2023 Toyota Prius Review and Drive: THE PRIUS IS NO LONGER UGLY!

2023 Toyota Prius Review and Drive: THE PRIUS IS NO LONGER UGLY!

2023 Toyota Prius Review and Drive: THE PRIUS IS NO LONGER UGLY!

2023 Toyota Prius Review and Drive: THE PRIUS IS NO LONGER UGLY!

I finally got my hands on the all new 2023 Toyota Prius! I absolutely love this new Toyota Hybrid and I know that a 2023 Toyota Prius will be my next vehicle. It’s faster, roomier, SO MUCH better looking, and more fuel efficient! Toyota took a great vehicle and made it spectacular and I’m All about it. I hope you enjoy this 2023 Toyota Prius Review and Drive and thanks for watching!

Thank you to Impex Auto Sales in Greensboro, NC for the opportunity to film this vehicle. Check out Impex Auto Sales complete inventory at https://impexautosales.com

Subscribe today to get all my new videos and reviews! https://goo.gl/pLztJ2​




0 -> Hey hey everybody Brock Frady here helping you  enjoy your ride. In today's video we're going  
5.52 -> to take an in-depth look at this amazing 2023  Toyota Prius. It's been completely redesigned  
13.38 -> and I'm totally in love. But before we get started  I would like to say a huge thank you and shout out  
19.02 -> to Impex Auto Sales in Greensboro, North Carolina  for the opportunity to film this beautiful Prius.  
24.78 -> I'll be sure to leave all of their contact  information including their website in the  
29.88 -> description box below. Starting with the front  end here it looks like an amazing vehicle from  
35.28 -> the future. As far as how plain it looks and when  I say plain I don't mean that in a bad way. It's  
41.94 -> like everything blends in and it just looks  like everything is very purposefully placed.  
47.58 -> You can see these headlights, I kind of like how  there's almost like an eyebrow here. You see that?  
52.98 -> That's a panel but then there's a light that goes  here it's that big beautiful LED daytime running  
58.68 -> light. Then there's your LED headlight and then  there's your turn signal right there, all LED.  
64.14 -> Front park assist sensors that beep when you get  too close to something. I love how this the the  
70.62 -> front nose of It kind of goes down a little bit  but then it's almost like it's flat. So it just  
76.5 -> has a real dramatic look to it. You see that? That  looks so nice. The hood is is is you know kind of  
84.96 -> angular down, so it has better wind or better  aerodynamics. Look how flat all of that is,  
92.94 -> look how aerodynamic all of that is. I don't I'm  not sure exactly what the coefficient of drag is  
97.92 -> on this thing I imagine it's well under 0.30 but  look at this look how flat that that windshield  
106.08 -> is and I like it because there's very little wind  noise whenever you're in the cabin driving even  
111.72 -> at highway speeds. Toyota has done well to make  this acoustic laminate sound dampening material  
119.1 -> and this windshield, double laminated material  in the windshield to make it really really nice  
125.52 -> and sound resistant. You also have a whole slew of  things going on up here that are safety features.  
132.06 -> There's a camera here, there's radar cruise  control, there's all of the safety features  
136.74 -> that work beautifully really well together. We'll  get into that in just a second when we hop on the  
142.5 -> inside. One of the things about this Prius in  particular, this exact one is the fact, that  
148.32 -> it's actually not very well loaded. It doesn't  have all that much equipment on it. Believe it  
153.6 -> or not I actually like that because there's not  a lot of things inside that are competing for  
159.3 -> your attention when you drive. It makes it so  that it's it's you just get in and you just go.  
