History of World War 2 (in One Take) | History Bombs

History of World War 2 (in One Take) | History Bombs

History of World War 2 (in One Take) | History Bombs

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Welcome to World War 2! This explosive video covers key events including the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, invasion of Poland, Battle of Britain, Second Battle of El Alamein, Operation Barbarossa and the use of atomic weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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This video covers:

💣 A chronology of the key events, battles and figures that defined World War 2.

💣 The causes of World War 2, including the rise of Adolf Hitler and the German non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union.

💣 A look at key events including the invasion of Poland, Battle of Britain, Second Battle of El Alamein, Operation Barbarossa and the use of atomic weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

World War 2 was a global conflict that lasted from 1939 - 1945 and had a significant long-term impact on the development of Europe throughout the 20th century.

Nazi Germany’s expansionistic leader, Adolf Hitler, pursued a relentless mission to dominate Europe, leading to a devastating global conflict.

👇 Click time to skip to scene 👇

0:18 - Introduction
0:50 - Hitler
1:24 - Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
1:53 - Neville Chamberlain
2:26 - Evacuation of Dunkirk
2:58 - Battle of Britain
3:31 - Operation Barbarossa
3:54 - Attack on Pearl Harbour
4:27 - Second Battle of El Alamein
5:07 - D-Day
5:39 - Atomic bombs used against Japan

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Thanks for watching ‘History of World War 2 (in One Take)’ by History Bombs.

Presenter: Chris Hobbs
German Aide: Alice Winn
Adolf Hitler: Chris Turner
German Soldier: Tim Tokley
Presenter: Chris Hobbs
Joseph Stalin/British Soldier 1/ Winston Churchill: Jonah Fazel
German Soldier 2: Paul McAleer
German Soldier 3: Tobi Wilson
Neville Chamberlain/South African Soldier: Tom Tokley
Journalist/Australian Soldier: Alex Roe
British Aide: Lucy Fennel
British Soldier 2/US Navy 2: Jackson Davies
RAF Pilot 1: Felix Trench
RAF Pilot 2: Tom Skelton
US Navy 1/USA D-Day Soldier: Freddy Waller

Producer, Writer, Music: Chris Hobbs
Production Manager: Claire O’Brien
Director: Ellie Rogers
Steadicam Operator: Ilana Garrard
Focus Puller: Finn Margrie-Jones
Camera Assistant: Hannah Jell
Runner: Hugo Culverhouse
Script Consultant: Neil Thompson
Art Director: Hamish MacLeod
Costumes: Jean Arthur
Driver: Max MacLeod
Set Dresser: Phillip Snowden

