Industrialization and imperialism | World History | Khan Academy

Industrialization and imperialism | World History | Khan Academy

Industrialization and imperialism | World History | Khan Academy

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Thinking about how the Industrial Revolution(s) and capitalism helped catalyze far-flung imperialism during the 1800s.

World History on Khan Academy: From prehistory to today, this course covers the human events that have shaped our planet.

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0.16 -> this is a map of european colonial
2.639 -> possessions in the early to mid 1700s
6.799 -> and you immediately see a few things
9.599 -> spain has a lot of territory in central
13.2 -> and south america
15.2 -> even the small country of portugal
17.199 -> because of its prowess during the age of
19.199 -> exploration a significant amount of
21.52 -> territory in what would become brazil
24 -> but they also have possessions in
26.16 -> colonies along the coast of africa and
28.96 -> even things in india like goa
32.32 -> you have the british having possessions
34.559 -> in north america things that would
36.559 -> eventually evolve into the united states
39.92 -> and canada at this point in time france
42.96 -> also has significant possessions which
45.84 -> will later be taken by britain and then
49.28 -> an independent u.s as it grows across
52.8 -> continental north america
55.84 -> but the thing to notice in this map is
58.239 -> despite these significant possessions
61.44 -> much of the world is not controlled by
64.64 -> the europeans yes england also is
67.36 -> starting to have a bit of a colonial
69.76 -> possession although at this point it's a
71.28 -> corporate possession in eastern india in
74.72 -> bengal but much of africa and asia is
78.4 -> not under european control
81.119 -> but then as we enter into the second
83.28 -> half of the 18th century and especially
86 -> the 19th century something important
89.28 -> happens in the scope of human history
92.079 -> and that's the industrial revolution or
94.32 -> maybe you could say the industrial
95.759 -> revolutions
98 -> now there's many technologies that are
100.32 -> central to the industrial revolution but
103.119 -> probably most important is the steam
105.84 -> engine although you could contend maybe
107.759 -> it's the steam engine maybe it's
108.96 -> electrification maybe it is the
110.88 -> telegraph but the steam engine all of a
113.36 -> sudden allows us to harness the power of
116.159 -> really coal to create steam to turn
119.52 -> engines and then these engines could be
122.24 -> used to power factories so that you
124.88 -> could amplify what human labor could do
127.52 -> before this factory right over here
129.44 -> looks like they're creating fabric from
131.28 -> some kind of thread or they might be
133.2 -> sewing of some kind and a human equipped
135.84 -> with a power loom or with a sewing
138.319 -> machine could produce much much more
140.56 -> than they could have ever produced
142.16 -> before by hand the steam engine and
145.2 -> things like electricity also create a
148.64 -> revolution in transportation the
151.12 -> transportation of goods and people but
153.68 -> also the movement of information
156.48 -> this right over here is a picture of a
158.48 -> steamship which you could use for trade
161.04 -> but you could also use it to project
163.44 -> military power this here is a railroad
166.64 -> similarly transport goods and people but
169.28 -> it also allows you to keep control over
172.08 -> a larger swath of territory and this is
175.599 -> a telegraph and then a telegraph all of
178.159 -> a sudden for the first time in history
180.159 -> you can communicate across the globe in
182.72 -> a mere instant
184.8 -> and what used to take months to figure
186.8 -> out what was going on could now happen
189.44 -> in seconds so once again this is
192.08 -> valuable for trade but it's also
194.4 -> valuable for coordinating military power
198 -> so in large part to these revolutions
201.04 -> that we're seeing and we will study more
202.8 -> in other videos the map of the world
205.44 -> looks very different roughly 150 years
208.319 -> later this is what the world looks like
211.44 -> around the year 1900 and you immediately
214.959 -> noticed some differences from that
216.72 -> previous map
217.92 -> most of those colonial possessions in
220.239 -> north and south america are now
222.319 -> independent but you notice something
224.72 -> dramatic happening in africa and in much
227.68 -> of asia
228.879 -> africa has now been carved up by the
231.68 -> colonial powers in the salmon color you
234.959 -> see where the british have control in
237.76 -> much of south africa and then around
240.64 -> egypt and sudan and parts of east africa
244.239 -> you see the french have control of
246.64 -> algeria and much of eastern africa what
250.4 -> started off for the british as a
252.48 -> corporate possession in eastern india
254.64 -> has now grown to become a possession of
257.199 -> the crown you have india part of the
260.639 -> british empire even japan which is one
263.68 -> of the first asian countries to
265.44 -> industrialize is in on imperialism it
269.28 -> has control in korea and in taiwan
273.84 -> so why
275.199 -> this kind of imperialism there's always
277.759 -> the standard motivations for imperialism
280 -> that we've seen throughout world history
283.6 -> if you have conquest
286 -> that leads
287.68 -> that leads to more land
290.96 -> plus people under your rule
293.919 -> and if you have more land which is for
296.4 -> the most part used for agriculture well
298.24 -> you're going to have more
299.759 -> taxes and wealth