166.02 -> One of the things that I want to point out about  the fact that I believe this is just like a base  
170.04 -> model Prius. It's got tons of safety features but  one of the things about it is the wheels. I'm a  
176.34 -> wheel person and when I first saw these wheels  I did not initially like them. Let's take a look  
181.8 -> and I want to tell you a couple of things about  these wheels real quick. The wheel design to me  
186.3 -> looked a little bit freaky at first. I'm like  what is this these huge chunky mag-like things  
192.06 -> kind of hearkening back to old old school plastic  mag days. In fact they are plastic however here's  
199.98 -> the deal with these they are actually designed  for air to bounce off of them efficiently so that  
206.34 -> it reduces drag. So it makes the overall vehicle  more fuel efficient. To me that's that's a benefit  
213.24 -> obviously but to me another benefit is cleaning  these things there are not a whole lot of like you  
220.2 -> know little spokes that you have to clean whenever  brake dust gets on them. I actually like these  
226.56 -> wheels and I think the thing about the wheels too  is that the color especially with the black body  
231.84 -> color on this vehicle it actually looks good. It  looks like super sleek and just kind of I don't  
240.54 -> want to say basic because basic is often seen as  a bad thing. But I just like the way this looks.  
246.3 -> It's just simple. Another thing about the color  about this thing I don't know if you can see it  
253.74 -> but there is a fleck in this paint to where you  see a lot of blues and a lot of greens. This  
261.24 -> is not just like a regular black. It's a it's a  very nice metallic deep paint that looks really,  
269.1 -> really good up close. I really like it. Here's  another cool little quirky thing about the  
274.08 -> exterior. Prius is written all over the body,  Prius here, of course you have Prius written all  
280.26 -> along the back. That is so cool looking. Prius  right there, you also have Prius on the wheels,  
286.62 -> there it is right there on the mag, you  also have Prius right here in the back glass  
292.74 -> written out right there. You see that I don't know  why they did that. Kind of cool. I like it now as  
300 -> you're walking around look at the back of it. You  see these the the way the back fenders are. They  
304.38 -> kind of go out like this it makes it look more  substantial when you're looking at it from the  
309.42 -> rear. I'm telling you this thing looks completely  different. I know if you have seen one of these  
314.7 -> out on the road and if you know much about Toyota  and you know kind of the stigma of the Prius about  
320.4 -> it looking like a toaster and all that stuff.  And when you see one of these you do a double  
324.72 -> take. You're like what in the world is that one  of the things that contributes to that is the  
329.22 -> fact that it's wider. It looks more athletic from  the rear and it also looks more athletic from the  
334.56 -> side too because these rear fenders kind of go  out and then they sink back in, all obviously  
341.7 -> working for aerodynamics. Another thing you have  here are two lines that are in the roof, all wind  
348.54 -> directive things taking wind pulling it off of the  end and washing it off of the back. Here's the key  
354.9 -> fob for the new Prius. It's basically the same as  you've seen before lock on the top, unlock, hold.  
361.08 -> On the back side you have the word Prius written.  Then there is a little key here, you push this tab  
366.54 -> down, you remove the key from the edge and then  that is a physical key. It looks just like this  
371.64 -> one it will never be used to start the Prius.  It's only used in the event that the battery  
375.96 -> dies you're going to use it in that keyhole right  there to get into the vehicle, at which point  
380.76 -> there's still enough charge in the battery key fob  to start it but then you would have to replace it.  
385.98 -> The battery is really easy to replace. Another  thing that I really noticed first thing whenever  
391.56 -> I open up the Prius I've got it in my pocket the  doors are locked. So that whenever you press this  
397.02 -> or whenever you touch the door handle there is a  tone now that it used to be a beep and now it's  
403.44 -> like an electronic melodic tone. I'll show you  that in just a second but I just did this the  
409.44 -> door automatically unlocked and it did that tone  twice beep beep and then whenever you want to lock  
414.72 -> the doors whenever you're finished using it there  are two little stripes here on the door handle.  
418.92 -> So all you do is and then the door locks that also  locks the rear gate. You can also make it so that  
425.52 -> the rear gate unlocks. Whenever you unlock the  doors so here's what we're going to do you may  
431.4 -> be able to hear that tone now but I'm just going  to hit it again so listen to this it's so cool.  
