A Brief History Of Cartography: How Our Ancestors Mapped The World | Face Of The World | Timeline

A Brief History Of Cartography: How Our Ancestors Mapped The World | Face Of The World | Timeline

A Brief History Of Cartography: How Our Ancestors Mapped The World | Face Of The World | Timeline

How does mankind find its way around the planet? How do people know where roads lead and what lies on the far side of the ocean? Did Marco Polo have an atlas showing the way to China? Did the Romans mark the borders of their empire on maps? For thousands of years distant lands and foreign nations were mysteries. And yet accounts of these mysteries were available – in travel books and on maps of the world.

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0.06 -> this channel is part of the history hit
2.399 -> Network
2.93 -> [Music]
13.39 -> [Music]
25.97 -> [Music]
33.68 -> how do human beings find their way
36.54 -> around their Planet how do they know
38.76 -> what lies beyond the sea or where a road
41.64 -> leads did Marco Polo have an atlas to
44.82 -> show him the route to China did the
47.219 -> Romans record the borders of their
49.14 -> empire on maps for thousands of years
51.96 -> unknown distant lands guarded their
54.66 -> secrets and yet they were described in
57.84 -> travel books and imaginative Maps the
61.079 -> face of the world has fascinated people
63.18 -> in every age and culture
71.64 -> [Music]
78.53 -> [Music]
93.96 -> we hold the face of the world in our
96.479 -> hands in the form of a map of the Earth
99.479 -> we know where the mountains are where
102.42 -> the rivers flow to and how far the
104.939 -> oceans extend even though we have never
108.24 -> been there
109.799 -> the invention of maps and charts is a
112.56 -> fascinating chapter in human history in
115.619 -> the beginning there are fantastic
117.18 -> descriptions mystical depictions later
121.02 -> on maps and charts for seafarers and
123.84 -> soldiers from their limited resources
127.02 -> people of bygone ages attempt to create
129.84 -> a picture of the world of their own
132.599 -> region and of distant lands with their
136.2 -> eyes fixed on far-off goals Merchants
139.08 -> discover new trade routes soldiers
141.42 -> conquer new territories
143.54 -> Warlords take possession of the world
146.28 -> and impose their rule on foreign peoples
149.78 -> the map is an instrument of their power
155.879 -> foreign
160.4 -> showing us the world in a series of
162.959 -> detailed maps was only completed a
165.66 -> hundred years ago
171.239 -> early cultures scratch their concept of
174 -> the world on clay tablets or chisel them
176.819 -> into stone
180.12 -> others ain't what they know
186.48 -> the ancient Greeks write down what they
189.42 -> have seen of the world
191.519 -> it is a long way from the first
193.92 -> inaccurate descriptions of the world to
196.319 -> the maps of today which guide us
198.18 -> unervingly to any spot on the face of
201.06 -> the globe
203.7 -> a way full of Adventure and errors
212.22 -> the art of cartography goes back to the
215.159 -> time of the Sumerians
217.62 -> the Earth floats in an ocean above it
220.379 -> curves the sky and beneath it lies hell
224.099 -> that's how the Sumerians see their
226.5 -> Cosmos
227.7 -> the rivers of the Euphrates and the
229.68 -> Tigris are the sources of prosperity and
232.56 -> a sophisticated culture
234.54 -> five thousand years ago the Sumerians
237.299 -> know the geography of their empire
242.58 -> the map is scratched on Clay it was made
245.819 -> 600 years before Christ
248.459 -> it shows the course of the two rivers to
250.86 -> the Sea and the major cities
253.68 -> the map is a basis for the functioning
256.26 -> administration of the empire
259.799 -> in 2300 BC in Babylon a geography
264.18 -> textbook is produced
266.1 -> even so long ago Caravans travel from
269.28 -> Southern Arabia to the Mediterranean
271.74 -> at that time no one could know who would
274.68 -> later profit from the geographical
277.08 -> knowledge of these ancient cultures
279.87 -> [Music]
285.68 -> at that time it wasn't evident that the
288.72 -> Europeans were to discover the world but
291.66 -> if we are to pinpoint the beginning of
293.52 -> European expansion then we'd probably
295.979 -> located in the 8th Century BC
299.419 -> in this Century the ancient Greeks began
302.34 -> to extend their power establishing
304.8 -> subsidiary cities colonies on the Black
307.68 -> Sea the North coast of Africa the
310.8 -> Western Mediterranean region on Sicily
313.62 -> and the other Islands reflects Giza and
318.36 -> one response to the founding of these
320.28 -> colonies is apparently that in the 8th
323.699 -> Century BC homo wrote down the story of
327.12 -> Odysseus
328.44 -> the story of his voyages over the seas
331.139 -> so
333.18 -> Odysseus is probably the first European
336.18 -> whose travels were narrated
346.1 -> Homer's Odyssey is not just the story of
349.199 -> a great voyage for the people of that
351.84 -> Epoch it is at the same time also a
354.66 -> fascinating description of the Known
356.52 -> World the Mediterranean world
359.46 -> The Odyssey traces the roots to the
361.86 -> great cities temples and holy places it
365.699 -> describes the sea route from Greece to
368.1 -> Sicily the reader learns how to get to
371.28 -> the Colossus of Rhodes
375.04 -> [Music]
386.9 -> Homer sends his hero Odysseus on a great
390.18 -> Voyage
391.639 -> this is presumably based on the
394.08 -> descriptions of seafarers who knew
396.72 -> exactly where to go and how to get there
399.06 -> thanks to their Heritage their root
402.12 -> planners since
404.06 -> these navigational AIDS are ancient and
407.4 -> represent the first explorations of the
409.44 -> World by people such as merchants and
411.96 -> seafarers but also Scholars and Poets
416.28 -> Odysseus is only one among many take for
419.52 -> example
421.16 -> or Herodotus who traveled the world
423.84 -> leaving us descriptions of what they had
426.12 -> seen the earliest of their kind that we
428.22 -> possessed foreign
436.139 -> these seafarers were familiar with more
438.78 -> than just the Mediterranean they also
441.18 -> knew the Rough Waters of the Atlantic
443.099 -> and the North Sea contemporary sources
446.099 -> suggest that they were trading links
448.08 -> extending from the Mediterranean to
450.419 -> Northern Europe one thing is certain the
453.419 -> Phoenicians sail far to the east towards
456.419 -> India they circumnavigate Africa sailing
460.259 -> from the West
461.639 -> it is possible that the Phoenicians
463.74 -> reach the British Isles and even further
465.9 -> north
466.74 -> they tell of a land they call Thule
468.78 -> where the Sun never sets
481.29 -> [Music]
487.74 -> all over the world people are traveling
496.259 -> for thousands of years the ship is the
499.02 -> most important and effective means of
501.419 -> exploring the world
504.43 -> [Music]
506.16 -> but the knowledge of those ancient
508.259 -> Maritime explorers has been lost
512.919 -> [Music]
515.94 -> Homer's Odyssey is an exception other
519.3 -> written accounts have been destroyed or
522.24 -> never existed in the first place
526.94 -> three thousand years ago in the south
529.98 -> sea Islands people are setting sail into
533.1 -> the unknown
534.839 -> they call themselves they who sail long
538.44 -> distances their settlements extend over
541.74 -> an area as great as the surface of the
544.38 -> Moon
545.16 -> they sail without compasses or charts a
548.88 -> nautical Wonder
550.44 -> they navigate from Island to Island
552.6 -> Guided by experience Alone by Word of
556.26 -> Mouth oral tradition their picture of
559.62 -> the world is not something they hold in
562.019 -> their hands instead it is put into words
565.8 -> [Music]
570.779 -> foreign
574.62 -> at the same time thousands of kilometers
577.38 -> to the West there are ships plying
579.959 -> regularly between Arabia and India again
583.62 -> their Crews know nothing of sea charts
588.09 -> [Music]
591.72 -> the Arabian seafarers navigate only by
594.54 -> the Stars nevertheless they are masters
597.6 -> of the Indian Ocean and find their way
600.26 -> unerringly to the ports of India from
603.72 -> there they bring rare spices to Arabia
607.08 -> their familiarity with the sea Roots
609.24 -> makes them rich and they write down
611.88 -> their precious knowledge about the sea
614.1 -> in nautical handbooks here Sailors find
617.64 -> information about the winds and currents
620.1 -> about shallows and safe harbors
623.51 -> [Music]
626.519 -> forced along from the air the beginning
628.339 -> concepts of the earth begin to emerge in
630.839 -> Antiquity among the natural philosophers
634.58 -> some of them conceive of the world as a
637.14 -> disc as a rectangle one still others
641.3 -> and these images are used to collate all
