European conquest of America - Summary on a Map

European conquest of America - Summary on a Map

European conquest of America - Summary on a Map

Let’s retrace here the colonization by Europeans, from the discovery by Christopher Columbus until the end of the Seven Years’ War.
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English translation \u0026 voiceover: Matthew Bates
Original French version:    • La conquête européenne de l’Amérique …  
Russian version:    • Европейская колонизация Америки - на …  
Arabic version:    • الاستعمار الأوروبي لقارات أمريكا  
Spanish version:    • La conquista europea de América - res…  
Portuguese version (Brazil): Coming soon
Japanese version:    • ヨーロッパ人のアメリカ大陸征服  
German version:    • Europäische Eroberungen in Amerika - …  
Music: Drop - Anno Domini Beats (YouTube Library)
Software: Adobe After Effects
00:00 Situation in Europe
00:30 Rounding the Cape
01:43 The first voyage
03:15 European impulses
04:04 Spanish settlement
05:50 Submission of the Aztecs
07:16 Fall of the Inca Empire
08:20 Resistance
09:33 Rebellion in Peru
10:22 European competition
11:30 France and England
12:49 New Netherland
13:54 Triangular trade
14:56 New France
16:13 Franco-British tensions

#geohistory #history #america #europe #conquest #discovery


0.48 -> In the 15th century, these are  approximately the known lands in Europe.  
4.96 -> To the east are the Indies, from where spices  and silk come.
8.882 -> In Europe, the trade of these luxury products is controlled by the powerful  Republics of Genoa and Venice.
15.695 -> But in 1453, the Ottomans seize Constantinople and bring  down the Byzantine Empire.
22.688 -> By extending their influence over the Mediterranean, they put an  end to the golden age of the Italian republics. 
33.84 -> In the west, Portugal dreams of opening a  new trade route to the Indies
38.388 -> and seizing the monopoly on the spice trade.
41.317 -> They take advantage of the development of the caravel,
44.868 -> a more robust ship capable of handling the oceans, to send explorations to Africa.
50.712 -> In 1484, Christopher Columbus, a Genoese navigator living  in Lisbon,
56.42 -> proposes to the Portuguese king to try to reach Asia by sailing west.
61.355 -> According to his calculations, Cathay and Cipango, currently China and Japan, are close enough for the crossing to be feasible.
70.079 -> But the king rejects the project.
72.618 -> Confident, Christopher Columbus  tries his luck with the rival queen of Castile, but in vain.
79.214 -> Two years later, while Portugal reaches the Cape of Good Hope,
83.473 -> the Spanish monarchy completes the Reconquista by seizing  Granada.
88.483 -> Nothing seems to stop its ambitions. It must now catch up with Portugal in its race towards the Indies.
95.644 -> The Queen of Castile and the King of Aragon authorize and finance  the expedition of Christopher Columbus.
106.56 -> On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus leaves  Palos with three ships and 90 men.
113.817 -> After a short stopover in the Canary Islands, they head  west and sail for 36 days into the unknown.  
121.04 -> The crew finally see an island, Columbus lands and  meets with the local Taino people.
126.801 -> Convinced he has reached the Indies, Christopher Columbus  names them Indians.
131.789 -> After a few exchanges, he leaves and explores the surrounding islands.
136.492 -> Thinking he is in Asia, he looks for the kingdom of the Great Khan mentioned in the writings of Marco Polo.
142.826 -> On an island called Quisqueya, which he renames "La Hispaniola", he builds the fort of the Nativity,
149.7 -> leaves 39 men behind and returns with 7 Tainos, gold, pearls, and parrots  as proof of the success of his expedition.  
159.6 -> Welcomed as a hero, he returns to the Nativity  a few months later, this time with 1,500 men,  
166.16 -> to found a permanent colony of which he would be  the governor.
170.074 -> But he finds the 39 men left behind dead.
173.225 -> He then founds La Isabela  in honor of the Queen of Castile and continues his explorations.
180.148 -> During this time, the Spanish monarchy and Portugal,
183.479 -> to avoid conflicts around the newly conquered territories, agree to draw a meridian.
