Colonization of Africa - Summary on a Map
Aug 9, 2023
Colonization of Africa - Summary on a Map
Let’s look at a map and see a summary of the different phases of exploration, conquests and colonization of African territories by European powers, beginning from the mid-15th century. -------- Patreon: -------- English translation \u0026 voiceover: Rahul Venkit … -------- Original French version: • La colonisation de l’Afrique - Résumé… Russian version: • Колонизация Африки Европейцами - на к… Arabic version: • استعمار أفريقيا Spanish version: • La colonización de África - Historia … Portuguese version (Brazil): • Colonização da África - resumo de mea… Japanese version: • アフリカ植民地化の歴史 German version: • Die Kolonisierung Afrikas - Zusammenf… -------- Music: Awaken - Anno Domini Beats (Youtube Library) -------- Software used for editing: Adobe After Effects -------- Chapter 00:00 Trade routes 00:37 Portuguese rule 01:24 European competition 02:11 Colonization 03:06 European domination 04:03 First resistance 04:54 The World Wars 04:47 Instability 06:34 Egypt 07:21 Independence 08:25 Algerian War 09:00 Portuguese colonies 09:33 Last departures #geohistory #history #africa #colonization #europe
0.089 -> In the middle of the 15th century, central
and southern Africa is still unknown to Europe.
6.01 -> However, for centuries the Arabs operated
trade routes crossing the vast Sahara desert
11.5 -> transporting to the Mediterranean gold, ivory
and slaves.
16.26 -> Europe is more interested in profitable trade
routes from Asia,
20.12 -> especially the import of silk and spices.
23.56 -> But the expansion of the Ottoman Empire threatens
these networks.
27.6 -> Furthermore, the kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula
set their sights on discovering new sea routes
33.63 -> to Asia to corner the lucrative markets.
40.64 -> Portugal takes the lead by inventing the Caravelle;
a lightweight, versatile vessel allowing it
46.559 -> to accelerate exploration of the African coast.
50.37 -> The country establishes maritime trading posts
as an alternative to overland trade routes,
56.26 -> especially to capture the highly profitable
slave trade.
60.11 -> In 1498, Vasco da Gama reaches India.
63.92 -> Portugal rapidly grows in power in the Indian
Ocean and dominates the spice trade.
69.16 -> The country grows rich and faces no competition
from the Spanish Empire
72.92 -> as the two reach an agreement to define their zones of influence, as per the Treaty of Tordesillas.
80.06 -> Spain therefore focuses on the American continent.
87.36 -> In 1580, the king of Spain takes control of
Portugal to form the Iberian Union.
93.36 -> The new maritime power, the Netherlands, takes advantage of the situation to seize Portuguese colonies.
100 -> Portugal finally regains its independence
and tries to regain control of businesses in Africa.
105.82 -> But the country now faces competition from
new European powers settling along the African coast.
112.12 -> The situation then remains relatively stable
for centuries,
115.52 -> with each country managing its own trade routes.
119.04 -> Slave trade becomes the most profitable business.
122.06 -> European ships buy slaves in Africa whom they
exchange in America for gold and local products
128.26 -> such as sugar and coffee.
133.769 -> From the mid-18th century, anti-slavery movements
gain momentum in Europe and gradually lead
139.34 -> to a fall in human trafficking and slavery.
142.71 -> In the US, a project to repatriate freed slaves
to Africa gets underway.
147.53 -> A colony is established allowing the return
of thousands of former slaves.
152.64 -> Although there are conflicts with indigenous
populations, Liberia becomes independent in 1847.
159.3 -> A few years later, France and Egypt inaugurate the Suez Canal, opening a new shorter sea route to Asia.
167.39 -> In the African colonies, interest turns towards
trying to gain arable land in order to grow
172.32 -> agricultural products primarily for European
176.34 -> While exploring the land, colonists discover
the continent is rich in resources,
180.84 -> stirring the appetite of European powers in the midst
of industrial development.
189.28 -> Tensions flare because of competition between
European nations.
193.02 -> In 1884, a conference is held in Berlin to
regulate colonization.
198.46 -> King Leopold II of Belgium gets personal possession
of a large, little-known area in the heart of the continent.
205.489 -> Germany, Spain and Italy seize territories,
while the UK receives Egypt.
211.06 -> Henceforth, countries can stake claim to any
land they physically occupy.
216.469 -> European nations, boosted by their superior
military technology, engage in a race for
221.43 -> control of the largest possible territory
at the expense of local kingdoms and empires.
227.42 -> In most cases, land is stolen and redistributed
to European settlers.
232.4 -> Indigenous people are subject to taxes, but
have no money to pay them.
236.4 -> So they find themselves working in the fields
or in mines, which become a form of forced labor.
245.82 -> Italy, which controls Eritrea and Somalia,
fails to conquer the empire of Abyssinia which
251.72 -> gains international recognition as a sovereign
255.34 -> After the discovery of diamonds and gold in
the south of the continent,
259.34 -> the British empire expands to take over the states of Transvaal and Orange,
264.24 -> both of which were founded by the Boers
267.04 -> mainly descendants of Dutch settlers
who fled following the arrival of the British.
272.52 -> In 1908, King Leopold II cedes Congo to Belgium.
