Nuclear Physicist EXPLAINS - The Rise of Generation IV Reactors?

Nuclear Physicist EXPLAINS - The Rise of Generation IV Reactors?

Nuclear Physicist EXPLAINS - The Rise of Generation IV Reactors?

Nuclear Physicist Explains - The Rise of Generation IV Reactors?

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In this video, Nuclear Physicist Explains - The Rise of Generation IV Reactors? I break down the history of different generations of reactors and explain Generation IV Reactors.

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0 -> I recently made a poll asking you if you would  like to watch Generation 3 versus Generation 4  
4.86 -> reactors or the different types of generation 4  reactors so I thought that it would be a great  
10.98 -> idea since the poll ended up pretty much at  50 50. to start from the beginning to start by  
17.34 -> introducing Generation 1 2 and 3 and then later on  discussing what are the advantages of generation  
23.46 -> 4 and why are we moving towards Generation 4  reactors in the nuclear industry so without  
27.78 -> further Ado let's get into it so starting from  the Generation 1 reactors these were the first  
33.18 -> ever reactors to be constructed they were pretty  much constructed around the 50s and the 60s when  
38.76 -> the nuclear power became a thing when people  discovered fission and started working on it  
43.86 -> and understanding that they could make such  equipment such as reactors to make energy out  
50.22 -> of nuclear fission therefore these reactors were  mostly experimental quite small in size compared  
56.22 -> to the one that we have today so those kind of  reactors were the Fermi 1 reactor for example and  
62.7 -> two other reactors the ship Import in the US is  another example and The Calder Hall in the UK this  
70.2 -> so you can see up here as I said these were the  early prototypes connected to the grid to produce  
75.96 -> electricity the last ever generation one reactor  was shut down in 2015 in the UK so Having learned  
83.34 -> from this and acquired experience from Generation  1 reactors will move on to generation 2 and these  
89.16 -> were commercial reactors pretty much the designs  that we are currently employing in the nuclear  
94.38 -> industry and make energy and electricity from  these reactors are of large scale connected to the  
99.72 -> grid producing electricity and are typically four  types they are pressurized water reactors boiling  
106.5 -> water actors can do reactors which is the Canadian  design that uses the heavy water and natural  
112.32 -> uranium and the vvers which is the Russian design  which is basically a pressurized water reactor  
118.92 -> as well so those four designs were the early on  designs that were constructed and were supposed  
124.08 -> to be used for approximately 40 years before they  shut down to produce electricity to be connected  
129.6 -> to the grid an example of these types of reactors  is at Diablo Canyon in the USA those reactors  
135.96 -> even though they were larger and they were already  operated on some experience that was learned from  
140.82 -> the generation one they didn't really have any  advanced safety features they were mostly relying  
147.9 -> on active safety which means that the operators  himself or herself would need to activate some  
154.92 -> sort of button or some sort of sequence for the  safety features to turn to be turned on inside  
160.62 -> these reactors so as you can understand this is  not ideal and hence from generation 2 which was  
166.8 -> pretty much from the 70s to the 90s we move  on to the Generation 3 reactors and these are  
173.46 -> basically evolutionary designs on the generation  2. so they are not different reactor types they  
180.12 -> are still the same pressurized and boiling water  reactors however with Advanced safety features  
185.52 -> mostly focusing on passive safety meaning that the  reactors themselves could self-regulate and not  
193.68 -> needing so much active attention from the operator  in order for them to shut down for example in case  
199.5 -> of an accident or in case of something is going  wrong wrong outside in the environment of the  
205.26 -> power plant or in the reactor itself these  types of reactors started to be built in the  
211.44 -> 90s and early 2000s and some of these examples  is the ap600 made by Westinghouse and the ebwr  
221.1 -> the European pressurized water reactor now moving  on from the Generation 3 react doctors we have an  
228.12 -> intermediate generation which is called Generation  3 plus which was basically introduced in 2010 and  
234.9 -> 2020 this is the most advanced generation when it  comes to the still water cooled reactors such as  
243.3 -> pwrs and bwrs this emerged with a need for extra  Safety Systems especially passive ones when it  