188.754 -> The lands to the east can be claimed by Portugal,
192.322 -> those to the west by the Spanish monarchy.
198.72 -> England in turn begins to search for a new  maritime route to India.
203.306 -> An expedition is sent further north and reaches a land that is  unknown to them.
209.059 -> Vasco De Gama, for Portugal, crosses the Cape of Good Hope, enters the  Indian Ocean
214.249 -> and reaches India on May 20, 1498.
218.019 -> A second Portuguese expedition leaves for India, but as it moves away from the coast to take advantage of the sea currents,
226.198 -> the expedition reaches a new land located east of the meridian of Tordesillas.
231.939 -> There, an exotic wood grows from which can be obtained a red dye like an ember, or “Brasa” in Portuguese.
239.888 -> This will later give the name of Brazil to their new colony.
247.44 -> While the Spanish colonists discover products  unknown in Europe
251.446 -> such as potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, and cocoa,
255.561 -> ships loaded with gold, emeralds, and pearls return to Spain,
260.098 -> which motivates the departure of many colonists to the new Spanish lands.
264.747 -> They bring with them domestic animals, and seeds,
268.335 -> but also diseases that were previously unknown to the indigenous populations, who are therefore not immune.
275.682 -> These diseases spread throughout the continent faster than the colonists and decimate the populations.
282.106 -> In 1506, after a fourth trip, Christopher Columbus dies.
287.265 -> A few months later, the word America appears on  a map in honor of the explorer Amerigo Vespucci.
294.17 -> The continent would henceforth be called America.
297.754 -> In the Spanish territories, colonists impose forced labor on the local populations.
303.529 -> But the Spanish monarchy, influenced by the Roman Catholic Church, opposes this mistreatment
309.261 -> and tries via new laws to increase its control over the new territories and to improve the condition of the natives.
316.579 -> The Catholic Church also sends missionaries to  evangelize the local populations.
322.1 -> From the Spanish colonies, conquerors called conquistadors explore everywhere.
327.613 -> To the north, they discover a land they name Florida. To the south, an expedition goes inland and discovers a sea on the other side.
336.734 -> Finally in 1518, an expedition goes north along the coast, passes a peninsula and meets representatives sent by an emperor.
346.8 -> The governor then decides to send a mission there.
353.76 -> The conquistador Hernán Cortès leaves Cuba  in 1519.
359.037 -> On his way, he recovers a Spanish shipwrecked man who survived eight years in Mayan country,
365.668 -> and then he obtains a mistress after a confrontation. Both will assist him as interpreters.
372.198 -> Once on dry land, he understands that he is in the Aztec empire,
376.909 -> whose capital Tenochtitlan controls the surrounding regions.
381.288 -> Impressed by the firearms and horses they have never seen before, some of the people choose to join the Spanish crown.
388.692 -> Cortes is guided to Tenochtitlan where the emperor welcomes him peacefully.
394.085 -> At the same time, to the south of the continent, Ferdinand Magellan, who is also trying to reach the Indies to the west,
401.194 -> passes through a strait that will one day bear his name and enters a new ocean that is unknown to him.
407.734 -> In Tenochtitlan, a war breaks out between the Aztecs and Cortés who had been chased out of the capital.
414.965 -> He allies with the rebels and enemies of Tenochtitlan, then besieges the city and cuts off its drinking water supply.
423.052 -> But the inhabitants suffer above all from smallpox  which decimates the city.
428.469 -> After 75 days of siege, Tenochtitlan collapses and Cortes becomes the governor of New Spain.
440.08 -> Despite strong resistance, the Spaniards continue  to extend their control in Central America.
446.466 -> Spain, which is indebted to German bankers, authorizes  them in return to found a colony in an area where  
453.28 -> houses are built on stilts and which is then  named Little Venice or Venezuela.
458.969 -> To the south, an expedition goes inland and rumors circulate  about a certain "Piru" kingdom.
465.552 -> The navigator Francisco Pizarro then leaves to search for it.