644.1 -> the knowledge gathered from seafarers
645.959 -> merchants and Scholars the assembled
649.14 -> wisdom of antiquity is then finally
651.12 -> brought together in the late period by
652.92 -> the geographers pomponius Mela and
655.44 -> Ptolemy and set out as a
657.92 -> man's Maps became the Undisputed
660.72 -> standard into the Middle Ages and are
663 -> still of significance today for our
664.92 -> geographical image of the world
668.41 -> [Music]
674.06 -> using the descriptions set down by
676.86 -> pomponius mailer
678.68 -> cartographers Drew maps of the Roman
681.3 -> World they show Europe Africa and Asia
688.2 -> but more important to the Romans than a
690.66 -> picture of the world is knowledge of the
693.18 -> Empire's Road Network
696.54 -> in the year 80 at the time of pomponius
699.66 -> Mela the Roman Road Network extends as
702.959 -> far as Scotland
704.66 -> 75 000 kilometers of Roads link Rome to
709.26 -> its most distant province
712.61 -> [Music]
715.94 -> on their travels the Romans were
718.56 -> presumably Guided by these Maps
721.44 -> initially it was the soldiers on the
724.62 -> roads the military had priority
727.62 -> the map shows the route through Gaul and
730.26 -> then on to gamalia
732.6 -> or most people at that time the Roman
734.94 -> Empire only existed in their minds
738.12 -> this is still the case centuries later
740.94 -> or Charlemagne who sees himself as the
744.899 -> successor to the Roman emperors
752.22 -> Carl
755.459 -> is
756.44 -> in the year 800 on Christmas Day Charles
760.32 -> the king of the Franks and the Lombards
762.54 -> his crowned emperor in Rome
765.26 -> it is a mark of his Triumph
768.32 -> a Triumph that was signaled in 774 when
772.32 -> Charles conquered the lombardian Empire
774.12 -> and so created the link between
776.519 -> Franconia and Italy
778.8 -> when he died in here but even before his
781.2 -> coronation Charles had also considerably
784.2 -> extended the franconian Empire to the
786.48 -> east
787.2 -> with the annexation of bavarius
789.899 -> and to the north by his conquest of the
792.959 -> Saxons as far as the idle line
796.5 -> essentially this was the creation of the
799.139 -> core of Europe
806.279 -> how Charlemagne gets to know the shape
809.279 -> and size of his Empire is a puzzle
812.779 -> pictorial Maps no longer exist
815.88 -> the Romans maps have vanished along with
818.639 -> their roles
827.66 -> so for his journey over the Alps Charles
831.48 -> must rely on verbal descriptions of the
834.6 -> root
836.1 -> which is how the flocks of pilgrims find
839.04 -> their way to Rome
846.56 -> Charlemagne was a great General but how
849.66 -> did he lead his army from say talking or
851.94 -> Frankfurt or worms to Rome Spain or
854.88 -> Saxony
855.86 -> the answer is simpler than you might
858.06 -> think on the one hand there were still a
860.94 -> few Roman roads you could use and on the
863.459 -> other hand the land wasn't nearly as
865.74 -> cultivated as later when the swamps were
868.139 -> drained and the forest cut down so there
870.6 -> were relatively few roads to travel by
872.959 -> Rivers could only be crossed at a few
875.339 -> forwards so Travelers tended to Bunch
877.74 -> together at certain places
879.68 -> this made it relatively easy to find
882.24 -> one's way to Rome there were only two
884.94 -> passes to the South suitable for an
886.92 -> Armature cross
888.92 -> and the other was the Arista Valley
891.68 -> similarly there were only two roads for
894.24 -> Saxony one from Frankfurt and the other
897.24 -> the famous helveig via Dortmund towards
899.94 -> the Vasa Valley so it was relatively
902.339 -> easy to find your way to get to Rome
904.8 -> from middle Franconia you simply had
906.779 -> itself and you knew how many stages the
909.48 -> journey consisted of
911.1 -> for the king with or without his army
913.199 -> the journey was measured in units of
915.06 -> days from one Castle to the next or from
918.06 -> Way Station to weigh stations
926.72 -> there are no maps in the Middle Ages yet
930.06 -> merchants and soldiers travel
931.8 -> confidently throughout Europe
934.26 -> they are Guided by rivers and signs
937.98 -> verbal descriptions serve in place of
940.68 -> maps and guide The Travelers safely to
943.68 -> their destinations
949.5 -> the migration of whole peoples is also a
952.62 -> step into the unknown
955.139 -> how they knew the route to Rome or
957.36 -> Carthage no one knows
960 -> but the legendary Vikings too also
963.3 -> managed without Maps
969.019 -> tradition has it that the age of the
971.399 -> Vikings begins with the plundering of
973.199 -> lindisfarne in the year 793
976.88 -> during the next decades the Vikings
979.62 -> appear mainly as the plunderers of
981.48 -> Western Europe and the Iberian Peninsula
984.74 -> later however in the 10th and 11th
987.899 -> centuries they were also the founders of
990.24 -> a number of completely new empires the
993.36 -> duchy of Normandy the kingdom of Sicily
996.18 -> and even the state of Russia
1000.579 -> what's more they were the first
1003.139 -> Europeans to cross the North Atlantic to
1005.48 -> the American continent via Iceland which
1008.6 -> they discovered and settled at the end
1010.339 -> of the 9th century and Greenland where
1013.82 -> they established permanent settlements
1015.56 -> at the end of the 10th Century as far as
1018.44 -> Newfoundland Labrador and maybe even as
1022.22 -> far as New England
1030.14 -> with their fast ships they conquer new
1033.62 -> worlds
1034.699 -> wherever they appear the seafarers
1037.04 -> spread fear and Terror the Vikings
1039.919 -> attack settlements and plundered towns
1042.62 -> such as Paris
1052.7 -> but how they navigate On the Open Sea
1055.58 -> remains a mystery
1057.86 -> their ships sail as far as the
1060.08 -> Mediterranean and North America
1063.08 -> a map is said to have shown them the
1065.66 -> route across the Atlantic
1071.19 -> [Music]
1079.66 -> according to the Viking sagas Beyond the
1083.419 -> Sea lies Vinland where grapes grow in
1087.02 -> profusion and pasture is plenty
1093.44 -> evidence of the Vikings clear picture of
1096.5 -> the world is the Vinland map
1099.2 -> but today cartographers are sure that
1101.9 -> the Vinland map is a forgery
1104.9 -> the Vikings sailed without Maps the
1108.08 -> Vinland map wasn't drawn until the 20th
1111.02 -> century
1121.77 -> [Music]
1125.24 -> by the Middle Ages the extensive
1127.64 -> geographical knowledge of antiquity has
1130.16 -> been forgotten or lost without Trace
1133.4 -> now it is the church which decides what
1136.4 -> the world looks like the picture of the
1139.16 -> world is determined by the Christian
1141.38 -> faith and no longer by scientific
1144.62 -> knowledge
1147.15 -> [Music]
1158.419 -> but it is not right to call this the
1161.179 -> Dark Ages rulers have a clear picture of
1164.84 -> the extent and borders of their Empires
1167.919 -> Scholars know that the Earth is round or
1171.799 -> they dispute is the size of its
1174.44 -> circumference
1186.44 -> foreign
1189.34 -> the First Crusade begins in 1096 the
1193.94 -> christian powers want to recapture the
1196.76 -> Holy Land from the Muslims
1198.98 -> during the next three centuries the
1201.38 -> Crusader's goal is Jerusalem
1204.44 -> but who shows these knights from the
1206.48 -> north and west of Europe the way to the
1208.88 -> Holy Land
1210.2 -> how do they even know where Jerusalem is
1217.28 -> [Music]
1219.44 -> the center of the world according to
1222.26 -> this map of the late Middle Ages
1225.5 -> foreign
1228.88 -> ERS navigate by the coastline they steer
1232.88 -> by the sun and the Stars
1235.46 -> while Maps drawn according to religious
1237.679 -> beliefs are inaccurate as nautical
1240.74 -> guides they cannot be fully trusted
1243.64 -> [Music]
1250.58 -> Christians know their way around the sea
1253.22 -> they live surrounded by the sea
1255.919 -> and from here begins a great phase of
1258.98 -> global exploration
1269.84 -> [Music]
1271.28 -> Venice is alive with fantastic tales
1274.34 -> about distant lands lying to the east
1278.539 -> in the 13th century European ideas are
1282.26 -> formed by assumptions and hearsay real
1285.74 -> experiences come richly decorated
1289.52 -> Legends have it that the Emperor of
1292.1 -> China is the wealthiest man in the world
1299.179 -> from China come the rare spices in which
1302.6 -> the venetians trade and grow prosperous
1306.02 -> in China it is said there is an
1308.419 -> abundance of gold and silk
1311.78 -> Marco Polo is the first to bring the
1314.36 -> venetians a factual account of this land
1318.32 -> Marco Polo is not the first European to
1321.26 -> Voyage to China but his account of his
1324.02 -> travels becomes better known than any
1326.539 -> other
1328.88 -> foreign
1341.18 -> [Music]
1346.059 -> Polo set sail in 1271.
