Hostinger.
*How to install Hestia, a free VPS panel.
*How to set up a username on Hestia.
*How to add a new domain or subdomain.
*How to install apps like WordPress with a single click.

Top Links:



00:00 - Introduction
00:30 - Choosing a Hostinger Plan
01:50 - Why Hestia over Cpanel, Plesk, etc.
02:45 - Installing Hestia
03:55 - Setting Up a Username
05:05 - Adding a New Domain or Subdomain
06:10 - Final Thoughts and Wrap-up


0 -> You might not know this, but if you get a VPS,
2.69 -> that means you have to pay for a VPS panel, but not all the time.
6.2 -> There's a free VPS panel that I want to show you that's called Hestia.
9.64 -> That means that we can grab a hosting or
11.39 -> VPS and we don't have to pay additional for a VPS panel.
14.77 -> Let me show you how right now.
16.81 -> Before I show you how to install the VPS Manager for free,
20.2 -> I'm going to show you the plan that I'm actually using here.
22.52 -> I'm using Hostinger for this,
23.88 -> and I'm going to show you how to install it on the hosting or VPS.
26.89 -> To grab a VPS, go into hosting, go to VPS hosting,
29.96 -> and this is where you're going to be able to check out these plans.
32.88 -> Now, my recommendation is obviously grab
34.67 -> the most popular one at least, but if you need more resources, grab KBM4 or KBM8.
40.12 -> Let me grab this one really quickly
41.44 -> to show you that there's an additional discount coupon code that you can use.
44.68 -> So basically you get two options.
46.59 -> You can use it by month.
48.15 -> You can pay by month or by 12 months.
50.33 -> Obviously, the cheapest price is to pay 12
52.95 -> months in advance, and the renewal price is also cheaper.
55.97 -> Now, right now it's $95.88, but there's an additional discount.
60.27 -> Like I said, if you use my code, SaaS,
62.63 -> Master, and apply it, it's going to jump down to $86.29. So it's much cheaper.
68.56 -> So take advantage of that.
69.65 -> Now let's get into the fun part.
71.77 -> So how to install the VPS panel that you don't have to pay additional?
75.8 -> Because if you use Cpanel, Plesk, and some other VPS panels, managers,
81.28 -> then you're going to be paying month to month additional from the VPS.
84.05 -> But in this case, we're going to avoid that by using Hestia.
87.69 -> Now, when you install your setup, you have the option to install the Hestia panel.
92.64 -> But if you already installed a different
94.44 -> type of OS and you might want to make the switch, that is possible.
97.73 -> Let me show you how.
98.93 -> This is one of my panels, my VPS ones,
102.05 -> and it's installed, Abune to 2204.0, 64.0, a bit.
105.57 -> There is no VPS panel to this.
107.47 -> I have my IP address, my SSH access,
110.81 -> everything I have here, so the server usage settings and all that.
114.57 -> But I don't have a way to install a website because that's how VPS work.
119.41 -> But what if I want to install websites?
121.47 -> Well, in that case, you have to use a VPS Manager.
124.32 -> And in this case, I'm going to show you how to install a free one.
126.88 -> So to do that, go to Operating System
129.81 -> and you have three options: OS with control panel, plain OS, or Applications.
134.53 -> We're going to use OS with Control Panel. We're going to select it.
137.44 -> We're going to scroll down here and we're going to use Hestia, okay?
140.73 -> And we're going to ask to change the OS.
142.83 -> So we're going to say yes and we're going to confirm.
145.8 -> Now in this case, I'm not going to do it
147.2 -> because it's going to delete everything that I have.
149.05 -> But I already have a panel that I'm using.
151.48 -> So again, let me go back to Home and my servers.
154.24 -> I'm going to use the server where I have it installed.
156.32 -> So in this case, I have it installed with Hestia.
158.39 -> And now I have access to that server panel with that VPS Manager.
164.01 -> Now let me go into the operating system
166.53 -> and here are the details to log in to the Admin panel.