252.54 -> comes to for example since the Fukushima extent  happened in 2011 so then after that the scientists  
259.92 -> started thinking of extra passive safety systems  that would be needed to be introduced in the  
265.32 -> Generation 3 reactors to enhance their safety  and enhance their reliability enhance the low  
273.66 -> risk and the low probability of a core melt or any  other severe nuclear accident that would result in  
280.74 -> environmental contamination and contamination to  the people therefore this extra safety systems  
286.5 -> were then implemented to the existing Generation 3  and generation 2 reactors and with that in mind we  
294.84 -> have the intermediate as I said step which is  a generation 3 plus which one of the examples  
301.08 -> is the ap1000 from the Westinghouse another one  is shown here is an under construction in India  
309.18 -> and this concludes the basically 50 to 70 years  of development of nuclear energy when it comes to  
318.42 -> mostly light water reactors so when we use light  water reactors we already explained in previous  
324.36 -> video that these were not the most ideal or the  most efficient ways to utilize nuclear energy  
331.08 -> however it was the simplest way to go about it  since using water as a coolant is pretty much  
337.44 -> radially available there is no extra technology  or r d necessary to develop such a reactive design  
344.64 -> using enriched uranium fuel is something that we  already know how to do and the technology is in  
350.88 -> place therefore the light water reactors were  the way to go from their own however stepping  
358.08 -> away from the light Water Reactor Technologies  and introducing a whole new type of Technology  
364.08 -> systems such as the ones existing in generation  four that happened for a reason so let us discuss  
371.7 -> first what is the goal of generation 4 why would  we aim to build Generation 4 reactors compared to  
377.82 -> the ones we are currently using so Generation 4  is uh basically a concept that was introduced in  
384.06 -> the 2000s and that is basically built on four  goals for pillars and this is sustainability  
391.62 -> economics safety and proliferation resistance  if we go about breaking down each one of them  
398.16 -> we can discuss a little bit further what is  the goal for each pillar separately for the  
405 -> generation 4 to basically achieve when it comes  to sustainability this would be improved fuel  
410.94 -> utilization which means making designs that could  utilize more of the fuel that we introduce inside  
416.28 -> the reactor compared to the light water reactors  that use for example thermal neutrons therefore  
421.86 -> utilizing only the uranium-235 which we know to be  the least percentage of uranium present compared  
429.06 -> to the biggest amount of uranium-238 meaning  that for example if we introduce fast Neutron  
434.82 -> reactors therefore we could utilize the biggest  amount of uranium-238 hence having a much bigger  
441.24 -> resource availability for those types of reactors  to be used in the future and produce electricity  
447.42 -> for much longer time than the reactors we are  currently using another aspect that goes under  
452.82 -> sustainability is recycling or fuel meaning that  since we can actually use the uranium-238 means  
459.48 -> that the fuel that is currently sitting as waste  from the Generation 3 reactors in generation 2  
464.58 -> can be recycled changed in a way that fits the  new reactor designs and be burnt or be efficient  
472.32 -> inside the new generation 4 reactors therefore  be used for hundreds and hundreds of years  
477.72 -> compared to mining new uranium and depleting this  Source much much quicker than something that is  
484.5 -> something that would have happened if we continued  with Generation 3 reactors another very important  
490.2 -> aspect of sustainability is the fact that we can  reduce the need for a long-term storage of the  
497.04 -> spam nuclear fuel since the generation 4 reactors  will be able to burn or in another way more  
503.58 -> scientific transmute such elements called minor  actinides which are americium curium neptunium  
511.62 -> Etc which are very long-lived and actually  contribute to these hundreds of thousands  
516.3 -> of years that we're discussing that we need the  geological repository to last for for the fuel  
520.68 -> to drop its reductivity levels to Natural uranium  levels therefore in that case we would still need  
526.08 -> some hundreds of years or a few thousands of years  but definitely not hundreds of thousands of years  
532.14 -> for the fuel to be maintained underground which  is a very big plus for the safety and the resource  
539.88 -> utilization and sustainability of the nuclear  industry as well so when it comes to the economics  
544.8 -> these reactors aim to be as economically as any  other a renewable and sustainable energy source  