440.04 -> I love that so here's that little melodic tone  that I was telling you about whenever you hit  
444.6 -> unlock on the key fob. Isn't that great?  It's not just like an annoying little beep  
452.76 -> and then whenever you lock it, so nice. The only  concern I have about that is that it's not loud  
459.9 -> enough, it's actually really not that loud at all.  I'm sure it's something that you can adjust on  
464.04 -> the inside of the Toyota in your settings to  turn that up but that's a pretty cool thing.  
469.5 -> You notice the LED turn signals right  there. Let's go around the back now that  
474.06 -> everything is unlocked and I want to show  you the LED turn signals from the rear now.
480.66 -> There's your signals and also take a look here now  that the rear hatch is unlocked. There is a rubber  
487.68 -> button directly under here. Here's the Toyota  emblem rubber button here. You have a camera here,  
492.78 -> Prius all along the back then you have little  dots here on the rear bumper. That's park  
499.14 -> assist. That's what beeps if you get too  close to something and then we just press  
502.92 -> this rubber button and the back pops and then  here is the back. I love the rubber mat here  
509.82 -> the back kind of dips down and goes back up. I  guess that's fine. I don't know what the point  
516.06 -> of that design is but I guess it gives you the  ability to store tall items, that's nice. Here's  
523.8 -> your back seat. You do have a rear seat tethers  right here for child safety seats and then under  
530.52 -> this mat we have this we can lift it up and then  there is a foam board and that has a tire pump  
537.24 -> there and that's basically a tire filler because  there's no spare tire because of the fact that  
542.22 -> it's having a spare tire increases the weight. So weight reduction, no spare tire. There you go.  
551.1 -> Look at this hybrid reborn. Interesting. You  can see that the opening right here is all tall,  
559.14 -> kind of slender. There you have really, really  thick pillars here. Does not cause blind spots  
565.14 -> in any way. There's plenty of sight you know you  can see very well from the inside. I just like  
570.42 -> how the the back is really athletic looking,  super nice. Bringing it down there's another  
576.24 -> shot of our camera and then it closes right up.  That's crazy that that's the rear end of a Prius.  
583.74 -> I love that also notice that there's no rear  wiper. That is gone. Now it's interesting how  
590.94 -> you get into the back door the handle is up  high. It used to be here on the bottom so now  
596.7 -> you only have one set of door handles that  are physically on the door, the other ones  
600.84 -> are located on the back door right there. You're  going to reach in here and there's a little rubber  
606.06 -> handle and that is gonna give you access into  the back seat. Let's take a look at that now.  
614.22 -> Now here is where the Prius is kind of lacking  back seat room. My my head is touching the ceiling  
622.74 -> right now, my knees are touching the back but it's  gonna be fine for short trips. It's okay, you're  
630.78 -> probably not going to have a ton of people in your  in your Prius all the time so it's okay. Um now  
637.56 -> here here's another thing too, you're probably not  going to have a seat back this far unless you're  
643.26 -> over six feet tall so this seat may be up a little  bit more. So it's going to accommodate people a  
649.98 -> little more comfortably in this particular model.  The back seat is absolutely bare bones. There are  
656.16 -> two point power points here to charge your devices  but that's it. There's not even a center armrest  
663.54 -> nope not even a center armrest. So bare bones.  The material is nice, it's kind of hardy,  
670.62 -> it's it's comfortable, it's soft but this is just  super economical. Not designed for comfort. I can  
678.6 -> see the whole front. That's really nice but that's  about it. Side impact airbags of course all the  
686.28 -> safety features that you need the back seat and  now let's take a look at the heart of the beast.
699.72 -> Now under the hood we have a two liter  four-cylinder gas electric Hybrid engine.  