169.93 -> Now really quickly,
170.92 -> let me show you the other one before I jump back just to show you the difference.
174.17 -> So this is the one without Hestia, the operating system.
178.05 -> There's no way to log in.
179.49 -> Because that means we need to install one from Cpanel server, Avtar.
184.69 -> But in this case, since we're using Hestia, we do have the login credentials.
190.13 -> So let's go into this link. Here we go.
193.44 -> Let me go on to log out because I'm actually logged in right now.
196.64 -> Here my Hestia login, I'll log in to this.
199.57 -> I'm using my password.
202.37 -> Let them log in.
203.93 -> And now I have access to my Hestia account.
207.53 -> This is a VPS manager.
209.07 -> And in this VPS Manager, we can install websites.
211.88 -> We can install WordPress,
213.13 -> Press The Shop, etc, and a bunch of types of sites that we want to use.
216.89 -> So in this case, we have users, Web, DNS, MailCron, Backups.
220.23 -> So all the beauty things that we had when we had a shared hosting, for example.
224.57 -> Now on this deal, there's something that you need to do first.
227.97 -> You need to create a username to start installing websites.
230.97 -> Let's add a username.
232.25 -> In this case, I'll call it test 3, contact name test 3.
235.99 -> I'll use my email, password.
238.06 -> I'll keep something really simple.
239.79 -> And here we go, send welcome email.
242.63 -> We don't need email for that.
244.61 -> Let's go ahead and save this.
247.32 -> There we go. The user has been created.
249.41 -> Now let's go ahead and log out.
252.2 -> Let's go into that user test 3,
255.88 -> our simple password that we just created temporarily, I'm going to select it.
260.44 -> We're not going to save that.
261.84 -> And now we have the the access to add a new web domain.
264.96 -> So like I said, this is the VPS Manager
266.91 -> and this is working with your hosting as VPS.
269.6 -> Now in this case, you can add your main domain, so maindomain.
273.91 -> Com, or it can be a subdomain. Atmaindomain.
279.59 -> Com, etc.
280.42 -> And you need to point the DNS to this IP address.
284.09 -> So if you are using something like
286.09 -> CloudFlare, for example, all you have to do is create a DNS.
289.56 -> So in this case, if I just want to say
291.45 -> test3, also you can see here it is, subdomain, my main domain,
295.69 -> and the IP address is the one that I need to add here.
298.97 -> So it's this IP address.
301.92 -> So you can also grab it over here from the panel, go to overview.
305.89 -> It's your same IP from your VPS at hosting here.
310.16 -> So if I save this, I am now able to create a site with it.
316.4 -> Here we go, mail support.
317.66 -> Let's go and save it.
320.44 -> So with this here, you got a limited site that you can use.
322.57 -> All you have to do is obviously consider your hosting resources on hosting it.
328.29 -> Here we go. Test at three at anywhere.
329.95 -> Let's go to check it out.
331.53 -> And boom, we're working on it.
333.53 -> So now it's installed. What can we do with it?
336.3 -> Well, now you can open this up here in Hestia and you can do a quick
340.41 -> install app and you can install all of these really easily by one-click install.
345.25 -> Just add the information if it's WordPress, add your details, here we go.
349.24 -> And you have a WordPress site using Hestia.
351.32 -> You can just go ahead and add your next subdomain, your next domain, et cetera,
354.95 -> and just use it here on Hestia using your VPS from Hostinger.
359.33 -> It's a really neat way to use a VPS
361.95 -> without having to pay additionally for a VPS manager.
366.04 -> So take advantage of that,
367.88 -> a free VPS manager without having to pay month to month.
370.25 -> Just pay your VPS plan and you're good to go.
373.04 -> But there you go. If you want to grab the VPS
375 -> from Hostinger, check out the link in the description.
377.17 -> And basically, that's a wrap.