469.479 -> He lands and learns that he is in the Inca empire which is in a full war of succession.
475.274 -> After several contacts by intermediate embassies, a meeting is organized in Cajamarca with the emperor Atahualpa.
483.61 -> But the meeting degenerates and Pizarro arrests the emperor.
487.747 -> 9 months later, in spite of the enormous gold and silver ransom received for his liberation,
494.142 -> Pizarro executes Atahualpa and then seizes Cusco, the capital of the empire.
504.08 -> While strong rivalries appear between the  colonists who want to monopolize the Inca wealth,  
510.08 -> in the north of Tomebamba, a pocket of  Inca resistance is organized around the general Rumiñahui.
517.081 -> But finding himself in a difficult situation, he decides to burn Quito and to hide all the Inca wealth.
523.766 -> Captured and tortured, he does not reveal the location of this treasure which, if it exists, has never been found.
531.692 -> Further south, Pizarro founds a capital, the City of Kings, which later will become Lima.
538.034 -> In 1536 in Cuzco, the Incas rebel and take the city.
543.253 -> Almagro, Pizarro's ally, who returns from unsuccessful conquests in the south, takes the city and proclaims himself governor of Cuzco.
553.177 -> A war breaks out between Pizarro and Almagro.
556.733 -> Taking advantage of the chaos, the Incas found the kingdom of Vilcabamba which will resist the Spaniards for 36 years.
565.815 -> Further south, a group of populations called the Mapuches,
569.466 -> also firmly resist the Spanish intrusions.
576.104 -> In the north, Spain continues to enlarge its  territory considerably.
581.81 -> The priest Bartolomé de Las Casas denounces the cruel treatments  imposed on the natives.
587.689 -> Spain, in 1542, passes new laws in order to return freedom to the slaves by abolishing the encomienda,
594.689 -> and by affirming equality of the rights of the natives.
599.322 -> In Peru, these laws are very badly received by the colonists.
603.64 -> The viceroy tries to make them apply, but a revolt breaks out and he is beheaded.
610.036 -> Spain finally manages to regain control of the  region and suspends the conquests in America,
617.004 -> although many populations still  resist Spanish colonization.
625.44 -> In Europe, new powers are interested in the riches  of America.
629.688 -> France, which does not recognize the treaty of Tordesillas, sends expeditions to Brazil.
635.994 -> The colony of France Antarctique is founded there. Annoyed by the new competition, the Portuguese destroy the colony in 1560.
642.994 -> They then develop colonization by sending expeditions  deep inland in search of mines and slaves.  
652.72 -> England also has its eye on America.
655.536 -> Irritated by the commercial monopoly that Spain is establishing in the Pacific Ocean,
661.121 -> the Queen of England secretly finances an expedition by Francis Drake, who plunders Spanish wealth on the Pacific coast.
669.116 -> Further north, Drake founds New Albion in the name of the English crown,
674.695 -> before heading west to return to England.
676.954 -> At the same time, the Spanish monarchy takes over Portugal.
681.263 -> The United Provinces, quickly followed by England,
684.822 -> take advantage of this and try to seize the trade routes and the Portuguese colonies.
694.24 -> In South America, further inland, a region little explored by the Spaniards and the Portuguese attracts the covetous.
702.534 -> For a century, the myth of Eldorado, the city filled with gold, has been widely circulated.
709.18 -> This attracts hundreds of European settlers who devastate the region in search of gold, igniting the fury of local populations.
718.006 -> This does not prevent the arrival of French, Dutch, and British Protestants
723.188 -> who flee Europe in search of lands far from Catholic influences.
727.578 -> To the north, the coasts of Newfoundland, rich in fish, are frequented by many fishermen from all over Europe.
734.739 -> As early as 1603, France finances new expeditions to explore Acadia and to found a first settlement at Port-Royal.
744.196 -> Despite conflicts with the local populations, fishing and fur trading develop.
749.341 -> Further south, England founds Jamestown, its first permanent colony.
754.75 -> But while the French accelerate colonization with the creation of Quebec, the English attack Acadia.