705.96 -> As you all know the Prius  always has been always will be  
710.88 -> Gas and Electric in fact it says right here hybrid  reborn. That's the second place in the Prius that  
716.94 -> it says that but here's the amazing thing about  this new Prius engine. It produces a 100 up to  
723.06 -> 196 horsepower. That's incredible! The old Prius  had like four horsepower so this thing feels like  
730.26 -> a race car compared to the old Prius. It's also a  lot more fuel efficient. It'll get like 56 miles  
737.22 -> per gallon average. That's absolutely amazing  because vehicles usually whenever they become  
742.92 -> more fuel efficient it comes at the at the cost  of less power. This has a lot more power and is  
752.04 -> a lot more fuel efficient. It's just amazing  the way the continuous variable transmission  
758.16 -> interacts with the engine is seamless. You can  feel of a little bit of a bump whenever it the the  
765.12 -> engine cuts back on whenever you're sitting at a  stoplight or something but for the most part it's  
770.88 -> seamless a CVT and an old Prius feels a little bit  weird because it feels like it's struggling and  
776.76 -> you can hear that hybrid whine of the engine. This  one it it gives it to you right now and it feels  
783.66 -> fantastic with the CVT. It almost feels like a  turbo Toyota has re-engineered the way the engine  
789.54 -> and the CVT work together with all that power  fantastic combination. The inside of the Prius is  
797.82 -> is pretty basic and I absolutely love that,  especially on this model. There's not a lot of  
803.76 -> buttons because of the features that this one has  but you can see here that it's it's really really  
811.26 -> nice and it's easy to to figure out and things are  just kind of located where they're supposed to be,  
818.22 -> not a lot of guessing as to what is what. The  one thing that I see that there are two banks  
824.46 -> right there. There's one there and then there's  one there that could be open. This screen is the  
829.32 -> smaller screen. It's not the upgraded screen but  for the most part this is what the interior of  
834.84 -> the Prius is going to look like no matter what  the configuration, the basic layout. I love the  
840.12 -> steering wheel the way the steering wheel is is  laid out over here. On the left side is going  
845.7 -> to be things that control the screen that's in  front of you directly. We'll take a look at that  
849.78 -> in a second. Phone volume for the stereo voice  commands and then over here on the right side is  
856.92 -> all going to be driving things like we you know  radar cruise control and your lane keep assist  
865.02 -> and distance for the radar cruise. This is going  to be for audio. This is also audio so down here  
873.3 -> on the bottom in these portions is audio voice  commands things like that and uh so that's the  
879 -> steering wheel. Pretty basic, pretty easy. Turn  signal is here you can hear the clicker here.  
885.3 -> It's kind of a mechanical tick. It's really  nice. Of course your windshield wipers are all  
891.66 -> right here as well one of the neatest things,  this is the first time I've ever seen this in  
895.68 -> a car. There's almost like a gimbal right here.  You see that there's a little arm and then this  
900.84 -> operates on a separate one so you can actually  move that up all the way up and then still be  
906.48 -> able to put that mirror down. I really like  how that works. That's that's a great little  
911.88 -> way to do that because it gives you a lot more  flexibility with the rear view mirror. Super  
917.94 -> simple, really easy. I like how the lights work  here. There's a panel there's no physical buttons  
922.74 -> and the way those work is right there really,  really nice. This is your Toyota safety connect  
928.02 -> stuff here. That's all subscription based but  it's free for a certain amount of time. So for  
932.52 -> this demonstration this is what I'm going to  be using. I'm actually going to be using this  
937.02 -> and this this is the back arrow. It looks like a  Pages icon but this is the back arrow that takes  
943.92 -> you back a screen and then multi-directional up  down left right and okay. When you want to make  
950.22 -> a selection I'm going to be using these two for  this demonstration. So like I said this is going  
956.52 -> to be the primary screen that you see all the  time directly right in front of you using that  
962.94 -> multi-directional keypad. I've just pressed  it left and you can see on the left side under  
968.82 -> the temperature you have all of these different  categories from which you can make a selection.  