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13.84 -> it is not true that matters
15.759 -> but victory twenty years after world war
19.52 -> one
20.08 -> optimism would be undone the fateful
22.56 -> treaty of versailles was all too easily
25.039 -> defied
25.84 -> the depths of the great depression
27.76 -> fueled german unrest and aggression and
29.84 -> from 39 to 45
31.679 -> 60 million more would lose their lives
33.84 -> but how did europe descend once more
35.76 -> from fragile peace to total war
37.76 -> how was germany infected by a poisonous
40.48 -> leader's bleak objective a leader who
42.48 -> would instigate
43.6 -> a regime of terror built on hate come
46.16 -> with us now as we pursue
47.92 -> the history bomb of world war ii we must
50.239 -> rise up and take a stand bring glory to
52.8 -> the fatherland
53.76 -> our children this aryan race will save
56.32 -> us from our past disgrace cast out the
58.64 -> jews they make us speak
60 -> guilty for our shameful defeat we have
62.48 -> suffered so dreadfully
64 -> let us now secure our destiny hitler
66.4 -> seized control of germany in 1933
69.04 -> and defied the treaty of versailles
70.72 -> rearming marching into the rhineland in
72.64 -> austria
73.2 -> and invading czechoslovakia in august
75.759 -> 1939 with tensions rising across europe
78.799 -> he found an unlikely russian ally in
81.36 -> joseph
81.92 -> darling may i propose a pact our two
84.24 -> great nations should not attack
86 -> fighting together the laser foundation
87.84 -> for our european domination
89.92 -> okay i will take this chance forget an
92.32 -> alliance with britain and threats
93.84 -> good to poland let's attack victory
96 -> split the land
96.96 -> 50 50. in september 1939
100.159 -> germany and russia invaded poland with
102.159 -> an agreement to divide the country
103.759 -> between themselves
105.119 -> britain's prime minister neville
106.64 -> chamberlain had always aimed to maintain
108.64 -> peace with germany
110 -> but this time he could not ignore
111.84 -> hitler's aggressive intent
113.759 -> now with regards to the state of poland
115.84 -> i can assure you it's all in hand we
118 -> must stay calm i am quite sure knowing
120.399 -> hitler he'll soon withdraw sir sorry to
123.04 -> button
123.68 -> it's 11 o'clock we haven't heard from
125.439 -> berlin lord we can't hold back anymore i
128 -> have no choice we are
129.36 -> of war as britain and france prepared
131.44 -> for war german forces tore through
133.52 -> western europe with a new form of highly
135.68 -> intensive warfare known as blitzkrieg
137.92 -> they overran france with devastating
140.08 -> speed and by may 1940
142.319 -> the allies were forced back to the
144.16 -> english channel
145.76 -> now i don't know about terry's famous
147.28 -> blitzkrieg but i never thought that it's
148.959 -> out with this speed they've pushed us
150.48 -> all the way back to the beaches we
152 -> dumped our kitten i'm down there me
153.44 -> breaching but we best keep going i hope
154.959 -> they got some votes there's three
156.239 -> hundred thousand tommy's to float do you
158 -> ever think we'll return to this section
159.84 -> who knows right now there's only one
161.28 -> direction against the odds three hundred
163.04 -> thousand allied troops were evacuated at
165.12 -> dunko
165.68 -> but they left behind a lot of men and
167.44 -> valuable equipment with western europe
169.519 -> overrun britain now stood alone and in
171.599 -> the summer of 1940
172.959 -> hitler attempted a knockout blow to the
174.72 -> royal air force to pave the way for a
176.56 -> full invasion of prison by joe
178.56 -> that means business this luftwaffe i
180.08 -> don't think we're far away from disaster
182 -> yes they're coming thick and fast but
183.92 -> our new spitfires are up to the target i
185.84 -> do hope your eyes will slice at all
187.36 -> costs if the raf fails all hope will be
189.28 -> lost there's another squadron over the
191.28 -> channel
191.92 -> here we go don't amble scramble hitler's
194.4 -> plan to invade britain was stopped in
196.159 -> its tracks as the raf held firm
198.159 -> much to the delight of britain's new
199.92 -> prime minister
201.68 -> german bombers continued to pound
203.28 -> british cities for months showing the
204.799 -> blitz without a breakthrough
206.4 -> eager for progress hitler looked east
211.36 -> obama i feel this place can't last much
213.519 -> longer last in that case we march east
215.84 -> to russia
217.84 -> in june 1941 german forces advanced
220.64 -> against russian troops
221.92 -> who to this point have been on the same
223.599 -> side then as if taking on one growing
226.159 -> superpower was not enough
227.92 -> in december there was trouble in
229.36 -> paradise as us forces in hawaii
231.76 -> came under a surprise japanese attack
233.92 -> what in the heck is going on these
236 -> japanese
236.799 -> they're just too strong they've taken
238.48 -> out the battleships and are blamed to
240.4 -> burn out on the airstrip well sneak
242.319 -> attack they've got some nerve don't
244 -> worry they'll get what they deserve
245.84 -> they want this battle but watch out
247.36 -> japan you've just awoken uncles
249.76 -> the japanese attack on pearl harbor
251.599 -> brought the usa into the war
253.519 -> this would prove pivotal and in june
255.68 -> 1942
256.799 -> the u.s struck a decisive victory over
258.959 -> the japanese
259.919 -> at the battle of midway in october the
262.4 -> allies would have further success
264.16 -> this time in the egyptian desert this
266.96 -> heat is berserk the egyptian sun is even
268.96 -> hotter than perth toughen up mate
270.88 -> enjoy the pain let's get ready for the
272.479 -> battle at el alamein the chances of
274.56 -> victory are already slight and now they
276.32 -> expect us to fight them at night just
278 -> put your faith in general montgomery
279.919 -> this is a man that can lead us to
281.52 -> victory the allies victory in el alamein
283.6 -> proved a decisive turning point in the
285.44 -> north africa campaign
286.8 -> meanwhile on the eastern front the
288.32 -> germans were suffering heavy losses in
290.08 -> the snows of stalingrad
291.68 -> they were short of supplies and the
293.36 -> russians were resolute and determined
295.6 -> whilst hitler continued to send
296.88 -> divisions east in june 1944 the allies
300.08 -> launched an ambitious attack in france
302.08 -> how do y'all get out the way america's
304.56 -> here to save d-day
306.08 -> we got as many troops as you could once
308.16 -> open up a second front we'll flood the
310.56 -> beaches with our guys and take the
312.32 -> germans by surprise
313.919 -> our tanks and guns will never miss
315.759 -> they're never going to let us forget
317.28 -> this
317.759 -> the d-day landings gave the allies a
319.759 -> foothold in europe for which they pushed
321.68 -> fords towards germany
323.36 -> it wasn't all plain sailing but after 11
325.84 -> months on the 8th of may 1945
328.16 -> victory in europe was secured whilst
330.56 -> germany surrendered
331.759 -> japan refused to pack down and the usa
334.8 -> decided to unleash two knockout blows
338.56 -> my god what have we done
341.84 -> hiroshima and nagasaki well they're just
345.12 -> gone the nuclear age has been
348.4 -> unfurled we are become death destroyer
352.8 -> of
353.039 -> worlds on the 15th of august 1945
357.36 -> japan surrendered to save their lives
360.16 -> the entire world had been transformed
362.72 -> around this truly global war
365.759 -> countless lives in countless lands
368.8 -> lost so that we might stand together
372.639 -> now the guns have ceased as nations
375.759 -> side by side in peace
420.56 -> you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw6e9YBJUDc