551.46 -> out there meaning that they would want to compare  financially with the available sources that we  
556.56 -> have this could be utilized with the fact that  these reactors would not really require a new fuel  
563.16 -> mining but as we said more so the reprocessing  of the fuel that we currently have so the waste  
568.98 -> that's currently sitting could be used to fuel  these reactors another plus when it comes to the  
574.5 -> economic aspect that the nuclear industry doesn't  currently have is that these reactors are planned  
580.62 -> to be smaller and more mass-produced and easier  to be produced and installed in each areas making  
587.94 -> them faster to produce hence by streamlining this  process reducing the cost of every reactor that's  
595.38 -> produced with this kind of design and instead  of basically producing a one-of-a-kind prototype  
601.08 -> reactor every time that the industry decides to  make a reactor in another country which is pretty  
606.84 -> much what we are doing right now every time we  want to build a generation of the reactor it is  
611.58 -> somewhat somehow a little bit different from every  other one that we have built therefore the whole  
616.08 -> licensing process everything basically has to  start from the start it's like we are Reinventing  
621.72 -> the wheel every time we'll be in a reactor and  this of course contributes significantly to the  
626.94 -> time delays to the cost associated with building  new reactors therefore by somehow streamlining  
632.58 -> this process and making it more factory made  let's say it will be much more economical in  
639.66 -> the future to build this type of reactors compared  to the Generation 3 reactors that we are currently  
644.64 -> building of course this doesn't go it goes without  saying that we will need significant amount of r  
651.54 -> d and funding to develop these reactors to  develop all of these materials that will be  
656.52 -> used in these reactors to make them a competitive  economically to the reactors that we are currently  
662.4 -> using and the other energy sources and of course  at the moment since the technology is experiment  
668.7 -> metal and it's under research significant  funding needs to be uh significant significant  
677.1 -> and this technology is still under research  and development there needs to be significant  
681.36 -> funding for it to reach the stage of commercial  and economical attractiveness when it comes to  
687.6 -> safety this is an aspect that the generation  fall heavily heavily works on and in safety  
694.14 -> there are several aspects such as passive  Safety Systems natural physical laws that  
699.9 -> the reactors operate under that would make  them virtually impossible to have any sort of  
706.38 -> core melt or any sort of explosion or any sort of  severe accident that would result in environmental  
714.18 -> and human contamination for example corn melts  are even more reduced in these reactor designs  
721.44 -> which introduce passive safety features such as  negative coolant coefficient which basically means  
728.64 -> that if the temperature in the coolant inside the  reactor will rise then the temperature of the fuel  
734.22 -> will drop basically making it able to shut down  by itself naturally without the intervention of  
741.9 -> any operator or any such active safety system  another for example idea is such thing called  
750.48 -> core catcher and that means that in case of high  temperatures inside the core that could result  
756 -> in a core melt the core can be basically dropped  inside a big cooling pool that will basically stop  
762.6 -> the fission of course and reduce the temperature  of the whole fuel inside the core another safety  
768.54 -> feature is the fact that these reactors are  designed to have in mind the elimination of  
773.76 -> the off-site emergency response so basically they  are designed to not need any offsite any outside  
782.88 -> of the power plant response or help for them to  cool down or shut down or not cause any severe  
789.36 -> nuclear accident which is of course very important  to have a system that is self-sustained and you  
795.12 -> are sure that can that it can shut down under  some sort of accident conditions and the last  
801.42 -> but not least goal that the generation 4 reactors  aim to tackle is the proliferation resistance and  
808.68 -> with that in mind the fuel is basically made in  a way that would make it the least attractive  
816.9 -> route for proliferation purposes or for terrorist  thefts to be used for for proliferation purposes  
826.26 -> therefore making it even safer in that sense  and every design of the generation 4 is made  
833.64 -> with that in mind and of course some designs this  is easier to be introduced than in others in some  