974.16 -> That's eco Zone and so this tells me all of the  different things to make it make sure that I know  
981.78 -> how it fuel efficiently I'm driving it can even  give you a little bit of a score there so you can  
988.08 -> see. Right now it says EV driving ratio and that  just came down from like 80 to 76 that's because  
994.74 -> I'm sitting in a driveway right now and the engine  is running. So it's running on gas engine right  
1000.62 -> now so then I just pressed it that that right  there's my total average miles per gallon and  
1006.92 -> then I can go here and just wait a second and now  there's my eco score is 79. That's pretty good  
1014 -> and then I'm going to press it right again EV  ratio. There's my average fuel economy. That's  
1020 -> actually what I like to keep it on. So I'm  going to hit the back arrow that Pages icon  
1024.14 -> and oh that's something cool it actually took it  to just like a more simple screen right there. So  
1031.04 -> that that whole screen now is obviously the  speedometer. I like the split screen though  
1036.56 -> so I'm going to go back and then I'm going to  press down on the multi-directional keypad and  
1042.2 -> then there is adaptive cruise mode so that's what  you're going to see while you're cruising and and  
1048.86 -> using the adaptive cruise mode this lets you know  the amount of distance that it's going to maintain  
1053.84 -> between you and the vehicle in front of you while  you're using adaptive cruise. Pressing down again  
1061.58 -> um oh wait now let's press up and then I'm gonna  press right oh there's a compass that's pretty  
1066.2 -> cool. So adaptive cruise mode and Compass are  all inside that second icon down. Here's the  
1072.86 -> third icon down and that is my audio what's  playing on the through the stereo right now  
1078.56 -> and so there you go press OK for source. So I  can press OK and I can then change the source  
1086.12 -> using that right there then I can press  down again and so there's tire pressure,  
1091.82 -> trip information, energy monitor. Oh I like that  there are two different energy monitors that you  
1097.76 -> can use in it but I like that one right there.  Really nice. You can see on the very back side  
1102.26 -> of that or toward the rear of the vehicle it's  showing how much battery is actually in it right  
1108.26 -> now so now we're going to settings and this  is what I really recommend to get used to to  
1113.72 -> program basically before you really start using  it and to really get used to it. So Lane departure  
1119.96 -> alert and then I can press and hold ok to change  the settings of the lane departure alert system.  
1128.18 -> So Lane departure alert system is on. Alert  option, the alert option is you can either make  
1134.66 -> it beep or you can make it vibrate the steering  wheel. I like the steering wheel then there's  
1141.5 -> alert timing do you want it to do it earlier or  later. That's that's a nice feature so that's all  
1148.52 -> Lane departure alert. I'm going to press the  back arrow then I'm going to move over to the  
1152.66 -> right side blind spot monitor is on that's the  feature that lights up the little amber colored  
1158.18 -> indicator in your rear view mirror when someone's  in your blind spot. PCS is pre-collision system  
1163.58 -> press and hold OK and then warning timing it's  about in the middle PCS pre-collision system is  
1170.6 -> on. I always recommend keeping that on. Okay so  this next one PDA is pro driving assist. so this  
1177.92 -> is the feature that whenever you're driving and  you're in curves and it can actually help steer  
1184.7 -> you into curves like gently it's not like gonna to  be a real sharp curve or anything but it will also  
1192.02 -> help provide braking assistance as well. So this  is actually one of those features that kind of  
1198.38 -> works with all the other ones to kind of help  you drive more safely. So there you go. That's  
1205.46 -> that. Then there's parking assist, that's the  feature where the bump the the sensors and the  
1210.32 -> bumpers beep when you get too close to something.  RCTA is rear cross traffic alert, when you're in  
1216.8 -> Reverse backing out of something that will beep  to let you know somebody's coming from the left  
1221.18 -> or the right. Parking sensings pksb will actually  alert you whenever you're backing up and something  
1229.1 -> is behind you and it that should not be there and  you don't want to hit it it will beep to let you  