1351.38 -> he is 17 years old
1354.559 -> he cannot suspect that it will be many
1357.08 -> years before he returns
1362.179 -> foreign
1364.04 -> [Music]
1366.5 -> he travels by ship from Venice to the
1369.559 -> Holy Land
1372.26 -> Marco Polo is accompanied by his father
1375.14 -> and his uncle
1376.82 -> their purpose is to establish new trade
1379.7 -> links for Venice
1381.559 -> the merchants nikolo and mafeo Polo had
1385.1 -> already ventured far to the east
1387.66 -> [Music]
1390.38 -> in a journey lasting six years they had
1393.62 -> traveled from Venice via the Crimea and
1397.159 -> through the deserts of Asia to the court
1400.1 -> of the Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan
1405.32 -> they wish to return there
1409.4 -> the journey to distant peaking will take
1412.7 -> four years
1417.4 -> from Arabia The Three Men Travel
1420.32 -> Overland further eastwards
1423.14 -> they cross Afghanistan
1425.6 -> and the taklam Khan and Gobi deserts
1430.86 -> [Music]
1432.14 -> they will not have depended on maps but
1435.14 -> on the local knowledge of the indigenous
1437.179 -> peoples their stories and descriptions
1441.13 -> [Music]
1442.7 -> how far it is to peaking is not written
1445.76 -> down somewhere
1447.38 -> where the right Road leads is known only
1450.679 -> to the guide
1452.539 -> the route to their destination only
1455.299 -> exists in the Traveler's Minds
1458.6 -> their knowledge feeds on stories and
1461.6 -> their own experience in the meantime
1464.419 -> Marco Polo is 21. he travels in strange
1468.559 -> worlds and cultures without a map
1472.52 -> 300 years later his account of his
1475.58 -> travels is still being read in more than
1478.4 -> a hundred different manuscripts it
1480.38 -> circulates throughout Europe
1483.08 -> after 24 years Marco Polo returns to
1486.799 -> Europe by sea
1488.659 -> the account of his journey forms the
1490.88 -> basis for the first European Maps the
1493.88 -> portulane every Harbor is marked a first
1497.96 -> map of the world has been drawn
1500.6 -> but systematic cartography only comes
1503.78 -> into existence thanks to a completely
1506.24 -> different event
1518.44 -> the conquest of Constantinople in 1453
1522.14 -> by the Osman Sultan is an important
1525.32 -> milestone in the expansion westwards
1528.279 -> now Europeans find it harder to seek
1531.44 -> routes to Asia to India or even further
1534.5 -> afield
1538 -> who must have been born around this time
1540.559 -> probably in 1451
1543.38 -> it's Columbus who later concludes that
1546.38 -> to reach the easts you have to sail west
1550.059 -> you have to take a completely different
1552.38 -> route
1554.86 -> Japan and Cathay to reach China and even
1558.799 -> India
1564.039 -> during the 1450s undeterred the
1567.5 -> Portuguese continue to search out routes
1569.539 -> to the South
1571.039 -> since 1434 under Henry the Navigator
1574.279 -> they have pushed forward exploring the
1577.1 -> coast of Africa and in the 1450s they've
1580.4 -> already reached West Africa
1586.24 -> this success is only possible because
1589.22 -> Henry the Navigator has founded a
1592.1 -> research center the school of navigation
1595.279 -> in sagres here the geographical
1598.159 -> knowledge of the age is systematically
1600.679 -> collected and evaluated
1604.84 -> the school of navigation provides
1607.76 -> Portuguese sea captains with the first
1610.34 -> reliable maps with the help of these
1613.64 -> charts they survey the newly discovered
1616.039 -> coastlines step by step adding new
1619.34 -> information
1620.659 -> with every Voyage the maps become
1623.179 -> increasingly accurate and extensive
1626.419 -> the subsequent Christian conquest of the
1629.12 -> world is a consequence of the art of
1631.7 -> cartography
1633.14 -> the sign of the cross testifies to the
1636.38 -> success of this scientific cartography
1641.36 -> Henry the Navigator is an honorary title
1644.72 -> he never goes to see himself but he
1648.2 -> finances the Voyages of exploration and
1651.44 -> each one lifts a little the veil
1654.74 -> concealing the Undiscovered world
1658.22 -> the first big step into the unknown
1662.36 -> has been taken
1667.71 -> [Music]
1684.05 -> [Music]
1689.299 -> how do human beings find their way
1692.059 -> around their planet
1694.4 -> how do they know what lies Beyond the
1697.52 -> Sea or where a road leads
1701.299 -> did Marco Polo have an atlas to show him
1704.36 -> the route to China
1706.4 -> did the Romans record the borders of
1709.1 -> their empire on maps
1711.74 -> for thousands of years unknown distant
1715.1 -> lands guarded their secrets and yet they
1718.88 -> were described in travel books and
1721.58 -> imaginative Maps
1723.38 -> face of the world has fascinated people
1725.96 -> in every age and culture
1729.49 -> [Music]
1752.72 -> at the point where the sun goes down
1756.26 -> the world of the Europeans comes to an
1759.26 -> end
1760.039 -> there out on the wild Atlantic lurks the
1764.659 -> threat of the edge of the world
1775.039 -> medieval seafarers distrust the Open Sea
1778.34 -> they hug the coast navigating by
1780.919 -> prominent Cliffs trees or mountains
1786.26 -> [Music]
1788.5 -> they have neither measuring instruments
1791.6 -> nor accurate sea charts which could show
1794.539 -> them the way
1796.159 -> the profitable trade with the distant
1798.679 -> Orient is carried on more safely over
1801.98 -> land
1802.42 -> [Music]
1811.84 -> Christian Europe has a firmly
1814.58 -> established picture of the world above
1817.64 -> the Earth curves the sky and from Heaven
1821.539 -> God rules the fate of mankind
1825.98 -> at the geographical center of the
1828.44 -> Christian World lies Jerusalem
1831.02 -> Jerusalem the gold is the spiritual
1833.72 -> center and thus the center of the
1836.48 -> Earthly world
1838.22 -> but again and again this Divine World
1841.039 -> Order is put into question by other
1843.679 -> peoples and religions
1846.02 -> Islam is a new and expanding power and
1849.86 -> like Christianity its adherence are
1852.679 -> inspired to convert the world
1857.12 -> [Music]
1858.74 -> Islam and its Warriors conquer North
1861.799 -> Africa the near East and holy Jerusalem
1866.179 -> the Islamic conquerors destroy ancient
1869.179 -> empires
1870.5 -> like that of Byzantium
1872.63 -> [Music]
1878.33 -> [Music]
1880.76 -> the Byzantine Capital Constantinople has
1884.48 -> long withstood the attacks of the
1886.76 -> Islamic Invaders but in 1453 the once
1891.74 -> powerful city can hold out no longer
1895.46 -> more than a thousand years after its
1898.1 -> founding the walls of Constantinople are
1901.34 -> brought down
1903.2 -> well then it's this means the loss of a
1906.08 -> powerful trading partner suddenly the
1908.899 -> future looks uncertain
1911.059 -> but other European powers will seek to
1914.36 -> find new routes to the wealth of Asia
1919 -> Mongolian at an European design the
1922.039 -> invasion of the Mongols opened the Silk
1924.08 -> Road to Europeans
1925.58 -> the collapse of the Mongol Empire closed
1927.679 -> it to them again but by then Europeans
1930.62 -> had acquired an appetite for goods and
1932.659 -> merchandise of the Orient so they looked
1935.36 -> for new routes to the Far East in the
1938.179 -> 15th century the Portuguese King Henry
1940.7 -> the Navigator sent out his Sailors his
1943.159 -> surveyors and his explorers to find a
1945.62 -> route around Africa to the east
1948.039 -> a short time later there were reports of
1951.02 -> someone else who was searching for a
1952.76 -> route by sailing west
1954.279 -> sailing west in order to land in the
1956.899 -> East Austin Columbus
1960.5 -> and indeed this was how the route to
1962.84 -> China was actually discovered how the
1965.6 -> world was explored and even understood
1968.5 -> the world as a globe the world is a huge
1971.84 -> picture in which Europe was just a tiny
1974.48 -> Friday
1983.48 -> Henry the Navigator king of Portugal
1986.24 -> feeds his hunger for gold in North
1988.76 -> Africa his soldiers invade the North
1991.76 -> African city of Saint
1993.67 -> [Music]
1995.36 -> this is to be the starting point for the
1998.24 -> search for the legendary gold Treasures
2000.519 -> of the African interior
2003.039 -> but the Portuguese find their way barred
