How to Use Humor in a Speech Opening

How to Use Humor in a Speech Opening

How to Use Humor in a Speech Opening

How to you use humor in a speech or presentation opening (Part 2 of 5). Many options exist to grab your audience’s attention when public speaking but I do not recommend telling punchline jokes.

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Unless you are a truly hilarious person, however, straight up joke will not likely work.

At the same time, I’m 100% in favor of using lighthearted humor to grab an audience’s attention.

How do you make a funny speech without telling jokes?

1. Quote somebody funny. Quotations are great and you can find humorous quotations for your attention grabber. Be sure to say “As [blank] once said …" as you transition into the quotation. That will help to transport your listeners. Position yourself so that both you and your listeners are focusing on the quotation and the person who said it. Don’t make it sound like you are the one saying it. That will help listener’s hear the other person’s voice in their heads and take the attention off of you as the joke teller.

2. Tell a lighthearted story. Stories don’t have punchlines. They have situations people can imagine. Most funny stories have a goal that the people in the story are trying to accomplish and the obstacles in the story become a funny series of problems they have to overcome. As long as the end goal is lighthearted, each obstacle or issue the people in the story face will sound quite funny and weave a great attention getter.

3. Show a humorous visual. It can be a funny picture with a caption or just an image that is funny on its own.

Related Videos in the Series:
Best 5:    • How to Draw Attention in a Presentati…  
Use a Story:    • How to Open a Presentation with a Story  
Use Humor:    • How to Use Humor in a Speech Opening  
Use Questions:    • How to Open a Presentation with a Que…  
Use Statistics:    • How to Open a Presentation with a Sta…  