1235.28 -> know. Safe exit assist there's sensors in the  vehicle that sense whenever someone is driving  
1241.76 -> up to you or about to drive past you and you open  the door it will say close the door or you'll get  
1247.52 -> your door ripped off. RSA basically can recognize  street signs and that's what is right there you  
1253.34 -> see the little speed limit whenever you're coming  up to a stop sign that will turn into a stop sign  
1257.36 -> pretty cool feature drcc is dynamic radar cruise  control than vehicle settings and meter settings  
1264.2 -> so that's a lot going on right there inside of  that one screen so I recommend getting used to  
1273.2 -> that. Now let's take a look at this screen in  the very middle of the console over here on the  
1278.66 -> left side. You will see navigation Music phone  vehicle and settings with a single push button  
1285.8 -> volume. I love how this is push button and you  can actually turn the dial up and down. That  
1291.2 -> is very fantastic profile not loaded guest mode  activated. That's fine. We're going to dismiss  
1296.66 -> that experience. Drive connect, this is a great  feature but you have to subscribe to it and then  
1303.02 -> it's a very Advanced navigational system. I really  recommend subscribing to that if you have one of  
1309.56 -> these new when you go down here you can see your  settings for your radio. You can see favorites,  
1315.5 -> tune and this allows you to search by number for a  station so nine two three tuned to station. That's  
1325.64 -> a local station here it's called Rock 92 and it's  a great station that's FM so then you can see  
1332.36 -> other stations right here and you can see this is  obviously scroll by touch and then right here you  
1338.96 -> can see that it is combining FM and then XM radio  stations. You can also put FM or AM stations right  
1347.6 -> here as a setting as well so you can combine AM  FM and XM all on one page right here. Really,  
1356.66 -> really easy. Then you can hit scan, you can  put a heart by that and it will put it in your  
1361.4 -> favorites boom right there. It's added. Now so  you don't have to like memorize it or anything  
1367.76 -> you can simply go here put the heart on it and  it's going to automatically assign that right  
1372.8 -> there. That's that's really, really easy to do.  Going back to the radio you that's that was tuned  
1378.68 -> FM radio all right there all stations Christian  Classic classical country Mexican News Talk r b  
1386.96 -> public Rock Sports. All those things that's all FM  so it'll find those automatically for you and then  
1393.86 -> you can scroll here to see what else is around.  So cool that is so Advanced AM radio Sirius XM  
1403.58 -> so this is memorized under favorites. Then there's  SiriusXM recommended for you music Sports Talk  
1411.92 -> all channels listening history all right here.  Tick Tock radio trending sounds from Tick Tock I  
1418.52 -> love that. So that's all your radio stuff that's  that's really really nice and easy to use as you  
1425.9 -> saw I I just started kind of pressing buttons  and that's it then there's um Bluetooth device  
1434.06 -> is not connected right now of course you have the  Apple carplay and Android auto. All that you could  
1441.26 -> hook up right here. Super easy just hit connected  device it starts searching and then you you know  
1448.52 -> right there search for devices so that's it that  is extremely simple. Then you go vehicle climate  
1458.66 -> front and then options windshield wiper de-icer.  That's over here on the left side too. There's a  
1465.92 -> physical button over here on the left side  for the windshield wiper de-icer. Really,  
1470.06 -> really nice. So that you can thaw your windshield  wipers trip info I like this because it gives you  
1477.32 -> real-time information about how you're driving  so you can drive it more fuel efficiently if you  
1482.42 -> want to give that an effort there. Um that's  really nice energy flow that shows you real  
1488.78 -> time what's going on. Here's the engine,  here's the battery, uh here's the battery,  
1492.68 -> here's the motor and so you'll see arrows  going in and out and all that. They're  
1497.84 -> blue when they come from the battery. They're  orange and red when they come from the engine.  
1502.52 -> So they'll let you know what's going on in real  time with the battery the motor and the engine.