761.295 -> From then on, the two countries and their respective local allies are constantly fighting over the region.
771.913 -> After founding New Amsterdam on an island, the Dutch negotiate with the locals to purchase Manhattan Island
778.86 -> in exchange for some goods equivalent to 60 florins, which is currently worth about a few hundred dollars.
785.724 -> Also in the south, the Dutch expand their possessions and take over a large part of Brazil.
791.596 -> But in 1640, Portugal regains its independence and recovers its territories.
797.856 -> The Dutch are expelled and concentrate their efforts in the north of the continent by absorbing New Sweden.
804.509 -> At the same time, the British take Jamaica from  the Spaniards to develop the sugar trade.  
810.16 -> They also obtain permission to exploit wood on the  coast of New Spain.
814.786 -> The growing commercial rivalry between the United Provinces and England provokes a war that turns to the advantage of the British.  
822.72 -> At the peace treaty, the United Provinces  cede their North American territories  
827.76 -> and recover Suriname, which was occupied by  the British. New Amsterdam becomes New York. 
837.84 -> In the West Indies, mainly the French and the  British take over islands from the Caribs
843.339 -> in order to develop large sugar plantations that require a large workforce.
848.477 -> European merchants leave for the African coasts where they buy slaves.
853.303 -> These are then transported to America to be sold in the mines or on the plantations.
858.58 -> Their life expectancy is about 7 years.
862.47 -> The ships then return to Europe loaded with precious metals and luxury goods.
867.506 -> In the 17th century, this model become so profitable that the slave trade explodes,
873.401 -> as does piracy, which flourishes in the Caribbean.
877.146 -> Many people are opposed to slavery, notably the Jesuits who found communities throughout America
883.757 -> to protect the natives from the colonists.
886.12 -> They are evangelized and work for the communities which quickly become rich.
891.314 -> But Spain and Portugal will eventually expel them.
898.72 -> In the north of the continent, while the  British found Philadelphia,
902.758 -> the French, after an expedition, claim Louisiana, and then expand along the rivers to link it to New France.  
910.24 -> New France then signs a peace agreement with 39  nations, mainly Iroquois.
915.184 -> Fearing that they would be surrounded, the British attack Acadia again and rename it Nova Scotia.
922.193 -> The latter, together with Rupert’s Land and Newfoundland, are officially annexed in the Treaties of Utrecht
928.939 -> which end the War of Spanish Succession. Spain and the United Provinces are weakened,
935.247 -> Great Britain is now a great maritime and commercial power.
939.383 -> In 1733, it founds Savannah, which stops the Spanish expansion from Florida.
945.782 -> From Russia, a Danish captain named Vitus Bering leads mapping expeditions on behalf of the Tsar.
952.737 -> After exploring the strait that now bears his name, Bering sights in 1741 the coasts of Alaska
960.619 -> and the Aleutian Islands, where he dies.
963.304 -> The abundance of prey on these islands attracts many Russian hunters.
967.759 -> The Russians gradually move along the coast to develop the otter fur trade.
976.306 -> In the Ohio Valley, tensions rise between the French and the British who are fighting over control of the region.
984.061 -> A war begins which at first turns to the advantage of the French.
988.374 -> Great Britain then decides to deport en masse the French-speaking Acadians still present in Nova Scotia.
995.141 -> Many die on the way. The survivors are scattered throughout the British colonies.
1000.782 -> In Europe, the 7 Years’ War breaks out.
1003.473 -> Great Britain, which dominates the seas with its powerful Royal Navy, imposes a maritime blockade on the French colonies which,
1011.823 -> without reinforcements, fall into the hands of the British.
1016.184 -> In 1763, in the peace treaty signed in Paris, France gives up most of its American colonies.
1023.772 -> Spain receives the western part of Louisiana in exchange for Florida.
1028.778 -> Great Britain dominates all its rivals.
1031.894 -> But the war has weighed on its finances,
1034.45 -> and it intends now to take advantage of its many colonies
1038.705 -> to replenish its coffers by imposing new taxes.