2006.22 -> by a sea of sand
2008.559 -> only the nomads can find their way
2010.899 -> through the desert no European can
2014.019 -> survive here
2014.91 -> [Music]
2016.299 -> so Henry orders new roots to be found to
2019.12 -> Africa and Asia by sea
2022.24 -> Henry the Navigator never goes to see
2024.64 -> himself
2026.2 -> in his name seafarers venture out into
2030.039 -> the unknown Atlantic Ocean and explore
2032.919 -> the coastlines of undiscovered worlds
2037.12 -> but these Maritime explorers are not
2040.179 -> just looking for the way to the east or
2042.76 -> discovering sources of gold and silk
2045.279 -> they are also to take possession of new
2048.159 -> lands
2049.24 -> so wherever they set foot on Shore they
2053.08 -> plant the cross signaling the claim to
2056.26 -> rule of their prince and financial
2058.659 -> sponsor Henry the Navigator
2066.46 -> thank you
2070.44 -> 1300 feet
2073.119 -> um
2073.96 -> the Portuguese foreign
2088.56 -> who for two decades had been
2090.879 -> systematically fitting out Expedition
2092.919 -> after expedition to explore the west
2095.56 -> coast of Africa
2097.08 -> to this end he established a school of
2100.3 -> navigation and an Arsenal in the Rocky
2102.64 -> Headland of sagres by Cake the
2106 -> southwestern extremity of Europe
2111.3 -> it's difficult to find sources proving
2114.099 -> the existence of this school
2116.04 -> but it's a fact that with the means
2118.72 -> available to him as Grand Master of the
2120.94 -> order of Christ Henry was able to
2123.46 -> promote and finance systematic Voyages
2125.92 -> of exploration by the Portuguese
2129.93 -> [Music]
2134.44 -> the nautical School in sagres on the
2137.14 -> Atlantic coast of Portugal is an
2139.839 -> international Research Center at Henry's
2143.38 -> command Arabian Jewish and Italian
2146.579 -> astronomers and cartographers prepare
2149.56 -> for the first European Voyages of
2152.2 -> exploration
2156.72 -> the only sea charts currently in
2159.4 -> existence are more the products of human
2161.92 -> imagination and utterly useless for
2164.98 -> navigation
2166.839 -> so sailing on the open sea is a high
2169.3 -> risk Adventure
2170.98 -> only with accurate charts would Henry's
2173.98 -> captains have a chance of finding the
2176.14 -> sea route to the east
2178.31 -> [Music]
2180.88 -> in sagres the observations and
2183.82 -> experiences of mariners are recorded and
2186.579 -> collated from their descriptions and
2189.339 -> information emerge the first sea charts
2193.42 -> with every Voyage the charts become more
2196.48 -> accurate
2197.859 -> with every Voyage the picture of the
2200.619 -> world changes
2201.82 -> [Music]
2209.52 -> when Henry the Navigator sent out his
2212.079 -> explorers there were no Maps
2214.5 -> they had to record every item of
2217 -> navigational information and they had to
2219.52 -> know how to measure wind direction
2221.46 -> compass bearings distances between
2224.2 -> points distances sail per day and then
2227.5 -> how to transfer that data to a chart in
2230.859 -> this way a series of charts was produced
2232.66 -> but sadly in the 18th century they were
2235.66 -> all destroyed in the Great Fire of
2237.099 -> Lisbon as a result we don't know in
2240.099 -> detail every single stage in the
2241.72 -> exploration of the world those early
2243.7 -> steps taken by the Portuguese even so
2246.339 -> they marked the beginning of global
2248.26 -> exploration by the Europeans
2257.4 -> now equipped with the charts provided by
2260.68 -> the sagres school the Portuguese Advance
2263.5 -> further and further along the African
2266.32 -> coastline
2267.76 -> they discover completely unknown worlds
2271.48 -> on their return to sagres what they have
2274.42 -> seen and described is evaluated and
2277.359 -> recorded on new charts and maps
2282.46 -> on the African coasts they find no gold
2285.7 -> at first but they do encounter other
2288.28 -> human beings who appear strange to the
2290.98 -> European Invaders instead of gold human
2294.64 -> beings now become the booty and are
2297.579 -> transported back to Europe
2300.099 -> this is the beginning of a new chapter
2302.56 -> in an old history the history of slavery
2306.22 -> it will cost the lives of millions and
2309.28 -> make others rich in a trade lasting for
2312.099 -> centuries
2314.14 -> more than 50 ships sail along the
2316.66 -> African Coast under Henry's flag in 1444
2320.619 -> one of Henry's dearest Ambitions is
2323.32 -> achieved thanks to their voyagings and
2326.26 -> their Maps the Portuguese Now find
2328.839 -> Direct access to Africa's goal the
2332.2 -> dominance of the Arabian gold Traders
2334.66 -> has been broken
2336.04 -> foreign
2336.54 -> [Music]
2341.28 -> s have enjoyed a clear superiority over
2344.5 -> the Europeans who are so far away from
2347.44 -> their own environment
2349.06 -> for centuries the Arabs have been just
2351.88 -> as much at home on Open Sea as in the
2354.88 -> trackless desert
2357.339 -> their ships fly regularly between Arabia
2360.28 -> and India bringing back rare spices and
2364.119 -> precious materials
2366.099 -> The Secret of their success lies in the
2368.98 -> Arabian Sea charts these depictions of
2372.4 -> the known world with their exactly
2374.859 -> plotted trade routes are an invaluable
2377.56 -> advantage
2379.24 -> Arabian Sea captains are holding the
2382.359 -> world in their hands long before the
2385.24 -> Europeans
2391.119 -> ages the Chinese are as technically
2394.24 -> Advanced as the Arabs
2396.52 -> at a time when a sea Voyage in Europe is
2399.16 -> still a risky Adventure fleets of
2402.099 -> Chinese junks equipped with accurate
2404.92 -> charts and Compasses are spreading out
2408.64 -> over the high seas it sounds
2411.22 -> unbelievable but China is well on the
2413.98 -> way to discovering the world while the
2416.56 -> Portuguese are taking their first
2418.98 -> uncertain steps
2421.72 -> [Music]
2423.64 -> in
2425.02 -> even them yeah in them
2428.88 -> Portuguese
2430.5 -> in the very year that Captain
2434.76 -> and signals the beginning of Portuguese
2437.5 -> expansion in just this year the
2440.92 -> emperor's caught in P King forbids
2443.44 -> further exploration by Chinese Mariners
2446.579 -> previously the Chinese sea captain Cheng
2450.04 -> HEI had voyaged as far as the east coast
2452.619 -> of Africa and the Persian Gulf
2455.5 -> but the Imperial Court was not
2457.3 -> interested and so prevented the world
2459.76 -> from being discovered by China
2467.82 -> now the way was open for the Portuguese
2471.119 -> a way that over many decades would take
2473.92 -> them along the coast of Africa down to
2476.26 -> the southernmost tip the Cape of Good
2478.359 -> Hope discovered by Bartholomew and
2482.32 -> onwards to India
2483.839 -> in 1498 the Portuguese Mariner Vasco de
2487.48 -> Gama dropped anchor at Calicut in Indian
2490.42 -> now the way was open for a thriving
2492.52 -> trade between Asia and Europe
2496.02 -> the India
2498.66 -> the India
2501.34 -> [Music]
2504.4 -> almost 80 years have passed since the
2507.16 -> founding of the school of navigation in
2509.2 -> sagres
2510.22 -> hundreds of sailors have lost their
2512.32 -> lives to the Atlantic ships are lost but
2516.04 -> every crew that returns brings valuable
2518.38 -> information
2521.02 -> the charts become increasingly accurate
2523.839 -> now the captains know the roots along
2526.599 -> the coast of Africa
2528.64 -> the great breakthrough is imminent
2531.579 -> Vasco dagama is the first European to
2534.82 -> sail round the Cape of Good Hope
2537.64 -> the sea route to India has been
2539.619 -> discovered
2541 -> in May 1498 after a voyage of many weeks
2544.54 -> he reaches Calicut in India
2548.44 -> the picture of the world is growing
2550.78 -> clearer Europe has just moved a little
2554.079 -> closer to distant India
2560.88 -> a new Epoch began for the Europeans
2564.22 -> it wasn't just that they'd confirmed
2566.32 -> their world picture and confirmed it by
2568.66 -> experience that the world was round that
2571.3 -> you could reach every point on it by
2572.92 -> ship now they began to establish
2575.44 -> colonists colonies in Asia in East Asia
2578.56 -> and these colonies then had an effect on
2581.02 -> the mother countries they became
2582.88 -> Colonial powers