1511.76 -> A visual representation no vehicle alerts right  now and then here's settings. So this is where I  
1519.14 -> recommend you know I told you I would recommend  going into the settings on the the screen that's  
1524 -> in front of you, in front of the steering wheel,  and doing the settings there. I also recommend  
1529.04 -> going and doing the settings here. So you're going  to go in, you're going to subscribe to everything,  
1533.96 -> then you're going to be signed in not as guest  but as as your name and then you're going to  
1539.12 -> go into settings right here and go under personal  info Bluetooth and devices manage devices General  
1549.44 -> and start to mess with all of this stuff. This is  where you're going to really be able to customize  
1556.34 -> how you interact with your new Prius. It's a great  thing to do so you know you've owned it a week or  
1565.7 -> two or a couple of days and you have some spare  time you go in and you start doing this kind of  
1571.46 -> stuff. Sound and media Auto Sound levelizer  that changes the volume according to speed.  
1578.06 -> So if you speed up it's going to increase  the volume if you slow down it's going to  
1583.04 -> decrease the volume. You can cut that off you  can do all kinds of stuff there sound tuning  
1588.02 -> mid treble and bass and then you can also  put majority of the sound the focus of  
1593.72 -> the sound wherever you want to in the  cabin using this. Isn't that great?  
1599.18 -> I like it right in the middle then media display  cover art. That's called Gracenote. That's how  
1605.06 -> you actually see the cover art once you're like if  your phone is hooked up and you're using Spotify  
1609.62 -> it will show cover art. That's what that does. I  don't know why you would not want to display cover  
1614.54 -> art but you can have that choice if you want  to. Then radio and then that's the fantastic  
1621.32 -> navigation system. That's pretty much a basic  overview of everything right here in the middle.  
1627.86 -> Then right here are your climate controls. Very  basic, very easy to understand front defrost rear  
1634.52 -> defrost system off temperature control. So you  can push that up and down and then this controls  
1640.16 -> the fan speed, this controls the fan direction,  recirculate fresh AC and auto. That is it nice and  
1648.38 -> basic. Right down here's all your cup holders and  a little bit of storage. This is pretty neat you  
1652.82 -> can just do that you can lift out that tray you  can wash it clean it up stick it back snap tap it  
1659.78 -> down. Nice and easy, one-handed. There's a charger  here, lightning charger for your Apple devices,  
1665.42 -> a cigarette lighter adapter charger. Then you have  a couple of cup holders there and then this last  
1671 -> section is going to be your gear shifter. I'm  going to put my foot on the brake in order to  
1675.74 -> operate it to take it out of park. You can see  Park is lit up right now but in order to operate  
1680.48 -> this you just pull it left and then up to go into  reverse and then you pull it left and down to go  
1688.22 -> into drive. And now we're in drive. You can see B  is uh straight back and hold it and now that's B  
1695.84 -> that's like slowing it down using the engine to  slow you down. You go over here and hold it for  
1701.48 -> neutral. We're in neutral now but you whenever  you want to put it in park so you're finished  
1706.88 -> it's in drive now we come to a stop we're ready  to park the Prius. We just press this and then  
1712.46 -> we pull this up in order to activate the parking  brake. Drive mode is here. I can press that and  
1719.54 -> it says Eco. Then there's normal, then there's  Sport, and then there's custom. Sport really is  
1726.14 -> feisty. That controls something called throttle  mapping and that makes it so the gas pedal is  
1731.66 -> more sensitive so that makes it nice and feisty  when you're in sport mode. Normal reduces that  
1738.5 -> so you have to push the accelerator down further  in order to achieve speed. And then Eco which is  
1745.22 -> the drive mode it's in now makes it so that  you have to press the gas pedal even further  
1750.08 -> in order to achieve speed but that makes it more  fuel efficient as well. I always use Eco because  
1755.96 -> I'm a hyper-miling nerd and it's a Prius. You're  supposed to get better fuel economy so I use Eco  
1761.72 -> whenever you're in eco mode though it's going  to take the climate control system down a notch  