276.94 -> Two years later, after long negotiations,
southern British colonies of the continent
282 -> gain independence, forming the Union of South
285.81 -> The new country remains linked to the British
empire by becoming a dominion,
290.18 -> ceding certain powers to the British crown.
296.62 -> During the World War I, hundreds of thousands
of men from the colonies
300.82 -> are sent to European and African frontlines.
303.77 -> The United Kingdom, France, Belgium and South
Africa take over the German colonies.
309.789 -> At the end of the war, a separatist revolution
breaks out in Egypt.
313.6 -> The UK is forced to recognize the end of its
protectorate status,
317.56 -> but the country retains control of the Suez Canal by maintaining a military presence.
322.8 -> In 1935, fascist Italy again tries to conquer Abyssinia.
327.84 -> This time the Italian army is successful in
gradually seizing territories,
331.84 -> but Abyssinia would never sign an armistice.
335.3 -> World War II breaks out in Europe, and again,
338 -> hundreds of thousands of Africans are involved in fighting on different fronts.
342.28 -> Italy, allied with Nazi Germany, loses its
colonies on the continent.
350.46 -> At the end of WWII, Abyssinia becomes Ethiopia
and regains its sovereignty.
356.169 -> Talks are held at the United Nations to discuss
the future of other Italian colonies.
361.7 -> With European nations weakened by war, the
United States leans in.
365.819 -> Fearing the rise of the Soviet Union and communism
in the world, the country supports the independence
371.03 -> of colonies and their admission to the United
374.82 -> When an insurrection breaks out in Madagascar
against French occupiers, it is brutally suppressed.
380.75 -> Italy eventually gets control of Somalia for
another 10 years, while Libya becomes independent.
386.86 -> Kenya also begins an anti-colonial uprising
389.9 -> that would last 8 years and result in many civilian victims.
397.64 -> In 1952, the Egyptian army overthrows the
monarchy and begins anti-colonial policies.
404.04 -> On the one hand, the country makes contact
with the Soviet Union to provide arms.
408.44 -> On the other, it provides military support to aid Algerian nationalists against the French occupation.
414.86 -> Egypt also claims control of Sudan, and nationalizes the Suez Canal, chasing away the French and the British.
421.349 -> In response, they combine with Israel to organize
a surprise attack on Egypt.
426.52 -> The offensive is a success, but is stopped
after the USSR’s threat of nuclear war.
432 -> The US then steps in and orders an end to
the offensive.
435.64 -> The event marks the end of the British and French
domination on the continent.
444.04 -> Aware of losing their grip on power, France
and the UK try to moderate their policy
448.86 -> and maintain influence on the continent.
451.44 -> Britain supports the independence of Sudan
to prevent the country coming under Egyptian control.
456.82 -> The same year, France, which is mired in war
in Algeria,
460.28 -> recognizes the independence of Morocco and Tunisia to avoid the spread of violence.
465.56 -> The UK is ready to recognize the independence
of its colonies,
469.14 -> in some cases if the new governments join the Commonwealth,
472.38 -> an intergovernmental
organization headed by the British crown.
476.58 -> France for its part tries to set up a Franco-African
481.02 -> All colonies accept the proposal with the
exception of Guinea, which then gains independence.
486.56 -> In 1960, a new wave of colonies gaining independence
ends this project.
492.32 -> France withdraws but maintains economic control
over the region with the CFA franc currencies.
499.02 -> The same year, the Belgian Congo also gets
independence and becomes the Congo-Leopoldville.
508.5 -> France tries to maintain control over Algeria
at all costs.
512.58 -> But violent repression and massacres of local
515.82 -> makes them lose support of the French people and the international community.
520.6 -> Despite violence committed by some of its
own forces,
523.52 -> Algerian separatists take the advantage by playing the diplomatic card and gaining debates at the UN.
530.32 -> France, defensive at first, tries the empty-chair policy,
534.34 -> and in 1962 finds itself forced to recognize the independence of Algeria.
543.38 -> South of the continent, while the British
lose their last colonies,
546.92 -> Portugal also finds itself in trouble.
549.72 -> Despite large investments and significant
migration of Portuguese to Angola,
554.18 -> war breaks out and spreads into other colonies, causing
the country to invest heavily in military efforts.
561.21 -> Finally, a revolution in Portugal overthrows
the regime.
564.98 -> The new government recognizes the independence of the colonies
568.36 -> and organizes emergency repatriation of its settlers.
575.76 -> To the north, Morocco pressures Spain to quit
the Western Sahara.
579.92 -> When the Spanish finally depart, it captures
two thirds of the liberated country.
584.59 -> While European nations are no longer present
in Africa, Southern Rhodesia is the only country
590.12 -> whose independence was obtained by British
colonists who hope to themselves found a country
595.15 -> ruled by white people.
596.95 -> The country is not recognized in the UN and
comes under great international pressure.
601.46 -> In 1980, it yields and a transitional government
is set up to form Zimbabwe.
607.6 -> Despite the end of European presence in Africa,
610.36 -> the continent will still have to face various forms of neo-colonialism.
615.3 -> World powers and multinationals influence
and sometimes destabilize African countries
620.32 -> with the aim of gaining its wealth and generating
huge profits at the expense of local populations.