2584.5 -> they competed with each other to acquire
2586.599 -> the most the biggest the richest
2588.64 -> colonies and in this way a new Epoch
2591.7 -> began that only came to an end in the
2593.98 -> 20th century
2597.4 -> foreign
2600.06 -> the cartographers systematically
2602.74 -> evaluate the unique knowledge brought
2605.26 -> back from the Voyages of Discovery
2607.96 -> without Maps Portugal's rise to the
2610.839 -> status of a colonial power is
2613.06 -> unthinkable
2615.099 -> only possession of the increasingly rare
2617.98 -> sea charts can open up the safe route to
2620.92 -> the Far East to wealth and power
2624.46 -> so the charts are worth more than gold
2627.16 -> and are kept under lock and key
2630.46 -> outside the school of navigation they
2633.339 -> are known only to the ship's captains
2635.68 -> and only one copy may be carried on
2638.44 -> board
2639.94 -> Portugal's political Rivals pay thieves
2643.3 -> to steal the charts Venetian merchants
2646.839 -> and Spanish Nobles lay out vast sums of
2650.44 -> money for stolen examples of the unique
2653.5 -> charts
2655.18 -> the Portuguese charts of this period are
2657.94 -> lost in fires in the archives or by
2661.24 -> sheer use on board ship
2665.2 -> [Music]
2668.819 -> Portugal has one major rival Spain
2673.119 -> the Spaniards too are searching for the
2675.7 -> sea route to India they too are dreaming
2678.64 -> of silk and spices of gold and slaves
2682.119 -> and they too are driven by the lustful
2685 -> power and wealth an Italian mariner
2688.42 -> offers to find a route Christopher
2691.06 -> Columbus a native of Genoa
2694.29 -> [Music]
2695.7 -> since the Earth is round all you need to
2698.68 -> do is sail to the west and sooner or
2701.319 -> later you'll reach India
2703.599 -> it's his solution
2705.46 -> it takes some time before he can put his
2707.8 -> plan into action
2709.48 -> geographers cast doubts on his
2711.88 -> calculations in their opinion Columbus
2714.88 -> stands no chance of ever reaching India
2718 -> they prophesy that the long Voyage will
2721.3 -> end with the crew dying of hunger and
2724.48 -> thirst
2726.04 -> [Music]
2733.02 -> but finally investors are found to
2736.54 -> finance The Voyage to the riches of
2738.88 -> India
2740.02 -> in 1492 three small ships put to Sea
2746.98 -> while the Portuguese continue to sail
2749.44 -> along the coast of Africa in search of
2751.9 -> gold
2752.74 -> Columbus heads Due West
2762.579 -> a voyage takes 12 weeks then Columbus
2766.24 -> lands in India
2768.579 -> or so he believes for the rest of his
2771.28 -> life
2772.839 -> for as he sees it only the Atlantic lies
2776.68 -> between Europe and India
2779.44 -> in the years to come Columbus makes
2782.079 -> further voyages to his India he refuses
2785.98 -> to acknowledge that he has discovered an
2788.859 -> unknown land
2790.72 -> numerous seafarers follow in his wake
2794.44 -> it's a long time before the certainty
2797.2 -> hardens that a whole new continent has
2800.44 -> been discovered
2801.94 -> foreign
2809.7 -> on his return Columbus met the
2812.619 -> Portuguese King Don jual II in Lisbon
2815.619 -> Harbor
2816.54 -> in contrast to Columbus who didn't
2819.339 -> realize the importance of his Discovery
2821.44 -> and he never would Don jual had a very
2825.04 -> clear understanding of the importance of
2826.96 -> the discovery of America
2829.02 -> the result was a treaty a treaty between
2832.9 -> the Throne of Portugal and the throne
2840.819 -> that's According to which a line was
2842.619 -> drawn from north to south across the
2844.66 -> Atlantic about 2100 kilometers west of
2848.2 -> the Azores and the Cape Verde Islands
2851.7 -> all newly discovered lands west of this
2854.5 -> line were to belong to Spain
2856.66 -> all those East to Portugal so the world
2860.44 -> was divided
2863.319 -> the Portuguese were left with the
2865.119 -> discovery of Africa and the sea route to
2867.46 -> India indeed to Asia
2871.68 -> to the Spaniards the way to America now
2875.319 -> stood open mainly Southern and Central
2877.839 -> America and the growth of a vast
2880.119 -> Colonial Empire in the new world
2884.52 -> the new world brings undreamed of riches
2887.98 -> to impoverished Spain the church adorns
2892 -> itself with stolen gold
2894.46 -> the worldly rulers use stolen gold to
2897.46 -> purchase political power
2899.68 -> there are now regular shipments of gold
2902.26 -> and silver from America to Europe in
2904.839 -> incredible quantities
2908.14 -> what the Europeans take with them to
2910.54 -> America is for the indigenous peoples
2913.3 -> there fatal the population is decimated
2916.96 -> by hitherto unknown diseases hundreds of
2920.74 -> thousands of Indios perish slaving away
2923.5 -> in Gold and Silver Mines
2926.5 -> the gold of the Incas is brought across
2929.14 -> the Atlantic by ships sailing the
2931.359 -> charted routes with pinpoint accuracy in
2934.72 -> Europe gold and silver from America
2936.579 -> causes inflation but in the final
2939.579 -> analysis Europe profits from the new
2942.04 -> world and the indigenous High cultures
2944.5 -> are destroyed
2947.339 -> when Columbus set foot for the first
2949.78 -> time on the islands of Central America
2951.579 -> he definitely believed he had landed in
2954.46 -> the old world in India or even in China
2958 -> he didn't know that he had discovered a
2960.46 -> new continent
2961.74 -> nonetheless people had to be able to
2964.48 -> find their way around
2966.04 -> this meant giving names to these newly
2968.8 -> discovered islands and names from the
2972.16 -> Home Country nicknames the sailors had
2974.2 -> brought with them so one part was called
2977.079 -> New Spain
2978.66 -> Amsterdam New Amsterdam was the name
2981.28 -> given to a town founded by the Dutch
2983.4 -> later it was renamed
2986.099 -> or as we know it New York
2988.8 -> another name was
2992.64 -> so there was a series of names imported
2995.44 -> from the old world which were now
2997.24 -> associated with the new world in this
2999.88 -> way out of all these new places and
3001.98 -> lands the new world was created
3009.68 -> to the poor Europeans the new world
3013.079 -> looks like paradise
3015.319 -> gigantic trees animals and fruits never
3018.78 -> seen before
3020.339 -> all this fires the imagination of the
3022.92 -> conquerors
3025.92 -> but where did these animals come from
3029.579 -> that apparently did not Sail on Noah's
3032.46 -> Ark
3034.02 -> is there another unknown Creator as well
3038.04 -> as the Christian God
3039.56 -> [Music]
3043.74 -> no this must all have been created by
3047.819 -> God after he had finished the old world
3051.78 -> thus the church justifies the existence
3054.24 -> of the new continent
3056.4 -> after the seventh day of creation God
3059.16 -> went back to work and created another
3062.04 -> world a new world and it is now the
3066.3 -> right and duty of the faithful the rule
3069.24 -> this new world and to christianize it
3073.54 -> [Music]
3078.9 -> God's New Garden are tempting nourishing
3082.5 -> and tasty
3086.72 -> sweet sugar cane grows here like grass
3090.48 -> from huge plantations the first pure
3093.599 -> sugar reaches Europe
3096.059 -> labor is short in the New World
3099.24 -> the European plantation owners buy cheap
3102 -> labor from Africa
3104.16 -> the conquerors double and triple their
3106.92 -> sources of income from Sugar by
3110.22 -> exploiting nature and from slave trading
3120.119 -> together
3124.319 -> foreign
3126.4 -> [Music]
3131.46 -> the maps of the world show how Europe's
3134.16 -> geographical Horizon has been extended
3136.579 -> and that the world is now seen as a
3139.859 -> sphere had he not been convinced of this
3142.98 -> Columbus would never have ventured out
3145.68 -> into the Atlantic
3148.02 -> it is at this time that the map maker
3150.78 -> Martin behind constructs the first globe
3155.22 -> it makes the roots to the spices of the
3157.8 -> world easier to see
3164.04 -> or interested Merchants behind
3167.04 -> meticulously depicts which fruits grow
3169.8 -> where and what kind of trade can be
3172.98 -> carried on there
3174.8 -> still missing on this first Globe the
3178.8 -> American continent
3183.66 -> Columbus
3190.339 -> was deeply involved with East Asia
3193.76 -> in you very well the literature on East