301.759 -> so taxes and if you have more people
304.72 -> they will have output so you can tax
306.56 -> that but they can also be used they
308.639 -> could be taxed so to speak for war they
311.44 -> could produce
312.8 -> more soldiers and so the more revenue
316.24 -> and soldiers you have well that can help
318.8 -> you just accrue more and more power and
322.24 -> so this is the classic loop that you see
324.96 -> why most empires tried to expand and
327.199 -> sometimes when they stopped expanding
328.96 -> you see that they started to decline
332.4 -> but now in this video from the early
335.919 -> 18th century to the beginning of the
338.4 -> 20th century we have new things at play
341.52 -> we have the technological
343.68 -> innovation
345.039 -> from the industrial revolution things
347.919 -> like electricity and steam power you see
351.36 -> the notion of capitalism
354.24 -> come into its prime this focus on where
358.16 -> do you maximize your returns for a given
361.12 -> amount of capital that you have
363.68 -> and land is a form of capital but as we
367.039 -> will see or as we saw in some of those
368.72 -> pictures as technology becomes more and
371.28 -> more valuable things other than land
373.52 -> become very important forms of capital
375.759 -> like factories like railroads like ships
379.28 -> and related to these two ideas you have
383.319 -> industrialization
384.96 -> which is the use of technology to become
388.639 -> more productive to increase output and
391.44 -> they all feed off of each other a
394.24 -> capitalist says how do i get a better
396.639 -> return on my capital well
399.199 -> i should industrialize i should make my
402.24 -> factories more efficient well to make my
405.52 -> factories more efficient i have to also
408.24 -> invest in technology to get that
410.8 -> industrialization
412.4 -> the more i industrialize the better my
414.96 -> profits and so the more i am going to be
418.319 -> able to invest in this cycle as i'm
421.44 -> trying to industrialize i have all sorts
423.68 -> of problems that i'm trying to solve so
425.68 -> it's going to drive the need to improve
428.56 -> my technology and those who develop the
431.28 -> technology well they're going to have
433.199 -> more capital to invest so once again
435.759 -> it's creating this cycle which is going
437.919 -> to feed the fuel of imperialism
441.599 -> think about it in the industrial
443.68 -> revolution the owners of a capital
446.319 -> started to have more and more
448.84 -> power if you think about a factory so
452.08 -> that's my factory right over there
454.479 -> it takes raw materials
457.28 -> raw
458.8 -> materials if you think about it's a
460.319 -> clothing factor it might take raw cotton
462.88 -> or turn it into thread or it might take
464.8 -> that cotton thread and then turn it into
466.879 -> some type of fabric and then you have
468.72 -> finished goods maybe this is clothing
471.68 -> so even before the industrial revolution
474.479 -> people would take raw materials do
476.319 -> something to it and then you would have
477.52 -> finished goods but now this center
480.16 -> portion is being supercharged by
482.8 -> technology by industrialization it is
485.759 -> really becoming the central focus and
487.919 -> it's becoming
489.12 -> more productive so as it becomes more
492.24 -> productive there's a hunger for more raw
495.28 -> materials where do you get those raw
497.36 -> materials from well if you're a small
499.039 -> country like the united kingdom or japan
501.199 -> your raw materials are limited but
504.24 -> there's the rest of the world and
506.479 -> especially the rest of the world that is
508.4 -> not at the same level of technological
510.56 -> sophistication yet so you can perhaps
513.44 -> use your military in order to
516.719 -> force them to trade with you
519.519 -> similarly what do you do with all of
521.279 -> those finished goods you have limited
523.44 -> markets on your island but what if you
525.839 -> could sell to the hundreds of millions
528.32 -> of people who aren't directly in your
532 -> country this desire for more raw
534.8 -> materials and more and cheaper raw
536.64 -> materials and this desire to sell your
539.279 -> goods the outputs of industrialization
542.64 -> this to a significant degree drove this
545.76 -> imperialism this colonization and in
548.08 -> general a motivation for freer trade in
550.72 -> general when the free trade didn't
552.48 -> happen freely sometimes it was forced on
555.6 -> the country that was being traded with
557.92 -> and as alluded to already the technology
561.04 -> which helped fuel this industrial
563.12 -> revolution also made it easier to
565.839 -> control a far-flung empire before the
568.959 -> industrial revolution a country like the
570.959 -> united kingdom being able to control
573.12 -> this far-flung empire this would have
575.279 -> been impossible for the romans or the
578.08 -> persians to do using their technology
581.04 -> but now you have the steamship
584 -> you have railroads
586.56 -> you have the telegraph
588.72 -> which are parts of this industrial
591.2 -> revolution but they also allow you to
593.36 -> project power and project power much
596.399 -> quicker and much more efficiently than
598.72 -> ever possible
600.16 -> so once again technology
602.079 -> industrialization and capitalism these
604.32 -> were the fuel of the industrial
605.68 -> revolution they provided the motivation
608.079 -> for colonization for imperialism and
611.68 -> freer trade in general but then that was
614.64 -> able to be enforced because of that same
617.76 -> technology you could project your power
619.76 -> through those steam ships railroads and
622.32 -> the telegraph