Get to know Alex (video):    • Get to know Alex, the Communication S…  

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0 -> I have often heard professional level
3.149 -> speakers say you should start your
5.13 -> presentation with a joke that attention
8.189 -> grabber is critical and I want to
10.019 -> disagree with this advice I do not
12.96 -> recommend telling a setup punchline
16.139 -> style joke the kind that a stand-up
18.449 -> comic would tell and there are a lot of
20.76 -> reasons why not at the same time I am
22.939 -> 100% in favor of using light-hearted
26.55 -> humor in a presentation and I do it
29.34 -> often when I do professional level
31.34 -> presentations and when I teach in
33.21 -> college so there are some differences
35.16 -> here but I can give you a really
36.45 -> straight ahead way to add humor without
38.55 -> the big risk of a punchline style
40.98 -> joke so let's take a look hi I'm Alex
48.51 -> Lyon and this is communication coach
50.37 -> we're here to help you increase your
51.42 -> impact and lead your team's to higher
53.219 -> levels of excellence a lot of bad advice
56.91 -> out there in my humble opinion about
59.579 -> telling jokes has attention grabbers
62.09 -> here's the most common situation that I
64.979 -> have seen the speaker tries to start off
68.369 -> with a joke that they have created and
70.5 -> then nobody laughs and then instead of
73.71 -> just moving on they start chuckling
76.32 -> nervously to cue people that that was a
79.08 -> joke the audience may or may not chuckle
82.049 -> nervously and it's an incredibly awkward
84.74 -> situation now think about this this is
87.509 -> the first moment of your presentation
89.729 -> and you completely bombed and they're
92.22 -> nothing but crickets and nervous
94.079 -> laughter this is not the way you want to
97.47 -> start our presentation it's really high
99.6 -> risk and really low reward so I am
102.72 -> against the stand-up comic style setup
106.11 -> and punchline one-liner jokes now having
109.71 -> said that I'm gonna sound like I'm
111.09 -> contradicting myself but I am NOT
113.04 -> there's a lot of ways to add humor to
117.119 -> your attention-grabber without the big
119.43 -> risk so let's look at three easy ways to
121.89 -> add some light-hearted humor and still
125.34 -> grab your audience's attention the first
127.5 -> way is to deliberately quote someone
130.5 -> else that's funny now by quoting them
133.75 -> directly by saying as Jerry Seinfeld
135.7 -> once said or as George Burns once said
139.24 -> then you may even have the piece of
142.06 -> paper in your hand and read the
143.71 -> quotation what you're doing there is
145.72 -> you're drawing people's attention to
147.22 -> what that other person said and it takes
149.2 -> the attention off of you as the joke
151.209 -> teller so you know they have a funny
153.31 -> line that kills it's already been tested
155.77 -> their stand-up comics they probably
157.3 -> worked on it for years to get it just
158.709 -> right and now you're both you and your
161.35 -> audience focusing on that little line
163.81 -> that little humor as an object that
166.63 -> you're both looking at so the attention
167.95 -> is not on you and if it bombs which they
169.57 -> usually don't because if they're funny
170.95 -> they're funny because it's hardly been
172.54 -> worked out then what you do is you get a
174.85 -> little chuckle you get a little laugh
176.26 -> but if it bombs then it's not really on
179.2 -> you it's on George Burns it's on Jerry
180.82 -> Seinfeld I was saying to my wife the
182.47 -> other day you know Jerry Seinfeld said
184.48 -> in his bit my parents just moved to
187.12 -> Florida now they didn't want to move to
189.25 -> Florida but they're 65 and that's the
191.68 -> law my wife left huge I'm always trying
194.709 -> to make my wife laugh but she laughs
197.5 -> when I tell Jerry Seinfeld jokes and I
199.06 -> think it's because you can hear the
200.44 -> comedian telling the joke in your mind
202.51 -> as the person shares it and it
204.31 -> transports you a little bit more than
205.84 -> hearing me Alex lying as the speaker
207.91 -> tell my one-liner joke so quote someone
210.19 -> else that's funny
211.03 -> use a quotation that's a great attention
212.799 -> grabber no problem the other way you can
214.75 -> add humor is by telling a light-hearted
216.82 -> story and the way to make a story
219.459 -> light-hearted and by the way I have a
221.26 -> whole nother video on how to tell
223.06 -> stories as a tension grabber grabbers
225.34 -> I'll put that link in the description
226.959 -> below is you add a little bit of a goal
229.329 -> to the person in the story they're
231.4 -> trying to reach a destination achieve
233.68 -> something and that way your story gets
235.959 -> humorous because the obstacles along the
238.06 -> way prevent them from reaching that goal
240.16 -> and it becomes pretty light-hearted
241.63 -> pretty funny that's the whole reason why
243.76 -> a movie like Dumb and Dumber is funny
246.16 -> because it's a roadtrip movie where
248.14 -> these two guys are trying to get from A
250.06 -> to B from Providence to Aspen to see
252.01 -> about a girl and everything that can go
254.44 -> wrong does go wrong on their way and so
256.75 -> all these mishaps become very humorous
259.69 -> because you know there's a goal in mind
261.25 -> that is preventing and they're being
263.53 -> prevented from getting there so adding a
265.66 -> little bit of a humorous goal to your
267.889 -> can make that story more lighthearted so
270.11 -> you can tell the story it's not a
271.099 -> punchline but it adds just a little bit
273.05 -> of a chuckle a little bit of a smile to
275.3 -> your audience's experience and the third
277.699 -> way is really easy and that is to show
280.099 -> something visual on the screen that you
282.8 -> know is funny so maybe there's a cute
285.259 -> picture maybe there's a little bit of a
287.15 -> joke even on the slide and you don't
289.58 -> have to tell it you just have to say
290.75 -> something and then show the image and
292.37 -> people chuckle you've probably seen
293.99 -> speakers use humor this way it's a very
296.539 -> low-risk way because when you were
299.12 -> looking at the internet or doing your
300.65 -> reading you came across it and you
301.969 -> laughed or somebody forwarded it to you
303.62 -> and you laughed everybody thinks it's
304.969 -> funny everyone knows it's funny and so
306.439 -> you share it in your presentation it's
307.849 -> almost guaranteed to get a smile so I am
311.659 -> 100 percent telling your own setup
314.659 -> punchline style jokes but I am also one
317.93 -> percent in favor of using light-hearted
320.689 -> humor and these are three low-risk ways
323.419 -> to do it without worrying about nobody
326.81 -> laughing and just hearing those crickets
328.879 -> chirping that's a really hard way to
331.189 -> start your presentation and trust me
332.629 -> I've seen a lot of people crash and burn
334.55 -> and they just completely fall apart
337.129 -> because they're trying to do it that way
339.139 -> so a question of the day what are your
340.879 -> suggestions for adding humor but not
343.31 -> jokes to your attention grabbers in your
345.86 -> presentations I would love to hear your
347.509 -> comments and your questions in that
349.039 -> section below so thanks god bless and I
352.25 -> hope you grab your audience's attention
353.719 -> really well in your next presentation