3196.38 -> Asia that had appeared in the Middle
3197.819 -> Ages he had studied it closely written
3201.3 -> extensive commentaries on it that's
3204.24 -> probably the reason why he wasn't really
3205.8 -> able to see the value of his Discovery
3208.4 -> at the end of his days he believed that
3211.26 -> he'd landed in Asia because that was
3214.079 -> what he dedicated his life to achieving
3217.14 -> like all the other Mariners they all
3220.44 -> wanted to get to East Asia as a new
3223.68 -> world double continent which by the way
3226.079 -> was called yes India by the Spaniards
3228.48 -> whale into the 18th century as a new
3231.3 -> world the double continent was probably
3233.579 -> discovered by Amerigo Vespucci
3238.2 -> and decked
3240.74 -> this explains why the German
3242.76 -> cartographer Martin valdse Muller gave
3245.7 -> the continent the name America in honor
3248.16 -> of Amerigo Vespucci on a map he
3250.92 -> published in 1507 in San Diego in the
3253.8 -> world
3259.4 -> [Music]
3266.18 -> only gives the name America for the
3269.4 -> far-off new world to the southern half
3271.98 -> of the continent
3272.97 -> [Music]
3274.2 -> thousands of copies of valsimula's map
3276.78 -> of the world are printed
3278.87 -> [Music]
3282.18 -> the maps of the world revolutionize
3284.22 -> seafaring
3285.66 -> nautical measuring instruments such as
3288.119 -> the Sextant simplify orientation on the
3291 -> high seas
3293.16 -> the compass points the way to distant
3295.68 -> ports and holds the ship on the course
3298.38 -> plotted on the chart
3301.02 -> Portuguese ships sail into Chinese
3303.18 -> Harbors for the first time
3305.339 -> soon European expansion will Encompass
3308.04 -> the whole world
3309.9 -> new Global Empires come into existence
3312.599 -> and Colonial claims on conquered
3315.42 -> territories are entered on the maps
3319.38 -> yet patches of white still remain
3322.38 -> the vast expanses of the silent oceans
3325.44 -> are still unsailed the Interiors of the
3328.619 -> continents are still untrodden our view
3331.5 -> of the world is still incomplete
3335.27 -> [Music]
3343.7 -> thank you
3356.2 -> [Music]
3364.859 -> how do human beings find their way
3367.319 -> around their Planet how do they know
3369.599 -> what lies beyond the sea or where a road
3372.54 -> leads did Marco Polo have an atlas to
3375.72 -> show him the route to China did the
3378.18 -> Romans record the borders of their
3380.04 -> empire on maps for thousands of years
3382.859 -> unknown distant lands guarded their
3385.559 -> secrets and yet they were described in
3388.68 -> travel books and imaginative Maps the
3391.92 -> face of the world has fascinated people
3394.02 -> in every age and culture
3400.02 -> foreign
3401.06 -> [Music]
3407.93 -> [Music]
3422.94 -> the true picture of the Earth the blue
3425.4 -> planet has fascinated the peoples of
3427.859 -> every age and culture
3431.78 -> but it is thousands of years before
3434.339 -> people can work out the shape measure
3436.74 -> the size and reveal the secrets of their
3439.559 -> world
3440.88 -> what lies beyond the mountains
3444.26 -> where does this Ravine lead to
3448.619 -> what see does this River flow into each
3453 -> culture seeks answers to questions like
3455.339 -> these and forms its own picture of the
3457.8 -> world influenced by myths and Fantasies
3460.859 -> created by curiosity and scientific
3464.04 -> research the ancient philosophers had
3466.98 -> their picture of the world as did people
3469.2 -> living in the Middle Ages
3476.119 -> medieval Scholars had long since begun
3478.559 -> to put together an accurate picture of
3480.42 -> the Earth
3481.38 -> the Earth was a sphere not flat but at
3485.099 -> the Equator the heat was so great
3487.44 -> because the Earth was so close to the
3489.54 -> Sun but everything there was in danger
3491.819 -> of evaporating burning up or melting
3494.9 -> could this barrier be overcome and what
3498.42 -> did it look like on the other side but
3500.52 -> she didn't everything there turn to ice
3502.2 -> freeze solid ideas like this still
3505.44 -> worried the crews of the great explorers
3508.04 -> uncertainty was right in the Middle Ages
3511.44 -> these questions couldn't be answered but
3514.44 -> they seemed burningly relevant like the
3516.9 -> question of whether there were human
3518.46 -> beings living on the other side of the
3520.26 -> earth if so would their legs stick up
3523.26 -> into our faces or would they fall off
3525.24 -> the surface of the Earth frequently ask
3527.7 -> questions
3528.72 -> even the ancient philosophers had said
3531.299 -> that such speculations were nonsensical
3533.72 -> nonetheless they wouldn't go away and
3536.7 -> terrified people before explorers of the
3538.92 -> Modern Age could report on how things
3540.839 -> really were in the southern hemisphere
3546.619 -> but there aren't any boiling seeds the
3549.96 -> Explorers report back their ships do not
3552.78 -> come under attack by sea monsters and
3555.599 -> their sails do not melt In the Heat of
3558.299 -> the Sun
3559.5 -> and where the sun sinks in the west
3561.54 -> there is life too
3563.819 -> people don't fall off the face of the
3566.4 -> Earth
3567.2 -> instead the Intrepid Travelers quickly
3570.119 -> put together a pretty accurate picture
3572.339 -> of the world indeed they capture the
3575.7 -> Earth on paper as a sphere
3578.96 -> cartographers draw the world and
3581.64 -> skillful Craftsmen construct the globe
3586.079 -> images
3596.24 -> working in Nuremberg his native Town
3598.859 -> made his famous Globe mockingly called
3601.98 -> the potato
3604.38 -> bayheim was a Craftsman and later
3606.78 -> traveled to Portugal he's supposed to
3609.42 -> have sailed on a number of Portuguese
3611.04 -> Expeditions even on the famous voyage
3613.619 -> commanded by Diego
3615.68 -> he later became a cosmographer in the
3618.359 -> service of King John II of Portugal in
3621.96 -> this job he acquired a very detailed
3624.18 -> knowledge of the appearance of the world
3626.059 -> the fact that he built a globe in 1492
3629.099 -> goes to show that even in the late
3631.2 -> Middle Ages the Earth was certainly
3633.119 -> believed to be as fierce
3637.619 -> foreign
3638.52 -> possibly Columbus knows of this globe in
3642.18 -> any case he proceeds on the assumption
3644.16 -> that the Earth is round
3646.2 -> but Scholars argue about how big the
3649.079 -> Earth is because the size of the
3651.599 -> circumference will determine whether a
3654.119 -> ship can sail from Europe to India
3657.299 -> The Voyage must not last longer than 40
3660.18 -> Days for by then at the latest all
3663.54 -> Provisions will have been eaten and
3665.88 -> fresh water become undrinkable
3669.42 -> yet alongside the sober view of the
3671.88 -> world held by merchants and seafarers
3674.339 -> there is also still a picture of the
3676.92 -> world seen on Strictly Christian terms
3680.12 -> [Music]
3681.72 -> at the center of this world lies the
3684.48 -> holy city of Jerusalem
3686.7 -> according to Christian cosmology
3688.74 -> everything revolves around the world
3691.38 -> that God has created
3693.54 -> faith alone determines how this world is
3696.66 -> to be perceived and Faith lays down as
3699.9 -> well how the maps are to be drawn in
3703.02 -> medieval maps of the world Jerusalem of
3705.66 -> course lies at the center
3707.54 -> [Music]
3717.74 -> even in the wider world the teaching of
3720.96 -> the church proved to be very stubborn
3723 -> and unyielding in the face of all
3725.099 -> scientific knowledge in the 16th century
3728.66 -> Copernicus achieved a breakthrough when
3731.46 -> he declared the sun to be at the center
3733.38 -> of the planetary system
3736.44 -> a move away from the geocentric
3738.599 -> Viewpoint where the Earth is at the
3740.7 -> center stunt
3744.92 -> nevertheless almost a hundred years
3747.54 -> later the famous Tuscan scholar Galileo
3750.54 -> Galilei was forced by the church to
3753.24 -> stand trial to recant and scandalously
3757.22 -> to more or less declare the heliocentric
3760.44 -> system a heresy
3762.5 -> the church continued to hold to its view
3765.299 -> for a long time and the defender of the
3768.299 -> heliocentric system Galileo Galilei was
3771.78 -> only rehabilitated in 1992.