839.52 -> designs reprocessing is required so there the  question of proliferation comes very strongly  
845.34 -> in place in some designs this is not necessary as  for example fuel will stay throughout its whole  
850.86 -> lifetime inside the core and then the whole let's  say call will be replaced therefore making it much  
858.36 -> harder for proliferation and for reprocessing in  order to extract for example plutonium from it  
864.12 -> which is a very important advantage and a very  important safety feature when it comes to the  
869.4 -> proliferation several countries pursue Generation  4 concept reactors and develop them at different  
876.96 -> stages such countries is the United States China  Russia France and Sweden that are actively working  
884.76 -> on their own generation for reactor types for  their own purposes and their own reasons since  
890.64 -> every one of the sixth generation four reactor  types aims to tackle a different aspect or  
896.64 -> focuses more on one aspect than the other hence  every country would like to focus on what is for  
902.64 -> interest to that particular country therefore to  sum up the advantages of the generation 4 reactor  
908.46 -> types offer over the Generation 3 and the types we  are currently using is first that they can reduce  
914.22 -> the amount of for the spent nuclear fuel that we  are currently having in storage first in terms of  
920.46 -> volume and utilizing that to produce electricity  and secondly in terms of long-lived radio toxicity  
928.74 -> of the fuel itself secondly they can produce more  energy than the reactors that we're currently  
933.84 -> having since they are employing fast Neutron  spectrum means that they can utilize fuels such  
940.32 -> as natural uranium which is the biggest amount of  uranium that we currently have also fuels such as  
947.52 -> plutonium mixed with uranium thorium mixed with  uranium and all these kinds of innovative fuel  
952.86 -> cycles that are not possible to be utilized by gen  3 reactors they can improve the operating safety  
958.2 -> since they are going to be built in with in mind  to have practically no release to the environment  
964.14 -> around them in case of an accident and the very  low need for off-site or emergency response in  
970.92 -> case an accident will occur and as we said strong  safety passive safety features that will be  
978 -> enabled automatically by themselves governed by  laws of physics without the need of an operator  
984.12 -> intervene they are also being made with  proliferation resistance in mind meaning  
989.58 -> that the materials that are going to be used  are going to be made in the least attractive  
993.78 -> way for proliferation meaning that there will be  hard to reprocess therefore separate and use for  
1000.62 -> any kind of theft or the creation of some sort  of nuclear weapons additional generation for  
1006.74 -> Yak will be able to produce high quality process  heat which therefore will give the possibility to  
1013.76 -> produce for example hydrogen which will help very  much with reducing the greenhouse emissions and  
1020.12 -> also our dependence on fossil fuels however now  that we have summed up all of the advantages it  
1026.24 -> is important to state that all of these reactor  types are still experimental and none of them  
1032.6 -> has been proven to work or yet employed therefore  it is important to know that they will be worked  
1041.6 -> upon and improved even more however some of  them lack operational experiences compared  
1047 -> to others that we already have some experience  from and this is an important feature that as  
1054.56 -> much as you would try to improve the safety  only by building and operating a reactor one  
1059.96 -> would actually get valuable information about how  to improve it even more and goes without saying  
1066.26 -> that since these reactors are quite new and the  technology is still very much in the development  
1073.82 -> and research stage they cost quite significantly  in the stage that they are right now with the  
1079.4 -> hopes that with mass producing them the cost  will be driven down and that sums up a short  
1085.58 -> introduction on the generation one two three and  three plus reactors that we are currently using in  
1091.16 -> the nuclear industry for electricity production  and an introduction to the generation 4 reactor  
1097.28 -> designs so let me know down in the comments  below what you thought about this video and  
1101.3 -> if you want me to make a future video explaining  every generation 4 reactor type separately what  
1107.6 -> are the advantages and disadvantages of each as  well as which countries are focusing on which  
1112.7 -> reactive designs don't forget to like And  subscribe and turn on the Bell notification  
1116.96 -> icon it's been Elina your friendly nuclear  physicist and until next time see you soon