1767.78 -> because it's going to direct the Excess power  from the climate control system and make it more  
1772.88 -> fuel efficient. So notice that like if it's super  hot outside and you're in eco mode if you push it  
1779.24 -> up and go into normal mode you're going to get an  extra fan speed in that climate control system. So  
1784.76 -> that would really be in my opinion the only time  to use normal mode then EV mode electric vehicle  
1792.44 -> mode that's when there is a good charge on the  battery after you've been driving around you know  
1796.88 -> 15-20 minutes and the battery has a good charge  you can hit that and you can be in electricity  
1803.3 -> only mode. That's like for parking lots low speed  bumper to bumper traffic boom hit EV mode. Brake  
1810.38 -> hold right here that allows you to take your foot  off of the brake when you're at a stop light or  
1816.92 -> at a stop and but in order to activate that you  have to press it in and then when you come to a  
1823.34 -> complete stop you'll see a little amber light on  the dash that says hold. It looks just like this  
1828.62 -> and then you can take your foot off the brake at  that point and then once the light turns green or  
1834.02 -> you're ready to proceed all you do is press the  accelerator. You don't have to press that again  
1838.94 -> you do have to press this every time you start the  Prius in order to use it though. Traction control  
1846.2 -> off right there. Then there is a little holder  right here cell phone perfect fit. The drive of  
1853.88 -> the Prius is so much better than I anticipated. I  knew the drive was going to be different because  
1861.62 -> of the natural you know horsepower bump and I  would imagine that there would have been some  
1866.48 -> sound dampening materials and all that stuff  but the drive in it is so much better than I  
1872.6 -> anticipated because it's not just about power  it's about fit and finish. It's about ride  
1878.12 -> quality. It's it's about just how the cabin feels  overall, how the how the car interacts with you. 
1885.98 -> The materials are plasticky but it's not  cheap. Your your eye is not drawn to anything  
1891.68 -> in particular. It seems to me the driver's seat  is a little bit more snug I drive a 2015 Prius  
1899.78 -> and the the driver's area feels tighter to me.  That's not a big deal and for somebody that's  
1908.36 -> never been in a Prius before is if this is your  first experience in a Prius not a big deal but  
1914.06 -> it just feels like there's a little bit it's it's  a little bit more confined. I'm I'm getting onto  
1920.18 -> an interstate right now the uh speed limit is 65.  I'm accelerating right now with no problem at all  
1928.76 -> I'm up to 66 miles an hour I'm going to press the  radar cruise control and the radar cruise control  
1935.36 -> the lane keep assist, Lane Trace assist. The the  feature that it recognizes signs and and the speed  
1942.32 -> limit and all that stuff are now active. I can  feel the steering wheel in my hand and it's kind  
1947.48 -> of working itself so I'm just basically guiding it  a little bit. My foot is off the accelerator and  
1954.26 -> it's just an easy ride there is a decent amount  of road noise from the tires and I I think that  
1960.26 -> Toyota would do well to put more sound dampening  materials to affect that overall though it is it  
1967.7 -> is so easy to drive. It's it's not totally like  self-driving by any stretch but it's almost like  
1977.3 -> a hybrid self Drive in a hybrid. Right so there's  the hybrid powertrain gas electric engine battery  
1984.26 -> but then there's like this kind of self-drive-ish  mode where you can fill the wheel in your hand and  
1992.78 -> when you go up to a gentle curve on an interstate  you can feel it kind of working with you if you  
1998.3 -> have all the all the features activated. Now you  can totally not use this stuff but to me if you  
2004.12 -> haven't it's absolutely a game changer because  it makes it easier to drive the vehicle. Okay  
2011.2 -> everybody that's gonna do it for our look at  the 2023 Toyota Prius. I hope you enjoyed the  
2018.34 -> video as much as I enjoyed making it for you.  Again I would like to say a huge thank you to  
2023.92 -> Impex auto sales for the opportunity to film this  Prius. Be sure to check them out on the worldwide  
2030.28 -> internet machine but remember the most important  thing of all. Have a wonderful day everybody!

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNqWMQX0Jx0