3777.14 -> Galileo Galilei stands before the
3780.059 -> church's dreaded doctrinal Court the
3782.46 -> Inquisition heresy is a serious charge
3785.46 -> in the eyes of the church it can lead to
3788.099 -> damnation yet all he has said is that
3791.04 -> the Earth revolves around the Sun for
3794.04 -> Galileo the man of science this
3796.38 -> statement could mean his death
3798.42 -> the church refuses to accept the truth
3801.059 -> of Galileo's observations it sees its
3804.18 -> power being threatened the church cannot
3807.18 -> accept that the Earth God's creation is
3810 -> only a small planet revolving around the
3812.7 -> mighty Sun
3814.02 -> against his better understanding the
3816.72 -> celebrated scientist is to confess his
3819.24 -> error as the church sees it and
3821.52 -> repudiate his discoveries
3823.92 -> the trial opens up a deep Rift between
3826.44 -> the church and science
3828.48 -> the threats of the Inquisition are so
3830.64 -> intimidating that despite himself
3832.819 -> Galileo acknowledges the church's
3835.5 -> worldview the planets revolve around the
3839.099 -> Earth
3839.819 -> is supposed words but it does move are
3843.119 -> an invention of the 17th century
3848.94 -> the discoveries made on the other side
3851.22 -> of the oceans worry the church
3853.52 -> scientists and sailors encounter peoples
3856.26 -> animals and plants unmentioned in the
3859.14 -> Bible
3860.579 -> but even for America hitherto completely
3863.46 -> unknown the church comes up with an
3866.16 -> explanation
3867.48 -> after God created the old world he made
3870.96 -> the new world which must now be
3873.24 -> colonized in the Name of Christ
3880.7 -> after the discovery of America events
3883.98 -> proceed at a breathtaking Pace the
3886.799 -> European Invaders find gold in
3888.96 -> quantities beyond their wildest dreams
3891.42 -> with the gold of the Incas impoverished
3894.66 -> Spain grows into a wealthy colonial
3897.359 -> power
3898.799 -> the amount of gold brought to Europe is
3901.38 -> so huge that it causes inflation the
3904.559 -> gold makes a few people rich and many
3907.68 -> poor
3909.059 -> the conquistadoris exercise a
3912 -> destructive dominion over the indigenous
3914.4 -> peoples of America
3916.14 -> Spanish law dictates that the Indios
3918.9 -> must work for 18 months in the Gold and
3921.72 -> Silver Mines
3923.64 -> broken by hard labor and ravaged by
3926.64 -> infectious diseases imported by the
3928.98 -> Europeans the natives die like flies
3933.299 -> the Indios are not only robbed by the
3935.76 -> Christians they are also forced to pray
3938.579 -> to the Christian God
3940.68 -> and enslaved or without slavery the
3944.4 -> wealth of America cannot be fully
3946.619 -> exploited
3948 -> crossing the Equator is the death of all
3951 -> moral precepts States an 18th century
3954.18 -> English politician the first American to
3957.299 -> discover Columbus made an unhappy
3959.579 -> Discovery asserts a European philosopher
3962.819 -> in the same century
3973.799 -> the European Voyages of Discovery reach
3976.44 -> father and father their goals are more
3978.96 -> clearly defined the seafarers conquer
3981.78 -> the new worlds with ever bigger ships
3983.94 -> and equipped with ever more accurate
3986.22 -> charts as well as the Spaniards and the
3989.039 -> Portuguese now the ships of the French
3991.5 -> and the English are constantly plying
3993.96 -> the seas in search of their share of the
3996.78 -> legendary Riches of India Africa and
4000.319 -> numericas
4003.5 -> and now the search expands into the
4006.079 -> southern hemisphere to the great
4008.059 -> continent of Terra Australis
4010.64 -> after 300 years of exploration
4013 -> geographical information is so extensive
4015.859 -> and the nautical charts so accurate that
4018.98 -> a new Epoch Begins the second age of
4022.46 -> discovery
4026.839 -> I know is
4032.859 -> in the second half of the 18th century
4035.799 -> Europeans embark on a new age of
4038.66 -> Discovery
4040 -> in my opinion there are two main motives
4044.48 -> one is the European Vision of Terra
4047.059 -> Australis
4048.819 -> and fantastically embellished Southern
4051.26 -> continent supposed to be a kind of
4053.9 -> counterpart to the land masses of the
4056.299 -> northern hemisphere solitaire
4060.02 -> that's
4072.16 -> resulted in both Nations fiercely
4074.539 -> competing for victory by being the first
4077.059 -> to discover Terra Australis
4083.119 -> is
4087.28 -> in 1766 under a French commission and
4091.819 -> Dean sailed to the South Seas and took
4094.339 -> possession of Tahiti which is still a
4096.859 -> French Colony today
4099.16 -> in 1768 he was followed by James Cook
4103.299 -> acting under the instructions of the
4105.739 -> British royal Geographic Society
4108.339 -> on this first voyage he was the first to
4111.679 -> chart New Zealand but did not land
4115.239 -> in 1769 and 1770 cook became the first
4120.199 -> to discover those areas of Australia
4122.239 -> that were later settled by European
4124.759 -> colonies
4129.819 -> two further great voyages followed on
4133.46 -> the second of which cook was killed on
4135.799 -> Hawaii
4138.52 -> the second age of Discovery differs
4141.44 -> fundamentally from the first in that the
4143.96 -> European nations were now competing with
4146.06 -> each other on a truly systematic scale
4148.96 -> they were scientifically prepared and
4151.339 -> equipped and both cook and Bougainville
4154.279 -> and others were accompanied by a host of
4156.799 -> scientists and experts who surveyed
4159.679 -> charted collected Zoological and
4162.44 -> Botanical specimens and studied the
4164.839 -> languages of the indigenous peoples they
4166.819 -> encountered
4172.299 -> above all James Cook makes maps and
4175.64 -> charts of all the newly discovered
4177.56 -> Islands in this way he records that
4180.319 -> these territories are now possessions of
4182.9 -> the British crowd
4184.64 -> for years he voyages in the unknown
4187.4 -> southern hemisphere
4189.199 -> for almost three years he sails across
4191.66 -> the Pacific Ocean his search for Terra
4194.42 -> Australis becomes desperate
4197 -> he discovers and surveys three thousand
4199.34 -> kilometers of an unknown Coastline and
4202.52 -> then sails so far north towards the
4204.679 -> Arctic Circle that his progress is only
4206.9 -> halted when his ships encounter a solid
4210.02 -> wall of ice
4213.52 -> James Cook coaxison bullies his men into
4216.92 -> eating sauerkraut rich in vitamin C this
4220.52 -> vegetable prevents the terrible disease
4222.92 -> of scurvy
4227.12 -> Cook's Voyages of Discovery are also
4229.699 -> Voyages of scientific research
4232.76 -> among the basic equipment of cooked
4234.98 -> ships are Provisions for the crew
4236.78 -> Sextant and compass for navigation and a
4240.26 -> team of naturalists who observe sketch
4243.32 -> and describe every new thing they come
4246.14 -> across
4247.4 -> foreign
4268.719 -> crossing the Equator would melt or go up
4271.82 -> in Flames or there's anyone sailing the
4274.34 -> Southern Ocean would freeze solid these
4277.58 -> voyages also established the existence
4279.679 -> of a southern continent which turned out
4281.659 -> to be very different from what had been
4283.76 -> expected
4290.8 -> now extended around the globe reaching
4294.08 -> not just North America and parts of
4296.659 -> Africa but truly covering the world
4301.3 -> a filter
4305.48 -> twice more James Cook set sail for the
4308.48 -> Pacific again the Voyages last for years
4312.62 -> the European seafarers learn about the
4315.5 -> maritime world of the Polynesians
4322.239 -> they call themselves they who sail long
4325.699 -> distances
4327.26 -> over a notion as vast as the surface of
4329.9 -> the Moon they sail confidently from
4332.12 -> Island to Island navigating solely by
4335.179 -> the Stars
4337.44 -> [Music]
4339.14 -> the charts of their sea routes extending
4341.6 -> over thousands of kilometers are in
4344.12 -> their heads
4349.4 -> they know nothing of drawn maps in the
4352.64 -> constantly wet conditions of the small
4354.739 -> boats such charts wouldn't last long
4357.62 -> anyway
4359.719 -> foreign
4365.8 -> rarely do the Polynesians use braided
4369.08 -> navigational AIDS scientists can only
4372.14 -> guess what the sticks and shells might
4374.42 -> mean
4377.96 -> to the Polynesians they indicate
4380.12 -> currents and Hazards around the islands
4382.699 -> that cook is laboriously surveying
4391.1 -> James Cook has a much more accurate
4393.62 -> picture of the world than Columbus and
4395.78 -> his contemporaries who had neither
4397.88 -> telescopes nor a realistic idea of the
4401.179 -> size of the Earth
4402.14 -> [Music]
4407.26 -> the ship's Compass becomes an
4409.64 -> increasingly accurate instrument
4411.86 -> fixing one's position at Sea of vital
4415.1 -> importance where everything looks the
4417.14 -> same becomes almost as easy as on land
4428.06 -> the Industrial Revolution with its steam
4430.82 -> engines and a never-ending stream of
4433.28 -> technical inventions gives Europe and
4435.739 -> its shipping a technological advantage
4438.26 -> from which it will profit well into the
4440.78 -> 20th century
4442.82 -> but just as in previous centuries maps
4445.76 -> and charts of newly discovered seas and
4448.04 -> continents are closely guarded Secrets
4450.56 -> Maps mean economic power and that means
4454.219 -> they are often stolen or deliberately
4457.1 -> forged in order to lure political Rivals
4460.1 -> onto the Rocks as it were in every High
4463.159 -> culture maps are a valuable asset only
4466.219 -> Kings and their ministers May hold the
4468.62 -> world in their hands
4470.42 -> or whoever possesses the maps knows the
4473.3 -> roots to the riches of the earth well by
4475.94 -> now those roots have been almost
4477.62 -> completely surveyed
4479.6 -> all the more important then is the need
4482.12 -> to explore the white patches remaining
4484.699 -> in the picture of the world
4488.92 -> [Music]
4492.26 -> the white patches marking the interior
4494.6 -> of Asia and Africa attracts scientists
4497.3 -> Traders and adventurers
4503.36 -> they have all heard of the Caravan roots
4505.52 -> and oacs they all wish to discover
4507.92 -> sunken cities and fairy tale Treasures
4513.56 -> they are fascinated by fabulous stories
4516.32 -> reaching Europe from all corners of the
4519.08 -> globe
4522.32 -> they tell of the source of the Blue Nile
4524.36 -> of exotic peoples and strange cultures
4527.98 -> and they dream of fantastic wealth and
4531.679 -> for this they risk life and limb on
4534.44 -> tortuous Journeys with no certain
4536.9 -> outcome
4538.34 -> and because they write everything down
4540.26 -> and make detailed sketches they're often
4543.199 -> thought to be spies
4551.54 -> so they travel in Disguise like the
4555.679 -> German Explorer cast and kneeboard
4558.55 -> [Applause]
4560.239 -> commissioned by the king of Denmark he
4562.699 -> travels around on the Arabian Peninsula
4565.04 -> his orders are to study the geography
4567.62 -> and biology of this unknown land
4570.56 -> [Music]
4578.679 -> from Arabia nibor travels to India he
4582.679 -> sketches along the Euphrates and
4584.96 -> discovers the site of the biblical
4586.76 -> Babylon
4590.12 -> dressed as a Muslim he is the first
4592.88 -> European to reach the holy places of
4595.58 -> Islam
4597.44 -> for seven years nibor remains in Arabia
4600.679 -> he is the first to describe and map the
4603.679 -> Arabian lands from nibor Europeans first
4607.64 -> receive accurate information about the
4610.64 -> size of Arabia and its culture
4616.96 -> great journeys of Discovery had revealed
4619.58 -> the world as a whole but there were
4621.679 -> still many white patches remaining and
4624.26 -> it was not only scientists who now set
4626.3 -> out but also adventurers like Cecil
4628.52 -> Rhodes or Livingston in search of the
4630.62 -> source of the Nile attempting to travel
4632.6 -> across Arabia or to reach the North or
4635 -> South Pole
4636.8 -> information and knowledge resulted in
4639.62 -> ever more detailed maps of the world and
4642.14 -> in this way the number and range of
4644.239 -> human cultures were also revealed as
4646.94 -> were the seemingly infinite variety of
4649.4 -> languages spoken throughout the world
4651.46 -> Humanity was seen as a whole in all its
4654.86 -> diverse cultural expressions an image
4657.38 -> was made of which today we are the
4659.78 -> imperators
4661.04 -> foreign
4666.26 -> or a picture of the world that is this
4668.54 -> accurate there are people prepared to
4670.76 -> pay good money
4672.44 -> in 1850 an international Expedition
4675.5 -> financed by the English sets out across
4678.5 -> the Sahara the purpose to open up new
4681.739 -> trade routes
4683.12 -> the expedition's leader is the German
4685.4 -> geographer heinrichbard
4687.44 -> wherever he travels Bart gathers
4689.719 -> information about the land and its
4692.06 -> people
4697.28 -> in order not to be treated as a
4699.199 -> foreigner Bart dresses as a Muslim
4702.52 -> unrecognized as a spy he makes detailed
4705.62 -> drawings of his journey
4708.26 -> setting off from Tripoli he crosses the
4711.14 -> desert and becomes the first European to
4713.48 -> reach the legendary trading city of
4716 -> Timbuktu on the river Niger
4719.62 -> calculates the distance he has covered
4722.36 -> this is the basis for the first accurate
4725.48 -> map of the desert he has traveled 20 000
4729.199 -> kilometers now after a journey lasting
4732.62 -> five years and five months for Europeans
4735.08 -> the Sahara is no longer a white patch on
4738.92 -> the map
4747.62 -> foreign
4749.42 -> [Music]
4755.719 -> Maps represent a victory over conquered
4759.08 -> territories that can be held in the
4761.06 -> hands
4762.14 -> what it is like in the colonies
4763.88 -> Europeans learn from stories and
4766.28 -> descriptions
4767.719 -> but where in the world the colonies are
4769.94 -> can only be learned from maps and
4772.64 -> atlases
4774.14 -> on paper people can trace the roots from
4777.14 -> London to India to Arabia and Into the
4780.5 -> Heart of Africa
4782.06 -> from Paris they can search out Egypt and
4785.3 -> the Nile Delta
4786.98 -> from Madrid they can follow the long
4789.14 -> Seaway over the Atlantic to South
4791.6 -> America
4793.159 -> fully equipped millions of Europeans now
4796.159 -> pour over the conquered continents and
4799.159 -> European cartographers are now drawing
4802.159 -> the face of the world
4811.4 -> one of the most significant
4812.96 -> cartographers is Lawrence of Arabia
4816.14 -> England wishes to extend her power in
4818.96 -> Egypt for this accurate maps of the
4821.9 -> country are needed Lawrence comes to
4824.6 -> Egypt as an officer in the intelligence
4827.12 -> services in the field the spies employ
4830.239 -> an old rules they disguise themselves as
4833.54 -> scientific explorers and go to work
4836.6 -> they make maps of the Middle East and
4839.12 -> divide it up
4840.56 -> this is how Syria Iraq Jordan Lebanon
4844.82 -> Palestine and Arabia come into existence
4848.08 -> the borders of these new states are
4850.88 -> completely arbitrary
4852.82 -> cartographers lines drawn on the map
4855.39 -> [Music]
4861.32 -> armed revolts by the Arabs against the
4863.78 -> new regime are doomed to failure not
4866.9 -> only do the British possess Superior
4869.06 -> Weaponry their extensive maps of the
4871.82 -> region allow them to plan military
4874.1 -> actions with great precision
4876.98 -> Egypt and the near East are now
4879.5 -> administered by Great Britain and France
4882.8 -> today National borders in North Africa
4885.86 -> and Arabia still look as though they
4888.5 -> were drawn with a ruler which they were
4891.38 -> almost a hundred years ago by
4894.26 -> politicians and cartographers
4902.06 -> human beings began looking at their
4904.4 -> world thousands of years ago by looking
4906.98 -> up at the stars
4909.02 -> the constellations enabled people to
4911.36 -> find their way around their planet
4913.699 -> Guided by the Stars they embarked on the
4917.12 -> first great voyages over the oceans and
4919.94 -> conquered New worlds
4922.88 -> they travel without navigational
4924.92 -> instruments without sea charts always
4927.92 -> following the winds and the currents the
4930.8 -> true face of the world remains hidden
4933.08 -> from them
4936.14 -> sea charts and the compass are creations
4938.6 -> of the Modern Age centuries pass before
4941.719 -> they have developed into reliable
4943.58 -> instruments of navigation
4945.92 -> the first accurate pictures of the world
4948.44 -> are drawn at Sea Mariners survey the
4951.92 -> coastlines and cartographers set down
4954.56 -> the information on paper
4956.78 -> Maps 2 gradually become more reliable
4959.719 -> and ships find their way more easily
4962.54 -> over the seas
4973.34 -> today ships navigate by computer
4978.679 -> to fix his position
4980.719 -> a captain now needs neither Compass nor
4983.84 -> chart
4986.06 -> the ship's course is plotted on the
4988.58 -> screen
4994.06 -> the computer has replaced the chart
5015.74 -> [Music]
5022.48 -> foreign

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl1VT_thaOw